The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, January 27, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Couldn’t Itemember Whether It Was Botts or Typhoid that Got the Old Lady. Merchant Traveler. Old man Blunken had been sorely af flicted, and a friend met him some weeks after. “Ah, Mr. Blunken,” he said, “I hear that your wife recently died.” “Yes, she went on before, about three or four weeks ago, think it was,” replied the old man, meditatively. “That was v*ry, very s 'd." “You are right it was, and besides I had bo much other trouble at the same time.” “Ab, indeed! What was the matter with Mrs. B.?” “Fact is, I’ve had so much trouble I hardly know anything. There was my best mule, he died, and my Alderney cow, she pegged out, and the same day my wife went. It was botts and rinderpest and typhoid fever that took ’em off', but to save my poor wretched soul, I don’t remember whether it was botts or typhoid that got the old lady. If you had been called on to endure the domestic affliction I have, you could under stand how that sort of thing unbalances a a man with an affectionate disposition.” A Dancing Master’s Cunning Device to Make His School Attractive. Exchange. An uptown dancing master did not have the success he desired in tilling up his class es, anti caused it to be known that he would engage a lot of ballet girls to act as partners tor the ensuing evenings in the giddy waltz After that his rooms were crowded with pupils ranging in age from 15 to 60, the elder ones claiming that their wives wanted them to brush up a little on the modern dances so they could attend club hops together. The younger pupils finally “kicked” because the • old fellows mono polized the partners so much, and threaten ed to put a flea in the bald heads’ wives ears unless they will do the fair thing and only waltz every other time. The Nicaraguan Treaty. Hartford Post. The usual cracker barrel lyceum at Spig got’s grocery opened with Si Slipshod in the chair. “This 'ere Nicaragua treaty kind o’ ketches me. That ’ere canal, now, will be the bo’S thing ter send ships right across ter Californy. No more goin’ round the Horn.” “O’ course that’d be pop’larwith you, Si,” remarked old Chummy, as he put in aa ex tra cud. “Why with me mor’n anybody else?” “ ’Cause you never could go round a horn, you couldn’t; ye always take ’em straight, ye know, Si.” The Place to Sit When Married. A countryman and his bride applied at the box office for t'ckets. “Orchestra chairs, pnrquette or family circle?” asked the ticket seller. ‘•Which’ll it be, M-iriar?” said the groom. “Well,” she replied with a blush, “bein’ as now we’re married, p’rhaps it would be properer to set in the familv circle.” Sweet Gum and Mullein. The sweet gum, as gathered from a tree ot the same uame, growing along the small Streams In the Southern States, contains a Stimulating expectorant principle that loos ens the phlegm producing the early morning cough, and stimulates the child to throw on the false membrane in croup and whooping cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein plant Os the old fields, presents in Taylor’s Chero kee Remedy of Sweet unm and Mullein, the flnest known remedy for coughs, croup, Whooping cough and consumption; and so palatable any child can take it. Ask your Uruggist for it. Send two-cent stamp for Taylor’s Riddle Book, which is not only for the amusement of the little ones, wno will gather around your knee to hear the puzzling questions, but contains Information for the fiealth and welfare of every home. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, propri etor Taylor’s Premium Cologne. Atlanta, Ga. New Channels for Profitable Business The remarkable developments in electricity Within a comparatively recent period, has opened up many new avenues of profit and comfort. One of the latest phases in this line has been adapted to practical and popular use by Frederick Lowey, the enterprising electrical manufacturer of 96 and 98 Fulton street, New York, whereby he brings a com plete model Incandescent Electric Lamp within the reach ofall, and also produces a superior Plating Battery with instructions for operating by amatuers, which will secure a handsome business Income on very slight investment. For family or experimental purposes alone, or as a practical, scientific and business educator to the young, these articles are worth several times their cost, outside of any profit that can be made, and the manufacturer Is certain!}- entitled to much credit for placing them within popular reach. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit can be Cured by Administering Dr. Haines’ Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea Without the knowledge of the person taking It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, Whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee Without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from its adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and estlmonlals sent free. Address Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. Ridge, Mclntosh County, Ga. Dr. J. Bradfi»ld—Dear Sir: I have taken Beveral bottles of your Female Regulator for Talling of the womb and other diseases com bined, of ifiayears standing, and 1 really be lieve 1 am cured entirely, for which please ac oept my heartfelt thanks and most profound Bratitude. I know your medicine saved my fe, so you see I cannot speak too highly in In its favor. I have recommended it to sev eral of my friends who are suffering as I was, Yours, very respectfully, MRS. W. E. STEBBINS. Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Box 28. Atlanta, Ga. * * * Solomons’ Cough andJCold Remedy has a more Immediate and decided beneficial effect uponthe Throat, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs than any other known remedy. It perma nently cures Coughs, Colds, Dryness, Tick ng of the Throat and Breathing Tubes, and tevents their development into that dread disease Consumption. IKMr. Charles H. Blun,Mr. Andrew H. Charl k»n and Major L. M. Mclntosh and other well Known citizens of Savannah and elsewhere, have given highly favored testimonials, and We are permitted to refer to them. SOLOMONS A CO., Proprietors, Savannah, Ga. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a receipt that will cure you, free of charge, This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. INMAN, Station D, New York City. YOUNG MEN!—READ TH I The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, lo men (young or qld( afflict ed with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, ana many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is Incurred, as thlry days’ trial is al lowed Write lor them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1885. CLOSING OUT! For ten days yet yon have a chance to get immense bargains io Waltham Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, Diamond Goods, Plated Silverware, Spectacles, and many articles suitable for presents. These are not shoddy auction goods, but first-class. The stock must be sold, and the prices will sell them. A. W. MEYER, 120 BROUGHTON STREET. ■M Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods Crockery House JAMES S. SILVA, Lyons Block, 140 Broughton. Street. KB- The largest variety of medium priced goods for Holiday or Wedding Presents in thecity. iiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiinfr Tell the children to cut out and save the comic silhouette pictures as they appear from issue to issue. They will be pleased with the collection. - ll This space is owned by BLACKWELL’S BULL. Os course we mean the famous anima! appearing on the label of every genuine package of Black well’s Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Every dealer keeps this, the best Smoking Tobacco made. None genuine without trade-mark of the Bulk BEAUTIFUL ROSES, LOVELY GERANIUMS, EXQUISITE HELIOTROPES, GRAND CHINESE PRIMROSES, FINE PANSY PLANTS, Cut Flowers and artistic Designs, furnished to order at Wagner’s Nursery, Thunderbolt road, or GABDMGR’S, 30X BULL STREET- COAL ! Fresh from the Mines, PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders by mall, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 144 BAY STREET. PANS Y PLANTS. 50 CENTS PER DOZEN. VIOLET CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS, 81 per dozen. ■ VERBENA PLANTS, 75c. per dozen. LILY, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, 25c. per doz. LILY, EASTER PLANTS, 81 per dozen. . CUT FLOWERS AND DESIGNS. At Wagner’s Nursery, >2/ Road, or H JV H2D JST E R ’ S , 30>$ Bull Street ~ TO THE PUBLIC. Having secured the services of MR. T. J. i McELINN, I have annexed the Plumbing and Gas Fitting ' to the TINNING BUSINESS, and am pre pared to execute orders in either branch at ' moderate figures. Respectfully, P. H. KIERNAN, President, between Whitaker and Barnard Streets. SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES 94 BRYAN STREET, Savannah, - - Georgia. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ONE YEAR, $6 00. SIX MONTHS, 3 .o- THREE MONTHS, ..... I so. SUNDAY TIMES. ONE YEAR, ... - 50- SIX MONTHS, .... ; 75. FULL TELEGRAPHIC SERVICE, COMMERCIAL REPORTS OF ALL THE LARGE MARKETS. Special attention given to the SAVANNAH MARKET. Reliable quotations of Cotton, Produce, Naval Stores and Stocks and Bonds. OUR MOTTO. —The interests of Savannah, Georgia, the South, and the Country. ALL THE DEPARTMENTS ARE COMPLETE. Editorials on current topics, independent in opinion and vigorous in expression. The cream of the news from our exchanges. A LOCAL DEPAB-TMEINT, FRESH, SPARKLING AND NEWSY. effort spared to keep the Daily Times in the front rank of Journalism Communications addressed to B. H. RICHARDSON, Editor and General Manager. TIMES Steam Printing Establish.. Our JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked zith the Latest Styles of Typ. is prepared to execute orders for Mercantile, Commercial AND RAILROAD PRINTI. Os every description, promptly and at reasonable prices. SEND FOR ESTIMATES AND SPECIMENS. A FIRST-CLASS BINDERY. •RT ■ A KT~K BOOKS LEDGERS, DRAY BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, Manufactured in the very best style. Binding of every description done in a superior and substantial manner. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. SAVANNAH TIMES PUBLISHING GO., B. H. RICHARDSON, President and General Manager. 94 Bryan St., - • Savannah, Ga. Hamilton’s Watch Cota J/ [■l J ; 323081 WS’ t-DU MB - - 'zap f lite?.-?, ' ■' ’>-=»/// \ <el?.. ... ... Gents’ Silver Watches WiOwl LADIES’t; >i.DWATCBBS [f fy Hi k 809880 Boys’ Shvr Watches X® =©> ° A bkwm J fel / y ll Watches for Everybody, 8070601 S.P.HAMILTON, Cor.Bull and Broughton Sts. Savani; ah, Ga. LEGAL DIRECTORY. T. M. NORWOOD, Attorney and Coumellor at Law, 111 Bay street, up stairs. W. 8. Chisholm. R. G. Ebwim. CHISHOLM A ERWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Aberoorn street, cor. St. Julian and Bryan. Wm. Gabbard. P. W.Mblduim. Emit.b Nfiwmam. GARRARD A MELDRIM, Law Offices, 135 and 137 Baystreet. R. R. Richards. Wm. M. Heyward. RICHARDS A HEYWARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 8 Drayton street. RUFUS E. LESTER. THOMAS P. RAVENEL LESTER A RAVENEL, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, 3 Whitaker st J. R. SAUSSY" Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office, 6J Drayton street. B. A. Denmark. 8- B - Adams Wm. LbS. Gignilliat. DENMARK A ADAM#, | Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 105 Bay street. GEORGE A. MERCER, Law Office, Corner Drayton and Bryan streets, over Southern Bank. W. G. Charlton. W. W. Mackall. CHARLTON A MACKALL, Attorneys-at-Law, Office, corner Bull and Bay streets, Up stairs. ROBERT FALLIGANT, Law Office, 120 Brysn street, up stairs. ~ P. ». O’CONNOB, 1 Law Offioe, 108 Bryan strert. GEO. E. BEVANS, Attorney-at-Law. Offloe, corner Whitaker aud Bryan streets, Up stairs. M A. O’BYRNE, Law Office, 108 Bryan street. N. C. COLLI ER, Law Office, No. 3 Bull street, up stairs. RICHARD F. JOHNSTON, Attorney-at-Law, No. 1 Bull street, up stairs. JOS. A. CRONK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ill Bay street. JOHN SULLIVAN SCHLEY, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Bryan st. CHARLES N. WEST, Attorney-at-Law, Bryan street, over Southern Bank. 1 W. HAMPTON WADE, Attorney-at-Law, S. L. LAZARON~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 101 Bay street. ■’hilipM. Russbll. B. Waynb Russell P. M. & R. W. BUSSELL, Attorneys at Law, Northeast comer Bryan and Whitaker. Alex. B. Lawton. Henry C.Cunningham Alex R. Lawton, Jr. LAWTON & CUNNINGHAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 114 Bryan street, up stairs. .1 E Wooten. A H MscDonell WOOTEN A MACDONELL, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 118 Bryan street. WALLACE W. FRASER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 118 Bryan Street ISAAC BECKETT, Attorney at Law and Conveyancer. 12 Whitaker street. HENRY McALPIN, Attorney at Law. Will attend to business promptly at 135 Bay street. H. R. JACKSON. J. L. WHATLEY JACKSON A WHATLEY, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 118 Bryan Street. M. J. O’CONNOR, Attorney-at-Law, No. 3 Whitaker street. CHARLES M. TYSON, Attorney-at-Law. 7 Dryatorrstreet, - Cver Southern Bank. JOHN W. WILBON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Over Southern B r nk. ' F. G. DuBIGNON, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. WM. CLIFTON, Law Office, No. 1 Bull street, up stairs. J. J. ABRAMS, Law Office, 116 Bryan street aTjhnib, Jr. Law Offioe, 5 Drayton street CURE FOR PILES. --jiWirWteWYinptom of Piles is tiling after getting waj«L «bis Xtpleasant sensation is immegmtely Kved by an application of Drr ’ile Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itch, Salt lheum and Ringworm can be permanently .■ured by the use of this great remedy. Price >0 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, o. Sold by , Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer,