The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 26, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. Remarkable Statement of Personal Han ger and Providential Escapr. The following story—which is attracting wide attention from the press —is so remark able that we cannot excuse ourselves if we do not lay it bffibre our readers, even though its length would ordinarily preclude its ad mission to our limited space: To the Editor Rochester (N. Y.) Democrat. Sir— On the first day of June, 1881, I lay at my residence in this city surrounded by my friends and waiting for death. Heaven only knows the agony I then endured, for words can never describe it. And yet, if a few years previous any one had told me that I was to be brought so low, and by so terrible a disease, I should have scoffed at. the idea. I had always been uncommonly strong and healthy, and weighed over 200 pounds, and hardly knew, in my own ex perience, wiiat pain or sickness were. Very many people who will read this statement realize at times that they are unusually tired and cannot account for it. They feel dull pains in various parts of the body and do not understand it. Or they are exceedingly hungry one day and entirely without appe tite the next. This was just the way I tell when the relentless malady which had fas tened itself upon me first began. Still 1 thought nothing of it; that probably I had taken a cold which would soon pass away. Shortly after this I noticed a heavy, and at times neuralgic, pain in one side of my head, but as it would come one day and be gone the next, I paid little attention to it. Then my stomach would get out of order and my food often failed to digest, causing at times great inconvenience. Yet, even as a physician, I did not think that these things meant anything serious. I fancied I was suffering from malaria and doctored myself accordingly. But I got no better. I next noticed a peculiar color and odor about the fluids I was passing—also that there were large quantities one day and very little the next, and that a persistent froth and scum appeared upon the surface, and a sediment settled. And yet I did not realize my danger, for, indeed, seeing these symp toms continually, I finally became accus tomed to them, and my suspicion was wholly disarmed by the tact that I had no pain in the affected organs or in their vi cinity. Why I should have been so blind I cannot understand. I consulted the best medical skill in the land. I visited all the famed mineral springs in America and traveled from Maine to California. Still I grew worse. No two physicians agreed as to my malady. One said I was troubled with spinal irritation; another, dyspepsia; another heart disease; another, general debility; another, conges tion of the base of the brain, and so on through a long list of common diseases, the symptoms of many of which I really had. In this wav several years passed, during which time I was steadily growing worse. My condition had really become pitiable. The slight symptoms I at first experienced were develojied into terrible and constant disorders. My weight had been reduced from 207 to 130 pounds. My life was a burden to myself and friends. 1 could re tain no food on my stomach, and lived wholly by injections. I was a living mass of pain. My pulse was uncontrollable lu my agony I frequently fell to the floor and clutched the carpet, and prayed for death. Morphine had little or no effect in ing the pain. For six days and night 1 had the death premonitory hiccoughs constantly. My water was filled with tube casts and albu men. I was struggling with Bright’s Des ease of the Kidneys in its last stages. While suffering thus I received a cal; from my pastor, the Rev. Dr. Foote, at that time rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, of this city. I felt that it was our last inter view, but in the course of conversation Dr. Foote detailed to me the many remarkable cures of cases like my own which had come under his observation, by means of a reme dy, which he urged me to try. As a practi cing physician and a graduate of the schools, I derided the idea of any medicine outside the regular channels being in the least bene ficial. So solicitous, however, was Dr. Foote, that I finally promised I would waive my prejudice. I began its use on the first day of June, 1881, and took it according to directions. At first it sickened me; but this I thought was a good sign for one in my debilitated condition. I continued to take it; the sickening sensation departed and I was finally able to retain food upon my stomach. In a few days 1 noticed a decided change for the better, as also did my wife and friends. My hiccoughs