The Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 188?-1???, February 27, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Gold in Nova Scotia. Boston Journal. Nova Scotia is uot generally regarded as a gold producing ciuuiry, yet Biuce the dis covery of gold in 1860, it is said, its mines have produced over $8,000,000 worth of bullion. The mines are leased for twenty-one years, with privilege of renewal, on royalty of two per cent, on the gross yield. Strict account is kept by the mine’s office with every per son holding a prospecting license. From these records it appears that since 1860 for every day’s work expended in the gold fields both for raining and prospecting, an amount of bullion has been produced equal to $2.50 per man, counliug wages at au average of $1 30 per day. The gold is of a very fine quality, being worth on an average over $19.85 per ounce, and frequently S2O The auriferous rock is free milling and yields from $5 to S3OO per ton. Materials for working th* mines are very cheap. Wood averages $1 75 per cord, lumber $6 per thousand and coa 1 $2 50 per ton. Timber is the same price as wood. The Glory of Niagara. Edith: “How nice it would be if we could both go to the same resort next summer I rather expect to go to Saratoga again. It is such a delightful place ; lots of gentlemen there you know.” Eulalia : “Oh, I couldn’t think of it. I am going to Niagara Falls, as usual. The gentlemen are not so numerous there as at Saratoga, but it is ever so much nicer.” “Well, I never was there, but I am sure I would not prefer it to Saratoga.” “Ob, indeed you would. If you spent one season at Niagara yon would never go any where else, especially with vour ma and pa guarding you like hawks.” “But what advantage can Niagara have ?” “The noise of the falls drowns the sound of kissing.”—Philadelphia Call. Some Other Basis. Wall Street News. A young Bostonian who recently went up among the hills of Vermont to get married to a farmer’s daughter was taken to task by the old man as follows : “Now, Jeems, this ’ere match was kinder brought about by you and Susie, and I’ve had no chance to sav anything to you. How much are you worth?” “Weil,” replied Jeems, after some hesita tion, “putting it on the basis of Western Union at fifty seven, lam worth $30,000.” “Stop! young man —stop right thar!” ex claimed the old man. “I want a sounder basis than that! Jist figger on Turnips at seventy-five cents a bushel and see what yer value amounts to!” Great Scheme of an Inventive Man With a Big Head. “Well, my dear, you may go down town to-morrow and pick out a new silk dress and a spring bonnet and hire two more servants and ” “Why, hubby, what has happened?” “Nothi-g, but. I’O b» as rich as Croesus within two weeks.” “What have you done?” “Hired 500 carpenters ” “Dear me! What, tor T’ “Why, to make stilts Don’t you see the snow has b-g nto mett! In It s than two days 1 will have the market full of stilts, and everv man, woman and child will have to have a pair.” H s Qualifl atiens. Bottiou limes. “Here’p a musical salesman advertised for. Why don’t you apj»l v , Ned T’ “I ! Why, I'm not musical.” “Perhaps rot ; but J notice that you can blow your own horn, you’re familiar win bars, your remark' are full of slurs, you’ie always giving co e , a r d all tl e rest.” Ladies find Hunt’s [Kidr-ey and Liver] Remedy invaluable to them because it re lieves them of much of the pain and suffer ing which they are balled upon to bear. Thousands of them bless the day when they first tried it. SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN. The sweet gum, as gathered from a tree oi the same name, growing along the small streams in the Southern States, contains a stimulating expectorant principle that loos ens the phlegm producing the early morning cough, and stimulates the child to throw on the false membrane in croup and whooping cough. When combined with the healing mucilaginous principle in the mullein plant of the old fields, presents in Taylor’s Cnero kee Remedy of Sweet iium and M ullein, the finest