The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, June 25, 1884, Image 4

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tTm . ' gjsftß • *-'ll N r. -j i. 1 -». UlilSreTOSSBf v - of Cl08in« the Mails. c lt/rthern mall, 6:00 a. m. and :730 p m Charleston, 6 :(hj a. m. ami 7 :30 p. m. Cnrl Koyal Railroad, 6:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m . For all points In Florida, 7 :0U a. m., and 7 -.00 p. m. Macon and Brunswick Railroad. 7 :00 a. m., 7 -00 n m Brunswick and Albany Railroad, 7:00 a. m. 'and 7:00 p. m. W. R. R., 7:00 a. m, and 7 :00 p. m. Adi points west of Waycross* on Savannah, Florida JYestern Railway, 7:00 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Western mail, via Central Railroad, 9:00 a. m. and 7 ;-,so p.jn. . . Mifledgeville, Katontonand Gordon, 9:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Uawkinsville, 9:00 a. m., 6:30 and 7:30 p. m. Albany, 7 -.00 a. m. 7 :00 p. m. Bainbrldge, 7:00 a. m. and 7 :00 p. m. Thomasvllle, 7 :00 a. m. and 7 :IK» p. m. Quitman, 7:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. All points on the S., F. A W. R. R., between Tlinm anvillp and Balnbridge, 7 :00 a. m. and 7 :00 p. in. Savannah river Tuesday, 5 p. ni. On Sunday, mail for ail points 6:00 p. m. On Sunday for delivery of mail, 10 to 11 a. m. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Reducing Prices at the Red Grocery Store Special Meeting of Tattnall Council No 884 to-morrow evening To Rent—A house containing 8 rooms NOTES ABOUT TOWN. Happenings Here, There amt Everywhere _ —The Fords have the promise of a splen did house at their entertainment on Friday night. —Two white men and two negro women were fined $5 each in the Mayor’s Court for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. —Remember the opening entertainment of the Ford Amateurs on Friday night. If you wish an enjoyable evening be present. —Savannah Lodge No. 1133, Knights of Honor, have paid to the heirs of Mr. James V. Kennickell, deceased member, the amount of his benefit certificate, $2,000. —The Werner Hook and Ladder Com pany having carried down a big crowd to Tybee to-day, a feature will be the foot race, and considerable fun is anticipated. —An important special meeting of Tat nali Council No. 874, A. L. of H., Will be held to-morrow evening for consideration of important business, and a full attendance is desired. LOCAL NOTICES. Try L. Fried’s $1.50 Belgravia Shirt for fit and quality. Sacrificing last Spring’s Clothing at B. H Levy & Bro. ARv. Five hundred last Spring’s Suits, just un packed, to be sold regardless of cost, at B. H. Levy & Bro. Adv. Gents’ Underwear for spring and summer, low at B. H. Levy Bro. —Adv. L. Fried carries the largest aud best se lected stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods buys from first hands, which gives him all he advantages to sell cheap. Pantaloon Cut Drawers at 50 and 75c at L. Fried’s. Prevent serions sickness by taking oc casionally one of Emory’s Little Cathartic Pills, sugar-coated.—lsc. Whisky sours on the half shell at the Merchant’s Exchange. Advertising to sell cheap has deceived a good many people and still continues, but the fact is that one or two dealings with L. Frier! will satisfy you that he carries out what he advertises. For fit and quality try L. Fried’s Mod jeska $1.25 White Shirt. Latest novelty in Scarfs, Ties, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs, at B. H. Levy & Bro. Adv. All goods exchanged if not as represent ed at L. F'ried’s. Step into the Merchant’s Exchange and ry the fr%*lunch from 11 to 1 p. m. Hents’Hosiery in all qualities, cheap, at BJjH.Levy* Bro. —Adv. 'Open front colored and white shirts a ■Specialty ai L. Fried's The best selected stock of Gents’ Furnish ing Goods can he bought at L. Fried’s. Ask your grocer for Budweiser Beer. Linen and cotton Dusters at B. H. Levy A Bro. —Adv Drink Budweiser Beer. When you want a good Cocktail, drop in to the Merchants’ Exchange, 1491 Congress street.—Adv. America’s pride, Budweiser Bree. White Marseilles and Duck Vests, open and now ready, for sale at B. H. Levy A Bro- -Adv. The genuine Budweiser is brewed out of imported Barleys and Bohemian Hops. For suppers or parties call at Oppen heimer’s for Ice Cream in bricks or pyra mids.—Adv. Mixed drinks a specialty at C. F. Gra ham’s, 1494 Congress street. The ladies’ favorite, Budweiser. 1 Leading physicians prescribe only the l Budweiser for delicate females 1 Blue Middlesex Flannel Suits now open Bat R.W. Lew A Rro. —Adv. B The best mixed drinks in the city served ■t the Merchat’s Exchange. and see L. Fried before buying Bai ;HCggan and Lisle Thread Shirts. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, in all at prices cheaper than elsewhere, at HHH. Levy A Bro. — Adv. and latest styles of Mens’, Boys’ and Children? Suits now on exhibition and at the very lowest prices, at B, H. Levy A Bro. —Adv. Cigars and cigarettes of the finest brands at C. F. Graham’s. Lisle Thread Shirts at $1.25 at L. Fried’s. No family should be without Budweiser. The cry is still that L. Fried cannot be undersold. Every first class bar and restaurant in Savannah sells Budweiser Beer. Call at Oppenheimer’s, 139} Broughton street, for Unexcelled Ice Cream.—Adv. Call at Oppenheimer’s, 139} Broughton street, for Fine French Candies.—Adv. Assorted Cakes, Bread, etc., at Oppen heimer’s. —Adv. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers from 75c to $1.50 at L. Fried’s. The best 10-cent cigar, “Your Cousin,” at Merchant’s Exchange. Budweiser Beer has never been excelled never equalled. Try L. Fried’s lolantha $1 White Shirt, for fit and quality. Money saved is money made, and by deal itig; with L. Fried you can save fully 25 per cent. world’s finest production is Bud Bottle Beer. Delicious Ice Cream, Soda Water at Op penheimer’s, 139} Broughton street.—Adv Any inclination towards Billiousness is at once dispelled by using H. H. P. When you want to smile, take Budweiser Beer. AVe »re Preparwd. The demand has been great, hut we have increased our facilities and now can supply the phhlic champion over all uied icin- for malaria, chills and Fever, etc. — Kieljjjj s Peruvian Cure. Stisl in the lead—Hull’s Worm Syrup. Exquisite Snowflake Cologne. Pearls in the mouth. Eau Angeleque (carholated). 25c pAr bottle. E. J. Kieffer, Ph., G., pro prietor.—Adv. Il TiilKf Si if .verson lias retluced some of his foods as follows: 5 hand-sewed Calf Oxford Ties to $4 ‘2O. $5 hand-sewed Calf Prince Albets to $4 20. $5 hand-sewed Calf strap ties to $4 20. $5 hand-sewed Calf low button to $4 20. This is no humbug. He means what he says. He wants to reduce his stock and in order to do so he cuts prices as will be seen above. Homing Pigeons. News and Courier. A Charleston gentleman, who has for many years paid close attention to the raising of fancy pigeons, has recently been trying some interesting experiments with some homing pigeons which were raised on his premises in Pitt street. A young bird has been sent to different stations on the Charleston and Savannah Railway within the past week, and each time has returned to its house in a surprisingly short space of time. The last time the trial was made the bird was taken by train to Jacksonboro’, a distance of forty miles, and in one hour after it was released at Jacksonboro it shot into its house in Pitt street in this city, apparently not at all exhausted by its rapid transit. After a few more trials the bird will he taken as far as Savannah and its instinct tested over that distance, 106 miles. It is stated by the Signal Service officer at Atlanta, who has large experience in this regard, that if the birds are taken north of their feed boxes they cannot find their way back. This theory will probably he tested with the Charleston birds. Matrimoneal. Mr. James Murphy, the junior of the , firm of Mehrtens A Murphy, grocers, was united in marriage this morning at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help with Miss Ella Peyton, daughter of the late Martin Peyton. The cathedral con tained many friends ,of the young couple, aud many wishes for their health auJ pros ' perity were extended. Beautiful Services. Spring Goods now open at B. H. Levy A Rro —Adv i Shipping guttUigence. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY: Sun Risks 4 ; j>s , Sun Sets 7 : 05 , High Watkr at Fort Pulaski . . 9:10 a m. 9:34 pm Wednesday, June 25,*1884 MEMORANDA. Tybee, June 25. 2:30 n m.—Passed out: Bark Tjomo, sclir Annie M Millard ) Arrived at anchor : Bark Hilda Waiting : Bark Agdar Wind : Northwest, light, fair PASSENGERS. ; Per steamship Nacoochee, for New York—P K Paulding, Mrs E S Eddy, Mrs N P Brush, Mrs J S I Dumont, ES- uster, W Hall. J C DeLeon, Miss Louise Berthing, C Bishop, D B Richardson R N Paul and wife* Miss L Baur, Mrs M Capron, Mrs O B Weeks, R C MeCall and wife, M B Miltonberger, FJ Barnes G WTaylor and wife, Miss A CCasey, E A Luring aud wife, L Baker, W H Peck and wife, Miss R G Ever son, D Glauber and wife, Capt Chas West, Miss Ella • Snedeker, Geo B Spence, Geo E Martin, D C Webb, JWDexter and wife, Jas Hannah Brown, col, Chas Graves, col, S Small, col, H Harvey, col, S W Goodwin, col, and 5 steerage EXPORTS. ■ Per steamship Nacoochee, for New York—3oo bales upland cotton, 144 bales dom and yarns, 289 bbls rosin, 104 bbls spirits, 35,802 feet tumber, 300 ' hhds molasses, 12,805 watermelons, 600 boxes poach es, 107 bbls vegetables, 2042 crates vegetables, 363 pkgs mdse (KsmmmiiU. SAVANNAH MAKKETS. OFFICE OF THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES ) Savannah, Ga., June 25, 2p. m j Savannah Cotton Exchange (Official). COTTON. Fair (A Middling Fair @ Good Middling 11% (A Middling 11 ($ Lew Middling 10,@ Good Ordinary lu ($ Ordinary- 9% (<£ Tone —Quiet. RECEIPTS. Net.... 316 j Gross 316 EXPORTS. Foreign | Coastwise 300 SALES From Ip. ra. yeste-day to Ip. m. to-day bales Stock on Hands id on Shipboard.