ceased and 1 experienced less pain than formerly. I was so rejoiced at this improved condition that, upon what I had believed but a few days before was my dying bed, I vowed, in the presence of my family and friends, should I recover I would both publicly and privately make known this remedy for the good of humanity, wherever and whenever I had an opportunity, and this letter is in fulfillment of that vow. My improvement was constant from that time, and in less than three months I had gained 26 pounds in flesh, became entirely free from pain and I believe I owe my life and present condition wholly to Warner’s Safe Cure, the remedy mhich I used. Since my recovery I have thoroughly re investigated the subject of kidney difficul ties and Bright’s disease, and tbe truths de veloped are astounding. I therefore state, deliberately, and as a physician, that I be lieve “more than one-half the deaths whi:h occur in America are caused by Bright’s disease of the kidneys.” This may sound like a rash statement, but 1 am pre pared to fully verify it. Bright’s disease has no distinctive symptoms of its own, (in deed, it often develops without any pain whatever in the kidneys or their vicinity,) but has the symptoms of nearly every other common complaint.. Hundreds of people die daily, whose burials are authorized by a physician’s certificate as occurring from “Heart Disease,” “Apoplexy,” “Paralysis,” “Spinal Complaint,” “Rheumatism,” “Pneumonia,” and other common com plaints, which in reality is from Bright’s disease of the kidneys. Few physicians, and fewer people realize the extent of this dis ease or its dangerous and insidious nature. It steals into the system like a thief, mani fests its presence if at all by the commonest symptoms and fastens itself upon the consti tution before the victim is aware of it. It is nearly as hereditary as consumption, quite as common and fully as fatal. Entire fam ilies, inheriting it from their ancestors, have died, and yet none of the number knew or realized the mysterious power which was removing them. Instead of common symp toms it often shows none whatever, but b-ings death suddenly, from convulsions, apoplexy or heart dis ease. As one who has suffered, and knows by bitter experience what (he says, I implore every one who reads these words not to ne- THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, MON’D Y, JANUARY 26, 1885. glect the slightest symptoms of kidney dif ficulty. Certain agony and probable death will be the sure result of such neglect, and no one can afford to hazard such chances. I am aware that such an unqualified statement as this, coining from me, known as I am throughout the entire land as a practitioner and lecturer, will arouse the sur prise and possible animosity of the medical profession and astonish all with whom I am acquainted, but I make the foregoing sta’e ments based upon facts which I am prepared to produce and truths which I can substan tiate to the letter. The welfare of those who may possibly be sufferers such as I. was is an ample inducement for me to take the step I have, and if I can successtully warn others from the dangerous path in which I once walked, I am willing to endure all professional and personal consequence. J. B. Henion, M. D. Rochester, N. V. Dec. 30. CLOSING OUT I For ten days yet you have a chance to get immense bargains in Waltham Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, Diamond Goods, Plated Silverware, Spectacles, and many articles suitable for presents. These are not shoddy auction goods, but first-class. The stock must be sold, and the prices will sell them. A. W. MEYER, 120 BROUGHTON STREET. Il™ Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES SILVA, Lyons Block, »4O Broughton Street. The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in theclty. fwwrnmrnmwDiKßn iTvmvn The best evidence in the world of the purity and excellence of Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is found in the fact that the fame of this tobacco increases from year to year. This could not be the case if it were merely “ gotten up to sell," or had any dubious or dangerous ingre dients in it. Among millions of users of all nationalities, surely some one would find out If it were impure, injurious or unpalatable. For 18 years this tobacco has been acknowledged to be the best in the world, and every year the Bull Durham brand grows more popular, the demand for *■ l '■ it wider, and smokers •————J more enthusiastic over its delicious natural flavor. JBF& Ask your dealer for it. Get the genuine—trade- kM mark of the BuJJ. w-lv ■■■ * There is no mischief done where Oft Blackwell’s Bull Durham Insfr . . . Smoking