Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, December 07, 1917, Image 3
FALL SUITS JS&I jfw . f V jy V\l| \WytopoEs|| / u \c||lf aJI \lsLajw P/ 1 UfH |fv Jt'Tgf I Nji, ir 1 H 11 ’ n In I a y Of. vi N. E. HARRELL PERSONAL and LOCAL The Frank K. Williams home, on Main street is for rent. Apply to itenj. T. Allen. When you want good auto ser vice call on me. 1 have good ears and will appreciate your patron age. T. <l. Hamilton. If. Mr. Newsome Corbett is hurry ing the preparations to rebuild his store, lie is rapidly getting the materials on the ground. He tells the Tribune he will add a second story to I lie building. Mr. ]'. H. Sills, the father of Candler county, now traveling salesman for the M. S. <V I>. A. Byck Co., of Savannah, was in the city Wednesday and made a busi ness call on the Tribune. The Tribune regrets to learn that Mr. Sills is in ill heallh. John Barleycorn made himself obnoxious on the streets Saturday afternoon; in fact, created quite a rueus. Several of his devotees, who participated in the disorderly conduct, appeared before the May or Monday morning and drew fines aggregating S2OO. The Tribune hopes they will be wiser and bet ter citizens in the future. Rev. and Mrs. E. L. I’adriek left Monday morning for the scene of their next year's labor, driving through the country with their horse and buggy. The parsonage is at Eureka, in Bulloch county, and is said to be a new building and well furnished. Glad of their fortunate location, and trusts they w ill-have a year of pleasant labor. PIEDMONT INSTITUTE Prepares for College or University —— mm Christian atmosphere. Trains boys and girls to be efficient men and women. Successful Fall Session; Spring Session opens Jan. 2, 1917. Student activities: School Paper, Athletics, Boy Scouts, Literary Soeities, Music Club. Delightful location in the breezy metropolis of South Geor gia; splendid advantages in literature, expression, music, art, business, teacher, training. 1 For further particulars —— M. O. CARPENTER, Pres. YVaycross, Ga. ______— Vl7 E RESPECTFULLY * call the attention of the Ladies’ Men and Child then of this section to our beautiful Suits which have arrived and ready for your inspection. Some of the best values we have ever had the pleasure of showing. Hats For All Occasions You will find a full line of Hats in sizes and shads to suit. \Ve still have some goods left which were bought befoie the prices advanced, ind as long as last they are going at the old prices Mrs, Viola Stokes and son, of Savanna]), after a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. Jeff Kirkland, left for her home Sunday morning. The injury to Mr. J. O. White's slore by the fire was so slight he has decided to only paint and pen cil the front and retouch the w in dow frames and iroh columns with paint, giving it a fresh appearance Pearson Banking Company is having the front of its building nicely stuccoed. Then, with new plate glass windows and doors and touched up with the painter’s brush, one would never know how narrowly the building escaped from being destroyed by fire. Mr. Wilburn Griffis, who made his home in Arkansas several years ago, was in the city Tuesday afternoon. He has been a guest of his brothers in-law, J. Waller James and Albert J. Lockliear near the old home where he was born and reared, a few miles south of Pearson —his mother having died recently. He appeared to be in very feeble health, but had come here to take the train back home. To our many customers, which we have the honor of dealing with almost daily, and to all of those that we have not had the pleasure of serving as frequent as others, we want te respectfully solicit more of your patronage in the future and cordially invite you to try a bottle of Drew's Salve whenever you or your lit t le ones are affected with croup, head or chest colds, sore throat, tonsilitis or pneumo nia. We, your druggist, take plea sure in recommending Drews’ and stand behind it with our guarantee. I’EARSON TRIBUTE, DECEMBER 7, 1!)17 Dr. B. S. Malone is having a splendid cement walk laid from near the depot to the front of the hotel. It will prove quite a con venience. The Tribune regrets the serious illness of Mr. David Weathers, at his home a short distance east of the city. Trust he will soon be himself again. Hon. J. P. McDonald, of Doug las, was a business visitor to our city Thursday morning. He did not tarry very long; seemed to be in a strut of a hurry. Gome again, Jap, the dogs will not get after you. Prof. Kanky Booth came in con tact with that Dig oak block in front of Mr. H. L. Lankford’s home and bunged up his face a little. He said it was as dark as a “stack of black cats” and he had started up town from the Methodist church. He is now very much in favor of street lights. The insurance adjuster was here last Thursday and succeeded in settling all the fire losses for which the Insurance Companies are re sponsible, except that of Mr. Isi dor Passon. He and the adjustor failed to agree upon the amount of his Joss. A large