The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 19, 1884, Image 2

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gp TIMES !» SuSj hb> • ■ way in tlie Swaim Court martial, Wt just now thedefendant is putting in some telling licks. He openly declares that Bateman is a very crooked character. Mr. Bateman’s friends in Savannah wii 1 be sorry to hear this. + —. Cleveland is a curious sort »/f man. He wouldn’t even accept a pair of boots sent him as a present by an enthusiastic shoe maker, but would insist upon paying S2O for them. He solaced the soul of the pat riotic donor, however, by promising to wear them on inauguration day. Os all the impracticable measures ever introduced into Congress, it does look as if Mr. Reagan’s inter-State Commerce bill is obliged to prove the most impracticable. How Congress can possibly expect to manage the business of all the railroads of the United States is far beyond the grasp of an ordinary mind. New York city will spend sixty or seventy thousand dollars in a week to hear a few trills from a woman or to see an actor of Irving’s size act, but cannot raise in 12 months $250,000 to place in proper position a great statue that is given by another country and that is one of the wonders of modern genius. If it be true, as stated, that President elect Cleveland has really offered the Treas ury portfolio to Senator Bayard, and that he has accepted the offer, it will be a very prac tical evidence of the fact that Mr. Cleveland proposes to give the country an honest ad ministration. What a refreshing spectacle it will be to see such a man as Mr. Bayard at the head cf the finances of the govern ment. In selecting him for his Cabinet, Mr. Cleveland has made a good start. McCULLOCIFS CONFIRMATION. After a considerable delay, caused by the dilatory tactics of the repudiation Senator from Virginia, Mr. Riddleberger, Hon. Hugh McCulloch has been confirmed as See retary of the Treasury, by a vote of 50 to 1, —that lone solitary 1 being the vote of Riddleberger himself. This result was to have been expected, but the case presents very strikingly some of the curiosities of politics. When Mahone first started his repudiation movement in Virginia, he found Mr. McCul loch the bitter and uncompromising enemy of his unprincipled schemes. At that time, Hfor political reasons, and to defeat □ocratic party at any cost, the Re tt administration, a Republican Sen -1 the Republican party generally I the aid and comfort possible to i, and it was largely through the as he received from the administration —which placed the Federal pat ronage of Virginia entirely in his hands— that he was enabled to accomplish his purposes. Now, after the lapse of several years, we see this very man who so bitterly opposed Mahone, and, there fore, then as bitterly opposed President Arthur’s administration, nominated to the important and responsible position of United States Secretary of the Treasury, and con firmed by the votes of many Republican Senators, who at one time made common cause with their repudiating fellow mem- F’J. Never did political party turn so com plete a somersault in so short a time. This confirmation of Secretary McCul loch is a victory for the Democracy, second in importance only to the election of Cleve land. It is a confession by the Republicans that the Democrats were right, and that they were wrong in the support they gave to the Repudiationists in Virginia,and the only excuse they can now offer for their course in that State was that they thought the end they hoped for justified the means they used for its accomplishment. It is moreover the and final overthrow of Mahone- Bsm, for the Readjusters have played their card, and have been badly beaten, and it be hoped that neither they nor methods will ever again f, but that they will be to l * ,e oblivion they so indicates that the country *' once niore to better days. Mn the Republicans are begin- JSauize some virtue in honesty. - r ’ J??/ again to be congratulated on gjPinaiigurated willithenouisnL- V 1 < BKontirmation of Secretary Me ■fHR NICARAGUA CANAL. 