The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 24, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Regrets In Sunny Italy. Louisville Commercial. Judge Charles E. Kincaid was dreaming ly wandering through the vast halls of the Pitti palace in Florence with the rich, gay and frivolous Marache'-i di Macaroni, look ing now at a Titian, then at a Salvator Rosa or at a Del Sartor or Rubens. His beauti ful companion said suddenly : “Amio Mio, why are you so distraught to-dav, so badly in feeling, so—so—diminu endo io banana ?” “Ah, caramio,” he said, fondly and gent ly ‘chucking her under the chin, “things have changed in America since your Charley left, and he has lost the opportunity of his life.” “But prince, mio,” —she began, soothing ly. “I am no prince,” he interrupted, hastily. “But in your own fair country,” said she, “what are you You are so beautiful and gay, sb soft of hand and gentle of heart—what is your rank in your own Ken tucky ?” “Ah, Marches!,” said the Judge, “that is what bothers me. By the time I get back to Kentucky the offices will have been dis tributed to that extent that I shall not be able to buy a half interest in the rank of a village postmaster.” “Is that so?” asked the Marachesi. “Too true," said the judge; “too true, Marachesi; you can bet all you’ve got on the capacity of a Kentucky politician to chase an office up a tree whenever he sees one. They’ll all be treed when I see Louis ville next.” It was appropriate that this occurred in the Pitti palace. The building dropped a tear, while Florence wept. Roller Skating Flirtation. Norristown Herald. Lying on the right side, “My heart is at your feet.” Lying on the left side, “I have money in bank.” Standing on your nose, “I have no objec tion to a mother-in-law.” Jumping on the skates, “I’m afraid I can’t trust you. “Lying on your back, “assist me.” One leg in the air means, “catch me.” Two legs in the air means, “mashed.” One skate in your mouth, “crushed again.” Hitting the back of your head with your heel, “I am gone.” Suddenly placing your legs horizontally on the floor like the letter V indicates, “I am paralyzed.” Punching your neighbor on the stomach with your left foot, “I’m on to your little game.” A backward flip of the heels and sudden cohesion of the knees to the floor indicates, “may I skate the next music with you?” Municipal Jobbery Exposed. Philadelphia Tinies. First Borough Councilman —I move, sir, that a sign be put up jit the railroad crossing bearing the words, “Look out for the cars.” Second Borough Councilman (greatly ex cited)—l move to amend Mr. Chairman, I move to amend. The sign should read, “Look out for the locomotive,” sir: for, sir, while a man is looking out for the cars, sir, he might get run over by the locomotive, sir. First Councilman (hotly)—l denounce the gentleman from Punkhollow, sir, as a vile schemer, a swindler of the taxpayers, sir. He owns a saw mill, sir, and this dis honest jobber wants “locomotive” instead of "cars” on the signboard because it is a longer word, sir, and will take more lum ber. ■ Amendment lost. Miss Annie Dantzler, Kingston, Ga,'says: “I can testify to the good of Brown’s Iron Bitters, for loss of appetite and general de bility.” Too Many to the Acre. Our crop of Overcoats has been too plenti ful for this season, and as the weather proph ets predict mild weather for next year—lßßs ana’B6—we have decided not to bum our stock, but to put them on the market, and sell them for what they will bring. Our Overcoats 'be sold. It is only a question for you if you will take advantage of our low prices and supply yourself with an Overcoat, and save money. We will sell you a good, strong 89 Overcoat for «6, a 815 Overcoat for 812, and the finest 830 Overcoat in Savannah lor 820. Boys’ Overcoats, from 4 to 12 years old, as iow as S 3, Youths' Overcoats, from 12 to 17 years, from 85 up. We have plenty of fine Suits on hand which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Rememberand buy of the “ Famous, as we give a prize of half the purchase money to every twentieth purchaser. “Famous New York Clothing House, 140 Congress street. Mr. William McCormick (mailing clerk), Savannah, says: “Brown’s Iron Bitters cured me of dyspepsia, with which I had suffered for twenty years. It is a wonderful medi cine.” _ DR. LOWERY’S REMEDY infuses new life m the debilitated; it assimilates with the blood and and supplies that deficiency in the nervous system, which is the cause of debility and physical prostration. It acts on the liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs, causing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew—when the face re -umes the bloom of health, the eye its lustre nd the brain its power. This remedy can be obtained of druggists and dealers generally. Price 81.90 per package; three packages, two dollars; sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist for it; do not take any other. If you cannot obta it send direct, with price, and it will be securely sealed, by mail to your address. Address Depot and Labratory, Dr. Lowery’s Remedies, No. 18 E. Fourteenth St. New York City. Advice free; send stamp for reply. Mr. D. E. Sullivan, Macon, Ga, says : “I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters for in digestion, and regard it as a n infalible remedy.” A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I wil send a receipt that will cure you, fbee of charge, This great remedy was discovered ■.y a missionary in South America. Send a -e; (-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. Mrs. Rosa Shumate, Savannah, says : “I have used Brown’s iron Bitters with good i. suits. For dizziness and impure blood it it is unequaled. YOUNG MEN:—READ HIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., otter to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old( afflict ed with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many otner diseases. Complete restoration to to al th, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No rl-k is incurred, as thiry days’trial is al . ed V rite for them at once for Illustrated pamphlet nee. Rubber; coats at and below cost at L, Frle THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1884. RESTUARANTS AND BARS. Ths Gem oi th City !| and Don’t Fail to Remember It! WHEN YOU _ Wish to Get a First-Ciass Meal, SERVED UP IN SUPERB STYLE, AT FreidS Hicks’ Restaurant, SUCCESSORS TO B. Ferrell, Nos. 11 and 12 Market Basement. .es-Our best commendation comes from our Regular Boarders. Prompt attention, polite waiters and a Bill of Fare unsurpassed. Pulaski House WISE MD BILLIARD SALOON ; Has been FITTED UP In SUPERB STYLE, , and is one of the COSIEST RESORTS in the city. If you wish to enjoy a good game on . 1 first-class Tables and spend a pleasant even ing, visit this place. J. J. SULLIVAN, PROPRIETOR. iWIMMT OYSTER & CHOP HOUSE. . T.H. Enriglit.l’ropr, Cor. Broughton and Drayton Sts. Open for the Season. Renovated and Im proved, and the MOST ATTRACTIVE RES TAURANT In the South. NEW YORK OYSTERS and THE FINEST NORTHERN MEATS! DELICIOUS CHOPS, Etc. COOKING UNEXCELLED! Served In the Best Style and at Reasonable Prices.*#* Cuisine, Attentive Waiters, and the Best in the Market.