Newspaper Page Text
See the advertisement tf West
& Son on the second page of this
ise of the Tribune
FOE SALE —One mule weigh
ing about 800 pounds, in good con
dition. For further particulars,
call at Pearson Hardware Store, tf
The Tribune is glad to announce
that the siek at the Methodist par
sonage are convalescent and, un
less something unforeseen inter
venes, will soon be themselves
The Ordinary, Clerk and Sheriff
of Atkinson county will occupy
offices in thepaliord concrete build
ing until a permanent home can
be provided for them. They will
have exeedingly comfortable quar
There is a number of reasons
why Pearson housekeepers should
buy their Christmas cakes ready
'baked, one of which is you buy
them iacaper than you can buy
the ingredients and bake them
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vann, and
little Julia, of Wayeross, were
week end visitors to her mother
and sister, Mrs. James and Mrs.
Malone respectively. Mr. Y.urnn
is in the wholesale grocery business
at Wayen ss.
Dr. C. A. Kirkland has been
honorably discharged from the
army and is new at home, lie
was in tht‘ Hospital corps, at < amp
Upton, X. \ and making ready to
go across when the armistice was
signed. He says "army life is
Miss Emily Curies returned Sun
day morning from Berlin, Colquitt
county, where site went in answer
to a call account of iekuess. She
was accompanied by a younger sis
ter, who is expected to remain
here until the school ck'M" or the
Clue rev. holidays
Atkinson county's Ordinal,v
elect, J. Wesley Roberts, and
Sheriff-elect i'.iias 1). Cogg. , i
were in the city Monday afternoon
looking out for a home for the new
county's officers when the business
machinery is put in motion on
Wednesday, January Ist.
Judge J. f. Summerall will be
authorized by Gov, Dorsey to
swear n the Atkinson county
officers, and he will visit Pearson
January Ist for It.
the meantime the officers elect
should perfect their bonds <o there;
will be no hitch in the ceremony
Mrs. J. M. McDonald, who ha
been ill for quite a long time, died
last Saturday afternoon. Her re
mains were buried in the family
buriai ground iigar home at
Axson. The Tribune Sympa
thizeswith her two sons and three
daughters, who survive her in
their sorrow.
It is given out from Atlanta, by
I>. W. Hints, the State Superinten
dent, that the Atkinson County
Sunday- School Convention will be
held in the school auditorium at
Pearson, on Saturday and Sunday.
March the 15th and lGth. 1919.
Didn't know there was such an
The editor and daughter, Eu
genia, went to Valdosta Saturday
to attend the funeral and inter
meat of one of his mother's sist rs,
Miss Margeret Eliza Vv'hib.ku.
She bad attained the age of 84
years. Her pastor, Dr. A. L.
Johnson, of the First Baptist
church, officiated.
The Pearson municipal election
passed off quietly Tuesday. Hon.
Jeff Kirkland was re-elected May
or; Drs. Joe Corbitt and Henry P
Smith councilmcn for two year.-,
and W. J. Tyler, conn -liman 'or
one year vice William Smith, ic
signed. Thus the city s equipped
with officers for another year.
The newly- elected Mayor and
Council will have to, on the second
Tuesday in January choose a new
Board of Education.
Guard Grdar No. 3
la accordance with an inquiry
from Cencral Mcldrim; it is order
ed that a meeting of the Pearson
Home Guard be held Thursday, 3
p, m., December 19. It is insisted
that all the members possible be
present as business of great im
portance is to be considered.
The subject matter of Gen. Mel
drim's inquiry is Unit a survey of
the Home Guard be made to de
termine, 'ii ease of enieigeney call,
how many of the members could
be mobolized ready for duty with
in two hours or less.
'lt is very necessary to be in
i'' wh-.t . l lie Guard
could render, he- . any men could
answer a call promptly.
This is a very important matter.
V. tile no spe> ul trouble is antici
pated it is possible, that the Com
pany may be railed to service any
time during' tht holidays and un
til the new year activities are set
tled, and everybody get down to
(>. B. Tally,
Capt. Coind’g. P. 11 G,
Note of Thanks.
W e wish to thank our friends
i n the many kindnesses shown us
during the sickness and death of
our mother, and to express our
deep appreciation for all the acts
of friendship and loving sympathy;
for the lloral offerings and for every
expression of love. Six children
survive her as follows: Mesdames
K. L. Townsend, T. 1 . MeGrory, J.
X Eamkin and I a Hie Brooker, and
11. 1). and Joe McDonald.
The kindnesses will be cherished
by us. The Ghildrkn,
By Joe Mel lonald
Heartfelt Appreciation !