9 The Nicaraguan treaty now before the proposes, among other things, the . cutting of a canal across the Central Amer t icAn State of Nicaragua, so as to give us a shorter communication between the Atlan tic iand Pacific oceans than at present af forded around Cape Horn. It is provided in the treaty that this canal shall be built by the United States, and be partly owned by them and the Republic of Nicaragua. Theci-al is to bind 1 the two countries* 'perpetually together, and MBF' is to enter into an allaince and defensive with their little B«fr>wlio is to be taken under our pro- M"g- e United States have tfe right U, build an 1 own a ,-B|er in Nicaragua, or any other WgjL: fact ha esc ipcd the knowledge of ■B-nd ablest statesmen. In M&nce the foundation of the Repub- EHa disputed point whether the gen ■j K®“rnment has any right to construe EHnternal improvement even in this Ry and though national works have at the public expense, they have always encountered the severest oppo sition. No attempt, however, has ever yet been made by this government to build any such work in a foreign country, and to do so now would certainly be to stretch our constitutional privileges to the widest imaginable extent. Before this treaty can be ratified it will require a two-thirds vote of the Senate, and if enough Democratic members vote for it, to secure its ratification, it will show that old Democratic doctrines and traditions have passed away, and that an entirely new Democratic party has been formed upon the ruins of the old. Opposition to the gen eral government’s spending the public money, or taxing the people for works of internal improvement, was one of the cardi nal principles of the old line Democracy and the bare idea of the government raising taxes for the construction of a canal in aas outside country to be under the protejjjjag? of the Union, would have been sufficient to have roused the fears of the founders of the Republic, and the party, to the highest pitch of excitement. It would have been regarded as a step towards centrali zation which would have caused the old fashioned States Rights statesmen to have uttered warnings and alarms in thunder tones of indignation. The doctrines and teachings of these old fathers of Democracy still engraven deeply upon the minds memories of many of their descendants, it is scarcely possible that in these lat ter days, a Senath composed nearly one-half of Democrats will be willing to sanction a treaty which flagrantly violates Democratic principles, and completely recognizes the doctrine of the paternity of our govern ment. PITH AND POINT. One of the Most Interesting Features. Louisville Times. New Orleans will be the Mecca of new married couples this winter, and they will constitute one of the most interesting dis plays in the great Exposition. A Band of Brothers, Anyhow. Fort Worth Gazette. Blaine would rend the sections asunder, but Texas cowboys send relief to destitute miners in Ohio all the same. We are a band of brothers, Mr. Blaine, if you didn’t get there. It Is To Be Hoped So. New York World. Mr. Blaine’s libel suit in Indiana served its day, as it served its day in Maine sev eral years ago. It is to be hoped that Mi. Blaine has made his last appeal to the courts for campaign purposes. A Model Marine Reporter. New Orleans Times-Democrat. It is stated that Secretary Chandler will engage in the newspaper business after next March. Mr. Chandler has had great experience in naval matters and it is sup posed he will be engaged by the Denver Republican as marine reporter. And Probably Sometime Longer, Cincinnati Times-»Btar. By a strict party vote the Senate passed the bill admitting as a State that nortion of Dakota south of the forty-sixth parallel. It will be purely a party question in the House, also, and that means the defeat of the bill. Dakota must defer its hope of ad mission till the Fiftieth Congress convenes. Couldn’t Expect It. Exchange. Judge—Prisoner, you are charged with having been involved in several swindling operations under under aliases such as Brown, Smith, Jones, and so on. Why was that? Prisoner—Well, Judge, you wouldn’t ex pect