Pike County journal. (Zebulon, GA.) 1888-1904, May 30, 1902, Image 1

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The Pike County Journal. established lyisss PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. F. DUPREE. Attorn“y at |.«w Zebutun, Georgia. E. A. STEPHENS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BARNESVI11E GA DR. J. R GRAVES, l*I»> Nic’iHii ami Pin rtf eon. Zebulon Ga MRS. DR. M. G. HAGAN, MEANSVfLLK, GA. I,aiiica come and talk with me "v wiite me Inclosing stamp for reply. I will cure any ordinary female or chronic disease. MONEY TO LOAN. /.wins lu.ido promptly on improved foal estate. K. F. DUPREE. CIIA5. J. LESTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAUNB.-V5U.K, GA. Office in S« a' t’s building, over Post office. Dam negotiated on firm and city • roper; v. £. C MURRAY, Ilnil h , -lt)L a Hill Hi. Griffin Ga. M. W. BECK – C. R. GWYH, l.NNNYI.HS ZEBULON, GA. A- A. MURhHEY, Attorney at Into'. Barmssville, Gil. O. H. PERDEU. VentiHt, BARNES VILLE, GA. WOffice over Chamber's Drug 8toi e. drs. j. m. a m. m. head, physicians and Surgeons, ZEBULON and LIFSEY, GA. H. T. DAMEJ. – A. B. FOFE Attorneys^at Law, ZFBUL0N and GKfFKIX . GA, W. W. LAHBDIN, AttorneY^And Counselor At Law. BARNE8V1L1.E. GA. Office over New South Saving's Bank. Will do a geuernl iiriusuee m all the Louie-;, sti,tr ami Ke-lurnl. in Pike, rpsoiT. Monroe, spaPinig geeinli ttuil Fulton Loufilie«, Uamagoonits a • ty. Loans uegotiatea. LOOK IN YOUR ALSc'MS al the old Jaded Pictures and then gn where you can get, Pictures nu- e that woutfade. I will make you two line Cabinet size photos, forasliot t»me for |60 cts, Q. W. GRICE. BAKKE8V1LLE, GA. J. M. STRICKLAND. Attorney and Coun»alor,at Law. GRIFFIN, GA. Office over Merchants and Planters Bank. J. R. WILLIAMS, Attorney «t Lite, Will practice id Spalding . Pike and Monroe. Collections a specialty . Office with Marcus W. Beck. gr/ffiy, GA. DR. E. L. HANES, Dentist, ftATFFIN, GA, Office upstairs in building adjoinir.it, wn the north, McWilliams –. Aon dr. H, J. OAKLAND, Dentist, griffin GA. ZEBULON, PIKE COUNTY GEORGIA, MAY 30. i i902. SPECIALTIES, H. T. PILLS. H. C MIXTURE. LA-GKIPPE TABLETS These goods are sold strictly on their merits and if no good no pay. We cany a full line of Drugs, Medicines, Fluid Extracts, 1 oilet Extracts, Fine Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Paints, Oils. We make a specialty of fine Cigars and Tobaccos, Prescriptions carefully com pounded. J. M HEAD, ROUND ABOUT. Short Items for Hon.e Folks Especially. CAUSE OF JOY. Trust in breadstuff*. Trust in meats, Trust, iri pickles, Trust in sweets. Ti ust in clothing, Trust in soap— But, glory be, No trust in hope. —The Commonar. W. 11. Mitchell, o£ liarnesville, ivns in the city Monday, Tux Receiver K M. Kpplnger will he here next Tuesday. If you havuT already given n> you tax see hlni. Robt Mitchell, of mmiesville, was 1/. S. Dupree made his regular weekly trip to Midway Situduy. Prof. W. G. Brown, ’ of Concord, , was here Monday. _______ 15. Z. Akin, irow of Jacksonville, Fla., is at home on a visit to ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Akin. Mr-. W. D. Howell 'and Mtss Sadie Ford spent Saturday last Barnesville. _______ £ ______________ Tax Receiver E. M. Eppiuger will he here next Tuesday lor the purpose of receiving state and pnun ty taxes. Judge E F. Dupree spent Mon day m^liai ncsville. -- —~ -------- Mrs. A. If. Rawls and chihlicn, of Haralson, arc the guests of Zeb ulon relatives. Miss A1 nia WalTcr, of Barnes ville, is the guest of Mrs. F. B. Wilder ----------- Miss Willie Willis, of Moiena, is visiting Zebulon relatives this week. Col. R. 11. Allen, of William son, was here Monday. Jas. L. Wells, of Atlanta, was here Saturday last. Do You Need Money? Loans on farmlands quick and cheap. E. A. Stkimiens, Attorney at Law, liarnesville, Ga, DESTROYS POTATO BOGS. Every gardener knows what it is to Le troubled with pota o bugs, and the person who discovers a success tel remedy for exterminating them will he hailed as a public benefactor A North Carolina paper, the Gas tonia Gazette, suys that cotlon seed meal is an effective remedy for po tato bugs. The Gazette tells of a farmer wh * put some meal on hw vines and m two hours the hugs had disappeared —they did not die, bu 1 left Ihe vines. This farmer, says (he Gazette, is firmly convinced of .the virtues ot meal as on Z Imt, powder, which is much cheaper safer than Paris green. It is a remedy that is eufcilv tried . h. C. pilta.