The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, December 31, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A Marvelous Stream. At a distance of 30 miles south of the river Diamante our route passed through a natural object of considerable interest—t stream, or rather rill, ui yellowish white fluid, like petroleum, issuing from the mountain side at a considerable height, and trickling down the slope till lost in the po rous soil of the valley below. The source from which it flowed was at the junction where a hard, metamorphic rock, inter spersed with a small crystals _ of agnite, overlay a stratmum of volcanicstuft. It was formed like the crater of a volcano, ai d full of black, bituminous matter, hot and sticky, which could be stirred up to the depth of about eighteen inches. Flounder ing in it was a polecat or skunk (Memphetis varians), having been enticed to its fate by the desire of securing a bird caught in the natural bird lime, till a bullet from the revolver of one of the party terminated the skunk’s struggles to extricate itself from the warm and adhesive bath in which it was hopelessly held captive. The overflow from this fountain was, as de cribed, like a stream of petroleum two or three feet wide trickling over a bed of pitch or some such substance, which extended to a much greater width along the edge of the running stream as its contact with it. This materia, was of a very sickly nature, becoming gradually harder as it spread further out assuming the appearance of a°phalt wher it became mingled with the loose sand of the adjoining soil. While engaged in examining this natural curicsity, we came upon two small birds caught in the sticky substance at the edge of the stream. They were still alive, but upon releasing them both the feathers and the skin came off where they had come in contact with the bituminous matter, so that we had to kill them to put an end to their sufferings. No doubt they had been taken in by the appearance of watei which the stream presented, and had alighted to drink. Their fate suggested the idea that in a district so devoid of water others of the feathered tribes must constantly become victims to the same de lusion m a similar manner, and upon aclose inspection of the margin of the stream thi correctness of this inference was establishe by the discovery of numerous skeletons of the birds embedded in it; nor were those ot small quadrupeds unrepresented, among which we recognized the rem tins of a fox. Across the Andes and Pampas. A Japanese With the Jim-J;-ms. San Francisco Chronicle. The Japanese are very precise and correct, as a rule, in their pronunciation of English, as they learn more or less like parrots. One day a man went into the Fiogo telegraph office with a message to be sent to Osak>. The pelite Jap took it from him, looke kindlv over it and then said: “You—can—not —send—this—message— to-day!’’ “Why?” “ The —gentleman —who takes —charge o f—the—telegraph -office— is- drunk” “Indeed ! I-he often taken like that?” “He—is—very frequently—drunk.” “Well, what am I to d ?” “If—you—will—leav e—your—address— ■ will—send—and—tell—ycu—when—he b —sober.” One reason why Hunt's [Kidney and Liver Remeey is so popular for the cure of disease of the kidneys, Liver and bladder, is that i. shows immediate improvements in the con dition of the patient, and recovery is stead;, and certain. Its cures have been so wonder Xm that physicians of all schools prescribe i: n their practice. Too Many to the Acre. Our crop of Overcoats has been too plenti ful for this season, and as the weather proph ets predict mild weather lor next year—lß'- and 'B6—we have decided not to burn our stock but to put them on tire market, and seu the... for what they will bring. Our Overcoats mw.s be sold. It is only a Question for you if yo will take ad-, antage of our low prices am supply yourself with an Overcoat, ana say« money. We will sell you a good, strong ». Overcoat tor 86, a 815 Overcoat for *l2, am the finest 839 Overcoat in Savannah for S. Boys’ Overcoats, from 4 to 12years old, as lov as 83, Youths' Overcoats, from 12 to 17 yea.s from So up. We have plenty of fine Suits on liand which we will sed at greatly reduced prices. Remember and buy oi the “l<cttnous, as we give a prize of half the purchase money to every twentieth purchaser, “Famous New York Clothing House, HO Congress Street. Ridge, Mclntosh County, Ga. Dr. J. Bradlt id—Dear Sir: I have taken several bottles of your Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases com bined, of 16 years standing, and 1 really be lieve I am cured ent rely, for which please ac cept my heartfelt tin nks and most profound gratitude. 