The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 14, 1902, Image 2

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FRIDAY MORNING,. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rate* made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mall free of charge to ail narts of the United States and Can ada, Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Mouth .f .60 Six Months 2.60 One .ear 5.00 ’Phone 188. ' Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., postoffice, as second-class mail mat ter, LEGAL NOTICES. From and after this date the legal advertisements of tue sheriff of Glynn eounty, Ga., will be published In the Brunswick Dally Nows. W. H. BERIME, Sheriff Glynn County. January 10, 1001. From and after this date all legal advertisements and citations of the ordinary of Glynn county, Georgia, will be published in the Brunswick Daily News. HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn County, GaT From and after this date the legal notices of the clerk of the Superior Court of Glynn county will be pub lished in the Brunswick Daily News. 11. F. du BIQNON, Clerk S. C. G. C. From and after this date the legal advertisements of the sheriff of Cam den county, Ga., will be published In the Brunswick Daily News. JOHN H. BROWN, Sheriff Camden County, Ga. St. Mary’s, Ga., Jan. 15, 1902. On and after this date, the Bruns wick Daily News will be the official organ of the ordinary of Camden county, Ga. ROBERT LANG, Ordinary. Camden county, Ga. On and after this date the Bruns wick Daily News will be the official organ of the clerk of the superior court, Camden county, Oa. J. H. RUDOLPH, Camden county, Ga. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily Nows as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giynn county. Take your home paper. Things are booming In B. Ai B. circles right about now. Candidatte Guerry seems toappre clate the fact that lie ia a good de bater. Governor Candler seems to have been the hero in Charleston. The governor is a winner. While Terrell and Guerry are mixed in a controversy, Col. Estill Is mov ing about" the state. A cynical Eastern critic complains Hint there baas neter been a truly great woman writer or musician. The. papers say Col. Guerry is run ning on the wireless plan. He does not believe in pulling the wires. The Thomaston Times tips Guerry and Estill to hire a Warner Hill and get one hundred and twenty counties to start with. The Washington Post contends that "what Mr. Tillman seems to need is a vocabulary built, on the plan of a fire department water tower. Hard Manns, of Cowlesviile, N. Y.. Glass Hoggs, Wesst. Point, Ua„ and Cyrene Wambo, Ramseys, N. ,T., have been added to this New York Sun's “list of celebrities." Philadelphia is said to have 483 cases of smallpox, and 254 cases of typhoid fever. What's the matter with the Quaker City, asks the Augusta Chronicle. U appears to be sick. "I am at the dooi," said the W. If in a loud voice, "and l <.ni eomin * "All right,’ rosji.'idcd il i meek man. ‘but you ha . better w ;e; your feet eti tb mat helote toy >\ ir catches you. Two negro soldiers of the United States army were nuug in the Philip pines on the 7th for deserting and going over to the enemy "in visita tion of the code in time of war.” So iar as these two soldiers are oncerned the war is stid going on. And they realized, as well as those who saw the haaging, that war is just what Gen eral Sherman said it was, and is still "progressing satisfactorily" in our new poMessions. MUST PAY UP. Elsewhere in this issue will be found a notice from the News Pub lishing Company, to delinquent sub scribers of this paper. The notlc in question is to the point and means exactly what it says, i Subscribers must pay or their names will he stricken from the list.. We cannot afford to give papers away, and. as ,a plain business proposition we must have what is due us. The News has been in operatic only five months, but during that time not less than a thousand dol lars stand on our subscription books UNPAID. This won't do—no money no paper. WHEN HENRY COMES. There will be great doings in the cap itolwhen Prince Henry entegg that his toric building on the occasslon of his visit to Washington. Senator Cullom is now passing sleepless nights in ar ranging the