The daily gazette. (Barnesville, GA.) 188?-18??, March 15, 1884, Image 3

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The Daily .Gazette. 1 AN EXTEAO£DINA£Y Of PE l*. To all wanting employment- Wowaßt live, Energetic ana Cajfcb'le Agents In every conntyift ttie'rritteS stutM ohtVCSniula ' to sell a put ent article of great merit, on Its mer its. An article having a large sale, paying over 100 per ci liti. profit, having no color iltoln, and on which the ag.-ut Isprol-oonu.Un tale exclusive sale by a deed given lot e.ioli and every county he may secure from u3. W ltli all these advanta ges to our agents., and the tact that H is an arti cle that can be sold to every houseowner, 1 might not he necessary to make an •‘extraordina ry offer’' to secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it ashow. not only our confidence in the merits of our Invention hut in its salaMUty h> :my agent that mu handle l with energy, "our agents ate u ow making from $l5O < o'snoo a month clear, and this tac makes it sate lor ns to make our offer to till who are outot employment. An,, agent, that will give our liusttKss a thirty days trial and tail to clear at hast siuo In this rime, above all expen ses can return goods unsold Cfihs and we will return! the money paid for tlidm. Auy agent or o-cneral agent who would nice ten or more counties and v. ork them through sub-agents for ninety days, and tail to clear at. least si6o above all expenses, can return till unsold and get their money baca- No other employer or agents ever dared to umbo such offers, not would we It we did not know that we have agents now rankln 1 ' na re ilino tumble the amount we guar antee, and hut two sales a day would give a profit of over $lB5 ft month, and that one ot our agents took eighteen orders In one day. Our large dlscrlptlve circulars explain our offer fully and these we wish to semi Io every one out of employment tvho will send us ihr o one cent stamps for postage. We would like to have the address of a llil: agents, sewing machine solid cltors and eavp- ; , in ile-x-o -ntry.andask any reader of this ; or who re.ei:- I 'll offer, to send us at once the uuuv.‘. uid address of all such they know. Addier .i mm or you will loose the best chance v r off' re .to those cut of employ ment to make money. Runner manwactubino Cos., hil smituilrtld St.-, P.ttsburg, pa liondon Hulr Kest>rer It rent English Pollet Article, Restart . gt wth, color gloss, and softness Removes Dandruff'. Aristocratic families ot Greal Britain endorse It. Elegant Fragrantly perfumed. - lie favorite ot fashion. At. Druggists for its or ,5 cts. in TJ. S. money. JT A. -X IL iMIt II ' UflV ' VMU.tOfMm Vl*Zll "mothers ansi babies Sfatlo Happy! VER BIBL K H.\ I a y TKANSFOaMJCITiIItO ffNFJ^rs^OTTOBTUKEDWHEITFAIJhKN feME M%mb K r, Protection against all Contingencies! IKvery Coach Warranted for One Year! Pest Material, und Workmanship! Tbone Superior! None more PkacticaU Can be used Twelve months iu the Year/ *or Illustrated List, address STEINBA Patentee and Maiiufacturer, Baltimore. Md. For aie by o. o. % Tie Artificial ~Bi Corset. CORSET AND BOSOM IN ONE. Tlie ar.itlcial lxsoia corse Jsa rccout Inven tion, vvUlcß should ae a. <• sotm will bS In til'-, hands of every wi.'ijiin : n the land. Jt is one of the most ingenious me; lianlcal arrangements fcver made lor ai'tlllclally increasing tin- size of a Tally’s bosom. Its use is strongly endorsed by every physician iron siglit. Through it tlie form is left piTlectlv tree and unburdened, .aid nature assisted iu properly developing the bosom Every voih'Ui will at once understand and ap preciate its virtues when it is sl ated that with It no Injurious padding ot any hind is required, and the bosom corset, as Shown in die cur. being made in one piece, botli are always ready tor immediate use. The bosom‘sliielA being made ot elastic steel wire -bones which can be c nlarged or diminished at ilia will ot tne wearer, forms a COMlim AND INIMITABLE breast, which leaves the form enttrel/ iree and unburdened. For summer wear it is unques tionably the coolesi and loos, t article a lady could put on, at the some time lifting the form as closely and compactly as may be desired with out, the simiitc:,; Injury to any portion of the body, it will wear twice as long as any Ordinary corset. It is prelected by letiers-patent in the TJhlteil States and England, and catjiiot be ob tained outside 01 N. . i d,> except through us. u In Sateen, made in drab or white, $1.98. Fin Black Fanners Satin, Sii.