Clinch County news. (Homerville, GA.) 1897-1932, February 16, 1906, Image 1

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y,- IX RO. 1 O-. KSKiSS l. i wttvi *.*•-. OS t - Vr* 3 t V EAST Oep&i of Agriculture j OifictaJ says €cttmi ' Enemy is Steady Advcdscfnl. Washington, Feb. 13 — W»3?* iiuntev. of the department of Eg rieu’iurc, who vj in charged the COtlo oil weevil investigating, is pre M‘i mr to return to Texas, whtr hf dechu -■$, the problem of weqjtil cxterurinction i« far from sole: Sr ortSj” 'said Mr. Hunter, * ‘sl'c-i'.v that tho v.-fiovil tlii> year ) .... made his customary : ad ran* • o: i 1*0 aiileseastward. The unfi able part of the present rt*ilua;tc-a is : at the kie advance pot® 1 i pcs in the lowlands along the *i ossi. ; river, where con dition. are ■ mot favorable to its existence. i | the low, wet sections 'suffered most. In v.cstern Louisi ana there witsa belt in which no cotton was grown a great timber belt. vVe endeavored to keep the boil weevil from getting past this belt, but have failed. The Miss issippi river cannot be regarded as * barrier, as the weevils have been know to fly fh> miles with a ■ favorable wind, and tv- there is nflinii traffic on the streara it is 'ire t- be carried in baggage, long the Mississippi is where tiiatost damage- will be done. I uthern states will beat hi Li come now Rdfag Fa ” / V, LIG1A,. Clinch cou ty: Under au; tjhorxy in amort gtigc deed ( dated 18th day of Oct ober, 1904, w ill he sold at the tort House in Clinch County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in March next, at public outcry, within the legal horns of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property: that certain Store House and lot in Argyle, Clinch County, oeorgin, fronting west on mam street of said town 45 ft. and extending back east 100ft. Bounded North by land of jar,. Corbitf, East by land of B. A. Harper, on South by land of W. L. Hinson. Sold as the property of W, E. Robin son, the maker of said mort gage and to satisfy the same. This Feb. 1st. 1906. Meiuhard, Sehaui a Co. LOW RAtES VIA. A, G, L WAUDI GKA.S, KEW OKEEANS, MO WLE ANI) I’ENSACOLA. The Atlantic Coast Line'will Sell from all cupon stations tickets to the above points at the rate of one first class fare plus 25c. Tickets on sale Feb. 21st. to 26th. with final limit returning March 2nd. Extension ■ to March 17th. can be had by depositing ticket with joint agent, ami payment of fee of 50c. IKTtKS't'ATE staiAit oanh gbovc KH3 A-SN. MOBIJ.E FSB. 7-9. ' r . kt- s on salt, from all cou -po? tations Feb. A. (o 6tlt at th-* At* of one first class fare plus ?5c ro-o’-.l tri]>. final limit re o; nlag Fob- 11th For fur thei i- forma;ion address, 7 J Bottoms, TP A, Xhomusville, Ga. f&t .*• # flA T M m Pi ,.i. • Hill r*...r •’Jk, ■A'a 5 1 T% #fftK ) * * -U . Ua "J^PE n 4 fr&n t : #'- , > r THE OFFICIAL ORG-AN OF CL !1,7011 JBtotTNffY. BEfPS GREI K NOTES. People are having; some bad v,rather through ii i ; *v. : i wc had i drizu’-e !?st ’V ■ ntv’. Thursday abont 84 E urn* long and tho result i - things are petting wet On Bens creek. People '.talks,x*«*tfr are bonnnsr to cut cot feMeeand' m: ‘ icadv for another crop. Tne S pooj>tc of this « fine out .tUo.p Creek tart ._un y, t.