The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 20, 1902, Image 3

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THURSDAY MORNING, During the month o February we will offer a reck ction to close out our number of odd p eces in Furniture and o;Jier Household Goods. We will offer a down quilt, regular value §lO, oi r price §6.75; Golden Oak Bed-room Suite, 3 pieces, worth §25, our price §18; a large, full size, 36-inch Saratoga Trunk worth sl2, our xric I §9 if yon want a first-class Range that’s up in quality and dow nin pri c, try one of our “Born’s SI ei Rang s.’ C. MeGARVEY. 316 Newcastle Street. ... ' ■ J l ." 1 1 —g TRULY "A GRAND OLOWHISKFY" Is the famous CREAM OF K NTUCKT. It’s purs and wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of its fams, rank sr quality. Sold In Brunswick only by Douglas &l Morgan, I. TRAGERITcO., Distillers. Officss, Cincinnati, 0., U. 8. A. "■■.KLLLHg^ww—"... 1 ■ ...i.., i . Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-President. E.D.Walter, Cashier. The National Bank c T Brunswick. CAPITAL $ 150,000 LOANS, DISCOUNTS, EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Interest Allowed on Deposits In Savins Department. DIRECT OMM. : JOSEPH W. BINNET, President Downing Be. Judge Brunswick Circuit. ALBERT FENDIG, F. D. M. STRACHAN, Of Brobston, Fendig A Cos. Of Strachan Steamship Line. E. H. MASON, of E. H. Masen A *o. HENRY f. TALMADGE, E. D. WALTER, Cashier. President Southern Pine Cos. Fresh Vegetable, u Groceries, Fresh Eggs from the Country. All goods sent out nice and clean. The t-e,t of everything for the model housekeeper. 207 Monk St. ’//hone 89 W. H BOW i & CO., Contractors and I. mhb of Stone, Brick and Frame Buildings. MAXL'FAi Tl'hKl> OF CEMENT TILE AND , NT I FILIAL STOXE J. M. BURNE FT, WHOLESALE Grain and P visions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Feed. Art Studio. Having opened a fine art studio, on the same floor opposite (Wilson'* Art Photo Studio) tor in struction i* every branch of art cul ture, (free hand). Oil water-color and China. I would be happy to receive the same patronage from Brunswick's art lover* that I have received in large citie* 602 Gloucester street. Mrs. M. ®. Be Hart. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade Is now serving the beat lunch In the city, and ihis popular place uhould be liberally patronized by the public. ■ * -thiiiii i —r —~i sues*! MCNTGC'Mfc.FiY ... GOOC YEAR, ins.ta .'.e —f re, '.term, Acc dent and Courteous Attention. , We lead, others follow. Hunter-Sale lirug Cos., birthplace of pure drugs. Four Barbers Noyv. Henry Brightly, the old favorite, reached the city yesterday and is now wita C. A Clark. Another car of bananas to sell at 10c per dozen; also eggs at 21c per dozen. Hoodanpyle, opposite Oglethorpe ho lei. "Faust" Saturday Night. Lewis Morrison himself will play the part of Mephisto in his new " Faust” at the Grand Saturday night. This star and play are well known be ing indissolubly connected hy many years of artistic success and grrofitable association. Lewis Morrison's sub tle impersonation of Satan has one vital point in that he seems at all times to be Satan, always at tne heart, of the mocking, exulting devil, in the grim comedy scenes or the subtle temptation of Faust. The most pow erful tiramatic scene is that of the new Brocken, where, amid fire and smoke and sulphur fumes, Satan stands high up among tne rocks, with fitful flames playing about his person, waving his fiery sword as a sceptre of his powei over the lost souls'below, whose torture evokes only exultant laughter. "You’re mine, mine, body, soul and ali!" seems to be the knowl edge that affords aim a sense of un holy joy to revel in, and Morrison does revel. His Satanic laughter, and weird mockery are simulated in a manner that stamps him as an artist of the highest class. Shakespeare. The announcement that Mr. Mac ean and Miss Tyler with their really superb company will present Shakes peare's wonderful historical drama, "King John," at the Grand opera house on Tuesday, the 2atn inst, is made by Mr. Edward Taylor, repre senting the much commended organ ization, and who