-io—by mail or ex press, prepaid, in ordering send waist measure. Address, A. M. HEALTH CO., leb2l-ly 137 Broadway, New York City. <n2y\£?if FREE TO ALL. AUR new illustrated Floral f \ Aw Catalogue of VO page*, rjr ,iz: description and C r^ces of lllG ljesfc varieties of ‘ 4*\-u JPlunts, Garden and Flow* r or Seetls, iiull>, Roots. ■Sir t 'l> ■ Shrub**, Small Fruits and ipVVN y'U "'lib® mailed Free to 'f y „\ J&mj* applicants. Customers will *‘V~ F receive a copy without writing ijK'r w for it. Two Million Plante and Rum In stock. Goods guaranteed to be of {v„t nnalir 7. OfTbrtd for the first time the New Double Bed Boavitrdla “Thou. Meehan.” Wholesale aud re- Bf"dSrSs; mm & NEUNER, Louisville, Ky. 9 OHL.Y $2O WSMSrI PHILADELPHIA SINGER ot thin atyje. Kqual to any - in the market, ltc- KSfeiKif 0 * T/tVi* member, tee send it to be HSoUm If LhA examined'before youpay WK?.i*J4| f or **• This is tlio same Btyro other companies retnfl for $5O. MlLr fWy[ All Machines warranted for 3 mlEm -" years. Send f r Illustrated Cir °cV*u*ftndTi stiinoniuls. Address CHARLES A. WOOD ft CO., 1 1 W. Tenth St, Piiilrdelf liia, Pi, lebu-iot 1 I. .lie BEST. No preparation. I Used wild anycifl Pen for mark* j irg I nv fabric. Popularfortlccora. i ntive work on linen. Received Cen* | tenninlMEDAl. & Diploma, Estubl ished 50 yjvara. Sold by all Ibruggit li.Stutionorc Haw* Agfa. PAYS 0 NS. ** I N K,.<e THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieves and cure* RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, SORE THROAT, QUINSY,’ SWELLINGS, 81*Kt A INS, Soreness. Cuts, Brulsoe, FROSTBITES, BCBNK. SCALDS And allother bo!ily aches and pains. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Directions In 11 languages. The Charles A. Vogeler Cos. (SuacMiori to A. VOOEIJJR k CO.) Baltimore, Bid., C.B.A. ILOQD. EL 3L EL This truly wonderful and only quick Bleod Purifier on eat’.ii nn'ses uY- 'utc cures of all Blood Diseases, Hero Juli, Skitt Diseases and ITiqnors, Glandular Swelling:), Tumors, Dry Tetter, Kidney Complaints, Old Ulcers and Sores, Syphilis in all stages, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism, Mcrcureal Poison, etc., in one-third the time ever before known. Merit inside of each battle. Discard all Plow, old fogy remedies and use one bottle of It. It. 11., and you will be thor oughly convinced of its magical power. Send to us for unimpeachable testimony, a few samples of which are below. scrofula* T)r. L. A. Guild, an experienced and ono of the most scientific physicians of the South, who owns & large nursery and vineyard near Atlanta, has a lad on hi- phi<T who was cured of a stubborn case of Bcrotnla with one .single bottle of B. B. B. Write to him about the case. BLOOS3 POISON Tor several years I have been afflicted with a pron.-uiioed incurable t’ftxeof mood Poison, attend ed v/i: h ugly ruiiutu? sores iu my nose, on my arms and body, i spent C IS!) in gold for slow remedies cf reno'vn, and ex*,, noticed physicians, without benefit The i:.;e >f and bottles of B. B. IT restored my appetite, heated nil ulcer;, imparted strength, j gained ->A poumis of i! **di in ono month, aud was pronounced cured. Z. A. CLARK, If. R. Engineer, Atlanta. KIPNEV COMPLAINT. Fir ovi r six years I have been a terrible sufferer from ;t tr •.-Kestotne kidney complaint, ft the relief (,f W hi.:h .Ha ■ • if overs2so without benetlt; the most a till so-imlii i remedies proving failures. Tim u.-c . 