—A fine Tonic Pill for weakness, general dtdiility, blood pui'ti or, loss of appetite, indigestion Ac. IV C. Mixture.-For coughs. Hoarse ness, Rronchitisand all kindred troubles of the lungs, TU-0rippc Cablets.—For La Grippe, Colds, Soreness in Muscles Ac as a result of colds. THE WITNESS HID NOT CAKE, Gardiner Laihrup is responsible tor ihb story but snys it was told him by another lawyer who occasionally did sonus practising m Arkansas, says Use Kansrs City Stitt. The cans on (rial was Unit ol « man for murder. Just before the Slain closed.ils cage a long, slender legge i lanie.ru jawed individual was called to the witness stand, lie testified in brie! that lie had -seen Abo murder commuted. The lawyer for the de fense begun lus cross ex i mi nation The witness deposited in his cheek a piece of chewing tobacco uppureni as large as the average person's fist “You say,*‘ said itie defendant's lawyer, “that you saw the homicide? 1 The witness chewed deliberaVIy and careiuily crossed his legs. | “Yep. I eeetf it," he answered. t .„ ow (al . wcr , y „ n aWl))V . Ii seemed at least two minules he fore the witness answered, during which time he chewed slowly uud crossed his legs three or four times. “But a mile and . a quarter, h he answered. , “What tune of day was i'?“ “Just dusk," he answered, “Do you mean to tell this jury," * alli the lawyer, rising and shaking ! " s un^r a, the wuness, “i hat you could 8e.e a murder over a mile away at dusts? , ,, How ,; do you expect anyone to believe that? The witness stroked his chin. He chewed with exasperating deliberu tion. First lie crossed one leg ov< r Uw °i‘ier l *‘ en Hk cr,,Med “» d r « r, '» ed 1,18 le e H iU ’J * dwsu " 1 111104 and (iBCurutoil ilie ji.ior half jib ,,jatiy times as a result ol the tnbac. C() chewing. He twisted about in his chair. Finally, when everybody's patience was almost exhausted, the witness said ; “I don't care a d n for this jaw suit no-how.“ LITTLE WILLIE, “Why do you look lit roe so closely, Willie,” said Mr. Sappington. “J witz just lookin’ t’ see if you had scales on you,’’ replied Mary’s little brother. •‘Why, what on eartli do you m an, Willie!” exclaimed Mary, looking at Mr. Sappington with alarm “Wiiy, 1 beard you te S >Ir. Gooilfel iow last night that Mr. Sappington was a regular sucker, and suckers lias scales.’ Brain Le–ta. The real Christian observes seven Sun days a week , i Can’t is always living on the boun ty of I will. Failure in a had cause is the first step towards a good success. We know children who yearn for the caresses wasted on worthless dogs. It is better to profit by a mistake than to waste time in mourning over it, •‘Civilization is only Skin deep,” re marked a noted philosopher. It appears, however, that is only a case of sunburn. The self-made man who boasts about it usually equips liiuisclf with a fiat roof. He who gives millions easily is entitled less credit tiian he who gives pennies by Satan manages to remain in business by never trusting his work to while away on a vacation. \Y U Kltl'L 1 .S lhe Barnesvilh' Ssiy*nu’» Hank, a corporation established nmlcr the laws of the state of Georgia, desires to have its « barter amended so as to Incorporate (herein the pro vision of the general law for the incorporation of hanks which is fully set forth in Section 8 of the Act approved December 20th. 1893., and ombodut in v)l;>ll*»f the civil Code of I8n."», tins being the only provision of the general law which it desires to have incorporated m its charter, the adoption of which said provision supersedes and nullities all provisions of its