The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 28, 1884, Page 6, Image 6

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6 M by Glasses are Clinked. Newark Press. ‘‘Tocome back to the original subject," be resumed, “the reason why men clink glasses in a remembrance of the five senses. That Bounds odd, doesn’t it? Well, I’ll explain to you. You see, 1 touch my glass to yours; they give out a sound—that’s Hearing, one sense. You see the glasses In your and my hand; that's thesepse of seeing. Yon feel the glasses vibrate under the toitcn; that’s sense No. 3. Thru you touch It to your Ups, at the same lime smelling the liquid that It contains. Then you gratify two senses—tasting and smelling, and then you have your live senses —bearing, seeing, feeling, tasting and smell ing. Now you never thought ol that before, did you?” said the old gentleman, with a smile of delight at the reporters lodkol as tonishment. , In the Ball Boom. He—lsn’t Miss Paddington a handsome girl? She—Do you think so? He—l do. Her form is elegant. She—Appearances often deceive. For in stance she is different from me. When I wake up my miud to go to a party I go, but •he He—Well? , , She—Well’after she makes up her mind she is obliged to make up her body too. Rapid curtain without music. In Court. When the name of the next juryman was called, he arose and addressing the court said: “Your honor, I beg to be excused from serv ing on the jury.” “On what ground?” asked the judge. “On the ground of ineligibility, your honor; I am a Democrat.” Excused. “ROUGH ON CORNS.” Ask for Wells’ “Rough on Corns.” 15c Quick complete cure. Hard or soft corn warts, bunions. Miss Annie Dantzler, Kingston, Ga, says: “I can testify to the good of Brown’s Iron Bitters, for loss of appetite and general de bility.” Too Many to the Acre. Our crop of Overcoats has been too plenti ful for this season, and as the weather proph ets predict mild weather for next year—lßßo and ’B6—we have decided not to bum our stock, but to put them on the market, and sell them for what they will bring. Our Overcoats must be sold. It is only a question for you if you will take advantage of our low prices and supply yourself with an Overcoat, and save money. We will sell you a good, strong $9 Overcoat for 86, a 815 Overcoat for 812, and the finest 830 Overcoat In Savannah for 820. Boys’ Overcoats, from 4 to 12 years old, as low as S 3, Youths’ Overcoats, from 12 to 17 years, from $5 up. We have plenty of fine Sults on hand which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Remember and buy of the “Famous, as we give a prize of half the purchase money to every twentieth purchaser. “Famous" New York Clothing House, 140 Congress B.reet. Mr. William McCormick (mailing clerk), Savannah, says: “Brown’s Iron Bitters cured me of dyspepsia, with which I had suffered for twenty years, it is a wonderful medi cine.” DR. LOWERY’S REMEDY Infuses new life In the debilitated; it assimilates with the blood and and supplies that deficiency in the nervous system, which is the cause of debility and physical prostration. It acts on the liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs, •causing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew—when the face re sumes the bloom of health, the eye Its lustre and the brain its power. This remedy can be obtained of druggists and dealers generally. Price 81.90 per package; three packages, two dollars; sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist for It; do not take any other. If you cannot obta it send direct, with price, and it will be securely sealed, by mail to your address. Address Depot and Labratory, Dr. Lowery’s Remedies, No. 18 E. Fourteenth St. New York City. Advice free; send stamp for reply. Mr. D. E. Sullivan, Macon, Ga, says : have used Brown’s Iron Bitters for in igestion, and regard it as a n infalible etnedy.” A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and ndiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, arly decay, loss of manhood, etc., I wll end a receipt that will cure you, free of habos, This great remedy was discovered ya missionary in South America. Send a elf-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph . Inman, Station D, New York City. Mrs. Rosa Shumate, Savannah, says : “I nave used Brown’s Iron Bitters with good results. For dizziness and impure blood it it is unequaled. YOUNG MUNI—BEAU HIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Beit and other Electric Appliances on trial lor thirty’ day’s, to men (young or old( afflict ed with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kiudred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to