visiteu the News last evening. "Our production of 'King John,’ ” said Mr. Taylor, "is noted for us lavish but correct magnificence. Nothing like it has ever been attempt ed by a company traveling, and the southern press and public applaud il in terms significant of praise and eu logy The discriminating and cap azle critic of the-Shneveport Times, which paper of the 22nd inst. I have very recently received, writes: "In the matter of scenic dlspla' and costuming "King John” was sim ply peerless. Tne stage effects were almost dazzling in their brilliancy ui. the harmony nnd richness of the cos tunies appealed strongly to the criti cal eye. Each scene seemed more exquisite in coloring and richness than the last, and the production may truthfully be compared in point o' generic splendor to the gradual un folding of an exquisite panoramo. Miss Odette Tyler wishes to pur chase a pair of wnite or maltese col ored mules. Here is an opportunity for breeders of fancy stock to make their business known. Any one hav ing for sale animals part mule am part cherub, may make the baragin o' bis life. Photographs, of the mules, not the men, will ne appreciated -and cream, pickles, caramels and sangaree may promote their sale. A life of ice awaits those mules and thousands of men wil, envy them their bondage. Lewis Morrison Coming. Til l.owis Morrison's elaborate pre sentation of his new "Faust” much dif ficulty is experienced on one-night stands In placing thie scenery, whice is of an unusually elaborate and in tricate kind, it is therefore custom ary for the advance agent to questioi the local managers as to the exact measurement of the stage, height, depth and wiutli. He then notifies the stage carpenter back with the com pany, who provides accordingly. An other necessary feature is a number of trap doors from wnich flames leap in the Brocken scene and Satan's imps disappear into the flames of the lower inferno at his command. In one western city, some seasons ago, after the usual inquiries as to measure ments. which seemed to annoy the local manager for some unexplained reason (possibly because be "ran a dairy and didn’t know much about the opry house”), the agent asked, "How many traps have you?” "Your folks needn’t wory about their clothes be in eat up. We don’t need no traps here, there ain't been a rat or a mouse seen in the house since we bad these here cats in,” was the un expected reply. Lewis Morrison nim self w. appear at tho Grand Satur day night, as Mephisto, in a splned' new production of Faust." Hunter-Sale Drug Cos., a home foi i he sick. Phone 37. GO AND REGISTER. Some Seem to be Careless About This Ma.ter. The attention of the public is hereby called to the following, Section 340 ol the City Code; "livery person, him or corporation engaged in any trade or business calling is hereby required to register his, her or s name, business, caning or trade, an nually, at such time as the Mayor and Council may, by resolution from time to time, direct, in a Jiook to be kept by the Clerk for that purpose, and persons coming into the city and en gaging in business after that date shall so register within tendays after commencing any business, trade or calling and take out the required bus iness license.” Section 312.—Every person, firm or corporation wishing to retail whis ky, wine, beer, or othes spirituous malt or fermented liquors shall apply in writing at a regular meeting of council specifying the place where it is intended to carry on the business, and the application shall be accompa nied by the written consent of the nearest neighbors to carrying on the business at place specified. Section 313.—A1l licence to retail v, .. sky, wine beer or other spirituous, malt or fermented liquors shall give bond with two or more good and suf ficient securities to be approved by -**e Mayor and Council, payable to the Mayor and Council and condition ed to keep a decent and orderly house. License Ordinance No. 100 fixes said bond at SSOO, and on all business callings, etc., the registration at Feb ruary i, 1902. N. 0- BUSStJU,, Clerk of Council. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS jin €3f THEAuM,RfIL WASHINGTON I \ Feb. 18, 1901 1 A. R. Bremer co., Chicago. Gentlemen:—l have i used Coke Dandruff I Cure for the past 1 year and found it an | excellent prepara- 1 tion. CONTRACTS mm HTi i:n for. SQUAE ED TIMBER, P LIING, CKO'-S --riES. TANARUS! LEPHONE POLi b, fN PI E OR CYPRf SS. CGRDjiWOOO OAK AGO PINE, A SPEC! ALTY L. U.UDHAM&OiI., Residence (il'.’ outli Gochrun Avenue I'.ninswiek, Ga. —*i CHANGE IN SCHEDULES. Both Southern and Plant System In augurate Changes. Both the Southern Hallway and the Plant System inaugurated a change of schedule. The Plant System's changes are as follows: Train No. 87 leaves at 8:15 a. m. instead of at 5:30 a. m. Train No. 8!) leaves at 3:10 p m. instead of at i :50 p. ni. Truin No. 00 arrives at 8:15 a. m., Instead of at 9:50 a. m. Train No. 88 arrives at 8:10 p. m. instead of at 7:30 p. m. The Southern changes are as fol lows: No. 19 leaves at 4:45 a. m., No. 16 at 7:20 a. m., No. 23 at 9:45 a. m., No. 25 at 1:35 p. m., No. 13 at 9:05 p. in. Arriving—-No. 20 at 7:50 a. in., No. 14 at 7 a, m.. No. 24 at 1:10 p. m., No. Mi at 2:35 p. m., No. 26 at 6:05 p. m B. Al B. Schedule. Leave Brunswick for Suvmyiah and points north at 7:20 a. in., 11:10 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Arrive Brunswick from Savannah and points north at 7:42 a. m., 2:50 p. id., 7:32 p. m. Leave Brunswick for Jacksonville and points south at (i a. ru., 1:10 p.m., Arrive Brunswick from Jacksonville and points south at 12:50 p. m., 10:32 p. m. Bids Wanted. For the purchase o, the material in the unfurnished market, building, corner of Mansfield and Newcastle street. The successful bidder will lie required to remove said material with in 00 days from acceptance of bid. Council reserves the right (o reject any ami all bids. N. O. Russel, Clerk of Council. Bids Wanted. For furnishing the city of Brunswick with (200) two hundred cords of pine wood, in four feet lengths, deliver! fit" Orqrnamry. Council reserves tie right io reject any and all bid. Ad dress 51. Kaiser, Chairman Purchasing Committee. Notice to ail Patties Concerned. On and after this date, all bicycles (left in my shop for repairs, sixty day; after being repaired will be sold for repair charges and storage. BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO., H. Girvin, Manager. The best photographs, crayons, photo Jewelry, etc., are to be had at. Wilson’s studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester street. Call and see samples and the prices. McDuffie’s turpentine and Mutton Suet Lung Plaster is a certain euro for whooping cough, easy and com fortable, works while yon sleep. 25 cents, at W. Joerger’s. ROLLINS <J. BLASS, Contractors and Bi dders. ..Estimates furnished on short no tlce and satisfaetlen guaranteed. Superintending a specialty. 422 North Wolf Street, Brunswick. Ca. None but the best barbers at Clark’s. Shave at his shop. Call on L. A. Milier for kiln dried lumber. Let us fill your prescription. Pure drugs, prices always right. Hunter- Sale Drag Cos. Shingles, laths and everything for the builder at L. A. Miller’s. B. L. JORDAN, Shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Always on time. 110 Corner Gloucester and Ogle thorpe streets. Louis 66, sold everywhere at $1.50, at Julius May’s for SL,OO. ONE CENT A WORD. if you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. This paper is read by more people in one day than any other Brunswick paper. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR RENT —Newly furnished rooms at 401 G street, corner A. FOR RENT —Rooms, furnished and unfurnished. Apply 500 G street. FOR SALE—Six room house and lot, central. Half cash, balance 12 house. No. 2, Atlanta. WANTED—To borrow SI,OOO on one year's time. Good real estate securi ty. Address box 75, city. RUBBER STAMPS—SeaIs, stincels, etc. Agent Underwood Typewriter. Will B. Fain. FOR SALE —Yawl boat, in good condition. Address W. H. D., care News. FOR RENT —Seconu floor News building, 5 rooms and bath-room. Ap ply Business office, after 12 o’clock. I FOR SALE—Medium size safe, S4O • ash. Apply to A. H. I.eavv, News office. WANTED—To rent, three rooms ior light housekeepin. Wanted, one