The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 25, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 AMERICAN HUMOR. Supplied by Our Exchanges. Adjutant-General Drum agrees with Gen' eral Howard in the opinion that deserters from the army ought to be branded. They would probably like to be “brandied,” and that is just what is the matter with many of them.—Boston Star. “Yes, sir; after my death the insurance company will come down with $5,000.” “Yes, that’s perfectly proper, but what bothers me to comprehend is how far down they will have to go to settle with you after you have died-”—Judge. Twenty-five Milwaukee milkmen have been arrested at the instance of the Health Commissioner for maintaining nuisances on their premises. If these men were not milk men we might imagine the nuisances were cows. —Chicago News. A Philadelphian went to a physician with what he feared was a hopeless case of heart disease, but was relieved on finding that the creaking sound which he had heard at every deep breath was caused by a little pulley on his patent suspender.—Ex. Nearly all the New York Journals now run an “Answer to Correspondents” column. It seems to be filled chiefly with productions of the young man who writes to know whether he can afford to get married on ten dollars a week.—Philadelphia Chronicle. Mother-Why do you wear your silk stock ings and new shoes on such a muddy day as this, dear? Daughter—For economical reasons mamma. Mother—Economical rea sons? Daughter—Yes, they will save my skirts from dragging.— Detroit Post. Some one has found a petrified village in Nebraska. The prairie dogs stand petrified in front of petrified huts, while various other petrified animals give the community a solid character that is rarely met with in these degenerate days.—N. Y. Tribune. Having noticed that if left to themselves nine children out of ten cultivate a wrong walk, some enterprising Yankee has con ceived the idea of organizing a walking school. Such an institution has been started in Boston, and fills a long felt want.—Ex change. The virtuovs minded Philistine, whose experience of art is that she generally comes in utter nakedness, is anxious to know whether Bartholdi’s is a lady, and if so, whether the French, when they rend her over to us. will send her clothes along.—The Judge. It has been asserted that the pulse of the First Napoleon beat only forty-five times per minute went he went into battle. But this is not strange. With some citizen “colonels” the mere thought of going into battle is enough to make their pulse stop beating.—Phila. Call. “No, sir; no, sir,” he said, as he buttoned his overco it and prepared to leave the car, “there should be no such word as ‘can’t’ with a young man like you ” “Os course not,” growled a man in the corner, “neither with an old nor a young man. The proper word is ‘cannot.’ ” —Ex. VARIOUS ITEMS Os More or Less Interest. Floating sawmills are common on the lower Mississippi. They pick up the drift ing iogs, turn them into lumber, and sell the product to planters along the shore. Large numbers of colored people, who emigrated to Kansa - a year or two ago, now find the climate too severe, and are re ported to be leaving for New Mexico and other points to the Southwest. The newly discovered tin mines of Rock bridge county 7 , Va, extended over an area 8 miles in length by one in width, and some of the ore taken out has yielded from 50 to 60 per cent, of metal. “Kid glove” oranges, grown in Florida, are so called because when peeled they are so dry that one can eat them while wearing kid gloves without damaging the gloves in the least. They are small, aromatic in fla vor, an d of the Mandarin variety. The death of Muyamaua, who for a long series of years occupied the position of Prime Minister to the Kings of Zululand, re moves from the scene the most powerful chief in the country. While bathing he was seized with cramp in the stomach and a total collapse of his strength, followed by delirium. The record of the amount of public money received by British peers and their relatives since 1850 stands: Dukes, £9,760,000; Mar quises, £8,905,050; Earls, £48,181.202; Vis counts, £11,241,202; Barons, £31,126,188; total, £108,614,632. Among the Dukes, the Duke of Beaufort has had the greatest num ber of relatives provided for by the public; among the Marquises, theMarquisof Watei ford; among the Earls, the Earl of Kimber ly; among the Viscounts, Viscount Strahal lan; among the Barons, Lord Carrington. In English country houses the gentlemen go to the smokingroom after the ladies have retired. On these occasions “smoking suits” are worn. When at Sandringham re cently only one man came in without such a suit; the rest chaffed him and said the next time he came in his swallow-tail they