The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, February 01, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 OUR NAVY ABROAD. The Unltei States Steamer Lancaster Cre ating a Stir in Society A correspondent of the Paris News, writ ing from Villefranch, says: One of the most charming matinees of the season took place yesterday on board the L’tncaster as she lay at anchor in tiie lovely harbor of Villefranche, only half an hour’s drive from Nice. The day was clear, bright and beau tiful, as all days ate at Nice. So a pleasant time was sstured, as the affair was to be from 2 until 5 o’clock, and “on deck.” The Promenade des Anglais was crowded with stylish equipages, outriders gayly dressed— matrons and mademoiselles and cavaliers, while all were wending their way towards “the ship,” and along the picturesque drive by the sea that leads in that direction. Ar riving at the landing, we were met by Lieut. J. B. Jackson, Jr., who was assigned the re sponsible position of meeting the guests as they stepped from the carriage and seeing them safely deposited in one of the many , gayly de< orated lifeboats, which had been equipped and manned by twelve stalwart seamen, whose duty it was to land us along- 1 side cf the Lancaster as she lay far out from : the shore. The deck had been beautifully draped,in the national colors, and flags from every nation was festooned and wreathed so as to form a covering from wind and sun. A band discoursed sweet music and fairy forms i and feet swept the decks to the lovely waltz music. A dainty repast refreshed the inner | man, and all proclaimed in favor of the de lightful parlies given by Admiral English, I Captain Potter and the officers of the Lan- I caster. The American colony was fully re- I presented, as well as many French officers with their families, and English friends as , well. Mrs. English and daughter I received the numerous guests in her I usual gracious manner, wh.le (ap- I tain Potter and the Admiral , were übiquitous in spreading their atten- I sons among all. Among those present I were Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wilson (Con- j sul); Misses Mullhall, from St. Louis; Miss j Hanley, Mrs. Niles, Kev. Thomas Connell, ' Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and family, Mr. j Hasleins, Mr. Lovett, Mrs. Goddard and I family, Mrs. and Miss English, Mr. and I Mrs. Spruance and Miss Spruance and Mr. I H. Spruance, Jr., Lady Caton, the Prefect, | and others. I Another matinee is announced for the I 22d, and promises rare features of enter- | tainment, as it will probably be the lasi j before the Lancaster sets sail for the Congo, I where she has been ordered early in Feb- | ruary. Bon voyage, say one and all, with hopes of a speedy return, AN INSULTED BROKER Demands an Apology or Blood—He Gets i the Apology. New York Special. With a recent challenge to a duel fresh in the memory of the members of the New York Produce Exchangi, there was a gen eral air of expectancy yesterday morning that the monotony of buying and selling was to be varied in the settlement of a “little unpleasantness” between E. Burton Hart and William Willis Merrill, both speculators and brokers in Exchange mem bership certificates Mr Hart is over six I feet tai', and proportionately well bui t while Mr. Merrill is below the mediuu height, slightly built, and with a bent form Mr. Hart is said to be an excellent swords man and not a good pistol shot, while Merrill is credited with being an expert with the pistol, but not strong enough in his arms to thrust or parry with the sword Hence, it was expected that a duel would be fought with pistols. Mr. Hart has been speculating in Pio duce Exchange cert’ficates for some tin e, and is said to have rut. contracts for a number on call at 413,100, and many more, “buyers’ option.” at £3,400. The price now being quoted above the latter figure he is a “bear,” while Mr. Merrill is a “bull,” on these certificates. Hart on Monday told several members th it certificates were too high, that cholera was sure to visit this city next summer and that the percentage Os mortality among the members of the Ex change would be so great as to depreciate the surplus of the gratuity fund. Merrill offered to bet £100 that the number of deaths would not exceed fifty, whereupon Hart became incensed, shook his finger in Merrill’s face, and in addition to other strong epithets called h'm a “thief,” a “rob- j ber” ami a “pawnbroker.” Merrill