The daily gazette. (Barnesville, GA.) 188?-18??, March 14, 1884, Image 2

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The Daily Gazette. erz--.z=. rr-- —■ *• “'^rrs By J. C, MeMi<;liael. Wednesday, march 12, lse*. Grant thinks the Republicans will nominate either Aurthuv or Blaine. It seems that the ivhole government of Soutii Carolina is unable to arrest one man—Cash. He has committed murder and delies the authorities. Tonquin advices report that the French column advancing upon Bae- Ninli from Ilaidzuong has had a sue. cessful engagement with the enemy. Ilinesville Gazette: Ail our farmers who had any sugar cane seed to plant were busy at that work last week. The area planted is, we fear, much less than usual, The wool people are chuckling over the deteat of the Whisky Bill. Of course they did not openly oppose it, but they recognized the fact that tiie whisky people did not rally to tire sup port of the wool bill. General Gordon has held a meeting of the Foreign Consuls at Khartoum to discuss the situation. The result of the conference has not been learned. The telegraph wiress below Dongola have been cut by the rebels. ■ ♦ The foreign has sent dispatches to Mr. L. Sackvilie West, the British Min ister at Washington, in regard to the dynamite outrages. It is supposed that they are intended as a basis for overtures with the United States Gov ernment* but no communication on the subject, either verbal or written, has yet been received by Minister Lowell. The Ohio Senate has passed a bill amending the jury law so that a juror who has read a newspaper account of a crime may not be disqualified. This is an important measure when properly considered. Often intelligent jurors are disqualified without such a law. Intelligent jurors and speedy trials are wonderfully needed just now. ♦ The legal tender decision has thrown anew question into Congress that may s°rve to partially relieve the House of the tariff: nightmare. A Constitution al amendment lias been proposed in the House taking away from Congress the power to pass any law in time of peace making Treasury notes a legal tender. This gives a chance for states men to get off some able remarks. G-eoi-gla. State Politics. The executive committee of the dem ocratic party, will convene in Atlanta, on Saturday, April sth, at 10 o’clock a. m. in the parlors of the Markham house. Members of the committee are earnest ly requested to attend in person, as bu siness of importance will bo transacted. Democratic papers in the state of Georgia will please copy. Henry Jackson, Chairman. The Chinese De.enclecl. Cheong W. Tsang, one of the brigh est of the many well educated and in telligent Chinamen at Washington in the foreign service, having grown wea ry of the constant attacks upon the Chinese in this country, has taken up tiie cudgel in their behalf, lie appears to be especially annoyed because of the unfavorable comparisons gbetween the Chinese and Japanese instituted by Americans. “The world forgets,” lie said that in talking of the matter, that the tirst part of ‘Japanese civilization is derived from China. Their literature does not rightfully belong to them, but is the result of Chinese brain and scholarship. There is a very sugges tive parallel between the dispersion of the Greek scholars through Europe af ter the fall of Constantinople and the dispersion of the Chinese scholars through Japan after the fall of Pekin. The downfall of the great city of Bos phorus was the beginning of anew per iod of culture for all Western Europe, and so the downfall of Pekin was the beginning of entirely new impulses in Japan. Joseph Cook calls the Japnese the diamond edition of humanity. If he has reference to their diminution he is perfectly correct. The Chinese with the exception of those in one .or two southern provinces are physically superior to the Japanese both in sta ture and in general development. Important P'iicts. The charge that Samuel J. Tildeu and his friends worked to defeat the elec lion of General Hancock, became Mr. Tilden was not nomi nated cannot be set up by the facts. The books of the democratic nation al committee were so kept that they show where every dollar came from and where every dollar went: Shortly after the presidential el eetien of 1880 it was* charged by many democrats, and the charg was elaborated in a prominent dem ocratic newspaper o r the west’ that the Hon. Sam ml .! Tilden, piqued at the rail are of the democracy to force upon him a nomination which he had formally aim voluntarily de clined, secretly endeavored to effect General Hancock'.