The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 19, 1884, Image 3

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1884. Gone Forevermore. Louisville Courier-Journal. The South may, indeed, extract sunbeams from cucumbers. It may discover a short cut to the moon by hand-basket express round Cape Horn. But as for ever reclaim ing these slaves or getting pay for them, that will happen when Niagara turns about and flows up stream. In the language of Captain. Simon Suggs, of the Tallapoosa Vol unteers, the South says simply, “Them nig gers is gone from me and mine furever’n’ furever.” The South Wants all to Come. New York Star. Now the South calls on all to come and see for themselves, to study for themselves its social and political spirit and to observe her industrial temper and capacities and the wealth with which nature has endowed it. The season, too, is one in which travel Southward is always grateful, even when no such extraordinary inducements are offered, and therefore we expect to see the invita tion accepted by many thousands whose visit to New Orleans will doubtless help to strengthen the growing community of feel ing between the two parts of the Union. TH/. HOPE OF THE NATION. Children slow in development, unyp scrawny and delicate, use “Wells’ Health Renewer.” Sweet Gum and Mullein. The sweet gum, as gathered from a tree of the same name, growing along the small streams in the Southern titales, contains a stimulating expectorant principle that loos ens the phiegm producing the early morning cough, and stimulates the child to throw oil the false membrane in croup and whooping cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein plant of the old Helds, presents in Taylor’s Chero kee Remedy of ttweet wum and Mullein, the linest known remedy for coughs, croup, whooping cough and consumption; and so palatable any child can take it. Ask your druggist for it. bend two-cent stamp for Taylor’s Riddle Book, which is not only for the amusement Os the little ones, who will gather around your knee to hear the puzzling questions, but contains information for the health and welfare of every home. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, propri etor Taylor’s Premium Cologne, Atlanta, Ga. Lucky Chances. A money prize for every twentieth person without any extra charge. As me general cry is bard Limes, we will therefore—in order to make still greater inducements for the masses to buy their Clothing from the “fa mous”- from mis day on keep an open record of every sale made from $o up, and every twentieth purchaser will receive half the purchase money refunded as a prize. As no sale under $5 will be recorded, no prize will be less than $2 50. There is no secret or jugglery about our oiler. Our goods are marked in plain figures. The lucky person, whoever 1l nits, will get the prize. This otter by the “Famous” is not confined to any class of foods. No matter what you buy in Clothing, lats, Shirts or Furnishing Goods to the amount of $5, that amount will entitle you to a chance for a prize. With our fine goods and the well known low prices of the “famous” lor clothing and every thing we sell, the above extra otter of a prize is undoubtedly the great est inducement that ever was ottered. “Fa mous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. A gentleman of Goodwater, Ala., writes: “My wife was down so long, 1 do not know what all she has taken. 1 had doctors attend ing her and they failed to relieve her; so I got a bottle of your hemale Regulator, and she used it, and has been mending ever since. She can now go about the house and do her work, and we know it to be a very valuable medicine.” Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free. BRADFIELD REgULATOK CO.. Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. Solomons’ Cough and Cold Remedy has a more immediate and decided beneficial effect upon the Throat, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs than any other known remedy. It permar nently cures Coughs, Colds, Dryness, Tick ling of the Throat and Breathing Tubes, and prevents their development into that dread ful disease Consumption. Mr. Charles H. Blun, Mr. Andrew H. Charl ton and Major L. M. Mclntosh and other well known citizens of Savannah and elsewhere, have given highly favored testimonials, and we are permitted to refer to them. SOLOMONS & CO., Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, can be Cured by Administering Dr. Haiuees’ Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. DR. LOWERY’S REMEDY infuses new life in the debilitated; it assimilates with the blood and and supplies that deficiency in the nervous system, which is the cause of debility and physical prostration. It acts on the liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs, causing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew—when the face re sumes the bloom of health, the eye its lustre and the brain its power. This remedy can be obtained of druggists and dealers generally. Price $1.90 per package; three packages, two dollars; sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist for it; do not take any other. If you cannot obta it send direct, with price, and it will be securely sealed, by mail to your address. Address Depot and Labratory, Dr. Lowery’s Remedies, No. 18 E. Fourteenth St. New York City. Advice free; send stamp for reply. PILES I PILES!! PILES !!! Sure cure for blind, bleeding and itching piles. One box has cured the worst cases of twenty years’ standing. No need to suffer five minutes after using Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors, allays Itchings, acts as poultice, gives instant relief. Prepared only for piles, itching of the pri vate parts, nothing else. Hon. J. M. Coffen <bury, of Cleveland, says: “I have used scores ■of pile cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that 1 have never found anything which gives such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment.” Sold by druggists and mailed on receipt of price, •>l. Sold wholesale and retail by O. Butler, Savannah, Lippman Bros., wholesale and re tail druggists. A CARD. "To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I wil send a receipt that will cure you, free of charge, This great remedy was discovered toy a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. gold, siiveumgkel puting. A Useful. Trade, Easily Learned. CzFni t u'l/1 DDTf’V KD In order to meet a J) XVJLV'J?. O" long felt want for a con ven lent and portable PLATIN G APPA RATUS, with which any one can do the finest Quality ofGold, Silver and Nickel Plating on Watches, Chains, Rings, Knives, Forks and Spoons,! have made the above low.prlced set, consisting of Tank, lined witli Acid-Proof Cement, Three Cells of Battery that will de posit 30 penny-weights of metal a day, Hang ing Bars, Wire, Gold Solution, one quart of Silver Solution and half gallon of Nickel. Also a box of Bright Lustre, that will give the metal the bright and lustrous appearance of finished work. Remember, these solutions are not exhausted, but will PLATE any num ber of articles if the simple Book of Instruc tions is followed. Any one can do it. A woman's work. FOR FIFTY CENTS EXTRA will send Six Chains or Rings that can be Gold Plated and sold for Two Dollars more than tile whole outfit costs. Our Book, "GOLD AND SIL ILK HOU THE PEO PLE" which offers unrivaled inducements to all, sent FREE. If not successful can be re turned and exchanged for MORE THAN ITS VALUE. REMEMBER, this Is a practical outfit and I will warrant it, or it can be re turned at my expense. Will be sent C. O. D. If desired, upon receipt 01*1.50, balance to be collected when delivered. Next size outfit, with Tank 12x10x3, only 55.00. TRY IT. Profits, over 300 per cent. BOOK SENT FREE. Address. Frederick Lowey, 96 & 98 Fulton St., New York. AGENTS 1 For “History, Romance and WANTED J Philosophy of Great Ameri can Crimes and Criminals.” The most start ling book of recent years. Biographical— Pictorial. 161 superb engravings with Per sonal Portraits of the Celebrated Criminals. 659 royal octavo pages. L w retail price, 82 50. It is a work of art as well as of thrilling his toric interest. Is bound to produce a pro found impression. Agents sell it by the thou sands. A grand chance for canvassers. Agents Wanted! dprar ticulars. and be convinced that this is the most- salable and profitable book published or to save time, send 75 cents at o nee lor C vassing Book, and state your choice of town k ships. Address, N. D. THOMPSON & CO? St. Louis, Mo., or New York city liver complaint, v JPspX inactivity of the ifiiSSk ' kidneysand blad- er » c°ttstlpation an< * °ther organ ic maladies, Hos .-• tetter's Stomach jrZTEB fitters is a tried # remedy, to which cj ■ the medical brotherhood nave lent their professional sanc tion, and which K. as a tonic, altcra- jjF tive and house- E 555 hold specific for 4 H disorders of the ” F « " stomach, liver and bowels has an unbounded popularity. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom apply lor Hostetter’s Almanac for 1885. "Will the coming man smoke ?” was set tled by Prof. Fisk in his charming pam phlet. Ho says, moreover, that the rational way to use tobacco is through the pipe. All agree that only the best tobacco should be used. Which is the best I That to which Nature has contributed the most ex quisite flavors. Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco fills the bill completely. Nearly two-thirds of all the tobacco grown on the Golden Tobacco belt of North Caro lina goes Into the manufactory of Black well, at Durham. They buy the pick of WIJ Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is the best of that tobacco. Don’t ’■A' be deceived when you buy. The Durham Bull trade- * mark is on Wi ** I every genuine Mli Ra I package. Blackwell’s Genuine Bull Durham jkju is the choice of all judges of Smoking Tobacco. IRON WORKS & BOILER MAKERS Novelty Iron Works, No. 2 Ba” and River Streets. SAVANNAH, GA., John Rourke, Proprietor. Im 1 Erm ? mb/11 achinehops I am prepared to do all kinds of Machine, Boiler & Blacksmith Work Can also furnish at shortest notice and at lowest market prices all kinds and sizes of Iron and Brass Castings, Pulleys, Shafting, etc. Saw Mill work a specialty. Manufac turer of Sampson Sugar Mills and Pans. Estimates furnished on all kinds of New Work and Repairs. WM. W. GNA’NN, ' -and- Blacksmith lIOIISESIIOEING AND GENERAL JOBBING. Has now on sale 4 fine GROCERY or COTTON WAGONS, all with steel axles and tires. Also a large lot of OAK and ABH LUMBER. GIVE HIM A CALL. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Nos. 6 & 8 New St., near West Broad SAVANNAH, GA. J. c. c. c. c. Jipw taijg [tjm CLEANS CLOTHES, Removes all Grease, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Tar, Dirt or Soils from any fabric with mt injury. FOR SALE BY J. R. H * LTIWANGER Cor Broughton and Drayton streets. Also sold by L. C. Strong and E. A. Knapp ORIGINAL Jr" Slios.C.'AilUams &Co. V RICHMOND.VA. FOR SALE BY I. I UM Ji SOI, Corner Bryan & AberconSts. SAVANNAH, - - - GA. ’S ORGANISM Is the most complex work of the Creator,and when this complicated structure, so exqui sitely wrought, is disturbed by disease, the most efficient aid should be sought from the most skilled physician—for the human body is too precious to be neglected. It becomes the question then : ‘ What physician shall be employed ?” Dr. Oscar Johanneses, of the University of Berlin, Germany, made a life-long study of ailments of the Nervous and Genito urinary System. BIS REMEDIES CUKE Any Debility or Derangement of the Nervous System, including Spermatthorea, Gonorr hea, Syphilis Stricture, Impotence, etc., etc. BECAUSE you may have been cheated and fooled by quacks, who claim to cure this class of disorders, do not hesitate to give Dr. Johannesen’s method a fair trial before your case becomes chronic and incurable. BQT FREE. “®a A valuable treatise, explanatory of Dr. Jo hannesen’s system, will be sent by mail, postpaid and securely sealed from observa tion, to any sufferer addressing his sole au thorized agent for the United States or Canada, HENRY VOGELER, 49 South street, New York. JKzT Complicated symptoms treated from Dr. Johannesen’s Special Prescription, under advice of a duly qualified consulting ph v si ci an. All correspondence held as strictly confi dential, and advice by mail free of charge. NEW COTTON SEED MEAL Best quality for all purposes. Just received and for sale by WELD * HARTSHORNE, 78 Bayatree CARPETS Cut, Made and Laid! 0 Wilton Velvets at $1.50 per yard. Body Brnssels at $1.30 per yard. Tapestry Brnssels at 80c. per yard. Three-Plys at 92c. per yard. Ingrains ranging from 25c. to 75c. per yard. These prices are not only Equal, but Less than those of any first-class New York House.’ Smyrna Rugs and Mats from $1.25 to $5.00 each. A full line of French Canton Mattings on hand. I Would Respectfully Call Attention to MyH NEW IAI.T. STOCK OF DRY GOODS! In which will be found Everything Fresh and Desirable for the Approaching Season—Silks, Satins, Brocades, Velvets, Velveteens, Cashmeres, Flannels and Fancy Dress Materials in Great Variety. Black and Colored Silks and Satins have been selected with special care, and the Low Prices at which they are offered should command the attention of Cash Buyers. MOURNING DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly filled with French and English productions. Courtland’s Celebrated English Crapes and Veils a pecialty. 500 Boys’ Knee Pants Suits ranging In prices from 82.00 to 810.00. 850 Misses’ Worsted Sults, sizes 2 to 14 years, and prices from 81.00 to 810.00. DANIEL HOGAN, Southeast Corner Broughton and Barnard Streets. COHEN & CO., Central Boot and Shoe Store. o CHRI TMAS ANNOUNCEMENT ! WE WILL OFFER FOR THE HOLIDAY SISASOY ! AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Ladks’, Misses’, Mta’s iti M h War. We have just received an elegant line of fine SLIPPERS suitable for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS. Our stock of GENT’S FINE SLIPPERS cannot be surpassed in the city. Gent’s Fine Embroidered Slippers at $l. r 0 per pair. “ “ “ Opera Slippers at SI.OO per pair. “ “ Cleveland Tie at $1.25 per pair. “ “ Genuine Patent Leather Pumps at SI.OO per pair. “ “ Everett Tie, hand made, at $1.25 per pair. “ “ Enamelled Tie (a bargain) at 75c per pair. ALSO, the latest Special Novelties in LADIES’ FINE EMBROIDERED OPERA SLIP PERS, F»ncy Designs and Plain. A full and complete line of LADIES', MISSES’ and CHILDREN'S WHITE KID SLIPPERS, all grades. We will call SPECIAL ATTENTION also to our superior stock of GENT'S FINE HAND MADE BOOTS and SHOES, which for style and durability cannot be excelled The same can be sa ! d on examining our superb stock of LADIES’, MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES. CHILDREN S SCHOOL SHOES A SPECIALTY. We cordially extend an invitation to a'l to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Open every evening during the Holiday Season until 9 p. m. COHEIV est? CO., Southwest Corner Broughton and Barnard Streets. CARPETS & FURNITURE AT EMIL A. SCHWARZ. RUTGrS ! TkZT ATS! Special Inducemnt to Bayers. Having replenished my extensive stock of CARPETS by the addition of the LATEST PATTERNS, I am prepared to offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in that department. Goods at a Lower Figure than ever sold in Savannah. RUGS MATS. A full assortment of Smyrna goods in Oriental and Persian designs and colorings at ower price than the common Tapestry and Velvet goods. COVERIKTGrS. In Coverings we have the last shades of Silk, Blushed and Sateens. Also Cretons, Reps and Turkomams for Portiers. OIL CLOTHS. English and American sheet Oil Cloths and American goods from 1 to 2% yards wide. Antique Lace Curtains and Window Shades. Special designs, which must be seen to be appreciated. Having made special arrangements with some of the leading Furniture Manufacturing Companies, we are prepared to offer the finest assortment of FURNITTRE, at such a low figure that it will certainly be an inducement for you to refurnish. We do not publish prices as that only misleads. Call and look at the goods, and you will see that the facts are as stated ICAIIU A. SCriWATUZ, Kntrance 127 Broughton street. 1 door from Bull SOUTHERN COPPER WORKS Savannah, Ora. 9 McMILLAN BROS., Proprietors. We beg to inform those in want of anything in the way of Copper wa -e, that we are stocked with all sizes and thickness of Sheet Copper, Copper Circles, Rivets and Bolt Copper, and are prepared With a full force of experineced workmen to manufacture anything that is wanted in our line. Candy Pans, Steam and Water Piping, Soda Fountains, Copper Kettles and Boilers, made, lined and repaired at short notice —seamless as usual. r Vni’X>eiitiiie Stills a Specialty Highest Cash Price paid for Old Copper, Lead and Brass. O Liiberty Street A. B. Al tdi ayer & Co. WILL DISPLAY MONDAY, DEC. Sth, The largest and finest collection of Useful and Ornamental Articles adapted for CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! Comprising an elegant line of Autograph and Photograph Albums, Scrap Books, Work Boxes, Celluloid sets in Plush and Leather Cases, very elaborate, at remarkably low figures; Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Portmanteax, Hand Bags and Satchels, Odor