bed room, furnished. Address Dan, care News. FOR SALE —A good lot and nouse on Monk street —a very good piece of property. Apply to S. Liebermau, 109 Monk street. LOST—One pair eye glasses,gold guard chain attached. A suitable re ward will lie paid upon return to this office. FOR SALE—Cheap, the balance of Mrs. Ilirseh’s furniture, consisting oi an elegant Mathushek piano, hand some book case and writing desk combined, parlor and setting room sols, bed room suit with spring, chairs, tallies, new hammock, refriga tor. Apply to Mrs. Julius May, 610 Gloucester street. Tf Whiskey.: _ I D; stilled especially for us. It is the best whiskey in Brunswick; call for it. For sale only at our bar.: LObWhNSIEIVi, i -OO -Monk StJ IHP MON I WHISKEY I j FINE, TOO,: GOAL AND WOOD. CONEV & cAPKER. STEINWAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS The Best Piano and Organ Now On the Market For the Money SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. B, J. OLEWINE, Agent. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES For Sale Cheap. ...TWO DOUBLE BARRELL BREECH-LOADING GUNS. . .LESS THAN FACTORY COBT S.B. NATHANS, 312 Newcastle St. SHIP NOTICES. Neither the captain, owner er con sinees of the Norwegian bark Rec ord will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said bark. Johannesen, Master. Neither the captain, owner er con signees of the British barkentine Oenesta will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said vessel. Davies, Master. Neither the captain, owner er con signees of the British schooner Robert Ewing will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said S' , ooner. Willett, Master. Wood and Coal. Coney & Parker. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters in any style. Everything new and clean. OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. MOSES DANIEL Sanitary Plumber AND Gas Fitter. PRICES AC LOW AS GOOD WORK CAN BE DONE...WE GUAR /.NTEE EVERY JOB. HOSPITAL TONIC? AFINEMEDICINL. This tonic has been in daliy use at Bellevue hospital for fifty years, and is worthy of trial by all sufferers from palor, indigestion, or any other bodily derangement needing a tonic. For sale by W. J, BUTTS, The Druggist, Price, SI.OO per battle. RED TOP RYE. Absolutely the best whiskey In Brunswick.. .It is pure. For sale only by me. All kinds California wines 25 cents per quart. Family trade a specialty. S. D. LEVADAS, 206 MONK STREET. TO PLUMBER must visit OR '1 HE DOCTOR the house at some ume. The choice rests With you. Better decide upon the plumber. It will be uetter and cheaper. PLUMBING work done by us promotes good health. 1/eaveß no place for entry of disease, -very Job is as carefully done as though a life depended upon A. H. BAKER, WANTEII All the Deer Tongue Hides, Wool and Beeswax: Second- hand Furni ture, Stoves, Organs, etc. J. W. WATKINS, 208 Bay Street P. DEV ARRIS. BTAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery. B. HIRSCH, 158 East 114th St., New York City, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Will handle all kinds of merchandise for merchants or families at lowest New York prices. See the Photo Jewelry, Miniatures, etc., at Wilson’s Studio, Gloucester street. When you want lumber of any kind oall on L. A. Miller. Ho will save you money. Notice. Plumbers and workmen of all kinds are hereby notified that no bills for repairs upon any house owned or rep resented by me will be paid, unless authorized by myself or employes. R. R. HOPKINS, Real Estate Agent. Sea Island Cotton Seed Directly from the grower of the sea island cotton growing centre of South Carolina. J. M. La Roehe, Edisto Island, S. C. McDuffie's Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems and make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cents. At W. Joerger’s. sfle gets a $1.50 walking Hat at Mrs. M. Isaac’s. J. W. CONOLY, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office, SO7 Newcastle Street. U Whiskey, the best in Brunswick, ily whiskey. For sale only at Loew enstein’s. If you want your bicycle repaired right bring it to an experienced work maa. B. J Oiewfne, 605 Gloucester street FEBRUARY 20,