Pike County journal. (Zebulon, GA.) 1888-1904, March 07, 1902, Image 1

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The Pike County Journal. ItaRLISUEI) IN 1888. PlU ‘FESSIONAL CARD-'. E. F. DUPhEE, Altnru-y !.»» Zebuion, Georgia E. A. STEPHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARNESV1HE GA DR J. R GRAVES, I'll >mill Snnirou. Zebulon Ga. MRS. DR. M. C. HAGAN, MEANSVILLE , GA. Ladies come and talk with me or wiite rae inclosing stamp for reply, i will cure any ordinary female or chronic Unease. MONEY TO LOAN. Loans made promptly on improved oaf estate. E. F. DUl'KEK. CHAS. J. LESTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UAKSEbVJLLE, GA. Office in S«ait’s building, over Host fflee 1, an- n eg dated on farm and city roperiy. B C MURRAY. IWllf Hl i9V* Hdl St. Griffin Ga. M. W. BECK – C. R. GWVN, LtWtKIW. ZEBULON, GA. A A- MURPHEY, Attorney at Line, B*i‘ue«»*e , e Ga. - O. H PERDUE. Dentist. HAKNESVILLE, GA. 11 r lG e over Cliambcr's Drug tote. HOWARD HOUSE, J. d. HOWARD, Proprietor, ZEBULON, Ga, jyMeuls at all hours. Transient trade solicited. r7t\ DANIEL – A. 15. POPE Attorneys at Law, ZEBULON and GKIFFIN, GA. W. W. LAflBDIN, Attorney And Coun*elor At Law. IA.KNE8VTLLE, GA. Office over New South Saving’s Bank. will to a general )»ra<*uce in in all thu Courts, Spalding mate tii'i Federal, tn Pike, Upson . Monroe, «j>cciali ♦ i.rt pul ton CountioH, Da mage suits a . Loins negotiated* LOOK IN YOUR ALBUMS i(,e old faded Pie ures aud then go *h<-re vou can get. Pictures made that *-o,it fade I will make y-u two fine .'abinet #i*6 photos, lor a shot time lor >0 G. w. GRICE. BAR s’ESVILLE, GA. J. M. STRICKLAND. Attorney and Counselor.at Law. GRIFFIN, GA. tffi e over Merchants and Planters ii.,uk j R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, ac 1 i s-ja dUag . riki an i . .1 ol ti in a n|. -iali v . i j . M i ci W. b-*uk. G lut IIN, GA. 3 S. E. L. HANES, Dentist, .. GA, ri m b n a adjoinim:. 1 W; liams – son d. }. Jt H - AND Denttst, 0RIFELV, ZEBULON, PIKE COUNTY GEORGIA, MARCH 7, 1902. SfECIALTIE" H. T. PILLS. H. C MlXf RE. LA-G iIPPE TABLETS. These goods are sold strictly on th ir merits and if no good no pay. We carry u full line of Drugs, Medicines, if Iuiti Extracts, toile Extracts, Fine Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Paints, Oils. We make a specialty of fine Cigars and Tobaccos. Prescriptions carefully com pounded. J. M. HEAD, ROUND ABOUT. Short Items for Hon.e Folks Especially. M. G. HarisOD sp ot Monday in Gridin. J. A. Davis, ot Griffin, was here Tuesday. Mr. T. E. Whittle, one ol Pike’s leading business men, was here this week. Tax collector Hunt was here this week. Ed Slade, of Meansville, was here Tuesday. |. C. Slade, of Meansville, was among the prominet Pike county citizens here Tuesday. W. E. Powell, of Quitte, was here Tuesday foe Martin, of Milner, was here Monday hi attendance upon Ordi. nary Means’ court. Chas. T. Trice spent Tuesday here. Mrs. \V. 15. Baker and children are spending the week in Zebulon with relatives. Col. O. it. n. uloodworth, tiie able solicitor of the Flint Circuit, was in Zebulon Monday. Ordinary Means held his regular monthly court Monday. Stops tbe Gough and Works of! the Cold. Laxative Brnmo-Qumine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure, No pay Price 25c. Dr. Harp, ol Piedmont, was, here Monday. Ex-Tax Recsiver, Chas T. Math ews, of Vega was here Tuesday. Hon. S. S. Barrett, of Litsey, who is being urged so frequently to make the race for the legislature, was in Zebulon Tuesday. Mr. Barrett has the matter under consideration and will announce tits decision in a few days. Do You Need Money? Loans on farm lauds quick and cheap. E. A Stephens, Attorney at Law, Bartlesville, Ga. The county commissioners were Ill IV; ula'r session Tuesday. mds vn!c Dupree, who has betn spending some time in Woodbury, returned home Monday, much to the delight of her many friends. Julius L'lima of Columbus, is here this week. M,. an i Mrs. W. J. Franklin an l M » M. t. hieidley wem to Zeiella Mtm d y to i. ok at the Southern wr-ek. Jli,00 Worth for Only $5.00 U e wtU send lie view Jt Reviews, public Opinion, Curran Literature (ail new), McClure's, Success aud f he JoB-Bnal, all six one year, /or 85.00. The regular price tslll,00 ft. C. pills.