The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 07, 1902, Image 2

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I t?IfcAY MOJtKIHG BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City MHMr CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rates made known on applination. Church and other char itable organization notices published at ball to a regular rates. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., pos toffies, as second-class mail mat ter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mall true ot charge to all parts ot the United antes and Can ada, Mexico, Porto ltlco, Guam. Phii tpptae Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ AO Six Months 2.40 One Year 4.00 LEGAL NOTICES. from and alter this date the legal advertisements ol tne Bherlil ol Glynn sounty, Ga., will be published In the Brunswick Dally News. W. H. BEutUE, Sheriff Glynn County. January 10, 1901. Prom and alter this date all legal advertisements and citations ol the ordinary ol Glynn county, Georgia, will be published in the Brunswick Dally News. HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn County, GA Prom and alter this date the legal notices ol the clerk ol the Superior Court ol Glynn county will be pub lished In the Brunswick Daily News. 11. F. du BIGNON, Clerk S. C. G. C. Prom and after this date the legal advertisements ol tne sheriff ol Cam den county, Ga., will be published la the Brunswick Dally News. JOHN H. BROWN, Sheriff Camden County, GA St. Mary's. Ga., Jan. 15, 1902. Oa and after this date, the Bruns wick Daily News will be the official ergan of the ordinary of Camden eounty, Ga. ROBERT LANG, Ordinary. Camden county, Ga. On and after this date the Bruns wick Dally News will be the official ergan of the clerk of the superior eourt, Camden county, Ga. J. H. RUDOLPH, Clerk Superior Court, Camden county, Ga. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. r- ' —— ■ 1 Senator Clay will have no opposition and he should not. Pay your subscription bill. You will enjoy reading the paper. In the Rice will case there Is cer tainly a way to break'lt. Attend the meeting of the Board Of Trade today. Somebody wants to know what has become of Senator Wellington. As long as Oglethorpe bay runs, Brunswick Is commercially safe. Col. EatlU may surprise some folks In the race for the governorship. Brunswick is getting a great many small Industries. These make a town. The Macon News easily ranks among the best papers of the state. Schley receives an ovation at every littlo way-station. He deserves it. By tho way, what has become of Sampson ? Tampa is having a great time o\er that Carnegie library. Tho city council should endeavor to reduce taxes. State School Commissioner Glenn Is having troubles of his own right about now. Kruger said England would pay a dear price for the Transvaal and he spoke the truth. That Rome dispensary fight is get ting warmer and warmer. Scab likes a fuss. The News needs you on its sub scription list But don't forget we need that little 50c, too. Mr. Guerry has challenged Terrell for a joint debate. He would be very much surprised should Mr. Terrell ac cept. Gainesville. Fla., has the best daily paper, the Sun, of any city in the south of it's sire. John La Fontisee Is an able and energetic newspaper man and is making his sheet fatly sparkle with live and interesting news matter. Editorially, the Sun is one of the strongest papers in Flor ida. LET It STOP*. The News Bincerly hopes that the Schley matter will soon stop. We are like the majority of the people tired o, fight, and the longer it continues the worse it will be for the country. Schley is the popular hero of Santiago and all the verdicts In the world will not alter the Judgement of the people. He Is the Idol of the people and will ever be. It !b said that the president is get ting to land' on the hero with both feet ting ready to land on the hero with both feet, but we believe that Mr. Roosevet has too much sence for this, as he cannot afford to buck the peo ple. THE B. & B. CHANGE. The change In presidents of the Brunswick & Birmingham railroad, account of which appeared In these columns yesterday, caused some what of a surprise among our citizens generally. The people of Brunswick, however, thoroughly understand why President Machen resigned, and know that he is working for the best Interests of the enterprise started by him. Col. Machen resigned to become president of the Brunswick & Birming ham Construction company, a com pany organized under the laws of the state of New Jersey, and which hail a capital stock of $1,000,000. This com pany has the contract to complete the B. & B. to Birmingham and, with Cos!. Machen at the head, we know the work will bo rapidly pushed. Tho following announcement, under a New York date, was sent out by the Associated Press yesterday: “At a meeting of the directors of tho Bruns wick & Birmingham railroad com pany, held here today, Charles 1.. I-Iydo was elected president of the company. Announcement was made of a construction company was formed under the laws of New Jersey to fin ish the*road. This company, of which E. C. Machen is president, was cap italized at $1,000,000." Mr. Charles L. Hyde .the new pres ident of the road, is a well known New York capitalist. He Is also well known In Brunswick, having vis ited here on several occasions. He was here a few week ago with Col. Macuon and made a personal Inspect ion of the road. The Newß feels that ne will make a great success of the B. & B. and welcomes him as it's president. Tho B. & B. is a Brunswick enter prise and every true citizen is proud of it. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. Pretty lips were made to kiss but not to tell about It. Even great men have been known to be such little men ns to talk abont themselves. Lots of men know better after they are married, but so do men In jail when they can't get out. Some husbands are so tame that they don’t want all three of the mornings papers at breakfast at once. . ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF STEAMERS. Mallory Lina to New York. Leave Brunswick Fridays. Arrive New York Mondays. • Leave New York Fridays. Arrive Brunswick Monday. ♦ + ♦ CUMBERLAND ROUTE—Between Brunswick and Fernandina. Leave Brunswick at 8 a. m., daily. ST. SIMON LlNE—Steamer Eg mont leaves Brunswick every day at 8 a. m.. and 2 p. m. SATILLA RIVER LINE. Steamer Falcon leaves Brunswick at 9 a. m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. DARIEN LINE. Steamer Hessie leaves at 8:80 a. m. daily. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners .or. con aignee of the Uruguayan bark Clara will be responsible for any debt* con tracted by the crew of said vessel. ROCA. Master. Ship Notice. Neither the captain, owners or con signee* of the Russian bark Leans tin will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said Tea sel. KRHOLM. Master. Ship Notice. Neither the captain, owners or con signees of the Italian bark Virginia will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew of said Tassel. VALLB. Master. For the beet shingles call on L. A. Miller. Call on L. A. Miller for kiln dried lumber. AV'ifeSays: u We havi four children, With the first firee I lufiei <d almost unbearable pains from >2 to 14 hoi rs, and had to be placed under tbe influent t of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother’s Friend before our last child came, which is a strong, fat and flp'TBL healthy boy doing jj§ my housew >rk up £ to within twi> hours „ of birth, ar and sui- *r{ \ jmw ' \ feted but a lew hard (vd ‘■Hmp r ~\ pains. This Uni- I J , V" '■£ mentis the grand-1 fj \ // f/f est remedy t vet VI Mother’s f 'yl Friend ' ?f\ will do for every woman what It did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not I o use it during pregnancy is a mistake to !