Clinch County news. (Homerville, GA.) 1897-1932, October 19, 1906, Image 1

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CLINCH COUNTY NEWS. VOL. IX. NO. • 11 , CANALBYCONTRACT Invitation for Bids is Sent Forth I Ul III bv uy Uncle UIIOIC Sam. cam. A MONOPOLY IS GIVEN Only Men or Corporations With Mil¬ lions of Cash Will Be Considered. Control of Engineering Work to'Be Retained.' Invitations fer proposals to com¬ plete the Panama canal were issued at Washington Tuesday the canal commission and the form of contract tinder which die work is to be done was made public by Chairman Shonts, who also gave out a letter written to the secretary of war. giving the com- missions’ reasons for contracting the work. The contract provides that each bidder must undertake the entire work ol cou.stiaction. No bar will be of- tered to corporations associating in the undertaking, but they must be legally organized into a single body with which the government can deal. Bidders *111 not be considered who do not h» v *e capital of $ 5,000,000. A bond oi *1*0.000 is required with each proposal .nu bond of $3,000,000 will be required from the successful bid- der. The bidding is not limited to Aniencan contractors. All eronosahi 1 are to be in before boon of December 12, when they will be opened. Proposals are to be expressed in terms of percentage upon the esti- mated coal of construction, which Is to be fltced by a board of five engl- Peers. The chief engineer of the canal com¬ mission is to be chairman of the an gineeriug board. The engineering board will also es¬ timate a reasonable time for the com¬ pletion of the canal and will agree upon a system of premiums and pen¬ alties to be handed to the contractor according as the work is completed within or beyond the estimated c 06 t or time. The contract specifies that the com¬ mission is to retain control of all en¬ gineering work in connection with the taxation of tbe canal, also munic¬ ipal engineering, the police, sanitary, hospital and commissary departments, n ess bouses, quarters, construction and maintenance of buildings, opera¬ tion of the Panama railway. Sixty days after signing the con¬ tract actual work is to begin on the isthmus. No American employee is to work more than eight hours. Chairman Shonts defends the per¬ centage system of payment in his let¬ ter to Secretary Taft, as follows: “This plan is being employed In¬ creasingly by the Ablest, largest and most successful corporations in the country. “The government will get the bene¬ fit of the combined efforts of the best and most experienced contractors in Opoii —OF THE LARGEST— IN SOUTHERN GEORGIA— We are showing (he best styles and beet fabrics of all th« famous clothes-makers of the land. SPECIAL^ ATTENTION GIVEN C. O. D. ORDERS. Stetson Hats a Specialty COME TO SEE US. A. CONVERSE & CO, VALOOS T A. GEORGIA. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CLINCH COUNTY. HOMERVILLE, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13. 190(i. the world, each in charge or u depart- meat, in which he is a specialist and co-operating with other specialists, 1 'The government will secure the ! co-operation of these contractors in keeping mechanics of all classes. j .. By retaining control of the wor* and exercising strict supervision through its. engineering force, the j government, will protect itself against i cheap or faulty work. “The contract will be more flexible, | Finally a termination of the contract, I should it become necessary, will he less disastrous to the contractors, while a resumption of work would bo easier to the government on account of its close relations thereto.” The canal, under the contract, can. be constructed with bettor results than it can be done by the govern¬ ment, Secretary Shouts says. It would take the commission years to get men and build up departments equal to those now controlled by the lead- lug contractors, according to the let- ter i ELEVEN CENTS THE SHiBOLETH - Of National Farmers' Union—Presi¬ dent Barrett Calls Meetings. Two million farmers and business men will get. together in the 800 coun¬ *> iint * parish meeting's, which Presi- dent C. S. Barrett of the National Farmers 1 nion. has called to be held urday, throughout October the 2P, cotton for the states purpose on Sal.