The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 02, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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6 NEWS NOTES. The artesian well business is being prose cuted by the paper makers of Holyoke, Mass., with varying degrees of success and failure. In some instances wells have been abandoned after a depth of from 500 'o 1,000 feet was reached, no water haying been found. Sixteen years ago Mr. Gladstone told the people of St. Serveol’s f hurch, Penmaen mawr, that he would give them a bell as soon as thev would build a tower to hang it in. The tower is now receiving its finishing touches, and Mr. Gladstone has just ordered a bell for it, weighing 2,100 weight and tuned to the note of E. Tramways are becoming popular in Great Britain. The length of the line open for public traffic in 1884 is given as 752 miles, as against 671 miles in 1883; and the num ber of passengers carried in 1884 was 330,- 794,405, against 295,721,171 in the year ending June 30,1884. The total capital paid up in 1884 was XU,008,121 against £9,929,- 789 in 1883. Last year some one in England sent to Mr. Labourchere the sum of 5,000 new six pences for distribution among the children in the London hospitals and workhouses. The same person has this year sent to Mr. Labouchere 8,000 sixpences with a request that they be given to the children in the London workhouse infirmaries, and work house schools. An Italian woman in Brooklyn, Wednes day, ate a porus plaster which her husband had purchased that she might apply it to her rheumatic shoulder. She was made so ill that the services of an ambulance surgeon were required. He said that her novel meal had done her very little harm. The woman thought the plaster was to be taken inter nally. The Walla Walla, W. T., Union says: “For the first time in the history of the Pacific coast, and certainly for the first time in the history of the Territory of Wash ington, two women were elected Justices of the Peace, on the fourth day of November, in King’s county. They were Mrs. J. An derson and Mrs. Eliza Forbes. Quite a contest was made against Mrs. Forbes, but she beat her opponent, a Mr. Langland, by eight votes. Mrs. Mary Dunlap ran for Constable in the same precinct as Mrs. Forbes, but was beaten by a Mr. Thomp son.” As two women were riding a few days ago, in a phaeton drawn by two horses in the vicinity of Fort Keough, Montana, the animals took fright at an old buffalo skele ton lying on the prairie and dashed toward the bluffs, over-hanging the Yellowstone ri’-er, all the efforts of the occupants of the vehicle to check them being in vain. When within a few yards of the precipice the ladies managed to leap from the vehicle and for tunately escaped with a few bruises. A few seconds later the horses and phaeton went over the bluff, the former being horribly mangled and the latter smashed to atoms on the rocks below. On Friday Mrs. Catharine Gabel cele brated her one hundredth anniversary in the family mansion at Gabelsville, near Reading, Pa 1 The old lady was attired in black, with a white kerchief and cap. Her hair is silvery white. By her side, also in a wide arm chair, sat her eldest daughter, aged eighty-one, looking older than her mother. About three hundred relatives and friends called, ana brought many presents. Mrs. Gabel was a tall and muscular woman in her time, and her health now is very good. Her eyes are strong, and she wears no glasses. She sleeps ten hours.every night and enjoys all kinds of wholesome food. She has been a widow sixty-one years. She was married at eighteen, and is the mother of eleven children, eight of whom are still living.. PRETTY WOMEN. Ladies who would retain freshness and viyacity. Don’t fail to try “Wells’ Health Kenewer.” DR. LOWERY’S REMEDY infuses new life in the debilitated; it