Newspaper Page Text
Jjic DuPont Okefenokcan.
"oftVcini Organ.
*atub d a y
kO F 1 MJ 5 EAT 95 S.I.P 3 NC S.
annual’SUBSCRIPTION $1.00.
..Special rates to liberal Advertisers.
J l». A.. DuPOXT. Idilitoi".
T^jdxxTdA.,' AUGUSt7‘28. 1880.
~ Mu X T Dauby is my regularly consti¬
tuted a-enf He has lull authority to eon-
for advertisements, receive subset p-
tract receipt for same. Any courtesies
b ns and will be duly appreciated by
extended him
the Proprietor-
H. iV VI.I.Y, J. V. A. DcPONT,
XV. Ga. DuPont, (ia.
Cochran, DuPont,
Wylly &
attorneys and Counsellors al law,
offices :
Cochran, Ga., and DuPont, Ga.
sartOST’.*-** the State and U. »'
fink P H <) T O G R A P II S
U1 and 143 Broughton Street,
Shoes,Boots, Shoes!
T=» _tv. q totstes* ~
'No 143 Congress Street, opposite
A " Bro’s.
Palmer and select hue
Has on hand a large Ladies,Misses,
of Boots and shoes, for
Roys Youths, Children aivl^ Infants
The citizens of DuPont and
wear. F. A W. li. R-, fta d
iilom 1, the S, requested to
^rive initv are respectfully f° themselves.
me a call a see r TO BE
.. 156 to come or send and give me
t • l The place to buy is at
11 “s JONES’, No. U3 Savannah Congress Ga St,
anril apul lO-fim
1.1). LaRoacli & Son*
Ko 103 Bay Street, Savannah Georgia,
kction ni famim Vsrdiuts,
Handle all kinds of Produce with
,.,-erv facility for realizing fullest
market prices for all consignments
entrusted to their cure.
A < i E IN r K
For Watson A Sous, Iron Safes, and
llosetidale Cement.
Liberal advances made on consign-
meats. aprillOOiiL
Established in 1840.
Monuments, Headstones, Tombs
&c., &c.
mat ffl sw amis.
Seutl your Orders for Groceries to
H \Y. TILTON & € 0 .
Sign of the BIG H \ M.
No charge for Dray-age. Tt v ms Cash
or Acceptance. apllO-Gm
Cotton Factor and
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA.
m> W « K HJTT1T lilifi T Of- 0 f1(X till
** * m ■
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
£tn<Ullert, Bx'HlIes, Harness
Rubber and Leather Belting,
ed Fucking, French and American Calf
fikins, Sole, Harness, Bridle and Pat-
• lit Leather, Whips and ,'Saddlery
Ware, Trunks. Valises. Particular attou-
Huddle Market Square. March 20. 12m.
Savannah, Ga.
John (i. Butler,
SOLE AGENTS for Georgia Lime,
Calcined Plaster, Cements, Hair
22 Drayton St., SAVANNAH, GA.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
22* Whitaker Sh, Savannah, Ga
I r i
(lone on short notice. All work warranted
»nd goods sold at lowest prices.' oug28.Jm.
OkeefeeRpkee Splashes.
,flY lAIttlSB ETAS.
Oft witjijii pur-littie cottage,
As { the shadows gently fall,
While, ifce sUMjaglitifcouches softly
One street face npon the wail—
D« we gather dlose together,
AiHtl -iai husiheft and .tender tone
Ask each other’s full forgiveness
For the wrong that each has done.
Should you wonder why this custom
At the ending of the day.
Eye and voiee would quickly answer,
“It was once our mother’s way.”
If our bonne be bright and cherry,
If it holds a welcome true,
Opening wide its door of greeting
To the many—not the few;
If we share our father’s bounty
With the needy day by d$v.
Tis because our hearts remember
This was ever mother’s way.
Sometimes when our hands grow weary,
Or our task seems very long;
When our burdens look too heavy
And we deem the right all wrong;
Theu we gain a new fresh courage,
And we rise to proudly say:
“Let us do our duty bravely—
This was our dear mother's way.”
Thus we keep our memory precious,
While wo never cease to pray
That at last, when leugtlming shadows
Mark the evening of our day,
They may find us waiting calmly
To go our mother’s way.
