The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, January 30, 1902, Image 4

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THURSDAY MORNING, “A Penny Saved is a Penny Made.” It is tee wish of every prudent man to lay aside for future use as much of his earnings as possible without denying himself of the necessaries and some of the luxuries of life. It iB also his wish to appear beiore his fellow men in dress as neat and as up-to-date as his circumstances will permit. This combination of o*ess dnd saving is made possible by 25 per ct. DISCOUNT SALE on our entire stock of Men’s Winter Goods, embracing Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Stiff-bosom Shirts, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Ladies’ Shirts, Jackets, Dressing Sacquos, Silk and KlannelWaists. Hundreds of our patrons are lying in wait of this self-same ad announcing this sale, consequently we would ad vise that if you are at all interested in any of the above, that you call to make your selections as soon as pos sible. SALE COMMENCED Friday, January 24th LEVY'S. We are now selling THE “RIO HONDO” Brunswick Made. CIGARS. Ask for Them. W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST. Huylsr’s Candy Fresh Every Week. WITH THE NEW TEAR open up one of our bottled of 33 WILSON AND YELLOW LABEL )PJ I j6Sr 1 and drink to tie health and prosper j| Ity ot * r, * nd# *®d >lf during tks LMW 1 These goods are pure an l whole some. Unexcelled for richness, and strength and flavor. * Right for health and prosperity. JULIUS MAY, Corner Bay and Gloucester Streets ’Phone 221. Jus! Received Our First Lot of NEW MATTINGS. This is a neuj line uuith us. It tuill be interesting to you to price them. J. H. HELLER & BRO., 2’2& Newcastle Street. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS SHORT NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO AN-. WHO THEY V.SIT. Interesting Itemc. Gatehred Here and There By News Reporters. Notes of interest. None but the best barbers at Clark's. Shave at his shop. W. D. Miller returned from a short business trip up the Southern railway. Derminal for chaps. Hunter-Sale Drug Cos. Notice is directed to the ad. of A. Zeimenovitz in this issue. Mr. John C. Lehman is quite ill at his home in ..Janta. Mr. M. A. Baker, Jr., is in Jackson ville.. Miss Daisy Goldsmith is the guest of her sister, Mrs. j. C. uehman, in Atlanta. Mrs. A. Kaiser and daughter, Miss Reta, will arrive from New York next week to spend some time here. Mrs. S. M. Barfield and daughter, Miss Corine, will arrive shortly to visit Mrs. Julius Levy. Mrs. G. 1,. Pitcher has purchased from Mr. R. E. Breisenick the resi dence corner of B and P streets. Mr. A. Rothschild yesterday pur chased the residence next, to the Bap tist church from Mr. J. S. Morris. Fine Bananas 10c per doz: from 35c to 75c per buneu. J. M. Hodden pyie, 102 A street, opposite Ogle thorpe hotel. Mrs H. L. B. Wiggins and Son, Joe, will arrive here in a day or two to visit the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldsmith. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wood have re moved to the residence corner London and Grant streets. IT WAS QUICK WORK. Steamer Howland Is Again at Work Towing. The steamer Howiami, which went to tne bottom some days ago. is now at work again. The tact of the mat ter Is the boat was only on the beach five hours, Messrs. Butler, Lucree & Higgins repaired a hole twelve feet long and two feet wide, put in seven knees, caulked, and put the boat in first class condition in five hours. This Is the quickest work of the kind ever done in Brunswick. AT THE GRAN'D TONIGHT. Scenes and incidents as may be seen any day among the quaint fol of the Kennebec valley of Maine fur nish the theme of the story unfolded by the New England Comedy Drama "Along the Kennebec," which comes to the Grand Opera House Thursday next, Jan. 30. The company present ing this play is claimed to be far above tue average and present the piece In its entirety with their own special scenery and accessories, carried for that purpose. There are many specialties inci dentally introduced during the pro gress of the play, which are greatly assisted by an excellent orchestra car ried by