me to use my own name in swindling transactions, would you ? “ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Ask for “ Rough on Coughs.” for Coughs Colds, Sore Throat, Ho?reness. Troches 15c. Liquid, 2*c. Home Itmes and Topics. —“All your own fault. If you remain sick when you can Get hop bitters that never—Fail. —The weakest woman, smallest child and sickest invalid can use hop bitters with safety and great good. —Old men tottering around from Rheuma tism, kidney trouble or any weakness will be made almost new by using hop bitters. ■O" My wife and daughter were made healthy by the use of hop bitters, and I re commend them to my people.—Methodist Clergyman. Ask any good doctor if hop Bitters are not the best family medicine On earth !! 1 Malarial fever. Auge and Biliousness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop bit ters arrive. “My mother drove the paralysis and neu ralgia all out of her system with hop bit ters.”— Ed. Oswego Sun. * <£r*Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bit ters and you need not fear sickness. —lce water is rendered harmless and more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in each draught. —The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in hop bitters ’! I f— “At the change of life nothing equals ) -< Hop Bitters to allay all troubles incident > Thereto.” J —“The best periodical for ladies to take monthly, and from which they will receive the greatest benefit is hop bitters.” —Mothers with sickly, fretful, nursing c hil dren, will cure the children ana benifit them selves by taking hop bitters daily. —Thousands die annually from some form of kidney disease that might have been pre vented by a timely use of hop bitters. —lndigestion, weak stomach, irregularities of the bowels cannot exist when hop bitters are used. A timely * * * use of hop Bitters will keep a whole family In robust health a year at a little cost. —To produce real, genuine sleep and child like repose all night, take a little hop bitters on retiring. genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with “Hop” or “Hops” in their name. A Prominent Farmer Writes. Robert Station, Jones County, Ga., June 20th 1884—By the recommendation of Rev. C. C. Davis used Dr. Mozely’s Lemon Elixir for indigestion, de qility and nervous prostration, having been a great sufferer for years and tried all known remedies for these diseases, all of which failed. Five boitles of Lemon Elixir made a new man of me and restored my strength and energy so that I can attend to my farm with all ease and comfort. Refer any one to me. lour friend, William B. Emerson. A Card From Cuthbert. This is to certify that I used Dr. Moziey’s Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with the most marked benefits to my general health. 1 would gladly have paid SSOO for the relief it has given me at a cost of two or three dollars. H. A. Beall, Clerk Superior Court, Randolph Co. Cuthbert, Ga., June 21, 1884. Dr. Moziey’s Lemon Elixir, prepared at his drug store, 114 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. It cures all billiousness, constipation, indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, im purities of the blood, loss of appetite, debility and nervous prostration by regulating the Liver. Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers. Fifty cents for one half pint bottle, one dollar for pint and half bottle. Sold by druggists generally nd'by all wholesale Druggists. YOUNG MEN!—READ THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or olds afflict ed with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred, as thiry days’trial is al lowed V rite for them at once for Illustrated pamphlet nee. THE HARNETT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, Visitors to Savannah, Ga., will find the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, where the cha r ges are mod erate, while the uniform excellence of the table is a subject of general remark-.-Chi cago National Hotel Reporter. This Id da of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico for pure air to re lieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Rosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup for Consumption in all its first stages. It never fails to give re lief Id all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains n the Chest ana all affections that are considered primary to Consumption. Price, 5n cents and 81. Sold by Oceola Butler and E. J. fc Kieffer. Skin Diseass—Sway ie’s Ointment. “Swayne’s Ointment” cures Tetter, Sal'j Rheum. Ringworms, Sores, Pimples, Eczem no matter how obstinate or long standing. Just as Good. Many unscrupulous dealears may tell you they have remedies for Coughs and Colds equal in merit and in every respect just as good as the old reliable Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, unless you insist upon this remedy and will take no other, you are liable ’ to be greatly deceived. Price aO cenis and 81. yoSbdy Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer. For the accommodation of our patrons we have established a Tailoring Department, where any garment bought of us can be al tered to suit the taste of the most fastidious, tree of charge. We invite the, pub lie to call jjmd look through our for far the largest in the Almost a Miracle! A REMARKABLE STORY. A few day* ago a gentleman of high standing in Atlanta met Dr. J. Bradfield on the street, and related the following, in which all ladies are deeply in terested : “For the past eighteen months iry wife has been an invalid, caused from womb trouble, cessation of mense , etc , and I ha.e t ied everything 1 cculd hear of in the way of medicine, and have hat se-eral of on best physicians attending her. to one of whom (ca ling him by ame) I paid one hundred and sixty-three dol lars Instead of improving or getting any relief she gradually grew worse, and I h id almost given up hope, and really did not believe she would ever get up from an invalid’s bed; but a friend of mine who knew of the case suggested the use of Bradfield’s Female Regulator, and although he stated that he knew of a similar case being cured by it, and endorsed it highly himself, I was so discouraged 1 did not believe it would do her any good ; but as a last resort 1 bought a large bottle of it and she began taking it, and from tne very first a marked change took place. She begun to improve rapidly, her appetite returned, her whole system was built up. B’jd to-day she is as well and sound as ever in her life, and I am under lifelong obligations to you and your remedy, for it undoubtedly sa- ed her life;” and he added, “I wish every lady in the world so af flicted would try it, as 1 know it cure them.” We Claim and can Prove Beyond a Donb\ by the highest and most und übted testimony, That this Remedy will cure all womb troubles. That this Remedy will cure luchon-hoea or whitea. That this Remedy will restore the menstrual functions That this Remedy will stop excessive monthly flow. That this Remedy will relieve painful menstruation. That this Remedy will build up the system as a tontc. That this Remedy will cure all famale disorders. “CHANGE OF LIFE.” If taken during this period, so critical, it stands without a rival. Send for our Treatise on Woman. Mailed free to any address. The Bradfield Regulator Co, Atlanta, Ga* HOPE! Swift’s Specific has cured my cancer, which was very bad. lam now in fine health; nev er better. Have gained 25 pounds since I be gan taking Swift’s Specific R. S. Bradford, Tiptonville, Tenn. CANCER FOR MANY YEARS.—A servant has been afflicted for many years with a can cer on her nose, which resisted all sorts of treatment. She was cured entirely with Swift’s Specific. John Hill, Druggist, Thomson, Ga. NOSE EATEN OFF -A young man near this town had an eating cancer on his face which had destroyed his nose and was eating to ward his eyes. As a last resort I put him on Swift’s Specific, and it lias «ured him sound and well M. F. Crumley, M. D., Oglethorpe, Ga. I have seen remarkable results from the use of Swift’s Specific in cancer. It has cured several cases under my own eyes. Rev. J. H. Campbell, Columbus, Ga. Swift’s Specific is entirely vegetable, and seems to