would tear it ofl his back. The next night they kept their word. After they had finished, he threw the rags into the lap of one of his persecutors, saying: “This is your coat. I went into your rcotn after you had changed your clothes and put it on. I’m going away in the morning, so I’d advise you to telegraph your tailor to send you down a ready-made ‘stop-gap’ till he can maxe you another-’” Frank Cushing, who has lived among the Zuni Indians, who speaks their language, and, as has already been stated, was adopted into a Zuni family, in a lecture delivered in New York a few evenings since described a Zuni story-teller and the formula with which he invariably commences bis stories of his ancestors. “In beginning his tale he lights a cigarette,” said Mr. Cushing. “It might be supposed that this is a custom which he has learned from the Europeans, but on the contrary it was the natives who taught the Spaniards the use of the cigar ette, and frcm the Spaniards we get the custom. In a cave which I discovered on the Rio Colorado I found, with other relics of its former inhabitants, thirteen cigarettes which must have been from 700 to 900 years old.” Just as Good. Many unscrupulous dealears may tell you they have remedies for Coughs and Colds equal in merit and In every respect just as good as the old reliable Dr. Bosauko Cough I and Lung Syrup, unless you insist upon this remedy and will take no other, you are liable to be greatly deceived. Price 50 cenis and 81. 1 Eoidby Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer, THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1885. CLOSING III! For ten days yet you have a chance to get immense bargains in Waltham Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, Diamond Goods, Plated Silverware, Spectacles, and many articles suitable for presents. These are not shoddy auction goods, but first-class. The stock must be sold, and the prices will sell them. A. W. MEYER, 120 BROUGHTON STREET, nmnoii! Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES S. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broug-hton Street. The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents In thecity. nnrnirnmTrnnmnnYinnwi™ We have spent over 8100,000.00 in defending our right to the Durham Bull as our trade-mark. Undoubtedly he is to-day the most valuable Bull in the world. Now it stands to reason that we couldn’t afford to protect him so thoroughly if * BLACKWELL’S BULL DURHAM To bacco, of which he is the representative, wasn’t the BEST Smoking Tobacco ever made. The salee of Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco far exceed those of any other brand in the world, simply because it has been, is, and will be, the best that can lie made. All dealers have it Look for trade-mark of the Bull on every package. IHlllllUHlliiiiueiamminmiGinß COAE ! Fresh from the Mines, PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders by mail, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 144 BAY STREET. BEAUTIFUL ROSES, LOVELY GERANIUMS, EXQUISITE HELIOTROPES, GRAND CHINESE PRIMROSES, FINE PANSY PLANTS, Cut Flowers and artistic Designs, furnished to order at Wagner’s Nursery, Thunderbolt road, or GARDNER’S, 30% BULL S TREET- I O! t SALE. A CHANCE FOR k Splendid Investment -IN- Mb Property !: Floriia. Two elegant houses located in the centre of St. Augustine, one containing six rooms, the other twelve rooms, with a store. - ALSO— ONE HUMDRED AND FIFTY ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS in the suburbs of St. Au gustine, Apply to VENANCIO SANCHEZ, in the Sbuare.St. Augustine. Linen collars, latest styles, standing and turn-down, reduced from 15 to 10 ce at L. Fried’s. s» cm Dr. L. A. Guild, Atlanta, says: B. B. B. cured Wm. Sealock of a terrible case of Scro fula, which affected the entire elbow joint. ANOTHER CASE. East Point, GA., April 2,1884. My wife has been afflicted with a terrible form of Scrofula for over fifteen years. Phy sicians exhausted their skill, and numerous patent medicines were used without benefit. Her condition grew worse—her appetite failed, attended with debility, emaciation, falling out of the hair and a frightful breaking out of the skin. Her bones became very much dis eased and painful (some calling it white swell ing), with sleepless nights and a general feel ing of horror. Some friends said that B. B. B. would cure her. I procured it and placed her upon Its use, and to the utter astonishment of all who knew her, the recovery was rapid and complete. It acted as a powerful tonic, gave her a splendid appetite and acted upon the kidneys. A few bottles did the work. The action of B. B. B. was decidedly quick, and the medicine cost but little. I advise my friends to use It as a blood purifier. Yours truly, R. M. LAWSON. Blood