The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 24, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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8 FUNERAL INVITATION. RUSSELL —The friendsand acquaintances ui Col. Isaac Russell and family, and of Philip M. Russell and Mrs. Lena Epstein and their families, arc respectfully invited to at tend the funeral of Con. Russell from his late residence, No. 191 Perry street, one door from Jefferson, at 4 o’clock THIS AFTER NOON. INDEX TOMKW ADVKRTJBEMENTS. Christmas Punch, Egg-Nog and Lunch at J. Med. Henderson’s. Turkey shooting at Schuetzen Park. First-Class Sewing Machines—Joyce & Hunt. Raffle of breech-loading gun at Kaufmann’s. Big Christmas Dinner at Freid & Hicks’. Oranges fpr Christmas at Gardner’s. ■ CHRISTMAS ON THURSDAY. An old poem, illustrating the popular be lief regarding Christmas day, is preserved in manuscript in the British Museum. As Christmas this year falls on Thursday, we publish the following extract, changing the words from old to modern English : If Christmas day on Thursday be, A windy winter see shall ye, Os winds and weathers all wicked. And hard tempests strong and thick. The summer shall be good and dry, Corn and beasts shall multiply; That year is good lands to till. And kings and princes shall die by skill; What child that day born be, He shall have happy right well to thee. Os deeds, he shall be good and stable; Os speech and tongue, wise and reason able. NOTES ABOUT TOWN. Happenings Here, There and Everywhere —The public offices and banks will be closed to-morrow. —The departments in the court house will be closed to-morrow. —Sunday hours will be observed in the postoffice to-morrow. —The Bethesda boys will have their usual Christmas dinner at the “Home” to morrow. —A fine Christmas dinner will be given the orphan girls of St. Mary’s Home to morrow. --Mr. J. R. Young, of the firm of Ellis, Holt & Co., was elected a member of the Board of Trade yesterday. —The Savannah Cadets will give a hop next Friday night, at their armory. This will be the opening hop of the season. —The trotting horse “Tony,” raffled last night at J. D. Harris’ store, was won on a throw of 38 by Mr. J. D. Schroder. —There will be a grand turkey shooting contest at the Schuetzen Park to-morrow. The skilfull handlers of the rifle may count on passing a pleasant day. —The many friends of Mr. E. B. Philpot who has been very seriously ill for some days past, will be pleased to learn that he is improving. —To-morrow, at twelve o’clock, the col ored fantastics will assemble at the new Chatham Hall, and, under the leadership of Geo. A. Davison, will parade all the princi pal streets of the city. —Zeigler’s stereopticon exhibition will be continued to-night for four hours. The exhibition will be commenced at 7 o’clock and continued until 11. The Guards Band will be in attendance. —At the Custom House Shades there will be a regular Christmas lay out to-morrow, and Mr. Henderson extends an invitation, which will be found in another column, to • his friends to call and see him. —Col. F. L. Dancy, of Florida,a classmate of Gen. Robert E. Lee, and one of the oldest graduates of West Point in the United States, is in the city to spend the holidays. The C olonel is a veritable patriarch, and bears his age and honors well. —Dr. William L. Smith, of Hawkins ville, Ga., is in the city to spend the holi days. He is the guest of Mr. Marshall H. Connally, Secretary to Superintendent R. G. Fleming, of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway. —The Times office had a plasant call this afternoon from John C. MacDonald, Esq., o Waycross, who is on a brief business visit to Savannah. Mr. McDonald is prominently mentioned as a candidate for Mayor of Way cross, and that thriving little town could have no better Executive officer. —The celebration of Midnight Mass at the Catholic Cathedral will take place to night at 12 o’clock The services will be exceptionally beautiful, and the music, especially prepared for the occasion, en chanting. It is expected that 3,000 or 4,000 people will be present to witness the service, which will be grander than anything of the kind ever seen in Savannah. Mr. Jacob Gardner, 30J Bull street, has just received 100 boxes choice oranges, wh’ch be will sell by the box or at retail, very cheap. jNtippiity gutrlligrure. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises - 7:07 Sun Sets 4:57 H ton Watek at Ft Pulaski..lO:3s A m 10:56 p m Wednesday, December 24,1884. ARRIVED TO-DAY Steamship Juniata, Askins, Philadelphia— G M Sorrel. Steamer Florida, Amazon, Fernandina— C Williams, Agent. CLEARED TO-DAY. Steamship Wm Crane, Billups, Baltlmor —Jas B West & Co. Steamship Chattahoochee, Catherine, New Y ork—G M Sorrel. Steamship (Br) Shildon, Roop, Liverpool, —Richardson & Barnard, Bark (Nor) Carl Joeann, Gautsen, West Hartepool, Eng—Holst & Co. SAILED TO-DAY. Steamship Wm Crane, Billups, Baltimore Steamship Chattahoochee, Catherine, New Y ork. MEMORANDA. Tybee, December 24, 2:30 p. m.—Passed up: steamship Juniata, German steamship Ven trass, British steamship Dundln, Italian bark Giovanninl, British bark Wm Gordon. Passed out: Steamship Joseph Hearn, N or. bark Aver. Waiting : Ship Van Loo, barks Maiden City, Ilex, Johann, and Saga. Wind : East, light, cloudy. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Wm Crane for Baltimore- Mrs Brown, J C Yonng. Per steamship Chatahoochee for New York —F E Marsh and wife, W F Pike, Alfred L Lias, and 2 steejage. Per steamer Anita, from Fernandina and landings—Wm Warren. Per steamer Florida, from Fernandina and landing—Jas Tully, M Howard, F Mushman, <; o Demerest, G S Vanderwater, G D Palmer R B Hillyard and wife, Martha Smith, col. CONSIGNEES. Per steamer Florida, from Fernandina and THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1884. landings,—Walter, T and Co, Warren <S Axon Gullmartin & Co, D Y Dancy, Comer & Co, 1 Frank Lloyd, Woods & Co, Flannery & Co, I' W W Chisholm, Butler & S, W W Gordon A 1 Co, Perkins &Son, M McLean, Baldwin <S • Co. H Myers & Bro, Guckenheimcr & Son. Per steamer Anita, from Fernandina and landings—Walter, T & Co, Comer & Co, W W Gordon, Perkins and Son, Eckman & V, Cen tral Road, Butler & S, Baldwin & Co, Flauery & Co, M McLean, Woods & Co. RECEIPTS. Per steamer Anita, from Fernandina and landings—93 bales cotton, 1 bale bedding, 1 crib and cts. Per steamer Florida, from Fernandina and . landings—3D9 bales coiton, 1 bale bides, 8 bale moss, 2 bbls syrup, 1 bbl b wheat, 1 keg sau sages, 105 boxes oranges, 5 boxes oranges." EXPORTS. Per steainshipWm Crane for Baltimore -457 bales upland cotton, 174 bales sea island - cotton, 75 bbls rise, 1630 bbls rosin, 250 bbls I oil, 80 tons pig iron, 1260 boxes oranges, 071 5 pkgs mdse. , , Per steamship Chattahoochee, for New ■ York—2Bs2 bales upland cotton, 150 bags sea - island cotton, 10 bales dom and yarns, 657 bbls rosin, 3 bbls spirits, 33,546 feet lumber. 40 000 shingles, 2382 boxes oranges, 23 bbls oranges, 3 boxes vegetables, 266 pkgs mdse, and 4 turtles. Per British steamship Shildon, for Liver pool, 3508 bales cotton, 1,632,781 lbs, 102 bags sea island cotton, 53,252 lbs, 800 sacks cotton seed. Total value 8180,973. Cargo by various parties. Per Nor. bark Carl Johann for West Harte pool, Eng, 4185 pieces p p lumber, 368.841 feet. Total value 84,797 00. Cargo by Janies K Clarke & Co. (Stommerrial. SAVANNAH MARKETS. i OFFICE OF SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES. ■ SAVANNAH, GA., December 21, Ip. m. Savannah Cotton Exchange (Official). . COTTOS. Fair „ @ Middling Fair 10 o-8 ® ' Good Middling 10 1-2 © Middling 10 3-8 @ Low Middling 10 1-8 @ ' Good Ordinary 9 3-4 (a> Ordinary 9 ® Tone—Steady. BXOXIPTS. KXTOBTS. Foreign 3,640 | Coastwise 3,00 4ALEB From 1 p. m. Saturday to 1 p. m; to-day “’Stock <m hand and on’shipboard at 1 p.m i to-day, 102,019 bales • (Savannah Board of Trade, Official.) Rice. The market is quiet with inquiry only for low grades. Sales 128 bbls, these quota j tions represent for round ,ots. In filling | small orders higher rates must be paid. We quote: Broken Nominal Common “ Fair l‘ /h5 V , .9 z Good Prime Choice Nominal • Rough- , Country lots 90al 100 Tide Water 110al 35 Naval Stores. Rosin.