Clinch County news. (Homerville, GA.) 1897-1932, February 13, 1903, Image 2

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4 onn, «$ CITS. MED EVE BY FRIDAY AME, Editor & Proprietor. I at the postoffice at Homerville second-class mail matter. UIAL OBGa OF CLINCH UO. Plegal advertisements 81 Legal advertisements must kid tor in advance,or assurance day fprompt settlement on the iile> Subscription Rates fifty For One Year. HOMERHILE, e». FEBRUARY 13. 1003 $ editorial paragraphs g 4444444444»*««*♦****' Hanna’s little pension scheme didn’t work so well as he ex¬ pected and so he dropped it. A It seems that the President did not appoint a white man at St. Mary’s aftor all. He just changed negroes. The Augnstil Chronicle thinks “there would appear to be some danger of President Roosevelt’s guests confusion and the waiters oPji reception.” ’nrixed^ in the —Savannah Press. Some Western States, in their anxiety for change make the mistake of constantly changing their representatives and sena- tors, Yankee shrewdness never permits such an error. The editor of the Cuthbert Leader evidently intends to take no cdances, but after weighing the situation has decided that he is safe in commenting on the Tillman Gonzales Shooting, as note his remarks. “As Columbia is many miles from Cuthbert and Tillman is in jail, we remark that the shooting of Editor Gonzales seems a cowardly act. —-Fitzgerald Citizen. It seems that history is about to be repeated. The wooden shoe nation is to again be with the United States in event that trouble should arise in the Venezuela affair. While Eng¬ land ind Germany may in a measure be justified in their course toward Venezuela, it is apparent that this county noed never expect anything at their hands where we are liable to get a little more benefit than they. France came to our res¬ cue once: she will come again if we need her. —Folkston Herald. FOR SALE Eggs from prize Brown Leghorns. Our stock' is selected with the most care from year to Our chicks have unlimited and hence are healthy birds. We breed ont one strain and give them our undivided attention. Order at once as the early hatches are always best, Eggs $1.25 per 15 cash with order Write for special prices on larger quantities. All orders shipped promptly. Address, JOE B. GORDON, Prop. Peerless Poultry and Dairy Farm, - Woodlawn, Ala. 5917 1 Ave. Wo |inim|>tly obtain U. S and Forvign Sena model, sketch or photo of invention for freereport llnw to SccureT on patentability. nar|C II ARKS For free book Kl ** •s Wl 0 _ WASHINGTON D. C. r A Tart Retort. During the presidential campaign of William Henry Harrison Alexan¬ der H. Stephens and Julius Alford met in a political debate in the south. Mr. Alford was a lawyer of a small city in middle Georgia and an aspirant for congress. He was a man of fine physique and good ora¬ torical powers, bat haughty and self conceited. Mr. Stephens, his polit¬ ical opponent, was an intellectual giant, but exceedingly frail physic¬ ally. After Mr. Alford had “spread himself” on behalf of his chosen candidate, thinking to belittle Mr. Stephens, who was to follow with a speech, he concluded by saying: “And here’s little Alec Stephens, wearing a coat that’s big enough for old General Jackson, with the collar six inches above his head and the tails dr agging on the ground, If yofl 'tallo tr him and lay back his ears, I’ll swallow him.” To which Mr. Stephens piped out in ouiek retort, “If you did, you would have more brains in your stomach than you’ve got in your head." p- m I I have had tcuuloa to uw your 'Slack-Draught Stock and Poultry McdL cine and am pleated to lay that I never uied anything lor ,toek that java half at good satisfaction. I heartily recom¬ mend it to all owner* of atock. J. 8. BELSHER, St Uula. Mo. Siek stock or poultry ghntild not eat cheap atock food any more than sick person* should expect to be cured by food. When your stock and poultry are sick give them med¬ icine. Don’t stuff them with worth¬ less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir up the torpid liver and the animal will be cured, if