The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, January 30, 1902, Image 2

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THURSDAY MORNING, BRUNSWICK BAIL? NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEW3 PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rate* made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at hall the regular rates. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., prutofflce, as second-class mall mat aUBSCKIPTION HATES. Terms to subscribers In the city snd by mall Iree ot charge to ail part* of the United antes and Can ada, Mexico, Porto Klco, Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I .60 Six Months 2.60 One Year 6.00 LEGAL NOTICES. Prom and alter this date the legal advertisements o£ the sheriff of Glynn county, Ga., will be published In the Brunswick Daily News. W. H. BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County. January 10, 1001. From and after this date all legal advertisements and citations of the ordinary of Glynn county, Georgia, will be published In the Brunswick Dally News. HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn County, GaT From and after this date the legal notices of the clerk of the Superior Court of Glynn county will be pub lished In the Brunswick Daily News. H. F. du BIGNON, Clerk S. C. G. C. From and after this date the legal advertisements of the sheriff of Cam den county, Ga., will be published In the Brunswick Dally News. JOHN H. BROWN, Sheriff Camden County, Ga. St. Mary’s, Ga., Jan. 15, 1902. On and after this date, the Bruns wick Daily News will be the official organ of the ordinary of Camden eounty, Ga. ROBERT LANG, Ordinary. Camden county, Ga. On and after this date the Bruns wick Daily News will be the official organ of the clerk of the superior •ourt, Camden county, Ga. J. H. RUDOLPH, Cleric Superior Court, Camden county, Ga. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. ■" ■■ " - Governor Dole of Hawaii has been mhl to resign, Tho average Georgia postmaster is having "trouble of his own.” The reported freeze did not show up yesterday. Wo are not disappointed. The Athens Banner thinks Senator Clay should have no opposition. So do we. Senator Morgan agrees with the Idea that the Panama canal is being urged for purposes of delay. They ae making bread of pea flour now. ’i-.s is nothing though we have seen a “peanut” politician mado gov ernor. , , An exchangee says: “It is said that the people of the Danish West Indies took the announcement of the sale of their islands quietly. ’ It w’as a case of have to. It is being argued now that the home grown, hard spanked, hard fist ed country boy will make a better man than the high collared crease trousered youth of the cites. The Nebraska state game warden has forbidden the farmers to fight the grasshoppers with poison, saying that the loss of birds and game is too cost ly a price to pay for the destruction of comparatively few insects. The wealth of this country is cen tered in New York City and around to a considerable extent. Senator Depew said a few years ago that he could name ten men living within a circle of not more than twenty miles from the great city who in one. hour could precipitate a panic such as this world never knew, one that would stop every mill and every railroad car. The money in huge amount is gath ered lu that congested center. But some of these men of great wealth are not satisfied with conditions and are moving away. The taxes are too high for these magnates. It takes no little of their huge incomes to pay ta pay the taxes. But they pay out of their great surplus. The poor man must pay out of the fruits of his hard toil and every cent is that much less for bread. FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET The acquisition of the Danish West Indies has long bona purpose of Amer ican policy. The strategic reasons for acquiring them are strengthened ratth er than weakened by our possession of Porto Rico. , If the pending treaty with Denmark is ratified and the purchase consum mated, the easternmost end of Santa Cruz will become the sunrise point of American territory The sunset point is now at the west ern extremity of the island of Bala bac, southwest of Palawan, in the Philippines, and just across the strait from