- of J 1aRlng action upon and urglng thr holding of all cotton until it reaches, and is firm at, 11 cents. At those coun,y a,ld l )aiish meet¬ ings, business men and others inter- ested , in urging up the . price of .. cot- ton are expected to join with the members of the Farmers’ Union and thereby swell (he attendance in every section. ' This Is the most Important and : extensive movement which the Farm- els' Union has yet undertaken,” Pres- ; ident. Barrett said, in speaking ol the matter. ■'Hundreds of thousands of business men and others interested in thj,s im- portaut movement will meet with the ] county and parish unions on October 20, and we confidently expert to have an to aggregate meetings attendance on these 700 j S00 on that day of 2, 000,000 parsons, all working toward the same end—the holding of cotton j for 11 cents. j “These meetings all over the south i v.Ill take up the question of holding ! I ton off the market until it is firm S 11 cents, and you will see that, ! I y will hold it until that price is S thcotning. We have got strong ! ? cos back of us and there is no I 2 lbt of our success.” A SKIDOO OF GAMBLERS | Occurs at Hot Springs Under Fire of Law and Order League. Forty years of gambling came to a i spectacular end in Hot Springs, Ark., Monday, when the City Improvement Union, of five hundred citizens, clos¬ ed thirty gambling rooms and gave a battalion of gamesters a few hours to leave the city. Five hundred gambler., cappers and women, left Tuesday. A DEAFMUTE WEDDING. All parties Connected With Ceremony Were Deaf and Dumb. Miss Carrie Anna Wall of Augusta and Alexander Denham BstiB of Sa¬ vannah, both of whom w ere dea' and dumb, were married at Augusta Wed¬ nesday by Rev. O. .1. Whilden of Bal¬ timore, also a mute. The bridesmaid, likewise, was a mute. The. groom is a no phew of Colonel J. H. ©still, pro¬ prietor of the Savannah News. DliAMOND BEDECKED NEGROES Held at Pulaski, Va, on Charge oi Robbing Philadelphia Woman. Marshall Parker, colored, and his mulatto wife, who goes by the name of Lillie Russell-Brown,Butler-Parker, are under arrest at. Pulaski, Va., on (he charge of theft. The couple had jewelry on their persons to the value i f $10,000 and Parker had $400 in money. They are wanted in Philadd- phia, where, li is alleged, tho wo man robbed tbe home of Mrs. Mary Tateni, who resides at 2052 North °ark avenue, that city. | GEORGIA STATE FAIR , Opens at Atlanta Under Aus- DirioilS JJILIUll® U! f!iITIItTl'it3nCG^' I LU MlolallUCOi _ RECORDS ARE BROKEN j Many Home-Comers Register and Vasi i Crowds View Excellent Exhibits j and the Many Amusement j Attractions. j The gates of the Georgia state fait i swung open at Atlanta Wednesday i morning at 10 o'clock and the first, day of the home coming of Georgia! ■ born was on to continue until Octo- her 20. Gaily bedecked buildings crowded with countless exhibits and scores of attractions dotted the grounds be¬ neath clear skies. The opening day was one of the most auspicious in years, and visit¬ ers from every section of the United States gathered in happy unison to witness the inauguration of a season that promises to bo the most success¬ ful in the history of the state. Although the first day had been of- iiola.llv designated as the beginning 0{ tbe hwm , comiRg rett)lloM( visitors from Georgia as well as the other S ( a t es passed through the turnstiles that were kept busy checking up the little pieces of pasteboard. From the first hour that the gates were thrown open until late in the afternoon the happy crowd passed through, distributing themselves to all portions of the grounds, finding their chief points of interest in the big ag¬ ricultural displays In the government building and the shows that consti¬ tute the midway. Among the first of the home-comers to arrive was O. B. Thompson of Pan¬ ama ci t v , Fla., who promptly reg- i8lcred !Uld V /as g hen badge No. 1. Re had not been in Atlanta since the day that Sherman occupied the city, and met many others of the same am1 order, During the afternoon the crowds increased and records were broken for the firsl day | )y 2 :30 o’clock, Every department of the fair was in readiness when the turnstile be- ga „ , t0 c i|ck. The agricultural exbib- its that were the pride of last season’s fair were eclipsed by the displays that had been prepared. The machin¬ ery exhibits were also in place and the steady