The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 20, 1902, Image 4

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THURSDAY MORNING. NECKWEAR. The advance lot of New Spring Neckwear is here The narrow Four-in-hand of red, corn color, blue and mixed effects. Very swell for all style collars. Anew shaped Batwing for high band collars. Popular Price, 50 cents. Fee Window LEIIII FULL STOCK LanM’s Garden Seed, Just received. W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST. /?*. WITH THE NEW TEAR open up one of our bottles of Q 3 CS WILSON AND TBLLOW LABEL / Vv. I■! and drink to tie health and prosper* fjf lt7 01 *^i® nd, and * elf dkNtig the j | Theee goods are pure and whole -80“- Unexcelled for riehneaa, and *'•’*: strength and flavor. * Right for health and prosperity. JULIUS MAY, Corner Bay and GloucesterStieets ’Phone 221. CLOSING OUT SALE STIFF BOSOM SHIRTS. SI.OO kind at -79 c. 75c kind at -59 c. 50c. kind at - - -39 c. Spring Goods arriving daily. J. H. HEELER & BRO., 220 Newcastle Street. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. LITTLE LOCALS SHORT NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE WHO COME AND QO AN-. WHO THEY V.SIT. Interesting Item- Gatehred Here and There By News Reporters. Notes of Interest. Mr. A. H. Abranams, of Savannah, is in the city. Mr. A. Harnett was in the city yesterday from Savannah. For the best shingles call on L. A. Miller. Call at Tlios. Kenny's and examine those pretty mail boxes for private resi dences. The Clyde steamer Navahoe, Cap tain Johnson, is in port. Mr. 0. W. Cline has returned from a trip to Charleston. Mr. Joseph Muth, representing R. G. Dunn & Cos., is in the city. parched wheat for chicken food; SI.BO per 100 pound sack. .Makes hens lay-—at J. M. Burnett s. The steamer Vigilant went to sea yesterday. The yacht Idler was in port yester day. The steamer i a Icon will go up the Satllla today. To save money buy your table food at. our cut-rate daily bargains. Jo hannessen & Cos., 118 A street. Mrs. M. S. Parker has returned from a trip up the country. Seats for Lewis Morrison in “Faust" are being rapidly sold. The British bark Conductor, Cap tain Lambard, arrived yesterday from Barbados. Our fine stock of coffee, pickles and canned goods are being sold at cost Johannessen & Cos.. 118 A street, op posite Oglethorpe hotel. Judge F. W. Dart has returned to his home in Douglas after a few days' visit to the city. Mrs. N. Kmanuel entertained a num ber of her friends yesterday afternoon at her home on Gloimcester street. High grade groceries are being sold at actual coal. Come quick and you will get great bargains. Johannessen A Cos, 118 rt Street WANTED—Glaziers; none but flrst clftHS need apply Brunswick Saab and Door Company. Work on the foundation of the gov ernment building is nearing comple tion . WANTED—-By young man. board and room; must be centrally located. Address A., care of News. Judge Spencer R. Atkinson is still in the city and will probably remain here some days yet. Mrs. Laura Hlne has engaged rooms at the residence of Mrs. Lucas, corner London and Union streets. Mrs. R. A. Mullins leaves today for Jacksonville, where she will join Mr. Mullins, who has made that city his home. Harbor Master Fahtn has received his new unuorm and now has the ap pearance of one of Uncle Sam’s naval officers. Mr. E. T. Clapp, of New York, ar rived in the city yesterday to spend some time, and is quartered at the Oglethorpe. Mrs. Mason Loomis. Mrs. T. B. Blackston and Mr. W. J. Bryson ar rived in the city yesterday from Chi cago. and will leave tuls morning to spend some time on Jekyl. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hopkins, who have been spending some time in the city, the guest of Mr. Hopkins’ father. Col. L, C. Hopkins, leave this morn ing lot- ~ew icrk. Repairing Sidewalks. Some of the Bay street projierty owners are repairing the sidewalks and the News hopes those of other streets will follow the good example. The city should compel property own ers to keep rneir sidewalk in good re pair. Shingles, laths and everything for the builder at L. A. Miller's. B. L. JORDAN, Shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Alwsts on time. 110 Corner Gloucester and Ogle thorpe streets. Louis 66, sold everywhere at $1.60, at Julius May’s tor SI.OO. Call on L. A. Miller for kiln dried lombte. i DO YOU WANT : A Watch or a Diamond? If you do. call and ;see us. iKeNNON MOTT, , The Leading Jeweler. • 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. I Inspector of watches for the • Southern and B& B Railways. J Keeper of the city clock. Time . by wire from Washington daily • at 11 a. m. Only Place to Find PRATTS poultry • TRADE MARK REGISTERED* AND /nimal Regulator* Horse, Cattle, Hogs, Cows, Etc., F£D THROUGHOUT T HE WORLD. THOS. KEANY, FANCY GROWER, Phone 11. 312 Newcastle St. ••Faust" Saturday Night. Morrison himself will play the part of Mephisto in hit! new "Faust” at. the Grand Saturday night This star and play are well known be ing indissolubly connected by many years of artistic success and profitable association. Lewis Morrison’s sub tle impersonation of Sftiati has tin'* vital point in that he semis at a’l times to be Satan, always at toe heart, of the mocking, exulting devil, in the ! grim comedy scenes or tin- subtle temptation of Faust. The most pow- I erful dramatic scene Is that of the new Brocken, where, amid fire and smoke and sulphur fumes, Satan stands high up among tne rocks, with fitful (lames playing about his person, waving his fiery sword-as a sceptre of his power over the lost souls below, whose torture evokes only exultant laughter. “You’re mine, mine, body, soul and ail!" seems to be the knowl edge that affords nim a sense of un holy joy to revel in. and Morrison does revei. His Satanic laughter, and weira mockery are simulated In a nuinn.-i that stamps him as an artist of the highest class. Shakespeare. The announcement that Mr. via an and .vnss Tyier with their really superb company will present SUaKe.v peare’s wonderful historical drama, "King John,” at tne Grand opera house on Tuesday, the zoin inst, is made by Mr. Edward Taylor, repre senting the much commended organ isation, and who visiteu the News last evening. "Our production of King John.’ " said Mr. Taylor, "is noted fol ks lavish but correct magnificence. Nothing like it has ever been attorni ed oy a company traveling, and the southern press and public applaud it in terms significant of praise and eu logy The discriminating and eau azle critic of tne Shreveport Times, which paper of the 22nd inst. I have very recently received, writes: "In the matter of scenic display and costuming "King John" was sim ply peerless. Tne stage effects were almost daz7,ling in their brilliam y ? the harmony and richness of the cos tumes appealed strongly to the criti cal eye. Each scene seemed more exquisite in coloring and richness titan the iast, and the production may truthfully be compared in point of generic splendor to the gradual un folding of an exquisite panoramo. Miss Odette Tyler wishes to pur chase a pair of wnite or rualtese col ored mules. Here ts an opportunity for breeders of fancy stock to make their business known. Any one hav ing for sale animals part mule anu part cherub, may make the baragir, of his life. Photographs, of the mules, not the men. will oe appreciated and ciearn, pickles, caramels and sangaree may promote their sale. A life of ice awaits those mules and tnousands of men wiL envy them their bondage. McDuffie's Turpentine and Mutton Suet Lung Plaster is a certain cure for whooping cough, easy and com fortable. works while you sleep. 