known remedy for coughs, croup, whooping cough and consumption; and so palatable any child can take it. Ask your druggist for it. Send two-cent stamp for Tayl ur’s Riddle Book, which is not only for the amusement of the little ones, who will gather around your knee to hear the puzzling questions, but contains Information for the health and welfare of every home. Manufactured by Walter A. Taylor, propri etor Taylor's Premium Cologne, Atlanta, Ga. DR. LOWERY’S REMEDY Infuses new; life in tha debilitated; it assimilates with the blcod and and supplies that deficiency in the nervous system, which Is the cause of debility •nd physical prostration. It acts ou the liver, kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs, causing healthy secretions, thereby stopping waste and building anew—when the face re lumes the bloom of health, the eye its lustre and the brain its power. This remedy can be obtained of druggists aud dealers generally. Price 41.90 per package; three packages, two dollars; sufficient to cure ordinary cases. Ask your druggist for it; do not take any Other. If yon cannot obta it send direct, With price, and it will be securely sealed, by mall to yonr address. Address Depot and Labratory Dr. Lowery’s Remedies, No. 18 E. Fourteenth St. New York City. Advice free; send stamp for reply. Drnnkenness, or the Liquor Habit Can he Cured by Administering Dr. Haines’ Golden Specific. | It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea Without the knowledge of the person taking Reflecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alconolic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their cofl'ee without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. No harmful effects result from Its adminis tration. Cures guaranteed. Circulars and estimonials sent free. Address Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, O. KIN DISEASES-SWAYNE’S OINTMENT “Swayne’s Ointment” cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworms, Sores, Pimples, Eczem so matter how obstinate or long standing. Dentistry- J. D. Lanier, 136 Broughton street, is de voting special attention to Gold Work, Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer, the drug gists, who are always looking after the inter est of their customers, have now secured the ■ale of Dr. Bosanko’s Cough and Lung Syrup a remedy that never fails to cure Colds, Pain In the Chest and all Lung Affections. Fo proof try a free sample bottle. Reg lar size SO cents and ll.—Adv, Clean teeth, healthy gams and a pure breath by uslngl Holmes’ Wash and. Denti frice. Try a boite. WU UIVHIU Mill IIH. MM. Hdlikt », i»w. Almost a Miracle! A REMARKABLE STORY. A few days ago a gentleman of high in At’anta met Dr. J. Bradfteld on the street, and related the following, In which all ladles are deeply in terested : “For the past eighteen months my wife has been an invalid, caused from womb trouble, cessation of raense , etc., and I have t'ied everything! could hear of In the way of medicine, aud have had several of ou ''eat physicians attending her, to one of whom (calling him by f ame) I paid one hundred and sixty-three dol lars. Instead of improving or getting any relief, she gradually grew worse, and I h id almost givn up hope, and really did not believe she would ever get up from an invalid’s bed; but a friend of mine who knew of the case suggested the use of Bradfield’s Female Regulator, and although he stated that he knew of a similar case being cured by it, and endorsed it highly himself. 