The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 26, 1902, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK' NEWS. VOLUME 1, NUMBER 122. PRINCE AND PRESIDENT CHEERED TO THE ECHO AS THE METEOR GLIDED MISS ROOSEVELT BROKE BOTTLE, EMPEROR WILLIAM'S NEW BOAT PLUNGES GRACEFULLY INTO THE WATER. No Accident Occurred to Mar the Ceremony—Many Photographs Were Taken. New York, Feb. 25.—1n a drizzling rain, but in the presence of a brilliant assemolage, amidst cheering and the roar of cannon, the German emper or's new schooner-yacht Meteor was launched at Shooter's island today. ■Unlike the weather, the arrange mentis were perfect and no untoward incident marred the ocean ion. The president and Mrs. Roosevelt. Prince Henry, and the distinguished party accompanying them, were en thusiastically cheered when they ar rived . The prince conducted Miss Roosevelt to a small platform imme diately under the bow of the boat. On this platform at the time of the launching were President Roosevelt. Prince Henry. Mrs. Roosevelt, Mi ■ Roosevelt, Mayor Row of New York and Ambassador von Hollenbcn. While waiting the prince and Miss Roosevelt chatted. Tne entire as semblage, taking the sue from the prince and tne president's daughter, was in a merry mood. She Breaks the Bottle. Exactly at. 1u:39 o'clock Miss Roosevelt broke a champagne bottle with a vigorous and effective hand, saying: "in the name or the German Ktn poror 1 christen thee ‘Meteor.’ " Guns roared, bands played, and the great cheering continued for several minutes. 'The prince handed a bou quel to Miss Roosevelt and then rniKtig b.s mil in a few words a knowledged the cheering of the as semblage on the main platform. The launching occurred without any mishap, 'tne president’s daugh ter, lifted a silver hatch and struel a rope. If parted cleanly and dowi came the weights. The wedges new up and out. The yacht trembled started orward; anil slid slowly do-.v into the water to the cheers of n distinguished gathering. Fhe took the water safely and brought up is the middle of the Kiflvon-Kuli wifi out accident. Photographs Taken. Prince nenry and Miss Roosevelt wer, tnen photographed. Tin prince i presented Miss Roosevelt with a silk- • en cap ribbon of the new yacht Me teor. and she wore it on h r left as she stood before the cameras with the prince. Miss Roosevelt wore a ■ dress of sapphire blue velvet, a large black hat trimmed with leathers, and a fur muff and ■ • a Shooters’ Island presented the a* pearanee ot a military encampment | rather than the scene of an international comity. The battalions of naval militia reached the Island at S o’clock and were posted at various Prints between the landing stage and toe scene of the launching. They wore supplemented later by .a squad of petty officers riid sailors fjv a, the liohen zollern, who, though not under arms, presented a military aspect. Police swarmed even-where over the whole island and the snow-covered hills of Mariner's ' harbor across the “kill” as manned ny 250 policemen. Out in the bay revenue cutters, na val tugs, and police patrol boats, manned by the naval militia and blue coats, darted about to keep the excur sion fleet back to the imaginary line. Arrival in Jersey City. The special train bearing the pres ident from Washington to the latincn ing reached Jersey City at 6:40 a. m. 1 he president remained on board un til the arrival ot the prince’s train, a few moments after g. Tim cylinder head on the engine of Prince Henry's train blew out and the train v, :■■■ Utore than an hour late in roach! tit Jersey City. The accident oeetirr shortly after leaving Raltimoro. Tin stalled train was punned into Mac: uolia, Md„ b? a passenger train and there got another engine. There wen some oUy.