- defeat, working particularly through his trusty friends in the all important state of New York. It any member of the national committee was weak enough to Ire live this charge, what must have been liissurprise, upon looking at the books placed before him to find that sums were .subscribed and paid as follows: By Samuel S Tilden, of New York riI.SOO By W, u. Barnum or Connecticut so.oco By w. I,: scott of Peimsvlvanla 4:i,ooo By Henry B, Payne-of Ohio 20,000 By Oliver H Payne, of olno :;t,ooo By tv. J. Gordon oi Ohio 5,00 These gentlemen are all m politi cal parlance, “tilden men,” and yet they were among the most liber al conlril ulors to the fund laisecl to pay the legitimate expenses of Gen eral Hancock's campaign. If Sam uel J. Tilden and his friends dc-ir ed the defeat ot General Hancock, they chose a most unusual method of carrying their desires into effect. A. Child Stealer. There is in the county jail of Neshoba county Miss., a man with a terrible history. Six months ago he appeared in that county and attracted attention from his solitary habits. He only seemed to court the society of little beys, several of whom told strange stories about him. One night the house of a farmer who was absent from home was entered, and a fiendish outrage committed upon a lady who was there. In the dark ness he escaped undetected. Search was made by the infuriated inhabi tants for the wretch, when the recluse exhibited greater signs of fear than were ever noticed before. He was arrested brought before the injured woman and from his voice she declared him to be the man. On the way to jail the sheriff’s posse met a party of Alabama emigrants, one of whom, looking at the prison er, exclaimed, “Hello, Ogletree, how came you here?” The prisoner hung his head, and denied that his name was Ogletree, but the whole Alabama party united in declaring his identity with the famous boy stealer who for six weeks kept the borders of Georgia and Alabama in a ferment over his deeds. He was inst heard of in Atlanta, where he induced a newsboy named Tilton logo with him. Once out of the city, he cut off the boy’s ears, for the purpose, he said, oi identi fying him in a crowd. After inflicting on the boy unheard of eiuelties, a parky of men got 011 h ; s trail in Paulding county when be took lo the woods and escaped. He was next heard from ia Haralson county Ga,- where he approached the farmhouse of Mr, Buchanan coaxed away two children and kept them tied in tiie woods for seyeral days, visiting them when it suited his pleasure. He joined in several the searching parties for the purpose of misleading them as to theY location and finally when he saw they were in the neighborhood of where he were took an abrubt departure. By this time the county was getting stirred up. lie was next beard from near the junction oftlie state Hues of Ala bama Georgia and Tennessee where he coaxed off a 9 year-old boy named Joe Allet (white).He was do more than a day oat when defectives and relatives located the course, and striking out 111 pursuit followed up one of the most difficult trails ever before uudertaken: From the Tennessee line down the Georgia Hue to Newiian nearly 300 miles through loresl over mountain and across rivers the chaee was kept up tiie criminal being sometimes almost caught up with and then slipping the officers was lost sight of for a day or two. About three weeks from the date of the lirst alarm a wild looking man was seen appioaehing a faim hAse in Coweta county. Tying a lime boy by whom he was accotn paned to a tree he went up to the house and asked for food. While standing ou the doorstep a pursuing party was observed coming in iiot chace. With a dart Gglctree started acrcos a field alone. The purshers glad to rescue the boy who was ueai.y dead with fright lingered with him. Oglelree meanwhile