wheezing of traction en¬ gines, wind mills and farming steam devices mingled with the cries of the miduay spielers. As promised the county exhibits proved to bo a great feature of the exposition and it was acknowledged on every side that the display this year is far and away the best that has ever been collected together in Georgia These county exhibits are under the general direction of J. T. Williams of Haddock, Jones county, and this well known Georgian was congratulated on every side for the fine showing made. These exhibits are of the kind that must make every Georgian honestly and truly proud of the Empire State d the South. From the mountains and “red old hills” of Rabun county to the shores of Camden county the re- fCv.r'iPL- iudustriefs and manufactures of the state are displayed in a way that, make.-; each trip to the park a real and practical education in the present prosperity which is the hap- py sb.are of the commonwealth. Not only are there thousands of varieties of fruit, grains, vegetables, etc., but some of these articles are of the cer- tain prtze winning size and admirably and artistically arranged. What Ails You? Do you fee! weak, tired, despondent, have frequent headaches, coated tongue, Mtttf or had taste in morning, " heart - Sroat t £ ^ lh ea«n6- ga s , tom^h r gnaw or \ hern, foul-broasb, dizzy Spells, poor or Variithle Ifniptoma? appetite, naueea at time* and kindred the^aboveT^wjgtoms If yoibfcaye 4H5 ; rtmaMerable number of froin'Wlloiisn^sTHrpi.d are WKh suffej^ng liver indl- ?ejtioii>sjd?^pct5s«t> Slgftkiil.Discovery Dr...llicrc£LsJMd«ia is. made u p of the most v-fhia cs known to mod It a soffinof: fflt l u; fietmanurn^uBc ot hliS aB M i m ni g w i i Uorift .. H Is a most efficient ___________ liver invigonttorrstOffiSeh tonic, bowel regulator and norvo strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery ” is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients attested being printed on its boUlo-wrappoS, and under oath. A glance at its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid glycerine, extract hiado with pure, triple-refined of proper strength, from the roots plant^, of the following native American forest viz,, Golden Seal root, Stone) root, Black Chorrvbark, Queen’s root, Bloodroot, and .Mandrake root. The foftowintr host loading others, medical authorities, among a of extol the foregoing roots for the cure of Just such ailments Bartlmlow, as the •M, above symptoms Jefferson Indicate: Med, College, Prof. R. I’liila.: I).. of i’ti.; Prof. H.C Wood. M. a. of Unlv.of Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. Prof. D . of Hahnemann King. Med, Author College, Chicago; American John Prof. M. D., M. Scud- pf dor, M. D„ Author Dispensatory; of Specific Medicines; Jno. Prof. Laurence Prof. Jdhnsbn. M. If, Med. Pept. M. Univ.of N. Y.i Finley Ell ingwoixl, 1).. Author of Materia Medina and Prof, in Bennett Medi¬ cal College, Postal Chicago. Send ft. name and ad¬ dress on Card to Dr. V. Pierce. Buf¬ falo, N. Y„ and receive fret, booklet giving extracts from writings of all the above medi¬ cal authors and many others endorsing. In the strongest gredient, possible which terms, each and every in¬ of "Golden Medical Discov¬ ery ” Is composed. Dr. Pierce's Pie as ant Pellets regulate They and Invigorate sto.. ueu- . ■h. . liver and bowels. may he used in conjunction with ’'-Golden Medical Discovery”If bowels are mneb con¬ stipated. They’re tiny and sugar-coated. Railroad detectives at Cliickasha, l Okla. T., searching for lost tools taken by shopmen, found that one * employe had hauled away a locomo- ! five cab and attached it to his house for use ns a kitchen. § evraro of Contain Ointments Mercury, For Catarrh That smell a-i rm’roury and completely will turely ilerangethe dsslioy the whole sense o( tem wlu-a entorlug it througn the sys¬ mucous Such articles should never he used sicians,ns axcept on prescriptions damage they from reputable phy¬ tho will do is ten fold , to the good you Can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh (Jure, manutadurotl by F. .1. Gheaev & (Jo., taken Toledo, O,, contains no mcoury, and is internally, acting directly upon t he b ood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Cater h Cure beure you get the genuine. It Is taken in¬ to nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A. ( o. Testimonials free. Bold by Druggists; price, 78o. per bottle. Take hull's Family l’Uls for constipation. Asia bought $105,000,000 worth of American goods in the last fiscal year, a decrease of $23,000,000 from 1 905, but an increase of $30,500,000 over 1904. TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR. Jlvail Covered With Humor Sorer, With XjrtSH of Hair—Another Speedy Cure by ( utlvuru Remedies. “Ail my life I had been troubled more or less with humor irt my eealp, but about a year ago it became worse, and my scalp was covered with little sores, which itched so it nearly made me crazy; my hair also began to get dry and fall out. f tried all kinds of hair restorers with no effect, and I was nearly discouraged, but one day 1 was reading in a paper what the Outicura Remedies had done for ecalp diseases, and decided to make a trial. I got a cake of Outicura Soap, a box of Cu- ticura Ointment and Outicura Resolvent Pills. I used them according to direc¬ tions, and soon noticed a difference; the tiny sores on my scalp began to heal, the itching stopped, and my hair began to grow thick. I have used only the one cake of Outicura Soup, one box of Oint¬ ment and one vial of Pills, and now 1 have no humor on my soalp and my hair is soft and silky. Miss Mayzie 0. Atkins, Box 32, East Orleans, Mass., Mar. 19, 1905.” WITNESS ASSASSINATED. Private Detective Killed After Testi¬ fying Against Texans. At. Groveton, Texas, Tuesday night, F. R. Nyer, a private detective, was shot as he stood on the steps of the court bouse after testifying against certain Trinity county, Texas, people. He died Wednesday morning, He had been brought to the town by the sheriff as an attached witness. No human hand touches D* PUCE'S mi EAT FL AKE CELERY F §@0 from its first process of manu- j facture until it is served for the i table. It is composed of Wheat, i Celery and Salt. Not a trace of j any other substance. Its daily use has a tonic and laxative ef¬ fect. 38 W cents a package. Fop sale bv a9! Grocers 50 CENTS PER YEAR. * «v * H. J. PBAGLER, President. H. J. DAME, Cashier. if- -» W. T. DICKERSON, Vice President. ) f ■ <■ >. ♦ ■ s- BANK OF HOMERVILLE, %- + HOMERVILLE, GEORGIA, i i f CAPITAL STOCK, S25.O0O-GO- •b ■- DIRECTORS: i i t » h. J. Peagler, W. T. Dickerson, R. G. Dickerson, I-I. J. Dame, G. M. Dame I). E Kirkland, S. A. Sweat, F. B. Sirmans, W K. Peagler. -■ This bank solicits the accounts of individuals, rner- chants, farmers and others, and will extend every accom¬ modation consistent w ith sound banking. ~ V, o want your i business, and will make it to your interest to deal with us. t TEE CITIZENS BANE of Valdosta. rv Capital and Surplus $320,000 J. F. LEWIS, President. W. H. BRIGGS, Vice President. W. COLBY, Cashier. DIRECTORS—J. F. Lewis, W. H. Briggs, O .Converse, T. B. Con¬ verse, J. G. Stevens, W. II. Griffin, T. S. McKey, J. W. West, .1. L. iStaten. Stockholders’ Liability to Depositors $120,000-00, Additiona! to our Large Capital and Surplus of $320,000.00. We have rhe largest ’Capital and Surplus of any Bank between Macon and ,1 acksonville. We are the designated depository for,the State' of Georgia. We pay interest on deposits in our SAVING DEPARTMENT, the interest com¬ pounded quarterly. The policy of this Bank, to be strong, to be liberal, to servo its depositors safely and well. We solicit the business of Merchants, Farmers, Banks, Manufacturers, anil others, promising courteous treatment and prompt service to all. Stanley’s Business College MACON, GEORGIA. a Success is yours if you attend a good business college. We will qualify you and secure you a position. Write for catalogue. Q. W. H. STANLEY, President. THOMASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE, THOMAlSVI LLE, GEORGIA. The Keystone of Success is a G pod BUSINESS EDUCATION, It you are interested, write for particulars. V Anson W. Ball, President* rW iriiiTrrvnwiwTrvTfTfTr9Ti'TfTrrrrrnnvT9ivnrnii* C. B. Peeples, VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. 3 Brick, .1 Building and Fire Proof Lime, Cement, Plaster & Hair. > 5 Paints, Oils, Leads, Varnish J a- Brushes; “ “ Is! CD CO l i l and Grates '4 McCORMICK MOWERS AND PARTS FOR SAME. 4 HORSE RAKES, IRON AND WIRE FENCING. s » a A A A A A A A A A AAA AAA AA AAA A A * A1. A A A A A A A A AAA A AAA A A AAA Jj