>r minor delays on route, oeoaslond fey change of sce’udule. i Soon after S o’clock the president, prince, and suites embarked on the boat for Shooters Island. Tne pres idem at once joined the prime for ward on Hie upper .deck, where they remain.a some time in view of th” cheering passengers on tin crowded ferryboats in the other slips. The resident and prince arrived at Snoot •t'e island at 9:30 o’clock. Tney >' o’c re--id veil with cheers by those present and the presidential and royal salutes, 21 guns each, were .ired. Three Cheers For the Prince. • Soon after the launching toe pres idential party and prince proceeded io~a nearby hall, where luuntuon was prepared. The health of the prince was drunk, and then Prime Henry said: ' On lliis occasion I wish to call for three hearts cheers for the pr si lent of the United States, Theodor. -Roosevelt. Hip. hip, hurrah: As tne prince spoke no waved his arms us a signal and the birt-liny. shook with r* spowiiug die. c Then President Roosevelt re... m his right hand and wnen tuere was silence said: “I ask three cheers for a ;:u t win .as already wop our hem, thine fenry ot P. m.nin Now :i r ood ono .-tip, hip, littran! The last was drowned witn a roar >f applause that greeted th call for cheers. Then the prince and the president shook hi i-... warmly and, as !ip> par ty started to leave the hall, some ne union... the invited gue-t. shout ed: "Mr. President, i off u' tim e cfi ■or the young lady who has ha-1 tl: lonor of laiiui in'iig the Meteor.” p toosevalt and Prim e Henry, m< op lauied ire iiieiV parii: je.t tdireut •r’H I- laud on the naval tug Yigilur.i •t 11:2') and an hour Inter were ilongside the Hoh/uizolP rn . Shortly before the lug pii'l.-d out rom the wnarf President Roosevt :: rnd Prince. ! cry appeared on the ‘op Of the pilot house of the tug til) ! here wore wild cheers for them. I’he surrounding fled of tugs tooted neir whistles, the Marine iced pkived i national air, amt tin- crowd yelled, the president raised iris hat ie "Utedly and the I tigs ru c-d. On ward the tlouenxolem tic* f'otlowii -abtegram in German was nf: To the Rmpero'r, Bcriin: The yacht nas just been iauncip-d under fii-re Hunt auspices. Christined by Mire : veil’s hand. Beautiful craft. Great enthusiasm. ( congratulate you with ail my heart. Heinrich. Present to Mias Roosevelt. ; Before the luncheon given on tie | Hohenzollern today in honor of Pr< - ident Roosevelt, by Prince Henry tie | golden bracelet, with tne picture o! | Kaiser William in diamond:;, was pc .-tented to Miss Alice Roosevelt. P was the emperor's gift to the young lady as sponsor for the nee yacht Meteor. The presentation was made by Prince Henry on behalf of his broth r. The prince made a brief a ! dress and the young lady thanked him. The bracelet is of vei v hand some workmanship and the porirait of the emperor in diamonds is well madf . FIVE Z i "| _L c “D. - • New York Ce fcr i j , t Train Meets '■ - ki, Train. Aubui n, is. 1... ; =O. _. . --Five men wer<- hl.i . i a ' - <Tu rr> o: b 4 \. . ij th 1 <, iOl K Tii ■') ; road. DU - i.rt. f 1 h* r ’ inf. * '• ■ r - IL. •. ( f f ! r ’ ' ' ' -I ■ ■ • .are ..... o I. ciii_.itor. .