The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 02, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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8 INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Great sacrifice in peas at Ga r dn er ’is. New Year's Goods at Branch & Cooper s. Reppard Iron Company—Meeting stockhol ders. Meeting Irish National League. Ready for Business-Jerguson s shop. For sale Cheap—A new duck boat. Notice of Consent. Blood Bahn Company. S.S.S.—The Great Blood Purifier. Bradfield’s Female Regulator. Removed—E. C. Gleason. Meeting Pulaski Council Royal Arcanum. “““* notes about town. Happenings Here, There and Everywhere —An important meeting of the Irish Land League will take place to-night. —The annual meeting of the Reppard Iron Company will take place on Monday, when six directors will be elected. —Attention is called to the card of Pu laski Council No. 153, Royal Arcanum, which appears elsewhere. Members will do well to take notice. —Capt. Luke Christie, a well-known pilot and steamboat captain, died yesterday morning at St. Joseph’s Infirmary, aged / 6 years. He was well thought of by all who knew him. —At the celebration of the twenty-sec ond anniversary of the Montgomery Guards, of Charleston, on Wednesday evening, the health of the Irish Jasper Guards was drank amidst enthusiastic cheers. The “Pirates of Penzance,” which is to be given in this city shortly, will, from all indications, be a most delightful operatic event. Among those who will participate will be a number of the old faverites in amateur circles, and several new voices. —The election for magistrates and con stables of the First and Fourth districts, will be held at Justice Elsinger’s office, the Second at the office of Justice Waring Rus sell, Jr, and the Third at the office of Jus tice M. Frank Molina. —As is usual at this time of the year the city is being flooded with circulars issued by parties in New York, dealing in counterfeit money. The circulars are sent indiscrim inately to all classes of people. —All the members of the City Registra tion Board except two appeared before Colonel Barnard E. Bee, clerk of the Su perior Court of Chatham county, and were sworn in by that gentleman for the per formance of their duties. The registration books will beopm from the sth to the 17th of January inclusive. Paymaster Smyth in Washington. A Times special from Washicgton con taics some reliable information in regard to Paymaster Smyth, of this station, which will be read with interest. He arrived in Wash ington to-day and reported to the Paymaster General, to whom he stated that none of the funds taken off by him were missing, and that no one would lose anything by him. He also made a satisfactory explanation of » his absence. Thus it really seems that the stupendous conclusions arrived at in the last day or so by gigantic reasoning were a little previous. snipping gttUHifience. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 7:04 Sun Sets ...„..4:o« High Water at Ft Pulaski. .8:05 a m 8:28 rm Friday, January 2, 1885. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Chattahoochee, Catherine, New York—G M Sorrel. Steamship Dessoug. Smith, Philadelphia— G M Sorrel. Sahr Pioneer (Br), Kelly, Nassau, N P, with fruit to order; vessel to Master. ARRIVED TO-DAY Steamship Win Crane, Billups, Baltimore —Jas B West & Co Steamship Connaught (Br), Hill, Boness, with phosphate to order; vessel to Chas Green’s Son & Co. CLEARED TO-DAY. Steamship City of Augusta, Nickerson New York—G M Sorrel Bark Iphigenia (Rus), Soderland, Buenos Ayres—M S Cosulicn & Co. Bark Rosa (Ital), Lauro, Genoa—M S Cosu licb & Co. SchrJ B Jordan, Martin, Buenos Ayres, with lumber. DEPARTED TO-DAY. Steamer David Clark, Gue, Doboy, Darien, Brunswick and way landings— C Williams, Agent. Steamer Florida, Amazun, Fernandina— C Williams, Agent. Steamer Mary Fisher, Carroll, Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—C Williams, agent. SAILED TO-DAY. Steamship City of Augusta, New York. Bark Carl Johann (Nor), West Hartlepool. Bark Sarou (Nor), Liverpool. Schr Ida Lawrence, Baltimore. MEMORANDA. Tyhee, January 2,2: p. m.