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€ relume
H. T. ALLEN. Editor.
M3mbe" 11th District Press Associatim
Member of the Georgia’press Ass3ciatis
Subscription price, sl.ryj a year In advance.
AdvertMne rates are llbtra! and will la
made known on application.
Entered at the Postoltlce In Pearson,' leoreiu
As mall matter ol the second class.
Way cross men are now engage';
in growing whiskers, and the task
is said to be enforced as the bar
bers are on a strike.
The boycott reached its extrein
ity in Waycross when the
merchants refused t,o sell their
wares to the Atlantic Coast Line
and its present employes, and the
barbers refuse to shave the cm
ployes of the road. It would In
come real interesting should citi
zens, not connected with thejstrike,
start a counter boycott, and refuse
to patronize these boycott ers. The
affair is exceedingly silly.
The white Republicans of Flori
da are following the example of
their Georgia brethren in the mat
ter of organizing a white Republi
can party in that State. A caucus
was held at Ocala some days since
and a candidate for the United
States Senate put in the race.
Of course he will get no where
about being elected; but then they
will have made a start toward their
The Berkshire hog, nicknamed
Bazorback, is coming in these days
for much sound abusing. lie may
not look well in a swine show
these days, but when he roamed
the forests and fattened on acorns,
pine masts, and other things as
was at his command, he furnished
some prime pork and bacon for the
subsistence of the owner without
seeing an ear of corn, and being
turned into the potato or peanut
patches. No, he was not primarily
a commercial bos.
There are many arguments in
favor of Senator Robert C. Ellis’s
Bill to establish a real Agricultur
al College in South Georgia. This
section of the State is forging
ahead rapidly along agricultural
lines, and all helpful agencies
should be afforded her to give
momentum to her progress. It
should be enacted into law al
though it is not a very propitious
time for raising funds to build,
equip and operate new institutions
of any character.
Elder N. Q. Christopher tilled
his semi monthly appointments at
the Baptist church last Sunday,
preaching morning and evening.
His text for the morning discourse
was the expression “Who went
about doing good,”—Acts 1.0:38,
and be exhorted his hearers to
emulate Christ's example. llis
text for the evening sermon is
found in Acts 11:26, “And the
disciples were called Christians
first in Antioch.” He suggested
to his congregation that it is no
small or mean thing to be called a
Senator W.J. Harris writes the
Tribune that, with the cordial co
operation of Republicans as well as
Democratic senators, lie had sue
ceeded in having chemical wood
pulp used iu the manufacture of
newsprint paper placed on the fjec
list, instead of 5 per cent, duty as
the Republican members of the
Senate Finance Committee had
recommended. This large item in
the making of newspapers being
put on the free list may enable
the weekly press to return to a
#I.OO subscription price at an
early date.
It is now charged that Senator
Reed's success in Missouri is attri
butable to the fact that Republi
cans voted in the so-called Demo
cratic primary, where conscience
loss Republican politicians voted
in the primary and nominated him,
and it doesn’t take a prophet to
foresee that Republicans will vote
for Reed iu sufficient numbers to
elect him, Georgia democrats are
suffering from the same disease —
their primaries wide open to every
political cult extant. If one pro
tests against it he is met with the
retort —“What are you going to do
about it!” Alas' Alack!
Hon. James R. Dickerson, aged
78 years, died at his home in Ho
merville last Monday evening,
August 7th, 1922.
He is survived by his wife, nee
Miss Martha Smith, a sister of
Elder John F. Smith of Pearson
and Mr. Ben Smith, Sr., of Lanier
county. He is survived also by
two brothers and three sisters —
these are Messrs. R. H. Dickerson
of'Pearson and Geo. L. Dickerson
of St. George, Ga., and Mesdames
Bettie Newbern of Tampa, Fla.,
Rachel James of Blackshear, Ga.,
and Annie Solomon of Broxton,
Ga. His surviving children are
John J. and Robert R. Dickerson,
of Ifomerville, Mesdames D. C.
