The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 15, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Street Cars in Mexico. Philadelphia Press, When one gets accustomed to it there is no difficulty about finding his way around, particularly as the street cars go about everywhere, and hack hire is very cheap. The street cars are run in trains in Mexico. Instead of leaving the terminus one car each ten minutes, three cars are sent together every half hour. This is not a measure of economy, for each car has two mul s at tached, and although they are never more than half a block apart, there are always two conductors besides the driver. One con ductor takes the money and gives you a ticket, and the other comes around, punches it in the presence of the passengers and puts it in his pocket. They are supposed to be a check upon each other. The street ctr drivers always carry a horn and blow it as they approach a street-crossing, so that there is a perpetual tooting going on. The conductors usually carry revolvers. I don’t know why, except that it is the fashion, for a Mexican would as soon go out of doors without his hat as without his revolver. He doesn’t feel dressed. You see revolvers at the opera, at the cathedral", and when a Mexican calls upon you there is usually a glistening nickel-plated pistol stickingout from under his coat-tail. At the circus the other night every man but one on the row •in front of me had a revolver in his belt. An Enormous Child. Liverpool (Eng.) Post. There is in the little quiet village of Muchalls, about seven miles from Aberdeen, a child whose extraordinary proportions have created the utmost astonishment among all those who have seen him. His size is so enormous that if he continues to develop as at present he bids fair to outstrip the celebrated Daniel Lambert himself. This young leviathan is only six years old, yet he turns the scales at the almost in credible weight o’ 206 pounds. His height is 4 feet 5 inches; circumference of bare chest 50 inches, and circumference of thigh 38 inch is. Muchalls is proud of its prodigy, and he passes among the villagers by the name of the “Infant jumbo.” This giant in embryo has excited great interest through out the north of Scotland, and to a certain extent has made the village of Muchalls famous for its “Infant.” It is a matter of frequent occurrence to see numbers of tourists set down at this out of the way station for the express purpose of “inter viewing” him. Throughout the summer months he is to be seen in the main street of his native village basking in the sun and turning occasionally to play with his little brothers and sisters, a veritable Gulliver among the Lilliputians. The father is a small contractor, and being in comfortable circumstances has hitherto turned a deaf ear to the tempting oilers of showmen. She Started Him. It was late and she had been yawning for half an hour, but he did not take the hint. “I see,” he said, “that Tennyson in his drama speaks of men as God’s trees and women as God’s flowers. It is natural that he should compare wrnie i to flowers, but I Cannot see why he should compare men to ‘trees.” “I can,” she said. ‘You can?’ “Yes ; this is winter, ain’t it?” “It is.” “Well,” she said, with another yawn, as she glanced toward the deck, “the reason he compared men to trees is that trees don’t .leave till spring.” He was on his way home a minute later. M ght Be Worse. Jones—Ail kinds of business seem to have reached their lowest ebb. Smith —Yes. J.—Times are mighty hard. S.—Yes, J. —Things can't be wj worse .B.—O. yes. J.—How so ? S.—Some eminent Englisi. nen might take it into his head to come over here and lecture. She Got the Ear. Chicago News. “Lend me your ear a minute,” remarked Mrs. Brown to her husband the other even ing. “Will you give it back to me ?” he in quired, with mock anxiety. “Os course I will, yeti idiot! Do you .suppose I want to start a tannery?” She got the ear. The Noblest Woman He Ever Saw. Joaquin Miller writes that he has found in New Orleans the noblest woman he ever saw, and he professes to have “seen the world well.” She was born to wealth, re ceived a careful invitation, traveled exten sively in Europe, and at length became poor. She now keeps a little shoe store and works with her father and sister at making the stock. Health is better than wealth, but wealth will bring health, to all sufferers from disease of the kidneys liver and uninary organs, if it is expended in Judicious amounts for the old reliable Hunt s [Kidney and Liver] Remedy Dropsy, Rheumatism and Bright s Disease are immediately relieved by its use. DR. LOWERY’S REMEDY infuses new life in the debilitated; it assimilates with the blood and and supplies that deficiency in the nervous system, which is the cause of debility and physical prostration. It acts on the liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs, aausing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew—when the face re sumes the bloom of health, the eye its lustre »nd the brain its power. This remedy can be obtained of druggists and dealers generally. Price 81.90 per package; three packages, two dollars; sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist tor not take any other. If you cannot obta it send direct, with price, and it will be securely scaled, by mail to your address. Address Depot and Labratory, Dr. Lowery’s Remedies, No. 18 E. Fourteenth St. New York City. Advice free; send stamp for reply. This Idea of Going West to Colorado or New Mexico forpureairtore lleve Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Rosanko s Cough and Lung Syrup for Consumption in fill its first stages. It never fails to give re lief inall cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains n the Chest and all affections that are considered primary to Consumption. Price, I*o cents Sold by Oceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer. 4 THE HARNETT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, Visitors to Savannah, Ga., will find the Harnett House a comfortable and desirable stopping place, where the charges are mod erate, while the uniform excellence of the table is a subject of general remark-.-Chi cago National Hotel Reporter. Idling Piles.*’—Symptoms: Molstur Like perspiration, Intense itching, worse by scratching, most at night, Seems as if pin worms were crawling. “Swayne’s Ointment” ps pleasant, sure cure. THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, ISSS. Closing Out! ’ I I have yet a large stock of goods left, and many fine articles suitable for New Y ear ■ OR Wedding Presents! I am bound to close out the entire stock. , and bargains can therefore be had in Gold and Silver Watches, > DIAMOND GOODS Silver Plated Ware —AND— FINE JEWELRY Os every description. THIS IS 10 Ill! CALL AT ONCE. A. W. MEYER, INVITATION! Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES S. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broug-liton Street. The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in tbecity. The best evidence in the world of the purity and excellence of Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is found in the fact that the fame of this tobacco increasea from year to year. This could not be the case if it were merely “ gotten up to Bell,” or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dients in it Among millions of users of all nationalities, surely some one would find out if it were impure, injurious or unpalatable. For 18 years this tobacco has been acknowledged to be the beet in the world, and every year the Bull Durham brand grows more popular, the demand for -i it wider, and smokers r— ——■* more enthusiastic over its delicious natural flavor- 4ft Ask your dealer for it Get the genuine—trade- HHU mark of the BulJ. q There is no mischief done where I Blackwell’s Bull Durham Wh > Smoking Tobacco is used. -1 GUNS -AND— CUTLERY. ROGERS’ and RUSSELL'S Fine Table Knives, Fine Carvers and Steels, in Sets. A full line of Fine Pocket Knives. A full line of Fine Scissors. 4®-The largest stock of BREECH-LOADING Guns and Rifles ’ Ever offered in Savannah. W For sale Low by PAIAIEH BROS. 148 Congress and 151 St. Ju.ian street COAE I Fresh from the Mines, PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders -by mall, telephone or given to our drivers ■ promptly* attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 144 BAY STREET. BEAUTIFUL ROSES, LOVELY GERANIUMS, EXQUISITE HELIOTROPES, GRAND CHINESE PRIMROSES, FINE PANSY PLANTS, Cut Flowers and artistic Designs, furnished 1 to order at Wagner's Nursery, Thunderbolt road, or GARDNER’S, 30>£ BULL STREET. “Only as Aivertisemant. I ' Don’t Believe It.” r I One halt the public never read an adver tisement, and those who do don’t believe half thatadvertisers say. No wonder, eiiher, for gross exaggeration and misrepresenta tion is now the rule, and square matter of fact statementsare seldom seenln modern ad; vertlsements. This is unfortunate for legiti mate advertisers. Thus, when we advertised the purchase of 850,000 worth of CHICK ER ING PIANOS, in October last, it was said to be “Only an Advertisement,” and hence not true. But all the same IT WAS TRUE. We find, that in advertising the square truth answers our purpose best of all, and when we make a statement we mean it to be a true one. To those who do not know the magni tude of our trade or the immense popularity of the CHICKERING PIANOS, it may seem improbable that we should buy* 850,000 worth I at one purchase, but, “facts are stubborn things,” and in this case they are all on our side. We can’t show the Pianos, for eager buyers have appropriated fully one-third of - them, but we can show the contract with CHICKERING & SONS, and the invoices, which certainly is evidence indisputable. Os