escaping since which time he lias not been heard from until the pros- Jent. His trial for thepresent offence will come off on the 12th of march and in the possibility of Jus acquit : tal he will be held under requisitions i from Gov. O’Neal of Alabama and Gov. McDaniel of Georgia so that jhe bitls fair to become an interstate object of interest. ' Sheriffs Sales for April 1884 Will e sold before the court bouse door In the town uf Zebuiou on the first. Tuesday In April next between the usual hours of stile the follow ing property to Wit. The Life estate only ot Defendant M. .1. Wells In the south half or lot of land No 192, situated in the First District of Pike county: said land being In what Is now known as Drivers District con taining one hundred one and one tourtli acres more or les levied on as the property of M,J Wells she being one of the defendants and In possession ot said property lias been duly fioll tied 111 Wi lting. 90w4t$S70 Also at the same time and place the North west fourth of lot of land No 231 in the 3rd dis trict of originally Monroe now Pike county coni talning fifty acres more or less. less ten acres off of the south West corner of said fourth of said lot. Levldon as the property of Martha T Tolun to satisfy a justice court 11 faissued irom the 540th district 6. M. In favor of 15. L. Snider against Martha T. and John .M. Tolan. proper ty pointed out by it. T. Daniel plaintiffs attorney and levy made andJ.M. Tolan tenant.ln pos session nlttlledin writing by J. O. Ford a law full countable In and for said county. 137\v4t5411. Also at the sane) time and place one house and lot In town of Barnesville situated on Forsyth street bounded on the North by W. R. Taylor on the East by an Alley on the South by Forsyth street and on the W est by the Crawley place. Levldon as the property of W. C. Blalock to satisfy a tax fl fa Issued by Tax "Collector ot l’lk county for state and county Taxes. S7w4ts26le Alsu at the same time and place one undivided, one sixth Interest in the west half of lot no 125 atid one undivided one sixth Interest In lot no. i :i2 all In the elgth district of originally Monroe now l’ikc eouuty. Levied on as the property of Josldi w ood to satisfy a common law ff fa issued from Pike Superior court in favor oi N. E. Wm. It. and John M. Wood against Josiah Wood. John C, James K, and Sarah Wood tenants in posses sion notified in writing. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. 110w4t53.30. \i . I>. BUSSEY, Sheriff. March sth lsS4. (1 KORGIA—Pike County—To all whom It may X concern. E W Rose applies to me for let ters of administration ou the estate of Mrs Martha E Rose, late of said county, deceased,and 1 will pass on the same at my oflice on the first Monday in April next. Witness my official sig nature February 25th, ISS4. HARR I WELLS, Ordinary. Administrators Notice. Parties due the estate of G. M. McDowell are hereby notified to make immediate settlement. Those having accounts against the same will present thempn’operly attested. J. M. McDowell admix Mrs. h. L. McDowell, adwx. Notice to Mow anil Creditors. r.U persons having demands against the estate of Jlrs Elizabeth Stapleton, deceased, are hereby notified to render them In according to law, and those Indebted make Immediate payment. This January 22d, ISS4. A U HARRIS, Administrator, Application will be made to the Secretary- o State, for a charter for a Railroad to commence at Columbus Ga, and run northeast through por tions of .Muscogee. Harris Talbot, Merlweltber Upson,Pike Spalding and Henry,the distance as near as can now be ascertained is S5 miles. The corporate name wifi be the Georgia Midland and Guff Railroad company and with a capital stock of $500,000,000 its affairs will be managed by the following directors for the first year. J W. Woolfolk.G. Gui by Jordan, T E. Blanch ard, W. E. Gray, of Columbus, Ua. Cnas, L. Davis, Warm Springs, Ga. State of Georgia—Pike county. Superior Court, April Term 1883. Presiding his Honors. W. Harris Judge. Zena Dumas) Libel for Divorce vs > M I. Dumas ) Rule to perfect service. It appearing to the court by the return of’ the Sheriff that the deft. M. L. Dumas does not re side In this county;and It