Sealed Proposals
Will be received until October 1C,
1880, from contractors for finishing
and paiuting the New Union Clmpel,
at DuPont, Ga. By order of the
board. Specifications may be seeu
at store of D. J. Sir mans & Bro.,
DuPont, (in. Address
E. J. Bextox, Sec. B. Trustees.
Sept. 4th 1880.
In last issue the name of R. J. Sir-
mans appeared for Colquitt when it
should have been Beu .Simians.
'To expect to be great without hav-
ing enemies, is to expect trees to shed
their fruit without being “pelted.”
We notice several mouthey men in
( owl) u | 10> when it comes time to
vo t e> w ill not be allowed to east their
ballot, tutless they come down like
“little” men and pay that poll tax
due for several years hack. A hint
to the wise is sufficient.
op, CUuch 8o]id for Colq „ itt We
will soon see if we have not been mis-
represented. We have been lied
about and are only biding our time,
We will see what we shall see.
Xbo Nonvood CfcUtrill Committee
bn(1 best seud down 8ome cash to pav
the „ tlix of sou ,c of ita most Loisf-
,-rous advocates in this section, or on
the dav of election they will find
themselves left.
There is not but two freeholders
in DuPont that is for Norwood.
“How islt dut.”
Mr. Z. T. Dm by has beeu appoint¬
ed by the grand jury a notary public,
vice Hon. D. J. Sinn huh, who de-
cliued to serve longer. Ibe grand :
jury made a gut edge selection, and this !
as our country friends yielded
office to the town we will he true to
promise and will support any
man the county sees fi- to run for
justice u( the peace. We have id-
ways thought the town should have
one of the offices and the country the
other. We have never been in favor
of monopolizing all the offices. But
in the future, as we have done in the
past, will fight for the country to
have an equal share in the liuuors
ami emoluments. So gentlemen trot
out vour man nml the Okefenokcan
will be for him teeth and toenails.
Mr. Heiirv Juice, who is one 0
our thrilly farmers has made an un .
usual tine crop this tear. He reports
that he took 7 potatoes from l, ls
| patch and they weighed 20i pounds.
One of the potatoes was 8 inches
I through, weighed 7' puunds. When
(cooked 13 persons dined sumptuously
on it. He says his rice crop is good
At Clinch court we met farmers
from every portion of the county,
they report all crops unusually Hue
aud that the rice crop is the largest
ever planted in the county, and the
yield is proportionately tine.
culture will in a few years supercede
all others in this county.
Ci.ncli . , ,, Snpenor Court , had i j the . •
largest attendance ever at any court
.n the corn. y. attracted doubtless
the prospect of heating from the lo
cal politicians—and from the
gnished gentlemen that would advo¬
cate Colquitt and Norwood. There
was also a prospect of the trial of a
murder case that has attracted much
attention and the first one in the
county since the war.
Many lawyers were on hand, some
that had uot visited our courts be-
f ore Mach business was transacted.
Court 1ms adjourned hut the Grand
Jury is u day behind hand and still
'■» session: The number of indict¬
meats wii be unusually large, an lri-
dietttlou there is a wonderful increase
in crime. It looks like the people
bllve co , ne to think the lawyer is a
public necessity by the way 'they go
* aw
The lawyers in attendance were
Turner and Kingsberry, of QuitraaD;
Smith, Ramsey and Allen, of Valdos¬
ta; Atkinson, Smith and Key, of
Brunswick; Nicholls, Hitch and
Cochran, of Blackshear; McIntyre,
of T'homasville; Lastiuger nnd Las-
tiuger, of Alaptihu; Adams, of Sa¬
vannah; Philips, of Stockton; of tbe
local bur, Benton, O'Qiiiu, Sweat and
DuPont. All hands seemed to have
plenty to do, consequently weie hap¬
py. We must congratulate the peo¬
ple npon the good order maintained,
with the iufltience of four bar rooms
in full blast. We trust by next court
there will not be u drop sold in the
We said a good deal of business
was dispatched, great many divorces
were granted, several prosecutions for
carrying concealed weapons, rtud a
good many people were kept, scared
bv thinking “it is mv turn next.”