—Passed up; steamship W m Crane. Passed out: Steam-hip City of Augusta, barks Cail Johonn, Sarou,schr Ida Lawrence. Arrived at anchor: British brig Somer- Waiting : Barks Johann, Onni, Richard, Manthenga, Gusta Elene, and an unknown bark. Wind : Northeast, high, fair. PASSENGERS. Per steamship City of Auvusta, for New York—Mrs H A Langdon, H P Hardee, Miss Lillie Brooks. W J Elsas, Dr S C Parsons, J F Bird, W A Rush, Frank E Heyward, and 3 steerage. EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Augusta for New Y0rk—3,459 bales upland cotton, 233 bales do mestics and yarns, 198 bbls rosin, 9 bales hides, 21 bbls oranges, 2,903 boxes oranges, 11 bbls yegetabies, 81 boxes vegetables, 140 pkgs jndse. . *4 I Cr Russian bark Iphigenia, for Buenos Ayres—lß,o9B pieces p p lumber, 300,887 feet; total value 81,000. Cargo by D C Bacon & Co. Per Italian bark, Rosa, for Genoa—soo bales cotton, 231,442 pounds; 2,250 bbls rosin, 985,420 pounds; total value 824,690 6-1, Carge by various P Per e schr J B Jordan, for Buenos Ayres—23,- 990 pieces p p lumber, 505,631 feet; valued at 86,573 20. Cargo by R B Reppard. CONSIGNEES. Per steamship Dessoug, from Philadelphia —Arkwright Cotton Mills, E A Abbott,.! Bel singer, W F Barry, Branch & C, schr Bertha. C'rfCarson, J M Case, A Campbell, Mrs De- Renne, Mrs GW J Deßenne, Davis Bros, W M Davidson, Eckman & V, Frank & Co, J H Furber, Ferst & Co, Graham A H, G C Ger menden. J Gorham, J E Grady, A Hanley, Joe Johnson, HF Kuck, C Kolsborn & Bro ; A Leffler, Lippman Bros, D B Lester, r K Leech, J Lyons & Co, Ludden &B, N Lang & Bro, W J Lindsay, E Lovell & Son, J McGrath & Co, J J McDonough. Moehlenbrook <fc D, M Mendel & Bro, P H Moeller, H Myers & Bro, Murtage&Co, Mrs R G Minis, A Mims & Sons, J B Newton. Jno Nicholson, P Postell, G W Parish, Mrs A Reppard, John Rourke, J H Ruwe, S, F& W Ry, Solomons & Co, V S Studer, C E Stultz, So Ex Co, R H Tatem, G I Mrt, L Thanasaw, P Tuberdy, R FUlmer, Umbach, J Van Bergen, Weed & C, \V W West, Wilcox & Gibb: Guano Co, Ga & Fla In’and Steamboat Co. RAVANNAH I) XJLV TIME*’, FRID AY, JANUARY 2, 1885 Per steamship Win Crane from Baltimore —W E Alexander & Son, G W Allen, J G But ler. Bendheini Bros, O Butler, B J Cubbedge, agt, Chess-Carley Co, C & S R R. 0 H Carson. Crawford AL, J Cohen, Dale, Wells & Co. M D Dixon, P M DeLeon, J H Estill, A Ehrlich A Bro, Epstein A W, Fretwell A N, M Ferst A Co, Freidenburg A Co, G C Freeman, I lem ingßros, FL George, FC Grange, CL Gil bert A Co, H Guckenhelmer A Co, Graham A H, A Hanley, A W Harmon, Win Hone & Co, I G Hass, S Herman. A Heller, H D Head - man, Haynes A E C M Hillsman, J foaiW inann, W C Jackson A Co. Miss Johnson, W J Lindsay, A Leffler, I) B Lester, N Lang A Bro, Lovell AL, Lippman Bros J Ljons& Co, BH Levy & Bro, Lee Roy Myers, J Mc- Grath A Co, Mrs Mackall. J W Moore, A J Miller A Co, Merchants S S Line, G N N*cholt, Jno Nicholson, E L Neldlinger, est J OH'fr, ,1 oßyrne, order notify A Bull, JEder notlfr GS McAlpin, Mrs N A l ope. D Parish, B H Richardson, J inteedy. T ; mi. > W S Rockwell, Resir A Stern, Sehn B itha, I Southern Express Company, H ©enroeuer, 1 sfr U (fracker BoyStr Bridgeton, Savam nah Guano Co, Savannah Gas Light n J S ( Silva, J S Saunder, AM A C W M est, D Weis bein A Co, Jas B West & Co, R W Waßter, i Weed AC, Weld &H, JS W ood ABi o, 1 nos West, J NJVilson, S A Young, igommerttai. SAVANNAH MARKETS. OFFICE OF SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES. SAVANNAH, GA., January 2,1 p. m. Savannah Cotton Exchange official COTTON. Fair . @ Middling Fair 11 5-8 @ Good Middling 101-2 Middling LowMlddllng 10 3-1 <>'fl Good Ordinary ••?.» <?