<e paid tor in pain and suffering. Mdker’s fFirnd ermine the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are u iparted to the child. It relaxes the muse ter and allows them to expand. It relieves mi ming sickness and nervousness, (t puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is shod and practically painlcw. Dan ger of risr >g or hard breasts is altogether avoided, a' 4 recovery is merely a matter of a few da ye Druggists tall Mather’s Friend far SI a battle. The Bradfkld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ua Send for our tree Illustrated beak. We Deserve Your Confidence in matters pertaining to drugs and medicine, because we have made it a point to buy only the best. We do not believe in substitution. Rest assured any prescription that is filled by us is prepared from the freshest and purest drugs it is pos sible to buy. DEV POROUS KEA plaster King of All Plasters Put it on your back; put it on your chest; put it anywhere you have an ache or a pain, and you will be surprised at the result. ’Phone 37 for your wants in the drug line and get them. Hunter-Sale PrugCo. SPECIAL. PIES -4f Onalikinds JOB WORK AT THE NEWS OFFICE. An Instantaneous water heater, gives hot water while you are looking at it McDuffie’s Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 60 casts. At W. Joerger’s. * New samples for fine teller made sletUsg at Jim ou*r-. THE RtUNftWICK DAILY! NEWS. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES. Bast Flour two 241 b sacks 1.25 Best Bacon per lb 10c Picnic Ham per lb 10c Grits per half bushel 45c Meal per .half bushel 4.1 c Arbuckles Coffee 2 pkgs . 25c Yellow Yam Sweet Potitoes per peck 15c Good Head Rice 3 qts 2V; Fine Black-eyed Peas 3 qts 25c Five Gall jns G isol ie, - 90 cts. Full Line of GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Tl NWARE, AGATEWARE, ETC. AT VERY LOW PRICES. Full line of Cigarettes ana Cigarette Tobaccos Hay, Grain, Bran, a t wholesale and retail. A. ZtX ENoVITZ, Bloodworih’ old Corner F & L S ref ts Phone 205 ---- - Souvenir China, Souvenir Books, Holiday Books of endless variety, Holiday Cards, Fine China, Gut Glass, Pictures and Fancy Goods, fill kinds of Presents for Ladies and •Gentlemen, a! FLEMiN Cs 6 WAFT’S, Agents for Columbia Graphopbones. ———.— Dyspepsia Cure You might as well put, tuel under a noiler without burning it and •xpect the engine to run, at to eat food and not digest it ana expect to keep up nourishment for your bodj. You must have nourishment to live and when you cannot digest your food, Kodol DTsrKrsiA Curb will do It for you, with no aid whatever from the stomach. Itcontaius •xaetiy the same elements as Nature’s digestive fluids and can't help but produce the same results.—David Taylor, Blind Ridge, Pa.,writes;— “J have been afflicted for a number of years with dyspepsia and have tried various remedies without good results butw&s cured by one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Curb. I cannot say too much in Itsfavor.” , It can’t help but do you good Prepared by E. O. DeWltt ACo., Chicago. The *1 nettle contain* Z* times the 40c. slast When you need a soothing and healTng application for plies, aorea~and "skin diseases, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel SALVE. Baware'of counterfeits. With a brush from our new and fine assortment. We are showing Brushes for the hair, the teeth, the nails and the flesh. Besides outers for the clothes, hats and shoes. Smith’s Eiderine Is now the favorite skin preparation with a great number of people who have been using it during the winter for chapped hands, rough skin, etc. Can furnish any amount of recommen dations by Brunswick people who say it is the best they have ever used and it will do all that is Claimed for it. SMlTli’b PHARMACY Corner Monk and Newcastle Streets. CHANGE IN SCHEDULES. Both Southern and Plant System In augurate Changes. Both the Southern Railway and the Plant System inaugurated a change of schedule. The Plaut System's changes are as follows: Train No. 87 leaves at 8:15 a. m. instead of at 6:30 a. m. Train No. 89 : leaves at 3:10 p. m. instead of at 1:50 p. m. Train No. 90 arrives at 8:15 a. m.. ! instead of at 9:60 a. m. Train No. 88 arrives at 8:10 p. m. instead of at 7:10 p. m. The Southern changes are as fol lows: No. 19 leaves at 4:45 a. m., No. 16 at 7:20 a. m., No. 21 at 9:46 a. m.. No. 25 at l:li-p. m., No. 11 at 9:66 p. m. Arriving—No. 10 at 7:50 a. ra., No. 14 at 7 a. m., No. 24 at 1:10 p. m., No. 19 at 1:16 p. m„ No. 29 at 6:05 p. m. B. A B. Schedule. Leave Brunswick for Savannah and points north at 7:20 a. m., 11:10 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Arrive Brunswick from Savannah and points north at 7:41 a. m., 2:50 p. m„ 7:32 p. ra. Leave Brunswick for Jacksonville and points south at 6 a. m., 1:10 p.m., Arrive Brunswick from Jacksonville