*#* MRS.' M. A. E. KIRKSEY, 59 Whitaker street, Savannah, says: Brown’s Iron Bitters did me much good when troubled with dyspepsia. I found it to be all that is I claimed for it. VI. T. Manufacturer of Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale, Sipnons Plain Soda, Etc. Having purchased the business lately con ducted by Mr. F. MEINCKE, at the old stand of Mr. JOHN RYAN, 110 and 112 Brough ton street, I am now prepared to furnish everything in my line at reasonable prices. I will guarantee goods equal to any put up in . 1 any part of the United States. ' Will shortly be prepared to furnish the i various Mineral Waters in siphons and hot ties. Having a large number of Fountains, I am ' prepared to supply those who draw from them i Churches, Schools, Benevolent and Chari table Institutions holding Fairs, Festivals or ' Picnics can be assured of a liberal discount. , All orders from the country will receive ' prompt and careful attention. ; Telephone No. 252. Thankful for the many favors shown me ’ in the past, I hope, by strict attention to ! merit the patronage of all my old and many new friends in my “new departure.” ni. t. ' MR. W. J. O’BRIEN, 25 West Broad street, i Savannah, says: I was troubled with , ■ weakness, accompanied by dizziness and general weakness. Brown’s Iron Bitters gave me complete relief. i SOE. V. BECKER & CO. 17U Bay SAVANNAH, GA- Hchr’j tar. Mti Hiking hist lill-liw ta? . TVTR. W. W. CARTER, Savannah, says : , LvJL i have used Brown’s Iron Bitters with ' great benefit and I shall ever recommend It; J. E. SANDIFORD, Green Grocer. At this old and well established market, South Broad street, will always be found Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Chickens, Eggs and Vegetables. Choice Beef from Northern markets received every veek per steamers. Boston Corned Beef alvzays ol hand. Marketing delivered free of charge to any par the city. TMTILS. K. E. WALTERS, Waldburg and West Broad streets, Savannah, says : I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters with good , results. For the Holidays. ’ Leave your orders for CHRISTM AS CAKES ’ atthe Variety Bakery, 92 Broughton street, ! or at the Branch under Masonic Temple. t 1 Fruit, Pound, Almond, Pound Silver Cake and other varieties. JOHN DERST, Proprietor. SANTA CLAUS! DAVID WEISBEIN & CO/S - :o: WE DESIRE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT WILL BE FOUND A THOROUGHLY SELECTED STOCK OF DOLLS! TOYS I Albums I Writing Desks ! BISQUE FIGURES I VASES, TOILET SETS Fancy Glass and Chinaware I ■ W I n 888 ! AND A THOUSAND OTHER USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR Holiday Presents! f • —————————————— We beg especially to call attention to our— INJLNIEINSE STOCK OF Ladies’ & Children’s Cloaks ks, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, blank rrri s ua. ws i Dress Goods and Dress Silks I ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT Our Well Known Low Prices. David Weislbein Co- News from the Only ONE PRICE SHOE STORE IN SAVANNAH! TVs We Have Steadily Increased Our Already Fine Stock of his’, Ladies’ and Children's Shoes! We can claim the best line in the city. We would Impress upon the public that we hold our selves RESPONSIBLE for all FINE GOODS sold by us. There is no shop-worn stock sold by us, as our goods are all new and we are constantly receiving fresh supplies. IN OUR Hat and Cap Department! We fear no competition, as our assortment of Styles Is unequalled by any store in the city. OUR SPECIAL LINE OF CHILDREN’S FANCY CAPS! Is pronounced a BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, embracing the LATEST STYLES and designs. AN INSPECTION OF OUR IMIS AND SATCHELS Is solicited, to prove that our Prices of these articles are at the very Lowest Possible Figures I FOR THE HOLIDAYS I WE HAVE JUST OPENED A FINE LINE OF his’ Embrcidsrsd