• Ordinary 9% @ Tone—Firm. Net 2,407 | Gross 2,435 FXPOBTB. Foreign I Coastwise 4,995 J>T.FR From 1 p. m. Wednesday to 1 p. m; to-day 368 bales. , . , , , , _ Stock on hand and on shipboard at 1 p. m to-day, 87,612 bales (Savannah Board of Trade, Official.) Klee. The market is quiet with inquiry only for low grades. Sales 161 bbls. These Quota tions represent for round lots. In oiling small orders higher rates must be paid. We quote: _ . . Broken.... Nominal Common ‘‘ Fair Good Prime SJ/ h Choice Nominal dOVOB““ Country lots 9“al 100 Tide Waler 1 10al 3o Naval Storoa. Rosin.—The market pale firm, other grades H 8 120 B 1 05 1 I 80 C 1 05 K 2 25 D.' 105 M - 3 25 E 1 10 N 375 F 1 W G 4 25 g".„ 1 17% I WW. Spirits Turpentine Nothing doing- Sales—bbls spiritsand 100 bbls rosin. Naval Stores Statement. Spirits. Rosin 1 Receipts to-day 165 .J’®? I Stock this day 10,072 a0,2i0 Grain, Provision and Flour Market. Grain.—Steady. We quote: • White Corn 63 @ Car load lots 60 ■ Mixed Corn 62 @ I Car load lots 58 @ Mixed Oats 45 @ t Car load lots 40 @ f Northern Hay 100 <s > Eastern Hay 105 @ , Western Hay 100 (is 1 Meal 70 ft) ! Grits —75 & PROVISIONS. , Market steady. D S Shoulders 5% ® OSLO Sides 6% @ DSCRSides 5% g ■ Smoked Shoulders Smoked C R Sides 7% Hams 13% @ Lard 8 '« I Butter 2ia2B Cheese 9a13% S UG A ks.—steady- Cut Loaf, 0% (<i Standard “A” 6% @ Extra “C” 5% “CC” 5% Granulated 6% (<$ Powdered 6‘s SALT. We quote: ar load lots (f. o. b.) SO lots 903 I-LOUR. Market firm. Superfine 3 00713 25 Extra 3 65a3 85 Family 4 (jo§4 90 Choice Patent 6 Oojio 75 oorrrKS. Dull. ■ ancy 12% @ Prime 12 ® Medium 11 @ Fair 10 % ? Ordinary 9% @ Financial. Quotations furnished by F. C. Wylly, Stock and Bond Broker, No. 120 Bryan street. Tone of the market—Money easy Exchange on New York—buying Bank checks selling at par to % discount Market ruled steady for bonds, and stocks, 'We quote : RAILROAD STOCK. BID. ASKKD Augusta A Savannah 7 per cent. guaranteed exdiv’d 115 110 Central Railroad Script 6 per se it. ex int 86% 87 % Ce: exdiv’d 74 74% Georgia 151 150 Southwestern 7 per cent, guaran- auteedex dfv'd 113% 114% BANK AND GAS STOCKS Merchants National 120 Southern Bank State of Georgia. Savannah Gas 12 14 Mutual Gas Light 25 STATE ROS'DS. Georgia new 65,1889, January- and July coupons 105 107 Georgia Mortgage on W. A A Railroad, regular 7 percent, coupons, January and July turlty, 1886. 101 104 Georgia 7 per cent, gold quarter- lies 11l 114 Georgia 7s, 1896 123 124% CITT BONDS. Augusta 6 per cent 102 104 Augusta er cent 107 108 Columbus per cent 84 86 Macon 6 per cent 103 105 Savannah 5 per cent 88% 89 Savanaho per cent, (new) 88% 89 RAILROAD BONDS. A, A G. Ist mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons, January and July maturity, 1897 112 114 Charlotte,Columbiaand Augusta Ist mortgage 107 108 Charlotte,Columbia and Augusta 2d mortgage 92 Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July maturity, 1893 112 113 Gainesville, Jeff, and Southern Ist mortgage, due 1911, July and January coupons 7 per cent 11l 112 Augusta and Knoxville 7 per cent 105 106 So Ga A Fla, Ist mortg 110 113 do 2nd “ 103 104 Montgomery & Eufaula 194% 105% W R Rail’d 2d mort’g HO ill Mo and Girard,mo 2d rt’g 110 111 OSS Co. bonds 100 101 Too Many to the Acre. Our crop of Overcoats has been too plenti ful for this season, and as the weather proph ets predict mild weather for next year—lßßs and ’B6—we have decided not to burn, our