1 know your medicine saved m> life, so you see I cannot speak too highly in in its favor. I have recommended it to sev eral of my friends who are suffering as I was, Yours, very respectfully, MKS. W. E. STEBBINS. Treatise on the Health and Happiness o Woman mailed free. „ Bradfield Regulator Co., Box 28. Atlanta, Ga. PILES 1 PILES 11 PILES 11! Sure cure for blind, bleeding and itchin.: piles. One box has cured the worst cases o. twenty years’ standing. No need tqsuffei five minutes after using Williams’ India: Pile Ointment. It absorbs tumors, allays etchings, acts as poultice, gives instant relief Prepared only lor piles, itching oi the pri vate parts, nothing else. Hon. J. M. Cotten bury, of Cleveland, says: “1 have used scorer of pile cures, and it affords me pleasure tv say that I have never found anything which gives such immediate and permanent relie as Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment.” Sole by druggists and mailed on receipt of price #l. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. Butler Savannah, Lippman Bros., wholesale and re tail druggists. YOUNG MEN!—BI A*> Hl S. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old! afflict ed with nervous debility, loss of vitality’ and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also io: rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred, as thiry days’ trial Is al lowed Write lor them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, etrly decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will ssnd a receipt that will cure you, fbee of charge, This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. Dr. Bosanko. This name has become so familiar with the most of people throughout the United States that it is hardly necessary to state that he is the originator of the great Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, the people s favorite remedy, wherever known, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Pricecents and 81.00. Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.—Adv. Skin Disease—Sway re’s Ointment. “Swayne’s Ointment” cures Tetter. Sah ' Iheum, Ringworms, Sores, Pimples, Eczem matter how obstinate or long standing, THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1884. MOTHERS’ FRIEND! This i’ valuable prepa ration is truly a triumph of scientific skill, and no more inestimable benefit was ever bestowed on the mothers of the world. not only short ens the time of labor and lessens the intensity of pain, but, better than all, it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and le.ves the mother in a condition highly favor able to speedy recovery, and far less liable to flooding, convulsions and other alarming symptoms incident to lingering and painful labor. Its truly wonderful efficacy in this respect entitles the Mothers’ Friend to be ranked as one of the life saving appliances given I to the world by the dis coveries of modern sci ence. From the nature of the case it will of course be understood that we cannot publish certificates con cerning the Remedy with out wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on file, and no mother who has once sed it will ever again bf without it in her time of trouble No More Terror! No More Pain I No More Dangerl TO Mother or Child. Tbe Dread of Motherhood Transformed to HOPE and JOY. Safety and Ease TO Suffering Woman. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if were admissible to make public the letters we receive, the‘‘Mothers’Friend” would outsell any thing on the market. I most earnestly entreat every female expecting to be confined, to use Mothers’ Relief. Coupled witl. this entreaty I will add that during a long obstetri cal practice(forty-four years, I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J- HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Send for our Treatise on “Health and Happiness of Woman,” mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. WissWil) y J|| When you como to think of it, it is not odd that literary people prefer a pipe to a cigar. It is handier to smoke when they are writing, and ever so much cleaner. And then it gives them the true essence and flavor of the tobacco. The most fastidious smokers among all nations and all classes of men agree that the tobacco grown on the Golden Tobacco Balt of North Carolina is the most delic ious and refined in the world. Lighter than Turkish, more fragrant than Havana, freer from nitrates and nicotine than any other, it is Just what the connoisseur praises and the habitual smoker demands. The very choicest tobacco grown r-~— ——— 1 on this Belt is bought by Black well’s Durham Tobacco Co., and JR appears in their celebrated Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. It Is / •■W known the world over. 1 HI Got the genuine. with Bull / trade-mark, then you will / Lj sure of having abso- / lutely pure tobacco. / {gMfltW / ■,y /? E’’ From experience I think Swift’s Specific is a very valuable remedy for cutaneous diseases, and at t he same time an invigorating tonic. James Jackson, Chief Justice of Georgia. Atlanta, September, 1884. INOCULATED POISON.—After trying all the other remedies, Swift’s Specific has cured me sound and well of a terrible blood poison contracted from a nurse. Mrs. T. W. Lee, Greenville, Ala. POISON OAK.—A lady here has been en tirely cured of poison-oak poison by the use of two bottles S. S. S. R. S. Bradford, Tiptonville, Tenn. ULCERS 25 YEARS.—A member of my church has been cured of an ulcerated leg of 25 years standing, with two bottles of Swift’s Specific. P. H. Cbumplbb, Pastor Methodist Church, Macon, Ga. Swift’s Specific is entirely vegetable. Treat ise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga., or 159 W. 23d st., N. Y. COAL ! Fresh from the Mines, PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders by mail, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickei bocker Ice Co., 144 BAY STREET. PANSY plants. 50 CENTS PER DOZEN. VIOLET PLANTS, 25c. perdozen. CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS, 81 per dozen. VERBENA PLANTS, 75c. per dozen. LILY, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, 25c. per doz. LILY. EASTER PLANTS, 81 per dozen. CUT FLOWERS AND DESIGNS. At Wagner’s Nursery, Thunderbolt Road, or GA Bl> B 5 S . 30% Bull Street. PRINTER’S ROLLERS’ THOMPSON’S SouihcrD Eir The only reliable COMPOSITION made for the SOUTHERN CL.’MATE. by the Pound or made into Rollers at short notice, A. D. THOMPSON, 93% Bay Street Savannah, Ga Elegant kip Eisr hi! PINEAPPLES ! Largo Fresh ItOffl tan! Malaga Grapes! FANCY APPLES Preserves of all Kinds! JELIES, F® M M NUTS AND RAISINS, Currants, Figs, Dates, Prunes, &c. The above goods tor sale only to the trade by J. B. Reedy Grocer and Importer of Fruit, BAY AND WHITAKER. STREETS ORANGES! ORANGES! Don’t you want a box of NICE ORANGES ? I am HEADQUARTERS for the FINEST ORANGES GROWN IN FLORIDA, The Celebrated Indian River, Crescent City, “San Souci” And Otlur Choice Varieties. And have in store and on the way 1,000 BOXES for the Holiday Trade. APPLES! Arriving this week 500 barrels Choice BALD WIN’S, SPY’S and BLUE PERMAINS, Banannas, B aisins. Cocoanuts, TNnts, Potatoes, BUTTER, CHEESE, All fresh stock and for sale low. E3. I’3. Cheatham. 101 Bay Street. Telephone No. 273. ORANGES \ Oranges ! Oranges ! 500 Boxes Selected Florid: Orarges ! For the Holiday Trade. 300 BARRELS CHOICE APPLES, 100 BOXES SELECTED PEARS, 100 BASKETS GRAPES in 5 and 10ft Baskets, 100 Sacks Virginia Hand-picked PEANUTS, LOWEST BOTTOM PRICES. 