further appearing that he does not reside in tills state, It Is on motion of Counsel ordered that said' defendant appear and answer at the next term of this court, else that the case be considered In default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed, and it was fur ther o dered that this Rule be published Inf the Barnesville Gazette, once a month for four months, before the next term of the court. A true extract from the minutes. By the cour S. W. HARRIS, J. C. C. C. Presiding Cl EORGIA—Pike county—To all whom It may G N W Taylor, administrator of the estate of Charles McKinley, deceased, hav llled his petition for letters of dismission from said estate, notice is hereby given that X will pass upon liis application on the first .Monday In May next at my office. W itness my official sig nature February 4th, ISS4. HARRY WELLS, Ordinary. jn EORGIA—PIKE COUNTY—To all whom i Miff may concern, T. E. Murphey applies to in for letters of administration on the estate oe Samuel Gardner deceased and I will pass upon Ills application on the first Monday In March next at my office; witness my official signature this January 30th 18S1 HARRY WELLS Ordinary / x EORGIA— Pike County—To all whom it ma V I concern. Thomas W ooehran applies to inn for letters of administration, with the will an nexed, on the estate of James Cauthen, lateyo said county, deceased, and 1 will pass upon Ills application on the first Monday In March next at my office. Witness my official signature this January 31st, ISS4. HARRY WELLS, Ordinary “ NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that unless objections are tiled In this office on or before tbe first Tues day in March next. an order will be passed to open and make public the road commencing’ at Methodist church in Milner, running westward ly, intersecting the public road leading from Martin’s mill to Griffin, near the residence of \V T Childers. Also, to make the road beginning near tbe res idence of M rs. Mary A Yarbrough and running south intersecting the Griffin and llollonvill road at J I) Yarbrough’s gin house a public road Also, to make public a road beginning near J C Irvin's O’.i tii ■ Zebuion Fiat Slioals road and running north along the land lines, intersecting the public road near J J Milner’s in 9th district. C. F. Iti.DDING, feb7 Clerk B. O. of K. K. I’ike Cos Safa! fail supply 3m Beloit, wis., July 31, 1883. National School Supply Bureau: Last, April, being then lu charge of a large pub lic school, but (leaping a position In some good academy or college, I placed my. name Willi your Bureau, During the flrsi; part of the present notice from you of a vacancy )n**kn place as 1 desired. i-imimuiiii-iiiioii with the party conca^Bp’received the appointment. I am well saWd with the management of the Bureau, and feel sure that it tills a use ful and necessary place In our school economy. You are at liberty to use my name it you wish. ltespectfuUy, EDWARD O FISKE, Headmaster Markham Acad., Milwaukee, Wls. For application-form and circular, address: National Supply Bureau, Chicago, 111. N. B. We want all kinds of Teach ers for Schools and Families. Good puy to Agents and Private Correspondents. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, YOUNG WIEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY. No charges unless situations are furnished. For'fldlYicuTMXs, uddresswlth stamp, Velma, and Nov.' .ft-rsey Telegraph oo.,Main 'Of fice 92C Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pa.,Branch Office 006 .Market street), Wilmington, Del. Through wires. \ Professional Cards. 11. PNRDUE,M. D. BARNES VILLE, GEORGIA OFFICE J. W Hightower & Go’s Drugstor#. Residence on Tnomaston .street. jan29-ly OR. 8 11. GJEiAY~ Having located at Barnesville tenders bl 9 ser vices to lie public, office over T. B Lyon’s store augy_ John M. McDowell,M. O. BARNES VILEE, GA. nice over JVY Hightower & Go’s drug store. Is left at this drug store or residence m ptly att< uded 10. aug 2 DR. J. O. HOLLOWAY. Tenders bis professional set vices to the citizens or Barnesville and surrounding country. Office at Drug Store, J. W. Hightower & Go. Residence on Thomaston street. aug23 ”o. B- B. BLOODWORTH, Attorney - at - Lw> FORSYTH, GA. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to him. janiu Wm. S. Whitaker, ATTORN E ¥ AT LAW, BARNESVILLE, GA. Will practice in the counties of the Flint Clr eult and in the Supreme Court of the State. SCpt2S J. A. HUNT, AT T 0 Ii NEY A T LA W, BARNESVILLE, GA.- Will practice In the counties comprising the Flint Judicial Circuit, and m the Supreme Oourl of the State. Oflice up-stairs In Bank Building. doc 2 S. N. Wood ard, AT lORN EY A l LA W, BARNESVILLE GA. Office over T. B. Lyons store septl3-ly Joseph J. Rogers, ATTORNEY AT LAW BARNESVILLE, GA. Respectfully tenders hts services to the public nsuring prompt and Immediate attention to all business Intrusted to Ills care In State and Feder il Courts. Sas-Collectlon and Criminal Law. spe cialties. uov3-ly Charlton C. Holmes, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, BARNESVILLE, GA. Will practice In the courts comprising the Flint Circuit. Collections a specialty, office over lIFSIW Elder’s store, octl2- HEWMOME Iff* /! .wnr* ' l ABT|CULAR frif 18 ouTOr^ORDER. NO EQtlAt PWH°ShSHAEHIHEC f 30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK. ILL. MASS. GA TOR SALE BY li. S. Crutcher, Barnesville, Ga. Pasturage Rent The undersigned has a line pasturage for cat tle and will be pleased to take cuttle to be quar tered by the month. His pasture Is well watered and a large amount of It 1s available for stock to feed on. For further particular* call on, Z. B. Head. NOTICE- ==r ‘ Application will be made to the court of ordi nary or Pike county Georgia, at the first regular term after expiration of thirty dais from this no llce tor leave to sell the following land balotiging to the estate J S Lavender deceits -d for the bene lit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. The land known as the Tate place containing 150 acres more or less and part of lot no. 5 and 6 In in the eighth district of Pike county and boun. did north by 1. C Holmes, cast by Central Kail-, road and south and west by Mrs Oxford and Mis Uorue. This February Ism. 4t J a lavender, Admr. Zcbulon Hotel. The undersigned Is prepared to accommodate the public iv itli permanent or transient board. He has also a livery and feed stable m connec tion with the hotel. Call and see me, Respec; fully; R. 1.. Alien IH1'!. L “'OTESTIIW Savannah, Ga., Jon. 13. H ON and after Sunday, Jan. 14, 1883, pasH trains on the Central and .Souilnißß Railroads and branches will run as follow: BEAU DOWN. KEAI'H No. l. From Savannah. nml 9:ju am Lv Savannah Lv Sdonffiß 4:15 pinAr Augusta ArUfloam 1 0:23 p ni Ar alacon Ar 4: a m J 11:20pinAr Atlanta Arsusam^ 0:06 a in Ar Columbus Ar lao p mil 2:53 a tu Ar Euluula Ar 4:fl 4:16 am Ar Albany Ar4:tsniM Ar MilledgevUle.. ..Arlo.ife'aiH Ar.^... ..Eatonton Ar l2:Dp Mo 16. From Augusta NuTlU^B 9:oo a in Lv Augusta. Lv lLOip'nH 3:60 p m Ar Savannah Ar 7:oin B 6:25 omAr Macon Ar . H 11:20 p mAr ... Atlanta Ar 6:05 a m Ar Columbus Ar . .!*""■ 2:63aniAr Eufaula Ar 4:l6umAr Albany Ar ... fl Ar MilledgevUle Ar ..." ' M Ar Eatonton Av - No. 4, From Macon NoT^H 7:i p 111 Lv ...Macon Lv s:osf M 7:ut a m Ar savannah Ar 6:10 a in Ar Augusta Ar 4:ls^H Ar Mluedgui die Ar 10:24H Ar. „ Eatonton Ar 12:10 H Mo. 1. From MacuiT ' Mo7k®l 9:35 a m Lv Macon Lv 8;00 pnffl 4:21 praAr Eufaula Ar 2:53 ami 4:05 p mar Aloany Ar 4:l6am Mo. 3.. FromMacom ' * No. aF* 1 9:ooam tv Macon Lv9:3sp'm 1 i:4piny.. . Columbus Ar6:os|lm I No. 1. From Macon No. 3.' No. 61, " 8:uo a mLv....Macon Lv 7:00 p m..8:07 tm 12:25 p m Ar— Atlanta.... Ar 11.20 p m..8;45tm No. 29. F’n on Macon No. 'ii," 9:25 p m Lr. Macon Lv 11;05 am 10:10 p m Ar Perry Ar ll:60a m Mo. 2. From AtlamaT No. 4. NoTHiT 2:10 p mLv. Atlanta Lv 9:30pm.. 4:15 am 6:sspin Ar.. Macon Ar 6:00 am.. 7:47am 2:53 a m Ar.Eutaula Ar 4:2lpni.. 4:2ljm 4:l6amAr..Albany Ar 4:05 pm. .4:05 nm 6;U5 ain Ar. .Columbus Ar 1!40pm.. 1 ;40 0 m Ar..MilledgevUle Arlo.‘24am .10:24 ijm Ar.. Eatonton Ar 12:10 p m.. 12:10 m 6;10 am Ar. Augusta Ar 4:15 p m..4;15pm 7:00 a M Ar.. Savannah Ar 3:50 pm 3:50 ,]ia No. 4. i rom’Columbus. No. lIT 12:0onoon Lv Columbus ~Lv 8:00 pm 5:10 pm Ar Macon Ar 4:osam ll:2ftpmAr Atlanta Ar S:4oum 2:53 a mAr Eufaula it 4;2lpm 4:16 a mAr Albany. ,Ar 4!osnm Ar MilledgevUle Ar 10:24 nm Ar Eatonton Ar 12:10 pm 6:10 am Ar Augusta Ar 4:15 pm 7:UoaniAr Savannah Ar 3;sopm N0. 