Clinch County news. (Homerville, GA.) 1897-1932, November 03, 1905, Image 1

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% THE HEATHER. Indications for South Georgia: Weather, fair and wii -t-, *: c<m«>*c VOL. IX*«0. 1. PRESIDENT M. L. JOHNSON. WRITES STRONG LETTER Urges Farmers To Continue Fight For Better Prices For Cotton, and To Hold Every Bale. President ALL. Johnson, of the Georgia division, Southern Cotton Association, has written a strong letter to each county president in Georgia urging them to keep up the good work of the association. Mr. Johnson calls attention to the victory that has crowned the efforts of the association. He asks | that the biggest rally of the year be held on the first Tuesday in November and urges the cotton growers to stand together. The letter in full follows: “Cass Station, Ga., October 25 1905.—Dear Sir: We are un¬ questionably winning. It is the otjior fellow who is now facing a condition and not a theory. The speculative spinning and consum¬ ing world is facing the condition of the cotton producers—sitting steady —holding cotton —fixing tifd price, and not selling for less. “Let not one /alter. It is a conimon cause,,.identical interests, t^e same enemy. Wc are winning r,Uti common cause — benefiting t^eisame Identical interests and whipping enemy. “Every bale of cotton hold has enhanced the valuer'of that sold, Therefore in_.the fight not a bale shcjuld salltunlesH it'be absolute distress. Yet, such need not be, J&oyy flirt county in Georgia cairtake of every bale therein. " “Be not fooled by misleading statements. Read between the lines. Is it really the frost scare making cotton advance? Possibly, £o Some extent. The refil cause, -the main, is the'farmers fielding; and they say it is the frdst because they do not want you to know that you are doing it. I tell you that it is you, and I, Want you to realize your power anti know the weight of your ac¬ tion. ' “Therefore in view of the facts and the approaching first Tuesday in November—I most earnestly u£ge to rally your people on this regular meeting day and more thoroughly organize — increase your membership - provide for taking care of distress cotton in -your country—and procure as near unanimity as possible. Further, I urgently request you to. Beyond a doubt the time isj at hand for their effort. Let us press our advantage to its utmost and future victories will bo more easily won. Yours for another victory. AL L. Johnson, Pres. Ga. Div. S. C. A. Notice Baptists. Elder John G. McCord, of Alabama, will preach, D. V., as| follows: Olive Leaf, Nov. 16. Prospect, Nov. 17. Kethany, Nov. 18, 19. Alt. Olive, Nov. 20. New Hope, Nov. 21. Empire, Nov. 22. Elder McCord will need con- veyance from place to place. I. A. Wetherington. Clhid) Cmmto Jfem THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CLINCH COUNTY. Cane Creek Locals. The farmers of this vicinity are about through harvesting their corn and cotton. Mrs. G. P. Perritt. after a visit to her parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. A. James, returned to her home at Coffee, Ga., Sunday. Air. W. II. James and sister, Miss Courtney, were visitors at Mr. Ed. Roberson’s Sunday after¬ noon. Airs. I. G. Lauier returned yesterday from an extended visit U) relatives in Bulloch county. Aliss Maud Roberson returned Saturday from a visit to her sister, Frank Evans, of Valdosta, Air. and Airs J. W. James, of near Argyle, visised relatives in this vicinity Saturday and Sun- day. Mesdamcs J. F. Barnhill and Lonnie Lanier, of Lyken, were visitors at Air. J. A. James’s Sunday afternoon. Ben James went over to Argyle Sunday afternoon. Alessrs. F. F. Cornelius and Alle.rson Right attended the party at Mrs. Smith’s Friday night and report a pleasant time. Messrs. J. F. Patterson and J. F. Grantham were visitors at Rev. James Friday. Mr. L. G. Highsmith visited the Shiloh-school Monday. The Shiloh school will close next Friday and every one is anticipating a big