Tobacco is used. BEAUTIFUL ROSES, LOVELY GERANIUMS, EXQUISITE HELIOTROPES, GRAND CHINESE PRIMROSES, FINE PANSY PLANTS, Cut Flowers and artistic Designs, furnished to order at Wagner’s Nursery, Thunderbolt road, or <JA KI) XEi rs, 3014 BULL S TREET- COAL ! Fresh from the Mines, PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders by mail, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 11l BAY STREET. To be convinced call around and see L Fried’s before making your purchases else where, as the price and quality of goods sells tsel f. For the latest style and low prices In gent’s urnishing goods, L. Fried’s is th.. place. to the New Orleans EXPOSITION #21.555. Ths Savannah, Florida & Western Ratay Will sell Round Trip Tickets between Savan nah and New Orleans, commencing Decem ber 15. for s2l 55, good for 15 days. Fast mail train leaves Savannah 7:01 a. m daily, arriving at New Orleans at 7:45 the so lowing morning. Pullman Buffet Drawing Room Sleeping Cars without change from Way cross to New Orleans in close connection with same ser vice on above train from Savannah. Tickets sold, Pullman car .accommodations secured and information given at BREN’S Ticket Office, 22 Bull street, and at the Pas senger stations, foot of Liberty street. TICKETS TO h Orbs: Esposito -A N D— BETUBN, s2l 55. GOOD FOR 15 DAYS. Will be on SALE at CENTRAL RAILROAT Ticket Offices, 20 Bull street and at the Depot, on and after DECEMBER 15th. Also at all Coupon Tick et Offices of the Central Railroad OF Georgia System. Winter Excursion A N D Tourist Tickets Are also on sale to THE EXPOSITION. For rates, sleeping car accommonation and other information, apply at ticket office ol Central Railroad, 20 Bull street, Savannah,Ga. GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. J. C. SHAW, Ticket Agent, 20 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. At. T. Manufacturer of Soda, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale, Sipnons Plain Soda, Etc. Having purchased the business lately con ducted by Mr. F. MEINCKE, at the old stand of Mr. JOHN BYAN, 110 and 112 Brough ton street, 1 am now prepared to furnish everything in my line at reasonable prices. I will guarantee goods equal to any put up it any pari of the United States. Will shortly be prepared to furnish the various Mineral Waters in siphons and bot tles. Having a large number of Fountains, I am prepared to supply those who draw from them Churches, Schools, Benevolent and Chari table Institutions holding Fairs, Festivals or Picnics can be assured of a liberal discount. All orders from the country will receive prompt and careful attention. Telephone No. 252. Thankful for the many favors shown mt in the past, I hope, by strict attention to merit the patronage of all my old and many new friends in my “new departure.” T. QUINAN. Take IVotice. If you wish Irish Potatoes of any variety, to eat, to plant, or to sell, send your orders to F. M. WEVER & CO., Brokers in Fruits. Vegetables and General Merchandise, No. 8 Bull street, Savannah, Ga. And they will have them tilled promptly from best stock and at the very lowest mar ket prices. Quotations furnished at any time with pleasure. Correspond with them or give them a call Dentistry. J. D. Lan’er, 136 Broughton street, is de voting special attention to Hold Work. Wita’s W Column J/ 328081 orc « mo S B i ,3..., a. r - T-.i'.'t Gents' Silver Watches LADIES’GIILI) WATCHES willy k. 809981) Boys’ Silv ■. Wches pW 9 7 \k ® -J/ Watch s for Fierybody. JWSJSSB'N wWry 8070601 We i! ta ici Hees. S.P.IIAMILTON, Cor .Bull and Broughton Sts. Savan.fiah, Ga. BESTUARANTS AND BARS. Ttoriu 1 ths City’ A N D Don’t Fail Io Remember It! WHEN YOU— Wish to Get a First-Class Meal, SERVED UP IN SUPERB STYLE, AT M Bs’Maurani, SUCCESSORS TO W. B. Ferrell, Nos. 11 and 12 Market Basement. WOtu- best commendation conies from oar Regujar Boarders. Prompt attention, polite waiters and a 818 of Fare u SiIEfHST OYSTER & CHOP HOUSE. T. I I. Enriglit,Propr, Cor. Broughton and Drayton Sts. Open for the Season. Penovated and Im proved, and the MOST ATTRACTIVE RES TAURANT in the South. NEW YORK OYSTERS and THE FINEST NORTHERN MEATS! DEI 10 OUS CHOPS, Etc. COOKING UNEXCELLED! aa-Everything Served in the Best Style and at Reasonable Prices.*®# WSuperb Cuisine, Attentive Waiters, and the Best in the Market.