1 (•:,•, .•• i go frit tie of IS. 15. b. has been i mrvelotts, giving ittoro relief than all other treat metit, combined, it is a quick cure! while others, If they cure at ail, arc in t tie distant future. C. If. ROBERTS, Atlanta Water Works. CATARRH. The China and Qaemware llonse of Mcßride A Cos., Atlanta, is pernaps the largest la the South. Mr. A. J. ’Mcßride of this firm lias been cured of catarrh of r.i nose of 10 years standing by the use of h after every known remoiiv and treatment had failed, ii. it. It. cures catarrh in a few weeks, after slothful stuff has failed for years. Write to him and learn ail the facts. AN EDITOR. I have been almost ootirely cured of nasal catarrh of several years standing, by 3 bottles of B. B. B. I have tried many other remedies, but none equal B. B. B. It is a quicV cure, while otli re slow. J. J. HARDY, Editor “Nows,” Toccoa, Ga. Large bottles SI.OO, or fl for ?'.OO. Expressed. Adureas BLOOD BALM Cos., Atlanta* Ga. ! THE BESS ©F ALL 11 PMIRiE-aW j* I Pll % if g,i ;: \ ■ Itk y w J IL&il tJ ted '*&' | FO3 AITD BSAST. j Tor moro than a tbiril of a century the l | [Mexican flffi r : ; i;rjig Xiiniinent has been; a known toinillior.s nil over tl)o world as [ Stlie only safe reliance fortiio relief of ■ |accidents and pa In. It ia a medicine! j :ibove prise anti praise—the be 3t of its ] lad. For e very fona of external pain [ tu'o Mustang Liniment is without an equal. I It penetrates £csh and muscle toj Itlao very borne —making the continu-p lance of pain and inflammation impos-g } Bible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and [ h no Brute Creation arc equally wonder* ful. Tlio Mexican Liniment is needed by somebody in! every houso. Every day brings news of j. I the agony of an av/ful scald or burr .subdued, of rhoumatie martyrs ro*j stored, or a valuable horse or ox ! save %i by the healing power of this [ which speedily euros such ailments of! the HUMAN as K'feumatism, BtifTf j Joints, C ontracted Muscles, 15urnss in net Scalds, Cats, IS raises and [£prnit*Sf Poisonous liitea and jfttirtgs, Stiffness, Lamenesg, Old l ores, tllcers, ITroatbites, Clmfdains. [ ]o6r© Nipple*, Caked Breast, antic j indeed every for 2ll of external cUs- t 1 It heals without sears. ' For the Budtb Creation it cure 1 s Sprains, Swinny, Stiff doint9, j founder, Harness Sores, Hoof I>is jeaaee, Foot Hot, Screw Worm, Scab, ] Hollow Morn, Scratches, Wind- I galls, Spavin, Thrush, Hingbonc, joU 1 Sores, Eoll Evil, Film upon Jtho Sight mid every other ailment Jto which the cccnpanta of the ! Stable and Stock Yard are liable. The Mexican Mustang Eiitiment j ill ways cures and never disappoints; and it. ie. positivelyi I THE BEST ©F ALL flHiumjis ice mil os sEm SCOTT <& DAYIB. FULL STOCK Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour Meal, .Meat, Lard, Nugar, Syrup, Molasses, Coffee, Tobacco, Cigars, Canned Goods, Nail;, Soups, Shot, Powder Grits,llice. mu Fruits in Season, ATTENTION! ,H. M. J\*USSBAUJff, Headquarters for Dry Goods and Low Prices, We call special at teutiou to our mammoth stock of Men’s, Boys’ aid Ciflren’s Glotliinff All of which we are soiling a. extra low prices. Onr mammoth sock of ladies iiheks goods, Meek wear, Gloves, Hosiery, Hamburg; Laces, Hats. Shoes, &c Is complete, and all wo ask is for you to give us a call before you buy. No trouble but A Pleasure to Show Goods Come in nud bear our prices ami be convinced that we are the BA GGAIN: 1’ r >U- (> U*B ARNES VILLR. —l3 rn. M. HU’SSBa.UM, THE GLOBE COTTON PLANTER The Best JVEacliiiie For Farm Use:. PAYS DOUBLE ITS PEIGE IN ONE SEASON The Globe Planter lias just tak&n the first five Premium Medals at the Louisville Exposition over a field *of Competitors. The Globe has never Been Beaten. Hi Kcpord.