Carmichael and Robert James |of
Manor, Ga., Georgia Strange of
Willacooebee, Ga., aud Charlie
Robinson of Green Cove Springs.
Florida. All the children were
present at the funeral Mrs.
Mr. Dickerson had been sick for
several months with dropsy of the
heart, yet his death came very un
expected to his family, who had
been watching after him closely
for some t ime.
Mrs. Newbern, of Tampa, had
been visiting her brother until a
few days ago. She was called back
home and when she left him he ap
peared to be improved in health.
His daughter, Mrs. Strange, was
at his home Monday. He had gone
to the bank to transact some busi
ness, and appeared to be getting
along all right. She left on the
evening train for her home al
Willacooebee and, the reader can
understand the shock she received
when she alighted from the train
at Willacooebee to receive the
news that her father was dead.
Elder W. H. Tomlinson of the
Primitive Baptist church —the
church of Mr. Dickerson's faith —
officiated at the funeral and inter
ment. Elder Tomlinson visited
Mr. Dickerson during his illness
and was requested to preach the
funeral sermon, using for a text,
2nd Timothy, 1:6 78. For lam
ready to be offered, and the time
of my departure is here. 1 have
fought a good fight, I have kept
the faith: Henceforth there is
laid up for me a crown of righteous
ness, which the Lord, the righteous
judge, shall give me at that, day:
and not to me only, but unto all
them that love his appearing.”
He also used hymns of Mr. Dick
erson’s selection. The interment
was in Arabia (Bethany church)
ocmeterv, in the northwest section
of Clinch county.
Mr. Dickerson’s public service
was as a Confederate soldier, a
member of Company “I,” Fourth
Georgia Cavalry, as Coroner of
Clinch county, elected in 1868, and
two years as County Commissioner
of Clinch county, being elected in
1893. There was no more gallant
soldier that lie in the service of
the Southern Confederacy.
Mr. Dickerson was a quiet, un
assuming, Christian gentleman; he
was a good citizen and stood for
all that was good and righteous;
he served his country and his
family well. May he rest in peace.
To the qualified voters of Atkinson
1 am a candidate for Representa
tive of Atkinson county, in the
primary to be held ou the 13th of
September next.
I have served the people of this
county one year, and at one term
of the legislature, during which
time 1 have endeavored to render
the best service of which lam
It is my belief that during a
second term 1 will be in better
position to render worth while
service than 1 have been in this
my first term, for the reason that
1 will have the experience that is
at all times helpful in matters
pertaining to this office.
1 am heartily iu favor of econo
my in the administration of the
state's affairs, aud will work hard
for a reduction in useless expedi
tures, looking to an ultimate re
duction iu taxation.
1 earnestly appreciate the honor
that the people of the eounty have
already bestowed upon me, and
will likewise appreciate a re-elec
tion for another term; promising
that iu that event 1 will strive at
all times to render the best
of which 1 am capable.
Very respectfully,
Mr. Daniel Moore has returned
to Adel after a visit to home folks
in Willacooebee.
Miss Eula Newbern of near
Douglas was the attractive guest
of relatives-here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Linder have
returned home from a visit to
points in North and Middle Geor
Miss Carrie Bell Collins, of
Macon, was the welcome guest of
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Collins last
Mr. and Mr. J. F. Shearer are
visiting relatives and friends at
Hayesville, N. C., for a couple of
Miss Annie Lee Roberts has re
turned to her home iu Pearson
after a visit to relatives in Wilia
Miss Ida Mae George was the
guests of friends in Pearson last
week end. She took the teachers’
Miss Lillian Love visited in
Douglas the past week.
Mr. Jesse Starling called to see
Miss Bertha Cook Sunday after
Miss Lovie Turner, of Douglas,
visited Mrs. Moses Giddeqs last
Miss Arrabel D&inc has return
ed front a visit to friends in Willa
Mrs. P. E. Jackson, of Stockton,
is visiting relatives and friends iu
Kirkland this week.
Mrs. C. W. Deane, of Savannah,
is visiting relatives and friends at
Kirkland this week.