time. Judge R. M. Crum. Judge R. M. Crum was sworn in as Judge of County Court last Saturday by Ordinary Dame, The following cases were brought before Judge Crum Wednesday: Alose McCtitcheon, charged with hog stealing; bound over to Superior court under $150. bond, Henry Burges, charged with cheating and swindling; indict- ment by grand jury demanded; placed under $125. bond. B. G. Lastingcr made the bond for both parties. Judge Crum has his office up- "hairs in the court house, It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from tne discom¬ forts of a cold unless you move the bowels. Bee’s Laxative Honey and Tar acts ou the bowels and all cold out of the syste m. For Cronp Whooping-Cough, Colds, and all Lung and Bronchial affections, no remedy is equal to the original Bee’s LaxativeHoney and Tar. A Liquid Cold Cure Sold by Homerville Drug Co. Notice. GEORGIA, Clinch county: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging j to the estate of Susan Williams for the purpose of distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county r to be held on the first Monday in November next, This 2nd day of October 1905.! Ben May, Administrator upon estate of Susan Williams. Sash, Doors &, Blinds. Write Es For Prices. Sash, Doors, Minds, Paints and Oils. The Thomas-Deckle Hardware Co., 11-25 Valdosta, Ga. HOMERVILLE, GA.. FRIDAY. NOV 3. 1905. GRAND JURY APRIL TERM. The following is a list of the Grand Jury drawn to serve at the April Term of Clinch Superior Court: W. H. Tomlinson, Lyman Smith, J. F. Register, R. A. James, P. M. Lee, Chas. McLamb, G. H. Eatman, M. C. Tomlinson, W. J. "Wallace, Math Hughes, Alonzo Joyce, P. M. Bennett, II. J. Strickland, Jno. II. Smith, ■ Perry R. Lee, Jesse Lankford, M. J. Guest, J. B. May, J. R. Allen, M. II. Hilliard, M. B. Pafford, L. T. Daugharty, Granville Morgan, C. C. Drawdy, W. M. Right, II. A. O’Quinn, Geo. A. Davis, S. S. Harris, John Touchtone, E. C. Hodges. Tax Collector’s Notice. The Tax Collector I). C. Sir- announces the following in bis rounds for the of collecting the taxes for 1905. Monday Nov. 6. < i u Dec. 4. Tuesday Nov. 7. 11 , 1 Dec. 5. Rev. R. A. James Wed. Nov. 8. Daugharty’s at night. Thursday Nov. 9. C ( Wednesday Dec. (5. Friday Nov. 10. < t Thursday Dec. 7. Saturday Nov. 11. <( Friday Dec. 8. Mill Monday Nov. 13. ft “ Dec. 11. Bottom Tuesday Nov. 14. Corbitts Still Wed. “ 15. Thursday Nov. 16. Alill Friday Nov. 17, “ C. II. Saturday Nov. IS. “ “ “ Tuesday Dec. 12. Nov. 20. Anderson at night. Tuesday Nov. 21. D. Fiveash Dec. 12. Wednesday Dec. 13. Wednesday Nov. 22. U Thursday Dec. 14. Dupont Thursday Nov. 23. home Nov. 24. mans P. O. Nov. 25. 18, 19 and 20 at Court House. SPECIAL OCCASION. Baptist Convention (Colored) Chicago, Ill., Oct. 25 -81. The Atlantic Coast Line will sell from all coupon stations round tri l> tickets to Chictt £° at tho ratc of one first class fare plus 50c. Tickets sold Oct. 23-24 with final limit Nov. 5th. For full information see Ticket Agent or write T. J. Bottoms, T. P. A., Thomasville, Ga.; T. C. White, D. P. A., Savannah, Ga.; W. J. Craig, G. P. A., Wilming- ton, N. C. Notice. GEORGIA, Clinch county. To whom it may concern. S. A. Pierce having made ap¬ plication to me in due form to be appointed permanent admin¬ istrator upon the estate of Lilia J. Pierce, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Or¬ dinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in November next. Witness my hand and official signature this Oct. 2. 