cure cancers by forcing out the im purities from the blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseaes mailed free. The Swift t Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., or 159 W. 23rd street, New York. CLOTHING. YOU DON’T SAY ? But we do say so, and stick to it that we can do as w’ell and may be better for you than any other house in Savannah. BUSINESS SUITS, 1 APPEL BROS. DRESS SUITS, 3 APPEL BROS. UNDERWEAR, C APPEL BROS. O OVERCOATS, N APPEL BROS. G NECKWEAR, R APPEL BBOS. E HOSE, S APPEL BROS. S HATS, CAPS, APPEL BROS. S &C., &C. T APPEL BROS. Suits all well made ! Fits guaranteed! Our established reputation must be sustained. Call and be convinced that we are not mak ing empty boasts. 163 Congress St, opposite the Market APPEL BROS. I~LEVY, MERCHANT TAILOR, Screven House Adjoining Estill’s News Depot. Finest English and French Cassimeres. Suits made in latest styles, at NEW YORK PRICES. A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST ENGAGED. All orders will have prompt attention. Call and be convinced. INVITATION! Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES S. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broug-hton Street. W’U The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in the city. J. E. SANDIFORD, Green Grocer. At this old and well established market, South Broad street, will always be found Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Chickens, Eggs and Vegetables. Choice Beef from Northern markets received every week per steamers. Boston Corned Beef always od hand. Marketing delivered free of charge to any part of the city. GEO. M. II ELM KEN, Variety Bakery, Cor. South Broad and East Broad streets. BREAD, CAKES and PIES of all descrip tion. CHRISTMAS CAKES a specialty. Wed ding Parties supplied on reasonable terms. I I KS I -CLASS GREEN GROCERY, H. W. TED PROPRIETOR, Corner Habersham and Charlton Sts. Always on Hand the Freshest and Choicest MEATS, POULTRY AND VEGETABLES FINE VEAL AND MUTTON, COUNTRY AND YARD EGGS FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. ®Sf-All orders promptly attended to, and G ods Delivered Free In all parts of the city Y c ur patronage respectfully solicited. gBE’ SURE tllK MOUTH WASH and DENTIFRICE Cures Bleeding Gums. Ulcers. Sore Mouth, Sore ■Jhroat, Cleanses the Teeth and Purifies the Breath ; L»v h-adinir dentists. Pre- An Exploded Boom. A long, lank, lean and chronic Anti-Potash Boom met the new, fat and saucy zktlanta Big Bold Boom on a hot, sultry day. “Who are you?” asked the B. B. B. Boom. “I am the old Anti-Potash Boom,” was the sad reply, as the perspiration rolled down, and it leaned heavily on the B. B. B. Boom for support. “Don’t lean on me,” said the B. B. Boom,” “I may look strong, but 1 am quite young only 14 months old. and am growing rapidly, and am mighty weak in the knees. I am doing the work which you have failed to do. although you ase 50 years old. You are old and tough and rich, and don’t require sup port. But what causes you to look so thin of late?” ‘‘Well, I hardly know,” replied the Anti- Potash Boom. “My physician tells that me my abilities have been over-rated, and that while trying to whip out all opposition by boast and brag, that 1 have only proven my ina bility to cope with what he calls my supe riors. Old age is also creeping on me—having fought near 50 years before any one knew I was living—and now I am unable to perform feats that others are doing. I am collapsed: my friends have turned against me and call me names: and, oh, Lordy,how sick I become at the very sight of B. B. B. Hold my head while 1 die.” Atlanta, June 5, 1884. Blood Balm Company: I take pleasure in making the following statement: For four years I have been a great sufferer from Malarial Blood Poison, and for six months have had Rheumatism to such an extent that 1 was forced to use crutches a por tion of the time, and could not raise my left arm to my head. I used all the leading Blood Remedies of the day, besides the attention of several first-class physicians, all withou benefit. I became quite feeble and emaciated, having very little appetite and poor digestion. Calling at your office one day, I secured two bottles of B. B. B. and commenced its use at once, and before one bottle had been used, I felt a most wonderful change. Two bottles have given me almost entire relief. Rheuma tism relieved and can use my arm as good as ever; cured the neuralgia in my head and all malarial poison is being rapidly relieved, and I feel better than I have for six years. To tell you the truth, I have never used such a won derful medicine in all my life, as the effects have been magical. It has acted as a spier ;did tonic, gave a good appetite and imparted quiet slumbers. I cheerfully recommend it as a quick remedy. W. P. McDANIEL. wohcwm THE greater portion being heavily wooded with Pine, Oak and Hickory, and the balance consisting of rich Rice, Cotton and Corn land, located about TWENTY MILES FROM SAVANNAH. Are offered for sale. The timber on this tract has never been “saw-milled” or “boxed,” and being of virgin growth is very valuable to either mill men or turpentine getters. The products of this land, which have amounted to 45 bushels of rice, a bale of cot ton and 40 bushels of corn to an acre, can be marketed at a minimum cost for freighting. jt n it ra METffl. The improvements in the way of dwell ings, barns, rice mill and machinery are sub stantial and ample. There are advantages peculiar to this property which render it valuable for a Cattle Range, Turpentine Farm, Rice, Corn, Cotton or Fuel Plantation. One corner of the land is only one-tourthof a mile from Fleming Station, on the Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway. LIBERAL TERMS Will be given to a responsible person, or an exchange may be negotiated for city property or city or railroad bonds. Plats will be fur nished on application to C. 11. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer, SAVANNAH .....GEORGIA. —AND— CUTLERY. ROGERS’ and RUSSELL’S Fine Table Knives, Fine Carvers and Steels, in Sets. A full line of Fine Pocket Knives. A full line of Fine Scissors. «S*The largest stock of BREECH-LOADING Guns and Hifles Ever offered in Savannah. Jfcir For sale Low by PALMER 13TTOS. 148 Congress and 151 St. Julian street. LUMBER AND TIMBER. BACON, JOHNSON& CO. PLANING MILL, LUMBER AND WOOD YARD. LARGE STOCK OF DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT LOW PRICES! WGood Lot of Wood Just Received.”®* J. J. McDonough. T. B. Thompson. Ed. Bukdett. McDonough & co., Office: 1161 Bryan street. Yellow Pine Lumber. Lumber Yard and Planing Mill: Opposite 8., F. & W. Railway Depot, Savannah, Ga. Saw Mills: Surrency. Ga., No. 6, Macon ans Brunswick Railroad. D. C. Bacon, Wm, B. Stillwell. H. P. Smart. D. C. 15 AGON & CO PITCH PINE AND— Cypress Lumber & Timber BY THE CARGO. Savannah and Brunswick, Ga. P. O. SAVANNAH, GA. Holiday (xoods ! —AT— Reduced Prices to Suit the Times. Drossing Cases, 82, 82 50, 83 50, 85, 88, 810, 812 50, 815,818, and 835. Odor C"ses, 81 .50, 82 50, 84 00, $5 00, 88 00 and 810 00. Gents Shaving- Cases, 81 50, 83 00, 84 00 and 88 50. Manicure Sets, St 00, 82 00, S 3 75 and 85 50. Fine English and French Hair and Tooth Brushes. American, German and French Colognes and Handkerchief Extracts in Handsome Cologne Bottles, at F. SCHWIEREN, Corner BULL AND STATE STREETS, i AMERICAN ELECTRIC LIGHT, 60c. A complete model Incandes cent Electric Lamp, with Bat tery, stand, Globe, Platina Bur ner, Wire., &c., with instructions forputti»x in perfect operation, will be s(Abk post-paid, for 60 cts. FREgfcICK LOWEY, 96 FulldSftreet, New York. HAMILTON’S CHRISTMAS COLUMIX. IF YOU WANT A FINE Diamond Ring, Lace Pin, Ear Drops, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, OR Bracelets, FOR CHRISTMAS! GO TO HAMILTON’S. IF YOU WANT A Ladies’, Gent’s BOY’S WATCH! FOR ( HUISTMA ! GO TO HAMILTON’S IF YOU WANT AN ARTICLE OF Solii SilwmMS lor Uhrta I GO TO HAMILTONS IF YOU WANT THE Latest Styles of Jewelry FOR CHRISTMAS! GO TO HAMILTONS IF YOU WANT A FINE French Clock ! FOR CHRISTMAS! GO TO HAMILTONS —IF YOU WANT ANY ARTICLE OF Fancy Goods! FOR CHRISTMAS! GO TO HAMILTONS IF YOU WANT First Class Goods! IN ANY OF THE