> a UK - 1 uas ,i ut.c r< * l ‘; ' Mr. , V. r loiniinsor. h:is , his .. new house about cc<np.etea, and will move in in u few days. THREE SALESMk„n to handle our new County Township Wad Map of Or , Just off the press and abi .. now. Prepared to meet tne . - mous demand for an up-te date map showing the new counties re cently established. A. splendid portunity for energetic men. Hand, McNally & Co., Chicago,-!ft Piueimlvo ib the best salve fqr sores, burns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin diseases and piles. Sold by Hornerville Drug Co. GEORGIA SOUTH ERN & FLORIDA RAILWAY. , _ S6bt. 4_jill© to - ><3 2 i, Cordfeifcf; MitH on, Atlanta and all Points North or West ALSO Special Route via Valdosta to Jackson ville, Falatka tnd all Florida Point3. Th e 0. E. & F. Tty. has put on a new line of Pullman sleepers between Viiluosta and Atlanta via Macon and The Centnaio / Georgia Rv. Those sleepers are handled on trawos sceduled as follows : Northbound. Lv. Valdosta-Via G. S. & F. 11:25 p, n. Ar. Macon 3:45 p. m. Lv. Macon via C. of Ga. 3:55a. m \t- Atlanta 7:20 a. m. Southbound. Lr. Atlanta via C. of Ga, 9:15 p. m. Ar. Macon 12:85 a. m. Lv. Macon via g, s. f. 12:50 a. m . Ar Valdosta 5:10 a. m. Sleepers are conveni e n 11 y placed at the G. S. and F. depot in Valdosta and passengers going north may enter the cars ajs early nine o'clock at night On the return trip, passenger may remain in the sleeper till half i>ast seven in the morning at' Valdosta. The rate per berth Valdosta to Macon is 2.00, the drawing room late, $7.00 This improved service offers unsurpassed fa cilities from points in South Georgia to Atlanta and the northwest. Berths will be reserved upon application to the ticket agent at Valdosta, or by writting C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A.G. S. & F. Ry. Macon, Ga. Y T /> F"7-;.tU, G FRIDAY. F:-^. I** 1906- is bS t«su*aaajwaKs«so-i-r -waanptjsBiiMsea ■»•>., || I! BI JV J/C TORT. \ V Sf\ IS j| r ..,.' G.. ._ ... iUlL *»$ <4- ^ 4'i a 8:14®* . i |S , k * V' { V i . HI j$|;i M V II jfe fej i» |Pj <•* ■ «5SWEBasi -------— ^| r c. Smith moved Sj t Wayeross, Tuesday. S n;itli 1 b well kuo*n having.lived iu our toh-»r sever ai vear'i. | : Mr. H. Tomlinson was in' the I Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W- L. Duvall • nvd the little folks of jv. n Tuesday eight at a unlightfn; party. Many were in | a''oncane,. Mr. D. J .Godwin,.; a promt fs.rn;ei' of above Argyla, vifyj j biv:-i. ; .;M n this office two large turnips Saturday. They v^mai;. ■' 15 {-.ouuds. f'e-i ;. G. Dickerson visited Nashville, Ga. Mon w-y. Mr. H. T. Newton is again, ai home after several days, visit Tattnall county. Mr. T. N. .J ones and family in .