The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 13, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 VARIOUS ITEMS Os More Or Less Interest. In years they have reigned, Queen Vic toria stands ninth among the sovereigns of j the world. Mrs. Langtry’s London season will begin box ofhce already amount to $50,000. It is said that Mr. Wallack’s up-town theitre in New York is for sale at $340,000, but the investment is not in eager demand. Denmark no longer imports her sugar supply, but now raises 8,000,000 pounds annually of an excellent quality of beet sugar. A large number of persons from New England—considerably over 100 families— have settled in North Carolina during the past year. The French have selected the coast of Algiers as the scene of an experiment in growing crops of “Turkey sponges,” trans plantea from the Archipelago and the Syrian coasts. Great Britain has 550 war vessels, France 356, the United States 139, and Germany not quite ICO. Great Britain has 4,980 | naval officers, France 6,649, the United States 2,033, and Germany 682. It is proposed, in London, to build a new chamber for the House of Commons at an estimated cost of $1,090,000; but Mr. La boiidhere says he would take the contract at SIOO,OOO, and make money out of it. State Senator Jaines Parker, of North Carolina, gave up his money, S6O, to two colored robbers, and then, instantly pulling a pistol, shot one of them dead and badly i wounded the other. The incident occurred in Gates county, that State. The candidates for United States Senator in Rhode Island are Governor Bourn, Con gressman Jonathan Chace, ex-Govemor Van Zandt, Congressman Henry J. Spooner, cx-Congressman Pendleton and Senator •Sheffield, who temporarily holds the office. England has scarcely felt, as yet, “the icy finger” of winter. A correspondent of the London Standard, writing from Lyme Regis, says that in her own and neighbor’s gardm she ga hered, within two hours, fifty seven difierent kinds of flowers. It is now given out as a bit of hitherto unrecorded history that Mrs. President Diaz, of Mexico, came to Chicago about tvo years ago, and, in a very quiet way, avoiding all social publi ity, took a course of lectures at the Hahnemann Medical Col lege in that city. The city of Paris has spent 650,000,000 francs during the last twenty years in new works. On new streets and roads 191,000,- 000 francs, on architectural works 110,000,- 000 francs, on waterworks and sewers 48,- 000,000 francs, and on parks and gardens 8,000,000 francs were expended. Three Days Colic for Disobeying His Parents. Boston Globe. Terc'ter —“John, can you tell me why Adam was expelled from Paradise ?” “Yes, sir, for breaking God’s command ment.” “Correct; and tell me, John, in what way did Adam break the commandment?” “By eating green apples.” “Now, tell me, Cid you ever eat green apples against the commandments of your parents ? ’ “Yes, sir; seme I got in Mr. Greenfield’s orchard when the uog was chained:” “And what was the punishment inflicted upon i,ycu l< r d sobeyir.g the commands of your parents ?” “Why, 1 got the colic for three days.” Tourists to Yellowstone Park next sea*on might encounter a Nort' western blizzarL If they are wise men they wi'l t »ke a supply of the famous Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup. Strange World This. And some funny people in it, too. You have all come in contact with s me that are never satisfied. They grumble from morning until night—we heard a man even grumble in bed. That man would grumble at any thing and every thing, without reason; but this week we heard a gentleman grumble with good reason. He bought a suit of clothes and paid a good old fashioned price for it, and, hap pening to come into the “Famous,” he was shown a suit of the same class of goods, and our price was $8 less than he had paid. That gentleman had good rea son to find fault, and grumbled at his bad luck; but it will be a good lesson to him, and he will buy of the “Famous” next time. We are through taking stock, , and now comes our annual clearing sale. We will sell you anything in our line at manufacturers’ cost. Our prize system has worked charmingly, and we made dozens of people happy by giving them prizes. We will keep it up. Call, and we will not only give you better goods, cheaper than you cap buy any where, but give a prize to every twentieth purchaser in the bargain. “Famous,” 140 Congress street. Ridge, Mclntosh County; Ga. Dr. J. Bradfl“ld—Dear Sir: I have taken several bottles of your Female Regulator for Sailing of the womb and other diseases com bined, of 16 years standing, and 1 really be lieve I am cured entirely, for which please ac cept my heartfelt thanks and most profound gratitude. I know your medicine saved my life, so you see I cannot speak too highly In in its favor. I have recommended it to sev eral of my friends who are suffering as I was, Yours, very respectfully, MRS. W. E. STEBBINS. Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Box 28. Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Bosanko. This name has become so familiar with the mostof people throughout the United,States that it is hardly necessary to state that he is the. originator of the great Dr. Bosanko Cough and Luug Syrup, the people’s favorite remedy, wherever known, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. Price 50 cents and 81.00. Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.—Adv. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weaknesi, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I wll. Bend a receipt that will cure you, free of charge, This great remedy was discovered Uy a missionary in South America. Send a tself-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman. Station D, New York City. Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer, the drug gists, who are always looking after the inter est of their customers, have now secured the saleof Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup, a remedy that never faits to cure Colds, Pains in the Chest and all Lung Affections. For Sroof try a free sample bottle. Regu ir size 50 cents and 81.—Adv. A Bargaiu. We have got a fine lot of Lyon’s make of Silk Umbrellas, 28 Inches; good size Gentle men s Umbrellas, which we offer at 82. 50. THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1885. Closing Ont! I have yet a large stock of goods left, and many fine articles suitable for Xew Year Wedding Presenls! I am bound to close out the entire stock, and bargains can therefore be had in Gold and Silver Watches, DIAMOND GOODS Silver Plated Ware —AND— fiine jewelry Os every description. Tin s is CALL AT ONCE. A. W. MEYER, 20 BROUGHTON STREET. mi™ Call and see the handsome display Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES 8. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broughton Street. The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in thecity. inmnniiniiiiiimiiiniiiiiinTmn! We have spent over 8100,000.00 in defending our right to the Durham Bull ae our trade-mark. Undoubtedly he is to-day the most valuable Bull In the world. Now it stands to reason that we couldn’t afford to protect him so thoroughly if BLACKWELL’S BULL DUBHAM To bacco, of which he is the representative, wasn’t the BEST Smoking Tobacco ever mode. The sales of Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco far exceed those of any other brand in the world, simply because it has been, is, and will be, the best that can lie made. All dealers have it. Look for trade-mark of the Bull on every package. JHUlUllUllbiiiiiillMhjiiiFuiilliiiM GINS —AND— CUTLEHY. ROGERS’ and RUSSELL’S Fine Table Knives, Fine Carvers and Steels, in Sets. A still line of Fine Pocket Knives. A full line of Fine Scissors. 4S*The largest stock of BREECH-LOADING Guns and. Killes Ever offered in Savannah. 43* For sale Low by I’ALMER BROS. 148 Congress and 151 St. Ju.lan street. COAL ! Fresh from the Mines, PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders by mail, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 144 BAY STREET. BEAUTIFUL ROSES, LOVELY GERANIUMS, EXQUISITE HELIOTROPES, GRAND CHINESE PRIMROSES, FINE PANSY PLANTS, Cut Flowers and artistic Designs, furnished to order at Wagner's Nursery, Thunderbolt road, or 30)4 BULL STREET. “Only an Advertisment, Don’t Belien It.” One halt the public never read an adver tisement, and those who do don’t believe half that advertisers say. No wonder, ei’her, for gross exaggeration and misrepresenta tion is now the rule, and square matter of fact statements are seldom seen in modern ad; vertlsements. This is unfortunate for legiti mate advertisers. Thus, when we advertised the purchase of 850,000 worth of CHICKER ING PIANOS, in October last, it was said to be “Only an Advertisement,” and hence not true. But all the same IT WAS TRUE. We find, that in advertising the square truth answers our purpose best of all, and when we make a statement we mean it to boa true one. To those who do not know the magnl tude of our trade or the Immense popularity of the CHICKERING PIANOS, it may seem Improbable that we should buy 850,000 worth I at one purchase, but, “facts are stubborn things,” and In this case they are all on our side. We can’t show the Pianos, for eager buyers have appropriated fully one-third of - them, but we can show the contract with CHICKERING & SONS, and the invoices, Which certainly is evidence indisputable. Os course, all these Pianos did not come to Sa vannah. We are Southern Wholesale Agents for the CHICKERING PIANOS with exclu sive control of Five States and our Eleven Branch Houses and countless Agencies took a large number of these Pianos. Large shipments have been made to Sayam nah, and wo expect to sell about FIFTY direct from our warerooms. Many Os our leading citizens havetaken advantage of this Special Sale, and given us the pleasure of placing these magnificent Instruments in their homes. We have now in our ware rooms a full line of SQUARES, SQUARE GRANDS, UPRIGHT AND CONCERT GRANDS, which we offer at Factory prices I for Cash,-or on our easy Installment Terms. The UPRIGHTS with. the new metallic action, seem to be preferred by nearlj- all purchasers, and they are certainly the finest and most perfect Instruments that it is pos sible to construct. We ask Pianists and Con nolseures to call and inspect these Superb In struments. i . Ldh & Bata 1 mo n. N. B.