Borneo. The longitude of these widely dis tant outposts Is as follows, approxi mately: , Sunrise on Santa Cruz, 64 degrees 34 minutes west of Greenwich; sun set on Balabac, 117 degrees 3 minutes east of Greenwich. That is to say, the meridian of American sunrise will he separated from the meridian of American sunset by just 178 degrees and 23 minutes— about 12,000 miles. In other words, with the Danish is lands under our flag the expanse of American territory will lack less than 100 miles of reaching half way around the globe. , CITY ORDINANCE. Ordinance No. 101. By Alderman du Bignoif: An Ordinance repealing section 617 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brunswick, providing for the hypothecating of certain bonds, an for other purposes. Section 1. —Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Brunswick, and It is hereuy ordained by the authority Of the same, That section 617 of the Code of Ordinan ces of said city compiled in the year 1900, providing for and authorizing the hypothecating ot certain bonds to secure loans, be and tho same is hereby repealed. Section 2. —Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That each and every one of The series of bonds issued in 1893 and 1X94. known as the sewerage bonds, which have not been heretofore sold or disposed ot for the purpose for which hey were is sued (such remaining bonds being sixty-four in number and for the sum of one thousand dollars each) be held in trust for the sole and only purpose of redeeming the bonds of said city issued in 1879 and 1880 and maturing in 1909, and which said last named bonds now outstanding bear seven per cent interest lrom date and ag gregate sixtty-two thousand one hun dred and fifty dollars in face value. Seettion 3. —Be it further ordaine by the authority aforesaid, That the Mayor and the r inance Committee be and they are hereby authorized an . directed to communicate with the holders of such seven per cent bonds, with a view of re deeming the same with such five per cent bonds now held in the treas ury, and that they submit to the May or and Aldermen any offer they may have for the exchange or redemption of such outstanding bonds. Section 4.—Be - it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with tins ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Adjourned. N. D. RUSSELL. Clerk of Council. GO AND REGISTER. Some Seem to be Careless About This Ma;ter. The attention of the public is hereby called to the following, Section 340 of the City Code: “Every person, firm or corporation engaged in any trade or business calling is hereby required to register his, her or its name, business, calling or trade, an nually, at such time as the Mayor and Council may, by resolution from time to time, direct, in a book to be kept by the Clerk for that purpose, and persons coming into the city and en gaging in business after that date shall so register within tendays after commencing any business, trade or calling and take out the required bus iness license.” Section 312. —Every person, firm or corporation wishing to retail whis ky, wine, beer, or othes spirituous malt or fermented liquors shall apply in writing at a regular meeting of council specifying the place where it is intended to carry on the business, and the application shall be accompa nied by the written consent of the ; nearest neighbors to carrying on the business at place specified. Section 313. —All license to retail, wine beer or other spirituous, malt or fermented liquors shall give bond with two or more good and suf- hcient securities to be approved by tne Mayor and Council, payable to the Mayor and Council and condition ed to keep a decent and orderly house. f License Ordinance No. 100 fixes said bond at SSOO, and on all business callings, etc., the registration at Feb ruary 1, 1902. N. D. RUSSELL, Clerk of Council. A Wife Says: “We havi four children. With the firs! fcree I suffei -d almost unbearable pains from 12 to J 4 hours, and had to be placed under the influent e of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother's Friend before our las! child came, which .