Poison. Mr. A. P. W., of Hampton, Ga., has recently emerged from one of the most remarkable cases of Blood Poison on record. His body and limbs had no less than four hundred small ulcers—his bones tormented him with pains—his appetite failed—his kidneys pre sented frightful symptoms—and all doctors and one hundred bottles of the most popular blood Poison remedy failed to give nim re lief. He secured B. B. 8., the concentrated quick cure, and five bottles healed the ulcers, relieved his pain, cured liis kidneys, restored his appetite, and made him a healthy, happy man. Any one can secure his full name and correspond with him. FOR SALE BY OSCEOLA BUTLER, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Almost a Miracle! A REMARKABLE STORY. A few days ago a gentleman of "high standing in Atlanta met Dr. J. Bradfield on the street, and the following, in which all ladies are deeply in terested : “For the past eighteen months my wife has been an invalid, caused from womb trouble, cessation of mense’, etc., and I have tried everything! could hear of in the way of medicine, and have had several of ou best physicians attending her. to one of whom (calling him by name) I paid one hundred and sixty-three dol lars. Instead of improving or getting any relief, she gradually grew worse, and I had almost given up hope, and really did not believe she would ever get up from an invalid’s bed; but a friend of mine who knew of the case suggested the use of Bradfield’s Female Regulator, and although he stated that he knew of a similar case being cured by it, and endorsed it highly himself, I was so discouraged I did not believe it would do her any good; but as a last resort! bought a large bottle of it. and she began taking it, and from tne very first a marked change took place. She begun to improve rapidly, her appetite returned, her whole system was built up, snd to-day she is as well and sound as ever in her life, and I am under lifelong obligations to you and your remedy, for it undoubtedly saved her life;” and he added, “I wish every lady in the world so af flicted would try it, as I know it cure them.” We Claim and can Prove Beyond a Doubt, by the highest and most undoubted testimony, That this Remedy will cure all womb troubles. T hat this Remedy will cure luchorrhoea or whites. That this Remedy will restore the menstrual functions That this Remedy will stop excessive monthly flow. That this Remedy will relieve painful menstruation. That this Remedy will build up the system as a tontc. That this Remedy’ will cure all famale disorders. “CHANGE OF LIFE.” If taken during this period, so critical, it stands without a rival. Send for our Treatise on Woman. Mailed free to any address. The Bradfield Regulator Co, Atlanta, Ga* SCROFULA! A girl in my employ has been cured of con stitutional scrofula by the use of Swift’s Spe ciflc. J. O. McDaniel, Allatoona, Ga. (This gentleman is the fat her of the Governor of Georgia.) Vanderbilts millions could not buy from me what Swift’s Specific has done for me. It cured me of scrofula of 15 years standing. Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Acworth, Ga. TETTER.—After suffering with Tetter for eleven years, and having all sorts of treat ment, I was relieved entirely by Swift’s Spe cific. L. H. Lee, Dawson, Ga. SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE.—I was brought to death’s door by a combination of eczema and erysipelas, from which I had suffered for three years. Was treated by sev eral physicians with iodide potassium, which seemed to feed the disease. I have been cured sound and well by the use of Swift’s Spe cific. Mrs. Sarah E. Turner, Humboldt, Tenn. Swift’s Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treat ise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At anta. Ga., or 159 W. 23d Street, New York. SET®! Gold and White SEED RICE! FOR SALE BY TO THE New Orleans J EXPOSITION r I I . Ths Savannah, Flsrida S i i : Westsrn Railway 1 Will sell Round Trip Tickets between Savan nah and New Orleans, commencing Decem ber 15, for 821 55, good for 15 days. Fast mall train leaves Savannah 7:01 a. m dally, arriving at New Orleans at 7:45 the so lowing morning. Pullman Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Cars without change from Waycross to New - Orleans in close connection with same ser vice on above train from Savannah. Tickets sold, Pullman car accommodations secured and information given at BREN’S Ticket Office, 22 Bull street, and at the Pas senger stations, foot of Liberty street. TICKETS 1 1 TO i Orhans Eph ; —A N D— ' BETURN, s>3l 55. GOOD FOR 15 DAYS . Will be on SALE at CENTRAL RAILROAI Ticket Offices, 20 Bull street and at the Depot, on and after DECEMBER 15th. Also at all Coupon Tick et Offices of the Central Railroad OF Georgia System. 