1 desire herewith to publicly ex
press my best sense of gratitude to
my many- friends who supported
me so loyally for Sheriff at the
. lection for county officer:; of At
kinson county-. I shall strive in
my service to the county of such a
character as to relied credit upon
myself and, as well, those whose
votes placed me in the office. 1
have no resentment or ill will
against thost who opposed me.
1 want to see the entire population
of Atkinson county united in the
couion purpose of making our
<-minty the brightest and best in
the galaxy- of Georgia counties.
1 am, the People's Obedient Ser
Kuan 1). Lkuijktt.
Sincere Thanks.
1 desire to thank each every
one who voted for me or in any
way assisted me in my recent cam
paign for Clerk ol tin Superior
('ourt of Wkiuso uufj. I hold
no ill-will inward those who op
posed me. i ; for majority
rule and for in.- upbuilding of At
kinson county.
J. Walter J lues.
The Tribune is pained to learn
ol the sudden death of Mrs. J, Mar
ly Shaw, who was a Miss Hinson,
at Way-cross, :ast Saturday after
noon. The funeral and inter
ment was Monday afternoon; her
pastor, Eider IJ. Lacy Hogue of
the Central Baptist church, offi
ciating. Herself and husband are
well known and highly regarded
at Pearson. Her husband, J. Ear
ly- Shaw, and four children, two
-ons and two daughters survive
Mrs, Jeff Kirkland chaperoned a
party of young people —Miss Es
telle Parker and Dr C A Kirkland;
Miss Mae James and Mr Brough
ton Kirkland; -Miss C-leo Kirkland
and Dr Bailey; Miss Eugenia Allen
and Mr Lonnie Pearson, and Mr
John Kirkland —Monday evening
to the sugar boiling at Mr J Lee
i Murray’s, about a mile and a half
out of the city. The party enjoy
ed the visit to the real sugar boil
ing very' much.
A son and daughter of Mr. Alev.
Merrit died with the influenza the
first of the week. The funeral
j services wero conduct ed by .Rev.
D. J. Pearson and the interment
j in the Union Hill cemetery.
led Cross Notes.
Tht ribune requests every- re
turned soldier who lives in Atkin
sou county to furnish his name to
the edi or atom--‘e. It is the pur
pose of he A ikinson County Chapt
er American lied Cross lo tender
them, v,i tht etoning of December
31st, a home coming welcome iv
< option It is the earnest desire
of the Chapter that every one of
the returned soldiers of Atkinson
county be present at this reception,
and the readers of, the Tribune are
requested to notify- every returned
soldiei t their acquaintance of
this, rceeption and the cordial in
vitation to be present. The names
are wan ed so that ample prepara
tion can be made for their enter j
taiumcn; Let the editor have
your m. lie and address at once.
X X x
Xexl Monday December 15th,
begins he Red Cross Christmas
Roll Cad Campaign for Universal
Membership, when it is hoped to
enroll every man and woman in
Atkinses county- under the banner
of thi American lied Cross, which
is doing such grand work in alleyi
ating the sufferings of humanity ■
everywhere. The war cloud has
passed, it is true, but there is yet i
much work for (he great Red Cross
organize;ion to do. 'Die Red Cross!
service w ill not be dispensed with
for yea; yet ami every citizen of
Atkinson county should have a
part in this service. The member
ship fee is SI .OO a year; get ready
for tin great campaign so that
uhen'C membership committee
calls on you, meet him on her with
a smile .aid chcerfuly enroll your
name asaiug thosi who are ready
for sen ice.
Co-Operative Hog Sale.
Through the efforts of the State
Bureau of Markets of Atlanta, in j
co-operal ion wit h the State College i
-.)I Vgricnltim a cooperative hog
sale is being staged for Atkinson I
Hint y 'be pulled off about the I
.ii -1 v. ’ a-, lumiitry. I bites will ■
iv (Adi: i civ announced in next!
issue. 'nder the plan upon which j
ihcso -a'cs are Vie ing conducted at '
dif-.-rem ola-e* in Co s'ate, the!
fa aiers '. ■> have ;; surplus ol hop j
can assemble them here w here I
they will be giadeil, .; d
sold at ,notion to the ba
de r. B.v th is met hod, the man
who ha- one hog or ten hogs can
get. the ear lot price. All of the
packing houses, Atlanta. Macon,
Moultrie, Tilton and Jacksonville
will have buyers on the ground.
Molvi; Tanner of the Marketing
Bureau v'sited Pearson Thursday
in the interest of the proposed
A local committee consisting of
J. M. I’afford, Jeff Kirkland, W.J.j
Tyler, \V. I), i.iddens, J. S. Ktarl- j
ing and *'. E, Griffis has been nam-1
ed to arrange pens .\nd weighing]
facilities for the sale.