assimilates with the blood and and supplies that deficiency in the nervous system, which is the cause of debility and physical prostration. It acts on the liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs, causing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew—when the face re names the bloom of health, the eye its lustre and the brain its power. This remedy can be obtained of druggists and dealers generally. Price 61.90 per package; three packages, two dollars; sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist for it; do not take any other. If you cannot obta it send direct, with price, and it will be securely sealed, by mail to your address. Address Depot and Labratory, Dr. Lowery’s Remedies, No. 18 E. Fourteenth St. New York City. Advice free; send stamp lor reply. Tiiis'ld.-a of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico forpureairtore lieve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Rosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup for Consumption in all its first stages. It never fails to give re lief in all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains n the Chest and all affections that are considered primary to Consumption. Price, 5n cents and 81. Sold by Oceola Butler and E. J„Kieffer. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, can be Cured by Administering Dr. Hain s’ Golden S pcific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea Without the Knowledge of the person taking It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, ■whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate mea who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and testimonials sent free. Address Golden specific Co., 185 RacbSt., Cincinnati, O. Just as Good. Many unscrupulous dealears may tell you -they have remedies for Coughs and Colds equal in merit and in every respect just as good as the old reliable Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, unless you insist upon this remedy and will take no other, you are liable to be greatly deceived. Price A) cenls and 81- loSbdy Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer. Solomons’ Cough and Cold Remedy has a more immediate and decided beneficial effect uponthe Throat, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs than any other known remedy. It perma nently cures Coughs, Colds, Dryness, Tlck ng of the Throat and Breathing Tubes, and revents their development into that dread disease Consumption Mr. Charles H. Blun, Mr. Andrew H. Charl n and Major L. M. Mclntosh and other well known citizens of Savannah and elsewhere, have given highly favored testimonials, and we are permitted to Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. A Bargain. We have got a fine lot of Lyon’s makeof Silk Umbrellas, 28 inches; good size Gentle men's Umbrellas, which we offer at 83.50. Gentlemen in want of fine Overcoats, such as are not seen in but very few houses, can be oundat B. H. Levy & Bro.’s. THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1885. Wsr,: . > ■’ * ‘ j y. ’ ift IDN EY ' LIVE§J-7 i IT CUMS WHEN il action. It ia a safe, ALL OTHER. IiIHDI- sft sure and £pc cdy cure CINES FAIL. r.s it <<> an d h ua ' acts BIBBOTIiT have and AT ONCE cn been cured the KIDNE YB, Iwhen1 when LIVER. and LOW- J/ physicians and ELS, restoring v&r .Jr had them to a healthy y' Jp* j^*~ vcu *^ eiau P <^e * IT IS BOTH A SAFE CURE and a SPECIFIC; It CURES all Diseases of the Kidners, Liver, Bladder and Urinary Organs.; Dropsy, Gravel, DuGieies, Bright’s Disease, Nervous Disen-es, Exces ses, _ Female Weaknesses, Jaundice, Biliousness, flettrl ache. Sour Sto'nneii, Dyspepsi::, Constipation, Files, Pains in the Back, Loins, or Side, Retention or No n- Reten tf o n of Urine. $1.23 AT DRUGGISTS. O-TAKE NO OTHER. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet of Solid Tes timonials of Absolute Cures. HUNT’S REMEDY CO., 6 Frovidcnv rs. I, In cafles of dys_ " t s liver complaint, SS/X inactivity of the XzMbA kidneysand blad- der, constipation and other organ ic maladies, Hos _ tetter’s Stomach Bitters is a tried remedy, to which the medical Wbrotherhood nave lent their professional sanc tion, and which __ as a t on i C) aitera- STOMACH tive and house- c “ c # i I stomach, liver and bowels has an unbounded popularity. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom pply for Hostetter’s Almanac for 1885. REBTUARANTS AND BARS. Th h ol the City! AND Don’t Fail to Remember It! WHEN YOU Wish to Get a First-Class Meal, SERVED UP IN SUPERB STYLE, AT • M Hicks’ Restaurant, SUCCESSORS TO W. ZB. I’’ e r re 11. Nos. 11 and 12 Market Basement. kS-Our best commendation comes from our Regular Boarders. Prompt attention, polite waiters and a Bill of Fare unsurpassed. Pulaski House WISE ASH BILLIARD SAIjOOA t Has been FITTED UP In SUPERB STYLE, and is one of the COSIEST RESORTS in the city. If you wish to enjoy a good game on first-class Tables and spend a pleasant even ing, visit this place. J. J. SULLIVAN, PROPRIETOR. BUI '■« OYSTER &CHOP HOUSE. T. U- .Enrigh.t 9 l’ropr, Cor. Bronghton and Drayton Sts. Open for the Season. Renovated and Im proved, and the MOST ATTRACTIVE RES TAURANT in the South. NEW YORK OYSTERS and THE FINEST NORTHERN MEATS! DELICIOUS CHOPS, Etc. COOKING UNEXCELLED! Served in the Best Style and at Reasonable Prices.-g# kj-Superb Cuisine, Attentive Walters, and ; the Best in the Market. i AMERICAN ELECTRIC LIGHT, 60c. A complete model Incandes cent Lamp, with Bat tery, Stand, Globe, Platina Bur ner, Wire, &c., with instructions for putting in perfect operation, will be sent, post-paid, for 00 cts. FREDERICK LOWEY, 96 Fulton street, New York. To be convinced call around and see L. Fried’s before making your purchases else ’ where, as the price and quality of goods sells SANTA CLAUS! m TOBI & CO/S :o: WE DESIRE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT AT OUR ESTABLISHMENT WILL BE FOUND A THOROUGHLY SELECTED STOCK OF DOLLS! TOYS! Albums I Writing Desks ! BISQUE FIGURES I VASES, TOILET Fancy Glass and Chinaware I HAM MS I « ! AND A THOUSAND OTHER USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR Holiday Presents! E —We beg especially to call attention to our IMMENSE STOCK OF Ladies’ & Children’s Cloaks s, Russian Circulars, Newmarkets, BEATVE ET S ! ;SHA WE S I Dress Goods and Dress Sillis I ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT Our Well Known Low Prices. David AVeis»l>ein Co. News fi’oiii tlie Only ONE PRICE SHOE STORE IN SAVANNAH! As We Have Steadily Increased Our Already Fine Stock of Ms’, Ladies’ aii Children’s Shoes I We can claim the best line in the city. We would impress upon the public that we hold our selves RESPONSIBLE for all FINE GOODS sold by us. There is no shop-worn stock sold by us, as our goods are all new and we are constantly receiving fresh supplies. IN OUR Hat and Cap Department I We fear no competition, as our assortment of Styles is unequalled by any store in the city. OUR SPECIAL LINE OF CHILDREN'S FANCY CA 8 ! Is pronounced a BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, embracing the LATEST STYLES and designs. AN INSPECTION OF OUR MKS AN SATCHELS ! Is solicited, to prove that our Prices of these articles are at the very Lowest Possible Figures I lOIt THE HOLIDAYS I I WE HAVE JUST OPENED A FINE LINE OF .Usds’ Eatotai Slippers id Siik Umbrellas. ‘ As we sell STRICTLY FOR CASH, we are enabled to mark our goods at LOWEST POS s SIBLE PRICES, and as everything Is marked In PLAIN FIGURES, fair dealing is assured ’ to all by our ONE PRICE SYSTEM. COLLAT BROTHERS, ’ 149 Broughton Street. f’ailroad arbrdulfH. Central and Southwestern lulreae [All trains of this system are rnn by Standard (90 Herldlan time which IsMmirutes slrww this tlr kept by city. I Savannah. Ga., December 20.1884. ON and after SUNDAY’, December 21. 