-••>. lo Qinuuan (ho -I first of thnwoek. Mr. Geo. M. Dame left Wad nasality morn.:^. fua-Ramptoi Springsi, Fla. h. ha g ,;.m a hoc ,a v to»k.; . IX MWes'muoe: mu] Fmn!;lf F ” k a returned to vTaycro v Mond after a short visit, to i >V : Sheriff Sweat, made a bo«J* : ness trip to Fargo Monday, • The many friends of Mr*- L. M. Matrox will regret to learn that she has been v«;ry sick for several days. y DnBignon Institute Is in flourishing condition now; there are over 100 pupils enicli ed. Several of ouir citizens wen? up to Way cross yesterday to hear Hoke Endth. ENJOYABLE EVENT. Col. and Mrs. S. C, Towns* ad entertained the young people of the town Wednesday evening at a most enjoyable 8t. Valen tine party. The large spacious rooms were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and house plants, and everything was excellently arranged for the occasion. The guests were ail attired in masks that completely conceal ed their faces find persons. The evening’s entertainment, was started by drawing corres ponding numbers for partners, then began the peanut hunt, which was very interesting. Several nice prizes were gi ven to the winners, In the several contests. V > Atty .... ttem „ i , off, the guests tart y^ weat.*d by the diminishinjpe houws of the night, repaired to a roo which had been prepared for dancing, and there, to the de lightful music furnished by the Cutting stringed band, li ghtly tripped till the wee small hours. All the young people of the towu ivere present, and every one seemed to enjoy the occas ion to the greatest degree. iioke mim ' | ,vi4 CS>up. WaVRC $UR»$ fcSaid To iii'&Rl! iyi' C&tili. ~ Zf l®sup, Ga.,j, Feb, 13,—Hon,; ^Mkfi' Bin ith {; UAt\Iu--- tb to-ray. J-’ 1 at-s’eg a ey, C75 <g..p,e n. t)m Gbur,, Rods- -. His la h the was and; v^eeived. ,nee quite w*re a aHUnber ol feva] mm, ™d it is rK.min ly ado .* * floi South Q-vc rgia candidate v ’- : ^ unquesl; hiaMy curry tito i • -Mr. Smith\s .-vtr-id rrm along the us;.;d litic-i 1.,'has followed in his cam pal £ speeches. DUPOTAT NOTES Kcv, Chi tty pleached a very interesting sarv.fen gundav night the Baptici church, a large was pros ,it to hear him. ?!iss Hattie i, ayes of Adel Ga. wa:- the chariomg visitor of her grai l parents 1,is week, she re turned homo Knda.y.' :vir. Fred t iark of Waycrosa is spending a few days at home. Miss Fannie Gibbs of Homer viile is visiting? her sister, Mrs. I. !>. Dickerson <•’ this place. Mis:.. Kfito 1', of Valdosta, visit oiutivoi here tin?, week. • ^turned lomo Sunday, Mrs. I * M, tV.rter, ' ov days wife” her niotmv, at more. ur school I piogresring fine ■* v tl-'« cffi'.y.ont ^mnagcmenfcof 'f. Aiidcrsr,-. rmr, J. F. tl; assistant teaohor. We have an dnrolhnfcnt of about SU pupils. Mr. II. A. O’*inn had busi nejs in WayerdsH last Saturday. One of tin* mu-t interesting SO* c.ia! parties of the season whs given .it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keels last Saturday night, in honor of Miss Hattie Heaves. Tho young people retired to the parlor where games of all kinds were enjoyed by all who were present. Also a party was given by .Miss Etta O’Quinn, Saturday night that was a very enjoyable one. Air. Charley Chastain, of Val dosta, is visiting his sister, Miss Sadie Chastain of this place. Mr. J. F. S.tpp, had business ia Brunswick, Saturday. Georgia Clinch County. To nil who if; may concern, S. W. Register Administrator of Edward Bussell , deceased has in due form applied to the under signed for leave to soil the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased, and said application will bo heard on tho first; Monday, March nexa. This 5th. of Feb. 1906. J. T. Dame Ordinary, Clinch C It is a sin to Buffer with ack tche and pains over the ncyB, > hen a single pose of Pineules v ill give relief in one night. Suf bring worn n hould head th-m b to IM„. may result. I’mvuh s will strengtiien the Kidney a and b'ljv-l drr, cleans,, tlx. blood and relievo the ad *oh and pains of Neuralgia arjd Rhounmtwsj. Hold ly Ho mt , rv jn e Drug Co. WANTED, 1000 Barrels of good cana Syrup ^ delivered ‘ at Valdosta. South Olokuia Hrm.m Co. v Valdosta, Ga. 50 CTS. PiSM r? JAt^tf'C-!