Mr. aud Mis. L. E. Hall visited
at the hdThe here of Mr. Smith
Deane last Sunday afternoon.
Sunday-School was well attend
ed last Sunday afternoon and
greatly enjoyed by all present.
Miss Curtis Ball has returned
home after an extended visit to
relatives and friends at Fitzgerald,
Mrs. I!. H. Newbern has been
very sick, but is convalescent.
Hope she will soon be entirely
Mr. Glover Jeffeoat, of Florida,
was a visitor in Kirkland last week
and the guest of bis brother, Mr.
T. T. Jeffeoat.
There were quite a number of
Kirkland people to attend the
graveyard working at Springhead
last Tuesday.
A number of Kirkland people
attended church at M osley Chapel
Saturday night and Sunday and
enjoyed the services.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Spivey and
daughter, Lucy, spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. William Paulk.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin McGovern
dined with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McGovern last Sunday.
Miss Sallie Mancil and Lucy
Spivey spent a few days in Pear
son last week aud report having
a nice time.
The guests o f Mrs. William
Mancil and daughter, Sallie, last
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Grover
McKinnon and children and Mr.
aud Mrs. 11. Mancil and children.
Messrs. Joe Johnson and Jim
Bennett escorted Misses Emma
McGovern aud Lucy Spivey to the
sing last Sunday and enjoyed the
day very much. These young
gentlemen spent the week end as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. M.
Spivey and daughter. Lucy, and
indeed 1 can almost hear wedding
bells. Hurry up Jim and Lucy,
we are patiently waiting.
Miss Estelle Hall looked exceed
ingly pleased Sunday afternoon.
1 guess there was a reason.
Miss Wreunie Jefferson was the
smiling picture last Sunday. Oh,
l see. 1 would have smiled some
myself if it had been me —Susie.
Mr. Thomas Burkhalter was a
pleasaut caller o n Miss Edna
Register last Saturday, night and
the gossips say they surely enjoy -
ed each others compauv.
Mr. P. E. Jackson has returned
home from Allenhurst where he
had a position. He resigned to
take a job iu the railroad shops at
Waycross. We all hope he will
make good.
The Live Oak Sunday School is
just tiue now. All go and take a
part. Many thanks for your'regu
lar attendance. There is always
something good to be gained by
regular attendance at Sunday-
School. All come again.
Misses Mary Lee and Welthia
Haskins report attending aud hav-
Catarrh Can Be Cured
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly
influenced by constitutional condi
tions. It therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. HALL’S CATARRH
MEDICINE is taken internally and
a*ts through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. HALL’S
foundation of the disease, gives the
patient strength by improving the gen
eral health and assists nature in doing
its work.
All druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
ing a fine time at Mud Creek
church last Sunday. They must
have for I declare I never saw a
happier couple in my life —no, not
if they bad just been married.
Mr. J. N. Greene is visiting in
the Live Oak section this week.
Guess he is arranging to teach
school here the corning scholastic
year. He is a very callable teacher
and I am quite sure the children
would welcome him back for an
other year as their teacher.
The Tribune is requested to an
nounce that the Ml. Zion grave
yard will be cleaned off on Thurs
day before the first Sunday in
September. All interested arc in
vited to lend their help in the
Meeks Family Reunion,
Editor Pearson Tribune: —
The annual Meeks Reunion will
be held, near Nichoils, September
6th. This is the annual gathering
of the friends and relatives of
Charles C. Meeks, who came to
Coffee county about one hundred
years ago. We are inviting some
of the best speakers for the day.
Also all candidates will be expect
ed to come and meet their many
friends. If you are not personally
invited let this notice suffice.
Come aud meet with us on the day
and date above written.
H. M. Mf.kks,
Nichoils, Ga.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
UE<)RCH A— Atkinson County.
All person# holding claims against the
estate of Jesse M. PafTord. late ol hald county
deceased, are hereby required to present
them duly certified to the undersigned. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to me. This tin
3rd day of July. 11122.
Mrs. M. k. I* afford. Executive.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
CiEOKiSI A Atkinson County.