(Now that the Grand Jnrv will have
| «>8b’Mided wj|I huve before this tins ,to paper to is out,
we say a fjreut
urnuy people in DuPont and ,wany
that, visit here, that youwill -gave
some friend the unpleasant necessity
of presenting yon and each of you to
the next Grand Jury, if the popular
practice of playing cards for drinks
and segars does not stop. We have
beeu requested to make this an-
nouncemeut. It is also applicable to
all and bar the rooms sly selling kept of open whiskey ou Sunday that j j
day. My friends don't think this
matter will be forgot, bat you will be
remembered and likely your next of-
fanse will place you in limbo. “These
are facts and don’t you forget it.”
Friend Crum, of the Crum House,
fed right royally during Court. He
keeps a good house and is well pat-
ionized. This is as it should be.
Mr. Elbert Cameron, an old and
highly respected citizen announces
himself in this issue of the Okefeno-
candidate for Sheriff of
Clinch county. Elbert is fully com-
peteut and, if elected, will make a
tine officer. He served his country
nobly upoD many a battle Held in
Virginia ana to-day is suffering from
a partial paralysis of one side from
wounds received in that glorious
struggle for Southern rights and
Southern liberty.
The many friends of Elbert suitable! Came-
ion announce bis name as a
candidate for Sheriff of Clinch coun-
ty at the -ensuing January election,
and ask (or hiut a generous suppoit.
August 18th-3m.
Dr. Lunins Mattox says lie is not
«ar never has been a candidate for
Representative of Clinch county.
Mr. Alfred Findley is a candidate
for legislative honors. He is a farm¬
er, a poor man, and a worthy and
competent man. He has been un¬
mercifully persecuted and it has
made him many votes. He goes into
the campaign credit. with a following that
does him
Clinch county will have to levy a
special tax to pay her indebtedness
on the Court House, She has lmd
an expensive session of Court with
no money in her Treasury.
Now, something must be done, the
people are not able to bear this extra
burden, as will be seeu thnt they
cannot (that is a large poriiou of
them) hear the taxes thnt is now im-
posed. A look at our at
the number of lots being advertised
any one can be convinced of this.
It is our opinion that the man elect-
ed t0 slftture 8hon ld g,' ve bls
88 , !'“'y. ,**>• conu, v ll ml , btil 1 P P»- v
“ s ■ndebtedness, and , the senator
f 110111 ' 1 K. 1Vf ’ 1 of hls ' ,bat “ th *P“V
bo >^.ves for representing Clinch
comity Voters think of tins, tax
payers think of this. If we can t get
a man to represent ns on 1hese con¬
ditions let tlie election go by default
and let the legislature pay over the
money to the county.
Mess. Sweat and Fimllov, enndi-
dates for legislative honors addressed
tbg ,,eople nt Homerville during
court. Dr. Mattox also spoke. Hod.
W. A. McDonald delivered an ad¬
dress defining his position in the race
for congressional honors.
To the-Voters of the 1280th Hist. (J. M.
I announce myself us a candidate
for the office of justice of the Peace
for the 1280th dist. G. M. of Clinch
couuty, at election in January next.
L ist Sunday we saw 3 brats pass-
ing the Marshall House on their way
to Sunday school, each one had a
hible and a copy of the Norwood
cuteebism. We would think it best
to commence instructions early in
dnlling ,b '‘V hne and ’ f( ! r lt a life ) V ' U time tllke of , ver it -V before ejrfy
» be people of Savannah can fully
SW:lllovv , Norwoodism.
During Clinch court the largest
audience ever gathered together in
the county, listened to Mr. Adams, of
Savannah, in advocacy of Mr, Nor¬
wood, and Mr. Atkinson, of Bruns¬
wick, in the interest of Gov. Colqnilt.
Their addresses were masterly efforts
and worthy the men and the occa¬
sion. From tlie first the audience
was with Mr. Atkinson, from the
oallso i )e advocated, and conclusively
proved that Clinch couuty is un-
mensely J m iuvor of Uov. (Joiquitt.
At , he inenlit)I1 0 f G ov. Colquitt’s ^
..... to
uame c(! r se
tbejr ........... k batg nnd
wil( , wi|h j V and pniise of our pn .
tli()Uo Gov nor .
Before we come before tl e people
again we trust that the Hon. A. Pratt
Adams will have received the nom
illation for Congress from the fiitt
Congressional district.
In the bitterness of the Gubernato¬
rial race the people are losing sight,
of nil the other officers to he elected.
This is not as it should be. It is of
vital importance to every Georgian
that tbe very best men should be
selected for each one of the offices.