—A fine Tonic Pill for weakness. genera bbility, Wood purfl e toss of ippetite, indigestion Ac. ft. C. Mixture.—For coughs, Hoarse ness, Bronchitis and all kindred troubles of tho lungs. La-Oricpe Cab’.ete.—For La Grippe, Colds, Soreness in Muscles Ac as a result of colds. Will Strickland, of Concord, was here Sunday. miss Georgia Gunn, ot Concord, spent last Saturday in Zebulon. Miss Mary Allen, of Williamson, spent several days in Zebulon this week. Tax Receiver e. m. Eppinger spent Tuesday in zebulon. George Strickland, a prominent Concord citizen, was here Tuesday. Tills signature Bromo=Quinine is on every box of tbe genuine Laxative Tablets the remedy that cures a cold In one day John Tuggle, of Atlanta, was here this week. j. M. Krix has accepted n position in a drug store at Union Point. M b'- rs. Colquitt Sla le, Paul Peurifoy, Lo Beckham and Will Blade, went to Zetella Sunday to view ttie Southern wreck W. II. Mitchell, of Bartlesville, was among the prominent visitors here Tuesday. Geo. Perdue, of Hollonville, was here Tuesday, Dr. J. B Mathews spent Mon day in Bartlesville. Col. C R. Gwyn spent Monday in Griffin,, G. E. Strickland, of one ol the prominent Concerd citizens, was here Tuesday. The friends of VV. D. Dingier are stil! urging him to become a candidate for the legislature and they say he has they mat ter under consideration. Mr. Dingier is oue of the county commissioners of Pike and is one of her leading citrons ff he decides to enter the race he will have a good following. Southern R y. Schedule Trains from Fort Valiey and for Wil liamson, Griffin, Atlanta, Columbus, etc. pass Zebulon, Ga., No. 29, daily ,8-50 am. Trains from Atlanta, Griffin, Williamson etc. for Fort Valley, pass Zebulon, No. 30, daily, C 20 pin;No. 58,except Sunday 12-08 pm. Close connection at Atlanta for ail points North, East and West. Uol, Charles II. Gwyu, the pop tear young lawyer of Zebulon, was shaking hands with friends here Monday. It has been rumored tout he might enter the race tor the leg islature in tbe coming election. If be does, he has many strong friends who wilt support bun heartily.— Baruesvibe News Gazoltee. Hunt 'JcrUeba. ‘•What time o‘ year is it?“ queried AuDt Jerusha. “First o‘ March! Laud‘s sakee! Well, this is about th‘ time o year that tli‘ mau who is altos behind band with his work in ih‘ fall an‘ never gits bis Corn in th‘ ground in UP spring till alter his neighbors hev cultivated iheirn a couple o‘ times, alius has his fishirfi lacklt , in fuat-eiasa shape ready fifth* sign o’ bullheads btun.“ Tomorrow is the refuge of Liulo lent Today. HO L J. F. IPHOEN A CANDIDATE. H ut. John F. Madden, Pike’s able representative spent Tuesday in Zebulon. Mr. Madden has just re turned from a trip to Florida, lie did not come over to 'alk politics but his friends seized him and stated that tbev wished for him to again represent them in tbe legislature. He replied that he was at their com mand and if it was their desire he would again const 1 i > become a candidate, v. Madden b.is many admirers all over the county who will rally to his support if he de cides to enter the race. lie made a splendid record before and his friends say he will he an easy win ner. LETTER TO MR. J. H. HOWELL, ZEBULON. i ear But You will not be offended at our offering you a gift of pure paint. Not poor paint but pure paint. If our paint is on the houses of ».;V,- ai citizens we can easily secure an agent at your place. Send us the dimensions < i the bouse and the