charter, as it now exists, in conlhct with the provision hereby adopted. New, Therefore, LE IT RI.SOLYT.I) by the Hoard of Diree tors of the HarncsvHle Savings Hank, that its President, he, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to make and tile in the. o'Hoe of .secre tary of State of fin state of Georgia a declara tion, in writing, sighed by him as said Presi dent. and given under its corporate seal, des ignating the provision of the general taw (set forth in nihil of the rode) which said bank de sires to have incorporated in, and made a part of, its charter. \V . < . ST All' n o, Ser'y. <:. o. Svmmkus, chairman. hnrnesyille. Georgia,, March Jil-st, lHOiJ. CEOHi.Ev, PIKE rOl XI'V, J, w. e. istalTord, secretary of the Board of Directors ot the Hume."vide svavin Hawk, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct and complete ropy *»f it Reeidwtum ot the .sailI Hoard of Directors which was unaim oustv adopted by them at a meeting dnW lwd»l on the nist. dtiy of March. l»t»2 at the usual pi turn of meeting of said Board, in Itaruesville, and the same i > lull v .-cl forth in Urn in in uti* s of stud Hon Hi. \ father certify that the. BarnesvilU’ Savings Blink was Incorporated by au Act *»r the Gen eral Assembly, approved October 2(ilh, I *70.. amended by an Act. appia ved March ki d, isfli, and father amended by the Set ret ary oi Stale on the C Ulowlug dates, to-wit: February 20th, iHUfi, and OctobeJ' Jlth, JS97-' IN WITNEY WliERKOE, »' have licieimU' set my otJicial hand and the sea: of said bank. NY . e. st wyouth see Board of Directors of llie Borne.“-wiJk, saving* Hank. {Seal]. Attisl -. \, M. La mb in n’, nuMbler. tmi)KK AND liY T r J KTTTK of smthor i 1 y vested m me 1»v tUe IK aid of Diree tois of the Biiriiesviile »S’a v intf« Jhmk, T, C. () Summers, I’reSidehT. of said cor poration, hereby make and Hie in the ofliee *>f .Secretary of /State of the State of Georgia, tins declaration under its corporate seal, »n provided by statute, and declare that said Bartlesville Sav*» inys Bank desires to have incorporated in and. made a nark of its charter, the provisions of the pem-ml law for the in* eorp ration of banks which is fully net forth in Section S of the Act approved December 2 < hh, i^9*>. and embodied in ■Section It)11 of k olume 2 of the Civil Code of I80’)» this heiujj the only pro* vision of said general h»w which if- de sires to have incorporated in its eharter, the adoption of wliich said provision supersedes and nullities all provision <»f i's charter, as ii now exists, in conflict with the provision hereby adopted. I hereto attach a copy of the Desola tion of said Board of Direct ors an Ihor* izin<* ami directing tno to make this de claration and a statement, of the dates of said charier and amendments thereto, certified as required by law, 0. O. rfi .mmH its, Bresident. Bavnesville Savings Bank. (Sea!). ATTEST: A. M. fiftmUdin, C’;»t>hiur STAT/-: OF (rKOUGlA Office Of Secretary of St-ito. 1, I’liilip Cook, .Secretary of State of Hio State of Georgia, do hereby eertit’y, Tlsal the al tnolied anil foregoing two sheets of type written mailer contain » true and cor rect copy of an application for amend, moot of the charier of the Barnesville Savings Hank, this day filed in this De pHi'tmenf, IN TL.sTi.t/o.W HT1ERKOF, i have hereuutn sc, my hand and affixed the Heal of my Office, al the Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, tins 1st.- clay of ■ppril, in (lie year of our Lord One Thousand Ahne Hundred and Two. ami of the lndepnedeiice of tins Untied States of America the One Hundred and t wen tyssixth. Se.srclary of Slate. Piin.ii' Co ok, St at k <tv Ojdo, Criv <;r Toi.kj>o Lit ah GouNTYf FitANK J. Ciik.vb.v makes oath that he IS t he senior partner of Ihe firm of I'. J Ciihskv – Co .doing bus'ni s, in ih» Oil V of Toledo. County ancHFtnlc afore said, anil that said firm will pay ihe sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh Unit can not he cured by the use of If all’s < U TAiatn Cuhk. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this fiiWay of December, A. D. 1886. A. IV. GLKBOX, Seal. Notray Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken infernally and acl» directly on the blood and mu cun surfaces of the system. Send for the testimonials, fr, e F. J. CHENEY – CO., Toledo, O. fo'd by druggeai, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills arc the best. $11.00 Worth for Oaly $ 5 . 00 . We will send Review of Reviews, Public Opinion, Current Literature (all new), McClure's, Success and The Hi mx o«e year for MM. lh. roguls. price « W.UUi SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 1.00. announcements. Notices under this heading are $5 eac) in advance. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. 1 hereby announce myself as a eandidau for Representative of Pike entity subject to the action of tlm Democratic Primary’. K. M . OWKN'. I rcspcc; in liy announce mjst lfa candidate for the legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic, primary to be hidden Pike. J. F. Maddux. Mr. Editor: Please sav to the white people <>t Pike that l am a candidate for the Legisla ture am that I will submit inv candidacy to the white primary to bo called by the Demo ei a tic Executive Committee of the county, and that I will abide the nomination. A. A. Ml'RI'UKY. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, > l hereby announce myself as a candidate for iv-elceimn for clerk of the .Superior Court of Pike county, subject to the Democratic pri mary. Respectfully, J. U. Matiifws. FOR TREASURER. \ hereby announce myself u candidate for re-election ns county Treasurer of 1’ike, sub jeet to the coming Democratic primary. Will unpreeinu* y our support. M. (i. IliUlllSuN. FOR TAX RECEIVER. The Journal is authorized to announce the name of J. T. Vaughn as a candidate for Tax Receiver subject to Democratic primary .June 5. I am a candidate, for the otlle.c of tax receiv er of Pike county, subject, to the action of Hit* Democratic primary. It elected vill endeavor to discharge the duties of the oJhee faithfully. lv. Y. BkCKUAM. f am a mimlidaU*. Kw tax vvvcivvr of Hikv Coiiin.y suhjeei t.*> the ar.tinn of the Demorratir primary. I want your vote. G. A. Simmons. 1 am a earUblate for re-eleetion to the olllco of tax receivin'<>t Bike eoauty* subject to tlie Domteratie primary. K. M. EmstiKu. FOR SHERIFF. I re>peetl’ullv aummnee mjsell'a eaiuli'late for re-election for sbcntVof Bike county, sale jeet to the action of the Democratic party i am very grateful to the peepld ol Bike for their past support and ii re elected will be a - faithful in the perform.‘time of my duties as in the past. ■ }. II. Mil.Mill. Tilv: JouJiN a i, is authorized to announce the mime of J*’. IL Wilder as a eaudidalo fur . lienlf of Bike county subject I" the Demo erarie primary to ocholil dune 5’ YOU COUONKK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tlm olhi f, of Coroner m Bike county, nubject to tue Democsratie primary, your biipport will he appreciated. .1. K. .SMITH. FOR TAX COLLECTOr. I hereby aunouneo my,self a candidate for re* election to the (itUce of Tax collector, subject jo the Democratic primary. With imHuntiiCfH of my j»rofoimd appreciation of all favoi’B ,shown me m the past, I most ruspe di'ully ami earntMt ly solicit the support of every voter in ihe county in the approacaicus j trim ary. Jso. T , Hi NT, FOR STATIC SENATOR. j-,, n,i. voters of the Twenty-secoml seuavorinl Itislriot: ] cm a randidtita for the Senate Irons this District',-subject to tlia Uemottratie nomination, and respectfully solicit your support If elected, l will endeavor to the full extent of my ability to represent you failhtuily and efficiently. Very roily, W. A. WonstiAst. For Surveyor. I MM it eiiuillilale for surveyor of Pike coun ty, Mto.ieet to nrmoeralie pninnry .Mine 5. T. JO. SKICKLANB. WON’T FOLLOW ADVICE AFTER PAVING FOR IT In a recent ariu-le a prominent physi cian says, “It is next to impossible fur the physician to get his patient to carry out any prescribed cotuse of hygiene or diet to ihe smallest extent; be has