All creditors of the estate of H. A. Corbitt
debased, late ol said county, are hereby rt
qulrcd to render In their demands to the
undersigned according to law, and all persons
indebted to said estate are required to make
immediate payment to me. I’hls third daj
ol July. 1922.
Mrs. Klda CoKbitt, Administratrix of 11.
A. Corbitt, deceased.
Citation of. Administration.
GBOltOl A—Atkinson County.
To all whom it may concern: L. A. Davis,
having In proper form applied to me for Per
manent Del ter* of Administration on tin
estate of Clem Drvls. late of said county, this
Is to cite all and singular the creditors and
next ol kin of Clem Davis, to be and appear
at my office within thtime allowed by law .
and show cause. If any they can, why per
manent edinlnistratlon should not be grant
ed to I„ A. Davis, on Clem Davis estate.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 91 h day of August. 1922.
J. Roberts. Ordinary.
£)R. B. S. MALONE,
Office in Malone Block
General practice in all o**prts, state and
Pearson. Homervilie and Militown. Georgia
Attorney and Counselor,
Douglas, Georgia,
Office in the Union Bank building.
Practice In State and‘Federal courts.
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Office in the PafTord Building.
Prompt attention given to business in both
the state and Federal courts.
Office In the New PafTord Building
Pearson. Georgia
Practice In ail the Courts. State and Federal
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice.
Office ur stairs in the PafTord building.front
room on the left hand side as you go up.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Burial Goods in Stock.
Pearson, - Georgia.
Legal Advertisements.
Citation for Leave to Sell Land.
GKORGlA—Atkinson County.
To all whom it may concern: Notice is here
by given that Dan Oourson, as administrator
of the estate of William Miller, having ap
plied to me by petition lor leave to sell ail the
land belonging to said estate, and that an or
der was made thereon at the August Term.
1922, for citation and that citat ion issue. All
the heirs at law and the creditors of the said
William Miller, deceased, will take notice
that 1 will pass upon said application at the
.September Term next, 1922, of the court of
Ordinary of Atkinson county, Georgia, and
that unless cause be shown to the contrary at
said time said leave will be granted.
Witness my official signature, this the 7th
day of August, 1922. J. Wesley Roberts,
Petition to Establish New Road.
O EORGI A—Atkinson (’oun ty.
To ali whom it may concern: Take notice
that D. J. Pearson, Archie Hodges. Robert
Deen. et al have applied for an order seeking
the establishment of a new road, which has
been laid out and marked conformably to law
by commissioners duly appointed and a re
port thereof made on oath by them, said road
commencing at a point near the southwest
corner of 11. F. Sears's house field at bend in
said road, running southeast thru corner of
lots of land Nos. 79, lU6. 105. and northeast
corner of lot No. 120. and thru lot No. 127, to
link into Rob Deen road at Red Bluff school
house—this new road as herewith stated to
take the place of the old Rob Deen road from
point of beginning to school house. From
the establishment of this new road the old
part of the Rob Deen road cease to be a pub
lic road from the school house to the corpor
ate limits of Pearson.
Also beginning at the northwest corner of
lot No. 104 running southeast thru said lot by
Union Hill, church house and continuing
said route thru portion of lot No. 127 until
said road Intersects with the above described
new road, same to become a public road after
legal citation.
Now if no good cause be shown to the con
trary by persons interested in this matter the
order will be granted by the undersigned, at
the office of the Commissioners of said coun
ty on the first Monday in September, 1922.
This 7th day of August, 1922.
J. M. Roberts. Chairman.
Henry O'Brien.
David Weathers, Comm r's.
Attested: 1.. a. Hargreaves. Clerk.
Petition to Remove Disabilities.
1 1KORGJ A—Atkinson County.
To whom all It may concern: Ruby Carver
Thomas hereby gives notice that at the Octo
ber Term. 1922. of the superior court of said
county, to be held on the fourth Monday in
October. 1922. she will apply to said court by
petition to be relieved of her disabilities.