ABOVE LINES FOR CHRISTMAS GO TO sm.iißws, Cor. Bull and Broughton Sts. A Uargaiu. We have got a fine lot of Lyon’s makeof Silk Umbrellas, 28 inches; good siza Gentle men’s Umbrellas, which we offer KROUSKOFF’S Wholesale and Retail MILLINERY HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT! WE ARE STILL CROWDED IN OUR UPPER AND LOWER FLOORS WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK OF fiu Fall asi Bier Millinery! WHICH MUST BE CLOSED OUT BEFORE OUR IMPORTATION OF SPRING MILLINERY ARRIVES IN THIS PORT. WE HAVE DECIDED ON A Grand Clearing Ont Sale! AND OFFER THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FELT, VELVET AND STRAW HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, FINE PLUMES, TIPS, FRENCH FLOWERS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES, SATINS, VELVET AND SILK RIBBONS, &c., At Cost and Less than Cost WE SH' LL PUT ON SALE AND ESPECIALLY DRAW THE ATTEN TION OF THE PUBLIC TO OUR French Fur Felt Hats at 75 cents. “ “ Felts, Bound, SI.OO. Wool Felts at 40 cents. TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS! A r r TTA.L.F- I AND ALL OUR OTHER GOODS AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. BEING LARGE JOBBERS IN THESE GOODS, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SAY THAT RETAILERS CANNOT POSSIBLY COMPETE, MORE ESPE CIALLY WHEN WE DECIDE ON CLOSING OUT. One Thousand Children’s Trimmed Felt Hats 25 CEIVTS. THESE ARE LEFT OVER FROM LAST WINTER’S STOCK, BUT ARE PERFECTLY GOOD FOR STREET OR SCHOOL WEAR, AND ARE GOOD VALUE AT ONE DOLLAR S. K It O TJ S K OTP TP, Wholesale and Retail Millinery. M. STERNBERG, JE AViC IJCIt. When moving into my new Store I made very extensive purchases, and compliments have been showered upon me from all sides upon my Elegant and Tasty Stock. I presumed that my stock would have been ample for the Holiday Trade but I was com pelled, owing to the appreciation I met with, to make continual additions to my stock, and yet my purchases could hardly keep apace with Tlie Unprecedented T>emand ! I have now made arrangements so ample that I can assure my friends and the public that after to-day my stock will be again !« complete in every respect as can only be found in the very besthouses in the leading Northern cities. MY SPECIALTIES ARE Diamonds, and the Most Celebrated and Reliable Makes of Gold Watches, and my Fancy Jewelry is not Wanting in Either Taste, Design or Workmanship. NO FANCY PRICES ! Every Article Guaranteed as Represented. My unprecedented success is summed up in these few words. No matter how ignorant one may be as to the quality or value of Jewelry, he receives honest goods at honest prices. STER.KrEEK.Gr/ BROUGHTON ST. HOLIDAY GOODS ! AT A. J. MILLER & Co’s Furniture and Carpet Emporium Fins Parlor Suits ad Bdroam Suits! IMEiri-or* Door 'Wfi/rd.robes, Combination Dressing Cases, Chiffoniers, Fine Dining Room Pieces. Also, choice assortment of NOVELTIES upholstered In Leather, Plush, Silk and Ramie. BOUQUET STANDS, BRACKETS, &c. OUT? CzVTtDET DEDA.DTATEINT Is also filled with a choice assortment of goods suited to tills purpose. CHIEDBLEIN ’S D ED A. KT'METVT’. FINE DOLL CARRIAGES, BUREAUS, TABLES, CHAIRS, VELOCIPEDES, &.C., <fcc. 49*Do not fall to inspect our stock. J. MI I /IUK H Au <D O. CImTEVERT DAY! CTlirong-li our Niiinunoth Establislimeiit, PLATSHEK’S, 138 BBLOYJOHLTOIN STREET. Seeking for Holiday Presents to suit the youngest child to the eldest person, for boys, girls gents', ladies’ and in fact, to please everyone, we can do it and are still doing so. The public are loud in our praise, saying : “HOW CHEAP PIATSfIEK SELLS HOLIDAY PRESENTS and there is truth in it, for there is no house in our city can show up the selection we have. Our assortment embraces the choicest goods from the famous marts of EUROPE, all of which were bought for CASH. This gives us every advantage to undersell all others. NVIC A.KE HEADQUARTERS FOR TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS. Dresden Ware, Plush Work Boxes, Japan Ware, Bohemian Glassware, Plush boxes of all Kinds, Toilet Cases, Bisque Goods, Plush odor Stands, Mamcure