—The above is only an advertisement , but nevertheless it is true, every word of it. —FOR—- Dunlap’s Fine Hats, KNOX’S FINE HATS, Stetson’s Fine Hats, Fine Dress Shirts, UWMWS, White or Colored KID GLOVES Or Anything Fine in Gentlemen’s Furnishing, GO TO laI'AKS. 23 Bull street. T ORIGINAL 1 I Jr JX' I skos.e.MilUamß & Co. J k R|CHMOND,VA. J FOR SALE BY i I I & SOI, Corner Bryan & AberconSts. SAVANNAH, - - - GA. INDUSTRIAL MILLS7 J. H. Hennessy, Proprietor. 1 —DEALER IN— , Grist, Meal, Crack Corn, Oats, Brand, Hay and Wood. Residence and Mill northwest corner of Hull and East Broad streets.; SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES 94 BRYAN STREET, Savannah, - - Georgia. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ONE YEAR,oo. SIX MONTHS,3 'JO- THREE MONTHS, i 50. SUNDAY TIMES. ONE YEAR, ... : $i 5 0. SIX MONTHS, .... • 75. FULL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE, COMMERCIAL REPORTS OF ALL THE LARGE MARKETS. Special attention given to the SAVANNAH MARKET. Reliable quotations of Cotton, Produce, Naval Stores and Stocks and Bonds. OUR MOTTO. The interests of Savannah, Georgia, the South, and the Country. ALL THE DEPARTMENTS ARE COMPLETE. Editorials on current topics, independent in opinion and vigorous in expression. The cream of the news from our exchanges. A LOCAL DEPARTMENT, FRESH, SPARKLING AND NEWSY. effort spared to keep the Daily Times in the front rank of Journalism. Communications addressed to B. H. RICHARDSON, Editor and General Manager. TIMES Steam Printing Establishment. Our JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with the Latest Styles of Typs, and is prepared to execute orders for Mercantile, Commercial AND RAILROAD PRINTING! Os every description, promptly and at reasonable prices. SEND FOR ESTIMATES AND SPECIMENS. A FIRST-CLASS BINDERY. BLANK BOOKS LEDGERS, DRAY BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, Manufactured in the very best style. Binding of every description done in a superior and substantial manner. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. SAVANNAH TIMES PUBLISHING GO., B. H. RICHARDSON, President and General Manager. 94 Bryan St., - - Savannah, Ga. LEGAL DIRECTORY. T T. M. NOBWOOD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 111 Bay street, up stairs. W. 8. Chibholm. R- G. Erwin. CHISHOLM A ERWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Xberoorn street, cor. St. Julian and Bryan. Wm. Gabbard. P. W. Mbldbim. Emh.b Newman. GARRARD 4 MELDRIM, Law Offices, 135 and 137 Bay street. R. R. Richabdb. Wm. M. Hbywabb. RICHARDS 4 HEYWARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 8 Drayton street. RUTHS E. LESTEB. THOMAS P. RAVENEL. LESTER * RAVENEL, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, 3 Whitaker st. J. B. BAUBBY~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office, 64 Drayton street. B. A. Dbnmabk. 8. B. Adam» Wm. Lbß. Gignilliat. DENMARK 4 ADAM*, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 105 Bay street. * GEORGE A. MERCER, . Law Office, Corner Drayton and Bryan streets, over Southern Bank. W. G. Chablton. W. W, Mackall. CHARLTON 4 MACKALL, Attorneys-at-Law. Office, corner Bull and Bay streets, Up stairs. ROBERT FALLIGANT, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. Alex. R. Lawton. Henry C.Cunningham Alex R. Lawton, Jr. LAWTON & CUNNINGHAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 114 Bryan street, up stairs. .1 E Wooten. A H MacDoNELL WOOTEN & MACDONELL, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 118 Bryan street. WALLACE W. FRASER, Attorney and Counselled at Law, 118 Bryan Street ISAAC BECKETT, Attorney at Law and Conveyancer. 12 Whitaker street. HENRY MCALPIN, Attorney at Law. Will attend to business promptly at 135 Bay street. H. R. JACKSON. J. L. WHATLEY JACKSON 4 WHATLEY, Attorneys and Counsellers at Law, 118 Bryan Street. M. J. O’CONNOR, Attomey-atr-Law, No. 3 Whitaker street. CHARLES M. TYSON, Attorney-at-Law. 7 Dryaton street,' • Cver Southern Bank. JOHN W. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Over Southern Bank. F. G. DuBIGNON,. Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. WM. CLIFTON, Law Office, No. 1 Bull street, up stairs. J. J. ABRAMS, Law Office, 116 Bryan street. A. MINIS, Jb. Law Office, 5 Drayton street. P. J. O’CONNOR, Law Office, 108 Biyan GEO. E. BE VANS, Attorney-at-Law. Office, corner W'hitaker and Bryan streets, Up stairs. M. A. O’BYRNE, LawOffiee, 108 Bryan street. N. C. COLLIER, Law Office, No, 3 Bull street, up stain. RICHARD F. JOHNSTON, Attorney-at-Law, No. 1 Bull street, up stain. JOS. A. CRONK, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law, ill Bay street. JOHN SULLIVAN SCHLEY, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Bryan st. CHARLES N. WEST, Attorney-at-Law, Bryan street, over Southern Bank. W. HAMPTON WADE, Attorney-at-Law, S. L. LAZARON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 101 Bay street. . Philip M. Russbll. R. Wayne Rurssli P. M. 48. W. RUBSELL, Attorneys at Law, Northeast corner Bryan and Whitaker. s'" CURE FOR FILES. of Piles is bating at nftfit after getting wm»L iKiis Mpleasant sensation is immiwately Sved by an application of hie Remedy. Piles m all forms, Itch, Salt lheum and Ringworm can be permanently tired by the use of this great remedy. Price j 0 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Pii ua, vx Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.