stock, but to put them on the market, and sell them for what they will bring. Our Overcoats must be sold. It is only a question for you if you will take advantage of our low prices and supply yourself witn an Overcoat, and save money. We will sell you a good, strong 89 Overcoat for 86, a 815 Overcoat for 812, and the finest 830 Overcoat in Savannah for 820. ■ Soys’ Overcoats, from 4to 12years old, as low ' as 83, Youths’ Overcoats, from 12 to 17 years, from 85 up. We have plenty of fine Suits on hand which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Rememberand buy of the “Famous," . as we give a prize of half the purchase money ' to every twentieth purchaser. “Famous" . New York Clothing House, 140 Congress i ' .treet. lri>h National League. A regular quarterly meeting of the Savan nah Branch of the Irish National League of America will be held at the Catholic Library Haß THIS (Friday) EVENINGat 8:30o'clock. . The Executive Council will meet at the I same place at 8. o’ lock sharp. Election for officers for the ensuing year will take place at this meeting. Every member should be present, and come nreuared to pay dues. prepaieu pL , ANNERY> p resi( i en t. M. A. O Byrne, Secretary. Pulaski Council Royal Arcanum. To-night being the first Regular Meetingslnce election of officers, tlie officers will be in stalled, and officers and committees (includ ing refreshment committee), will make their reports. All members are requested to at tend this meeting. QtW . HAUPT , R . C. S. Connerat, Secretary. Reppard lion Company. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 1,1885. The annual meeting of the Stockholders in this Company will be held at the office of the Company on MONDAY, January 5,1885, at 4 o'clock p. m. At this meeting, SIX DIREC TORS to manage the affairs of this Company for the ensuing year, will be elected. NORTON FRIERSON, Secretary and Treasurer. itotittsi. The Raffle for the Writing Desk and Lady's Dressing Case at Connor’s Book Store, re sulted in No. 460 being highest and No. 692 lowest. Holders of above tickets will please call and obtain the prizes. Notice Is hereby given, in conformity with the Statute, that my wife, BELLE THANASOW, has become a free trader, with my consent, such consent being hereby evidenced. LOUIS THANASOW. Dividend No. 28. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 31, 1884. J A DIVIDEND of FIVE (5) PER CENT, upon the Capital Steck of this Bank has been de clared, payable on and after January 2d, next. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. Dividend No. 36. Merchants ) National Bank of Savannah, >■ Savannah, Ga., Dec. 31,1884, J This Bank lias declared a DIVIDEND of 3% PER CENT. Pavable on demand. THOS. GADSDEN, Cashier. Election of Directors. Southern Bank of the State oe Georgia 1 Savannah, Ga., Dec. 31, 1884. J The annual election for EIGHT DIREC TORS for this Bank will be held at the Bank ing House, on TUESDAY MORNING, Janu ary 13, from 11 to 12 o’clock. JAMES SULLIVAN, Cashier. Election for Directors Merchants’ National Bank. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 13, 1884. The annual election for SEVEN DIREC TORS of this Bank will be held at the Bank ing House, on TUESDAY, January 13, 1885, between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock. Tups, Gadsden, Cashier. Election for Directors. Central R. R. and Banking Co., of Ga.,l Savannah, Ga., Dec. 5, 1884. f An election for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS, to manage the affairs of this Company for the ensuing year, will oe held in the Banking House, in Savannah, on MONDAY, the sth day of JANUARY, 1885, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 2 o’clock p. m. Stockholders and their families will be passed free over the Company’s road, to at .tend the election, from the 2d to the sth of JANUARY, and be passed free returning from the sth to the Bth of JANUARY, on presentation of their stock certificates to the conductors. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. Cheap. A fine, roomy, NEW DUCK BOAT, can be had at what it cost to build. Call at once, at Pulaski House Bar, this evening. Eisai Mi is Ms. THORBURN’S very best Marrowfat Peas, 81 80 cash per bushel. THORBURN’S best Philadelphia Extra Early Peas, at 83 25 cash per bushel. FOR SALE AT .1. GARDNER’S. SEEDSMAN, 30% BULL STREET. Ready for Business. I take this method of informing the public that my Usuik asi Machine Sho; adjoining Kehoe's Foundry,on Reynolds and Broughton streets, which was damaged by fire on the night of December 26, has been en tirely repaired, and is again open. All business will be promptly attended to. Thankful for past patronage extended the business, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. MRS. JOHN P. JERGUSON. REMOVED. I have removed my entire livery establish ment from York street to the Pulaski House Stables where I may hereafter be found. AU orders for carriages and buggies promptly attended to. Fine Saddle Horses for hire. E. C. GLEASON, Proprietor Pulaski House Stables. The prettiest goods for men, youths and boys in the city can be found at B. H Levy & Bro.'a. Ruction Jot Sale os ti; Pnm The Enterprise Mills jV TT <D~JT I O TV . A Splendid Business Opportunity. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. We will sell on the premises on TUESDAY, January 6, at 4 o'clock p. in., that splendid piece of property known as the Enterprise Alills, being a completely equipped CORN, GRIST and RICE MILL ready for business, and with large storage capacity. All situated in the city of Savannah, at foot of Huntingdon street, on the line of the S. E. & \V. Railway. A complete description of the property and terms can be had at our office, or from the Auctioneer. The terms of sale will be made known on day of sale. N. B.— Take the Broughton street cars to Coast Line Railroad dep°t. HARMON & REMSHART. SEVENHOUSES —AT— A.UOTIOIN. C. H. I ORSEfT, Real Estate Dea’er. Will sell at the Court House on Tuesday, January 6th, 1885, during the usual hours of sale, Lot No. 16 North Oglethorpe Ward, front ing 90 feet on Bryan street and running back to Olive street. The improvements consists of three houses on Bryan, and four on Olive street, all rented to good tenants, and bringing in $36 per month, with a space unbuilt upon, on Bryan street. Terms—CASH. ST ME IF LAND, THE greater portion being heavily wooded with Pine, Oak and Hickory, and the balance consisting of rich Rice, Cotton and Corn land, located about TWENTY MILES FROM SAVANNAH. Are offered for sale. The timber on this tract has never been “saw-milled” or “boxed,” and being of virgin growth is very valuable to either mill men or turpentine getters. The products of this land, which have amounted to 45 bushels of rice, a bale of cot ton and 40 bushels of corn to an acre, can be marketed at a minimum cost for freighting. IIEU 31 vun wraoi. The improvements in the way of dwell ings, barns, rice mill and machinery are sub stantial and ample. There are advantages peculiar to this property which render it valuable for a Cattle Range, Turpentine Farm, Rice, Corn, Cotton or Fuel Plantation. One corner of the land is only one-fourth of a mile from Fleming Station, on the Savan nah, Florida and Western Railway. Liberal Terms Will be given to a responsible person, or an exchange may be negotiated for city property or city or railroad bonds. Plats will be fur nished on application to C- II- I>RHETT, Real Estate Dealer, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. TURN