quantity of Mr. Passon’s goods w'ere burned, scor ched and otherwise damaged by fire and water and, therefore, it is a difficult matter to adjust the loss equitably. It is probable a settlement will be arrived at next week when a thorough examina tion of the damaged stock of goods is made. J udge .Joseph E. Ricketson, who is now located at Daytona, Fla., was in the city Wednesday visi ting among his host of relatives. He came primarily to visit his brother, Mr. Fred Ricketson, who lias been for sometime and is still in feeble health. Glad to see him; he lias always been an enthusiast over the future of Pearson, said she would come into her own by and-by, if the people would unitedly go out after what they wanted and she should have. He is as proud of the success of the new county movement as if he was one us. Glad to hear the Judge is prospering in his new home in the Land of Flowers. Mr. and Airs. Joe Branch and ’son, and Mrs. S. C. Fackler and little daughter, spent Hie week end with relatives and friends at M ill wood. The city election for three conn oilmen, for a term of two years, will be held next Tuesday. Haven’t the least idea who will be elected. The editor spent Monday at Waycross and Honierviile in the interest of clients. Superior court was in session at Waycross and county court at Honierviile. The following letter explains it self: “Dear Santa Claus —please bring me a nice dross and some fruit for Christmas. 1 have been a good girl. Your little girl, Hula Mai nor, Pearson, Ga.” 'The editor hopes Santa will grant Miss Eu la’s very sensible gifts. The Pearson singing class met at the editor's home Wednesday night for practice. He was glad the young people came; their cheerful voices was a benediction to him and made him feel that life was still worth the living. They are always welcome. Their next weekly meeting will be at the home of Mr. W. J. Peon. Messrs. Walter and Warren Dickerson, of Honierviile, were in the city Wednesday. They mo torn! over and the latter carried the ear back home, while the form er remained to w ind up the year’s operations oil his farm two miles north of the city, and to t ansaef other business. He left on Hie af ternoon train for Waycross where he was to meet with the legal ad visory board for the fifth senator ial district under the new con scription regulations. The editor, in company with many friends along lbs run, learns with profound regret that Con ductor Fred Wiggins is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. In point of service, lie was doubtless, among the oldest conductors in the employ of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and there is none more trustworthy. The editor esteems. Mr. Wiggins as a personal friend and trusts that his illness is not so serious as has been reported. Farmers of Coffee county, if they have not already done so, should clean np their fields and destroy as many boll weevils as possible. The best way to accomplish this is to plow under all old stalks and burn around logs, stumps and all fence jams, if they can reset all rail fences it will pay them to do so. There is a great demand for cotton and the South is expected to supply it. Branch’s Restaurant J. O. BRANCH, Propr. w MEALS AT ALL HOURS Fish and Oysters in Season NEXT DOOR TO HENRY CORBETT'S STORE professional (Tar6s Db. henry p. smith Pearson, Georgia Office Jn Post Office Building J. S. MORRIS, M. 1). Pearson, Georgia Office in Morris Drug Co. Store. G. JI. M I NGLKIX )BFF ATTORNEY AT LAW Pearson, Georgia Practice In all the Courts. State and Federal B. T. ALLEN ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELOR Offices In the Allen building, Pearson, Georgia. Will do a general practice in Htate and Fed eral Courts. 1)R. B. S. MALONE, Office In Malone Block !)I '' TO THE EBPLE OF PEARSON -9HO ATKINSON COUNTY.. WE have rented offices in the N. E. Harrell building for the purpose of handling REAL ESTATE We want you to come around and meet our Mr. McNab, who will be located here, beginning NEXT SATURDAY and we assure you that any trust you lend us will be well jtaken care of, we have experience in this business and expect to live here and do business with you, and want your personel influence and support. BOWLING and McNAB REAL ESTATE DEALERS PEARSON, : GEORGIA Special Attention Given to Phone Orders Attention, Ford Owners W E SELL GENUINE FORD-MADE PARTS ___ at .st rict ly Ford prices which assures you :l better grade a material and workman sliip for less money. When you need a new part for your Ford make a point to use genuine Ford made material and you will get a maximum amount of service from your car. Avoid imita tions. Compare our prices with others. FIELDS & MIZELL Authorized Fonl Dealers DOUGLAS, GEORGIA Tires and 1 übes for Ford Cars Carried in Stock FORD SUPPLY CO.i i f LOYD BROWNiNG, Proprietor “ | I Carry a Full Line of Ford Parts j i i All Orders iven Prompt Att e r.tit n I 1 Gasoline and Oil For Sale i i i SUPPLY ROOMS JN SMITH’S GARAGE FACING A. C. L. RAILROAD | I ~” i Georgia!