1 was so discouraged I did not believe it would do her any good; but as a last resort 1 bought a large bottle of it and she began taking it, and from tne very first a marked change took place. She begun to improve rapidly, her appetite returned, her whole system was built up. and to-day she is as well and sound us ever iu her life, and I am under lifelong obligations to you and your remedy, for it undoubtedly saved her life;” and he added, ‘ r l wish every lady in the world so af flicted would try it,as 1 know it cure them.” We Claim and can Prove Beyond a Doubt, by the highest and most undoubted testimony, That this Remedy will cure all womb That this Remedy will cure luchorrhoea or whitea. That this Remedy will restore the menstrual functions That this Remedy will stop excessive monthly flow. That this Remedy will relieve painful menstruation. That this Remedy will build up the system as a tontc. That this Remedy will cure all famale disorders. “CHANGE OF LIFE.” If taken during this period, so critical, It stands without a rival. Send for our Treatise on Woman. Mailed free to any address. The Bradfield Regulator Co, Atlanta, Ga*. Bradfleld’s Regulator and Mother’s Friend For Sale by OSCEOLA BUTLER, Corner Bull and Congress streets. Tl!B iniEIT!" ACTIVE, PASSIVE AND LEGAL KISSES. A Pedestrian Catches the Sound. From time immemorial, no one will prelend to deny the fact that kisses have been held in high repute by both sexes, whether active or passive. It has been decided that a LEGAL KISS implies ACTION on both parties; but when a lady simply consents to be kissed without action of her lips it constitutes only a PASSIVE kiss, a sweet deprived of its nectar. Many long years ago—so says history—the Spanish student Victorian became desperate ly enamored with the personal beauty and fascinating charms of Prosperino, daughter of the King of Naples. There existed a wall, being a line of demarkation between them, which he dare not cross; nevertheless, they managed to exchange sent iments and arrange clandestine meetings. Many times he scaled the wall at night in order to steal a kiss from the fair one while the pale moonbeams were playing upon her classic features, and one time while gazing into the depths of her deep blue orbs, in rapturous ecstacy .lie exclaimed, “PROSPERINO, WHAT HAST MADE THE SO BEAUTIFUL?” “The constant use of a SCIENTIFIC blood purifier,” was her only response. Si ugly ensconced within a moss-embowered and vine-clad veranda, and almost hid from view amid sweet-scented honeysuckles, was seated a fair Atlanta nymph, whose beau tiful dark eyes, alabaster complexion and voluptuous contour, seemed to DAZE the young gent by her side, who ever and anon, while circumnavigating her slender waist, gave her a BUSS and then RE-BUSS, to the amazement of a pedestrian who happened to be passing that beautiful moonlight night. At that moment the lover was heard to ask: “My dear darling Sarah Jane, you are becoming more beautiful every day; your eyes sparkle with more brilliancy, your once pale cheeks have been painted by the roseate hues of nature, and you seem to have entirely regained your health. Will yo tell me the cause of the change?” “I have simply used that wonderfully effec tive blood remedy known as B. B. B.” Thousands of ladies these days attempt to hide the many faults of features and com plexion, while impure and vitiated blood is holding a high carnival among the organic structures of the body. Throw aside your cosmetics and paints, discard your lifetime medicines aud use a purely Scientific Blood Purifier, which acts speedily and effectually, known as B. B. B.—Botanic Blood Balm— which can be had of all druggists at one dol lar for large bottles. It purifies the blood, softens the skin, beautifies the complexion, and adds health and happiness to all. For sale by OSCEOLA BUTLER, Savannah, Ga. Pipe smoking is the real test of a tobacco. It is the regal way of smoking. You get more directly at the flavor and fragrance. You take the smoke cooler, and the tonic cleanlier and safer. Pipe smoking is smoking reduced to a fine art The more the question of adulterated tobacco forces itself on the attention of smokers, the more deeirable it becomes to know precisely what you are smoking. In Blackwell’s Bull Durham Smoking To ■ bacco you have a guarantee, * always, that it is Nature’s L own unadulterated product. Its fragrance, flavor, and unsurpassed quality,are de j rived from the soil and air. J&Nm Try it, and you will be sat. WH M ufied. None genuine with out trade-mark of the Bull. gffliji All successful Fishermen and Sports