—The market steady. We quote: . A 3 1 05 H 8 120 B 1 05 11 80 C 1 05 K - 225 O 1 05 M 3 25 E 1 07)4 N 3 65 F 1 10 W G 425 G 115 IWW Spirits Turpentine—Steady 28. Sales 300 bbls spirits and 450 bbls rosin. Naval Stores Statement. Spirits. Rosin Receipts to-day 288 1,222 ■Stock this day 9,671 46,050 Grain, Provision and Flour Market. Grain.—Steady. We quote: White Corn 63 @ Car load lots-....- 60 @- ; Mixed Corn 62 @ Car load lots 58 @ Mixed Oats 45 @ Car load lots.. 40 @ Northern Hay 100 @ Eastern Hay 105 @ Western Hay 100 @ Meal 70 @ Grits 75 @ PROVISIONS. Market steady. D S Shoulders ®4 @ D S L C Sides @ DSCRSides 6)4 (a Smoked Shoulders © Smoked C R Sides 7% @ I Hams 13)4 © , Lard 8 or Butter 24a28 ' Cheese 9a13)4 Suga rs.—steady Cut Loaf. 6% © Standard “A” 6V B " © Extra “C” % © “CC” 5’4 (a Granulated 6% @ Powdered 6% © SALT. We quote: ar load lots (f. o. b.) 80© lots 90© rxouß. Market steady. Superfine 3 00af3 25 Extra 3 65 1 3 85 Family 4 60<c4 90 Choice Patent 6 00©6 75 corrrxs. ; Dull. Fancy 12)4 @ Prime 12 © Medium 11 © Fair 10 14 @ Ordinary 9% @ Financial. Quotations furnished by F. C. Wylly, Stock and Bond Broker, No. 120 Bryan street. Tone of the market—Money easy Exchange on New York—buying Bank checks selling at par to % discount Market ruled steady for bonds, and stocks, We quote : RAILROAD STOCK. BID. ASKED Augusta <fc Savannah 7 per cent. guaranteed exdiv’d 115 116 Central Railroad Script 6 per cent, ex int 86 87 Central exdiv’d 73)4 74)4 Georgia." 154 156 Southwestern 7 per cent, guaran- anteed ex div’d 112 113 BANK AND GAS STOCKS Merchants National 120 Southern Bank State of Georgia. Savannah Gas 12 14 Mutual Gas Light 25 STATE BONDS. Georgia new 6s, 1889, January and July coupons 106 107 Georgia Mortgage on W. & A. Railroad, regular 7 per cent, coupons, January and July turfty, 1886 101 104 Georgia 7 per cent, gold quarter lies 11l 114 Georgia 7s, 1896 123 124)4 THOS. IRVINE & CO. -THE— ALBANY, LIVERPOOL Commission Merchants, CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS, SHIPPING AND FORWARDING AGENTS. Established 1847. PRODUCE of all kinds received on CONSIGNMENT for SALE. (No advances made on Green Fruit.) MERCHANDISE Received and FORWARD ED To all PARTS of ENGLAND, EUROPE, AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA and the EAST. NEW YORK AGENTS, MESSRS. R. F. DOWNING A CO. ‘ The Grand Turkey Shooting Will be continued on Christmas Day at Schuetzen Park. Ten or twelve-bore shot guns can be used. Shooters must load at stand. Ammunition free. 1 Cars leave Coast Line Kaliroad Depot at 1. '. 2, 8 and 3.50 p. m. Shooting begins at 1.30 and continues all afternoon. Sportsmen Take Notice. FOR RAFFLE A Splendid Double-Barrel English Bone Hill BREECH-LOADING GUN, original cost 880. Sixty chances at 81 each. To be Jraflled at Julius Kaufmann s Restaurant, during Xmas holidays. Notice to Ladies. MISS KATE LUTZ has just returned from New York with a full line of the LATEST FASHION PAT FERNS and is prepared to attend to all orders for DRESSMAKING. Perfect fits, in the latest styles, guaranteed. Prompt attention given. Corn er Duffy and Montgomery streets. CHRISTMAS TURKEYS. I will be prepared to fill all orders for fine selected DRESSED TURKEYS and FOWLS for Christmas. Leave your orders and there will be no disappointment. J. E. SANDIFORD, Green Grocer. 