Sets, Vienna Glassware, Plush fancy Articles, Albums of all Kinds, Chinaware, Plush Mirrors, Fancy Work Baskets, Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc, Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc , Etc. AND A MILLION OTHER SUITABLE PRESENTS. only to be found in our establ’shment. Special TMotice---Ou.x - Annual Oift. for every $5 worth of goods purchased are entitled to a chance on the Large Fancy Dressed French Bisque Doll. Look for General Lee’s picture on each package of Favorite Cigarettes. Favorite Cigarettes—just want Try them. k I At L. Fried's, the reason you are not forced or bilked half to death to buy goods you do I not like,is because he carries a large and well . selected stock. Also sells so cheap that you will find it no trouble to buy or get suited,as I he intends to carry out as he advertises. RESTUARANTS AND BARS. 5 h of Is City!' AND Don’t Fail to Remember It! WHEN YOU Wish to Get a First-Class Meal, SERVED UP IN SUPERB STYLE, AT FroiiS Hicks’ Restaurant, SUCCESSORS TO YV. B. IP er r e 11, Nos. 11 and 12 Market Basement. W-Our best commendation comes from onr Regular Boarders. Prompt attention, polite waiters and a Bill of Fare unsurpassed. Pnlaski House WE AND BILLIARD SJA-XjOOTV ' Has been FITTED UP in SUPERB STYLE, and is one of the COSIEST RESORTS in the f e “joy a good game on first-class Tables and spend a pleasant even Ing, visit this place. J. J. SULLIVAN, . PROPRIETOR. me iimmn OYSTER & CHOP HOUSE. T. 11. Enright,Fr opr, Cor. Brough *on «nd Drayton Sts. Open for the Season. Renovated and Im proved, and the MOST ATTRACTIVE RES TAURANT in the South. NEW YORK OYSTERS and THE FINEST NORTHERN MEATS! DELICIOUS CHOPS, Etc. COOKING UNEXCELLED! O9*Everything Served in the Best Style and at Reasonable Prlces.*go W-Superb Cuisine, Attentive Waiters, and the Best in the Market.”** and ra Savannah Club, Livery & Board Stables. Corner Drayton, McDonough and Hull sts. A. W. HARMON, Prop’r. Headquarters for fine Turn-Outs. Personal attention given to Boarding Horses. Tele phone No. 205. to theTublic. Owing to the present occupant’s lease not expiring until January Ist, 1885, 1 will not take possession of PULASKI HOUSE STA BLES until that date. B. C. GREASON. IME. T. Manufacturer of Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale, Sipnons Plain Soda, Etc. Having purchased the business lately con ducted by Mr. F. MEINCKE, at the old stand of Mr. JOHN RYAN, 110 and 112 Brough ton street, I am now prepared to furnish everything in my line at reasonable prices. I will guarantee goods equal to any put up in any part of the United States. Will shortly be prepared to furnish the various Mineral Waters in siphons and bot tles. Having a large number of Fountains, I am prepared to supply those who draw from them Churches, Schools, Benevolent and Chari table Institutions holding Fairs, Festivals or Picnics can be assured of a liberal discount. All orders from the country will receive prompt and careful attention. Telephone No. 252. Thankful for the many favors shown me in the past, I hope, by strict attention to merit the patronage of all my old and many new friends in my “new departure.” NI. T. QUINAN. BIRD GRAVEL, CUTTLE FISH, BIRD SEED, mixed and plain, LADIES’ WORK-STANDS & BASKETS, FINE WALKING-CANES, FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, FLORAL DESIGNS, GRASSES AND CURIOSITIES, FOR SALE BY J. GARDNER, Agent, SEEDSMAN, No. 30% Bull Street- (M V. BECKER & CO. 176 Buy SAVANNAH, ( A Hts: Saprl&tift Fhit ta’s Pi'l'tt k&g Ptwiir Bubir’i bll-Stiw PRINTERS’ ROLLERS’ THOMPSON’S Smim Kill;! Composition! The only reliable COMPOSITION made for the SOUTHERN CLIMATE. by the Pound or made into Rollers at short notice. A. L>. THOMPSON, 93% Bay Street Savannah, Ga CDHE i till PILES. ' ejymtitom of Piles is itAing at after getting y aimi '■Lua impleasant sensation is Jfved by an applicatier of Dn file Remedy, files in all forms, Itch, Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be permanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Boaanko Medicine Co., Pi',ua, Q. Bc'!d by * Osceola Butler and K. J Kieffu.