- tr, f R'- v! V • -a . - J 1- Rochester; Engineer Durant of Syra cuse. and Fireman Sc.irueck of Syra cuse . BRUNSWICK, G.A., WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1902. STEEL RAILS FOR THE NEW ROAD, TWO SHIPMENTS ARE NOW ON THE WAY FOR THE R. (% B. Vessels ,Which Have Been Snow bound Near Haltitrorc Are Clear. Tin 1 'Viioom r Marvel U?l’t Dela ware br, ai water Sunday morning or Brunswick having on hoard a argo oi' steel rai's 'or the Bnms* vie k a td Huiningluvm railroad. The schooner Berkes will leave this .nonling inmi the sumo place with i eaii’o ol : t el raiis*i'or iiie Bruns wick and Binitingnasn. These two •argoes lo ve been tied up in the ice /or some weeks and it was only when idle weather thawed them out subi iently that* they could get out. Wnen 1 s o two cargoes arrive they vvill he placed along the line just as apidly as m n and machimt,v can ?et them e ami bird ding of (he Brunswick and Hninin. bn:n will ran illy progress. President AGuYum oi the C’onslnic ion Goinpiip;, . and Attorney Twitty otumed \ ritenlay f: mn a trij> 1 'iruufi Alaliama. there they a. -ii the l.'ufala and Alaliama railroad of which Mr. Gydo wan made >reaident. At this end of iho line ' very thing is in fine shavje. and the ’ *nii- ssv ioL and j.irmm y, ha n \ wi 1 i shortly lie m-oving onward towards Mh Alabama <i' stination. TO RE FORT TO COUNCIL. Gmirictec to Which Was Referred B. & B. Petition. Tlx* coinmitlee oil to viiieli was leiii icd the peUtion from he Hninsiv K and Binningluun rail . oa<l, as!\in,: council to allow them ; > laj t- : oj tlie city, will report back at the nt’reliiig tomiiiiiiw -night, and it i.c ri 1 <ej .-1 i• tfioredit that the J itioir' id fir* ?'ran ted 'iiie Hriiiiswh'iv and Birmingham an is |)- ii ds.doo to lay track so Unit, them >.'• ~vH;;er itains may en i‘ the clfy wilhoui goaround by •• iiiii.s I'udy i'iiiu com;::;: d.ov.'Tj 1 fay •o eet. At. pi ;;u jif the pa; ’Ogej i rains ar/in a( an i <1'■ u-*I. Horn i h •onmr of Gioucesim- stn <•;. and. Code • ■ui avenue, but, no tins point m one.- diOarme Bom the center of the ity, Ur: iisv; line is quite anxioms to and it:;’ nearer tin* <■< n r ei tm ‘-ity. They aij'“ady have . park laid d.owii Bar stn-'d, aie : o'!d now make >i; ■ foot of Glouee:' •r aifiet iiie *:ep(, imt l.ijeir S'-iied do would is I'Oili ; e iied to be changed. ••> it Biis” niinadrs To run around if <oum;i! grants; the iießiion to ‘Oii'O'.v Jii.,.it, t: t* road \v ill have a < ■ f)t. jiu.i, in tin; r< ar of fbnrpe Yvhich Will bo co; s yonienf and ref' “ i How ever, if the petiton is ieniod, liie road will bisgin voming troud the city, and make the dejiot > ii. ioot i.-i <; oiioe.ster st!" i t. STATUE OF GEN. SHERMAN. A'as Ordered E-cven Years Ago and Has Just Been Received. ■ '*'■ • ; o Feb. 25.- -The long-de y* i statue oi General WMliani T. onejireiaii ha.-; at ia si reached tiiis 'ountry. It is an oqu rtrian figure, ordered 11 v on i ;s ago by it committee jt the (Jiaiiioer of (.-omnnufa?, A sum of Sib.j.uOO was raised, and St. Gaiidf-n conf ra' ted to com),! i-■• the -tauu* by May 3, 1 MM, No location or Die statue lias been provided a„s yet jty the city. transport arrives WITH MANY SOLDIERS. San Fra m: moo, Feb. 2a. The rnitf-’i Status transport Harp u( k ai rivo<l ‘'May from the i'liilippin " "I* 51 cabin pairemicr ~ 11,002 sol -51 military prisoners. J hero were three deaths on the voy a,!,.