—At 1 p. w. to day 1100 bales. (Savannal Board of Trade, Official.) Itlce. The market is quiet and steady. Sales These quotations represent for round ots. In filling small orders higher rates must be paid. We quote: Broken 3%(g)4 Common. 4%(a)5 Fair s>i(3> Y. Good 5%(<5% Prime 6((j>G% Choice Nominal. Rough— Country 10t5... $ 90(c£$l 40 Tide Water 1 25<®$1 40 Naval Stores. Rosin.—The market for pale rosin active, common active. We quote : A $1 00 H $1 40 B 1 00 11 80 C 1 00 K 2 10 D 1 00 M 2 62% E 1 05 N 3 12% F 1 10 W G 3 75 G 1 15 W W ' Spirits Turpentine—Market quiet, 27% . Sales bbls spirits and 85 bbls rosin Naval Stores Statement. Spirits. Rosin Receipts to-day 702 1,507 Stock this day 9,189 51,817 Grain, Provision and Flour Market. GRAiN.-Steady. We quote: White Corn 91 (A— Car load lots 87% (§> Mixed Corn 78 %(a) Car loads 'lots 73%® Mixed Oats 53 ® Car load lots 48 @ Northern Hay 105 (a) Eastern Hay 110 (g> Western Hay 110 - Meal. 90 @ Grits 95 PROVISIONS. Market steady D S Shoulders 7 ® DS L C Sides 9 @ DS C R Sides 9% (0 Smoked Shoulders 7% (0 Smoked C RSides 10% @ Hams 14%@ Lard 9 (d) SUGARS.—Market firm We quote: Cut Loaf 8 ($ Standard “A” 7 @ Extra “C” 6(<56% “C” s*(gfti Granulated 7% a Powdered 72a a FLOUR. Market firm. Superfine 3 75a4 00 Extra 4 50a4 75 Family 5 50a5 75 Choice pat 6 75a7 50 COFFFEB. Dull Prime 10%® Medium 10%@ Fair 9% ® Ordinary 9% ® Salt —We quote: Car load lots (f. o. b.) 80 (A Job lots 95 @ 100 Financial. Quotations furnished by F. C. Wylly, Stock and Bond Broker, No. 120 Bryan street. Tone of the Market Money very stringent Exchange on New York—buying 1-8. Bank checks selling at % premium. Bonds dull, stocks weak. We auote: RAILROAD STOCK. BID. Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent, guar- arkkd auteed exdividend 116 17 Central .Railroad Script 6 per cent. ex-July lilt BB Central ec-div’d 71 71% Georgia ex-div’d l5O Southwestern 7 per cent, guu’dexdlv’d 109% BANK STOCKS. Merchants National 120 Southern Bank State of Georgia 160 Savannah Gas 15 STATE BONDS. Georgia new 6s, 1889, Jauuary and July coupons 104 106 Georgia Mortgage on W. & A. Railroad, regular 7 per cent, coupons, Jan’y and July maturity, 1886 104 106 Georgia 7 per ceut. gold quarterlies... .113 114 Georgia 7s, 1896 120 123 city bonds. Augusta 6 per cent 102 104 Augusta 7 per cent lU9 111 Columbus 5 per cent 81 84 Macon 6 per cent 100 102 Savannah 5 percent, (old) excoupons Bl% Savannah 5 per cent (new) Bl% RAILROAD BONDS. A. & G. Ist mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons, Jan. and July matu rity, 1897 112 | Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Ist mortgage 107 Columbia & Greenville Ist mortgage... 103 ! Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta 2d mge. 99 Central consolidated mortgage 7 per ct. coupons Jan. and July maturity, 1893 HI Gainesville, Jeff, and Southern Ist mge due 1,911 July and Jan. coupons 7 per cent 110 * Angusta and Knoxville seven per cent Ocean Steamship, Ist mortg’e, endorsed 1 C. R. R., due 1892, 6 per ceut 99% Montg’y A Eufaulalst mort’gt* 6 per ct. emiorsed by Central Railroad 103% t Mobile A Girard 2d mortg’e endorsed 8 per ct. coupons, Jan. nd July ma > tnry, 1889 -a 109 » Western Ala. 2d mortgage end. 8 per ct. coupons April and Oct. maturity, 1890, 107% fkw gußertbseraents. NOTICE. We are in for Reducing Prices. REDUCTION AT THE Red Grocery Store ! BEBT KEROSENE OIL, Georgia test, at lOe PKR GALLON I And other GROCERIES in proportion. Swift & Courtney’s Mate’ es 10c per dozen. Pure Leaf Lard at 10c per pound, i We keep the best Coffees and Teas in the city. Prizes given away with Teas and Coffees. Fine Soda Water 5c per glass. Fine Lemons at 20c per dozen. Come and convince yourself. RUSSAK Ac CO Nos. 22 and 22£ Barnard street Rosemary Hair Tonic! i ; Removes Dandruff; prevents the hair fall , ingout; promotes and beautifies its growth. Only 25 cents per bottle. DAVID PORTER, Broughton and Habersham sts. SUMMER BALM. The only perfect cure for PRICKLY HEAT. Has been tried three seasons, giving full satisfaction in every case. 25 cents per bottle. , DAVID PORTER, Broughton and Habersham sts To Contractors and Builders. Bi's for portions or the whole of the work of building an annex to the Telfair Aeademy of Arts and Sciences are invited. Materials and work must be first-class in every respect. Detailed drawings aud specifications may be seen at the Banking House of C. H. Olmstead &*Jo. The right to reject any and all bids is i reserved. 