2. Fromßufaula. No! Kte" 12:01 p m Lv Eufaula Lv 12:39 im 4:05 pm Ar Albany Ar 4; 16am 6:35 p m Ar Macou.... Ar 7:37 a m 6:osam Ar Columbus Ar 1:40 pm 11:20 p m Ar Atlanta Ar 12:25 p m Ar MilledgevUle.. .Ar 10,24 pm Ar Eatonton Ar 12,10 pm 6:10 a mAr Augusta Ar 4.15 pm 7ff)o ani Ar Savannah Ar 3,50 pin No. 13. From Albany"noTimT 12;00 noon Lv Albany Lr 10:40 p m 4:21 pm Ar Eufaula Ar 2;53 am 6:3spmAr Macou Ar 7;37 am 6:05 am Ar Columbus Ar 1;40 p m 11:20 p m Ar Atlanta Ar m Ar MilledgevUle Ar 10,24 am Ar Eatonton -Ar 12:10 pm 6-loainAr Augusta Ar 4:lspm 7:ouarnAr Savannah Ar 3:sopm No. 20 From Eatonton and MHledgevtUe. 2:15 p m Lv Eatonton 3:58 p m Lv MilledgevUle 6"26 p m Ar M aeon 6:05 a m Ar Columbus 12;53 a m Ar Eufaila 4:16 a m Ar Albany 1:20 p m Ar Atlanta 6:loam Ar Augusta 7;00 a m Ar Savannah No. 30. From Perryl No. 2s"" s;loamLv Perry Lv 2;sopm 6:55 am Ar Macon Ar 3:35 p m UPSON - COUNTY BRANCH. ” Leaves Thomaston 8:00 am Arrives at Barnesville 9:30 am Leaves Barnesville .....10:30 a m Arrives Thoma3ton 12:00 m Leaves Thomaston 3:IH) p m Arrives Barnesville 4:2opm Leaves Barnesville 5:10 pm Arrives at Thomaston 6.40 p m BARNESVILLE ACCOMMODATION. Leave Barnesville .. 5.50 am Arrive Atlanta 9.05 am Leave Atlanta s.oo p m Arrive Baruosvlllt' 7.55 p m Local Sleeping Cars on all night trains between Savannah and Augusta and Savannah and Atlan ta, and Macon and Albany. Pullman Hotel Sleeping Cars between Chicago and Savannah, via Cincinnati, without ebango. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between Louis ville, Ky., and Jaeksovllle, Fla., without change. Connections The MilledgevUle and Eatonton train run3 dal ly [except Monday) between Gordon and Eaton ton, and daily except Sunday between Eatonton and Gordon. The Albany and Blakely train runs daily (ex cept Sunday between Albany and Blakely. Eufaula train connects at Cuthbert for Fort Gains dally except Sunday. Tbe accommodation train between Macon and Perry runsdaly except Sunday. Tbe Albany Accommodation train runs dally [except Sunday)be tween smithvllle and Al bany,and dally (except Sunday) from Albany to Smithvllle. At Savannah with Savannah, Florida and Wes tern Railway, at Augusta with all lines to North and East-Atlanta with Air Line and Kennesaw Routes to all points Nortli East and West. Berth In Sleeping cars can be secured at SCH RENIER’S 127 Congress street. Geo. A. Whitehead, WILLIAM ROGERS, Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. C. R. R.. Savannah. C- SHAW, W. F. SHELLMAN, en. rrav. Agt. supt, S. W. R. R„ Macon 1 B_B 4. Tie Campaign Year. The year 1884 is the great campaign year In the United States. Every citizen and voter will want a good newspaper to keep up with the progress of the world. The Daily Enquirer*Sun, Is the best paper for readers In Georgia, Alaba ma and Florida. It contains all the news of each of these states: Is the only paper In Colum bus that prints the full dispatches of the associa ted Press, and is admitted by both contt lupora rles and people to be one of the most hi il.y edited ot southern journals. Its manufacturing Sta tistics are eagerly sougnt, afier and art 1 recog nized as official. Its political news will be par ticularly full during all tbe time. Tenia ii a year: $3.50 for six months; $2 for three months. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER. Contains all the news of the week, state and general, and Its Market Resorts are invaluable. Terms to all sl.lO per year. Sample oepy free. TIE SUNDAY ENQUIRER-Sljf. The oldest Sunday Family Newspapr In tbe South. Besides all tbe news of the day fl contains a variety of interesting 111 erarv matteP, suitable for Sunday reading. ?1 per year. BoE Weekly ank Sunday to one address $2 per y ou'. Send for sample copy free. Address JOHN KING, Pkopuietoe, Columbus, Ga. f? FREE TO ALL. I Floral I pafistfiSyncos of Lae best varieties of I flflHr Plant*. ardei* Autl Flow. I ESP* er Nee<i* Bulb* Root* I Kw-v flhrubv mull Fruit* and | Trec i w 4.1 be cudlod Froe to I ‘ *' r Goa pollar to any § NfINZ &'’'NbU><EH I .‘ , Li.oiis‘viilc r . Kyi I