Pike County journal. (Zebulon, GA.) 1888-1904, May 02, 1902, Image 1

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The Pike County journal I.STAJiUSIlFb IN 1888. "PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. F. DUPREE, Attorney at Law Zebulon, Georgia. E. A. STEPHENS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. BARNESVI11E GA DR. J. R GRAVES, riilNfrimi and MircMii. Zebulon ...... ......G.i. MRS. DR. M. G. HAGAN » MF.vN8VH.LE, GA. Ladies come and talk with me or write me inolosiug stamp for reply. 1 will cure any ordinary female or chronic disease. MONEY TO LOAN. Loaus made promptly on improved ■'eal estate. E, F, DUPREE. CHAS. J. LESTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RARNE-V1LLE, GA. Office in 8« ft’t’B building, over Rost office. Leant negotiated on farm and city roperty. B. C MURRAY, ♦ Dcntisi, 49j.i Hill Ht. Griffin Ga. M. W. BECK – C. R. GWYN. 1.UIVKK8. ZEBUI.ON, GA. A- A. WIOReH^lY, Attorney at Law. B ie ii v,-= vi 1 le, Gil. O, H PERDEU. Ventist. BABNKSV1LLK, GA. ^“Office over Chamber's Drug Stole. DR.S. J. M. – M. M. HEAD, Physicians and Surqeons, ZEBULON and LIFSEY, GA. R. T. DANIEL – A. 15. l’UPE Attorneys at Law. ZFBULON and GKIFFIN , GA. w. W. LAHBDIN, Attorney And Counselor At Law. BARNBSYILLE GA. Office over New South Saving’s Bank. Wi.l do a Kcncpal {iractice in all the Courts, Stine Ulhl t Federal, in Pike, Upson. Monroe, npulamg ;k*cui1i (tnd Fulton Counties, DamagesuiU a 8 ty. Loans negotiated. LOOK IN YOUR ALaUWS al the old faded Pictures a.sd then go where you can get. Pictures in fine i.at wont fade. I will make you t wo Cabinet size photos, for a shot t-u.e foi 60 cts, G. w. GRICE. BARNESVILLE, GA. J. M. STRICKLAND. Attorney and Counsalor^at Law. GRIFFIN, GY. Office over Merchants and Planters Bank. J. R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, \ym practice in Spalding . Pike and Monroe. Collections a spo.-ial! v Office with Mareus.W. Back. GRIFFIN, GA. DR. E. L. HANES J Dentist, , orAimN, : GA, Otliee upstairs in baibiinje; adjoicintz, an the. north, McWilliams – Son. DR. nt> H, TT j. T ^ -xAR/.AJN AND , Dentist, GW FIX-X GA. ZEBULON, PIKE COUNTY GEORGIA, MAY 2, 1902. SPECIALTIES. H. T. PILLS. H. C MIXTURE. LA-GRIPPE TABLETS. These goods are sold strictly on their merits and if no good no pay. \Vc ca.r7ll fulllinc of Drugs, Medicines, Fluid Extracts, Toilet Extracts, Fine Pet turnery, Combs, Brushes, Paints, Oils. We make a specialty of fine Cigars and Tobacco?. Prescriptions carefully com pounded. I I HEA 3 ROUND AlBOUT. Short Items for Home Folks Especially. Col. W. II . Combs, of Jackson, was here Monday. C. J. O‘farre‘1, travelling agent for the Atlanta Journal, was hero Monday. To Cure a Cold In Oue Day Take Laxative Rromo tjuiidne ia' lets. All druggi-ts refund 1. 1 h( money b it tails to cure. E, \V Grove.s signature is on each box. 25c* Do You Need Money? Loans on ia**m lands quick and cheap. E. A Stephens, Attorney at Law, Uarne-ville, Crt. C. II. Hurt cv hits been spending (lie week in Griffin . Good Name, “Why did you mime your baby ‘‘De tective?’” ‘•Because he never sleeps.” A VALUABLE MED1 INE For Goughs and Colds in Children. U I have not the ■lightest hi-HiLincy in rocoiomembng C’i.mn' <-fli m Cmigh Hem edv to ail n bn are Kelt' ring from coughs or colds, ’ says Clue. M. Cramer. Esq., a well known watchmaker, of Colombo, (>\Ion. ‘ ‘ It has bin rt some tw v uars since the city Dispensary lir-t call d my attention t > ibis v Unable medicine and I have repeatedly used Hand it lifts always beim beneficial. It lots cored me quickly of all chest colds It. is especial y effec tive for children ftml seldom takes more than ono i»..ttlo to cure them of hoar-e liPFft. I have persuaded many to try this valuable inelieme, and they are all as well pleased as myself over the results.” F< rsale by* Aliss Alice Peurifo? sg on a yisit to Monroe county relatives. Miss Sallie Rulh Milner spent Saturday in Atlanta. ‘‘A neighbor ran in with a bottle of llhamnerbiiii’s Colic. Cholera and Dlar rluea Remedy wlietn my sou was sutf.