As there is ouly contest for two of
the offices, viz: Governor nnd Treas¬
urer, we opine that the people are
satisfied with all but these two and
of the gentlemen contesting for these
last named offices and houors. Now
of the four contestants. It is clearly
settled that Colquitt and llenfroe will
be retained in office. Of Gov. G'ol-
quitt claims we have time and again
spoken. It is of Mr. itenfroe the
present incumbent and candidate for
re-election to the office of Treasurer
that we now have to deni with. Mr.
Renfroe has ably filled the responsi¬
ble position of Treasurer with great
and signal ability. When he became
Treasurer there could not be found a
dime in its vaults, to-day there is
thousands there, with a largo amount
of debts cancelled. Now these re¬
sults is due, to a great extent, to his
careful management nnd fine execu-
tife ability. Re has the experience
and thorough (jrjll of the manage-
merit pf things oi)d our people could
not (jo better than Fetajn him jn a
place he has sp honorably and credit-
ably ibe filled. During the last session
of Legislature, the order of the
day was a general investigation of all
the officials in hij»li office. They gt*ve
Mr. Reufroe a thorough raking over
with tbe ; rest and‘honorably acquitted
him of any misinanagemeut of his
official position, f-hre gentleman is
now before you for an indorsement
of his long -and .faithful service ifor
you, and if we mistake not the ,gen-
oral indorsement he is receiving from
all over the .State, we feel sale iu«ay-
ing be will be our next Treasurer,
You will notice through life a -tfiass
0 ( ,jogs that do a good de^.«f bark-
jog but never bite, so it is with n class
0 f raeni t {, ev can cuss iloud but it
ends j n a fi zz l e . There are several
snappish blatterers of the cur spe-
cies in this vicinity that ate often
heard from by their immensity of
speech, yet they do uo harm. As for
ourselves we take n® notice of them,
for socially they are not our equals,
should they get tu our way *>e would
kick them out as wo would any other
do g. should they try to bite we would
l( «y 011 the cowhide, a stick, or shoot
them down as we would any pupuy
thnt 11,1,1 1,0 better manners. We
advise all gentlemen in saar ,«Maiaun-
| ’ty that should be crossed by these
! animals that cannot be classed with
the human species t® ®«t notice their
harking but should they become
oil a
The Hon. Alfred Findley is an-
Ron need by the citizens of Clinch
count y lls qualified to represent
in the uext House of Itepresen-
tatrv-es. nug28-lui.
Tlae fartaers of Clinch county, be-
•heviaj.g that they should be represent¬
ed liu the next Mouse of Representa¬
tives by one from their ranks, pre-
seat Mr. Sberod Tomlinson as a mnu
avsR worthy the support of every la¬
boring man of the county. a't28-4\v.
The many friends of J. T Touch¬
stone respectfully present his name
as u suitable candidate for Tax Col¬
lector of Clinch couuty, and trust for
a generous support from his fellow
citizens. ang28-ltn.
,V a.) Alma A l r>
Lit II f'^ a 1 — m “
1 f j
v ^ | 0
! ^ jAIZ- vj m
m WW
TO T11E3 1 orva naALVB, t
This mineral water mass contains the fin¬
est medical proprieties known to the pro¬
fession of medicine. For catalogues con¬
taining analysis of water and certificates
from tlie most distinguished physicians in
America, Address A. M. DAVIS,
President of the Company,
72 Main St., Lynchburg, Va.
"With Independent ShtlYM Adjustable to
Dooktof any Height.
r ° r \
nertryweu, Xtrehaato,
rv.yxlchn*. fttadtata,
.! i t or*, *aJ, 12 .ad .11 wha
tinier*. raad hooks.
t t: ::ai’i:st, strongest, best.
of iron. Iwnutifully ornamented. Can-
t a: d nr shrink. Durable find conT^rient.
haudftome artkdo of furniture,
Itflves ]•» inches soi mire, each will hold a set
f Applotons f!yrlmn ludia. Two for tabic,
tree sizes for lioj.'. Send for descriptive
4 >. iee list.
Send 25 rent* for nor New Ilm-stuated Cata-
.••Gt T K, with over liOOUiusiratioas of LGucatiouul
,.tid useful ur’U'les.
B llvFR, PRATT Sc CO.,
School rurnUher*, and Hwlern In i vvrythiotf In
the Hook and Stationery Line,
142 * 14 1 lirand £t., New York.