-, v*. liie H was a stormy one and two urea were swept oven hoard and drowi -/!. The Roseciaiifi. wnich ar rived last night, brought 951 re turning soldiers. Most of the troops fie’ong to the Tw, nly-secoml in lautry. SLUR CAST HT | PRINCE HENRY. OCCo RRED AT BANQUET OF TIT GEORGIA CLUB IN NEW YORK YESTERDAY. James 8. Gray, Formerly of Atlanta Threw Diners Into Confusion ley IDs Criticism. New Yoik, Fob. 2F Amid a si me ot • .allusion the banquet. of the Geor gia soeieiy was coiu-ludod at the Mai ihorongn hotel. s B. Gray, formerly of Al lan in , a lawyer, second vice pr si deni •i toe socieiy, was tne last spookor. rloflauneiied into an mtack on the yopiuat u. jin.mstra tam aceord'oci i’li.e e . - villi v . Tise dim-rs Wer. txi.roivn into coinneic-n and at the con luvhm oi ms remarks most of thee: mu laedly leu. the room. "1 do not approve oi \U'. reception and ihis gt. af oration of the Amen an i‘- opie to a Geinmn pa pm* a.t •liral wlucii lias its* li dmiied ; earn re an to a real mpniirai, an Am.ii an, id r. (iray sank “It is the i'4'y,ai cl ilunS. y is,i>r. I\cit!'.ei’ do * dd rove .he Scnl: i i.f; Ui mom.- ; l>. • ndctl i.uten to ti.o .u >.m:.(ion of u iiril i. h monarch. 1 ‘ .>EAct END COLLISION ABOVE PHiL/.D ELP I! IA. -- fi -o sccormnodatioi, i rains Crash, iujjiing Many Paksongcrs. i, i la,u 1 - !iia. I' :■, j : ,\ ~j j- ~11. >lUtrion !;, revi en ike Norris!own r-.c --uu: ;i!ui a U,i i ~ a ~ in.rr, ,ii re ;: -ltd sire- Ratling u-.-cotnuiodation dut ~t Hriu'un tire- Ucudiug rjiiwa.v at Upniiiiolu n, t'■ ■ i mil r .-. 11- : v,* i iii cily uuduy, wrcu.u-d two reus ai.u iiijureo a ! unifier oi l-arere p u, s. Tfii i u ol ne injured were firm, iii hero and me, J. S. Cook, is .relid In fie in a i it ■< a 1 condition. Ii nni...7, .iniu n.ilv .- >. r.pi-cia. ■ Cttirng i’riili-e rient> t: ;d j)!:, j).re-"Se:, ..-'-‘e CUI VC. Mil a q.Mil,,, ui m j! '•lt At lui-j.ri, ' Ii:-;:-: .re-erei;;; ■ne ■ a Gain known i.r, i:n '■ • -Xtr; ruigjit, wiiicn Kret Trenton at i. j o'clock, jiiaiped tlie track and win lid!, vt-ccked. Tie . V- -re mown over ium utiu r tint re. aire 111-, do!,!,)! and fur l-nir in ure-;. Ai-OJ i-.trii GOOD PLAY. Jr. McLean any rui,Tyliu ; ,t th Giand Lu_f i \e:i,i.. -Hi H. .1 e 1 ... ~ j lot . i'.rilT, hlljipOl 1- and fiy .-■ !j,.n ■). i-r.iny Ju i-ueiii, (j •• i, .. .- J:dll)" . •e Giand Iren ni- ~, to a t. ‘ and U.U(ii(:U< t l . Al i" . ; - u:t fi ■ my that ‘ll :-mr ire- a iii,alt... n,u„re U . rod net ion n. m r, ly am im i tribe y hi aged , The coat.uiii.ef re-re (reations of tm-uity an.l the jemmy cuUi uy fitiu:.; :■ p:-. fdumiou. • f nil' it Ipfi.oi tan!--. Hi a!! tie r.- n rtoiro ot hiiii.i, up'.are no nth: r rofi ■ mounts such a coiiipiiireit-.-!! eupor unity lor ! ndy. in geju-ml Uu ihysn-al cliaiact.m id Ring John i now’ll. due ,- ra it. , i-i:.-: i: p; -u: ; ... '.f ,1; moi h - mm cj|i- ;s. ty iam cal , : uuii , 'fiii-l. v/nhuu! - naad. admire!, i.-, ifii: si-ii li:.,tu|-,-", .uid o- a 1 ! it'i -iTiinvitHi;- on H t.o i.u- in im in: ;y a;.,.nr ik.a i: iie least m tractive, yet. Mr. Mel.eai r.akre: ol it one ot lliu m-red; iniport ■ lit : ■ jn■ ■ he fin -: ~ I yre ry,! - A ..oiiHtaii.-e, '( a prove! 1 f to ho all tin,| unn I! said i. advance ot her. All tri.- nc.< a irepyeny war; toned epitomized is his u-ariid pa ft, ot G'jf.uddi.iK-e; am! he imeniio cr'loiio.iai ,- luiive uutui,! was udutdred, iy and m - ticaiiy o.jn-ospf and . iin n- wore r..!. n ..on ;- uri: !- , >.. ■ iie-nt. perfonuers in Uu cast and a timuhm- of them re- .-i,. , j .n, tain • a!.:, -re we it as the leaders. Botha Ocers to Surrender. New York. 25.-11, was freely Hatred in tl.e lobby of the lion.,re n commons Monday night, say.; u 1.