^jWjWL Is a strong, lat and gr Tii healthy boy, doing my housewsrk up j* to within tw * hours „ of birth, and sul- ft/j • ■ \ fered but a few hard T* pains. Tits lini- / j j 'iW? A mentis the grand-/ //\ s| If A J// est remedy ever Isf Mother’s J \f Friend ’ n\ will do for every woman what ft did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not |j use it during pregnancy fa a mistake to le paid for in pain and suffering. Mother’s friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxea the musclei and allows them to expand. It relieves mi sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition fo r the final hour, so that the actual labor is shoit and practically painless. Dan ger of risr g or hard breasts is altogether avoided, ai i recovery is inertly a matter c 4 a few dayi Druggists ,ll Mother’s Friend for SI a bottle. I lie m junciu regulator Cu., Atlanta, us Ssst tor our trss itinsirsted book.’ We Deserve Your Confidence in matters pertaining to drugs and medicine, because we have made it a point to buy only the best. We do not believe in .substitution. Rest assured any prescription that is fiiieu by us is prepared from the freshest and purest drugs it is pos sible to buy. DEV porous I\EA PLASTER King of All Plasters Put it on your back ; put it on your chest; put it anywhere you have an ache or a pain, and you will be surprised at the result. Tiione 37 for your wants in the drug line and get them. Hunter-Saie Drug Co 1 SPECIAL. Onalik nds AT THE news OFFICE. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES. Best Flour two 211 b sacks 1-26 Best Bacon per Picnic Ham per lb (frits per half bushel 45c- Meal per half bushel 45c Arbuckh-s Coffee 2 pkgs 25c Yellow Yam Sweet Potatoes per peck 45c Good Head Rice 3 qts 2>c Fine Black-eyed Peas 3 qts 25c Best N. Y. Creamery Butter per lb 30c Full Line of GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, TINWARE, AGATEWARE, ETC. AT VERY LOW PRICES. Full line of Cigarettes and Cigarette Tobacco* Hay, Grain, Bran, at wholesale and retail. A. ZEL^ENOVITZ, 3loodwor?lrs olr* Comer F Sc L S f re ts ’Phone 205 Souven ; r ?hina, Souvenir Books, Holid y Books of endless variety. Holiday Girds, Fine China, Cut Glass, Pictures and Fancy Goods, ilil kinds of Presents for Ladies and Gentlemen, at FLEM ! N'?* 8c WAFT’S, Agents* for Coluxubi* ill Dlgasto VvQdOl Dyspepsia Cure You uilghtas well put fuel under 5 boiler without burning it and expect the engine to run, as to eat food and not digest It ana expect to keep tip nourishment for your body. You must have nourishment to live ami when you canuot digest your food, Kodol Dyspepsia Curb will do it. for you, with no aid whatever from the stomach. Itcontains exaetly the same elements as Nature's digestive fluids and can't help but produce the same results.—David Taylor, Blind Ridge, Pa.,writes;— 1, 1 have been afflicted f>r a number of years with dyspepsia and have tried various remedies without good results but was cured by one bottle of Koixil Dyspepsia Curb. I cannot say too much in its favor." It can’t help but do you good _ by E. O. DeWltt&Co., Chicago. The sl, bottle contains 214 times the 50c. sise. I When you need a sob!hing and ’healirigimpiication for piles, sores and skin dinoasea. use DeWltt’s Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits. Ihe Face and Hands Require more care during the win ter. Hard winds and frosty air make the use of some err.olient absolutely necessary. All the well known prepa rations for the skin are to be found in our stock of toilet articles. Smiths tlderine Has become one of the leaers and can be specially recommended for chap ped hands, rough skin, etc. SJi.Tii'a PriAiiMACl, Corner Monk and Newcastle Streets McDufile’s Little Blue Liver Pill makes bue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and un healthy matter and makes anew person of you. 25 cents, at W. Joer ger’s. MONTGC 5 lhY GGOL \ - AR. insurance Fire, -term; Acs,dent Prompt and Cot.-Lem j Attention. •)aojts •toisoonoio 'oipnjg s.uos[;a\ ) ' jjo ‘sajntetutft XipiAtap o}oi(j oqj aeg Uncle Jake, the best flve-cent cigau in Georgia. For sale only at Loewi ensteins. 