the company. TUo"Along the Kennebec” band will make a street parade on day of penormance. The One Place to have your clothes properly cleaned is at Jim Carter's. Rhone 2532. U Whiskey, the best in Brunswick, ily whiskey. For sale ouly at Loew eastern's. An instantaneous water heater, gives hot water while you are looking at it, THOMAS KEANY, The Grocer, has accepted the agency for Nunnal ly's Candies. „ „ FOR SALE. ..60x180 feet south of the Baptist church on Union street; $750. Small cash payment, balance on long time. 30x100 on E street, SBS. 45x90 corner London and Albany streets, S3OO, small cash payment. Three houses and lots in New Town bringing sl2 rent; price S6OO. One brick block, income SI,BOO per annum; price $16,000. For good property, cheap property investment or income, call on BROBSTON, FENDIG A COMPANY. Shingles, laths and everything for the builder at L. A. Miller’s. COLLINS GLASS. Contractors and Bidder*. ..Estimates furnished on short no tice and satisfaction guaranteed. Superintending a specialty. 422 North Wolf Street, Brunswick, Qa. Just received, anew lot of gas heaters at 310 Newcastle street A hot bath can be had as quickly as you want it, with an instantaneous water heater. i New Line ] l ] lof Souvenir i X 1 ♦ Articles just 4- 4 t j T Wedding presents that are the J best. Call and see us. I KENNON MOTT, 0. D., j 4- 4 ♦ 4 4- The Leading Jeweler. 4 4- ■* 4- 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. * 4; J Inspector of watches for the 4- Southern and B & B Railways. 4 J Keeper of the city clock. Timej 4- by wire from Washington daily j 4- at 11 a. m. 4 r 1 DON’T FORGET When ordering your Groceries, to in quire for a glass our PURE BLACK CURRANT JELLY. PURE BLACK CURRANT JAM, - - -J auu A GLASS of GUAVA JELLY. (Florida's Best.) THOS KG: NY, FANCY GROCER, Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St. f t pnOR WOMAN. f 4 "Troubles of Her Own.” ! Ca’ t ,J >V v‘ : tS‘ I ■ t f 1 , t yh, . HA-mL: tmj' \, , - • \ liSir 4 li f If she only had a I GAS RANGE ► ► £ Cooking would be a pleasure. ► ► BRUNSWICK LIGHT AND ► t WATER COMPANY. ♦ * McDuffie's Turpentine and Mutton Suet Lung Plaster is a certain cure for whooping cough, easy and com fortable, works while you sleep. 25 cents, at W. Joerger's. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. All Star Attractions, Lyceum Course Friday Night. The Lyceum management has se cured as the fifth attraction of its course Wm. Worth Daily, the renown ed blind violinist, supported by Eliza beth Northrup, prima donna soprano, and Edwin M. Shovert, pianist The. management can assure the pubH that this is an all-star concert Thm attraction will appear at the Opera house Friday night of this week. It I had to be booked on short notice and at this time in order to secure this splendid company. Seats can be re served at once. Popular prices will obtain for non-subscfjbers. McDuffie’s Tasteless Chill Curs will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cents. At W. Joerger’s. Cold Wave Coming. Have your clothes cleaned by Jim Carter's Four Barbers Now. Henry Brightly, the old favorite, reached the city yesterday and is sow with C. A Clark. BATCH OF CITY NEWS A DAY’S DOINGS IN THE CITY BY THE SEA QUICKLY GATHERED UP. What is Going on in Buoy Bruns wick at Preoont —Interesting Collection of News. Twenty-Four Applications. So far twenty-four have applied for liquor ttcenße and several will proba bly hand in their applications today. The Weather. Rain and warmer; fresh northeast to southeast winds, probably Increas ing. A New Front. Workmen are busily engaged put ting in anew front in the Polhill store When finished it will be about the prettiest in the city. Services at McKendree. Prayer meeting services at McKen dree church tonight at 7 o’clock. Hereafter services will be held on Thursday night instead of Wednesday as heretofore. The Ordinary is Kicking. Judge Horace Dart, Glynn's genial ordinary, is real mad. There Is lag In the marriage license department and this part of his office is actually not paying expenses. , Monthly Prize Drills. The prize drill of the naval Reserves Tuesday night was the first and this will be followed by regular monthly contests. This company is now