*®# CLOTHING. M. LEVY, MERCHANT TAILOR, (Under Screven House). Great Reductions iu Suitings for the Next 30 Days. Fine English Suiting, made to order, from §25 up. Pants to order from §6 00 up. 4S~Uall and be convinced. Fit guaranteed on all garments made. MUST MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. O-All orders will receive prompt attention ¥OU DONTSAY? But we do say so, and stick to it that we can do as well and may be better for you than any other house in Savannah. BUSINESS SUITS, 1 APPEL BROS. 6 DRESS SUITS, 3 APPEL BROS. UNDERWEAR, C APPEL BROS. O OVERCOATS, N APPEL BROS. G NECKWEAR, R APPEL BBOS. HOSE, s" APPEL BROS. S HATS, CAPS, APPEL BROS. S &C., &C. T APPEL BROS. Suits all well made ! Fits guaranteed! Our established reputation must be sustained. Call and bo convinced that we are not mak ing empty boasts. 163 Congress St, opposite the Marke APPEL BROS. TO THEPUBLIC. Having secured the services of MR. T. I. McELINN, I have annexed the Plumbing and Gas Fitting to the TINNING BUSINESS, and am pre pared to execute orders in either branch at moderate figures. Respectfully, P. H. KIERNAN, President, oetireen Whitaker and Barnard Streets. 17S Bay SAVANNAH, | GsA. ?iita’i Mit bin tosf'i Ittiw Ptow Gnat M ii Peas. THORBURN’S very best Marrowfat Peas, 81 80 cash per bushel. THORBURN’S best Philadelphia Extra Early Peas, at 83 25 cash per busbel. FOR SALE AT J. (;A H O NER ’ S SEEDSMAN, BULL STREET. JOHN 11. FOX, CABINET MAKER —AND— UNDERTAKER, LIBERTY STREET, . (Under Masonic Temple.) An assortment of CASES and CASKETS and a stock of UNDERTAKER’S GOODS, always on hand. Telegraphic orders prompt ly filled. Residence: Gordon and Lincoln streets. MULES FOOALE At Dr. Cox’s Stable, West Broad street. ACCLIMATED AND WARRANTED SOUND. L. M. ItYA-LS. LEGAL DIRECTORY. T?M. NORWOOD, Attorney and Counsellor at Tmw, 111 Bay street, up staira W. 8. Chisholm. R. G. Ebwih. CHISHOLM * ERWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Abercorn street, cor. St, Julian and Bryita. Wm. Gabbakd. P. W. Mblbrim. Emtj b Nkwman. GABBARD A MELD RIM, Law Offices, R. B. RicHAnns. Wm. M. Heywabb. RICHABDS & HEYWARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 8 Drayton street. aUFUS K. LESTER. THOMAS P. RAVENEL. LESTER A RAVENEL, Attorneys and Counsellors-at*Law, 3 Whitaker st J. R. BAUSBY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office, 6J Drayton street. B. A. Dbnmark. 8. B. Adais Wm. Lbß. Gignilliat. DENMARK & ADAMS* Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 105 Bay street. GEORGE A. MERCER, Law Office, Comer Drayton and Bryan streets, over Southern Bank. W. G. Charlton. W. W. Mackall, CHARLTON 4 MACKALL, Attorneys-at-Law. Office, corner Bull and Bay streets, Up stairs. ROBERT FALLIGANT, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. P. J. O’CONNOR, Law Office, 108 Biyan street. GEO. E. BEVANS, Attorney-at-Law. Office, corner Whitaker and Bryan streeta, Up stairs. M. A.~(PBYRNE, Law Office, 108 Bryan street. N. C. COLLIER, Law Office, No. 3 Bull street, up stairs. RICHARD F. JOHNSTON, Attorney-at-Law, No. 1 Bull street, up stairs. JOS. A. CRONK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ill Bay street. JOHN SULLIVAN SCHLEY, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Bryan st. CHARLES N. WEST, Attorney-at-Law, Bryan street, over Southern Bank. ~ W. HAMPTON WADE, Attorney-at-Law, S. L. LAZARON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 101 Bay street. Philip M. Russell. R. Waynb Rubsell P. M. & R. W. RUSSELL, Attorneys at Law, Northeast corner Bryan and Whitaker. Alex. R. Lawton. Henry C.Cunningham Alex R. Lawton, Jr. LAWTON & CUNNINGHAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 114 Bryan street, up stairs. J E Wooten. A H MacDONELL WOOTEN & MACDONELL, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 118 Bryan street. WALLACE W. FRASER, Attornev and Counsellor at Law, 118 Bryan Street ISAAC BECKETT, Attorney at Law and Conveyancer. 12 Whitaker street. HENRY MCALPIN, Attorney at Law. Will attend to business promptly at 135 Bay street. H. R. JACKSON. J. L. WHATLEY JACKSON & W’HATLEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 118 Bryan Street. M. J. O’CONNOR, Attorney-at-Law, No. 3 Whitaker street. CHARLES M. TYSON, Attorney-at-Law. 7 Dryaton street, ■ C ver Southern Bank. JOHN W. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Over Southern Bf.nk. " "f. G. DuBIGNON, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs, WM. CLIFTON, Law Office, No, 1 Bull street, up stairs. J. J. ABRAMS, Law Office, 116 Bryan street A. MINIS, Jb. Law Office, 5 Drayton street. CLUE FOR PILES. of Piles is tming at after getting Wiis gpleasant sensation is immejSatelv Jved by an applicatien of Dn Bosank>s ’lie Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itch. Salt lheum and Ringworm can be permanently ,-ured by the use of this great remedy. Price >0 cents. Manufactured by The Dr, Bosanko Medicine <k>„ Pi-;ua, v. Sold by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.