Health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred, as thlry days’ trial is al lowed Write lor them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. Mrs. L. Salter, 213 Charlton street, Sa vannah, says: “My sister in-law and I used Brown’s Iron Bitters for dyspepsia and general debility caused by malaria, and it afforded great relief.” Solomons’ Cough and Cold Remedy has a more immediate and decided beneficial effect uponthe Throat, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs < han any other known remedy. It perma nently cures Coughs, Colds, Dryness, Tick ng of the Throat and Breathing Tubes, and ’-events their development into that dread disease Consumption. Mr. Charles H. Blun, Mr. Andrew H. Charl n and Major L. M. Mclntosh and other well i .own citizens of Savannah and elsewhere, save given highly favored testimonials, and we are permitted to refer to them. SOLOMONS & CO.. Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. Mr. L. B. Smith (Sheriff of Effingham county), Springfield, Ga., says: “While suf fering from dyspepsia, indigestion, etc, I lost thereby five pounds; Brown’s Iron Bit ters cured me, and I increased in weight. Dr. Bosanko. This name has become so familiar with the most of people throughout the United Slates that it is hardly necessary to state that he is lhe originator of the great Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, the people’s favorite remedy, wherever known, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and ail affections of the Throat and Lungs. Price 50 cents and 81.00. Sold by Osceola Butler and K. J. Kieffer.—Adv. Linen collars, latest styles, standing and urn-down, reduced from 15 to 10 ce at L. Fried’s. Mr. H. C. Stevens, Savannah, says: “I used Brown’s Iron Bitters and considered it a valuable tonic.” Linen cuffs 20 enta or three.pal r for 50 cents M L. Fried’s. Mrs. B. White, Savannah, says: “I de rived great benefit from the use of Brown’s Iron Bitters as a tonic.” Look through the locals for cheap dress goods at L. Frieds. THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, UNDiY, DECEMBER 28, 1884. REST VARAN IN .IND BAHS The ta d th City! AND Don’t Fail to Remember It! WHEN YOU Wish to Get a First-Class Meal. SERVED UP IN SUPERB STYLE, AT M Eicks’ Rcsiauraat, SUCCESSORS TO w. 13. Ferrell. Nos. 11 and 12 Market Basement. 40*Our best commendation comes from our Regular Boarders. Prompt attention, polite waiters and a Bill of Fare unsurpassed. Pulaski House WINE AND BILLIARD SALOON Has been FITTED UP in SUPERB STYLE, and is one of the COSIEST RESORTS in the city. If you wish to enjoy a good game on .first-class Tables and spend a pleasant even ing, visit this place. J. J. SULLIVAN, PROPRIETOR. OYSTER & CHOP HOUSE. T. II- EnrightJl’ropr, Cor. Broughton and Drayton Sts. Open for the Season. Renovated and Im proved, and the MOST ATTRACTIVE RES TAURANT in the South. NEW YORK OYSTERS and THE FINEST NORTHERN MEATS! DELICIOUS CHOPS, Etc. COOKING UNEXCELLED! Served in the Best Style and at Reasonable Prices.*®): <#-Superb Cuisine, Attentive Walters, and the Best in the Market.*®# MRS. M. A. E. KIRKSEY, 59 Whitaker I'l street, Savannah, says: Brown’s Iron Bitters did me much good when troubled with dyspepsia. I found it to be all that is claimed for it. LOKILLARD’S MACOBOY SW. CAUTION TO CONSUMERS. As many inferior imitations have appeared upon the market in packages so closely re sembling ours as to deceive the unwary, we would request the purchaser to see that the red lithographed tin cans in which it is packed always bear Our Name and Trade Mark. In buying the imitation you pay as much for an inferior article as the genuine costs. be sm LORILLARD’ CLI AX RED TIN-TAG PLUG TOBACCO. The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing To bacco Made. The Genuine always bears a Red Tin-Tag with our name thereon. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. "#, ■ iv. W. W. CARTER, Savannah, says : - ’ A. I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters with great benefit and I shall ever recommend it; U. S. STANDARD. ’ * T* WAGON SCALES. JONES Iron Levers and Steel Bearings, Brass Tare OF Beam and Beam Box. BffIBHiMIOH and Jones he pays the freight • —for free Price List men tion this paper and address JONES BINGHAMTON, Binghamton, N MR. W. J. O’BRIEN, 25 West Broad street, I'l Savannah, says: I was troubled with . weakness, accompanied by dizziness and general weakness. Brown’s Iron Bitters gave me complete relief. XMA 1884. We will have our Christmas and New Year Cards open MONDAY MORNING DEC. 1,1884 i We have this year, 82,500 worth of CARDS, ’ varying in prices from 1 cent to 825 each. A general line of Photograph Albums, , Scrap Books, Autograph Albums, Work- Boxes, Toilet Sets, Hand Painted Goods, Fancy Box Paper, Toy Books, Games, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Pocketbooks, Card Cases, Gold Pens and Pencils, Photograph Frames, Etc., Etc. DAA IS BROS., Art Dealers, Booksellers, Stationers and Printers, 42 AND 44 BULL STREET. 