-... Jon dispatch to Tne t; u that General Louis Hot.ia, tin- chief , commandant, had man. <y, Jto get di :<•<-!: conimnnication with Lord Mil ner and nad offered to Ktin-ui e,- oi . : certain conditions, the chief being that, lie shall not fit fiani/.hctl from Ciouln Africa. The negotiations arc saui to be proceeding. TILMAN AND M’LAURIN I PERMITTED TO VOTE IN IIIE SENATE YESTERDAY STEAMBOAT BLOWN UP Boiler Explosion Kills One Man and Fatally Injures Three. K.mxviHo. T-'iiu., Feb. 25. : —The si; luulKiiit T. II Bacon was totally wrecked in thr. Tennessee river seven utiles below London this morning if. holler exploded, killing l'lslii Hue. ins, assistant engineer, perhaps .alaUy onnding Robe-rt Bird, a pes en.-. -v who was en route home from In- Philippines, and Albert Cnai iiorno. engineer, ami G. Bmith, deck-, hand. The boiler sliot through the rear < tie; 1.-nut a;t"r first exploding, ru.i when it struck the water a sec ii Ii xpiorion occurred. •JOY IS AWARDED $'30,000 ■ OR HE LOSS OF HIS FEET. b.uvy Vs-rdict Rendeied Against a ■ treat Car Company. Net Yori., P I). For the loss and be- ii I I : beiii:. run over by a ■rice; a j u 11 in tbe supreme <>u: ire a rertP-j Vincent iMuess en i. 7 re, l : ■ old, s2i),obP namages. biiie b ■.: id til be t tie la re st award l" - real .njui'b : e-r made in liis i Lip !re n fur di ath it lias n'y oil, - in en exceeded. Hi;. ABb JED THE PRINot. aerrmni ; lender Sends Too Talk at;. Men to Hospital. Vei'. Feb. 25. Henry Kress •I I 1 ere Hill, re. ,1.. wee beaten witil i ■ lie i r- | in now m <t hospital rerii a ii >1 skull because fie ma arered ,!u* :: di'-nzollnrns, and Prince ■P in.- J- pni-i-c-ular, in the presence >f a * e re . : |, : ,rleu lor. The latter was arrested. VESSELS COLLIDE AT SEA. Believed That Grew of Wrecked Ves sel Was Lost. Phi':- !-' i ill in. Pub, 25. -Information if Hu- ; (and ie -; of an unknown tres --’1 - : :■ -J, Pie drowning of all on • lull, , J b■ a re-<>;-i-i<,>d fter..:, Tii ■ In H i Mary Palm r, from -iori'ui: o Huston, collided with the >-hoop- ; {'burl.- j-;, 1 tali 12 miles |,C:I ri re Ired). |||. r |' |) (■ ■ : .- 1 leu: be.:.;, aad ime of on- ci ''re v;i ill; do ,:u wit /i her. Smith Will Run. Aria in a. i, b. . ( . S. Wehh o vt i■-- e-. v. fieri-, t; ny a, ( d announced hut li b-.s just ret ip ued from re di a- ii -1 e i le-re was told it.i i hat lie would e eo -.-1 , : pn- .govi-iHir sure, and "ore.i eod ... leal; announcement v ei: It, r a unuticed uuthori - Gie rap fill today that W. dee j lias and e(l 111 ,.] f. ; fieeoinC a a e'-d, re- for (i ; ip-er against R. R. Park. HO TRUTH IN RUMOR. - VJ r-/.ill at P ee Gloom Has Not U( en Sold. i-rer .- v. ru.l -::■ .! i opotds fin fie:,n eni out li'e/n ihin-ii: s an-’ repuh eJh' and in I li, e eoiduiiis. t.o t hr- effect : '-d Ge large Gray saw mill, located Pine Bloom, had beyn gold ere 1; i, ; ... tirod- tun, l-'enilig & of >ills city . - ; r e, )■( I-’i p.-i i ■- of the above e e u; p. ; . a reporter of The • - v - let,.-ay and lie stated that h' i --ire no truth in the rumor, s.-ing t originated from aim visit 'd 1 ; ire pla-.c grime time ago, ‘THE CASINO GifiL.” Jomo:, to the Opera House Next Fri day. y.lanag-.T Samii -I (•;. Rork, who will )ii,i: the; inn J Yoik and Lon ion production oi Id-- George W. Led >rr'r diiire-al com- -ly, “Tho Casino Jirl f-'ic ra House Friday night, tnriouucc:; Uu tolimving artists at the reel o! the enormous organization ■vliich is exploiting tins world-la nou;; ■ d-K-'-i.u-!