46 South Broad street. Florida. Oranges I CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES, GARDEN SEEDS. Fancy and Useful Baskets, Alligator Jewelry, Curiosities, Etc., at GARDNER’S, 30)4 BULL STREET. The Best to be Found. Logan & Calder, WholesaleSißetiilShipiinEßuichsrs Savannah Market, Stalls 67 and 68, Have just received a superior supply of choice TENNESSEE BEEF, BALTIMORE BEEF, BOSTON BEEF, NEW YORK BEEF, And will supply customers with same in any quantity fresh or salted. They will also re ceive on Wednesday a choice lot of Tenneesee Turkeys and Chickens. I Send in your orders for Christmas. All ; kinds of Country Produce on hand. I’AASYPLzVATS. 50 CENTS PER DOZEN. VIOLET PLANTS, 25c. per dozen. CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS, 81 per dozen. VERBENA PLANTS, 75c. per dozen. LILY, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, 25c. per doz. LILY, EASTER PLANTS, 81 per dozen. 1 CUT FLOWERS AND DESIGNS. At Wagner’s Nursery, Thunderbolt Road, or GARDNER’S, 30)4 Bull Street. WLQffIHWD -FOR- Christmas Presents ! Don’t forget that the most acceptable one you can make is a FIRST-CLASS SETO MACHINE! i Which will always be a lasting remembrance ) of the donor. Such a one can be • found only at 31 Whitaker St. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE Hull’s Vapor Stoves -AND- DOMESTIC PIPER PATTERNS SEND FOR CATALOGUES. JOYCE & HUNT’S, 31 WHITAKER STREET. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! CHICKENS ! CHICKENS! I, FINE TURKEYS 1 3,000 Fine Chickens, Geese and Dncks TO ARRIVE Every day next Week for XMAS. Give us your Xmas orders, we guarantee satisfaction both in prices and quality. Don’t fall to give us your orders in time. J. S. COLLINS & CO., No. 15 MARKET BASEMENT. Special Rothes. ► Christmas Punch, Egg-Nog & Lunch My friends are all cordially invited to call around at my place of business TO-MORROW I (Christmas Day), and join with me In passing the compliments of the season. A large bowl of Punch will be brewed, some of the best I Egg-Nog ever seen in Savannah will be on hand, and my usual big Lunch will beserved. Call around and enjoy a Merry Christmas. i Yours truly, J. MED. HENDERSON. Special TNotice. City and Suburban Railway, ) Savannah, Ga., Dec. 19,1884. j During next week in addition to the regu lar schedule a train will be run on the out side line, leaving Savannah each day at 10125 a. m., andon returning, leaving MONTGOM ERY all o’clock p.m., and ISLE OF HOPE • at 1:30 p. m. On WEDNESDAY AFTER- S' OON an extra train will be run, leaving the ■ city at3:2sp.m. J. H, JOHNSTON, President. Election for Directors. Savannah Bank and Trust Company, ) Savannah, Ga., Dee. 17,1884. J The annual election for TWELVE DIREC- TORS of this Bank, to serve for the ensuing vear. will be held at the Bank on WEDNES- I DAY, 31st instant, between 12 and 1 o’clock. JAS. H. HUNTER, Cashier. Election for Directors Merchants’ National Bank. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 13,1884. The annual election for SEVEN DIREC- * TORS of this Bank will be held at the Bank ing House, on TUESDAY, January 18,1885, between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock. " Thos. Gadsden, Cashier. , Dividend Notice. Central Railroad & Bank’g Co. of Ga.,) Savannah, Ga., Dec. 10,1884. J A dividend of THREE DOLLARS per share from the earnings of this company an* its dependencies, has been declared, payable I on and after DECEMBER 27th inst., to the i stockholders as of rec -rd this day. T^l. CUN NIN Gll AM, Cashier. Election for Directors. Central R. R. and Banking Co., of Ga.,) . Savannah, Ga., Dee. 5, 'BBI. ) An election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS, to manage the affairs of this Company for thq ensuing year, will oe held in the Banking House, in Savannah, on MONDAY, the Sth " day of JANUARY, 1885, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 2 o’clock p. m. Stockholders and their families will be ■ passed free over the Company’s road, to at . tend the election, from the 2d to the sth of JANUARY, and be passed free returning from the sth to the Bth of JANUARY, on ' presentation of their stock certificates to the , conductors. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. NOTICE. Central R. R. & Banking Co. of Ga., 1 General Passenger Department, > Savannah, Ga., June 20th, 1884. J Saturday Night and Sunday Excur- sion Tickets. On and after SATURDAY NIGHT, June 21st, this Company will sell EXCURSION TICKETS at FOUR CENTS per mile to ALI POINTS on its lines, to be used on Saturday Night and Sunday Trains, GOOD FOR RE TURN passage until MONDAY NOON fol lowing date of sale. GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger 4 vent. Epi Lirge [p Loai PINEAPPLES! Urge Fresh kta heanas! Malaga Grapes! FANCY APPLES Preserves of all Kinds I ■ mS, FANCY ill NUTS AN 1 ) RAISINS, Currants, Figs, Dates, Prunes, &c. The above goods lor sale only to the trade BY J. B. Reedy Groceß.and Importer of Fruit, BAY AND WHITAKER. STREET 3 WISH YOU The compliments of the season, and hope that you will continue to appreciate in the future as you have in the past, our delicious Ws ton Sm Crata —AND— [ VIRGIN candy: The fact of their being home products is not advanced In their behalf, because They Are Equal to if Not Better ! than any other similar manufacture, and Their Superior Quality I Sells them without appealing to patriotism. THEY ARE THE BEST. , -WQuallty always of the highest standard. SWAIN’S DOWN VIRGIN candy: SWAN’S DOWN Manufactured by ACOSTA & EINSTEIN, Amusements. savannaTtheaße I TWO NIGHTS ONLY, AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTRESS, Clara Morris SUPPORTED BY Jr. FrsderiG Bryton, -AND- AN EXCELLENT COMPANY, Under the management of Mr. FRANK L. GOODWIN FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 26th, Belot’s Mar velous Play, “ L’ARTICLE 47.” SATURDAY EVENING, Dec. 27th, Belin and Nvs Powerful Drama, MISS MULTON! Prices of Admission, §2.00, 91.00 and 50c. Re served Seats 25c. additional. Special rates on all railroads. Parties at a distance can secure seats by mail or telegram The sale of seats opens at DAVIS BROS. ' on Monday, December 22d, at 9 a. m. New Year’s RACES -AT- Centlenieii’s Drirag Park. K. I The Sweepstake Race to come off at the above named Park -ON- Thursday, January Ist, (NEW YEAR’S DAY), has been filled as follows: S. J. Titcomb enters bay marc “Aida T.” Geo. E. Matthews enters bay’ mare “Dora.” Fred Kolshorn enter, sorrel mare “Pet.” I Thomas Brown enters grey gelding “Charlie.” The free-for-all Race heretofore advertised, has not been filled, but the management, in order to have TWO RACES, have determined to give a THREE-MINUTE RACE, open to all Savannah horses, which have never beaten three minutes. * This race will be run for a purse of SIOO, $75 to the first horse, and $25 to the second. Entrance fee to this race, $lO. Entries to close on SATURDAY, December 27th. D. H. C.AMPBELL, Secretary. • A NICE RESIDENCE ‘ IN A SPLENDID LOCATION. The recently bn fit residence on the south -1 east corner of Waldburg and Jefferson streets is offered for sale preparatory to the depart ure of the owner for Europe. The house was built only a few months ago from selected lumber, the owner being in that I business, and arranged with a view to com fort and convenience. The lower floor is di vided into two parlors, sitting room and dining room, with kitchen attached, making five rooms On the upper floor there'are three bedrooms and a bath room—piazzas on both floors. There is » large yard with ser vants’ rooms, buggy hou«e, wood etc., the whole making a most complete and at tractive home. —ALSO— Will be sold wljfcthe above property, if de sired, three containing four rooms each and rent ing (the three) for 826 per , month. Each house is furnished with water and a shed In the yard This will make a well paying investment. If not sold previously at private sale, the property will be offered at auction on the premises at 4 p. m., on Monday, Dec. 15. C. H. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer. aui(i}.u. -FOR— mz w PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN J2O EXCURSION 32 STEERAGE 10 The magnificent Steamships of this Comubu. d appointed to sail as follows. STANDARD TIME: TO NEW YORK. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. H .0. DAGGBTT FRIDAY, December 2&, at 12:00 noon NACOOCHEE, Captain F. Kempton, MON DAY, December 29, at 3:30 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Captain W. H. Fisheb WEDNESDAY, December 31, at 5:00 a. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. J. W. Catherine FRIDAY, January 2, at 6:30 a. m. TO raiUA-OELraiA. These steamers do not carry passengers . JUNIATA, Captain S. L. Askins, SATUR DAY, December 27. at 12:30 p. m. DESSOUG, Captain F. Smith, SATURDAY, January 3, at 7:00 a. m. Tnrough bills of laden given to Eastern and North' western points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to G. M SORREL, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. FOR BAJLTIMOP CABIN PASSAGE 815 00 SECOND PASSAGE 12 U 0 EXCURSION 25 00 49“ Including Meals and Stateroom. ‘6# For the present the Steamships of this Company are appointed to sail from Savan nah for Baltimore every five days, as follows. City time : GEORGE APPOLD, Captain Foster, MON DAY, December 29th, at 3:30 p m. WM. CRANE, Captain Billups, SATUR DAY , January 3, at 9 a. m. GEORGE APPOLD, Capt. Foster, THURS DAY, January 8, at 12 noon. WM. CRANE, Captain Billups, TUESDAY, And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manntactnring towns in New England, and *o Liverpool and Bremen. Through passenger ticket, issued to Plttsbnrg, Cincinnati, Chicago, and all point West and Northwest. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, 114 Bay street. Boston and Savannah STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT. CABIN PASSAGE 820 00 EXCURSION 35 00 STEERAGE 12 00 The first class iron steamships of this company ar. appointed to sail every THURSDAY from Boston at 8p m.; from Savannah as follows: Standard Time. CITY OF MACON, CAPTAIN W. KELLEY, THURSDAY, December 25, at 11:00 a. m. GATE CITY Captain D. Hedge, THURS DAY, January 1, at 6:00 a. m. CITY OF MACON, Captain W. Kelley, TUESDAY, January 6, at 10:00 p. m. GATE CITY, Captain D. Hedge, THURS DAY, January 15, at 5:30 p. m. Through bills ot lading given to New England manu facturing pout, and to Liverpool. The Company’s wharves in both Savannah and Bos ton are connected with all railroads leading out ol th. two cities. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Agents. M TOT M BAWL Commencing NovShiber 22d, 1884, the MOR GAN STEAMSHIP LINE will inaugurate a weekly service with the elegantly appointed and fast sailing steamships “HUTCHINSON” and “MORGAN” Between Tampa, Fla., and Key West and I Havana. Also between Tampa and New Or- leans, with the following arrivals and de partures : Leave NEW ORLEANS for TAMPA, KEY WEST and HAVANA every THURSDAY. Arrive TAMPA Saturday. Leave TAMPA SATURDAY, on arrival ot South Florida Railroad train. Leave KEY WEST SUNDAY. Arrive HA VANA MONDAY. RETURNING 1 Leave HAVANA for KEY WEST, TAMPA and NEW ORLEANS every WEDNESDAY Leave KEY WEST THURSDAY. 1 Leave TAMPA FRIDAY, on arrival of South 1 Florida Railroad train. Arrive NEW OR LEANS SUNDAY. Passengers leaving Savannah on Fridays ; via Savannah, Floriaaand Western Railway, 1 Fast Mail (7:01 a. m.) make close connections for KEY WEST and HAVANA. F. H. RAND, G. T. A. South Florida R. R. C. I). OWENS, Traffic Manager Peoples’ Line Steamers. * < * Georgia and Florida Inland Steam boat Company. Commencing Oct. 1. STEAMER DAVID CLARK Leaves Savannah, foot of Lincoln street, for i Doboy, Darien, St. Simon’s, Brunswick and j Way Landings every Monday and Thursday at 4 p. m., connecting at Brunswick with Steamer CRACKER BOY for Satilla river. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will oe at risk of consignee. J. N. HARRIMAN, Manager. C. Williams, General Agent.