— After eleven days test In the flefld against twenty tnpetit r at A Cotton Exposition it whs unanimously awarded flrstgra cMedal. ■ 1 -a. twelve of your Pin icrs using them side by side with four other planters and they are Superior fn every raspect to all oltiers. C T Lawn-nee. Scotland Neck X C—^“l had another planter but laid 11 aside for yours, and now use the Globe on both my farms. James Peterkin, FortMstt, SC,—The Globa is better than tbe Dow Law or any other planter I ever saw. sPF-ciAi TO meet tbe demand for The Globe Planter we have made a smaller size, known as No. 2. Our Ao 1, while better than ever, Is reduced forty pounds In weight and No. 2, weighs less than 100 pounds. Buy tho best and save money. _ Used by the best farmers. Address r IHE GLOB E PDYNTKR M’FG, CO. send for circular and mention paper, 26 Marietta Stieet. Atlanta Ga. J. 0. McMicliael, Agent. General Bedding Supplies. M. B. PARHAM, Wholesale Manufacturer of Mattresses,Sprint Beils an Milovs. Send for Frice List. OFFICE: 7 n Market Street, FACTORY: 702 Maiket Street Gtt A.TTANOOQA, TE3ST3ST, sep2o-Iy Mr aiJ Sevbi I®, If you desire Furuitnre or Scwiug Machines at lower prices tha V-U can get ither at otiier places iu Bartlesville, call at J. C. Me Michael’s Furniture Store. He simply asks that yoiuall'and price Ins goods lllllpM after you have gotten tiie prices j>f others. A full line of Furniture and the Very respectfully. J. 0 McMICHAE . Atlik Rock Ark. state fair committee practl cal ant awarded Globe Planter flrsi, prize ov |er i) A , nlttee of cotton Planters Association afterve austlve tests In the Held pronounced tlieHlji ‘superior to any Planter we have ever seen ‘‘On count of the great variety of work It per forms t .simple and substantial construction, en abllngtuemost unskilled labor to us# It together with Its low price, the commltte has unanimously awarded tne above five medals.” what die Farmers of Seven States Say About the ‘'Globe-” T Collins. Macon Station,Ala. “Greatly super lor to any other. v s Burn#}- Madtson Ga. Tt does better work than any machine I e'er saw. u. 11. smith Greenville Miss—“l have used 266 EDITION PRICE sl. By Mail Post-Paid/ AtalMol Work ce Mubecd. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical de bility. Premature Decline in man. errors of youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretion or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle aged and old. It contains 125 pre scriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is Invaluable. !So found by the Author, w hose experience for 23 years Is such as probably never berore fell to' tlie lot of any physician, ton pages, bouud In beautiful French muslin, embosso covers, full gllt.guaran ted to be a finer work in every sense^mechani cal, literary and professional—than any otUer work sold in the country tor *SO, or the money will be refunded in every Instance. Price only $1.1)0 by mall, post-paid. Illustrated sample 8 cents. Send now. oold medal awarded the au thor by the National Medical Association, to the offleetsof which he refers. There Is no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman.—Argonaut. This book should be rend by the young for instruction and by the afflicted for relief. *v wlllbeneth all.—London Lancet Address the Peabody mudleal Institute. W, 11. l’arkar, No- a Bultluch street, ffoston Mass,, who may be consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti nate diseases that have bafflled t he skill of *1 other physicians a speciality. TTT> A T Such treated success fully without nIIM 1 1 an Instance of failure. rrirrvoT'T I 1 Jan3l-4w 1 Jl I OlillJ: Ureal Cause cf Human Misery IS'THE LOSS OF MAN HO-ffD A Lecture on the Nature,Treatment and Radical cure of Seminal Weaknesslor Spermatorrhoea-,in duceed by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy and; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.—By Robert-Culverwell, >l. D., author of the “Green Book,’’ ,vc. The wo,-Id-renowned author Iu this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience thnl the awful consequence of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgical operation, bougies, Instruments, rings or cor dials: p lntiug out u mode of cure ut once cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition maybe, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. .