1884, passenger trains on the Central and Southwestern Railroads and Branches will run as follows: HBAr> m”>i ~' C AD r'” Va 51 "-OI v- •»■> 10 00am Lv Savannah L’ 845 3 45 p m.Ar Augusta Yr 550 r T 625 p m Ar Macon. . Ar ’46 t r '1 25 nra Ar AtJr.nta *r 78C s B 4.’25a m. Ar Colrmbns Ar 1? S 3 f K Ar Fnfsula. Ar 316 w 11.15 n tn 4r ‘ Ibanv Ar 12 20 p w A» MwadgeviU* A- '' ■ V Ar 80 *ff So, 18. Srrtm No 22 20 925 » m Lv.. Augusts ; L 9 v ’ 30 p m Ar. Savannah 1f 3c e ’s pm 4.r . Maron Ar 1 25 p m Ar Atlanta., Ar 4:25 am I r. Columbus A- Ar Eufa-t’s 11:15 p m Ar ♦jh«r<r 1 - Fstonton Ar Mr> 54 Jfuroa. 52 12 00 am Lv Vttoor. I - .... 0 ■ 6 fi am Ar Rs-’nah, Ar... 9 go r Ar Anr-wta t t ?45 > Ar W’lr’viJle Ar ‘*o 91’ « Ar Eatonton...Ar 12 30 p tr i 1. From Macon. 8 75Jarn Lv Macon L 7:15 p ” 3'6 p m Ar Eufaula Ar ’2 20 n m Ar Albany Ar 11:15 p n ;Vo. 5. From .Macon Fa, 19 Bisam Lv Macon 7 35 p m 11 33 nm Ar Columbus 4 25 a m Vo. 1 From Macon So 51 TV0.53 20 am Lv Macon....Lv 7 30 p m S ■7s ns 12 25 p m Ar Atlanta..Ar 11 25 p m 7 33 a n So. 23. From Fo't Valley So 2'. 8:35 p m Lv Fort Valley 9 45 am 9:20 p m Ar Perry 10 35 a n> So. 2. From Atlanta. So 54 Sn. 52 2 50 p m Lv Atlanta....Lv 8: 0 p m 3 55 a m 650 pm Ar Macon Ar 11:45 pm 735 a m Ar Eufaula.. Ar 3 16 p n 11:15 p m Ar Albany... Ar 12 20 p n 4 25 a m Ar...Col’bus..Ar 12 33 p m Ar Mil'g’ville.Ar 10 29 a m _Ar Eatonton. Ar .. .1230 p m Ai Augusta ..Ar 3 45 p m ArSavannah.Ar 6:’O a m 3 30 p t» So. 6. From Columtc; Sn. 20. 106 pm Lv... Ctiumbus Lv 0 53 p m 5 42 p m Ar Macon Ar 6 Os a m !.l 25 p m Ar..... Atlanta Ar 12 25 p m Ar Eufaula Ar 3 16pm 11:15 p m Ar Albany.. Arl2 20 p m Ar Milledgeville. ...Ar 10 29 a m Ar Eatonton ..Ar 12 30p ro .Ar Augusta Ar 3 45 p m 6 30 a m Ar Savannah Ar 3 30 p rn No. 2. From Sujaulo. N 0.4. 11 56 a m Lv Eufaula Lv 415 pm Ar Albany Ar 7 15 p in Ar Macon A r 426 am Ar Columbus Ar ...„. 125 pm Ar -Atlanta Ar Milledgeville...Ar Eatonton Ar Ar Augusta Ar 6 30am Ar Savannah . Ar No. 26. From Alb my. No. 3 X '. N - 4 10 45 a m Lv ...Albany2 50.. p mLv 340a n> 3 16 p m Ar... ...Eufaula Ar Ar.tMacon. 7 15 p m...Ar 7 52 a v> Ar..Columbus.4 25 a mArl2 33 p m Ar.A-tlanta 11 25 p m.Ar 12 25 p m Ar Milledgeville... Ar 10 29 a ro Ar Auguste Ar 3 45 p id 6 30 a m Ar Savannah Ar 3 30 p m So. 26. F-om Eatonton and jMilledgemllr. 2 15pm Lv Eatonton 342 pm Lv Milledgeville 6 25 p m Ar Macon 425 am Ar Columbus Ar Eufaula 11:15 p m Ar_ Albany.. 11 25 p m Ar_ Atlanta 6 3U a m Ar Savannah Auguste So 24 From Perry No 22 5:45 am Lv Perry Lv 325 p rr 6:30 am Ar Fort Valley....Ar 415 p n Local Sleeping Cars on all night trams tween Savannah and Augusta, Savannah -anti Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Connection' The Milledgeville and Eatonton train rum daily (except Monday) between Gordon and Eatonton, and daily (except Sunday betwee: Eatonton and Gordon. Train No. 53 leaving Savannah at 8:45 p tn, will not stop except on Sundays to put off passengers at stations between Savannah and No. 41- Eufaula train connects at Ci'hbcrt tot Foit Gaines daily (except Sunday The Perry accommodation trai ’ betwee. Ft rt Valley and Perry runs daily (excep l Sunday). The Albany and Blakely accommodation bain runs daily [except Sunday) between Albany and Blakely, At Savannah with Savanrah, Florida an Western Railway, at Augusta with all lines t North and East, at Atlanta with Air-Lino an Kennesaw Routes to all pointe North, Eat and West. Tickets for all points, and Sleeping G" Berths on sal eat city office, No. 20 BuT street. G. A. Whitkhkab, WM. ROGERS. Gen. Pass. Agk Gen. Supt., Savan ai J. C. SH4W, W F. SHELLMAN, Gen.Trav. Agt. Traffic Manager, Savannah Georgia. Charleston & Savannah Sailway C: SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. 