course, all these Pianos did not come to Sa vannah. We are Southern Wholesale Agents for the CHICKERING PIANOS with exclu sive control of Five States and our Eleven Branch Houses and countless Agencies took a large number of these Pianos. Large shipments have been made to Savan nah, and we expect to sell about FIFTY direct from our warerooms. Many of our leading citizens have taken advantage of this Special Sale, and given us the pleasure of placing these magnificent Instruments in their homes. We have now in our ware rooms a full line of SQUARES, SQUARE GRANDS, UPRIGHT AND CONCERT GRANDS, which we offer at Factory prices I for Cash, or on our easy Installment Terms. The UPRIGHTS with the new metallic action, seem to be preferred by nearly all purchasers, and they* are certainly the finest and most perfect Instruments that it is pos sible to construct. We ask Pianists and Con nolseures to call and inspect these Superb In struments. Ldh & Bates music m N. B.—The above is only an advertisement, but nevertheless it is true, every* word of it. —FOR— Dunlap’s Fine Hats, KNOX’S FINE HATS, Stetson’s Fine Hats, Fine Dress Shirts, While or Colored KID GLOVES Or Anything Fine in Gemlemen’s Furnishing. GO TO EaFAII’S, 23 Bull street. V ORIGINAL 1 Ife J snos.C.ViLUarns &Co. V RICHMOHP.VA. . FOR SALE BY ; i n mm & son., Comer Bryan & AberconSts. SAVANNAH, - - - GA. INDUSTRIAL MILLS, J. IT. Hennessy, Proprietor. 1 —DEALER IN— , Grist, Meal, Crack Corn, Oats, Brand, Hay and Wood. Residence and Mill northwest corner of Hull and East Broad ORANGES, ETC. JI ST ItECEIVEI)! 200 BARRELS CHOICE POTATOES! EARLY ROSE, PEERLESS, HEBRON, BURBANKS, For Eating, Planting or Selling. APPLES! BALDWINS, PERMAINS, SPYS. 150 barrels FINE STOCK Just in and FOR SALE LOW. OIXTIOINrS, RED AND YELLOW. : Hutter. CJlieese, ! Fresh, direct from the Factory, on which I • can give INSIDE PRICES. : Cocoanuts, Peanuts ■ OH YXOES! The celebrated Indian River Orange BEND ‘ and CRESCENT CITY, noted for their fine ‘ flavor. fcC. J3L Cheatham, 101 liny Street. Telephone No. 273. Red Bananas -AND- COCOANUTS! TO ARRIVE TO-MORROW MORNING : 500 Bunches large Red Bananas. 10.000 Cocoanuts. 50 Crates White Cabbage. IN STORE: Chili Red Potatoes, Seed. Farlvßose “ Peerless “ Goodrich “ “ 240,000 Oranges. J. B. Reedy BAY AND WHITAKER STREETS. ORANGES! Oranges ! Oranges ! 500 Boxes Selected Florida Oranges ! For the Holiday Trade. 300 BARRELS CHOICE APPLES, 100 BOXES SELECTED PEARS, 100 BASKETS GRAPES in 5 and 10it> Baskets, 100 Sacks Virginia Hand-picked PEANUTS, LOWEST BOTTOM PRICES. 49-Now Landing and for sale at W. D. SIMKINS, 16$) Day. CLOTHING. si. jCeVy,” MERCHANT TAILOR, (Under Screven House). Great Reductions in Suitings for the Next 30 Days. Fine English Suiting, made to order, from 825 up. Pants to order from 86 00 up. 49-Call and be convinced. Fit guaranteed on all garments made. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. 4®-All orders will receive prompt attention YOU DONT SAY ? But we do say so, and stick to it that we can do as well and may be better for you than any other house in Savannah. BUSINESS SUITS, 1 APPEL BROS. 6 DRESS SUITS, 3 APPEL BROS. UNDERWEAR, C APPEL BROS. O OVERCOATS, N APPEL BROS. G NECKWEAR, R APPEL BBOS. HOSE, S APPEL BROS. HATS, CAPS, APPEL BROS. S &C„ &C. T APPEL BROS. Sults all well made ! Fits guaranteed 1 Our established reputation must be sustained. Call and be convinced that we are not mak ing empty boasts. 163 Congress St., opposite the Mar ke APPEL BROS. GEO. M. HELMKEN, Variety Bakery. Cor. South Broad and stß'“ ““ is. BREAD, CAKES and PIES of all descrip tion- ... Wedding Parties supplied on reasonable terms with the finest cakes. New England Bread a specialty. None genuine without my label. VARIETY BAKERYr Fresh Baked every day : MINCE, CRAN BERRY, PEACH, APPLE and DAMSON PLUM PIES. Also, fresh variety of FANCY and PLAIN CAKES. VIENNA BREAD A SPECIALTY. 92 BROUGHTON STREET, Branch Store Under Masonic Temple. - JOHN DERST, Proprietor. HAMILTON’S I :o: (OLIAIA. ! IF YOU WANT A FINE Diamond Ring, Lace Pin, ' Ear Drops, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, OR Bracelets, GO TO HAMILTON’S. IF YOU WANT A Ladies’, Gent’s BOY’S WATCH ! I GO TO : HAMILTON’S IF YOU WANT.AN ARTICLE OF ‘ Still fcra t; Christinas! GO IO— HAMILTONS IF YOU WANT THS Latest Styles si Jewelry GO TO HAMILTONS IF YOU WANT A FINE French Clock ! i GO TO HAMILTON’S i -IF YOU WANT ANY ARTICLE OF- F ancy G cods! GO TO HAMILTON’S IF Y’OU WANT First Class Goods! 