The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 07, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A TOUCHING PICTURE OF VANDER BILT. HU Alleged Grief Over Ills Levy on Grant's Effects—A Millionaire on Hard Times. New York Journal. Mr. Vanderbilt was deeply touched by the distress of General Grant. He was unable to attend to business all day long, and sat in his study poring over a well worn map of the Lake Shore Railroad. In that position a Journal reporter found him. The aged philantropist reached for a gilt edged pocket handkerchief when the name of General Grant was mentioned. “It’s the saddest thing that has ever come across my unusually sad experience,” said he, “to think that all them trinkets from the President of Siam, and the horses from Gumarabac, and the sword from the shah of Prussia, all have got to be sold.” “Why do you allow it, Mr. Vanderbilt ?” “My dear boy, this time last year I would not have allowed this sacrifice, but times are not what they used to be. To use a coarse expression, I’m hard up. M illie K. was bad enough, but when Cornell went down on the street that settled their poor old father. And all the time I thought Cornell was at the Youug Men’s Christian Associa tion.” The old gentleman looked around at the bare walls which cost SIOO,OOO to kalsomine and then at the bare pictures and statuary which cost as much more. He tipped gently back in a SIOO,OOO chair and allowed his feelings to have full play in a handkerchief which cost SIOO,OOO a dozen. “It unmans me to think that the savior of our country should be obliged to part with his war relics at a discount. But I need the money. All the servants in the house have struck lor their wages and I had to wash the windows myself this morning. Then the bath tub froze up in that cold snap and I haven't money enough to have it thawed out.” “William!'’ shouted a sharp voice, “go right out and shovel in that coal on the side walk.” “You hear,” said Mr. Vanderbilt faintly. The reporter left the magnificent ruin alone with his sorrow. A MYSTERIOUS CASE. Horrible Eate of a Lady Who Visited the World's Exposition, New Orleans, Jan. 7.—On Monday of last week Mrs. McChesney, aged twenty four years, wife of George McChesney, ol Council Bluffs, lowa, came to this city on a visit to the Exposition with her husband and a large party of friends. Mrs. McChes ney arrived here somewhat ill, but not ill enough to prevent her visiting with her husband the Exposition grounds. While there the party became separated, and Mrs. McChesney was lost sight of. Her husband and friends searched for her in vain and ad vertised for her in vain. The police we e called on, but they could hear nothing ol the missing woman. Last Tuesday Mrs. • McChesney was found in the house of Mrs. Tenine in Carrollton, several miles from the Exposition. She bad been ever since her disappearance unconscious, and unable to give any account of herself. She was brought there, Mrs Tenine declares, by a man un known to her. Mrs. McChesney was at once taken to her husband’s temporary residence, where she died of acute mania or meningi tis. The detectives are at work trying to find out the man who brought the unfor tunate woman to the house where she was found. Some one has declared conceit worse than consumption, and the comparison is a true one. Many are the “conceited” who cry down legitimate remedies, and who delude suffering humanity, whose only salvation Is the immediate use of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. “ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Ask for “Rough on Coughs.” for Coughs Colds, >Sore Throat, Hosreness. Troches 15c. Liquid, 2*o. Men are often heard saying that their aspi rations are high, but every time they cough their noses go towards the earth, with indica tions that they will follow them soon unless they are w-ise enough to take Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup in time. > A Prominent Farmer Writes. Robust Station, Jones County, Ga., June 20th 1384—8 y the recommendation ot Rev. C. C. Davis used Dr. Mosely’s Lemon Elixir tor indigestion, de qility and nervous prostration, having been a great sufferer for years and tried all known remedies for these diseases, all of which failed. Five boitles ot Lemon Elixir made a new man of me and restored my strength and energy so that I can attend to my farm with all ease and comfort. Refer any one to me. Tour friend, William B. Embbson. A Card From Cuthbert. This is to certify that I used Dr. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with th>. most marked benefits to my general health. 1 would gladly have paid SSOO for the relief it has given me at a cost of two or three dollars. H. A. Bkall, Clerk Superior Court, Randolph Co. Cuthbert, Ga., June 21, 1884. Dr. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir, prepared at his drug etore, 114 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. It cures all billiousness, constipation, indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, to purities of the blood, loss of appetite, debility and nervous prostration by regulating the Liver. Stomaci:. Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh Juice ol lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonic-, cathartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers. Fifty cents for one half pint bottle, one dollar to pint and half bottle. Sold by druggists generally nd by all wholesale Druggists. Too Many to the Acre. Our crop of Overcoats has been too plenti ful for this season, and as the weather proph ets predict mild weather for next year—lßßs and ’B6—we have decided not to bum our stock, but to put them on the market, and sell them tor what they will bring. Our Overcoats, must be sold. It Is only a question for you if yon will take advantage of our low prices and supply yourself with an Overcoat, and save money. We •will sell you a good, strong 89 Overcoat for 86, a 815 Overcoat for sl2, and the finest S3O Overcoat in Savannah for S2O. Boys’ Overcoats, from 4 to 12 years old, as low as 83, Youths’ Overcoats, from 12 to 17 years, from $5 up. We have plenty of fine Sults on hand which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Rememberand buy of the “.Famous," as we give a prize of half the purchase money to every twentieth purchaser. “Famous'’ New York Clothing House, 140 Congress Itreet. Dr. Bosanko. ' This name has become so familiar with the most of people throughout the United States that it is hardly necessary to state that he is the originator of the great Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, the people’s favorite remedy, wherever known, for Coughs, Colds. Consumption and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Price 50 cents and SI.OO. Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.—Adv. The prettiest goods for men, youths an boys in the city can be found at B. H Levy A StO.’B, THE SAVANNAH DIALY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1885. Closing Out! I have yet a large stock of goods left, and many fine articles suitable for Ae w Year OR Wedding Presents! I am bound to close out the entire stock, and bargains can therefore be had in Gold and Silver Watches, DIAMOND GOODS Silver T*late<l Ware —A N D— FUSE JEWELRY 7 Os every description. TBIS E ID ■!! CALL AT ONCE. A. W. MEYER, 20 BROUGHTON STREET. fflfflW. Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES S. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broughton. Street. I The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in 1 thecity. The Emperor Louis Napoleon smoked only the finest cigars the world could pro duce. Prof. Horsford says the Emperor's cigars were made specially for him in Ha vana from leaf tobacco grown in the Golden Belt of North Carolina, this being the finest leaf grown. Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is made from the same leaf used in the Emperor’s cigars, is abso lutely pure and is unquestionably the best tobacco ever offered. Thackeray’s gifted daughter, Anne, in her sketch of Alfred Tennyson, in Harper's Monthly, tells of her visit to the great poet She found him smoking Blackwell’s Bull Durham Tobacco, sent him by Hon. James Russell Lowell, American Minister to the Court of St James. In these days of adulteration, it is a com fort to smokers to know that the Bull Dur ham brand is absolutely pure, and made i from the best tobacco the world produces. Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking To i bacco is the best and purest made. All i dealers have it None genuine without i the trade-mark of the Bull. i I- .i I, ■■■ ■■ nSKSHWBCMEnMBa COAL ! Fresh from Hie Alines, L ; PROMPTLY DELIVERED. r Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders , by mall, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co.. 144 BAY STREET. i ROLLERS! THOMPSON’S bibs Eoh taposita! The only reliable COMPOSITION made for the SOUTHERN CLIMATE. by the Pound or made into Kollers at short notice. A. D. THOMPSON, ■ 93% Bay Street Savannah, Ga X&r ' Th© Weeklynewspape Q/ devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, dis Joveries, inventionsand patents ever published. Ever; number illustrated with splendid engravings. Thi publication, furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia o information which no person should bo without. Th popularity of the Scientific Amebican is such tha its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers o its class combined. Price, $3.20 a year. Discount t- Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & CO., Pub lishers, No. 361 Broadway, N. Y. Ki . , BA &I ■■■ O Munn A’ Co. have als AT E N TS. fore the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hun* countries. Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copy rights, Assignments, and all other paper r securing to inventors their rights in thi d States, Canada, England, France iny and other foreign countries, prepare! rt notice and on reasonable terms, irmation as to obtaining patents cheerfullj without charge. Hana-books of informa ant free. Patents obtained through Mum are noticed in the Scientific American free The advantage of such notice is well understood by al persons who wish to dispose of their patents. Address MUNN * CO, Office SCIENTIFIC AMERICA! 261 Broadway, New York. Elegant Lugs Sugar Ul PINEAPPLES ! Large Fre:h Mm taas! Malaga Grapes! FANCY APPLES Preserves of all Kinds ! m,» m® goods NUTS ANO RAISINS, Currants, Fig’s, Dates, Prunes, &c. The above goods lor sale only to the trade BY J. B. Reedy Grocer and Importer of Emit, BAY AND WHITAKER. STREETS ORANGES! ORANGES 1 Don’t you want a box of NICE ORANGES ? I am HEADQUARTERS for the FINEST ORANGES GROWN IN FLORIDA. The Celebrated Indian River, Crescent City, “San Souci” And Other Choice Varieties. And have in store and on the way 1,000 BOXES for the i Holiday Trade. 1 A i’i’Liix: Arriving this week 500 barrels Choice BALD WIN’S, SPY’S and BLUE PERMAINS, Banannas, Raisins, Cocoanuts, IVuts, i Potatoes, BUTTER, CHEESE, All fresh stock and for sale low. E. E. Cheatliam, ■ 101 Bay Street. Telephone No. 273. Oranges I Oranges ! 500 Boxes Selected Florida Oranges ! For the Holiday Trade. 300 BARRELS CHOICE APPLES, 100 BOXES SELECTED PEARS, 100 BASKETS GRAPES in 5 and 10ft> Baskets, 100 Sacks Virginia Hand-picked PEANUTS, LOWEST BOTTOM PRICES. JW-Now Landing and for sale at W. D. SIMKINS, 169 Bay. o-LJrvjs -AND— CUTLERY. ROGERS’ and RUSSELL’S Fine Table Knives, Fine Carvers and Steels, in Sets. A full line of Fine Pocket Knives. 5 A full line of Fine Scissors. ■SS-The largest stock of BREECH-LOADING Guns and Rilles Ever offered in Savannah. For sale Low by PALMER BROS. 148 Congress and 151 St. Ju.lan street ’ PAINTS, OILS, ETC. Mantels, Mantels, Maaisls Cali and examine my stock of Artistic Slate. Iron and Wooden Manteh Before Purchasing Elsewhere. , I sra offering at very low prices a full stock of BOORS, SASHES, Blinds, Mouldings, Stair Rails, Balusters, Newell Posts, PAJNTB, OILS, VARNISHES, ttailronxl, Steamboat, Ship and Mill Supplies, Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c-, &c Also, a full line of Building, Hardware, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement, Plain an? Decorative Wall Paper. ANDREW HANLEY, Corner Whitaker, York and President sts. OLIVER’S Paint and Oil House, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Moulding, Etc TIMES Steam Printing Establishment 1 Our JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with the Latest Styles of Type, and is prepared to execute orders for Mercantile, Commercial AND RAILROAD PRINTING! Os every description, promptly and at reasonable prices. SEND FOR ESTIMATES AND SPECIMENS. A FIRST-CLASS BINDERY. BLA-JSTK BOOKS LEDGERS, DRAY BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, Manufactured in the very best style. Binding of every description done in a superior and substantial manner. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. SAVANNAH TIMES PUBLISHING GO., B. H. RICHARDSON, President and General Manager. 94 Bryan St., - - Savannah, Ga. SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES 94 BRYAN STREET, Savannah, - - Georgia. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ONE YEAR,S6 00. SIX MONTHS, 3 io . THREE MONTHS, x 50 , SUNDAY TIMES. ONE YEAR, ... - - $i 50. SIX MONTHS, .... . 75 FULL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE, COMMERCIAL REPORTS OF ALL THE LARGE MARKETS. Special attention given to the SAVANNAH MARKET. Reliable quotations of Cotton, Produce, Naval Stores and Stocks and Bonds. OUR MOTTO. The interests of Savannah, Georgia, the South, and the Country. ALL THE DEPARTMENTS ARE COMPLETE. Editorials on current topics, independent in opinion and vigorous in expression. The cream of the news from our exchanges. local depahtmidmt, FRESH, SPARKLING AND NEWSY. effort spared to keep the Daily Times in the front rank of Journalism. Communications addressed to B. H. RICHARDSON, Editor and General Manager. LEGAL DIRECTORY. T. M. NORWOOD, ‘ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ill Bay street, up stairs. W. 8. Chisholm. B. G. Ebwdl CHISHOLM 4 ERWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors st Law, Abercorn street, cor. St. Julian and Bryan. WM. GaBRARTL P. wTMBLDIUM. Emtlb Newman. GABBARD 4 MELDRIM, Law Offices, 135 and 137 Bay street. R. R. Richards. Wm. M. Hkywabd. RICHARDS 4 HEYWARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 8 Drayton street. BUFUS E. LESTER. THOMAS P. RAVENET LESTER 4 RAVENEL, Attorneys and Counsellors-at.Law, 3 Whitaker st. J. R. BAUBBY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office, 6i Drayton street. 3. A. Dbnmabk. 8, B. Adam* Wm. Lbß. Gignilliat. DENMARK 4 ADAMft, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 105 Bay street. GEORGE A. MERCER, Law Office, Corner Drayton anl Bryan streets, over Southern Bank. W. G.Chablton. W. W. Mackall. CHARLTON A MACKALL, ... Attorney s-at-Law. Office, corner Bull and Bay streets, Upstairs. „-.i" ; J? 7 ’ ROBERT FALLIGANT, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. Alex. K. Lawton. Henry C.Cunningham Alex It. Lawton, Jr. LAWTON & CUNNINGHAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 114 Bryan street, up stairs. J E Wooten. A H MacDoNELL WOOTEN & MACDONELL, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 118 Bryan street. WALLACE W. FRASER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 181 Bryan Street ISAAC BECKETT, Attorney at Law and Conveyancer. 12 Whitaker street. HENRY MCALPIN, Attorney at Law. Will attend to business promptly at 135 Bay street. H. B. JACKSON. J. L. WHATLEY JACKSON A WHATLEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 118 Bryan Street. M. J. O’CONNOR, Attorney-at-Law, No. 3 Whitaker street. CHARLES M. TYSON, Attorney-at-Law. 7 Drayton street, - Over Southern Bank. JOHN W. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Over Southern Brnk. F. G. DuBIGNON, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. WM. CLIFTON, Law Office, No, 1 Bull street, up stain. J. J. ABRAMS, Law Office, 116 Bryan street. A. MINIS, Js. " Law Office, 6 Drayton street. P. J. O’CONNOR, Law Office, 108 Biyan street, GEO. E. BEVANS, Attorney-at-Law. Office, corner Whitaker and Bryan streets, Up stairs. M. A, Law Office, 108 Bryan street. N. C. COLLIER, Law Office, No. 3 Bull street, up stain. RICHARD F. JOHNSTON, Attorney-at-Law, No. 1 Bull street, up stain. JOS. A. CRONK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 111 Bay street. JOHN SULLIVAN SCHLEY, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Bryan st. CHARLES N. WEaT, Attorney-at-Law, Bryan street, over Southern Bank. W. HAMPTON WADE, Attorney-at-Law, S. L. LAZARON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 101 Bay street. Philip M. Russell. R. Wayne Russell P. M. 4 R. W. BUSSELL, Attorneys at Law, Northeast corner Bryan and Whitaker. CURE FOR PILES, of Piles is aiwmLntie tiling at flight after getting waa. >bis flpleasant sensation is ffved by an application of D!rßosank%t Yle Remedy. Piles m all forms, Itch, Salt lheum and Ringworm can be permanently ured by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Pi-;ua, O. Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.