The Lightest Running Machine
ever Made,
n« MUh *n Vraad wtttml hulit a*
l aUrMdlif U( IhUh
The Beat Maobiie (tor Ageate ta Sal.
S«nd for lUuatraled Circular Jo
People’s Sewing MacliieCo.,
Wculley, Ga., KAZ
Or Philadelphia Sewiug Machine Co.
Philadelphia, Penn. j’ylO-ly.
^ltoany, Gra •9
When visiting Albany don’t fail to
stop at the Barnes House. First
class in all its appointments. Satis¬
faction guaranteed. Free Buss to
and from all trains. apl24 6m,
Cancers Cured*
£ G ^ of long
LAS aq,) nlj chronic ilisaasea invariably
cur<H '
fej)20-fr TnafonsyilU, Xhonius cptwty.fiR,
If Ifot Wait It* $w 1 WAfCI?
•» 11 r- <x-r VV F)x\ . r'r~\S \JvjHL * ir» K-I TVT/~* IN
a '(dll cint tO 1 \j,
If yon went to buy a Book, School ISeek, ff-lnuk Book, Miscellaneous Book,
Clock, Picture, 'Picture iFrarne.
In fact if yon want to bny any-
^ thing in our line be sure to send to
tia, or ask some of yonr railroad
isi ^jpAfriends to call and select for yon.
uotv aud elegant
mm We carry an immense
e ock and will guarantee to give yon
satisfaction in prices and quality.
, . • . _ .
Watches and J ewelry Repaired and Warranted
Booksellers and .Jewelers,
aag28-3m. Albany, Georgia.
Manufacturer of TIN WARE, and Dealer in
Hardware, Stoves, Tin Wares, House Furnishing Goods.
Contractor for Tin Roofing, and Cornice Work. 1G7 Broughton Street,
aup28-Gm. SAVANNAH, GA.
23 Bull Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA.
Ilutter uix Dealer in
Gentlemen’s Shirts, Collars Cliffs, Scarfs, Hosiery, Etc.
Ifine Halo of all DeHoriptioUK, Both Stiff anil Soft, fllaolc
and In Colors, A.11 Sizes.
Send us Btring measure around the head and we can tell exact size of hat worn. Or¬
ders from the country solicited. To such wo give our personal attention. Everything
n gentlemen’s furnishing kept in store. mayl5-6ui.
lee Boxes, Refrigerators, Mosquito
—AND AI.I. «° liTS OF—
Mattings, Window Shades,
Furniture and Carpet House
NEW VORK CLOTHING HOUSE, 140 Congress St., Savannah, Ga.. ia tho cheapMt
clothing store north or south. If you want the best of clothing, and cheaper than you
ev*r bought before, go to the Famous New York Clothing House, or semi your orders
and we will fill it as good as you would be here yourself. Our stock consists of clothing,
hats, calico and gents furnishing goods. Wo also carry a large stock of clothing to
ply retail dealers at New York wholesale prices. Giro us a call and you will save Ga. money.
HYMES BRO. ,fc CO., 140 Congress St., Savannah,
Bogen House.
First-class in every respect. Freo omni¬
bus to and from all trains. Airy and well
ventilated rooms and unrivaled table. Fo-
lite and attentive servants. Best sample
rooms in tlie State for commercial travelers.
S. F. & W. Ify-
Will find the largest and best selected stock
Cigars anil
Canned Goods
On the lino of iJoad at the
Red Light Saloon,
II B. JENKINS & CO., Prop’s.
1 G. M. Heidt & Co.,
Dealers in
j Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Per¬
fumery and Fancy Articles.
| SeedH, Lamps, Oils, Ac., at wholesale
aud retail,
Corner Congress nnd Whitaker Streets,
nug28-lm. Savannah, Ga.
Established 1850.
George N. Nichols,
Blank Book Manufacturer,
Commercial Printer and Binder.
93 nnd 93 Buy St,, 8ANANNAH, GA.
VV STUBS. nug28-(Jm.
Corners Congress and Whitaker Sts.,
Savannah, Georgia.
AU diseases o< tjie mouth cured.
sep4 ly.
Butler | Stevens,
CoinniMon Merchants,
88 B»v Street, SAVANNAH, GA-
\ sepI-’Juj,
Clinch Sherilff Srfles.