1905. J. T. Dame, Ordinary. Administrator’s 8al«. Notice. GEORGIA, Clinch county: Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to secure debt given by Jerry Shaw to Wallace & Wil¬ liams, dated Nov. 10, 1903, there will be sold before the court house door in said county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in Novem¬ ber, 1905, the following de¬ scribed property to-wit: A tract or parcel of land ly¬ ing and being in the North-East corner of lot of land No. 459 in the Vventh district of said county, and bounded as follows. Commencing at the north-east corneFoT said Tot and running west to a line between John II ay good and the said Shaw; then south to a corner establish¬ ed by Lulu Fluker, John Hay- good and the said Shaw; ther i east ,:o the original line; tliei. north to point of beginning. Also one bay mare mule, known as the Fitzgerald mule. This October 4th, 1905. Walla-e & Williams. By S. C. Townsend, att’y at law, Notice. Be it ordained by the mayor council of the town of Ho¬ that from and after November the Iirst 1905, all in malt, maltine, hops, or any other intoxicating bever¬ shall pay a license of two lundred dollars per year pay¬ quarterly in advance. Any person violating this ordinance shall be lined not ex- ceeding $25.00 and in lieu thereof imprisoned not exceed¬ 30 days. This Oct. 12. 1905. G. H. Cornelius, Mayor. R. G. Dickerson, Clerk. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Clinch county: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary in and for said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tues day in November, 1905, at the court house in said county, be¬ tween the usual hours of sale, the following land in said coun ty, to-wit: Lots of land No’s.* 405, 523, 519, 479, 490, in the 12th district. Terms, cash. This October 10th, 1905. Simon W. Hitch, Administrator of Sylvanus Hitch. Wire Fence. We have 25 Cars of Ellwood wire fence for sale at retail. Write us for Prices. The Thomas-Oeckle Hardware Co. Valdosta, C a. c-3 0*c#0*<>*0^0»040#0t0*c^0*0« >*0*040« ‘ 5 SHOT COTTON. Sea island . . : 16 to !8c. Short . . . 10% els. *c-> . K'*'' . 50 CTS. PER YEAR fci C. 16. speeples, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. - - «►- a ♦ -— Building and Fire Proof Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, aints, Oils, Leads, Varnish Brushes, Mantles Tiles and Grates McCORMICK MOWERS AND PARTS FOR SAME. HORSE—RAK^S , IRON AND WIRE FENCING- / Stanley’s Business College Success is MACON, GEORGIA. yours If you attend a good business college. We will qualify you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue G. W. H. STANLEY, President. H - J - PEAGLER, President.. II L. LANKFORD, JR., Cashier, t W. T. DICKERSON, Vice-President. m * m BANK OF HOMERVILLE, >r> O' <n m HOMERVILLE T GEORGIA 1 CAPITAL STOCK 1 v $ 25 000 00 i , , , <** * DIIESIEOTOIESS. O' f. J. Peagler, W. T. Dickerson, R-G. Dickerson, H, L, Lankford, Jr., G. M. Dame, ■0 * D. E. Kirkland, S. A. Sweat, F. B. Sirma’i 3 W. K. Peagler. a m O' m O' 2 This bank solicits the accounts of individuals, mer- t . m chants, farmers and others, and will extend every ac- t : \ commodation want your business consistent and xvi with 11 sound banking. We * m to deal with make it to your interest us. : 1 : ft < w i-S3 -3 3-3 3 3 3 3 -* 3 3 2 3 3 333 3 3 33 3 32 3 3 iOBI TH0MASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE. THOMASVILLE, GA. The Keystone of Success is a Good BUSINESS EDUCA¬ TION. If you are interested, write for particulars. ANSON W. BALL, President. THE CITIZENS BANK Of Valdosta CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $280,000.00 J. F. LEWIS, President, W. H. BRIGGS, Vice-President, W. COLEY, Cashier. DIRECTORS-J. F. Lewis, W. II. Briggs, B. P. Jones. T. B. Converse, J. G. Stevens. W. II. Griffin, T. S. McKcy, T. G. Cranford, J. L. Staten. Stockholders’ Liability to depositors S120,000.00 , Additiona! to our large Capital and Surplus of S280.000.00. * O' We have the largest Capital and Surplus of any Bank between Macon and Jacksonville. We are the designated depository for the State of Georgia. Wa jr nay MENT, interest the interest on deposits compounded in our SAVING quarterly DBPART- ^ The policy of liberal, T this Bank, to t strong, to bo J J to We serve solicit its depositors the business safely of and Merchants, well, Farmers, Banks, Manufacturers and others, promising cour- O' teous treatment and prompt service to all,