49-Now Landing and for sale at W. D. SIMKINS, 1(59 Bay. Florida Oranges I CANARY BIRDS AND CAGES, GARDEN SEEDS. Fanej’ and Useful Baskets, Alligator Jewelry, Curiosities, Etc., at <j«- A. B T) IN E R’S, 30% BULL STREET. ’ O-UINS —AND— CLTLERY. ROGERS’ and RUSSELL’S Fine Table Knives, Fine Carvers and Steels, in Sets. A full line of Fine Pocket Knives. A full line of Fine Scissors. > .Kg-The largest stock of BREECH-LOADING Guns and Rifles Ever offered In Savannah. S - For sale Low by PALMER BROS. 148 Congress and 151 St. Jmlan street. , iFTTHTTtt itg Bay SAVANNAH, € A Hsckar’s Stjitlili?! Hiv. 1 Eschar’s W hhiij hffhr ) Euhfi SiMiiy Eiy CARPETS U, Made ar.d Laid!: o < Wilton Velvets at $l5O per yard. ] Body Brussels at $1.30 per yard. Tapestry Brussels at 80c. per yard. Three-Plys at 92c. per yard. , Ingrains ranging from 25c. to 75c. per yard. These prices are not only Equal, but Less than those of any first-class New York House. Smyrna Rugs and Mats from 81.25 to 85.00 each. A full line of French Canton Mattings on hand. I Would Respectfully Call Attention to My*®» NEW raULXi STOCK OF DRY GOODS! In which will be found Everything Fresh and Desirable for the Approaching Season—Silks Satins, Brocades, Velvets, Velveteens, Cashmeres, Flannels and Fancy Dress Materials in Great Variety. Black and Colored Silks and Satins have been selected with special care, anc the Low Prices at which they are offered should command the attention of Cash Buyers. IXEI’ALTtTAIEITVI Has been thoroughly filled with French and English productions. Courtlanil’s Celebrated English Crapes and Veils a pecialty. 500 Boys’ Knee Pants Suits ranging in prices from 82.00 to 810.00. 850 Misses’ Worsted Sults, sizes 2 to 14 years, and prices from 81.00 to 810.00. damelliogan, Southeast Corner Broughton and Barnard Streets. Copyright, H. Solomon & Son. THE LATEST IMPROVED EXTRA PATENT ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR MAKES EXCELLENT BREAD AND CAKES. AVwholesale by HENRY SOLOMON & SON, SAVANNAH, - - GA 1 nn/l A MERRY CHRISTMAS IQ fig 1001 AISD a HAPPY NEW YEAR! lUUU TO ALL THE PATRONS OF Cohen’s Central Shoe Store. AND WISH TO CALL THEIR ATTENTION TO THE IMMENSE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes! Which we will sell for the NEXT TEN DAYS at Extraordinary Low Prices ! And also ask an examination of an elegant assortment of PLAIN and FANCY Slippers ! Slippers I Slippers I Which are to be sold without reserve. Bear also’in mind that to each and every purchaser we will give a HANDSOME CHROMO ! No business card. COHEN’S CENTRAL SHOE STORE Southwest Corner Broughton and Barnard Streets. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. Uh, Mantsls, Mantels Cal! and examine my stock of Artistic Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels Before Purchasing Elsewhere. I am offering at very low prices a full stock of BOOBS, SASHES, Blinds, Mouldings, Stair Rails, Balusters, Newell Posts, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Railroad, Steamboat, Ship and Mill Supplies, Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c-, &C. Also, a full line of Building, Hardware, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement, Plain and Decorative Wall Paper. ANDREW HANLEY, Corner Whitaker, York and President sts. OIIM2RS Paint and Oil House, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Etc IRON WORKS & BOILER MAKERS fit Novelty Iron Works, No. 2 Ba v and River Streets. SAVANNAH, GA., John Rourke, Pr A prietor. ha Sta Fonir; U achmhops I am prepared to do all kinds of Machine, Boiler & Blacksmith Work Can also furnish at shortest notice and at lowest market prices all kinds and sizes of iron and Brass Castings, Pulleys, Shafting, etc. Saw Mill work a specialty. Manufac turer of Sampson Sugar Mills and Pans. Estimates furnished on all kinds of New Work and Repairs. Wm. W. Gnann, AND BliiMi HORSESHOEING AND GENERAL JOBBING. Has now on sale 4 fine GROCERY or COTTON WAGONS, all with steel axles and tires. Also a large lot of OAK and ASH LUMBER. GIVE HIM A CALL. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Nos. 6 & 8 New St., near West Broad SAVANNAH, GA. Ittal of Practical I Phonography, Typewriting - , Telegraphing, Bookkeeping, —AND— E > enmanship. No. 137 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Mb. and Mrs. C. S. RICHMOND, « Principals. usagyii J® F O)AY»r , sftos.e.WlUani3 &Co. RICHMONO.VA. __ . FOR SALE BY 1 1 on & soi, Corner Bryan & AberconSts. SAVANNAH, - - - GA. J. ETIANbiFORD, Green Grocer. At this old and well established market, South Broad street, will always be found Choice Beef, Matton, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Chickens, Eggs and Vegetables. Choice Beef from Northern markets received every week per steamers. Boston Corned Beet always on hand. Marketing delivered free of charge to any part of the city.