Pearson tribune. (Pearson, Ga.) 191?-1955, December 14, 1917, Image 4
Ml HimilMlT I beg to announce to the people of Pearson and Atkinson county that lam now permanently located in the new Pafford building where I will be glad to meet my old as well as new friends and fill their wants in the way of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, Etc I \ I fi^i; \ | In fact I will carry one of the most complete lines of General Mer chandise of any store in this section, as the storeroom that I am now oc- copying furnishes ample room for this r~ I » j purpose. I jj J : J i When in town drop into my store and / i \ get prices. It is a pleasure for us to show goods whether you wish to make a pur- XA chase or not. PEARSON BARGAIN HOUSE PEARSON, i__PAssoN,p r opHe t o r GEORGIA PEATTSOX TTUBT T XE, DECEMBER 14,1917