25 cents, at W. Joerger’s. Four Barbers Noyv. Henry Brightly, the 'old favorite, reached the city yesterday and is now with e. A Clark. We lead, others follow. Hunter-Sale Drug Cos., birthplace of pure drugs. WILL BE A GRAND AFFAIR. Elks to Entertain Lady Friends After Lent. , The Brunswick lodge of Elks will [give an entertainment immediately latter Lent, whicn will excel anything lot the kind ever given in Brunswick. | The popular lodge will this time throw open their doors to their iady friends and will entertain them in royal style. The lodge ueld a social session some time ago for the members and gen tlemen frienjs and it was a big suc cess, and the coming entertainment is looked forward to with much pleas ure. OFFICERS INSTALLED. Uniform Rank. K. of P. Held Interest ing Meeting. Uniform Rank. Knights of Pythias, held an interesting meeting in their armory last night, and. besides hav ing a company inspection, the fol lowing officers were installed: Captain—T. Newman. First Lieutenant —S. Levison. Second Lieutenant—Wm. H. Wood. Treasurer—W. Joerger. Recorder—J. H. Tankersley. Right Guide —W. J. Peters. Left Guide—Joseph Lassare. The < ompany is now in a flourish ing condition and will begin drilling I at once for the prize drill to be neld in Valdosta in May, during the ses sion of the Grand lodge. QUITE A CURIOSITY. A Fisii Which Looks Like an Ox. Wnile opening oysters yesterday Ms. J. H PoihiU's cook found quite a cariosity. In one of the oysters she found a fish something over an inch long and the little fellow is now alive and seemingly happy. After pounding on the shell and in serting the knife the oyster was eas ily opened. The fish jumped out and -Irange to say it is nearly as long as the shell, it is the .strangest speci i men of the finny tribe ever seen here and old fishermen assert that they have never seen anything like it. The head resembles the head of an ox It has two leet and two horns. Mr. Polhil has the curiosity at his store. A TERRELL COUNTY. The Merriwether Statesman Will, in All Probability, Be Glynn's Favorite. It is the general impression here that Joe Terrell will carry this coun ty wita Col. Estill a close second. Mr. ‘be rry, toe, has some friends her®, hut In- stands no show of getting Glvnn in his column. ' 01. Estill mav ip.-ak here soon and alter this ipeech he may stand a bet ter Snow. A NEW LUMBER COMPANY. Bradley-Watson Cos., to Open Branch Office Here. The Brad ley-Watson Lumber Com pany, of New York and Fernandina. will shortly open a branch office in this city. M \\ E. Collins, general manager |oi the company, with headquarters in ; New York, and Mr C. E. Riddle, agent of Fernandina. were in the city Tues day and made ail arrangements for ihe coming of the new company, ft understood they leased a part of the Plant System wharf. let us fU! your prescription. Pure dregs prices always right Hunter Sale Drug Cos ! >m nsw k k Sasii &. L)oor Cos. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FRAMES, ETC’. FROM SEORGIA PINE AND CYPRESS LUMBER FACTORY: OFFICE: Stonewall Stre.t. 600 Cochran Ava. Prince Street. Telephone MS. Cochran Avenue. Ocean Avenue. BRUNSWICK. GA. 11l Just received a handsome line of Neckwear. The narrow Crescent tie sells everywhere for 50c., our price 35c. Don’t fail to wear one, MIS. M. ISAAC, 208 and Newcastle Street. FEBRUARY 20. 1 jSfr $ $ # $ Breakfast 1 $ Cereals. 8 W Hecker’sOat Meal. W Matthei’s Crushed Oats /|\ Hecker's Farina Wheat ina, /n Cream of W heat, Pearl Rouiiny (iu pack /fit ages,, JflL f- hredded Wheat Biscuit, ffj djfk Grape ' uts. aa f|l xll fresh, just in. We V also have gasoline for sale fp - 'Phone 158. | - - . im JUST RECEIVED. 50 Watches to be sold from 98c. up. A chance to save money. L. J. JOEL, the Hustler, Better known in Brunsw' k as CHEAP JOHN, the poor man's friend. 308 Bay St , West. Ask to see my 98c. shoes. They beat the best for §1.50. WE ARE HAMMERING OUR WAY. P \ CO*>f">c* T Vrr z£§LlJmmm into favor by giving our customers the best lumber that can possibly be had at the lowest prices. We give tlie same earelul attention to every order whether large or small. That’s one reason why it pays to buy her* wnenever you need lumber. Present I prices are all in your tavor. LANG AND WOOD PLANING MILL. . ’PHONE 197. COLLINS V 'GLASS, Contractors and Bidders. ..Estimates furnished on short no tice and satisfaction guaranteed. Superintending a specialty. 4*2 North Wolf Street, Brunswick. Ga. None but the best barbers at Clark’s. Shave at his shop.