The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, January 12, 1902, Image 2

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DREDGE IS DOING SOME RAPID WORK WORK ON THE OUTER BAR IS NOW PROGRESSING At A RAPID RATE. The large ruction dredge. owned by the Coastwise Dredging Company, which arrived in port last Sunday to begin work on the outer bar under the big appropriation secured last year, has commenced on the contract and the work is progressing at a rapid rate. -Tin- dredge, No. 21, which is tfm largest owned by the Coastwise peo pie. has a capacity of between four and five thousand yards every twenty-four hours, as she is kept a I work day, and night. '£he big tug Tretcm, which came in with the dredge to nrslst in the work, was la port for a short while yesterday, com ing up for some supplies. This tug will remain here during the entire time that the dredge Is at work, about years. She is used to tow tile lighters to sea. The mud is aboard of lighters as rapidlj f Hll is dredged from the bar and IHHg liters are lowed to sea lij the mud is emptied. 11 the !'• ’|H9K_ £jo a 11 ga g< until that depth iH secured. It Is understood that later another dredge belonging to the same company will come down to assist in the work. 'i'*4 **. C,, • o KIJ‘ KEKKICY’SLAXAFL'; HONFMAE lid CitTf f 3IK, Uu" " IS' (• lr ,LrV reap. D. 1.. HINCKLEY, 9C3 M nK Street. Lesrons la Voice Culture, Pipe Organ ana Piano. Also Tunning, Action Reflating And Voicing Carefully Done. CAPUDiNE OURtS COLDS and GRSPP Relieves the aches and feverishness. Contains No Acetanilide , SHIP'NOTICE. Neither the mast-dr. owners nor consignees! of the Spanish bark Maria 1-oulfla will he responsible for unv debts contracted by crew of said bak. Martiner, Master COLSON HARDWARE CO. FURTHER NOTICE WILL CLOSE ■vening AT SIX ■excepting sat •' ’ ■ ■ ■iffM l| •■ B ' HBLco Or , TnBBBBiBBiMBf jh vi' 11 H PSJnP/rwHBl k 'y~-rm [ ‘*Cr%r I +—S f r JJliif : ZkIWHU/ r- CAREFUL PROMPTNESS, ‘'making haste slowly”—characterises ©nr tnathod of compounding physi cians’ Smcrlptlons. We are not lag gards. is our first prin kcfple. our customers YdU I helped, not hindred in the cut* £ ’ their maladies. Purity and neatne* might with truth be printed on oij kiebels Safe ii Ip’.den; JH ia TH - HOTEL MEN 10 HOLD A MEETING ANNUAL SESSION OF THE AS SOCIATION WILL BE HELD IN SAVANNAH TUESDAY. Tuesday the Georgia Hotel Men's Association will meet In Savannah as the guctt of the hotel and restau rant men of that city. Twenty-five or more or. the leading hotels in the state arc members of this associa tion, and it is expected that at least iifty hotel men will be in attend ance. ♦ bout all of the arrangement, have been completed -for the meet ing. The visitors will arrive 'll! Savannah Monday night and Tuesday morning. The association will have breakfast at the New Pula hi. after which a meeting will be held in the gentlemen’s parlor of the De Sofa where bu: tness matters will be dis posed of. There papers will he read and all thA, discussions take place. After business comes pleasure in the form of an auto ride over the city with dinner at the casino at Thun derbolt. In the afternoon the ho tel people will return W the city and most ot them will leave for their homes that night, in on ‘What the' Eurapeau System Would Do for Country Hotel .” Air. Keene was formerly a traveling man and says that ho knows pretty well what the effect of tueli a sy stem would be. ‘‘Cleanlines in Hotels" will be the subject of a paper by Manager Hen ry N. Dutton, pi’ the Atlanta Pied mont. Mr. Harry Silverman of At lanta will discuss some important legislation Cor hotel men. Air. Will V. Zimmer will speak of Modern Method in Stewardlug." , After each of tine c papers has been read an informal discussion in which all those present • are expected to take part will be carried on. The Old Reliable SHOEMAKER e. L. JORDAN, When you want a good job go to Jordan, Corner Oglethorpe and Gloucester Streets. You can Depend upon Him. Shoes Mrdc to Order Corns Cured if you have any. B. L. JORDAN, Cor." Oglethorpe anA Gloucester. A Handy Sflan. <L This is o n c of the m st useful products manufactured by the l*r£- cut makers of systems and filing de vices on cartb. Every inch of it is Shaw-Walker quality and Shaw-Walker cfr.dcncj. There arc none ol the desk worries * you are suffering from sow from wh'ch it carnot free you. we arc Sole Agents .