-- of cotnics and riiti : Irian. B'-mar.l, Ben Griimeil, l ' i ’ ,y -.'inred Harry Burnham, -fimi-t Aiiss Clara Palmer, ■ree Care non, Carrie fteynolds and dit-r- Arr.old. In ariditlon there are |, ' v 'i” oi’ l '- if' bir numerous importance, a pony ballot of rare i ll little dancers from England ini .-m aliundiint chorua oi bewitch ing feminity PRICE FIVE CENTS. DEBATE WAS LOOKED FOR, NAMES OF THE BELLIGERENT SOUTH CAOLINIANS RESTORED TO THE SENATE. Galleries Were Crowded and Desks All Occupied, But War Was Avoided. Washington, Feb. 25.—The names of Senators Tillman and McLaurin have been restored to the roll of the senate. A tew minutes after the senate con vened Mr. McMillan of Michigan an nounced the death of late represen tative Crump of Michigan, which oe* uiirred several months ago, and the senate adjourned out of respect to the deceased. The adjournment was unexpected. An hour before the body convened tne galleries began to fill with spec tators. all expecting a sequel (o the great donate of yesterday on the rights ol the senators from South. Carolina to cast votes while under the ban of contempt, of the so-ure ■ Several Democratic senators had Hoc.-1 s open their desks and it looked is if tie ■ were preparing to contin ue I- Contest. They were evidently sip-jii red. hut offered no objection to I he a-: loin ument. it is expected that the senate ■-•- tomorrow adopt a resolution indors ing the aition of President Pro Tern, i-’rye in uruering the names of the oulli Carolina senators erased from Cue rolls and suspending both Mc -1 aurin and Tillman for the- time be jg. Today’s action in restoring the names to tile roll is merely to shift riie responsibility to the senate. SANK ROBBERS FOILED; WATCH MAN ASSAULTED. Attempt to Loot the Varick, a New York Institution. New York, Feb. 25.—What is re garded as a daring attempt to get at Uio vaults o the Varick hank, with the intention of looting them, has' just b-ei a made. The would-be robbers .merely wounded a night watchman, who was the single protector of the vaults. Springing on him in the dark of the basement of the Wool Exchange building, at Reach street and West Broadway, they knocked him sense less Ty a blow on tne forehead that made a wide gash in the skin. Train ed for just such an emergency, he 'ied out as the blow fell. His cry, riie noise which resulted from his fall, ur. perhaps, the belief that tney had ' !m d him, frightened the men off and hey escaped. The, treasure room was perfectly maided by electrical devices and if lie cracksmen had succeeded in en t'-iing, the police undoubtedly would >ave swooped down uvon tnem. READY FOR BUSINESS. Bradley-Watson Lumber Company Have Opened Offices. W. R. Gollins, who will he the Brunswick agent of the Bradley-Wat on Lumber Company, arrived in the ity yesterday and will at once pro i>an* for business. An account of this new lumber company opening a branch nere was published in these columns a few days ago. They now have offices in New 1 ork and Fernandina, and are extensive dealers in the,lumber bus iness. MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Candidates Ore Getting Their Card* In. Mre John E. Dubberley announces in Uli ß issue for re-election to the of fice of Tax Receiver. Ire W. T. Owens announces for the ' "CO ol sheriff. Mr. Owens is at i-icsct superintonlent of the Glynn county convict camps. - \V- Iri Porter, 1007 G street : painter and paper hanger. Signs of any .inscription. Agent for wall-paner * 133-3' Ul ° P m “ 1 |)oStttl ’ Cail 'Phone