number ot coats it is to be painted, and we will toll you how- many gallons we can give you and suggest some beautiful and pleasing color cum biiiatious. Any bankor mercantile agen cy can tell you about our iapital and reputation. You add linseed oil to our paint, srmo as you do to bud; cover* better and hut's loupe, than lead, through your use of our paint we may g* t an agent, th"t's why we are generous, been making this paint 30 years, s Id 5 mil lion pounds last year, it pays to ioqure Very truly Longman – Martinez, l’diiu Makers, 207 Pearl 8L, New York City. ALL REAL MOHTERS URL HEROINES. A wtettlthly woman in Chicago fered to Mrs. Mary Carlyle, a wash erwoman, the sum of $5,000 if Mrs. Carlyle Would give’ her seven-)ear oid son to the woman of wealth. Mrs. Carlyle indignantly declined the offer, and now some newspaper paragrapbers ure tefetring to tbe (Jiiieagn washerwoman us a heroine lu refusing to part with her beloved for gold, Mrs. Carlyle showed her se'f to tie a real mother—and all real mothers are heroines.—The Commoner. Brain Leahs. Profanity is a sign ot a limited vocabulary. Ttie hill is always smooth for the man going down . The greatest success have been wrought through failure. It is difficult to arouse sympathy for the man who s ubs hts toe twice on the same nail. Some men spend more money in a minute's conversation than they couhl make in it lifetime. The difference between a respecta ble criminal and a common thief is dtscernable only to the human eye. Thoughts of summei are always pleasant in winter. We always feel we would he better satisfied if we had something we have not. — Will M. Manpin. Shrewd. First Jersey Mosquito—“Gracious, see what a swell Amos Quito has be - come. Where-d he get tiie money to make such a spread?" Second Jerg>-y Mosquito—“He saw something in the newspapers about this new plan of subduing the mos quito pest by the use of oil and im mediately invested in Standard Oil stock.“ Our Milliner, Miss Wilder has gone to the martlets and will re turn about the 1 st ot April WlttL 3/11- tllB IBiL" est rlcai designs. rrn « oee fippitehS- US OO frvr« lore hnvine uuyiuft VOUF A Spring Hats. Sullivan, Slade – Co. SlBSCRimON PRICE 1.00. BRIEFLY DERGRIBED. A bill repealing tbe war revenue taxes was passed by the senate Feb ruary 17. Hev. Newman Ilall, l).D.,a well known divine, d in Luiiuon, F> b ruary 18. February 21 a lire lutoke nut in a New York bote' nod il is that fifty byes were lest. On February 17 the senate ratified the treaty with Denmark aiding to the United Stales the Danish West Indies. Reports received in Loudon from different parts of Africa announce Hie discovery ot rich finds of gold and copper. Agents of the British army have purchased 15,000 tn.rses m i tie wes i to be shipped to South Africa for use m the British army. Secretary of the Navy Long has confirmed the statement that be con templates teuder u.; Ids resignation as a cabinet officer. The house committee on irritories has reported favorably on the bill for the admission ot New Mexico. Arizona and Oklahoma as states. Rev. George Carter Needham died ut Philadelphia, Pa., February 10. He was one of the co-operators with Mr. Moody iu bis evangelistic work. As a result of the Anglo Japanese alliance, the ministry at Seoul, Co reu, 1,as been chang-d by the tip pointment ot new ministers of wt*r and finance. Seventeen hundred men. employ, ed in the Singer manufucturiog plant at South Beml, Ind.. are s rikiug for an increase ol‘2J cents per hour In their wages. The worst snowstorm since the great blizzard of 1888 raged in the eastern portion ot the United States, being especially severe in New York and New Jersey. The bouse committee on interstate and foreign commerce will make a favorable report to tbe passage ol a bill providing for government owner ship of pacific cable. A cablegram from Constantinople announces that the Bulgarians are planning to obtain tbe assistance of the Greeks in a raid into Macedonia the coming spring. A Republican Organ’s Prayer. In an editorial entitled “God Give Us Alen,“ the Chicago later-Ocean, republican, says that the republican congress ‘’has been long enough iu session to reveal its tendencies and to outline its record.