1%/fRS. K. E. WALTERS, Waldburg and West Broad streets, Savannah, says : I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters with good . results. To be convinced call around and see L. Fried's before making your purchases else where, as the price and quality of goods sells Itself. SASTTA CLAUS’ DAVID Ml !i CC.’S WE DESIRE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT WILL BE FOUND A THOROUGHLY SELECTED STOCK OF DOLLS! TOYS! Albums! Writing Desks ! BISQUE FIGURES I VASES, TOILET SETS Fancy Glass and Chinaware ! Jffl BAGS: SILK IUDK I AND A THOUSAND OTHER USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR Holiday Presents! L We beg especially io call attention to our IMMENSE STOCK OF Ladies’ & Children’s Cloaks ks, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, B E A N K E T S ! SH A W U S I Dress Goods and Dress Silks I ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT Our Well Known Low Prices. David Weiss t>eiu Co. Aews from tlie Only ONE PRICE SHOE STORE IN SAVANNAH! A.s NVe Have Steadily Increased Our Already Fine Stock of Gents’, Ladies’ ad Children’s 9m! We can claim the best line In the city. We would Impress upon the public that we hold our selves RESPONSIBLE for all FINE GOODS sold by us. There is no shop-worn stock sold by us, as our goods are all new and we are constantly receiving fresh supplies. IN’ OUR Hat and Cap Department! We fear no competition, as our assortment of Styles is unequalled by any store in the city. OUR SPECIAL LINE OF CHILDREN’S FANCY CAPS! Is pronounced a BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, embracing the LATEST STYLES and designs. AN INSPECTION OF OUR TRUNKS AND SATCHELS Is solicited, to prove that our Prices of these articles are at the very Lowest Possible Figures ! FOR THE HOLIDAYS I WE HAVE JUST OPENED A FINE LINE OF Qenis’ Eataikci Slijpsrs and Silk Umbrellas. As we sell STRICTLY FOR CASH, we are enabled to mark our goods at LOWEST POS SIBLE PRICES, and as everything is marked in PLAIN FIGURES, fair dealing is assured to all by our ONE PRICE SYSTEM. COLLAT BROTHERS, 149 Broughton Street. MRS. H. G. TAYLOR, 174 Taylor street, Sa- M vannah.says: I took Brown’s Iron Bit ers for general debility and it has proven a I plendidjhealth invigorator. IM It. J. P. LEVY, 177 Congress street, Savan ll* nah, says: I used Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspepsia and stomach troubles with great benefit. TO THE New Orleans EXPOSITION The Savannah, Florida ft Westom Railway Will sell Round Trip Tickets between Savan nah and New Orleans, commencing Decem ber 15, for §2l 55, good for 15 days. Fast mail train leaves Savannah 7:01a. m daily, arriving at New Orleans at 7:45 the so lowing morning. Pullman Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Cars without change from Waycross to New Orleans in close connection with same ser vice on above train from Savannah. Tickets sold, Pullman car accommodations secured and information given at BREN’S Ticket Office, 22 Bull street, and at the Pas senger stations, foot of Liberty street. TICKETS TO New Orlsaas Exposition RETURN, s2l 55. GOOD FOR 15 DAYS. Will be on SALE at CENTRAL RAILROAD Ticket Offices, 20 Bull street and at the Depot, on and after DECEMBER 15th. Also at all Coupon Tick et Offices of the Central Railroad Georgia System. Winter Excursion A ND Tourist Tickets Are also on sale to THE EXPOSITION. For rates, sleeping car accommonation and other information, apply at ticket office of Central Railroad, 20 Bull street, Savannah,Ga. GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent, 20 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. !,M «Os ffl, THE greater portion being heavily wooded with Pine, Oak and Hickory, and the balance consisting of rich Rice, Cotton and Corn land, located about TWENTY MILES FROM SAVANNAH. Are offered for sale. The timber on this tract has never been “saw-milled” or “boxed,” and being of virgin growth is very valuable to either mill men or turpentine getters. The products of this land, which have amounted to 45 bushels of rice, a bale of cot ton and 40 bushels of corn to an acre, can be marketed at a minimum cost for freighting. bi rani i! TRiSSPORTATION. The improvements in the way of dwell ings, barns, rice mill and machinery are sub stantial and ample. There are advantages peculiar to this property which render it valuable for a Cattle Range, Turpentine Farm, Rice, Corn, Cotton or Fuel Plantation. One corner of the land is only one-fourth of a mile from Fleming Station, on the Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway. LIBERAL TERMS Will be given to a responsible person, or an exchange may be negotiated for city property or city or railroad bonds. Plats will be fur nished on application to C. H. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer, SAVANNAHGEORGIA. For the Holidays. Leave your orders for CHRISTMAS CAKES at the Variety Bakery, 92 Broughton street, or at the Branch nnder Masonic Temple. t Fruit, Pound, Almond, Pound Silver Cake and other varieties. JOHN DERST, Proprietor. MRS. R. C. FETZER, corner New Houston “I and West Broad streets. Savannah, says : Brown’s Iron Bitters cured my daughter of dyspepsia when doctors failed to give relief. My husband also used it for general debility with marked benefit. At L. Fried’s, the reason you are not forced or talked half to death to buy goods you do not like,is because he carries a large and well selected stock. Also sells so cheap that you will find It no trouble to buy or get suited,## he Intends to carry out as he advertises. COAST LINE RAILROAD, c Cathedral Cemetery, Bonaventure and Thunderbolt, HUIVDAY SCHEDULE. outward Inward. LKAVK LEAVE I LEAVE SAVANNAH.! THDNDEBBOLT BONAVENTVBB 7 00 a. m. 7 35 a. m. 7 45 a. m 9 30 a. m. 10 30 a. m. 10 40 a. m. 10 30 a. m.,11 40 a. m. 11 50 p. in. 11 40 a. m.|l2 50 p. m. 100 p. m. 2 20 p. m.l 3 00 p. in. 3 10 p. m. 3 00 p. m. 3 40 p. in. 3 50 p. m. 3 40 p. m. 4 20 p. m. 4 30 p. m. 4 20 p. m. 5 00 p. m. 5 10 p. m. 500p.m. 540 p. m.| 550 p. m. 5 40 p. m. 6 20 p. m.; 6 30 p. in. 620 p. m.: 700 p. in.; 710 p. m. I<. E. COUU, Superintendent an himWil SAVANNAH, November 11, 1884. On and after WEDNESDAY, November 12, the following Schedule will be run on the Suburban Line: Leave Arrive I Leave I Leave City. City, lisle of Hopei Montg'ry. 6:30 p. m. 8:40 a. mJ 8:10 a. m. j 7:45 a. m_. SPECIAL SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Leave Arrive Leave Leave City. City. Isle of Hope Montg’ry. 10:25 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 8:10 a. m. 7:45 a. m. *3:25 p. m. 2-00 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m 7:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m, 5:30 p. m, *3:25 p. m.—l his is the last train on Sun days. On Mondays there will be a trainto Montgomery at 6:45 a. m. J. H. JOHNSTON. Pres idem and jftalncs. Savannah Club, Livery £ Board Statics. Corner Drayton, McDonough and Hull sts. A. W. HARMON, Prop’r. Headquarters for fine Turn-Outs. Personal attention given to Boarding Horses. Tele phone No. 205. TO THEPUBLIC. Owing to.the present occupant’s lease not expiring until January Ist, 1885, I will not take possession of PULASKI HOUSE STA- BLES until that date. E. C- GLEASON. LUMBER AND TIMBER. BACON,7®W&CO; PLANING MILL, LUMBER WOOD YARD. LARGE STOCK OF DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT LOW PRICES! •O-Good Lot of Wood Just Received.-®# J. J. McDonough. T. B. Thompson. Ed. Bubdett. McDonough & co., Office : 1164 Bryan street. Yellow Pine Lumber. Lumber Yard and Planing Mill: Opposite 8., F. & W. Railway Depot, Savannah, Ga, Saw Mills: Surrency, Ga., No. 6, Macon and Brunswick. Railroad. D. C. Bacon, Wm. B. Sullwell, H. P. Smabt. I). C. B ACON & CO PITCH PINE -AND- Cypress Lumber & Timber BY THE CARGO. Savannah and Brunswick, Ga. P. O. SAVANNAH, GA. FIHES™FMITTEHS Will not crack, good style, warm fleece linings, not heavy and cumbersome, soft as kid, which they resemble so closely they would be taken for the same. Ladies can wear these Mittens to hang out clothes the coldest days in winter, (and keep hands warm and dry») In shop > ping or riding in cold or stormy weather, pnly draw the rubber Mittens over the kid gloves, and the hands are kept warm and dry. In two sises, Full and Medium. Sent by mail post paid for only 3S Ots. To auy person who will agree to show our goods to friends, and try to influ • ence sales, we will send free with the Mittens two Ladies* ; Gossamer Waterproof Garments as samples. WINTHROP RUBBER CO., Everett, MASS. MISS GEORGIA HENDERSON. 21 Jones street, Savannah, says: Asa tonic I deem 5 Brown’s Iron Bitters worthy of the highest , recommendations. I ! Florida Oranges X CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES, 1 GARDEN SEEDS. f Fancy and Useful Baskets, Alligator Jewelry, I Curiosities, Etc., at ) ; O A. R, DNER ’S, 30% BULL STREET.