Slippers and Silk Umbrellas. As we sell STRICTLY FOR CASH, we are enabled to mark our goods at LOWEST POS SIBLE PRICES, and as everything is marked in PLAIN FIGURES, fair dealing is assured to all by our ONE PRICE SYSTEM. COLLAT BROTHERS, 149 Broughton Street. MRS. H. G. TAYLOR, 174 Taylor street, Sa vannah, says: I took Brown’s Iron Bit ers for general debility and it has proven a plendid health invigorator. MR. J. R LEVY, 177 Congress street, Savan nah, says: I used Brown’s Iron Bitters for dyspepsia and stomach troubles with great benefit. O-th-aai’ Jkliednks. Semi ad hthwensr. foumd [All trains of this syßtem sr** rnn by Standard Wpridlan time which Is W mirutes skwar <h»D tim kept by city. I Savannah, Ga., December 20, 1884. ON and alter SUNDAY, December 21 1884, passenger trains on the Central and Southwestern Railroads and Branches will run as follows: RKAD DOW* "/D Vo. 51 faom •- ’ 53 10 00 a m Lv Savannah 8 8 45 p m Ar Augusta A* 550 • r 625 p mAr Macon Ar 3 45 » w 11 25 p tn Ar Atlanta > r 7 80 » m 4.-25a m. Ar Cnlumbnr. Ar 13 33 p M Ar Eufaula Ar 316 ■ 11.15 n m Ar A lh»"r Ar 12 20 p m - M’Dedverilfr Ar 1- Ft ton’or 4- to ’0 r IVo. 18 pl-om Aifffust" No. 22 20 935 » m Lv.. Augusts i .L 11 "> ’ .30 t> m Ar. B'a-wWh ...... ■' t S3O' 6 n 5 Av Wr.004 *• 1 25 n -i Ar A (’*»«• Av 4:25 am 4 » Ooto-übus ' Ar . ju- 11.15 no, • . Ar.MiUedgevill i .. Az a • .ion Ar Nn 52 12:00 am Lv Macon J u 0' 6 f «rp Ar Sav’neh. Ar ’ - i i r Anpuria Ar f '»5 - ’■ AvMP’rrMPe ‘r -noo, T Ar Efttonton ,_Ar ...12 3f ” r 1. From Stlacon. 3 7 50 a m Lv Macon Dv 7:15 i - 316 pm Ar Stoiarla Ar:.... 12 20 n m Ar Albany Ar 11:15 p n- ■Vn. 5. From Moron No. 19. 8 15 a m Lv Macon 7 35 p m 12 33 p m Ar Columbus 4 25 a m No. I. From Ilf aeon. No. 51 No. 53 ’’o am Lv Macon....Lv 730 p m ■’ 7» n> 12 25 pm Ar Atlanta..Ar 11 25 pm 733 a n No. 23. From Fort Valles' No 21 8:35 p m Lv Fort V alley 9 45 a w 9:20 pm Ar Perry 10 35 a m No. 2, From, Atlanta. No. 54 No. 52 250 p mLv Atlanta....Lv 8:10 pm 355 a m 650 pm Ar Macon Ar 11:45 pm 735 a m Ar Eufaula.. Ar 3 16 p n 11:15 pm Ar Albany... Ar 12 20 p n> 4 25 a m Ar...Col’bus..Ar 12 33 p m Ar Mil'g’ville.Ar 10 29 a m Ar Eatonton..Ar ... . 12 30 p m Ai Augusta ...Ar 3 45pm ArSsvannah.Ar 6:?0 a m 3 30 p nr No. 6. From No. 20. 100 p m Lv... Cciumbus Lv 1* 53 p m 5 42 p m Ar Macon Ar 6 00 a m 11 25 p m Ar Atlanta Ar 12 25 p m Ar Eufaula _.Ar 3 16 p m 11:15 p m Ar Albeny Arl2 20 p m Ar Milledgeville Ar 10 29 a m Ar Eatonton Ar 12 30pm Ar Augusta Ar 3 45 p m 630a mAr Savannah.... Ar 330 p m No. 2. From Fufauia.. No. 4. 11 56 a m Lv Eufaula Lv 415 pm Ar Albany Ar 7 15 p m Ar Macon A r 4 25am Ar,„ Columbus... ..Ar ...„. 11 25 pm Ar .Atlanta Ar Milledgeville...Ar Eatonton A r Ar Augusta Ar 630 am Ar Savannah ...Ar No. 26. From Albany. No, 38. N... 4 10 45 a m Lv ...Albany2 50,,p mLv 340 air 316 pm Ar Eufaula Ar Ar..Macon. 7 15 p m...Ar 7 52 a B> Ar..Columbus.4 25 a mArl2 33 p m Ar..At)anta 11 25 p m.Ar I 9 25 pro Ar Milledgeville...Ar 10 29 a n> Ar Eatonton.....Ar 12 30 p m Ar Augusta Ar 3 45 p m 6 30 a m Ar Savannah .Ar 3 30 p m .Vn 26, F'om Fatonion and MiUedremllr, 2 15 p m Lv Eatonton 842 pm Lv Milledgeville 6 25 p m Ar Macon 426 a m Ar Columbus Ar Eufaula .... 