gUjjH men smoke Blackwell’s Bull Durham EEtafl Smoking Tobacco, and they enjoy it. E. C. PACETTI, No. 33 Jefferson street, cor. State. PRACTICAL WORKER IN Tin Roofing, Gutters, Leaders, Galvanized Iron Cornices. Tin Roofs Repaired. All orders promptlyattended to and satis tion guaranteed. DANIEL HOGAN, In order to reduce his winter stock of KID GLOVES, WILL OFFER ON MONDAY MORNING: One lot Jouvin 8-Button Kid Gloves at 60c, reduced from 75c. One lot Paris 4-Button Kid Gloves at 69c, reduced from 11. One lot Blanche 4-Button Kid Gloves at 81, reduced from SI 25. One lot Constanze Kid Gloves at sllO, reduced from 81 50. One lot Cointanze 4-Button Kid Gloves at 81 35, reduced from 81 75. One lot Mosquitere 8-Buttou length at $1 25, reduced from 81 75. One lot Mosquitere 10-Button length at 8175, reduced from 82 50. Ladies’ and Gents’ Hosiery! One lot Ladies’ Fancy Brilliant Lisle Hose, reduced from 75c a pair to 50c. One lot Ladies’ Black Brilliant Lisle Hose, reduced from 75c a pair to 50c. One lot Ladies’ Brilliant Lisle Ribbed Hose in Black, Garnet and Navy at 75c a pairp never sold under sl. One lot Ladies Striped Hose, reduced from o'Jc a pair to 25c. One lot Ladies’ Solid Colored Hose at 35c, reduced from 50c. One lot Solid Colored Ribbed Hose at 75c, closing price. One lot Gents’ Balbriggan % Hose, Solid Colors, at 25c a pair, former price 37>£c. One lot Gents’ Plain Balbriggan y, Hose at 25c a pair, reduced from 35c. 100 doz. Gents’ British Seamless yC Hose at 12%c a pair, reduced from 25c. 50 doz. Children’s Black Ribbed Hose at 20c, former price 35c. 50 doz. Children’s Solid Black Hose at 25c a pair, former price 37%c. 50 doz. Children’s Fancy Striped Hose at 20c, reduced from 35c.] CHILDREN’S AND MISSES’ SUITS! I am Closing Out all Misses’ and Children’s Suits at One-Half of what They were Sold at Last Month. i will sell Children’s Cashmere Suits at SI each that were SI 50. Children's Cashmere Suits at 81 25 each that were 82. Children’s Cashmere Suits at 82 each that were 82 75. Misses’ Flannel Suits at 75 that were 8550. Misses’ Flannel Suits at 85 that were 87 50. Misses’ Flannel Suits at 87 that were 810. Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks AT A REDUCTION OF FULLY 60 PER CENT UNDER FORMER-PRICES. One Lot Ladies’ Seal Plusli Cloaks REDUCED FROM $35 EACH TO 822 50. 300 BOYS’ SUITS to be closed at half price to make room for Spriug Stock.; 500 PIECES EMBROIDERIES fully 50 per cent, under last years prices. DANIEL HOGAN. FINE RATTAN WARE AT A. J. MILLER & Co’s Furniture and Carpet Emporium. We are receiving an elegant line of Rattan and Reed (hairs, Rockers and Lounges. Also, a choice line of AUSTRIAN BENT WOOD FURNITURE, finely finished in Ebony. BABY CARRIAGES. We are in receipt of new invoices of Baby Carriages, which enable us to replenish our stock and offer the newest designs. Also, new styles of Children’s Cribs and Beds. Our Oarpet Department Is crowded with elegant goods. Milton’s, Velvets, Moquettes, Body Brussels, Tapestry and Kidderminsters, which we shall offer at special prices to make room for our large Im portation of Mattings. # 364 Rolls Fresh China Matting in store, and arriving Jjy every steamer. We shall show nearly liKMjatterns of the finest goods at popular prices. Also, Floor Oil Cloths. Linoleum, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Cornices, &c., &c. our FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Is also filled with new goods in Mahogany, Cherry and Walnut at prices that are very low for first-class work. Parlor Suites, Lounges, Easy Chairs, &c., upholstered to order and satisfaction guaran d A. J. MILLER & CO. Do Not Ruin Your Eey-sight BY WEARING COMMON SPECTACLES. Nine-tenths of all eye disease Is caused by wearing Improper glasses. LcMARE’B Are the most PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL ever offered. They will cause a continuous and abiding improvement in the eyes, aud assist the sight most brilliantly. A. L. DEBBOUILLONB, Importer and Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY and OPTICAL GOODS, 31 Bull Street, Sole Agent. We Aprs the Sunday Lave. Feeling that ONE in SEVEN DAYS should be devoted to pleasure and comfort of ag2 our families. If this can be furthered by the use of Liquors, such as WHISKIES, BRANDIES, Rum, Gin and. Wines, We shall take great pleasure furnishing In quantities of “1 to Va GALLONS,” feeling confi dent “a trial” will Induce continuous orders. E. S. ABRAHAMS Ac CO., DEALERS IN Hides, Wool, &c., &c., and Liquor “Keg” Depot, 170 BAY STREET. 