-r ing with severe crump; and was given up a - beyond hope by my regular physician, Po stands high in his prof.s-i n. Af ter admiidsteriisg three doges of i', my son TtgaineJ eonscKsusne s and n; ovim - ed entirelv within twenty-four hours,” says Mrs- Mary Haller, of sit. Crawtord, V.i This Remedy is for -Bn by all dealers Zebulon K. A. Mallory Con cord, Is’. G. Joreais, jbJena. Paul Peurifoy spent Saturday in Barnesville. l’ne Zebulnu Silver BanI will picnic today at F at Shoals. Good for Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken with a very ee vere a tack of muscular rheumatism j which caused me great pain and ance. After trying several pres r;i lions and rhenniatin cures, 1 decided us use Chainberlam’s Palis Balm, which I bad seen advertised in ti.e S< uth Jer-;yman Alter two t*s of >Li - Kein^dy i was UDaob bettor, ami after usiu^ one bottlts wcottipit-tely cured. Sallie ilAKiijs, Silciii. N. J. For B ile by* «ro“» a a candidate for reprasentative in Pike count) and his chanees for election are regarded as U good He is a breiliant „ ^eagood y oung ro3nan vonld rep rasentative it elected.—Griffin Sews of the 27th. f>. C. pills. line Tonic Pill for weakness, general debility, blood pnrll ’ loss of appetite, indigestion n –<. , • C* fixture. 'Ver coughs, lIo.USO ness, Bronchi Us and all kindred troubles of the lungs. La-Grippe Cablets.-For I-a Grippe, Colds, Soreness in Muscles Ac as a result 0 f colds. Several Zebulunites arc attending the annual picnic at Fiat Shoals to day. Col. A. A. Murphey, candidate tor legislative honors, was here Mon ti a v. Natural Query. “I bear that, li'ritsbit is to bo appoint ed to a fat government job.” “That so? Tliftt's the first, 1 know ll'ritehtt over wrote poetry.” Sure Stgn. ‘•niinkins must have fallen heir to a lot of money lately.” 1 *‘ iriiet makes you think so?' “For tho last two or three weeks he's been saving 'either' and ‘neither. » o $100 REWARD, $100. The rit i.lcrs of lliispnpci will bo pleas d to Uitirn that there is at. leant one trended di case that sc'encc bus been ulib» t.> cure in nil itn sta and that Its Lft'arih. Hall’s Omarrb Cure ib tbe ouh p.'!-:he cure known to the medical frater nity. Catarrh being a constitutional (bs Ctt-c requires a c mstit'iUoua! treatment 1 irt 11,H ( atarrh Lure is taken internally, u c ting directly upon the blind end mu cous s'ltfaces of the system, thereby des troying the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe pu ient strength by bond ing nu the constitution and assisting na ture in d ingits work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails,.to cure. Send for lists of mstiinonial j . Address.F. J. CHENEY – Co., Tole do, O. Sol-! by Druggists, 75e. Ji.all's Kamily ?> i!ls are l!;e best. S/i’.VI’ K OFGEOHG'A, i IKE COUNTY Uoih Philip C-mk, Secretary of State: The Petition of she Barnesvitle Savings Bank re.-pectfuby bIiowb’ f irst; That tbe sa : d corporation was created by an Act of tho General Assem bly of tbe State of Georgia, approred Oct-slier 26th 1870: that vt id Act was amended by an Act approved March .‘Jrd '875, and that its chaster was further amended by Hie. Secretary of Stale on the following dates, to witr; February 209' 1895 and October 14'is 1897. A ( !(' .ml: That proper c.rpoia'o action having being Imd it dedres thsit its name ijc eha g j from BABNK8VILLE SAYINGS BANK to • ’Peoples Bank of J 3 a ,-,. e -,vi 1 lo Third: That dm- nonce of the de ire of said col’s,oration to have its name so changed has been given by publieation of this petition in TttK Pikk County J orii nA t, ns required by law, as shown by the affidavit of Hie President hereto annexed. Were fore, Your petitioners pray that a certificate ef amendment bn issued, ch inging the corporate name of said com Dan}. Bulnkkviixk 8avinos Bank, by C. O. Bummers, Pres. At a meeting ot the rockisolders of the Barnesville Savings Bank, called and held fo accordance with the laws