11:15 p m Ar.. Albany 11 2" p m Ar_ Atlanta 6 30 a m Ar Savannah Augusta No 24 From Perry No 22 5:45 am Lv Perry Lv 3 -5 p n 6:30 am Ar Fort Valley....Ar 415 p r Local Sleeping Cars on all night trams tween Savannah and Augusta, Savannah anr Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Connections The Milledgeville and Eatonton train run> daily (except Monday) between Gordon ans Eatonton, and daily (except Sunday betwee’ Eatonton and Gordon. Train No. 53 leaving Savannah at 8:45 p m, will not stop except on Sundays to put ofi i>-singers at stations between Savannah and No. 4J. Enffula train connects at Cuthbert for Fo’t Gained daily (except Sunday Ttm Perry accommodation trai be’-vee- F<rt Valley and Perry runs daily (excep* Su"dsyl. The Albany and Blakely accommodation train runs daily (except Sunday) between Albany and Blakely. At Savannah with Savannah, Florida an Western Railway, at Augusta with all lines t> North and East, at Atlanta with Air-Line arc Aennesaw Routes to all points North, Ear ai d West. Tickets for all points, and Sleeping C«. Berths on sal eat city office, No. 20 Bui 1 G. A. Whitehead. WM. BOGEBS. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt.. Sevan ab J. C. Shaw, W F. SHELLMAN, Gen.Trav, Agt. Traffic Manager, Savannah Georgia. Charleston & Savannah Bailway Ge Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30th, 1884. Schedule in effect Nov. 2d, 1884. Trains 43 and 47 wait indefinitely atSavan no' or connection with S., F. & W. Ry. Northward No 35. No 43 No 47. Lv Savannah...2:oop m B:ssam 8:37 p m Ar (lbarleston..7:2s p m 12:40 pm 1:45 am Ar Wilmington B:ospm 8-35 am Ar Weldon 2:35 a m 2:45 p m Ar Richmond 5:48 a m 6:10 p m Ar Washington 10:30 a m 11:00 p m Ar New York 5:30 p m 6:50 a m Ar Yortßoyal 6:30 pm 11:40am Ar Augusta 2:15 p m Southward. No 34. No 40. No 42 . No4B Lv Charl’n 8:15 a m 4:00 a m 3:20 p m 2:45 a m I.v Port R’l 7:35 am 2:05 pm LvAugusta 11:40 a m Ar Sav'h 12:00 n’n 6:41 a m 7:00 pm 5:52am All trains daily. Train No. 47 will stop only at Ridgeland, Green Pond and Ravenel. For Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations and all other information, apply to Wm. Bren, Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charles ton and Savannah Railway Tisket Offlee at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. S. C. Boylston, G. P. A: J. W. Craig, Master Transportation. MRS. R. C. FETZER, corner New Houston and West Broad streets. Savannah, says : ' Brown’s Iron Bitters cured my daughter of ' dyspepsia when doctors failed to give relief. My husband also used it for general debility with marked benefit. Piontla & Testern Baiiway [All trains of this road are run by Central (90) 4eridiau time a-hich Is 36 mivntes slower than Savannah time. | Superintendent’s Office, 1 Savannah, November 1, 1884. J ON and after November 2, 1884, Passenger Trains on this road will run as follows: ATLANTIC COAST LINE EXPRESS. Lve rfavannnb daily at 6:12 a m Ar Savannah dally at.. : 7;4»pm Ar Jesup daily at 8:17 a m Ar Waycross daily al 9:25 a m Ar Callahan dally at 11:50 a m Ar Jacksonville daly at 12:30pm Stops at all regular stations between Savan nah and Jacksonville. FAST MAIL. Lve Savannah daily at 72)1 a m ArSavannhh daily at 8:17 p m Ar Jesup daily at 8:43 a m Ar Waycross dally at ...9:50 am Ar Callahan daily at.. ........11:29 a m Ar Jacksonville daily at J2:t)Unoon Ar Dupont daily at...... ...11:15 a ih Ar Valdosta daily at i!2:06 pm Ar Quitman daily at 12:40 pm Ar Thomasville daily at 1:30 pm Ar Bainbridgedaily at 8:30 p m Ar Chattahoochee daily at 8:52 p m Stops only at stations named above, and at all stations between Thomasville and Chat tahooebee. Passengers for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick (viaß. & W. Railway) at 1:13 p. m. Passengers for Fer nandina, Waldo, Ocala, Leesburg, Gaines ville, Cedar Key and all points on the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, take this train. Close connections at Jacksonville dally for Green Cove Springs, St. Augustine, Palatka, Enterprise, Sanford and all land ings on St. Johns river. Passengers for Pensacola, Mobile, New Or leans, Texas and trans-Mlsslssippi