Cases, Writing Desks, Ink Stands, Card Cases, Artificial Flowers in Majolica pots, Handsome line of Fans, solid Sterling Silver Jewelry, Opera Glasses, Silk Umbrellas, with Solid Gold and Silver Handles, beautiful line of Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Silk Braces, Silk Socks, Kid Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs. Fine selection of CHRISTMAS CARDS in latest designs, and hundreds of other useful articles too numerous to mention. Gents’ Slippers for Holiday Presents! Gent’s Embroidered Slippers and Howard Ties, at 81, 81 25,8150 and 82. Gent s Maroon Goat Opera Slippers, patent leather trimmed, 81 50 and 82. Men’s Genuine Alligator Skin Opera Slippers, in black and colors, 81 50 and 82. Men’s Patent Leather Slippers, 8150. CLOAKS— Enormous Reductions In rich Short Wraps, Dolmans, Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, etc. Those who hav e not purchased may consider themselves rather fortunate than otherwise in having deferred buying, if they attach any importance to saving dollars, which the extremely low prices that will prajrail in this department this week will accomplish for them. S I’ E C I A L . Having just closed out from one of the largest manufacturers another lot of 500 all wool Cashmere Short Wraps, richly trimmed with Heavy Chenille Fringe in Navy, Myrtle, Gray and Brown, at .tremendous loss to the latter, we have placed the same for sale on a special counter at th* v markable low price of $3.00. Which hardly pays for cost of fringe. These goods are warranted all pure wool and ha ve never been offered before fur less than $lO to sl2. Good reason why every lady should secure one oft hem. W , offer a manufacturer’s stock of Misses’and Children’s Newmarkets and Have locks a FTY CENTS on the dollar, atsl 50, $1 75, $2, $2 25, $2 50 up to S2O. We are offering special inducements in trimmed and untrimmed OUR PRICES AIU^MDLOw"a"IL HOUSES. JUST RECEIVED, 500 dozen Black Ostrich Tips (three in a bunch), which we shall offer while they last at 33c. a bunch, good value at 75c. SILK VELVETS in Cardinal, Garnet, Brown, Navy, Myrtle, Bronze, Olive, Plum and Black, all good shades, at $1 23 a yard, worth $2. DRESS TRIMMING DEPARTMENT. We display the largest and best selection, and newest styles of latest importations in beaded fronts, ranging in price from $1 35 to $lO apiece. Beaded Laces 35c. to $5 a yard. Beaded Nets from $5 to $7 a yard. Beaded and Chenille Or naments. Chenille and Beaded fringes in newest designs. Pasementries from 25c. to $8 per yard. Fur Trimming in Black, Brown and Chinchilla. Hercules and Fancy Braids to match all dresses. Cloaks, clasps, etc, and a thousand different styles of buttons for your selection. SIIOII DEPAKTVIEXT. It seldom occurs that a fine Shoe, stylish and made of the best material, will not bring the manufacturer- its first cost, but such is true of a boot we shall sell you this week. Ladies, the Shoe that we offer you actually cost to make $4 50. They are the finest French kid. hand-sewed, and are warranted to keep their shape and color, and could not be bought under ordinary circumstances for less than $6 00. OUR PRICE, $-100. $1 98 for our fine glove top Curacoa Kid Foxed Button Boot; shoe store price. $3 00. $3 00 for our fineCuracoa Kid Boot, ah opera or common sense style, worth $1 00. $3 50 for our hand-sewed “Flexible Sole” Boot, would be cheap at $4 50. We have a large number of lots, each small in themselves, but large in the aggregate, which we shall close much below cost. Cash down on the spot tempts manufacturers to sell goods far below cost. When we say we can save you $1 on a Shoe at as good as can be purchased in any regular shoe store in Savannah at $5, or, in other words, reduce your shoe bill twenty-five per cent, we hardly think it possible for you to believe this statement until you see the goods with your own eyes, but we know when you do see them that what here appears extravagant are simply unde niable facts. Prompt Attention to 31 nil Orders. 3.. IS ALTMA Y ICJt & CO The Busiest House is the City. We Can't Find Time to Enumerate all Our Bargains. OUR NEW YORK RESIDENf BUYER SENDS US CONTINUALLY IN ALL LINES THE MOST WONDERFUL BARGAINS ! B L A A KKT « A?, low as 35 cents a pair, guaranteed fresh, new and perfect. At 81 25 we sella very large pair of White Blankets; at 8325 we sell Blankets that are worth 86; at 85, which can’t be matched for less than 87 50. We have also excellent bargains in the very fine grades. Children’s Cloaks and Havelocks. The most desirable styles, quality and colors were purchased by our Mr. LICHTENSTEIN from a failing manufacturer of about one-third the cost, but he has over-stocked us; we have enough of them for every child in the city. We are positively suffocated with them. We must make room, and, therefore, we don’t mean to ask big prices, but work them off as quickly as possible. All Wool Medicated Scarlet Gents’ Undershirts at 75c. If you think that they can’t be as good as those sold elsewhere at $1 50, all you have to do is to come and convince yourself. No such bargain was ever before offered. This is only to give you an idea what we are doing in GENTS’ FURNISHING 'GOODS. We have the choicest UNDERWEAR, Laundried and Unlaundried WHITE and VaNCY SHIRTS to be found anywhere; also, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, SCARFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WOOL and COTTON SOCKS, Etc., at rock bottom prices. There are no fancy prices in our house. GOODS, O1 all kinds, from the humblest to the very best and latest styles. Prices are marked down so low that we fear to quote them, as you could hardly realize the possibility of our selling such fine qualities at these ridiculous prices, therefore, we say, come and see our goods before you purchase elsewhere. Should you, however, desire to buy a BLACK or COLORED SILK DRESS PATTERN and you do not buy of our celebrated makes, you will regret it. We will positively save you 33 per cent, and give you the best of goods. The same we insist is the case with our BLACK and COLORED SILK VELVETS. OTHER PEOPLE’S BARGAINS Conslstofa few leading articles, such as trash CALICO at 3%c., trash CANTON FLAN NEL at 5c., trash DRESS GOODS at sc. We care not to go Into particulars, not liking to hurt anybody's feelings by being personal in our remarks. Only this, we do say and mean it, there is no bargain offered in any Dry Goods store In this city whose prices we are not onlv able but willing to duplicate, and We Do Meet Them, Cost What May ! Remember, we will not and do not permit anybody to undersell us, and are prepared to give each ot our patrons the best possible value. FAACV and NOTIONS We have them all at way low dewn prices. Come and try our KID GLOVES, our HOSIERY, our HANDKERCHIEFS, our RIBBONS, our JERSEYS, our LACES, our EM BROIDERIES, and more especially our CORSETS. This is one of our features; ours are positively superior. DAVID WEISBEIN & CO. MS*The cheapest FUR TRIMMINGS ever seen anywhere. FIjaST CEASS STOCK A T T-.O'W PRICES A T W. J. Lindsay’s Carjsi asi Furniture Emporium, 169 AND 171 BROUGHTON STREET. Lace Curtains from to Per Pair Body and Tapestry Brnssels Carpet at almost any Price. Ingrain and Hemp Carpets always on hand. Fringes, Felts, Canton Flannels, Raw Silks, Ramie and Jute Goods in numberless designs. Window Shades by the Gross, the Neatest and Newest Patterns Always in Stock. Pole and Adjustable Cornices, Symrua Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloths to suit the Rich and Poor. 45- A new lot of Imported CRELONNES with figures on them, just arrived. We mean business, and will sell LOW DOWN. Competent workmen. Satisfaction guaranteed. CALL EAKLY, OIX w. J. IANDSAY. FME MME! JOHN S.HOLLERS& CO .’S CELEBRATEDCUTLERY AT Wl 'icher’s Jewelry Store no BKOUGHTON BTKEET. rjitruad tan m [All tralxu ot CUI. ayaloiu w»kc bj SUaa.rd (W Meridian time widen ce 36 minuter- ale-ven ibex., k kept by city. | - SavannahTga., December ON and after SUNDAY, December j 1684, passenger trains on the Central and Southwestern Railroads and Branches wi'Jj run as follows: A xMLAD DOWa. ~gAAil iXr~« No. 51 jfrom .V. F 9 Uj oil a in Lt oavauuaL- *.T •' S 3 -5 p m A.-. Augusta LA-Uw. lliopm Ar Atlanta ..............4 4.-26a m. ArColnmhns. ..... ......Ar iz a. ituhfuii.. ...... ...... Al O 11.16 p ill Ar Aloai.y _*.» 110 r • ...-4u i-aKumJ........ 4.Z 11 * ■- Ao. I*. Jf'rom No. U 2 Zrc. 20 9 2o a ai a 30 p 111 Aro-intmlsail .Lit 6 3Q i. I, i 25 urn At Uaeon Ar..,.. .i 25 p a a>J.9mw Ar..., i •»:25 a u Ar.&4<uub«a.. ..._ m. ....... - Ar En/aaia ... jL 1:15 p m jl> ..... Ax.MiUedgeville j.? Aj..£aigaton_ ....... tic 54 j.