warned him that tnere would be a settlement outside of the Exchange building The members | yesterday’ watched for the coming of the two men with deep interest. Everybody was | surprised to see them come upon the floor I about the same time and exchange saluta- j tions. Mr. Merrill afterward said that Mr. I Hart had extended a semi-apology for his attack, but he had not decided whether or ; not he would submit a complaint to the Board of Managers. ♦ “ROUGH ON COUGHS.” Ask for “Rough on C< ughs.” for Cough Colds, Sore Throat, He arene ss. Troches 15c. Liquid, 25c STRANGE WORLD THIS And some funny people in it, too. You have all come in contact with some that are never satisfied. They grumble from morning until night—we heard a man even grumble in bed. That man would grumble at any thing and every thing, without reason; but this week we heard a gentleman grumble with good reason. He bought a suit of clothes and paid a I good old fashioned price for it, and, hap pening to come into the “Famous,” he was shown a suit of the same class of goods, and our price was $8 less than he had paid. That gentleman had good rea son to find fault, and grumbled at his bad luck; but it will be a good lesson to him, and he will buy of the “Famous” next time. We are through taking stock, and now comes our annual clearing sale. We will sell you anything in our line at manufacturers’ cost. Our prize system has worked charmingly, and we made dozens of people happy by giving them prizes. We will keep it up. Call, and we will not only give you better goods, cheaper than you can buy any where, but give a prize to every twentieth purchaser in the bargain. “Famous,” 140 Congress street. Iching Piles.”—Symptoms: Moisture Like perspiration, Intense Itching, worse by scratching, most at night, seems as if pin worms were crawling. “Swayne’s Ointment” Isa pleasant, sure cure, THE SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1885. CLOSING OUT ! For ten days yet yon have a < hance to get immense barga ins in Waltham Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, Diamond Goods, Plated Silverware, Spectacles, and many articles suitable for presents. These are not shoddy auction goods, but first-class. The stock must be sold, and the prices will sell them. A. W. MEYER, 120 BROUGHTON STREET, nimim ; Call and see the handsome display OF Holiday Goods AT Crockery House JAMES S. SILVA, • Lyons Block, 140 Broughton. Street. I ■ Ji. The largest variety of medium priced goods for. Holiday or Wedding in thecity. Pipe smoking is the real test of a tobacco. It is the regal way of smoking. You get more directly at the flavor and fragrance. You take the smoke cooler, and the tonic cleanlier and safer. Pipe smoking is smoking reduced to a fine art. The more the question of adulterated tobacco forces itself on the attention of smokers, the more desirable it becomes to know precisely what you are smoking. In Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking To- bacco you have a guarantee, • always, that it is Nature’s A own unadulterated product. Its fragrance, flavor, and unsurpassed quality,are de d riv.ed from the soil and air. * Try it, and yon will be sat- WJS isjied. None genuine with- out trade-mark of the Bull. All successful Fishermen and Sports men smoke Blackwell’s Bull Durham HA Smoking Tobacco, and they enjoy it ft BEAUTIFUL ROSES, LOVELY GERANIUMS, EXQUISITE HELIOTROPES, GRAND CHINESE PRIMROSES, FINE PANSY PLANTS, Cut Flowers and artistic Designs, furnished to order at Wai>ner’s Nursery, Thunderbolt road, or GAR I)X ER S. 30% BULL STREET’ COAL ! resli from the Mines, ( PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Full and liberal weight guaranteed. Orders ■ by mail, telephone or given to our drivers promptly attended to. Knickerbocker Ice Co., 144 BAY STREET. PAA SY PLANTS. 