49- “LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES A SPECIALTY.” luik’s Watch Oolumn 323031 m GOLD WATCHES Rents’ Silver Watches 809980 Bays" Silver Wat'lies /%£ * \ at Watch s for Every'ody. 8070601 tah: t! & y:t and Price:. S.P. HAMILTON, Cor.Bali and Broughton Ft*. Savannah, Ga. LEGAL DIRECTORY. T. M. NORWOOD, ==3! Attorney and Coenmllor at Law, 111 Bay street, up stairs. W. 8. Chisholm. R. O. Ekwut CHISHOLM A RRWIN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Nberoora street, cor. St. Julian and Bryan. Wm. Garrard. P. W. Mkldhim. Emils Newman. GABBARD A MELDBIM, Law Offices, 135 and 137 Bay street. R. B. BiohaßDß. Wm. M. Heywabd. BICHABDS A HEYWARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 8 Drayton street RUFUS S. LESTER. THOMAS P. RAVEN EL, LESTER & RAVENEL, Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, 3 Whitaker st J. R. BAUBSY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office, 61 Drayton street. 8. A. Denmark. 8. B. Adams Wm. LbS. Gionilliat. DENMARK A ADAM*. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, 105 Bay street. GEORGE A. MERCER, Law Offioe, lorner Drayton and Bryan streets, over Southern Bank. V. G. Charlton. W. W. Mackall, CHARLTON & MACKALL, Attorneys-at-Law. Office, corner Bull aud Bay streets, Up stairs. ROBERT FALLIGANT, Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. 9. J. O’CONNOR, Law Offioe, 108 Biyan street ~ GEO. E. BEVANS, Attorney-at-Law. 'ffioe, corner Whitaker and Bryan streets, Up stairs, m. a. o’Byrne" Law Office, 108 Bryan street. N. C. COLLIER, Law Office, No. 3 Bull street, up stairs. RICHARD F. JOHNSTON, Attoruey-at-Law, No. 1 Bull street, up stairs. JOS. A. CRONK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 111 Bay street. JOHN SULLIVAN SCHLEY, Attorney-at-Law, 118 Bryan st. CHARLES N. WEjT, Attorney-at-Law, Bryan street, over Southern Bank. W. HAMPTON WADE, Attorney-at-Law, S. YATES LEVY. S. L. LAZARON. LEVY & LAZARON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. 101 Bay street. Philip M. Russell. R. Wayne Russell. P. M. & R. W. RUSSELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Northeast corner Bryan and Whitaker. Alex. R. Lawton. Henry C.Cunningham, Alex R. Lawton, Jr. LAWTON & CUNNINGHAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 114 Bryan street, up stairs. J E Wooten. A H MacDoNELL WOOTEN & MACDONELL, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office, 118 Bryan street. WALLACE W. FRASER, Attornev and Counsellor at Law, 118 Bryan Street ISAAC BECKETT, Attorney at Law and Conveyancer. HENRY MCALFIN, Attorney at Law. Will attend to business promptly at 135 Bay street. H. R. JACKSON. J. L. WHATLEY JACKSON & WHATLEY, Attorneys and Counsellers at law, 118 Bryan Street. M. J. O’CONNOR, Attorney-at-Law, No. 3 Whitaker street. CHARLES M. TYSON, Attorney-at-Law. 7 Dryatoffistreet, - Cver Southern Bank. JOHnIv WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Over Seathe-n B> nk. ' F. G. DußiaNON' Law Office, 120 Bryan street, up stairs. WM. CLIFTON, Law Office, No, 1 Bull street, up stairs. J. J. ABRAMS^ Law Office, 116 Bryan street. A. MINIS, Jr. ” Law Office, 5 Drayton street. CURE FOR PILES. . of Piles is anMlfcnse Wing at after getting nJTlbs flpleasant sensation is iiiinn jflTli lji Kved by an application of I>u Boeank%s *ile Remedy. Piles m all forms, Itch, Salt theum and Ringworm can be permanently tired by the use of this great remedy. Price j 0 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Boeanko Medicine Co., Pi-ua, <a Soid by Osceola Butler and E. J. Kieffer.