details of tho royal re ception, for it nas been decided that the committee on foreign relations, of which the senator is chairman, shall receive the prince. The capltot police are now engaged in brushing up their uniforms, the scrub ladies are polish ing the tiled floors, and an extra coat of paint is being put upon the dome. Mr, Collttm win wear a swallow-tail suit. Win! Mr. Foraker wMI no attired In tho uniorrn of a colonel of the Ohio Natioal Guard. Mr. Bacon will pre • •nit the prince with a Georgia water melon, and ail the other members of the committee will contribute to the gayety of the occasion. The royul pro cession will march through the build ing In the following order: Platoon of Capitol Police. Sergeant-at-arms Ransdell. Chorus of pages, singing "Die Watch ■ am Rhein.” Marble bust of Kosciuko on wheels. The Prince. Col. Ike Hill, beating the mace. Representative Bart.hlodt, carrying tho American and German ilags. The donate. Everybody else, including membarß of the house.. Of course this program is subject to alteration without notice, like ti railroad time-table. Senator Coilum however, hopes to make the occasion one of great solemnity ami import ance. and the details will be an nounced in due time. The most, se rious question which remains to be solved is whether the senator shall precede the prime or the prince pre eje the senator. The preponderance of sentiment at the present time favors th prince nut there would be the very dickers to play if he old not visit the capit and at at). REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. No vine can twine around a crooked Umb and bo straight itself. Let tomorrow take care of itself and the devil will take care of you. The seed of evil that is sown must bo reaped, but. not always by him who plants it By keeping one's mouth shut it is as easy to appear wise as it is to be a fool by talking. In everything but humanity there has been modern improvements since the time of Adam and Eve. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, the eminent English actress, gave an entertain ment to a party of society people at her room after the performance of I Tuesday evening and won $2,000 from 1 them at "bridge whist." She says she likes the game and always wins, and that she lias cleaned up $22,000 ill New York from people who move in the highest society SHIP NOTICES. Neither the captain, owner or con sumes of tho Norwegian bark Rec ord will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said bark. Johanneses, Master. Neither the captain, owner or con signees of the British barkentine Geuesta will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said vesspl - Davies, Master. Neither the captain, owner or con signees of the British schooner Robert Ewing will be responsible for any : debts contracted by the crew of said Willett, Master. McDuffie's Tasteless ChiTT cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cent*. At W. Joergcr’s. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS At the Grand TUESDAY, FEB. 18. J. H. LA PEARL Presents for the First Time Here, the Great Moral Play, REAPING THE HARVEST. A Comedy Drama m Four Acts. ,By Tom Fitch. A Story for the Multitude. The Sweetest Ever Told. Comedy, Sentiment and Pathos Weighed on the Scale of Purity. Produced with Speecial Scenery and Latest Mechanical Effects. THE GREAT SIND At the GRAND OPERA HOUSE, T onight. Prices 25 and 50 cents. A Wife Says: “We haw four children. With the first fcree I suffered almost unbearable pains from .2 to 14 hoi Tif and had to be placed under, the influent e of chloroform. I used three bottles of Pother's Friend before our last child came, which Is a strong, I it and healthy boy. doing W-* my housew ark up \-S-J* to within tw hours jf.-t of birth, ard suf- &\ jgSfefc '*' - \ teredbutafewhard <v i .’