it be possi¬ ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock bowels and Poultry and Medicine unloads the stirs up the torpid liver. It cures every malady of stock if taken in time. Secure a fc-cent can of Medicine Black-Draught and ft will Stock and Poultry timetover. Horsea work pay for itself ten give be ttar. Cow* more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con¬ sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR New Idea Woman’s mu M agazine - 'T'HIS Is tha cheapest and besl ■ Fashion Magazine now be¬ fore the American public. It shows New Ideas in Fashions, In Millinery, tn Embroidery, in Cooking. In Woman's Work and tn Reading; beautifulty illustrated tn colors and tn black and white. Above all. It shows the very fashionable New Inez Styles, made from Nvw In ea P*t- terhs, which cost only /Pc. each. Send Five Cents To-day foraging!* MAOkURt, copy of th» Nww and 8s« wfa»l *r*at for tbi tnotwsj tt can five you. r. « VX 1 VBV IDEA. PUBLISHING CO. •BC Broadway. K«« T*rk, V. T. { A S. FENNER’S KIDNEY - 1 : Backache , SBKURE BUCh "Your Kidney tnid ltack&che Cure has cured two very bod cases amon# our mors the past year whom the doctors had jiven up. j. L. STILL & CO.. Woodland, la.” Uru&pistajiQc.. ft. Ask forCook-Book—Free. SI. VITDS'DANCE RSS'VSSSSff To Cure a Cold in Oi\e Day io Curas Two Grip Days. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine signature,^’ TaHets. ^/^^ on every s-v«. Million bom »oW tii i, months. This POX. j 5 c THE TRAVELS OP COLUMBUS. / 7 * 4 ^ jL \ ' ,V t r El- *1“ 1, j* \ ' \4r 3 >4 i ; I* >a j / \ 4 k : \V ■a v'i I ' 1 = w i 7 % L i -x- \ The caniereftM fwilinj I# reach ;i a i 4*cisi*n, Colvmbue follows for several y«an the ray%l court as it anew ftsa plats to place U the hope of further $ & udmtti with the tstmifna ' a— v.Lff " ? FIND TWO HIDDEN COtETIEHS. CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOPS IKep airing' -Cf ^±.11 lEZind-s In Wood or Iron, ON BUGGIES, WAGONS AND TIMBER WHEELS. ( an furnish new sets of Timber Wheels 6 or 8 incji tread on short notice. FIRST CLASS HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Painting done, Prices Reasonable. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. F. A. Thomas, DUPONT, MINNESOTA LUMBER GO. Staves and Shingles CUTTING, - PURITY. 7 YEAR OLD 4_* j whiskey and MADE praised i 4 AT tail in OUR the quarts, by KENTUCKY MYM world thousands KENTUCKY 7 QM for the aid DISTILLERY MOUNMQ of least conaumera money. M FOR as ♦« the RYE TEARS, beat 4 10 year ... . . . SI .91 >t 1 ftturfc- Tiiniti W* Sava 4 4 V»« “ “ OHB “ n “ DOLLAR 12 14 “ 44 u “ “ a «ocb .' . * (ailaa. * ‘ and 9.00 2.40 2.90 that aa yrava isiv WK AUK tHK FCOPLC'S FRICMD. •: .'•ssimrrt t CONSOMERS DISTILUN8 COMPANY, . ju . l; < -tt * 242 to 250 Seventh St., LOUISVILLE, KY. Karasaxcas : German Inanraacc Dank, BnudMrrrl, or any Bxprraa Ca. We know ike ftfacrv compeoy to be re Liable.—K b. Che Citizens Bank of Valdosta. J F: LEW is, President Capital & Surplus W H BRIGOS: Vice-Pro C W LAftAR; Cashier $200,000,00 Directors J G STEVENS l F LEW IS T B CONVERSE T S McKEV * h BRIGGS J L STATEN T Q CRANFORD W M GRIFFIN B P JONES Stockholders liability to depositors, $120,000,00, addition- al to our large Capital & Surplus of $200,000,00- We have the largest Capital a nd Surplus of any Bank between Macon and Jacksonville. We are the designated ^epository for the State of Ga. We pay interest on deposits in our SAYINGS DE- PARfMENT, the interest compounded quarterly. The policy of this Bank, to be strong, to be liberal, to erveits depositors safely end well. W e solicit the business of Merchants, Farmers, Banks, anufacturers and others, promising courteous treat- and prompt service to all. J PROFESSIONAL CARDS * 444444444444444444444^ S. X. Drawdy, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW HOHERV1LLE GA. S. C. Cownsend, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW HOMERVILLE GA. S. SSurkbalter, ATTORNEY AT LAW HOHERVILLE GA. 1R. 0. Dickerson, ATTORNEY AND COUNS ELOR-AT-LA W HOMERVILLE GA. 0.1R. Cbigpen, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HOrtERVILLE GA. Office at Residence. Calls promptly attended <L. £. Pennington, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HOHERVILLE GA. Telephone and night calls promptly attended. Painless extraction of teeth. Office in (zilican building. R. A. PEEPLES & SONS. FIRE INSURANCE Valdosta Ga- 18 . S. Ouest, DENTIST . ■ ALL DENTAL WORK FIRST-CLASS tmwn and Bridge „ ., work , a spec-mUy ... It will be to vour interest to see me fore having work done elsewhere. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. AT OFFICE FROM IS. TO JO. EACH MONTH. HOMERVILLE GA. n j WHISKEY | «2 60 per gallon. {Mention this paper and send for pri vate pree list WINSTON Dis. Co., W ston,N.C. -Lowest Priced Whiskey House- Agents "Wanted Life of T. OeWitt Talmage, by his son, Rkv. Frank DeWitt Talmaok and associate editors of Christian Herald Only book endorsed by Talmage family Enormous profit for agents who act quickly. Outfit ten cents. Write imme¬ diately. CLARKE Mention A CO . 222 S 4TH S P ILA. PA. this Paper. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from Clinch County at once to prepare for Positions in the Goverment Service — Railway Mail Clerks, Letter Carriers, Custom House and Department- al Clerks etc. Apply to Inter State Corres. Inst. Cedar Rapids, la. University of 0eorgia 102 Session. September 18th. 1902. No tuition residents *3 t-p* p Agricultural Depart ment. to O the state except in the Law School. In Agriculture, Short Winter Course, One Year Course and Full Course. Dormitory room free; Excellent board in Denmark Hall $8.00 per month. Write for handbook and cat¬ alogue. Walter B. Hill, Chancellor, Athens, Ga. C. B. PEEPLES, VALDOSTA, GA. Building and Fire Proof Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair. Paints Oils Leads Yarnisli Brnsiies Mamies Tiles aefl Grates. McCORMICK MOWERS & parts for Same Horse Rakes, Iron and Wire F ncing 4 TUE SEWS UlUECTOlCh . BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT Calendar Superrio Cm : rt F it and Second Mondays in March ~ Third and Fourth Mondays in September. Camden Superior Court: Tuesday after the Third Monday in March; Tuesday after the First Monday in October. Coffee Superior Court: Fourth Monday in March ; Second Mon¬ day in October. Charlton Superior Court: Tuesda after the First Monday in April • Tuesday after the Fourth Mon¬ day in October. Clinch Superior Court : Second Monday in April; Third Mon¬ day in October. Ware Superior Conrt: Third and Fourth Mondays in April; First and Second Mondays in Novem¬ ber. Pierce Superior Court: First Mon¬ day in May; Third Monday in November. Wayne Superior Court: Second Monday in May; Fourth Mon¬ day in November. Glynn Superior Court: Third Monday in May; and First Mon¬ day such in December; to contiuen for time as the business may require. County Officers W. T. Howell—Ordinary, S. W. Register— Clerk S. C. 8 . A. Sweat—Sheriff- M. M. Monk—Tax Collector. J. C. Jones—Tax Receiver. J.F Hughes—Treasurer. J. B. Coon—Surveyor. T. McMillan—Coroner. MUNICIPAL. R. M. Crum—Mayor. C.C.Draw- dy, T, F. M» Sweat, John T. Dame A. H. Culpepper, Aldermen. J, D. Mattox, Clerk, BOARD OF EDUCATION * ' M • Hug k e8 i W. J. Griffis; Moses Smith; > W. B. North; ’ T .Dickerson, * Commissioner. _ . . CHURCHES. METHODIST, Rev. L. B. McMichael, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. Wednesday m. Prayer services every evening aF7:80 p,m. Ladies grayer services every Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Son day School every Sunday at 3 p. m. baptist. Rev J. F. Smith, Pastor, bath Preaching every 2nd Sab¬ at 11 a.m. and 7 p. in, and on Prayer Saturday beford at lla.m services every Thurs¬ day evening ar 7 p. m. SncJBm school 8 :00 p .m. COUNTY COURT. M$[ S. R. C. G. Townsend—Judge. Dickerson—Solicitor, Monthly term, 1st Monday in each month. Quarterly terms will be held cn the 1st Tuesdays u January April July and Octo¬ ber. MASONIC LODGE. Cassia Lodge -io. 224. F, and A. M. meets second and fourth ?atur days in each month at 2:30 o’cloc- P. M. S. L.Drawdy W. M., M M. MonK Secretary.