•w-rids lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. sent.under seal. In a plain envelope, to any address, nost paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamp t. Address 'I dt. uLIVEKWKLL medical CO., 41 nn .St., Netv Yur ~ N. Y.- Post Office 80x,450 IVIffOROUS HEALTH FOR MEN 1 pY EARS by tiso in thonsands TfclfgW FOR of cases. Founded ou medical prln ciples. It has been grow ... u 1 "* * * Ing In favor and reputation jyniiq its numerous competitors buvo Invariably failed. The direct application of tills remedy to the seat of the disease makes its specific influence felt 'without delay. The natural functions o Ific human organism are restored. Tho animating clc* incuts of life which have been wasted arc given back. The buoyant enengyof tho brain and muscu lar system renders the patient cheerful: he rains strengt h with rapidity. NER /OUS DEBILITY# organic weakness, and numerous obscure diseases, bafillng the.skill ol best physicians, result fur youthful indiscretion, too free indulgence, and over brain work. Do not temporizo while tach enemies lurk in your system. Take a remedy that lias cured thou sands, rind <!oc3 not inlerfcro with you attention to bus! lessor cause any pain or inconvenience# (Send foraDcfcriptire iVnn'iirtgiving AnatomicalV Illustration!!, which will cu ;vince the most sceptical % that they can bo resfor-d to perfect manftood, and B fitted for tho dutiei of V \ in r If iwvit n Ec: *.f roo to any cno. liemody Bold ONLY by ‘.ho ' HARRIS RETISDY PO.WFG.CHEMISTS. 3C16.'l N, 10th. Cl. ST. LOUIS, MO. OS3 JSciik'atrealß: . .'- i-ttnlia 53. tires uoatis $7 C1,,-PfV.fouthful imprudence cauß ibUliererSlag Nervous Debility, mental and physical weakness. Valuable Information tor home cure 'P„„ r . Used 23 years successfully. Dr. A. u. XI 00 Olin, Box 242, Chicago. SPECIFICS 111 Prepared from formula; used by an eminent physician during 2 years success ful practice. SPECIFIC NO. I.—Guaranteed to e!T#*t a radi cal cun; or all affections ot the Blood, whether scroi ulcus or acquired. Skin ulseascs, pimples, moth patches, etc., are permanently cured by Bate’s specific No. 1. Price, sl.ot. SPECIFIC NO. 2.—cutes seminal Weakness, Nkkvoub Debility, from Y’outhful Indiscretions or Excesses, producing Exhausted Vitality and Lo: sof Manhood. This remedy Is unequalled In the cu.e of these complaints. It Is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous System, as sists Nature to renew the strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure. Price. sl.oo. SPECIFIC NO. 4.—Gives Instant relief and per manently cures Rlieum'ai ism. Price *2.00. SPECIFIC NO. o.—A positive cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price, SI.OO. Sold by Druggists or sent on receipt of price by J. vv. Bate, 50 N. Clark St., Chicago, julll-f-ly SEND FOR CIRCULAR! WANTED c= I M ALE and FEMALE 1 To engare in tho sale of our new and important works or standard character, large profits* and Immense telling qualifier. \\ a otter n per* manent and lucrative buHinrM. Address The CHONNATI PUBLISHING CO.. 174 VV. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Free I Cards and Chromos. Wc will send free by mail a sample set of our larpe German. French, and American Chromo Cards,on tinted and gold grounds,with a price list of over 200 different designs, on receipt of a stamp for postage. We will also send free by mail as samples, ten of our beautiful Chromos, on receipt of ten cents to pay for packing and postage ; also enclose a confidential price list of our large oil chromos. Agents wanted. Address F. Gleason & Cos.. 46 Summer Street, Boston. Mass. nAIIIIIAP A popular account of tho Heroes BUM AEHrt an(l Adventurers, who by their n!]mit!dUL Valor ami War-craft bout back IlyllirillVhi tho Ravages from the borders of plipippa l/Sw? Wm'CTSStI —OF— I'h- eMPIONEEB LIFE