1 For the best shingles call on L. A Miller. Call on L. A. Miller for kila dried lumber. Hunter-Sale Drug Cos., a home fot the sick. Phone 37. Louis 66. sold everywhere at $1.50 at Julius May's for JI.QO. Strictly First-Class Work ik being done at Jim Carter’s. Only experienced workmen are em ployed by him. A GOOD LUNCH. Tbe Arcade is now serving the best ‘lunch in the city, and this popular place should be liberally patronized by tbe public. Try Jim Carter for your spring and summer suit. He carries a full ii ne i the latest novelties in fine woolen*. ] ONE CENT A WORD. If y*u want a position, a house, a servant, or want ha find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. This papei is read by more people in one day than any other Brunswick paper. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR RENT —Newly furnished rooms at 401 G street, corner A. LOST —New 38Iver Johnson pistol; re turn to News office. FOR SALE —Cheap; light top buggy. Apply C. H. J., this office. FOR RENT —Rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Apply 500 G Btreet. WANTED— to solicit subscribers in Camden county for the News. Ap ply at this office 7:30 tonight. FOR SALE or HIRE —Good horse and wagon on good terms. Apply at this office. WANTED —Three or four rooms for light housekeeping. C. H. J., this of fice. LOST, -TKAYED or oIOLEN—Two mare mules; one mouse colored and one black. Return to W. H. Currv Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE—Cheap; one Mathushek piano in perfect order. Address S care of this office. FOR RENT—A two story house with good yard. Apply t Mrs. Coles berry, 121 N Amherst street. FOR SALE— Two feather beds, one down quilt and other household arti cles. Apply 210 Reynolds street. • LoST r Near th ® Poetofflce, Mason !. < L watch chann > engraved on back Chapter No. 66,” and initials of the Ujmw, Finder return to J. w. Wat- receive reward. ■NTED— Good Sa||iatetan(i me- K, :•.. price Opera LOS I Luge white pointer ;f mon colored ears, has on leather collar, marked T. S. Mallard linder will be suitably rewarded. R- R. Hopkins. LEARN TO DRAW ~ ‘ Sketch *,> draw llfe ' Bize portraits or to sketen from native i n a coursa lessons by the new system called Back and White.” a child ten vears oid can learn. Call at the studii and Photo r Ga°le^ elf ' A ' 3 ° lnJ "”* **“*■. B. L. JORDAN, Shoemaker. tj Repairmg neatly done. Always on 110 Corner Gloucester and Oel*. thorpe streets. a A ,as HMU*e pieuur,. i ..STEINWAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS t The Best Piano and Organ Now On the Market For the Money SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. \ B. J. OLEWiNE, Agent. UNREDEEMED PLEDGE3 For Sale Cheap. TWO DOUBLE BARRELL BREECH-LOADING GUNS. . .LESS THAN FACTORY COST S.B. NATHANS, 312 Newcastle St. | WANTED j TO BUY : ' -i : Second-hand \ F ! U ! E j : N I t i : J- J : T | : U ! R 1 ! E, ; ► SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS, ] ; ORGANS. Etc. } INEW HOME AND SINGER , ◄ ► SEWING MACHINES^ |J. W. WAiKikSj : 208 Bay St. j FAMILY .LIQUOR HOUSE Not every liquor dealer oatera to the family trade, but I do. You muat be as careful in buying liquors for family use as you are In buying med icine. We never make a mistake — best awiays. R. LEVISON, Ag't. Corner Monk and Grant Streets. W. M. TUPPER & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Corresponoence Solicited. BRUNSWICK, GA. W. E. DEMPSTER Manager. REPAIRS BICYCLES, GUNS, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA CHINES AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Montgomsry. 503 GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prices Reasonable. TO THE PUBLIC In addition to affording every fa cility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Es tates, Guardians of property of prop ; erty of minors, and to make bonds In j judicial and other matters, generally to exercise ail our powers as a Trust company. Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., H. W. GALE, Cashier. J. W. CONOLY, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office, 307 Newcastle Street ! Try McDuffie’s "No 16” for La j Grippe or Influenza. It is guaranteed I to cure or your money will be refund ed. Price SI.OO. At W. Joerger’s. If you want your bicycle repaired right bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olewine, 506 Gloucester street Let us fill your prescription. Pure drugs, prices always right Hunter I Sale Drug Cos. i When you want lumber of any kind call on L. A. Miller. He will save yon money. | Three sizes of gas heaters on dis s *lO Nepwfie street JANUARY 30.