-og. atuctm. u., 52 La 00 a 11l o.i ...t 05 « . 6 eO a m Ar Sav’naH, Ar i 30 p i Ar Augarta .Ar- 8 -.5 p i Ar Mil'g viile-Ar 10 29 • « Ax LaUmtmr.-Ar u. 30 p r th.Ji f ront Macon. No 8 Bioain Lv Macon Lv 7:lb p t 3 20 p m Ar Eufaula Ar 1 10 p m Ar Albany Ar 11:15 p i No. 5. Nrom Macon. No. 19 6 05 a ui lv Macon. 7*25 p m • i 23 p in Ar....... Columbus 4 25 a m No. 1. From Macon. No. 51, ATb.53 , 20 am Lv Macon....Lv 730 p m a 7 a n 12 25 p m Ar Atlanta..Ar li 25 p m 7 3J a n No. 23. j'rom Fort Valley No n. 8:3o pm Lv Fort Valley 11 00 a u 9:1) p m Ar Perry . 1 50 a m No. 2. from Atlanta. No. 54. No. 52 2 s'o pm Lv Atlanta....Lv t:10 pin <s 5a n 650 pm Ar Macon...._Ar 11:4. p u. 7 3 att Ar Eufaula.. Ar 3 20 p n 11:15 p m Ar Albany... Ar 11 Op n 125 am Ai...Col’bus..Ar ....12 33 p m Ai Augusta ..Ar 3 4 5 p n. Ar Savannah.Ar 6: ;0 a m 3 30 p n No. 6. From Uolumtnu. No. 20. UK) p m x.v... Columbus Lv 953 p m 5 42 p m Ar Macou Ar 6 00 a m cl 25 p m Ar Atlanta Ar 12 25 p m Ar Eufaula. -.Ax 3 20 p m 11:15 p m Ar Albany Ar 110 pm Ax Milledgeville. ...Ar 10 29 a m Ar Eatonton...,. ..Ar 12 30 p m Ar Augusta Ar 3 45 p m 6 30 am Ar Savannah . -Ar 3 30 p m No. 2. From Nujaatu. N 0.4. 11 33 a m Lv Eufaula Lv 341 p m Ar -Albany Ar 6 21 p m Ar Macon Ar 425 a m Ar... Columbus... .-Ar ..._. ... 11 25 p m Ar .Atlanta Ar Milledgeviile...Ar Eatonton -Ar Ar Augusta. Ar 6 30am Ar Savannah.....-Ar No. 26. From Albany, M,. 4. 10 45 am Lv Albany... ......Lv 3 40 a u 320 p m Ar Eufaula. Ar 6 21 p m Ar Macon Ar 7 54 a ® 4 2: am Ar Columbus -Arl2 33 p u 11 25 p m Ar Atlanta Ar 12 25 p n Ar Milledgeville... Ar 10 29 a n ...._ Ar Eatonton... .-Ar 12 30 p u Ar Augusta— -Ax 3 45 p n 6 30 a m Ar Savannah Ar 3 30 p n No. 20. From Eatonton and MUledgeviUc. 2 15 p m Lv Eatonton 3 42 p m Lv Milledgeville..... 6 25 p m Ar Macou 42b a m Ar ..Columbus— Ar Eufaula 11:15 p m Ar„ Albany- 11 2j p m Ar_ Atlanta 6 30 a m Ar Savannah-.. Augusta - No 24 From Perry No 22 5:45 am Lv Perry Lv 325 p n 6:30 a m Ar Fort Valley....Ar 4 15 p u Local Sleeping Cars on aH night trains be tween Savannah and Augusta, Savannah an; Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Connedwne. The Milledgeville and Eatonton train rum daily (except Monday) between Gordon an: Eatonton, and daily (except Sunday) between Eatonton and Gordon. Train No. 53 leaving Savannah at 8:45 p m, will not stop except on Sundays to put ofl passengers at stations between Savannah and No. 4j. Eufaula train connects at Cuthbert to Fort Gaines daily (except Sunday The Perry accommodation trai . betwee. Fort Valley and Perry runs daily (exoep Sunday). The Albany and Blakely accommodation train runs daily (except Sunday) betweei Albany and Blakely. At Savannah with Savannah, Florida an Western Railway, at Augusta with all hues U North and East, at Atlanta with Air-Line ant Kennesaw Routes to all points North, kit and West. Tickets for ail points, and Sleeping Ca Berths on sale at city office, No. 29 Bil street. G. A. Whitbread, WM. ROGERS Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt., Savanna. J. C. SHAW, W. E. SHELLMAN, Uen.lrav. Agt. Traffic Manager, Savanna Georgia. Chajleston & Savannah Railway G; Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30th, 1884. Schedule in effect Nov. 2d, 1884. Trains 43 and 47 wait indefinitely at Savan na ' or connection with S., F. W . Ry. Northward No 35. No 43 No 47. Lv Sa van nah...2:00 p m 6:55 a m 8:37 p m Ar Charleston..7:2s p m 12:40 p m 1:45 a m Ar Wilmington 3:05 p m 8-35 a rn Ar Weldon 2:35 a m 2:45 p m Ar Richmond 5:48 a m 6:10 p m Ar Washington 10:30 a m ll:U0 p m Ar New York 5:30 pm 6:50 am Ar Yort Royal 6:30 p m 11:40 a m Ar Augusta 2:15 p m Southwards No 34. No 40. No 42 No 48 Lv Charl’n 8:15 a m 4:00 a m 3:20 p m 2:45 a m Lv Port KT 7:35 a in 2:05 p in LvAugusta 11:40 a m Ar Sav’h 12:00 n’n 6:41 a m 7:00 p m 5:52 am All trains daily. Train No. 47 will stop only at Ridgeland, Green Pond and Ravenel. For Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations and all other information, apply to Wm. Bren, Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charles ton and Savannah Railway Tisket Office at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. 