50 CENTS PER DOZEN. VIOLET PLANTS, 25c. per dozen. CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS, 31 per dozen. VERBENA PLANTS, 75c. per dozen. LILY, STAR OF BETHLEHEM, 25c. per doz. LILY, EASTER I’LANTS, 81 per dozen. CUT FLOWERS AND DESIGNS. A, Wagner’s Nursery,” ;■ thunderbolt Road, or G A ID X E It’ S , 30% Bull Street. Lil Uce in Peas. THORBURN’S very best Marrowfat Peas, , 81 80 cash per bushel. , THORBURN’S best Philadelphia Extra Early Peas, at 83 25 cash per busbel. FOR SALE AT J. GAK DNER ’ S SEEDSMAN, 30% BULL STREET. DANIEL HOGAN, lii order to reduce his winter stock of KID GLOVES, WILL OFFER ON MONDAY MORNING: One lot Jouvln 3-Button Kid Gloves at -50 c, reduced from 75c. One lot Paris 4-Button Kid Gloves at 69c, reduced from SI. One lot Blanche 4-Button Kid Gloves at 81, reduced from 81 25. One lot Constanze Kid Gloves at 8110, reduced from 81 50. One lot Constanze 4-Button Kid Gloves at 8135, reduced from SI 75. One lot Mosquitere 8-Button length at 81 25, reduced from 81 75. One lot Mosquitere 10-Button length at 8175, reduced from 82 50. Ladies' and Gents’ Hosiery I •/ One lot Ladies’ Fancy Brilliant Lisle Hose, reduced from 7.5 c a pair to 50c. One lot Ladies' Black Brilliant Lisle Hose, reduced from 75c a pair to 50c. One lot Ladles’ Brilliant Lisle Ribbed Hose in Black, Garnet ami Navy ut 75c a pair never sold under 81. One lot Ladies Striped Hose, reduced from -54 c a pair to 2-ic. One lot, Ladles’ Solid Colored Hose at 35c, reduced from 50c. One lot Solid Colored Ribbed Hose at,closing price. One lot Gents’ Balbriggan % Hose, Solid Colors, at 25c a pair, former price 37%c. One lot Gents’ Plain Balbriggan % Hose at 25c a pair, reduced from 3oc. 100 doz. Gents' British Seamless % Hose at 12%<• a pair, reduced from 2>c. 50 doz. Children’s Black Ribbed Hose at. 20c, former price 35c. 50 doz. Children’s Solid Black Hose at 25c a pair, former price 37%c. 50 doz. Children’s Fancy Striped Hose at 20c, reduced from 35c. CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ SUITS! I am Closing Ont all Misses’ and Children’s Suits at One-Half of what They were Sold at Last Month. I will sell Children’s Cashmere Suits at 81 each that were 8150. Children’s Cashmere Suits at 81 25 each that were 82. Children’s Cashmere Suits at 82 each that were 82 75. Misses’ Flannel Sulls at 83 75 that were $5 -50. Misses’ Flannel Sults at 85 that were 87 50. Misses’ Flannel Suits at 87 that were 810. Ladies’ an<l Misses’ Cloaks AT A REDUCTION OF FULLY 60 PER CENT UNDER FORMER PRICES. One Lot Ladies' Seal Plush Cloaks REDUCED FROM 835 EACH TO 822 50. 300 BOYS' SUITS to be closed at half price to make room for Spring Stock. of») PIECES EMBROIDERIES fully 50 per cent, under last years prices. DANIEL HOGAN. WE ARE (iEOBES I NOW BBHMB VSr —AND— OPE NI NCx W SIIADES A PULL LINE ’ 3 IN EVERY VARIETY —°F— 2%. _ I fkJMil... —Which we are offering at— GAS FIXTURES VfsK? -and- MANUFACTURERS’ CHANDELIERS. u h i ces. JOHN A. DOUGLASS & CO. Bronghton Street, SAVANNAH. GA. New Goods & Bottom Prices AT A. J. MILLER & Go’s 1111 ii i h fit 1 Cai pet Emporium We have Just received a choice line of CHERRY and ASH BEDROOM SUITS, that we are offering VERY LOW. Also, a line of Bric-a-brac and Novelties in Plush and Leather. , OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT Is still filled with choice lines of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, Lace Curtains, Etc., In all the new designs. It will certainly pay you to look o'uß IdAMMOTH '(STOCK! &S We are determlned t 0 ofi'ersuch bargains as will speedily reduce i Jk. J. MILLER Ac CO.. i 148, 150 and 152, Bronghton Street. Miu’s BU -Column /M\ wMIII 328081 SEWS' WATCHES \ xX'T. .-TT' 0 - A- Gents’ Silver Watches LADIES’6 i WATCHES /12m Bosssa Bays’ Silvu.r Watcher Wanh s lo' Every! <idy. M 3070601 ’■"i'.iu: dI ill Ml ill Nta. S.P.HAMILTON. Cor.Bull and Bronghton Str. Savannah, Ga. I MOTHERS’ FRIEND! This i’ valuable prepa ration is truly a triumph of scientific skill, and no more inestimable benefit was ever bestowed on the mothers of the world. It not only short ens the time of labor and i lessens the intensity of pain, but, better than all, it greatly diminishes the I danger to life of both mother and child, and leaves the mother in a condition hitrhly favor able to speedy recovery, and far less liable to flooding, convulsions and other alarming symptoms incident to lingering and I painful labor. Its truly | wonderful efficacy in j this respect entitles the Mothers’ Friend to be ranked as one of the life saving appliances given to the world by the dis coveries of modern sci ence. From the nature of the case it will of course be understood that we cannot publish certificates con cerning the Remedy with out wounding the delicacy of the writers. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on file, and no mother who has once sed it will ever again be without it in her time of trouble No More Terror! No More Pain! No More Danger'. TO Mother or Child. The Dread of Motherhood Transformed to hope and JOY. I Safety and Ease TO Suffering Woman. A prominent physician lately remarked to the proprietor, that if were admissible to make public the letters we receive, the‘‘Mothers’ Friend” would outsell anything on the market. I most earnestly entreat every female expecting to be confined, to use Mothers’ Relief. Coupled with this entreaty I will add that during a long obstetri cal practice(forty-four years, I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. HOLMES, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Send for our Treatise on “Health and Happiness of Woman,” mailed free. Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. • Bradfield’s Regulator aud Mother’s Friend For Sale by OSCEOLA BUTLER, Corner Bull and Congress streets. Till Ba aai ih Monkey. Once upon a time a man and a monkey chanced to meet on the highway. “Hello, my long-tailed friend,” asked the man, “whither art thou going?” “Bound for de city,” replied the monkey. i “Glad to hear it,” replied the man. “I am going there, too, and we will travel together and be of mutual benefit in case of •danger.” The monkey grinned assent, and both wended their way. “What ails you?” asked the man; “I see you are a sufferer, and can scarcely get along.” “Oh, you see,” replied the monkey, “my mudder, she had what you call scrofula, very much scrofula, my farder, he had heap sores, some big some little sores, long time. They both took much medicine, and when they died the sores was all they left me. “Yes, yes,” replied the man. “I see how it is. Your mother inherited her disease, scrof ! ula, and your father caught his on the wing, and you inherited or was born with both complaints. But why pine away and die when you can be cured.” “I been done used over sixtv bottles one drug store medicine,and it no good. Money all gone and sore here yet. Some doctors charge heap money, but no good.” “But my friend,” said the man, “you got hold of the wrong medicine. Go to the dru store and get one bottle of B. B. 8., and before using all of it you will feel better. It is aquick cure. It will cure all sorts •>!’ sore*, Scrofula, Blood Poison caught on tin wing, Itching Humors, Catarrh. Blood and Skin diseases .m l Kidney Troubles.” “I be so thankful for your kindness, and will go getß. B. B. to-day,” replied the mon- The vemoned shaft hurled at the scrofu lous girl—the pitiless cries of that pale and tender infant writhing and moaning with hereditary blood taint-the groans of that stout m?n confined with running, foul ulc< r> —the wailings of that wife prostrated with the pangs of rheumatism—the excruciating agonies of those suffering from chronic kid ney troubles, the sleepless nights of those children terrified with that itching humor of the skin—the wild and weird appearance of those unfortunate victims to all forms of syphilis -tnese and all other similar diseases indicate an impure condition of the blood, all of which can be cured in an incredibly short time by the use of B. B. 8., the concen trated blood purifier of the day. For sale by OSCEOLA BUTLER, i-iElkju r rii • Swift’s Specific cured me of rheumatism three months ago, after my physicians bad exhausted their remedies without giving re lief. <’. I". Goodyear, Attorney at Law, Brunswick, Ga. I have been afflicted with rheumatism near ly 40 years, and a few bottles of Swift's Speci fic cured me. It is a God send to the sufle. it... J. B. Walter. Thomson, Ga I have been entirely relieved of severe rheu matlsm in my right arm by the use of Swif > Specific, and passed through last winter with- ’ out a relapse. Sidney Herbert, Ed. So. Cultivator, Atlanta,Ga TWENTY YEARS.—I had been a sutfer r from rheumatism twenty years; was reduce! to a skeleton; could hardly get about, even on crutches. Swift's Specific has cured me souid and well. Mrs. Ezra Mershox, Maeou, fei. Swift’s Specific has relieved me of rheur.a tisni whicn at one time threatened to stop m ministerial work. Rev. W. A. Kirk. Cross Plains, All. Swift’s Specific is entirely vegetable. TreaJse on Blood and skin Dis. ses mailed free I The Swift Sff.< . -Co., Atlanta, Gi. £*•». ? JsS. Wholesale an.’ R- mi >,i OSCEOLA BUT LER’S, Corner Bull u.d ( mgress streets. TO TLE JBLICT" ~H , a . yVl X ,s eT c ured the services Jf MR. T. J. McELINN, I have annexed the Plumbing and Gai Fitting to the TINNING BUSINESS and um pre pared to execute orders in d'ther branch at moderate figures. Respekfully, P. I. KIERNAN, President, between ’Whiaker and Barnard Streets Myerson’s 83 00 Shoes jlnnot be beat.