of this gtat<i| t ho following Resolution was p v a majority in amount of all f (he ,. a; ,it a l stock of said corporation. V oli"g eitln s in person or tsy proxy: Re-oived, That tho President of the Barne8v ille Saving!) Bank be, and be is t,,■ n, 1.y a ithor.zel and icjiiested to till! wiih the Secretary of State of the State , f Ge rgia. a petition requesting that the tta?tf‘ ‘PtopLf u .. uT ,„ v ,„ .ffilngel to Bank of T”W.»l», ,, S . true and correct abstract ir-m the mum tes of the meeting of the stockholders of the Barnesville Srvmg-. Bank he.d at Barnesville Georuts. on March m 1902. tv. c. Stafford, Beeretaiy. GEORGIA, PIKK. Oouniy. To the Honorable PUU nook, Secretary of stnsc: L. O Benton, or Uie»county of .Jasper, k , m . Stafford , w . H . 8 « wu >,«*. a . A. 1’. Kemp, Mini K. A. Stephens, . A. Mecrti ry, W. 11. Mitchell, of above state am I county, bring this their petition pursuant- to the vidons «. not of the the (inner*! .U<e«,l.!y °* Georgia, um.rovea woeember, :«, !«».„ and respectfully show; • 1 That they desire to form a corporation for .. purpose of carrying on the business of basking, i>- TUq name nu»l style of the, prnpo-osi rot p or fit ion shall l.»c the ‘* KinL of BarncsVillc.” }>.- Tin 1 location and principal jdace of bnsi* ms> Ihereof shall be the city of lJarnesvilio Fait! state and county. 4- The amount of capita! stock is $25,000, in aim res of $100 each 5.- I’ho nature of the propped corporot’on fil.mil be that of a bank, its gvntvrnl purjioses be ing to discount bills, notes, or other evidences of debt; to receive and pay out deposits, with or without interest; to receive on special de posits money, bullion, foreign com, and stocks, bands, and other securities; to buy and .sell for eign and domestic < \enange, and other nego tiable paper; to lend money upon personal security, and upon bonds, stocks, # and other negotiable securities; to take and it mve see untv ny mortgage, pr otherwise, on property of every sort, hoi .* • al and personal* and gen erally, no a..d jh rloi'in all hiieh other mailers and things not herein l» dmv enumerated ;e- are. or may he incident to the. Im-i tes.. of banking. \\ lie re fore peUtioner- nra.i to be ittcorporat ed under the laws of this state. L. O. Bw«ToM, i\ M St a ffohp. \\\ B. -Mini O. a. Mi unncv, A. I*. Kk.mf, E. A. STkl’HHNS, .J. A. Mt’FRAKV., \\. 11 Mm ; . 1,1 , GEORGIA, PIKK COf/N I V. Refine me, .J, W. M-ans, ord'itary of Said comity, personally appeared L. O'. Bent, m of the county of Jasper, F. M ,S afford, IV. B. Smuh, (). A. Murphey, A. I*. Kemp, J. A. .tfoOra.y, \V. H. Mitcliell, JC. A. .Stephens of above Statu and County. H’l.o on oath say that Fifleen Thous and Dollars of ibo capital subscribed to Do* Dark of Darncsvib'e, for which com pany daponnnls aro now seekiinj iue u* pora'ion by ibe .S'cen taiy ol State, lias been actually paid by the subsmbris, and tint. The same is in fact lield, and is to be used solely for the. business and purposes of said corporate n. N vorn to and subsoribod boforo mo, this A -nl, 1, I 9 O 2 . J. W. Means, Ordinal v 1’ike County, Gr acia. (Seal) L. O. Huntow. F, Af> Mr A i Komi, If', B Sitim O. A- MtTit’llnv, A. F. Kline. K. V. IXti.imikns. J. A, Mccu.vnv. W. II. Mrt'oiiKix. STATE OF V.EOROi oliirc <»r .Sc<‘.ct:t;iry of Sffile, i, Philip F'ook, Secretary »f stHio of the state of Geoniift, do hereby certify. That the nttHclied mnl h>re£<>jng t\V(. sheets of type-writ-tep matter euii'ani true mid correct copy of the application for ehfirtcr of (he i:\NK Of BMiNLS VILLI-; this tiny illetl in this Department. rN TMSTJ MONEY V/HLUEOF, I have here unto set iny haiiil nml aliixed the muuI of mj <MUw*. at the Capitol, iu Um- oity of \iluutu, tins 27th, day of March, in the eai of our Lord Ope Thousitnil Nine Humlre.'i an«l Two. mr! of the JT'Iepi’Ufltmco of Mn* Luilci .stalen of AinerU-a the One llumlnel and twenty-six. 1*11 ILll* GuOK, •ScTetary ol Statt. GRAND JURORS DRAWN FOR OCTOBER TERM 1302 PIKE S- C. C it Brown, A ?v! Lainbdin, V O Marshburn, A J Alien. J T Murphey, K L lloolin, .1 W Smith, 15 1) Hardy, W B Jackson. W <5 Tyu.t, W 11 Mitchell, J M Phillips, R R McLeroy, It Y Beck ham, J U Blackburn, J O Mayfield, J T Beckham, A O Murphey, J Jl Means, W A Strickland, T W Cockran, ft F Jackson, J 11 Jordan W 11 Brooks, G K lluguley, J V Dunn, J II Lee, It C Johnson, J L Kennedy, J C Slade. TRAVERSE JURORS DRAWN 1ST. WEEK. J T Tyus,C 11 jfu-rison, .1 N Bapplng ton, J W ilolsey, W .J Gattlding, <i I Banks. J B Tyus, W J Coggfn Jr, W T Ilolsey, C If Wfills, R R Smith, G X Welders, F S Drewry, C II Walker. U W Sullivan. J U Bate, J N Jordan, J X Fincher, J C Williams, E 8 Murphey. JS Sullivan, S A Sullivan W B Ballard S M. Howard W M Rice W T S Brown E H Blackman W A Whatley J S Row ell A D Williams D S Hamilton ^ I) Reeves J A Davis S E Johnston u. S Barrett Joe W Harrison. TRAVERSE JURORS SECOND WEEK. J T Jordan H J Cadenhead C W Scott C B Strickland W C Eppingor A W Bag garly J N Kierlsow M H (Been JI J Car rek' r W It Hemphill T W Story I C Collier W P Holmes J Q Buffington G F Sims W J Carter .) M Broons A T Copeland W G Holloway X J Ingram (j g Wilson C P Protlno J P Caniker v k Underwood R L Bush W J Akin J A Edmonds t> E Shackleford F M Smith x .1 Hunt H G Jordan Mountain Ken » » «- * ' 8 C Charping. Try a sack Of ‘Henry C j ay ii i;l OUr Q re en, Mangliam – SI' I'.SCRIPT ION PRICE 1 . 00 . A BID FORTUNE. Story ol a tiuccessfal Grow wlio started With $225 Sixteeen years ago IT II. Williams d tho grocery b business m Kansas City with a <■ ,1 [>it -1 ot $225, all lie possessed in Ihe world. A few weeks ago he sold out and retired w’lh a fortune estimated at from §200,000 to SHOO,000 Recently Mr. Williams talked en tertainingly on the subject of his success and tiic Results ins advertis ing achieved . “I remember very well/' said Mr. Williams, ‘‘111111 the first day's sales amounted t>> just $8. For the first six. months 1 did some credit busi ness, and then I realized that those customers Would soon have my stock and 1 would have the accounts. I conceived the.idea of selling lor cash and advertising. I went to Kansas City Star to inquire the cost of ad vertising and Wits surprised to find that it would cost me cue day's re Ci-ipts to pay for a small advertise meat tor one day. However. I was so positive that advertising wits the only way io success that I made the t,e(v.--aiy arrangements It took ail the money I could spar© from my nustncig, but it ivas only a short time until my business began to grow. 1 soon aiterward moved to 802 Independence avenue, just across the street from my former store. I Was lli re about three years, and le cause larger quarters were needed I moved to tho southwest corner ul In dependence avenue and Holmes St, It was only a short, time until I se cured two additional rooms just acre the street on Independence uveuu , and there I remained until 189b, when the move was made to Nelson building. “liere I opened my store <m Sept 2d, 1893. O. cutiree. I had advertised the opening liberally in the Star. 1 will never forget that day . There was melt a crowd of customers that the clerks could not wait oil one in ten. From that day on business hag been on a large scale. I have em ployed Iron) fifty to atventy-flve clerks at, nil times, varying with the seasons of the year. Goods are ship ped to all parts of the United States. I have customers ou Iho Pacific coast, tlic Atlantic and from British Columbia to the gulf ol Mexico. For the out rd town trade my ad. goes to The Weekly Star. From the hegin jiur ol the little stores on Iudeperid once avenue until today my business has grown 3hc1i year Irons 10 to 500 per cent.",— Prnfiiable Advertising. SALE OF LAND Notice is tiereby given that acting for tlm In irxftt law of Mrs. Martha A Darker, dec-ased 1 will s-ll at public outcry for ci.sts be (oie the court horse floor in Zen ulon, Ga on ihetirst Tuesday in May next tbe following described land. The w est half of lot No. 25 iu the »:li di strict of Dike county, Ga., containing [115] acres more or less. April, 11th 1992. ,T. T. Cadenhead, Attorney in fur’ for said heirs at law. ?11.00 Worth for Only §5.00 We will send Review nf Reviews, public Opinion, Current Literature (all new), McOlureD, Suc:-.e»R and The Journal, all sis oue year for 85,00. The regular price si $11.00 PINE MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. From the Atlanta Constitution. Tins is one of tho coming pleasure and health resorts of this section. It lias been 1 In roughly renovated and a lar^e up-lo.-dale hotel with fine baths, etc , has been built Since last Reason. This resort, is situated at Lifsey, Da , and was brought into prominence last season isy Dr. J. M. Hoad, of Zebulon, who had just bought it. The capacity of the hotel greatly overtaxed last ge-'ison. IMl. '• «» is fine and the atr pure and exhila rating. All who visited it last sea sou are unstinted in their praise ol its many attractions. Alt, ¥#OBflEM Winn of Cardui is fho guardian of a woman’s health and happj ness from youth to old age. It helps her safely into womanhood. It sustains her during tho trials of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, making labor easy and preventing Hooding and mis carriage. It gently leads her through the dangerous period known a? the change of life. WilfE 0 f €AiEMJ 8 cures leucorrliina, falling of tho womb, and menstrual irregularity in every form. It is valuable in every trying period of a woman’s life. It. reinforces the nervous system, acts directly on tho goni tal organs and is the finest tonic for wonmi .known. Ask your druggist f a $1.00 bottle of Wine of • lui. using Rate Wine sv ill®, Canlui Ala., July and 11,1200. Tiled I am of fonVs Black-Draught and I feel like a dido rout woman already. Several in their In dies hero keep the medicines homc.s all tho time. with J have three girls and they are using Mrs. it me. BROWDER. KATE F- radvit o and litfi-atUro, address, I>«part- {?lvi»g 8 TH 1 )'louts, ‘"Tito 1;uYuh' Advisory nifnt ”, The Cliftltnnooga Tone MedidDo Company, CkutUmooKti, V liltl i THE COMMONER ) Irisuel Weekly, William J. Bryan. Editor and L’tiblisbcr. Lincoln, « Nebraska. t Term;—Payable In A'lvanco . One Year. ........ $ 1.00 Sr, Months_______ GO Three Months.---- .... ,3S Si ogle Copy.------ ..... .05 Journal an 1 Commoner 1 year......Lot) No tiavi bug fftnvnf-ors me employed 't erm# for local agents will be sent upon application. All money should be sent by P, O. order, Express order, or bv bank draft on New York or Chicago, Don I semi Individual cbeiks or stamps. M SHERIFF SALE. Will bo sold before the court house door in tho town of Zebulon, l’ike coun ty, Ga,, on the first Tuesday in May 1902, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. in. and 4 o’clock p. m. to t.lio highest bidder for cash tho following described property to-wit: lii-l ty [So] acre. of land of Mrs. Settle Hur i-HI, A (tin \ nl the .bio. Vn-rlesi estate, finbl i n..: I,.i,in.I; a a, rollons: ms tlie iiortli tsy John culiiultt, on Has eiist by o'u Virdeh estate, oil tin- until tsy Hr. ('. It. IVrd'mi, and on the v,, -i Irs. Nettie Hum'll. Levied on as tho t.i*..l,* i:y i>: Mrs. .Mattie flitrrell, Adinx Jno. vipt. n t Mini • of and to satisfy » tax 11 fa is.m-i by .1 T. limit, Tax Collector of Pike , iiii.i ., i bi'ing for state and county taxes for til,, ... 11 - mi. u:vy made by .1.0. stocks, t». i',, ,,r i’iko county ami turned over to sue to ;id \ cl'l i mid I!, Tlici the 1st liny of April 11XS5. II. 51 ILpKU Sheriff. REBUGE YOUR LIVING EXPENSED By patronizing W. T. Fin cher, the new Grocer. He has a fresh line bought for cash and is selling them cheap er than merchants who buy on time. Try him. This signature is ou every box of tbe genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet* day tho remedy that cures » cold S» one WHISKEY $125 PER GALLON. Mention this paoer and Eend b r invate price list. Write: WINSTON BIS. CO,, Winston, N. C. LOWEST PRICED WHISKEY HOUSE.