-; Town. WRENCH PRINTING COM PANY & Sorts and ragsai m i classifies all Pfffißlfflp ■- -?i6£i ft-si se* ycur papers - reports— [IggMIM^ estimate;;— private J | documents— % have a lock on J it if yon like. Holds 30,000 IHii letters. DO YOU USE SAND? IF SO 1 AM IN POSITION TO FURNISH IT TO YOU AT ONE DOLLAR PER TON, LIVEREO AT RRUNBWICK PLACED IN COAL CARS J| • 1.25 PER TON; $1.50 DELlli ERED ANY PLACE IN CITY, ALS^^feh PILE JT :>4v * r wd§ I Nl|'f c rMiSm THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1908. THE BOOZE \ ' MAN * * csrsvrr maEi.iszxz’- gfc C.O.CALIFF Fernandina, Fla. . Lowest Possible Pn^tefiiifeiakXine^L THE CHH.DKEH LIKE IT KENNEDY’S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP WE HAVE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS OF CAN DY KISSES, WHICH SOLD FOR 40 CENTS PER POUND, WHICH WE ARE OFFERING THE SMALL SUM OF FlFTjygM|||Jß PER POUND. COME THE BENEIT OF SMITH’S PM ARM AC. w EEK mmr AMBMpy B>iRFE3 TO THE PUBLIC V VfANTB the Season Has Day and If Night. Prompt Service £ Ik All Patrons. F V. POLETES, proprietor. Co- Gloucester and Grant Streets Is Your Blood and Stom ach Out of Order? IF SO READ THIS. The experience of Mrs. F. E. Ritter, of Dallas. Texas, with* our medicines is best told by herself in a letter written on July 8. 19W, which reads as foliowc “1 know from v**- sonal experience that Seven Barks and Globe Pills are the very best medicines on earth for Blood and Stomach troubles. I am in better health than 1 ever was in my life. You are liberty to publish my ojjinion and \v>ur medicines. | hope that God’s blessing will follow you through life.” We don’t know Mrs. Ritter, but we do Know that Seven Barks has cured a good many people who suffered with disordered stomachs. We know, too. that it i< a purely vegetable remedy, and people say it is easy and pleasant to take. The doses arc small. Seven Harks has been made and sold for 3$ years, and it it wasn't a sure cure for stomach troubles, the company back of it wouldn’t refund the money if it fail ed to cure. But you don’t know the company, you say; all right, you know us. Deposit 50 cents, with us and take a bottle of Seven Barks home and try it. If it doesn't do all that is claimed, bring the empty or partly used bottle back and get your money. There is only one way to be cured and that is to try it. and we don't know of any fairer way to get you to make the trial.''* Do^ou? LOST—Bunch of Leys between Dost office and P an* Kgrnont. Finder please return to this office. X. P Z. TOR SALE—AVfII sell a large crean with glass for $35 00 Cali at 528 C street. _P R lrw ! ne. for electric motors Jjgl JHEJst REMINGTON OIL ENGINES GASOLINE ENGINES .>■£; , 'V;®L STEAM ENGINES A BOILERS a ■ SAW MILL MACHINERY Jf ./ iist * 4000 worxinomLnery di CON-'R ACTOR S’ ETC. Rem*ngt*n j&EXf Oil Engine JSgk JpSar • °” r KARL FRIES EARLY ftiSEM The famous little SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 23 THE NATIONAL BANK OF BRUNSWICK. The Board of Li rectors of The National Bank of Brunswick has this dav declared the annual sem-an mud dividend of four per cent ,(*4.ou per share) payable on and after Jan uary 2nd. 1908 to shareholders of record at close of business this day. Checks In payment of this divi dend will b? mailed. E. D. Walter, 7-.-r.jpr, j • . . Cashier. mmkS. the best oak and m ■ ;aLL ON J. E. AB> ? ALBANY STREEKp EffIfASLE FRICES. Mm * ' a*?, ill fine $pM I CAN FURNISH AND •HORT NOTICE, NOLIA, BYCANORE, WOOD, OAK AMP UMSRfi TRECt. IVi ME A ITf'AU P. B. PYI.EB. ■ sSff * f