Placed on her by the verdict of the jury In the
case of Tilton Thomas vs. Ruby Thomas, in a
suit for divorce, tried at the June Term. 1921,
of said court wherein a total divorce was
granted between the parties, and petitioner.
Ruby Carver Thomas, w as left under the dis
abilities of riot being allowed to marry again,
and Ruby Carver Thomas publishes this no
tice as required by law. This 7th day of Au
gust, 19*2*2. J. if. Williams.
Attorney for Petitioner.
Land Wanted. — Three to five
thousand acres of range land in a
body. Parties having such land
for sale will please send descrip
tion, plat and price to
B. T. Allen, Pearson. Ga.
Atkinson County T3X Sales.
* SEORGI A—Atkinson « ounty.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in said county and state, at Pearson. Georgia,
between the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday In September, iTfcxt. 1922. following
described real estate: lUO acres, more or less,
of lot of land No. 165 in the 7th land district
of Atkinson county, Georgia, lying and being
in the northeast corner of said lot and being
In the form of a square. Levied on and to be
sold as the property of ('. F. Brack to satisfy
an execution issued by Thomas Morris, Sr.,
tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the 9th day of August. 1922.
Levy made by J. W. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. (:.
Also at the same time and place one-fourth
of one acre. In the town of Pearson, Georgia,
bounded north and west by lands of Mrs. M.
A. PafTord. south by Bullard street, east by
Main street. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of Mrs. M. A. PafTord to satisfy an
execution issued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax
collector for state, county and school taxes
for the year 1921. Owner notified in writing
this the 9th day of August 1922. Levy made
by J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. I*l6 in the 10th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded north by lands of L. K. Lester, east
by land of A. H. Vickery, and R. Haskins,
west by lands of S. F. t-iuthrk. south by laud. l
of Lace Lee. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of Effle Vickery to satisfy an execu
tion issued by Thomas Morris Sr., tax collect
or for state, county and school taxes for the
year 1921. Owner notified in writing, this the
9th day of August, 1922. Levy made by J. W.
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 25 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 110 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
same being In the northwest corner of said
lot and being in the form of a square. Levi
ed on and to be sold as the property of \V. C.
Bryant to satisfy an execution issued by Thom
as Morris. .Sr., tax collector ior slate, county
and school taxes for the year 1921. owner no
tified in writing, this the 11th day of July, 1922
Levy made by J. \V. Morris special deputy
sheriff a. t\
Also at the same time and place 15 acres,
more or less of lot of land No. 206 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by an agreed line to ditch
and blazes, east by an agreed line to blazes,
south by flowery of Mrs K. C. starling, west
by run of branch. Levied on aud to be sold
as the property of Martin Starling to satisfy
an execution issued by Thomas Morris, Sr.,
Aax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the llth day of July. 1922. Levy
made by J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff
Atkinson county.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres
more or less, of lot of land No. 165 In the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
lying and being in the southwest corner of
of said lot and being in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
Wm. Joyce, for wife, to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector
for state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the llth
day of July. 19*22. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff C.
Legal Advertisements.
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No, 122 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded on the north by lands of Dr. Joe
Corbett, east and south by lands of ErlLsh
McKinnon west by lands of M. D. Douthit.
Levied ou and to be sold as the property of
Krilsh McKinnon to satisfy an execution is
sued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for
state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the 9th
day oi August, 1922. Levy made by J. W.
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 30 acres,
more or less, of lot of laud No. 69 In the 6th
land district of Atkinson counts 7 , Georgia,
lying and being in the north west corner of
said lot and being in the lorra of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property ol
-Ynna Roberts to satisfy an execution issued
by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
< Hviier notified in writing, this the 9th day of
August, 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 120 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
lying and being in the northeast corner of
said lot and being in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
Sandy Johnson to satisfy an execution issued
by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
Owner notified in writing, this the 9th day ol
August, 1922. Levy ruady by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 14 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 121 In the 7th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded on the north and west by original
lot lines, south by Daugherty McKey Comp
any. Levied on and to be sold as the property
of Abraham Johnson to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for
state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the 9th
day of August. 1922. made by J. W. Mor
ris sP'Ccial deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres
more or less, of lot of land No. 119 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by original land lot lines on
east by lands of Staff Davis south and west
by lands oi U. \V. Gilbert. Levied on and to
Ik- sold as the property of G. W. Gilbert to sat
isfy an execution issued by Thomas Morris,
Sr., tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Ow*ner hotified In
writing, this the 9th day of August, 1922.
Levy made by J. \V. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. f
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 163 in the 6th
Land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by original land line, east by
lands of Horner Klcketson, south and west by
lands of Grover Ricketson. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of, Grover Ricketson
to satisfy an execution issued by Thomas
Morris. Sr., tax collector for state, eounty aud
school taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified
in writing, this the 9th day Of August, 1922.
Levy made by .1. \V. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. C.
\iso at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 131 in the 7th
land district of Ytkinson county. Georgia,
bounded north and east by a branch, south
nod west by lands of M rs. Lilia Glllis. Levied
>ll and to in sold as the property of Mrs. Lilia
<fillls to satisfy an execution issued by Thom
as Morris. Sr., tax collector for state, county
and school taxes for the year 1921. Owner no
11lit 1 in writing, this the 9th day of August,
1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris special dep
uty sheriff A. C.
■ Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 300 In the 6th
iand district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
lying and being In the northeast corner of
said lot and being in the form ol a square,
levied on and to be sold as the property of
Mrs. Belle Gill Is to satisfy an execution issued
by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector for state,
eounty and school taxes for the year 1921.
owner notified in writing, this the 9th day
August. 192*2. Levy made by J. W. Morris
-pedal deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place, lx>t 4,
Block "A,” In I.enford subdivision of jhe
city of Pearson, being r practical part of or
iginal lot of land In the 7th land district of
Atkinson county, Georgia. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of Mrs. John W. t-rlbb
to satisfy an execution Issued by Thomas
Morris, Sr.. tax collector lor state,county and
school taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified
in writing, this 9th day of August, 1922. Levy
made by J. W. Morris, special deputy sheriff
Atkinson county.
A Iso at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 9 In the 7th
land district qf Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded on the north by lands of Stewart
Bros., east by lands of Ada Smith, south by
binds of Annie Arnold, west by original land
lot line. Levied on and to be sold as the
property ol Ada Smith to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris, Sr„ tax collector
for state, county taxes for the year
19*21. owner-notified in writing, this the 9th
day of August, 19*22. Levy made by J. W.
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place one-fourth
<»f one acre in the town of Pearson, Georgia,
bounded north by lands of e state of Bettie
Kirkland, east by lands of W. H. Waddelie,
south by lands of Mrs. J. S. Martin, west by
King street. Levied on and to be sold as the
property of A. K. Ilirch to satisfy an execu
tion issued by Thomas Morris, sr., tax col
lector ior state, county and school taxes for
The year 1921. Owner notified in writing, this
the 9th day of August. 1922. Levy made by
J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place, one-fourth
of an acre, in the town of Pearson, Georgia,
bounded north by lands of \V. R. .’Strickland,
cast by land of Mrs. Wm. Smith, south by
Austin street, west by Main street. Levied
on and to be sold as the property of B. Kirk
land, Jr., to satisfy an execution Issued by
Thomas Morris. .Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921*
Owner notified in writing, this the 9th day of
August. 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff C.
Also at the same time and place, one-eighth
of one acre in Kirkland. Georgia, bounded
north by lands of Mrs. Lilia A. Love, east by
lands of E. L. Peterson, south by lands of
A. O. L. right-of-way, west by lands of Boone,
Kennedy & Company. Levied on and to be
sold as the property oi W. C. Giddens to satis
fy an execution Issued by Thomas Morris, Sr.,
tax collector for state, county and school
taxes ior the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the 9th day of August. 1922. Levy
made by J. \V. Morris special deputy sheriff
Atkinson county.
These sales will be continued from day to
day until all are sold.
K. D. LEGGETT, Sheriff a. C,