^.'r.v3art«siagcg^usja3^ & ygtCC I : '• . > & ...... •■: • ■ ■ - ... •.•*.,. --i 'i • X U. J. PEAGIJ-’R Preaideut. ivi I W. T. DICKER SOS, pu : S «r n BANK (If HOMERVSL^. 3 & j;| f&'ir tii HQIW.KxiViJ J.L - rt,‘ * mm a .0 CAPITAL STROK, $25, yu v- '«! t 1* f» TDx:^3^HaTro:R'3. ' ■ *r« % v w II. J.*Pc>ag!er, W. T, Dickers.,,,, K.C. }">■ I w tt- Ii. J. Dame 0 M. Paine, m i D E. Kirkl md C hi o' v , i, H. man ■ fy T » i- •• 0* 5 **.»« C >' J. '04 > :v > ■ % ■ ■-• Tiffs hank soft! th ■ acmniut.'. of individuals, tnor- , V - j 'i» chants, ccnunodation farmers and others, and' a ill ms tend every a* 1 • >' cuusdstent with aonud hankiuv. lute, f,v<- i 1? W:snt yoftr hrciisicMH end w ill inako it to youi chi 2 m to deal with n ; ; f „• A ■ v ib »0 4-i>«K>*}ftOC<4C»W>46M-40»'; v-: -:C v4-* . V?00*- *K-*e *: *: y-ivU'ro nv %«-«■? ;r 5.*a5*** if -f"ii HnRSBBBBm^u?. ^B^saaesBassEsais^esssir 8 tp2«< |tw BUSINESS COLLEGE. T.EXOTydl.ASATIXaiTHl. CCA The Keystone of Success ... —-y — is a Good — BUSINESS . ED MCA- \ 1 TLON. If you am interested, write for particula, .-*. g ANSON W. BALL, Pre-Sdent, »-^?^E«SBBro8gtiiiiBMmiiw iiiimiiuiiM(gw>!WfaiMKg^^tr^r.-Ga^a.-;-wg?^8MHB» 2SS5S2TS * 1 iJ i C ■'V «a a ^ CO ww'-.*s3 © ■i CHS ml oo m vW| C-S? M LEWIS, 7 J. F. President, BRIGGS, Vice-President; <■ W. COLBY, Cashier. '* DIRECTORS—J. F. Lewis, IV. II. Briggs, B. V. ;\.m . T. B. Converse, J. G. Stevens. W. II. GrilBu, T. S. McKey, ' T G. Cranford, J. L. Staten. l Stockholders' Liability fo depositors S120,000.00 S3C0 GOO.00. , Ldditiana i lo o.- j; tat%?Cxpiial and Surplus of * -3 »rH »*»** i I5J ■ 14 a ¥ Ip We have the largest Oai.Ual and Surplus of an* IS Iinnk betivfci'n Macon and .litrlisonville. Wcaic ' ■ O f ilesijinated depository forlh.e State of C>»or<;ui. DKi’AUT- W.» It* pay Mk.NT, interest on deposits in our S.VYfN(i ^ the interest this compounded quarterly !;9 liberal, 4 The policy of Hank, to ,c strong, to u, £ J <« serve its depositors safely and well, 4 Hanks, We solicit Manufacturers (lie business and of others, Merchants, promising Farmers, cour- ^ f teous treatment and prompt service to all, *4< v & ,"»R«iP "ssagBaa 1 rt—™”.',' ■ "liS!? MACON, GEORGIA. Bticcess is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qualify you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. e. W. H. STANLEY, President. a s ;, - . - .. ini—rr........ ...... t it r n---r-iirnwriii rnrii i ifiin —mi ♦ i VALDOSTA, - GEORGIA. Building and Fire IVoof Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster and Hair > r- —| !■-- Paints, Oils, Leads, Varnish Brushes, Mantles ? lirss and Grate C/i : jb ip MoCORMICK MOWERS AMD RARTS fi)R SAME. 8 § HObSE RAKfS I8QN AND WIR -: FSNC InQ. 'Mzmtoysssaszzszz wrw«RnKt i mmamsm