1 I Winter Excursion A N D Tourist Tickets Are also on sale to THE EXPOSITION. For rates, sleeping car accommonation and other information, apply at ticket office oi Central Railroad, 20 Bull street, Savannah,Ga GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent, 20 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. M. T. QTJIINAN, Manufacturer of Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale. Sipnons Plain Soda, Etc. Having purchased the business lately con ducted by Mr. F. MEINCKE, at the old stanc of Mr. JOHN RYAN, 110 and 112 Brough ton street, I am now prepared to fnrnisi everything in my line at reasonable prices. I will guarantee goods equal to any put up it any part of the United States. Will shortly be prepared to furnish thi various Mineral Waters in siphons and bot tles. Having a large number of Fountains, I an prepared to supply those who draw from their Churches, Schools, Benevolent and Chari table Institutions holding Fairs, Festivals or Picnics ean be assured of a liberal discount. All orders from the country will receiv< prompt and careful attention. Telephone No. 252. Thankful for the many favors shown me in the past, I hope, by strict attention to merit the patronage of all my old and many new friends in my “new departure.” NT. T. QUITVA.IN. Take If you wish Irish Potatoes of any variety, to eat, to plant, or to sell, send your orders to F. M. WEVEE & CO., Brokers in Fruits. Vegetables and General Merchandise, No. 8 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. And they will have them filled promptly from best stock and at the very lowest mar ket prices. , . Quotations furnished at any time with pleasure. Correspond with them or give them a call Dentistry. J. D. Lanier, 136 Broughton street, is de voting special attention to Gold Work. Un’i Witth tian (§) A? / Iff wtw 328081 MLB WATCHES 111 4 Gents’ Silver Watches LADIES’GOLD WATCHES 809080 Bovs’ ‘•■iiVH' Matches gwy .) Was 3 # \ J ® Watch s for Everybody. 8070601 W&tesb of ill Grades ad Prien. S.P. HAMILTON, Cor. Bull ind Frougliton Sts. Saiannah, Ga. KESTUARANTS AND BARS. •* 1 Ths h of the m —and— F jri Don’t Fail to Remember Iff WHEN YOU— p Wish to Get a First-Class Mea£ SERVED UP IN SUPERB STYLE, fe AT U FreiU Hicks’ Restauranf SUCCESSORS TO W. 13. .L p err eI f Nos. 11 and 12 Market Basement. L «S*Our best commendation comes from otr Regular Boarders. L Prompt attention, polite waiters and a 13 iL of Fare unsurpassed. /! I OYSTER & CHOP tc T. H. Enright,Prop P Cor. Broughton and Drayton Sts. Open for the Season. Eenovated and Ini's proved, and the MOST ATTRACTIVE REs] TA GRANT In the South. If. NEW YORK OYSTERS and F THE FINEST NORTHERN DELI® OUS CHOPS, Etc. 1| COOKING UNEXCELLED «e*Everythlng Served In the Best Sty? and at Reasonable Prices.-®)! j 49*Superb Cuisine, Attentive Walters, art the Best in the Market.*®) P < 4a > CLOTHING. ft M. LEVY, I MERCHANT TAILOR. I (Under Screven House). Great Reductions in Suitings f„ c the Next 30 Days. ‘J Fine English Suiting, made to order, fro 825 up. Pants to order from 86 00 up. 1 <if-C'all and be convinced. Fit guaranti f on all garments made. AIUST MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOC" MS*All orders will receive prompt attentic YOU DONT SAY f But we do say so, and stick to it that v 4 ean do as well and may be better for you thi i any other house in Savannah. J BUSINESS SUITS, 1 APPEL BROS, f 6 DRESS SUITS, 3 APPEL BROS. J UNDERWEAR, C APPEL BROS, k O f OVERCOATS, N APPEL BROS. 1, G I' NECKWEAR, R APPEL BBOS. |l E j| HOSE, S APPEL BROS. | HATS, CAPS, APPEL BROS, f AC., Ac. T APPEL BROS. '' Suits all well made ! Fits guaranteed! 0:4. established reputation must be sustalne I Call and be convinced that we are not mak'z 1 ng empty boasts. » 163 Congress St., opposite the Mark'll APPEL BROS. I TO THE PUBLIC. ( Having secured the services of MR. T. $ McELINN, I have annexed the I Flambing and Gas Fittirj to the TINNING BUSINESS, and am prL pared to execute orders in either branch 11, moderate figures. Respectfully, P. H. KIERNAN, l ' President, oetwjen Whitaker and Barnan 1 Streets. I 60S. T. HECKEi & (t 170 Bay 'j SAVANNAH, GA. i 1 hnr’s Supsrlati?6 Pitt?. Wj tai bin t bl!-hw F>iv i hi SiS is Pas. I very best Marrowfat Peas,! 81 80 cash per bushel. THORBUHN’S best Philadelphia Exta. Early Peas, at 83 25 cash per busbel. / FOR SALE AT J. GARDNEIi’S SEEDSMAN, 30J4 BULL STREET. u JOHN H. CABINET MAKER < r —AND— e UNDERTAKER, LIBERTY STREET, (Under Masonic Temple.) An assortment of CASES and CASKETS 3 and a stock of UNDERTAKER’S GOODS' ’ always on band. Telegraphic orders promm ly filled. Residence: Gordon and Lincoln streets. MULES FOB SALE' At Dr. Cox’s Stable, West Broad street. ACCLIMATED and warranted’ SOUND. ' L. NL. TtYALS.