points, take this train, arriving at Pensacola at 10:05 pm, Mobile 2:40 am, New Orleans7:4s am. Pullman Buffet and sleeping cars Waycross to New Orleans. CHARLESTON EXPRESS. Lve Savannah daily at 1:30 p m Ar Savannah dally at 1:30 p m Ar Jesup daily at 3:31 p m Ar Waycross daily at 5:00 p m Ar Callahan daily at 7:13 p m Ar Jacksonville dally at 8:00 p m Stops at all regular stations between Savan nah and Jacksonville. Pullman parlor cars from Savannah to Jacksonville. Passengers for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick (via B. and M. R.) at 8:16 p. m. JESUP EXPRESS. Lve Savannah daily at 4:20 p m Ar Savannah daily at 8:4.5 a m Ar Jesup daily at 7:00 p m Stops at all regular and flag stations be tween Savannah and Jesup. ALBANY EXPRESS. Lve Svannah daily at. 7:20 p m Ar Savannah dally at 6:05 a m Ar Jesup dally at 9:58 p m Ar Waycross daily at ..11:35 p m Ar Callahan daily at 4:45 a m Ar Jacksonville daily at 6:lsam Ar Dupont daily at 1:20 a m Ar Live Oak daily at 3:47 a m Ar Gainesville daily at 7:00 a m Ar Valdosta daily at 3:30 am Ar Quitman dally at 4:30 a m Ar Thomasville daily at 6:00 a m Ar Albany daily at 10:30 a m Pullman Palace Slleeping ears from Sa vannah to Gainesville. Pullman Buffet sleepinv cars from Savannah to Jackson ville. Passengers for Brunswick, via Jesup take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 6:15 am. Passengers for Fernandina, Waldo, Gaines ville, Palatka, Cedar Key, Ocala, Wildwood. Leesburg and all stations on Florida Railway and Navigation Company and Florida South, ern Railway take this train. Passengers for Madison, Monticello, Talla hassee and all Middle Florida points take this train. Connection at Jacksonville dally with Peo ple’s Line of steamers and railroads for .St. Augustine and all points on St. Johns River. Through tickets sold and Sleeping Car Berth accomdatlons secured at BREN’S Ticket Offlee, No. 22 Bull street, and at the company’s depot, foot of Liberty street. JAS. L. TAYLOR, Gen’l Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING. Snpeintendcnt. COAST RAIIMW. Cathedral Cemetery, Bona« venture and Thunderbolt. The following schedule will bs. observed on and aftei MONDAY, Mav 12tb 1884: rT-r-v t'ME. INWABD. INWABD. LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE SAVANNA!) BONAVBNTUB’ THUNDERBOLT 700 a. m 745 a. m 735 a. m, 10 35 a. m 240 p. m 12 30 p. m 300p.m. 400 p. m. 350 p. m, 3 50 p. m. 5 30 p. m. 5 20 p. m. •6 20 p. m. 7 10 p. m.l 7 00 p. m, ’Saturday night’s last car leaves 7:15 instead of 6:20- Take Broughton street cars 25 minu before departure of Suburban trains. V? T* COrV An nori’’ SAVANNAH, November 11, 1884. On and after WEDNESDAY, November 12, the following Schedule will be run on the Suburban Line: Leave Arrive Leave I Leave City. City. Isle of Hope Montg’ry. 6:30 p. m. 8:40 a. m. 8:10 a. m. j 7:45 a. m. Special schedule for Saturday AND SUNDAY. Leave Arrive Leave Leave City. City. Isle of Hope Montg’ry. 10:25 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 8:10 a. m. 7:45 a. m. *3:25 p. m. 2-00 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m 7:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. *3:25 p. m.—T his Is the last train on Sun davs. On Mondays there will be a tralnto Montgomery at 6:45 a. m. J. H. TOTTNRTON. Pros Men. and Ipwij Savannah Club, Livery & Board Stables. Corner Drayton, McDonough and Hull sts. A. W. HAKMON, Prop’r. Headquarters for fine Turn-Outs. Personal attention given to Boarding Horses. Tele phone No. 205. TO THE PUBLIC. Owing to the present occupant’s lease not expiring until January Ist, 1885, I will not , take possession of PULASKI HOUSE STA- 1 BLES until that date. E. C. GLEASON.