*' The Inter-Ocean arratnges the republican congress men tor their sins of omission and of commission and concludes: “God give us men* prayed a great Amen can poet in the dark hour of the ua» Don’s hie. The republican party ot the nation, as they contemplate tho record now making by the Fifty seventh congress, may well re-echo that prayer. “God give us men.** The American people have seen a number of changes in the personal of the republican congress, and yet it seems that it is not a question ol men so much as it is ot principles and of policies, of sincere profession and patriotic practice; and in this view one may bo pardcuee for believing that the people's interest will not be subserved by a mere change in the mdivid’al republican office holder, but that the party itself must be driven from power and replaced by a party that is willing to represent the people.—The Comoner. «.»» door >. a ndto be sold the property of J. C. CoLier unuer and by Virtue of a fl fa, i»u«lIfrom the (;ily MUrt ot Burn«svUl«, m mud county agamstwaj. O. Collier iafavor of W. N. – K M. Means. This March, S. 1902. . HoVV ' M - 8 - iKD Sheriff City court ol Barueavitlo. MOTHERHOOD The greatest ambition of Amer lean homes men blessed and with women is to liaj children. TJ| woman afflicted with female dfl ease is constantly menaced becoming a childless wife; medicine can restore dead gans, but Wine of Cardui regulate derangements that I vent miscarriage; conception; does pril docs restore v functions and shattered uj barren and does and bring desolate babies to ij ^ for Wine of Cardui gives womri health and strength to bear thy children. You can J dollar bottle of Wine of from your dealer. , t WlNE° r CAR 143 Market Street, In February.1901,1 Memphis, Teton., took Apri ^ine of Cornu! and one! Thedford’a one p?» married fifteen Black-Draught. M birth years and W ffivea to a child until I fcc I of Cardui. Now I ammot>ei baby The girl which was born Marl reel baby weighs fourteen poui as well as any person co Now my home is happy and I r bo without Wine of Cardui in 1 again. Mrs. J. W. jagn^iKi THE Haeas^ D 6 RHL Dully (Afternoon), Sunday (Morning), M (Weekly FrtdayJ, 4 The cheapest, the Best, the Largest, til Most Comprehensive Newspaper pur llshed In he territory. DAILY, $5 a Year. SUNDAY, $1 a Year. TIIE WEEKLY, 30 Cents a Year. Trial Orders for 3 Months: ^ DAILY, 30 (’em.-; Ccnt^H SUNDAY, 20 Cen^H WEEKLY, 10 ■•THE AUGUSTA IIEU sowe f ecu fen canes. ■ Daily Telkokaphic News of the Wo; Complete State News Service cover Georgia and South Carolina; Our own Staff Correspondents'In Wa ii gtoti and Statu Capitols, a' ill j the News of State Politics; Facli issue. Daily, Sunday and We^ profusely Ii-LCsraATKlj; Literary, Artistic, Scientific and A| cultural News: Independent. Non-partisan Ne, Editorial Comment; j li A Southern Ntwspaoer for Bout Headers, >J jj Remit in Postange Stamps, J or Money Order, Special Clilbbi Combination oflers with Write all Week^B ujl other Periodicals us.br cat pa| or lor clubbing rate's. - JH TIIE AUGUSTA HKRAL/W AUOUSTA, OEOKGIA, ■ “AROUND THE The most profusely illustrated be kind ever published, is a lasting nir foi those who did, and a epic criptiod for those who did not \{ Can-A mericai^lfepositioi id ter class will find it a most i substitute musinij to for the the young trip. as it is _ IJ a a li/ interestiny to the adult, aid be readdy accepted into every hi for the edification of young ® Agents outfit free upon receipt® €jfl (15c.) cents in pottage. SHELL f)UB. CO., JNf«w Tor® Demist. Dr. E. II.ff| di be it) 11“ ' er