@o®® T '—j pains. Tf: is lini- / j j Y~ \a ment is the grand- / fj\ w i / JL ¥ i est remedy cv e r jg Mother’s j \§ Frier and ' if will do for every woman what it did lor the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not (a use it during pregnancy a mistake to I paid tor in pain and suffering. Mother’s Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect, which in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes •he muscler ir.d allows them to expand. It relieves mi ning sickness and nervousness, ft puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour,so that the actual labor is she l and practically painless. Dm ger of risf >g or hard breasts is altogether avoided, ar 4 recovery is merely a matter of a few dayr Druggi.ts t ,11 Mother’, Friend tor $t a bottle. The Bradrteld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga Sen# for our fre t!hu'rtfd b<xv GRIP? Duffy’* Pure Halt Whiskey Cure* Grip, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump. tlon and All Diseases of ........ ..... CURED OH GRIP AT 70. Gentlemen: t take pleasure In Informing you that although 1 ain 70 years old 1 have been cared of a severe attack ot the grip by using Duffy's Pure Mult Whiskey. MRS. ELIZA REAM, Reading. Pa. - Dec. 11. mi. Gentlemen: I had a very bad spell of grip, and Duffy's Malt Whisk, y did me good; It Ik better than all the medicine 1 have taken. JESSIE K WEBB. West Chester. Pa„ Nov. SO, 1901. Oufly's Pure Malt Whiskey absolutely pure and unadulterated, and contains no fust 1 oil. Duffy f Pur* Malt V 'hiskey is ii s wealed bottles truly. it Is our own {'ut eri ted bottle, and has the uam iur v Malt Whiskey Company" blown In th<> bottle, and has the trademark, tl> ‘“Chemist's Head,” on the label. If of fered in flasks or any ocher kfrd of a hot tie, or In bulk, it Is not “Duffy a Pure Mull 'V 1.1.h.y." '.V1;.., .. r.n.,.1^ NO F- ''' been before the public so 1 ,ip. tv recommcmlol .-. nti ,ir e* :1* ! >• and hns cu.ried the hi. e- 1 it- ' 1 so man) thousand hoi - .a N s P Malt Which, y, in. i ; arl*. it is the only whiske . cogric. 1 . Government as a uu-dlLin, . i'hl- is guarantee All druggi- ' or direct. t a bottle. VREE —lf you are sick and run wiHe Duffy Malt V.'his... y . ’ I - N. Y. All eorres- - 1.- -e V confidence It will . osi you noth learn how to regain h nlih eu. vitality. Kr, *—2 p t at .n< whist, euchre, c-u . scad I cents in uu .pa to cover postage Valuable medical book let free. Mention this papei. Phone 15S for your next Gasoline; 5 gallons 90c. at Geo. W. Harper’s, the Grocer. Nona but the best barbers at Clark's. Shave at his shop. Germinal for chaps. Hunter-Sale Drug Cos. B. L. JORDAN, Shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Always on time. 110 Corner Gloucester and Ogle thorpe streets. Louis 66, sold everywhere at $1.50, at Julius May’s for SI.OO. Catchy Sheet Music. By sending 10 cents in silver or postage stamps to B. YY. Wrenn. pas senger traffic manager, Plant System. Savannah, Ga., copies of either of the following bright and catchy airs can be secured; Tickled to Death, Bouncing Bee. Trotting Through the Park, excellent piano music. Woo 4 and Coal. Coney & Parker. mn Mopy on voifß mwm. Best Flour two 241 b sacks oj Best Bacon per lb ” . . . ” " ’ ricnic Ham per lb ” ”i(j~ Meal per half bushel ” ” ” " " j- c Arbuc-kies Coffee 2 pkgs j ” ” ” ” ' ’ Yellow Yam Sweet Potatoes per peck j sc Large size Tomatoes, per can ,y c New Georgia Syrup, per gallon . Irish Potatoes, per peck ! f!oc Cotmtry Eggs 2 dozen for ” ’ ” 25 C Five Gallons Gasoline, - 85 cts. Full Lin* of GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Tl NWAP.E, AGATEWARE, ETC AT VERY LOW PRICES. Full line of Cigarettes and Cigarette Tobaccos Hay, Grain, Brand at wholesale pieces. A. ZELMENOVITZ, Bloodwonh’s old stand, Corner E 8c L Streets 'Phone 205. ON t Cl fS I A VvOKD. .{ ycu want a position, a house, s 'servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some th, .ng that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. This papet is read by more people in one day than any other Brunswick paper, i at.s strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken -or less than 50 cents :-OR RENT--Newly furnished rooms ut 4ul G otreet, corner A. FOR RENT —Rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Apply 500 G street. FOR SALE —A good lot and .louse on Monk street—-a very good piece of piop-.