30th, 1884. Schedule in effect Nov. 2d, 1884. Trains 43 aud 47 wait indefinitely atSavan m>' or connection with S., F. <fc W. Ry. SorUw/ard No 35. No 43 No 47. Lv Savannah...2:oo p m 6:55am 8:37 pm Ar Charleston..!:2s pm 12:40 pm 1:45 am Ar Wilmington B:ospm 8-35 am Ar Weldon 2:35 a m 2:45 p m Ar Richmond 5:48 a m 6:10 p m Ar Washington 10:30am 11:00 pm Ar New Y ork 5:30 p m 6:50 a m Ar Yort Royal 6:30 p m 11:40 a m Ar Augusta 2:15 p m South'oard. No 34. No 40. No 42 No 48 Lv Charl’n 8:15 a m 4:00 a m 3:20 p m 2:45 a m Lv Port R’l 7:35 am 2:05 pm LvAugusta 11:40 a m Ar Sav’h 12:00 n’n 6:41 a m 7:00 p m 5:52am All trains daily. Train No. 47 will stop only at Ridgeland, Green Pond and Ravenel. For Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations and all other information, apply to Wm. Bren, Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and at Charles ton and Savannah Railway Tisket Office at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway ■ Depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. S. C. Boylston, G. P. A: J. W. Craig, Master Transportation. Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer, the drug gists, who are always looking after the inter est oi their customers, have now secured the sale of Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup, a remedy that never fails to cure Colds, Pains In the Chest and all Lung Affections. For proof try a free sample bottle. Regu iar size 50 cents and 81 .—Adv, Samcah, Florida 6 Western ftaitaaj [All trains of this road are rnn by Central (90) Meridian time which Is 3B minutes slower than Savannah time.) Superintendent’s Office. 1 Savannah, November 1, 1884. f ON and after November 2, 1684, Passenger Trains on this road will run as follows: ATLANTIC COAST LINE EXPRESS. Lve Savannah daily at 6:12 a m Ar Savannah daily at 7-40 pm Ar Jesup dally at 8:17 a m Ar U aveross dally at 9:25 a in Ar Callahan daily at 11:50 am Ar Jacksonville duly at 12:30p m Stops at all regular stations between Savan nah and Jacksonville. FAST MAIL. LveSavannah dally at 7-01 a m Ar Savannah daily at gjy p rn Ar Jesup daily at 9.43 m Ar Waycross dally at ■'-.9:50 am Ar Callahan dally at 11-29a m Ar Jacksonville dally at 12:1X1 noon Ar Dupont dally at nqj a m Ar Valdosta daily at 'l2-00 p m Ar Quitman daily al 12-40 p ra Ar'iliomasvilledully at i-30pm Ar Bainbridge dally at 3:;<o p ra Ar Chattahoochee daily at! 3:52 pm Stops only at stations named above, and at all stations between Thomasville and Chat tahoochee. Passengers for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick (via B. & W. Railway) at 1:13 p. m. Passengers for Fer mmdlua. Waldo, Ocala, Leesburg, Gaines ville, Cedar Key and all points ou the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, take this train. Close connections at Jacksonville daily for Green Cove Springs. St. Augustine, Palatka. Enterprise, Sanford and all land ings on St. Johns river. Passengers for Pensacola, Mobile, New Or leans, Texas and trans-Misslsslppl points, take this train, arriving at Pensacola at 10:05 pm, Mobile 2:40 a m. New Orleans 7:45 a m. Pullman Buffet aud sleeping cars Wavcross to New Orleans. CHARLESTON EXPRESS. Lve Savannah daily at j-gy p m Ar Savannah daily at 1-30 p m Ar Jesup daily at 3;31 p m Ar Waycross daily at 5 : oo p m Ar Callahan daily at 7;ig p m Ar Jacksonville daily at 8-09 p m Stops at all regular stations between Savan nah and Jacksonville. Pullman parlor cars from Savannah to Jacksonville. Passengers for Brunswick take this train, arriving at Brunswick (via B. and M. R.) at b:l6 p. m. ’ JESUP EXPRESS. Lve Savannah dally at 4-20 p m Ar Savannah daily at 8-45 am Ar Jesup daily at ’. "Voo p m Stops at all regular and flag’stations be tween Savannah and Jesup. ALBANY EXPRESS. Lve Svannab daily at 7-20 p m Ar Savannah daily at 9'95 a m ArJesup dally at -J'9:sß pm Ar Waycross daily at 11-35 n m Ar Callahan daily at .’ 