in ex cellent condition. Closes Friday Afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon will be the last opportunity for making a guess in the Gas Stove contest. Thera have been a large numner of names regis tered and tuere are many awaiting the result to learn if they have been the successful one at guessing. An Exchange. The members of the Aid Society of St. Mark’s Episcopal church, will hold an “Exchange” every Saturday after noon, beginning February Ist, at Mr. W. H. Devoes store on Newcastle street, where they will sell Salads, Bread. Cake and different kinds of good things to eat. A Good Impression. The center of attraction just now is Prof. Miller's Art Studio. He had a good many visitors yesterday and sev eral engagements for lessons. Each pupil is taugnt separately so they can begin at any time. I If your child has any desire to be an artist this is a good time to start it on the way. Prof. Miller is the au thor of his wonderful “Black and White” system and has been teaching art for twenty-five years. He will have a large class here. A Box Office Rush According to the rush for seats at Fleming & Waff's, Denman Thompson in The Old Homestead, bids fair to have the biggest house of the season. Nearly two-thirds of the lower floor has been sold and the house will prob ably be sold out by Saturday morning. Brunswick people should not miss this great opportunity to see Denman Thompson in his own play, and the one that has made him famous the world over. This is his flirst visitt I Brunswick Sash iSc Door Cos. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FRAMES, ETC. FROM GEORGIA PINE AND QYPRESS LUMBER FACTORY; OFFICE* PHncTstreeV"*- 600 C<*chran *ve. if S A Telephone 239. Cochran Avenue. Ocean Avenue. BRUNSWICK, GA. up your parlor now while you can take advantage of these prices on CURTAILS. &n<l then come and and inspect our window where fom 85e to $ 500, in all sizes from do you need in Rugs, Parlor Squares, Chenille Curtains, Etc. Don’t forget that you can take $2.95 and buy a $5.00 waist. Ladies’ Underwear. (or lit*' ® ur “P**'* l iB Hadiss' *°wns at 75c. nice lin* Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Notions. See our display of shirts in window p*r cent off on all clothing MRS. M. ISAAC, 208 and 2081* Newcastle Street. Coffee ** JS/ j Ta,t m\ We bavn t been saying much about < our Coffees through the paper. " But we have builtt up such a trade J on our Coffees we want every- 4 body to know it and try it 4 Harper’s M & J in 1 pound j tins 35c j If its nice, we have it. j .. Harper's M & J in 1 pound.... 4 tins, .. 35c j Lthl*. ’ The Grocer. PHons 158. < OPEN AGAIN AND READY FOR BUSINESS at the same old stand. L. J. JOEL. the Hustler, Better known in Brunswl k as CHEAP JOHN, the poor man's friend. 308 Bay St, West. My motto—" Honest and squa.’s deal ings to all; most goods for the least money.” , Ask to see my 98c Shoes—they can't be beat for $1.50. here and it is needless to say that his reception will be a packed house. The prices for this engagement are only 50, 75 and sl. Reserve your seats to day. Seats for the Old Homestead. Seats were placed on sale for "The Old Homestead” Monday morning, and the number sold is the largest of the Beason. Those who go early will get the best seats, and for this wonder ful attraction it is useless to say they will all be sold. By special ar rangement managers Fleming & Waff will play this attraction at regular pricee. Go early and get your seats reserved. First Infantry Returns. The Savannah Press of yesterday says: "The consolidated quarterly return of the First infantry exhibits some figures wfflcn indicate that the regiment has been affected somewhat by the wave of militay depression which has been prevalent in the state. Two of the companies, upon tue return, have since been disband ed—companies B and F. Company G has been placed on probation for a pe riod of 60 days. Its new captain, Lea A. Robinson, has just been commis sioned, and it is expected that the company will soon have two new lieu tenants and w-ill improve rapidly THOMAS KEANY, The Grocer, has accepted the agency for Nunnal ly’s Candies. We lead, others follow. Hunter-Sale Drug Cos., birthplace of pure drugs. JANUARY 30.