but one result left, namely, the drug treat (nor.t. ? ’ When medicines are used for chionlc constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, such as CluimbcGain s Stomacho – Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is nut followed by constipation as they leave the bowels in a uatuial and healthy condition. K„r sale by* All Dealers Zebulon, R. A. Mallory Concord, 11, G. Jordan Moiena. AN IDEAL PLACE TO PICNIC. At Pine Mountain Springs—-we Iiavo made every arrangement to make this place oue at which all picnic crowds and all gatherings can come with full assur ance that a hearty welcome await* them. AU who want a day well spent and pleasantly so, are welcome here. We will do all weean to make your parties pleasant. wish I,me to Let all come who «t any speud a day, picnicking, at there beauti ful springs. You will lie welcome. J. M. if KAO. HOUSEWORK Too much housework wrecks wo mon’s nerves. And the constant care of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard face tolls the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, Icucorrha'a and falling of the womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. is doing' this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter: Gl Andean©, Ky., Fob. 10,1901. I am so glad that I your feeling Wino better of Gardui than * helping felt me. for am i doing have years, am my own work without any help, and I washed last week and was nob one bit tired. That shows that tbo Wine i# doing me good. I am getting and sleep fleshier than I over hearty. was before, Before I taking good aful eat Cwrdvxi, I used to began to Wino of have lay down five or six times every day, but now I <lonot think of lying down through the day. Mrs. Hi guard Jonjss. $1.00 AT OKlTiGlSTS. For a< Jvfce and literature, Advisory address, Department”, giving symp toms, “Tho Ladies’ Chattanooga. The Chaff a IlOOgrt Medicine Co., Tenn. The Union Central Life Insurance Co. Guaranteed Loan Paid-up and Ex tended Insurance, Placed in Face oi the Policy. Premiums reduced each 'year By An nual Dividends Policies Incontestable from date o £ Issue, as to Residence and Travel. Strong old, and reliable Company. B. W. TORRANCE. General Ag< nt, GRIFFIN, GA. Office: Merchants and Planters Bank Bkl’g. Whooping ougli. A woman who has KuJ experience with this tiiseasc, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She pays; Our ihree cliiblren took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old. and owing to our giving them Chamber! tin’s Cough liisin- 1 'ily, they iogt none ot their plumpness ami came out in much better health than other cliiMrt n w huso parents did not uso th ; s remedy. Our ohlest little girl would call lusiily lor cough eyrUp hetwe.en whonpe.—Jr:' Bin Pinkisv Hall, Bpring ville, Ala. Tliis Remedy 's for sale by* All dealers /, ImUiu, U. A. Mallory Concord, It. GL Jordan Moiena. GEORGIA PIKE COliUTY. To whom it may concern. V,. 15. Pitts having made application to mu in due fo’in tu be appointed peinm m nt Administrator upon the es'ateof G. S'. Bias live ot said county deceased. Notice is heieoy given (hat said npnlica tion will be heard at tho regular teim of the court of Ordinary to be held on the first -Monday in June. This May the 7th U)02. J. YV. Mj'Jans, Ordinary No Loss of Time, 1 have sold Chamberlain’s Colic, Oholcaand Diarrhoea Remedy fi r years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar Ihuu it. 1 sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers dial could go no father, and they are at work again this morning—If. P. PiiKU’S, Plymouth, Oklahoma As will he seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on wi'li their work without losing a single day’s time. You should keep a bottle of ibis Remedy in your home. For sa.e by* All Dealers Zebulon, R A. Mallory Concord, If. O. Jordan Moiena. REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES By patronizing W. T. Fin cher, the new Grocer. He has a fresh line bought for cash and is selling them cheap er than merchqjits who buy Oil time. Try him.