-rty. Apply t > S. Liebermau, 109 Monk street. WANTED —To borrow SI,OOO on one ■year's time. Good real estate securi ty. Address box 75, city. . FOR RENT —A two story house with 00. l yard. Apply t Mrs. Coles berry, 121 N Amherst street. WANTED —to rent, three roontß ior light housekeepin. Wanted, one n.I room. furnished. Address Dan, rare News. * WANTED—Good second band me dium size safe at reasonable price. Warren A. Fuller Lumber Cos., Opera House block. LOST- One pair eye glasses,gold guard chain attached. A suitable re ward wilt be paid upon return to this office. WANTED —To rent for short time a good kodak, 4 x 5 or larger. Ad dress Mix Richmond street. nu BRER ST AM stincels, -etc. Agent .Underwood ' Typewriter. Will B. Fain. FOR RENT —Sefonu floor News building, 5 rooms and bath-room. Ap ply Business office, after 12 o'clock. WANTED—Six carpenters at once. Brunswick Sash, Door and Blind Cos. FOR SALE Old town Bay lot niA her i ; ‘■■•i-ttpled by L. A. Miller as a lumber yard corner Bay and Mans field street. Price $3,000, cash. Ap ply to D. A. Parker. 225 Union street. FOR SALE —Cheap, the balance of Mrs. Hirschs furniture, consisting Oi an elegant. Mathushek piano, hand fjorn.- book case and writing desk combined, parlor and setting room sets bed room suit with spring, chairs, tables, new hammock, refriga tor. Apply to Mrs.' Julius May, 510 Gloui ester street. GO AND REGISTER. Some Seem to be Careless About This Ma.ter. The attention of the public is hereby called to the following. Section 340 < : the City Code: “Every person, km, or corporation engaged in any trade or business calling is hereby requfrea to register his, her or s name, business, caiung or trade, an nually, at such time as the Mayor and Council may, by resolution from time to time, direct, in a book to be kept by the Clerk for that purpose, and persons coming into the city and en gaging in business after that date shall so register within tendays after commencing any business, trade or calling and take out the required bus iness license.” Section 312.—Every person, firm or corporation wishing to retail whis ky. wine, beer, or othes spirituous malt or fermented liquors shall apply in writing at a regular meeting of council specifying the place where it is intended to carry on the business, and the application shal. be accompa nied by the written consent of the nearest neighbors to carrying on the business at place specified. Section 313. —Ail license to retail w - ' !iV - wine beer or other spirituous n alt or fermented liquors shail give borni with two or more good and sut rit s to be approved by e Mayor fid Council, payable to the Mayor and Council and condition ed to keep a decent and orderly house. License Ordinance No. 100 fixes said bond at SSOO, and on all business railings, etc., the registration at Feb ruary 1, 1902. N. D. RUSSELL, Clerk af Council. .. U Whiskey, the best in Brunswick, ily whiskey. For sale only at Loew enstem s. Let us fill your prescription. Pure drugs prices always right Hunter- Aale Drug Cos. The best photographs, crayoas photo jewelry, etc., are to be had at Wilsons studio, 502 1-2 Gloaoeeter street Call and see sample# and the prices. With a brash from our new and fine assortment. We are showing Brushes for the hair, the teeth, the nails and the flesh. Besides others for the clothes, hats and shoes. Smith’s Elderine is now the favorite skin preparation with a great number of people who have been using it during the winter for chapped hands, rough skin, etc. Can furnish any amount of recommen dations by Brunswick people who say it is the best they have ever used anil it will do all that is cluimed for it. SiliTH’S PHARMACY, Con or Monk and Newcastle Streets WANTED TO BUY Second-hand F U R N -r I T • u - : ii "j B, SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS, ORGANS. Etc. :nEW HOMF. AND SINGER SEWING MACHINES ). W. WAIKIKS,: 208 Bay St. : FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE Not every liquor dealer caters to the family trade, but I do. You must be as careful in buying liquors for family use as you are in buying med icine. We never make a mistake— best awlays. R. LEVISON, Ag't. Corner Monk and Grant Streets. W. E. DEMPSTER Manager. REPAIRS BICYCLES, GUNS, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING Mfr CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANIGAL REPAIR SHOP. Succeaser to J. A. Montgomery. 50S GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prices Reasonable. W. M. TUPPER S. CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Corresponoence Solicited. BRUNSWICK, GA. THOMAS KEANY, The Grocer, ij^Gaadiea, isa * 38 P 9 * 4s *®** FEBRUARY 14.