and points south at 12:50 p. m„ 10:32 p. m. THOMAS KEANY, The Grocer, has accepted the agency for Nunnal •widJas. WANTED TO BUY Second-hand F U R N I T U R E, SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS, ; ORGANS. Etc. NEW HOME AND SINGER SEWING MACHINES J. W. WATKIKS, 208 Bay St. FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE Not every dealer cetera to the family I do, You muet be as careful liquors for family use as > St s In buying med icine. We a mistake— best awlays. R. LETCON, Jg’t. Comer Monk and Grant Streets. W. E. DEMPSTER Manager. REPAIRS BICYCLES, BUNS. TYPEWRITERS AND SEWINO MA, CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANICAL repair shop. Successor to J. A. Montgomery. EO3 GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prloee Reasonable. W. M. TUPPER A CO, Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Cerreeponeenoe Solicited. . BRUMEWIftK. BA. I FEBRUARY 1 ONE CENT A WORD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. This paper ie read by more people in one day than any other Brunswick paper. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR RENT —Newly furnished rooms at 401 G street, corner A. FOR SALE—Cheap; light top buggy. Apply C. H. J., this office. FOR RENT —Rooms, furnished and uniurnisned. Apply 500 G street WANTED—Furnished room. May also take meals. State location and price per week, H. P, this office. FOR SALE —A good lot and nouse on Monk street —a very good piece of property. Apply to S. Liebsrman, IDS Monk street. WANTED— to solicit subscribers in Camden county for the News. Ap ply at this office 7:30 tonight FOR SALE or HIRE—Good horse and wagon on good terms. Apply at this office. LOST, wTkAYED or oiOLEN-Two mare mules; one mouse colored and one black. Return to W. H. Curry, Brunswick, Ga. FOR BALE—Cheap; one Mathushek piano in perfect order. Addrees 8., care of this office. FOR RENT —A two story house with good yard. Apply t Mrs. Coles berry, 121 N Amherst street. FOR SALE—Two feather beds, one down quilt and other household arti cles. Apply 210 Reynolds street. LOST —Near the postofflee, Mason ic watch charm, engraved on back "Chapter No. 66,” and initials of the owner. Finder return to J. W. Wat kins and receive reward. WANTED —Good second band me dium size safe at reasonable price. Warren A. Fuller Lumber Cos., Opera House block. LOST—-One extra large white pointer dog with .emon colored ear.,, has on leather collar, marked T. S. Mallard. Kinder will be suitably rewarded. R. R. Hopkins. LOST—One. pair eye guard chain attached. A suitable re ward will be paid upon return to this office. WANTED —To rent for short time a good kodak, 4 x 5 or larger. Ad dress 908 Richmond street. WANTED —Six carpenters at once. Brunswick Sash, Door and Blind Cos. FOR BaLE —Old town Bay lot num ber 15 occupied by L. A. Miller as a lumber yard corner Bay and Mans field Sts. Apply to D. A. Parker, 225 WANTED—Twenty-five men im mediately. Taylor-Cook Cypress Cos. Apply at mill any time before 12 o’clock LEARN TO DRAW Learn to draw life-size portraits or to sketch from native in a course of ten lessons by the new system called "Back and Y/hite.” A child ten years old can learn. Call at the studio and see for yourself. Adjoining Winston's Photo Gallery, FOR SALE—Cheap, the balance of Mrs. Hirseh's furniture, consisting oi an elegaut Mathushek piano, hand some hook case and writing desk combined, parlor and se.tting room sets, bed room suit with spring, chairs, tables, new hammock, refriga tor. Apply to Mrs. Julius May, 510 Gloucester street. STEINWAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS The Best Piano and Organ Now On the Market For the Money SOLD ON EAST PAYMENTS. B. J. OLEWINE, Agent UNREDEEMED PLEDGES For Sale Cheap. ...TWO DOUBLE BARRELL BREECH-LOADING GUNS. LESS THAN FACTORY COST S.B. NATHANS, 312 Newcastle St. TO THE PUBLIC In addition to affording every fa cility to our customers consistent with eafe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Es tates, Guardians of property of prop erty of minors, and to make bonds In judicial and other matters, gensrally to exercise all our powers as a Trust company. Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., tl* W. GALE, Cuhjsr,