Wilt be ^ehklfottoie the court house door,
in fhe town of Homerville, Clinch county,
Georgia, "on the first Tuesday In .October
next, within-ahe legal hours of sale,lhc,fQl.
lowiug named and described property, to-wit;
Lot of land No. 6i In the lSth vbsMartdf said
county and said state, to ssSwfyo-taa fi-fa
issued by M. M. CaraweH, <tta (wfilectorof
Clinch county, for the st&fce aod coUBty taxes
|(lue thereon for the year %. 1879. M. Levy made
and returned to me by Carawell, T.
C. C. C. This August -id, 1*89.
John A. Mikkll, Dep. Sheriff, C. C.
Will be sold b efore the court house door,
in the town of Homerville, OKneii county,
Ga., on the first Tuesday of in October next,
within the legal hours sale, the/allowing
named and described property, to-wit Let
of land No. 62, in the 12th mat rict of said
county. Said sale to satisfy a tax fl fa Is¬
sued by M. M. Carswell, tax collector of
Clinch county, for the state and county tax¬
es made <lii. thereon returned for the year 1879. M. M. Levy
and to me by Cars¬
well, T. C. C. C. This August 88, 1880.
John A. Mike:.-, Dep. Sheriff, C. C.
Will lie sold liefore the court house door,
in the town of Homerville, Clinch • county,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in Oetefesr nest,
within the lc^al hours of sale, the following
named and described property, district to-wit: Los
of land No. 60 ia the 13th of said
county. Arid sale to satisfy a tax fl fa is¬
sued by M. M. Cantwell, tax collector of
Clinch county, for the state and county tax¬
es due thereon for the year 1879. Ley made
and neturned to me by M. M. Canwell, T.
C. C. C. This August 28, 1880.
Jobs A. Mikei.i, Dep. Sheriff, C. C.
Will tie sold before the court house door,
in the town of Homerville, clinch county,
within Ga., on the legal first Tuesday in October next,
the hours of sate, the following
named aud described property, to-wit: Lot
of land No. 5, in the 12th district of said
county, said sale to satisfy a tax fl fa issued
by M. M. oasweli, tax collector of clinch
county, for the state and county taxes due
thcreim for the year 1879. Levy made and
returned to me by M. M. easwell, T. c. c. «.
This August 88, 1880.
Joiis A. Mikkll, Dep. Sheriff, o^p.
Will bo sold before the court bouse in the
town of Homerville, Clinch county,
Georgia on the first Tuesdy in October
next, within the legal hours of sale,the fol¬
lowing named and described property to
wit; Lot of land number 50 in the 12th, Dis¬
trict of said county, said side to satisfy a
Tux fi fa, issued by M. 1C. CuaweU, Tax
collector of Clinch couuty, for the Htate and
county tuxes due thereon for the year 1879.
Levy made and returned to »a by K. X.
Caswell T. C. C. C. Thie August 28. 1100.
Cohn A. HiKell, Dep., Sheriff®, c.
Will be sold before the court house door
in ttyetown of Homerville, clinch *c*aty, G*
Ou Jb* first Tuesday in October next, with¬
in the legal hours of sale the following
named aud described property to wit: Lot
of land number 49 in the 12th district of
said county, said sale to satisfy a tax fi fa,
issued by M. M. Carswell, Tax o-dleetor of
clinch county .for the state and county tax¬
es due thereon for the year 1879, Levy
made and returned to me by lx ». coeweU
T. c. c. c. This August 28 1880.
Jonn A. MiKell Dep. sheriff c. c.
Will be sold before the court house door,
in the town of Homerville, clinch county,
Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next,
within the legal hours of cole, the following
named and (Inscribed property, lo-wit: Lot
of land No. 48, in the 12th district of laid
county. Said sale to satisfy a tax fl fa is¬
sued by M. M. easwell, tax collector of
clinch county, for the state and county laxta
due thereon for the year 1879. Levy made
and returned to me by M. M. easwell, T. c.
c. o- This August 28, 1880.
John A. Hikbll, Dep. Sheriff, o. e.
GEORGIA— Clinch County.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in the town of Homerville, on the first Tues¬
day in October, following between the legal hours of
sale, the property, to-wit: One
town lot in the town of Homerville, also
household and kitchen furniture, belonging
to the estate of Mary M. Crum, deceased'
Terms of sale cash. R. B. CRUM,
Its location is on the most|fa.'hionable bat
siness street of the city contiguous to th*
Post-Office, Custom House, City Hall, and
leading Wholesale and Retail Houses.