1 Savannah, Ga., June 23, 1884. WM. D. HARDEN, G. M. SORREL, i CHAS. H. OLMSTEAD, Committee. NOTICeT ' On and after the 57th inst. to the Ist of , September the terminus ol the Tramway at Tybee Island will be at the Ocean House, C. W. AUSTIN, Proprietor Ocean House. * ;Arauscmwts. FAMILY EXCURSION —VIA — , Warsaw Sound and Tybee, Under the auspices of the Teachers’ Association of the Lutheran Sunday School, Ou Friday, June 27, 1884. Steamer Sylvan Glen will leave the city at ■ 3 o’clock i) m sharp; returning will reach the city at 8:30 o’clock pm. Refreshments to he had on the boat Brass Band in attendance. Whole Tickets 50c; Half Tickets 25c., to be had of the following committee : W. S. King, Chairman. W. B. S ann, J. C. Puder, R. C. Zittrouer, W. F. Scherff. Also of Teachers of the Associalien. This Excursion will be a delightful affair, affording a splendid view of the ocean. As above stated, the committee have arranged to have the steamer reach the city at 8:30 pm FORD’S OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1884. We keep faith with the public. All our former triumphs to be eclipsed. Grand opening of the Sixth Season of Tile Fori Dramatic kodak Reappearance of Savannah’s favorite, MISS NELLIE PEIRCE. First appearance in a Dramatic role of MISS LENORE GORDON HUSSEY. The Sterling Actor, MR. H. S. DUFFIELD, Assisted by Savannah’s favorite young actor, MR. LAWRENCE HANLEY. By kind permission of Miss Louise Rial will be presented Leander Richardson’s Great Comedy, in Four Acts, entitled, Tile Oil, Oil Story; or, DM. Introducing the Great Telephone Scene, New Scenery, Music, etc. Admission 75c. Season Tickets, good for five Performances, admitting two, $5 each. Tickets for sale by me sbers of the Associa tion, and at Davis Bros., C R R aud S, F & W Ry Ticket Offices. EXCURSION RATES ~ TO ALL SUMMER RESORTS AND Watering- Places —IN— VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA,GEORGIA, NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA and TENNESSEE. The Central Railroad of Georgia will, on the FIRST of June, commence the SALE of EXCURSION TICKETS from Savannah and all principal stations on line of road good to October 31, 1884. For information, Tickets and Sleeping Car reservations, apply at Ticket Office Central Railroad, 20 Bull street, and at Depot. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent. GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent. NOTICE Office of General Passenger Ag’t j Central R. R. & Banking Co. of Ga! I Savannah, May 31,1884 J On and after June 1, 1884, 1000 MILE TICKET BOOKS, good for passage over Central Railroad and branches, Southwest ern Railroad aud branches, aud Montgomery snd Eufaula Railway, will be sold at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent. BOARD. SUMMER BOARD —Board can be had at Isle of Hope in a private family. Address “K. J'.” Times office. FOR RENT. TO RENT—House, 210 McDonough street, between West Broad and Montgomery, containing 8 rooms, with kitchen and ser vants’ room in ysrd. Apply to A. R FAWCETT, Market Square. TO RENT—A dwelling and store, corner Jones and Purse streets. Apply to John Lorch, corner Jefferson and Hunting don streets. nPO RENT—One two-story house, has 4_ water, basins and bath tub, corner Mont gomery and Boiton street la> e. Apply to GEO. W. PARISH, No 193 8:. Julian street. <- —' . -v This Paper Is on File 1 \\ll)|C|o//C M And Advertising Contract* for v M u ant i nn ot i ier newttpttpert \ inVFRTB'IMP f Can 071 lh,: ouW-fartyr- IHUTtni l.lirnsf abte terms at the popular \ i/rvctiMJC / Ail ’ vrtbi "'J ctaemy of H. P. HUBBARD, \ trl*rNew Haven, Conn., \SUtUtSS J ViMSar ,f tks B—k Plr—tar/ «f Ike World. MISCELL ANEOUS 141. \ NED FLOORING No. 1, $lB 50 per thousand feet in railroad yard. Planed Flooring No. 2, sl3 50 per thousand feet in railroad yard For sale by Mr. C. V. Sued eker, who has charge of my retail depart ment iu the S., F & W. R’y Yard, next to Cassel’s Wood Yard. R. B. REPPARD. NOTICE —The price of Cabinet Photo graphs made by the New Instantaneous Process is reduced to $3 per dozen. To clubs or families of five or more the price will be $2 50 per dozen. Work guaranteed first-class in every particular. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street, opposite Screven House. LOUIS VOGEL. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. I have opened a store corner Jefferson street and Walburg street lane, where I will have fresh every day Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Candies, Fruits, Nnts, Soda Water, Canned Goods; also Cigars, Cigarettes, Walking Canes tnd other arti cles kept in a first-class store. Give me a call. I4OOTS AND SHOES—Joseph Brown, y Boot and Shoe Maker. Repairing done promptly at short notice. Northwest corner of Whitaker and South B-oad streets. ID OR THE SKIN : ' JUNIPER TAR SOAP. PACKER’S TAR SOAP. GLENN’S TAR SOAP. CUTICURA SOAP. GAURAND’S SOAP. AT OSCEOLA BUTLER’S. KC. CONNELL announces to his • friends and the public that the TEN CENT STORE, 154 Bryan street, is on the boom, and is daily receiving many useful household articles, which are being sold for the small sum of Ten Cents, many of which could not be bought elsewhere for less than 25, 50 and 75 cents. Call and examine the stock, whether you desire to purchase or not. No trouble to show goods. SPRING LAMB, fine Tennessee and Bal timore Beef, at BAKER’S STALL, 66 Savannah Market. Km. rieves, • Real Estate and Collecting Agent, 76 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Personal attention to renting, repairs, col lections. Henky T. Hess. Alois J. Hermes, Jr. HESS & HERMES, Artistic Photographers, 177 Congress street (Market Square). Copying and Enlarging. MONEY TO LOAN—A place where you can obtain a loan on personal property Parties wishing to sell Diamonds and Jewel ry and those wishing to buy such articles should call on me. Cash paid for old Gold, Silver and mutilated coin. Office private ; business confidential. CLEMENT SAUSSY, Broker, 12 Whitaker street. CHANDELIER!!! Tne handsomest and best selected stock of ' CHANDELIERS, GLOBES, AND— GAS FIXTURES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Ever displayed for inspection in this city can be seen in Oiti* Show Rooms. All are cordially invited to inspect the magnificent stock before purchasing else where. All goods sold at manufacturers’ prices. JOHN NICOLSON, 30 and 32 Drayton Street. WITHOUT A PEER “SWAN’S DOWN” SODA CRACKERS PALATABLE, Swan’s Down Soil Crackers. PURITY ITSELF, Virgin Cnndy ! FOR LUNCH OR TEA, Swan’s Dswn Soda Crackers. NOT ADULTERATED, Virgin Candy ! DELICIOUS TID-BITS, Swan’s Down Soda Crackers. THE PEOPLE’S FAVORITES, Swan’s Down Soda Crackers ! VIRGIN CANDY ! Good thiDgs generally : Our line of Crackers! Our large Variety of Confectionery! Manufactured by ACOSTA & EINSTEIN GREAT REDUCTIONS. Now is the Time to Profit ! Low garter Shoes It Straw Eat: AT GREAT BARGAINS. Call and learn prices at -V. S. NICHOLS, Broughton street, near Bull. If you whh to make a good investment call. lee Cream Saloon. I have just opened on the corner of Ander son aud Bull streets. I have for sale ICE aud ICE CREAM; also Metis furnished at all hours. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. P. MORRELL, Corner of Anderßon and Bull Rtreets. “Original Budweiser” and “ANIIEU SEPT. ” Another fresh car load just received from Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, St Louis, Mo., for whom 1 am sole agent for Savannah and contiguous territorv. Besides having kegs and half's I got out this time “Original Budweiser” in ponies (eighths) for Families, Marooning, Picnic and Excursion Parties. I respectfully ask my friends aud the public to call for these pure and unri valed beers.. On tap daily at F J Ruckert’s, J M Henderson’s, T M Ray’s, Phil Bewan’s, Geo Schwarz’s, A Jackson’s, James Lane’s, Marshall Hr use, T Enright’s, Gus Fox’s, T Magee’s, P Honlihan’s, J Kaufmann’s, W G Ebbs’, and all first class saloons. All orders promptly atten led to by < GEO MEYER, Office, 142 Bay street. Have Toil Calle? And mu le your selection of Pic fr mi that large and ele gant a- urtment now on exhibi tion at LUDDEN & BATES’ Southern Music House? II you have not, now is the time, for they are going rapidly. The ex treme low prices and easy terms at which they are offered does away with the “can’t afford it” excuse. When you have an f>por tunitv to get FINE k TEEL ENGRAVINGS, OLEOS AND OIL PAINTINGS AT ; Less than WLsiesale Cost You should take advantage of it. It does not occur every day. The pictures are fine copies of the leading works of the world’s best Artists, and the collection is the finest over brought to Savannah. REMEMBER You need not pay all cash. You can buy on Three Months’ time , or Monthly Instalments. Call at once and make your selection before the assortment is broken, or, if you don’t want to buy,come iu and see them. LUDDEN & RATES’ 11EI MUSIC HOUSE! Druggists. BORACINE! i ; Superior Toilet Powder. j UNQUESTIONABLY THE BEST ! DELIGHTFULLY PERFUMED ! Keeps the Skin Soft and Smooth. Its con- I stant use imparting a healthy and fresh complexion. Prevents and cores heat aud eruptions on the skiu. Prevents and cures chafes. Bathers should Use It! Mothers should Use It! Shavers should Use It! Belles should Use It! j Everybody should Use It! Price, 35 Cents. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . F. SCH VVIEREN, Bull street, southeast cor. State. GUM CAMPHOR 30c. Pound. Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals. Headquarters for Patent Medi cines. Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, r etc., Fancy Articles, Perfumery in great variety. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded by a graduate in Pharmacy. To the Public. ) My line of Drugs, Chen icals, Fancy Goods, Lamps, etc , is now complete, and I ask for a share of their patronage. Prescriptions com ’ pounded by a graduate in pharmacy at low prices to suit the timej, a diploma trorn the best College of Pharmacy in the United States being sufficient guarantee as to eom peteucy, etc. Respectfully, J. ZACHARIAS, Cor. South Broad ami Whitaker streets. - """ ' 1,000 Pairs of Opera Slippers at 85c., worth $1.25. 700 Pairs of Opera Slippers at $1.25, worth $1.75. CAGE SOON, , AT MYERSON’S. , NEW SALOON. FRESH MILWAUKEE BEER 1 At the Telephone Saloon, No. 172 Bryan street, recently purchased by the under signed. Cool, fresh Milwaukee Beer, Choice Liquors and Cigars will always be found. A splendid Lunch will be spread dnily from 11 to 1 p. m ANTON STAMM. PAVILION HOTEL. Open for permanent as well as transient BOARDERS, : Rates, $2 Per Day. Its Location and Table IS UNSURPASSED! Will be pleased to continue to receive the very liberal patronage that has heretofore been extended. MRS. L. PENFIELD. Ukohrcs. R. M. DEMERE, Broker and Dealer in Stocks and Bonds, Office, Commercial Building. J. N. JOHNSON^ Broker and Dealer in Stocks and Bonds, 1 Office, cor. Drayton and Bt. Julian sts. JAMES HUNTER, Broker and Dealer in Stocks and Bonds, 116 Bryan Street. special Notices. l Notice of Dissolution. The firms of McDONOUGH & JOHNSON (composed of Jno. J. McDonough aud B. P. Johnsou) and of GEORGE T. GADEN & CO., (composed of George T. Gaden, Jno. J. McDonough aud B. P. Johnson) lumber dealers in New York city, were dissolved by mutual consent oil Jtiue 11th and 12th, 1884, respectively, the assets having been trans ferred to Jno. .I. McDonough, who assumes*, all the liabilities. jno. j. McDonough. B. P JOHNSON. GEORGE T. GADEN. June 20th, 188-1. American Legion of Honor. A SPECIAL meeting of Tattnall Couneil No 884 will be held TO-MORRO V [Thurs day] EVENING at 8 o’clock. Companions are requested to attend, as business of im portance will be transacted. ROBERT COAKLEY, Commander. Maurice E. Robmson, See’y. M HEAT SACRIFICE! o Tremendous Slaughter ! AT THE CENTRAL SHOE STORE! Beginning Monday, June 23, and to continue tor the next 30 days, my entire stock of SHOES AND SLIPPERS! Will be sold at prices that will defy all competition. All those who seek bargains .. should avail themselves of this opportunity to secure GEINUINB BARGAINS! As my stock MUST BE SOLD, ami don’t you forget it. COHEN S CENTRAL SHOE STORE S. W. COR. BROUGHTON ANI) BARNARD STREETS. ALTMAYER’S !i 135 BROUGHTON STREET. o GREAT SALE ! Immense Reductions ! Instead of waiting, as is customary with most stores, until 15th of July, when Ladies are generally supplied with headgear, we have uow decided to reduce the prices of all our goods throughout this department. We will give purchasers the rarest chance ever offered so early in the season to buy Hats, Trimmed ami Untrimmed ! And all other goods appertaining to fine Millinery at prices that will defy all competition. We merely quote a few ofthe many bargains, viz : Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s and Intuits’ Leghorns, new shapes, at 35c, 45c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 85. Milan shapes in White, Black and colors, at 47c, 67c, 74c, 98c, $t 12, $1 23, $1 47. White aud Black Chips in all shapes at a reduced price, 25 cents. Misses and Children’s Trimmed School Hats, reduced to half price. Men’s, Youth’s and Boy’s Straw Hats, cheaper than the cheapest. Trimmed Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be sold at a reduction of 50 per cent now. Do not fail to examine our 25-oent Hat Counter. In our FLOWER DEPARTMENT we will open an entire new invoice of FRENCH FLO W ERS! Consisting of Currants, Cherries, Berries, Daisies, Cloves, Buttercups, Poppies, Wild Roses, etc., etc., which arrived too late for the season, aud which were purchased for oue-half ofthe cost of importation. We will offer them at prices which will seem ridiculously low, but we must get rid of them. An Extra Sale of Ostrich Feathers At unheard of prices. An inspection of these goods alone will well repay a visit to our store STILL IIV PROGRESS ! Our Great Bargain Sale of Handkerchiefs, inaugurated last week with additional cheap lots JERSEYS. More popular than ever. Prices still lower and perfect fit guaranteed. Parasols sold now at Cost ! SPECIAL ATTENTION is called ofthe Ladies to the very large accumulation of REMNANTS of EMBROIDERIES and LACES, which will be closed out at an amazing sacrifice. Ladies should not fail this excellent opportunity of availing themselves otthe'e bargains. A. If. ALTMAYER A 00., 135 Brou<;li( oil Street. Tremendous Slaughter! MILLINERY! -XT PLATOHEK’S, 138 lirougliton St. In order to reduce our present large stock, and in preference to carrying over, we place on sale this week our vast selection of Fine Millinerv, which embraces every shape and style now worn for Ladies, Misses and Children in White and Tinted Straw, at such low prices that will induce the most economical to purchase. To give you au idea We 4i Fetv Prices ! 