8. C. Boylston, G. P. A: J. W. Craig, Master Transportation. Cathedral Cemetery, Bona venture and Thunderbolt. The following schedule will bi observed on and afte; MONDAY, May 12tb 1884: CITY TIME. OUTWARD INWARD. INWARD. LBAVB LEAVE LEAVE SAVANNAH BONAVENTURETHUNDEUBOL' 7 00 a. m. 7 45 a. m. 7 35 a. n> 10 35 a. m. 12 40 p. m. i 2 30 p. m 3 00 p. m. 4 00 p. m. 3 50 p. a 3 50 p. m 5 30 p. m. 5 20 p. m *6 20 p. m 710 p. m 700 p. m, ♦Saturday night’s last car leav es 7:15 insteac of 6:20* Take Broughton street cars 25 minu before departure of Suburban trains. n F. fiOßfi --»inuri,;tendon’ SAVANNAH. November 11, 1884. On and after WEDNESDAY, November 12, the following Schedule will be run on the Suburban Line : Leave I Arrive I Leave i Leave City. City. , Isle of Hope< Montg’ry. 6:30 p. m. 8:10 a. m.| 8:10 a. m. | 7:45 a. m. SPECIAL SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Leave Arrive j Leave Leave City. City. : Isle of Hope Montg’ry. ft:2s a. m. 8:40 a. na m. 7:45 a. iipf *3:25 p. m. 2-00 p. n 1:30 , m. 1:00 78X1 p. m 6:30 p. i . ; m, >:3O nBqB *3:25 p. m.—This is the last train days. On Mondays there will be a Montgomery at 6:45 a. m. J. H. HNSTON, Pr*= a ™ M WR9 .-hip- -.,1 ,l„;. . : - . ; ' :aui«>ciiee. i'as-t l.gL-r.- ...: l.runslWß tjg?, :a<nwa>jat Loop. m. r a-sengers W|(. .a.a lma, Waldo, Ocala, l.eesuurg, '•la: Ic. ( ... >oulu- '.-.Na. -a . vaupany, Ira N Clone couueciions al JacKsc-i3M& “[/.’if ,ia , lu: Green Cove Springs, St. AuguetWSg . a. Enterprise, .sanlord auu mF iaN«S . iugr on St. Johns river. Passengers lor Pensacola, Mobile, New leans, Texas and traus-Mississippi take tins train, arriving "at Pensacola al pm, Mobile 2:40 am, New Orleans7:4a Pulimau Bufiet aud sleeping cals Waycross) to New Orleans. CHARLESTON EXPRESS. Lve Savannah daily at 1:30 p rn 'K Ar savannah daily at law p m ..SS Ar J esup daily at 3:3lpm Ar Waycross daily at 5:00 p in Ar Callahan daily at 7:13 p m VQ Ar Jacksonville daily at 8:00 pm Stops at all regular stations between Sa van- M nah and Jacksonville. Pullman parlor cars M from Savannah to Jacksonville. JESUP EXPRESS. J Lve Savannah daily at 4:20 p ArSavanuali daily at T.... a Ar Jesup daily at Stops at all regular and llag stations tween Savannah and J esup. ALBANY EXPRESS. . Lve Svannah daily at 7:20 p nW|j»S Ar Savannah at 6:05a Ar Jesup daily at 9:58 pm Ar Waycross daily at -11:35 p m Ar Callahan daily at 4:45 am Ar Jacksonville daily at 6:15 a m Ar Dupont dally at 1:20 a m Ar Live Oak daily at 3:47 a m Ar Gainesville daily at 7:00 am Ar Valdosta dally at 3:30 am Ar Quitman daily at 4:30 a m Ar Thomasville daily at 6:00 a m Ar Al bany daily at 10:30 a m Pullman Palace Slleeplng cars from Sa vannah to Gainesville. Pullman Buffet sleeping cars from Savannah to Jackson ville. Passengers for Brunswick, via Jesup take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 6:lo am. Passengers for Fernandina, Waldo, Gaines ville, Palatka, Cedar Key, Ocala, Wildwood. Leesburg and all stations on Florida Railway and Navigation Company and Florida South, ern Railway take this train. Passengers for Madison, Monticello, Talla hassee and all Middle Florida points take this train. Connection at Jacksonville daily with Peo ple’s Line of steamers and railroads for St. Augustine and all points on St. Johns River. Through tickets sold and Sleeping Car Berth accomdatlons secured at BREN’S Ticket Office, No. 22 Bull street, and at the company’s depot, foot of Liberty street. JAS. L. TAYLOR, Gen’l Pass. Agent. i R. G. FLEMING, Supeintendent. , (Mucational. SM ol Iractical EmMgsjJ r*honog’i-apli.y, T.' y p e w r i 'Teletrva pliinu , O IrOOkllCM —AND— S *«‘iimn st-, h i !>.. No. 137 Bay street, Sa M i:. a-iil Mrs. C. S. L — - > 91 Call »Td ex.-iftnine my stock of Slate, Iroip and Wooden Maiiraß Before Purchasing Elsewhere. ’ lam oiler/ng at very low prices a full i DOOTtS, SASIIESB Bninds, Mouldings, Stair R/ails, Balusters, Newell Posts,K PAINTS, OILS, VAI?NISHES,® Kailr-oad, Steamboat, Ship autfl Mill Supplies, v Window Glass, JH Putty, Brushes, &c Also, a full line of Building, '. n. . l'iaster ; Hair ami Cement, Pla®B| Decorative Wall Paper. Andrew .er Wnitaker. f..rkai. i ■ .99 Paint ami SASH, i- ..fll XI <> nidi < 500 Boxes For the Holiday ■ - i:\lilH l < 1 I'" L"X I.' >1 ’' . :i;\-n l-.l - I r 1:1 TeW •■-vx J WO-- PINEAM luge » Malaga FANCYAPPrS Preserves of all Kinds ! JELLIES, m'JT cm Jil NUTS AN 1 ) RAISINS, 1 | Currants, Figs, Dates, I’l iinesSja' ‘ The above goods tor sale only to BY of IWSSeSS