1 IN ANY OF THE ABOVE LINES GO TO SAMUEL P. HAMILTON’S, Cor. Bull and Broughton Sts. Without Money AND Without Price! We have just issued a most wonderful and valuable new book, which treats of diseases “peculiar to the female sex ” and have spared neither pains nor money to make it worthy the perusal and confidence of the women all over the land. Every mother, wife, sister and daughter in this country is deeply, aye, vitally interested in this grea I work, and should send for it without delay. It will be sent to any address in the United States Free of Cost! Read it carefully, study it well and you will glean from its pages information that may prove more valu able than all the wealth of all the Rothschilds, more precious than all the gems of Europe’s royalty I I! MAI SAVE TO ffl! Give Post Office and write name plainly, and ad dress 1 The Bradfield Regulator Co., P. O. Box 28, ATLANTA GA. GULLIBILITY. * The wild phantoms and shrieking cries of a worth less humbug can make money by imposing upon the credulity and ignorance of an honest public, and the supply of this species of work seems more than an adequate demand. The enunciation of facts —facts that have stood crucial tests —facts proven by brain force and tangi- I ble evidence, should satisfy all laudable enterprises; F but the excrable habit of teaching false ideas and doctrines for self aggrandizement is truly reprehensi ble, and should be scorned by all classes. When we tell the public that B. B. 8., the great Blood Poison Remedy, contains lodide of Potash as one of its ingredients, and when we, as old members of the medical profession, say that lodide of Potash is not a poison, we think it very presumptive for men I outside of the profession to assert that it is a poison. The facts do not warrant such a conclusion, and if I those who make the assertion that Potash is a poison do not know better, they are a set of unenviable ig noramuses. As a solid foundation of heavy masonry has been built for B. B. 8., upon which it is now proudly perched—the broken arches and fallen columns of brazen humbugs will soon be in search of fresh i ‘cock and bull” ttories and jmore printers’ ink, but | merit cannot be downed. Although B. B. B is only one year old, yet its effect —its magical and peerless power over all blood, skin and kidney diseases, has been indelibly enstamped upon the tablets of the memory of thousands here at home, who have been cured after having used hundreds of bottles of other remedies. Compared toother remedies, B. B. B. is the radient i sunbeam of midday, flinging its glittering glare to saddened hearts, while others are pale moonbeams, pushing along through misty meshes of darkness, in search of something they can cure. It cures Blood Diseases and Poisons, Catarr v , Cid Ulcers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Kidney > troubles, etc., and we hold a 32-page book full of evi dence—Atlanta evidence —that cannot be doubted, proving all we claim. Our certificates are not phan tasmagorical, nor far-fetched, but are voluntaiy out bursts of men and women of Atlanta. FOR SALE BY OSCEOLA BUTLER, P SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. HEALTH! Swift’s Specific cured me of rheumatism three months ago, after my physicians had ) exhausted their remedies without giving re lief. C. P. Goodyear, Attorney at Law, Brunswick, Ga. I have been afflicted with rheumatism near ly 40 years, and a few bottles of Swift’s Speci fic cured me. It is a God send to the suffering. J. B. Walter, Thomson, Ga. | I have been entirely relieved of severe rheu matlsm in my right arm by the use of Swift’s Specific, and passed through last winter with out a relapse. Sidney Herbert, Ed. So. Cultivator, Atlanta, Ga. TWENTY YEARS.—I had been a sufferer from rheumatism twenty years; was reduced to a skeleton; could hardly get about, even on crutches. Swift’s Specific has cured me sound and well. Mrs. Ezra Mershon, Macon, Ga. . Swift’s Specific has relieved me of rheuma- I tism which at one time threatened to stop my ministerial work. Rev. W. A. Kirk, Cross Plains, Ala. Swift’s Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. ML. T. QUINAN, Manufacturer of Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale. Sipnons Plain Soda, Etc. Having purchased the business lately con lucted by Mr. F. MEINCKE, at the old stand of Mr. JOHN RYAN, 110 and 112 Brough ton street, I am now prepared to furnish everything in my line at reasonable prices. I will guarantee goods equal to any put up in any part of the United States. Will shortly be prepared to furnish the various Mineral Waters in siphons and bot tles. Having a large number of Fountains, I am prepared to supply those who draw from them Churches, Schools, Benevolent and Chari table Institutions holding Fairs, Festivals or Picnics can be assured of a liberal discount. All orders from the country will receive prompt and careful attention. Telephone No. 252. Thankful for the many favors shown me in the past, I hope, by strict attention to merit the patronage of all my old and many new friends in my “new departure.” M. T. QUINAN. The prettiest goods for men, youths an boys tn the city can be found at B. H Levy <S Wro.’n. __ for the latest style and low prices indents furnishing goods, L Fried’s Is the place