OVER Your annual “New Year Leaf’ for 18S5, and resolve to use ONLY THE BEST Soda Crackers manufactured, viz: SW-A N 9 S 13 OWJX Z SWAP’S DO WIN I The delight of epicures, the favorite of all. Your lunch, dinner or tea would be incom plete without them. Pure, Crisp, Delicious, Fresh. Try a pound, your grocer can accommo date you with a neat HANDY 1 OR 2 POUND PACKAGE. Yon Clay Eater ! Quit eating common candy, don’t admin ister POISON to your children, wives and friends. Eat Candy—GOOD Pure Candy wont hurt anybody. If you are asked to name the highest type of PURITY, don’t hes itate to answer, out loud, too, VIKCxLX candy: VUELGIIN CAJNDY! Candies, Cakes, Crackers and Pure Con fections. Manufactured by ACOSTA & EINSTEIN, GEO. M. HELMKEN, Yai-iety Bakery. Cor. South Broad and East Broad streets. BREAD, CAKES and PIES of all descrip tion. Wedding Parties supplied on reasonable terms with the finest cakes. New England Bread a specialty. None genuine without my label. Notice to Ladies. MISS KATE LUTZ has just returned from New York with a full line of the LATEST FASHION PATTERNS and is prepared to attend to all orders for DRESSMAKING. Perfect fits, in the latest styles, guaranteed. Prompt attention given. Corner Duffy and Montgomery streets. LUMBER AND TIMBER. BACON, JOHNSONTco’ PLANING MILL, LUMBER AND wool LARGE.STOCK OF DRESSED AND ROUGH LUMBER AT LOW PRICES! Good Lot of Wood Just Received. *6# J. J. McDonough. T. B. Thompson. Ed. Bubdett. McDonough & co., Office: 1161 Bryan street. Yellow Pine Lumber. Lumber Yard and Planing Mill: Opposite 8., F. <t W. Railway Depot, Savannah, Ga. Saw Mills: Surrency, Ga., No. 6, Macon an« Brunswick Railroad. D. C. Bacon, Wm. B. Stillwell. H. P. Smabt. D.C.ISACON NCO PITCH PINE - AND— Cypress Lumber & Timber BY THE CARGO. Savannah and Brunswick, Ga. P. O. SAVANNAH, GA. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. bisk, Mantels, Mantels Call and examine my stock of Artistic Slate, Iron and Wooden Manteh Before Purchasing Elsewhere, I am offering at very low prices a full stoet of DOOILS, SASHES. Blinds, Mouldings, Stair Rails, Balusters, Newell Posts, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Railroad, Steamboat, Ship aiKi Mill Supplies, Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c., &c. Also, a full line of Building, Hardware. Lime, Hair and Cement, Plain and Decorative Wall Paper. ANDREW HANLEY, Comer Whitaker, York and President sts OLIVERS Paint and Oil House, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, 12 1 c IRON WORKS & BOILER MAKERS Novelty Iron Works, No. 2 Ba v and River Streets. SAVANNAH, GA., John Rourke, Proprietor. ta&BmsFmhU achmhtps I am prepared to do all kinds of Machine, Boiler & Blacksmith Work Can also furnish at shortest notice and at lowest market prices all kinds and sizes of Iron and Brass Castings, Pulleys, Shafting, etc. Saw Mill work a specialty. Manufac turer of Sampson Sugar Mills and Pans. Estimates furnished on all kinds of New Work and Bepairs. INVITATION! Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods Crockery House JAMES ”s. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broug-hton Street. The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in theci ty. For the Holidays. Leave your orders for CHRISTMAS CAKES at the Variety Bakery, 92 Broughton street, or at the Branch under Masonic Temple. t Fruit, Pound, Almond, Pound Silver Cake and other varieties. JOHN DERST, Proprietor. OiMAMiPWIW -FOR— SEff TORE PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN 82U EXCUBSION 32 STEERAGE 10 ' ' ft’ The magnificent Steamships of thia Company ar appointed to Ballas follows. STANDARD TIMR: TO NEW YORK. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capt. J. W. CATHERINE MONDAY, January 5, at 9:00 a. m. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. H. C. DAGGETT WEDNESDAY January?, at 10:30 a.m. NACOOCHEE, Captain F. Kempton, FRI DAY, January 9, at 12:30 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Captain W. H. Fisheb MONDAY, January 12, at 3:00 p. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. These steamers do not carry passengers. DESSOUG, Captain F. Smith, SATURDAY, January 3, at 7:00 a. m. JUNIATA, Captain S. L. Askins, SATUR DAY. January 10 at 1:00 p. m. Through bills of laden given to Eastern and North' western points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to G. M SORREL, Agent, City Exchange Bpildlng. Merchants’ and Miners 5 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. FOR BALTIMOH’' CABIN PASSAGE 815 00 SECOND PASSAGE 12 00 EXCURSION 25 00 iS' Including Meals and Stateroom, 'w* For the present the Steamships of this Company are appointed to sail from Savan nah for Baltimore every five days, as follows. City time: WM. CRANE, Captain Billups, SATUR DAY , January 3, at 9 a. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Captain THURSDAY, January 8, at 12 noon. WM. CRANE, Captain Billups, TUESDAY, January 13, at 3:00 p. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Captain , MONDAY, January 19th, at 4:00 p m. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in New England, and to : Liverpool and Bremen. Through passenger deketa issued to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, and all point West and Northwest. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, Boston and Savannah STEAMSHIP CO. FOR BOSTON DIRECT. CABIN PASSAGE £2O 00 EXCURSION 35 00 STEERAGE 12 00 The first class iron steamships of this co-npany ar« appointed to sail every THURSDAY from Bo iton at 3 p m.; from Savannah as follows: Standard Time. GATE CITY Captain D. Hedge, THURS DAY, January 1, at 6:00 a. m. CITY OF MACON, Captain W. Kelley, TUESDAY, January 6, at 10:00 p. m. GATE CITY, Captain D. Hedge, THURS DAY, January 15, at 5:30 p. m. CITY OF MACON, Captain W. Kelley, THURSDAY, January 22, at 10:30 a. m. Through bills of lading given to New England manu facturing pointr and to Liverpool. The Company’s wharves in both Savannah and Bos ton are connected with all railroads leading out of the two cities. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Agents. nrrEonm Commencing November 22d, 1884, the MOR GAN STEAMSHIP LINE will inaugurate a weekly service with the elegantly appointed and fast sailing steamships “HUTCHINSON” and “MORGAN” Between Tampa, Fla., and Key West and Havana. Also between Tampa and New Or leans, with the following arrivals and de partures : Leave NEW ORLEANS for TAMPA, KEY WEST and HAVANA every THURSDAY. Arrive TAMPA Saturday. Leave TAMPA SATURDAY, on arrival of South Florida Railroad train. Leave KEY WEST SUNDAY. Arrive HA VANA MONDAY. RETURNIN Gr Leave HAVANA for KEY WEST, TAMPA and NEW ORLEANS every WEDNESDAY Leave KEY WEST THURSDAY. Leave TAMPA FRIDAY, on arrival of South Florida Railroad train. Arrive NEW OR LEANS SUNDAY. Passengers leaving Savannah on Fridays via Savannah, Florlaaand Western Railway, Fast Mail (7:01 a. m.) make close connections for KEY WEST and HAVANA. F. H. RAND, G. T. A. South Florida R. R. C. D. OWENS, Traffic Manager Peoples’ Line Steamers. Georgia and Florida Inland Steam boat Company. Commencing Oct. 1. STEAMER DAVID CLARK Leaves Savannah, foot of Lincoln street, for Doboy, Darien, St. Simon’s, Brunswick and Way Landings every Monday and Thursday at 4 p. in., connecting at Brunswick with Steamer CRACKER BOY for Satilla river. Freight not signed for 24 hours after arrival will be at risk of consignee. J. N. HARRIMAN, Manager. C. Williams, General Agent.