4-45 am Ar Jacksonville daily at 6-15ara Ar Dupont daily at j. f ;2 oam Ar Live Oak daily at 3-47 a m Ar Gainesville daily at 7-00 •> m Ar Valdosta daily al 3-.30a m Ar Ihomasvi e dally at fcflOa m Ar Albany daily at 10: 39 a m Pullman 1 alace Slleeping cars from Sa vannah to Gainesville. Pullman Buffet sleepnv' cars Irom Savannah to Jackson ville. Passengers for Brunswick, via Jesup am tblS train ’ arnvin 8 at Brunswick at 6:15 Passengers for Fernandina, Waldo, Gaines \ ille, 1 alatka. Cedar Key, Ocala, Wildwood. Leesburg and al! stations on Florida Railway and Navigation Company and Florida South, ern Railway take this train. Passengers for Madison, Monticello, Talla hassee and all Middle Florida points take this train. Connection at Jacksonville daily with Peo ple s Line of steamers and railroads for St. Augnstme and all points on St. Johns River, hrough tickets sold and Sleeping Car accomdations secured at BREN S I icket Office, No. 22 Bull street, and at the company s depot, foot of Liberty street. u rrkUR, Gen 1 Pass. Agent. B. G. FLEMING. Supeintendent. COAST LIOAILROiD. Cathedral Cemetery, Bona, venture and Thunderbolt. The following schedule will be observed on and afte; MONDAY, May 12tb 1884: CITY TIME. Ot ,rr WABD INWARD. I INWARD. LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE SAVANNAH BONAVENTURE THUNDERBOLT 7 00 a. m. 7 45 a. m. 7 35 a. m, 10 35 a. ml 240 p. m. 12 30 p, m 300p.m. 400 p. m. 350 p. m, 3 50 p. m 5 30 p. m 5 20 p. m, *6 20 p. m 710 p. m. 700 p. m, •Saturday night’s last car leat es 7:15 instead of 6:20- Take Broughton street cars 25 mints before departure of Suburban trains. R. F CORR. Snnarlntand.nt SAVANNAH, November 11, 1884. On and after WEDNESDAY, November 12, the following Schedule will be run on the Suburban Line : Leave Arrive : Leave Leave City. City, lisle of Hope Montg’ry. 6:30 p. m. 8:40 a. mJ 8:10 a. m. 7:45 a. m. SPECIAL SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY' AND SUNDAY. Leave Arrive Leave Leave City. City. Isle of Hope Montg’ry. 10:25 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 8:10 a. m. 7:45 a. m. *3:25 p. m. 2-00 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m 7:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m, 6:00 p. m. 5:30 p, m. *3:25 p. m.—l his is the last train on Sun days. On Mondays there will be a trainto Montgomery at 6:45 a. m. T. H. JOHNSTON. Prefd dep. Man’s Organism. Is the most complex work of the Creator,and when this complicated structure, so exqui sitely wrought, is disturbed by disease, the most efficient aid should be sought from the most skilled physician—for tba human body is too precious to be neglected. It becomes the question then : ‘-What physician shall be employed?” Dr. Oscar Jonannesen, of the University of Berlin, Germany, has made a life-long study of ailments of the Nervous and Genito urinary System. HIS REMEDIES CUKE Any Debility or Derangement of the Nervous System, including Spermatthorea, Gonorr hea, Syphilis, Stricture, Impotence, etc., etc. BECAUSE you may have been cheated and fooled by quacks, who claim to cure this class of disorders, do not hesitate to give Dr. Johannesen’s method a fair trial before your case becomes chronic and incurable. FREE, “©a ■ A valuable treatise, explanatory of Dr. Jo ’ haNnesen’s system, will be sent by mail, postpaid and securely sealed from observa tion, to any sufferer addressing his sole au thorized agent for the United States or Canada, ’ HENRY VOGELER, I 49 South street, New York. > Complicated symptoms treated from , Dr. Johannesen’s Special Prescription, s under advice of a duly qualified consulting r physician. . All correspondence held as strictly confl dential, and advice by mail free of charge.