If thi farmers ill bring out
Much' li gs and make this, the first
-ah a sneer .-- there should be j
no trouble in put ting on one eaeli j
month hereafter. If two, three or
four car- of hogs can be put on
the nnii ket here on tin* first sale
day-, thousands of dollars will be
turned loose in this county which
will bo good help to every line of
The ' ov- from the home of Mr.
Rowan I 'a fiord, who lives four
miles east of the city, says that he
and bis entire family are ill wi h
typhoid fever. After gathering
his little cro)i he we it to Bruns
wick >< work at the Acid plant.
It was : here he became sick, came
home . I spiead the disease to Its:
entire family. It is a very dis
tr..-.--ed family, but relatives and
neighbors are faithful in caring
for them.
A Car load of fine hogs were
sold and shipped from this point
to the lif ton packing plant last
Monday. The Tribune under
stands a fine price w s obtained
for the a, and it impressed the sel
lers w :ti tiie great possibilities of
the hog industry when they, have
i such a convenient market for all
j they can possibly raise.
■ir? ■wmnmmi'*neiw&r mmam . r r i mrr rr rmm i m m in mitimim nin n
The Sacrifice Saie which has been
on at my Store for the past
W 1 be continued a few days and
i ; c i haven’t supplied yourselves
with t e goods you need, you have
anotht ‘ opportunity of doing so.
Come md examine my Goods and
let me 3 note you prices.
tveryiing in the Store is Firstciass Stock
Make my Store your headquarters
when in the city.
Hcurdl R-.TTi * Pearson, Georgia
GAf.TA At Ay
vl 1 $ lyi hv* ii k r \£ t.
I have just opened a new I
Shoe Shop in Pearson Gar
age building, and do all kind
Shoe repairing in first class
style. Your patronage will
be appreciated.
j, s. McKinnon.
Used 4i ifears
Be Woman’s Tonic
Sold Everywhere
Our Hobby
Is Good P F" ::T ~—
n . Ask to see
Printing samples of
our busi
——— , nesscards,
- . U cards,
and other invitations, pam
phlets, folders, letter heads,
statements, shipping tags,
envelopes, etc., constantly
carried in stock for your
Get our figures on that
printing you have been
thinking of.
New Type, Latest
Style Faces
of fee County hood Administration,
f ice List Revised November Ist, 1918
Gash and Carry Charge and Deliver
a at Flour. 2-1 pound sack #1.75 $1.85
'VI at Flour, 12 pound sack 90 95
Wheat Flour, broken quantities, pr pound.o7 1-2 .08
Corn meal, per pound ,05 1 2 .09
Hominy Grits, per pound 07 .07 1-1
< hit Meal. 45 17
Rice, Standard. 12 12 1-2
Irish Potatoes 04 05
White and Navy Beans, 20 .22
* hiions 07 ‘ OB
lon 1 a toes, No. 2, Standard 45 >7
Salmon, Pink Alaska 25 27
I Salmon, Red Alaska 35 30
Evapora d Milk, ooz 07 j. 2 q 8
Evaporated Milk, 16 oz 15 .16
Butler, < pound Prints (59 02
Eggs, Country 40 '55
' 11 " s< ' 35 .36
Lard, Compound * ,28 29
WV son < >il, small 45 ,47
White Bacon. Bellies f 35 30
Smoked Bacon, Bellies 35 gg
H ants, I Tern ium 39
' Breakfast Bacon, sliced (jo 95
j Sugar, per pound 40 ‘4O
< toffee, green, per pound 20 .22
i'« a, per pound 4.00 1.00
W heat Bread, 46 oz. loaf. jq jp
f anned Com, No. 2, per can 20 .24
Canned Peas, No. 2, per can 20 .21
Milk (bottled) per quart 45 .15
Round Steak, per pound 30 30
liens, year old 01 more, per head 4.00 4.00
Fish, fresh mullet, good quality, pr pound .15 ,45
Prunes, medium size, per pound 20 .21
Raisins, seeded, 16 ounce package 20 .21
Food Administrator, Coffee County.
Georgia Southern & Florida R. R,
7:25 a. m. —For Macon, connecting for points North.
12:25 p. m. —For Macon, connecting for points North.
10:45 p. m. — For Macon, through train for Atlanta, Cincinnati,
Louisville. “The Southland.”
1:10 a. m. —For Macon, through train for Atlanta, Nashville,
Chicago. “Dixie Flyer.”
6:50 a rn lor \ aldosta. Jacksonville “The Southland”
3:30 p, m. lor \ aldosta. Jacksonville and Palatka.
4:50 a. m. For Valdosta, Jacksonville and Palatka.
Shown as information to the public, not guaranteed.
General Passenger Agent,