500 Ladies’, Misses and Children’s (odds and Ladies’ extra fine Leghorn Flops at 7oc; re ends) at 10c duced from $1 25 Misses’untrimmed Shade Hats, white and Ladies’ uni rimmed shupes in colored straw, colored, 15c; reduced from 25c 25c; reduced from 50c Misses untrimmed colored straw shapes, 25c; Ladies’ untrimmed White and colored straw reduced from 50c shapes, 50; reduced from $1 Misses’ exquisite quality Leghorn Flops, 50c; Ladies’ untrimmed Shade Hats, in all colors, reduced from $1 20c; reduced from 35c Misses’School Hats, trimmed in all the new Ladies’ untrimmed Leghorn Shapes atsl; re shades, 25c; reduced from 35c duced from $1 50 Misses’trimmed school shapes, nobby styles, Ladies’ real Black Chip shapes, $1; reduced 3oc, reduced from 50c from $1 50 Misses’ elegant trimmed shapes, in all the Ladies’ imitation Chip Hats at 25c; reduced new shades, 50c; reduced from 75c from 75c Also, genuine bargains will be offered in Flowers, Sprays & Wreaths, Ostrich Tips & Plumes. THE BEST VACANT LOTS IN YAMACRAW. LITTLE JOACHIM STREET. w . 0 5 4 3 2 1 v I CO 6 s JOACHIM or RAY St., (EXTENDED), M'S 00 FEET WIDE. IT 2 «§ - Is <5 p w 3 15 1G 17 IS ID 30 h lam now ready to sell the above lots at private sale. This will be readily recognized as the site of the old Stubbs’ warehouse, and as a splendid locality for building. The corner lots are the best unoccupied stands for stores in Yaruacraw, and already there are several live parties inquiring for them. I ‘As opening through this property ex'emh Bay street to the Canal, this must become the great thoroughfare to the Central Railroad warehouses across the Caual, at which freights are now received. OBSERN E THE LIBERAL TERMS: One-third cash and the balance in three years, with bond for titles and interest at 7 per ceut. C. 11. DORSETT. Price, Fifteen Cents a Box. EMORY’S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS are the BEST EVER MADE for Costiveness, Indigestion, Headache. 41/ VHSut Gne good dose of three or four ICmory’s Litt’e Cathartic Pills, followed by one pill every night for a week or two, makes the human machinery ■r run as regular as clock work; they purify the blood and put new life in M a broken-down body. Purely Vegetable, Harmless, Pleasant, Infallible, N the youngest child may take them. Sold by all Druggists and (Medi- ciae Dealers at 15 cts- a box, or by mail. - 3iA» p l?Pii! ,% ‘ STANDARD CD RE CO., Proprietors, 197 Pearl St., N. Y. Emory’s Little Cathartic are more than is claimed ; they prove to be the best Pill ever need here. Worth t/rice the money asked.— W. W, H. Goher, Harmony Grove, Ga— Emory’s Little Cathartic are the most popular ot all the Cathartics.—Wm. Bishop, Mille River, N. C My aged mother used one box with wonderful results.—N. W. Baker, Locust Grove,Ota • 1 recommend them.—John Collins, M. D., Athens, Texas They are excellent.—R. Benson, Jaokeou, Mias. They are unexcelled,—Mira. Elisabeth nr. Meta Lr. Mo. « f • 1 dipping. | Merchants’ aid Miners’ " TRANSPORTATION COM PAN Y. FOR BALTIMORE. CARIN’ PASSAfiK 15 00 SKCON'I) CABIN ' 13 00 EXCURSION ..... 25 00 The Steamships of this Company are appointed to sail from Savannah for Baltimore as follows: JOHNS HOPKINS, Captain J. S. March, THUR 3 DAY, June 26, at 10 a. m. W ?!;I' A ' VRENUK ’ Captain T. A. Hoorna, TUBS DAY, July Ist, at 1:00 p. m. JOHSS HOPKINS, Captain J. S. Mabcr, MONDAY, July 7, at 5 p m. UAWRENCB, Captain T. A. flooeita, SATUR DAY, July 12, at 10:30 a. m. And from Baltimore for Savannah on same days a. above at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all i the manufacturing towns in New England, and to , 1 Liverpool and Bremen. Through passenger ticket# I W"d Northwe g :t ClnCinD ' ltl ’ CbiCa,sU ’ a "‘ • K>iD ‘ JAS. B. AN KST A CO., Aelita, ll4 Rav atri*ei OCEAN STEAMSHIP (WM —FOR— SET IKS ASI F3UEKISU PASSAGE TO NEW YORK CABIN * EXCURSION **•••♦£ STEERAGE J* PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. CABIN EXCURSION ' Df' STEERAGE f CABIN TO NEW VIA PIiiLAOKLP:HA.V.V.*.*///. » Tlie magnificent SteamshipH of this Conmanv ar appointed to sail as follows. STANDARD TIME • TO NEW YOUR. TALLAHASSEE. Captain W. H. FiaHKa FRI DAY, June 27, at 9:30 a. m. ' Captain K - s - Nickkbson, SUNDAY, June 29, at IulM) a. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Captain K. H. Daooktt. TUES DAY, July 1, at 12:30 p. m. NACOOCHEE, Captain E. F. Kkmpton, FRIDA' July 4, at 3:00 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA JUNIATA, Captain H. C. Daggett, SATURDAY June 28, at 1U:»0 a. m. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Captain Cathakise, SATUR. DAY, July 5, at 4:00 p. m. Through bills of laden given to Eastern and North western points and to porta of the United Kiugdi .11 and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to G. M SORREL, Agent, City Exchange Building. Boston and Savannah STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT. CABIN PASSAGE too EXCURSION 33 STEERAGE IS The first class iron Bteamships of this company are ' ’fr appointed to sail everyTHUKSDAY from Boston at 3 p m.: from Savannah as follows: Standard Time. CITY OF MACON, Captain 4Y. KeU.kv, THURS DAY, June 26, at 9:00 p. m. GATE CITY, Captain D. Hedge, THURSDAY, July 3, at 2 30 p. m. CITY OF MACON, Captain W. Keli.ev, THURS DAY, July 10, at 7:30 p. m. GATE CITY, Captain D. Hedge, THURSDAY, July 17, at 1:00 p. m. Through bills of lading given to New England manu facturing point* and to Liverpool. The Company’s wharves in both Savannah and Bos ton are connected with all railroads leading out of the two cities. RICHARDSON k BARNARD, Ae*nts. Sea Island Route. Georgia and Florida Inland Steam boat Company. No heat! No Dnst! but a delightful sail along the PICTURESQUE SEA ISLANDS! A PERFECT DAYLIGHT SERVICE! STEAMER ST. NICHOLAS leaves Savannah, foot of Lincoln street, every SUN DAY ami THURSDAY morning atS.3O o’clock, stand ard time. Returning, leaves Feruandinu MONDAY and FRIDAY mornugs From Savannah, for Darien, Brunswick, and way landings. STEAMER DAVID CLARK From foot Lincoln street every TUESDAY aud FRI DAY at 4 p. M . For regular and special excursion tickets to all points in Florida, Cuba, Mexico etc., apply to LKVK & ALDEN, Corner Bull and Bryan Streets. Brunswick passengers either way will be trans- ferred at St. Simon’s by steamer Ruby. Freight not sigued for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. J. N. HARR I MAN, Manager. C, WILLIAMS, Genera. Agent. THE HISTORY OF Brewer’s kg Eesiorer. Its Claims Upon the Public —Why It Should Be Universally Used. It is very often the case that treasures remain bid den for years right under one’s eves and only discov ered at last by accident. Such was the case with Brewer’s Lung Restorer. This remedy was used for nearly forty years by a little neighborhood of people who either did not appreciate its true value or did not have the means or opportunity to proclaim its virtues to the world. When they had a cough, sore throat, bronchitis, tickling in the throat or other throat and lung troubles they made them a small kettle full of this uunamed remedy, the material for which they had but to look for in the forests and old fields sur- rounding their homes, and in a remarkably short time they were relieved by its use and never thought of it any more until it was again required. However, things have changed since those days. Such treasures are eagerly sought after and do not long remain in obscurity. The present proprietors of this old remedy having by accident learned that its cures were miracu lous, determined at once to ascertain for themselves what merit it really possessed, and having tested it in a great number of cases, in all of which it proved efficacious, they pu'cbased the right to manufacture and sell the same under the name of B;ewer’s Lune Restorer, and it has become so widely known uudg their management that it is to-day recognized as the greatest throat and lung remedy of the age. Con taining no opiates it can be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate. Being entirely vegetable its effects can in no way lie harmful and even in the event that it fails to cure the general health of the patient is greatly improved. It can be given to six months’ old infants in the prescribed doses with bene ficial effects; yet full grown men are surprised at its magical effect on them. Those who suffer from wmsting diseases, such as coH£umption and dyspepsia, rapidly gain in flesh and strength by the use of Brew r’s Lung Restorer. Many instances of patients gaining 7 pounds of flesh from every bottle they took have been reported to us. Testi monials from the best people iu the land are found in every newspaper of consequence and such testimon ials from such men must convince the public that this remedy possesses great merit. This medicine, in dorsed by such men, has done more to break down the prejudice existing against patent medicines than ar.y other remedy known. For the various reasons men tioned we call upon suffering humanity so give Brew er’s Lung Restorer a trial. It is almost infallible. Its effects are wonderful—in fact, miraculous. CURE I OU PILES. of Files is it#mig ;it iTWtt after getting wain. Afcis unpleasant sensation is immtJKtely lfived by an application of ] >^i!osank%; Pile Keraedy. Piles iu all forms, Itch, Salt Khcttin and Kingw >rm can l>e permanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 60 cents. Manufactured by The I)r. iiosanko Medicine Co., Piquu, O. * Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J Kieffer.