It is the only edifice in the oityorigiually
erected entirely for Hotel purposes; is con¬
structed in modern style and contain, the
most recent improvements; two spacious
Dining Halls used as a gentleman's nnd la¬
dies' ordinary respectively.
Along the whole front of the building ex¬
tends a beautiful Veranda, nffordiug a fin •
view It lias of the large promenade. high ceilings and
rooms, per¬
fect ventilation.
It is lighted with gas, fire places, eleotric
bells and wardrobes in every room.
Tbe sleeping rooms are furnished through¬
out with Black Walnut Furniture, spring
beds and hair mattresses
The table is supplied with all the luxuries
of the season.
Travelers aud families are assured that uo
effort MARSHALL will he spared pleasant to make and a agreeable sojourn at
the in
all respeots.
The MABSHALL claims to be a Amt-clese
hotel, aud will be so kept the year round.
Very few hotels have established so pleasant
aud A visit pleasing will a verify reputation. all that is herein said
of tlie house and its management.
All inquires by mail will receive prompt
The price of Board has been reduced to 21
and 22,50 according to location of room,
Mr. M. L. llarnett is in th* office end
will be glad to meet all his friends,
Furnished with Brunswick, llalke A Co.'s
celebrated Tables, has just been added.
All old friends will lie entertainednt
tbe same rates as the Flutter's Hotel when
they so request,
H. i. Royull,
American Dentist.
Corner Bull and Congress
»p)lQ Savanimli. (Ida- Georgia,
I would respectfully call th. attention *f
the public in general to the fine stock of
Of every description I have ju«t r«c«iv»d.
TTAVILANDA XI CO'S fine french chin.
Dinner, Ten and Toilet sett., both
plain and decorated. Motto Cape and Sau¬
cers in every style and finish. Vases, Fan¬
cy Articles, Etc. Also a full line of Joseph
Rogers & Son's Razors, celebrated Scissors, Table and Foek-
•t cutlery, etc - B*ed and
Barton’s fine Nii.vxn Plxtid Wans, Castors,
Card Receivers, Card Cases, Pickle Stands.
Vases, aud numerous lot of Fancy Articles.
Tog, ther with a beautiful line at Indies'
Dressing Cases and an endless variety of
Bobemiuu Goode, editable for weddiug and
holiday presents. Very Respectfully, Call and eiantiu. my
Comer Broughton ami Jefferson Sts.,
»ug28-tim. SAVANNAH, GA,
A. L. Desbottillong,
21 Bull St,, opposite Screven House.
Is tbe cheapest place to bny Watches,
Clocks, Silverware or Triple Pluted
Gold Ware. Bargains in Jewelry, Solid
and Rolled Plate. Gold Head¬
ed Canes. Headquarters for Specta¬
cles, Eye Glasses, etc. Orders tilled
by express C. O. D. with privilege of
examining goods before payiug. Re¬
pairing of all descriptions ueatly done.
Florida Curiosities. aug28-6m.
y L would pie of respectfully DaPout inform Cliucb tbe peo-
couol j
that I have opened a fixst-class Fur¬
niture Store in ThouiasviUc, Ga., and
shall keep as good au assort went as
can be found in the State, Mv PRI.
CES will always be reasonable for
first-class goods,
uugtW-tim. J. FORBK8.
Emil A. Schwarz,
VJ5 A 127 Broughton 8t,. SAVaASAH.
Carpets, Oil Cruuab Cloths, Malting*, Bug*, Mud.
FURNITURE, Curtain*, Cornices, in Kwy Vnmty.
Laos# Window Shtdea.
Upholstery Goods. Reps, Damask,
Cretonnes, Satins, Hair Cloth
and Trimmings,
Wall Paper aud Decoration*,
Churches. Office* and Public Build*
ings Furnished. MgW-ttu.
Weed A Cornwell,
1T8 A 175 Broughton St., Bctannsh, Us.,
Iron, Steel, Tin Pluto, Car¬
riage Hardware,
Sugar Pans, Steel Plow Blade* of ev¬
ery description, Nwl*. Shot, end
Agents for Sycamou Powder Co.
uug98 Ou*.