The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 26, 1902, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY MORNING, BRUMIIK DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rates made known on appliaatlon. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tirms to subscribers in the city and by mail tree of charge to all ->artH of the United Elites and Can ada, Mexico, Porto Rico. Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Mouth $ -50 Six Months 2.50 One . ear 6.00 ’Phone 188. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga„ postoflice, as second-class mail mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Uiynn county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that, alt legal advertisements must he paid for In advance. We cannot afford to uuvolo our space to such advertiso -1..0..U anti wait on the courts for the nfoney. Brunswick needs better streets, and and needs them bad . It Is a good time to beg u your silting advertising. An exchange things Guerry gub ernatorial stock has been matured. We will see that you get your paper. You see that it is paid for. Tillman and McLaurin are prob ably sory that tney wore such bail boys Mid Saul is doing excellent work for the Atlanta Journal in Washing ton. Milt Raul is doing excellent work telegraph editors are now relieved of a daily routine. ft is time for Tillman and rin to resign again. The bluff would be called tnis time. It is evident that Mr. Tillman did not have his pitchfork with him lasi Saturday. It is to lie hoped that Fighting Bob Evans will not make the usual snow of Bob Evans. Trade with the merchant who ad vertlsos, because he invites you to do so. Others do not. Yes; wo are all willing to accept President Roosevelts verdict in the Sampson-bchley controversy. It might be re-opened. Mr. Roosevelt may not be aware of the fact, hut he is, nevertheless, tackling a buzz saw when he runs up against Ben TUunan. "It is curious, by the way,” says the Ixmisvillc Courier-Journal, "to recall that both Abraham Lincoln and Jef ferson Davis were born in this state, not more than TOO miles apart, and with But about a year s deference in time." The president general of the Daughters of the Revolution relapsed into anchronism when she ordered the noisy sisters to "go 'way back and sit down.” The Memphis Scimitar says: “Imagine Martha Washington saying anything like that!" The subscription rate of the News is $6.00 a year in advance, but for the convenience of the public the management accepts $1.26 for three months, or 60 cents for one month. It is all payable in advance as i( is simply impossible for any paper to live and collect any other way. The public will please take notice. Savannah i.links she will soon get tnat coveted sub-treasury. The News says: "Secretary Shaw, the head of the Treasury Depaitment took a broadminded view of the question ol establishing a sub-treasury in this city. He is going to investigate the matter, and if he finds that tnis sec tion of the country is in need of such an institution he will not hesitate to recommend the passage of the sub treasury bill introduced by Repre sentative 1-ester. IN BAD SHAPE. While not desiring to criticise the city administration the News directs the attention of council to the bad condition of our most popular streets —Newcastle, Bay, Monk, Gloucester ami others too numerous to mention. We are a war of the fact that the city treasury is not .what coukl be called "flush" at present, but more street work and less expert account ants would suit the people a great deal better. VERY UNFORTUNATE. The personal encounter between Tillman and McLuarin, senators from South arolina, in the senate of the United States is, indeed, un fortunate. That South Carolina will he the sufferer there is no doubt, ami with tne Palmetto state, the entire south is likely to feel keenly the dis- I grace in more than the social way. Our representatives in Washington 'should be the cream of southern j manhood, soutnern sentiment and southern thought. A nr at In the United States senate is an honor which comes to few and that two such honored should for get their duty to the people of their state, the south and the United States, is unfortunate in the ex treme. PERSONAL ANtT OTHERWISE. Dr. O. K. Vincent, a son of Bisnop Vincent, of the Methodist church, is mentioned for the presidency of the Wisconsin University, lie is ttt pres ent professor of sociology in the University of Chicago. Andrew Carnegie lias just tension ed three old veteran Pennsylvania railroad engineers of Johnstown, who worked under him when he was su perlnt. ndent of the Pittsburg .livis ion. at the rate cf *2O cadi per mouth. The Baroness Lilian von Tlh e is in Chicago, alter four years spent in the Klondike, to buy hydraulic mining machinery and a ten-room portable house for her mining work. The baroness is thirty years old and un married. Near-by Treasurers.—Lucie--"! al ways give the prettiset embroidered tilings I do to my mother." Marie "That is kind and thoughtful in von.” Uncle—" Yes, tnen 1 can borrow them. you know." Detroit Free Press. Mr. and Mrs. John r>. Rockefeller, Jr., are both instructors in the Sun day school of the Fifth Avenue Hup tist. Church. New York city. Mr. Rockefeller is the lender of the class, and Mrs. Rockefeller mis a class of little boys. The Macon Telegraph says that the old idea that a newspaper must champion violently the personal am bition ot a candidate for governor, claim the victory when he wins, flic a first lieu on him, and then boss him after he is governor, is playing out, and ought to piav out. The Washington Post is not sur prised to find that the New York Tribune praises the president's opin ion about Schie.v. The "special am bassador,” Mr. Wnitelaw Reid, who edits I hhe Tribune, could scarcely lie expected to tile a dissenting opin ion. OPERA HOUSE CALENDAR. Some of the best attractions of the season will be seen at tae Grand in Ihe. next tow weeks. Following is (be list: Friday. Felt. 28 The Casino Girl. Monday, March :l Havely's Min-, strels. Wednesday, March s—The Burgo master. Friday and Saturday, March 7 and 8 Grand comic opera, playing “Ri Capitau. "Patience and Dorothy." Public Confidence. , U very body feels well satisfied when ill. y send their clothes to Jim Carter, lie has his business so organized that every wish of the customer is satis fied. V our clothes are sent for and promptly returned with everythin" executed with care and precision, if you want good service send vonr clothes to him. We lead, others follow. Hunter-Sale 13r*u£ Cos., birthplace of pure drugs. ANNOUNCEMENTS For State Senator. To the public: I respectfully an nounce that 1 am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for senator for the Fourth district of Georgia, com posed of the counties of Camden, Charlton and Glynn. My platform : will be to execute the will of the peo ple and serve their interests so far as I know it and to the extent of my ability, and to procure such legisla tion as they desire without regard to I my persona! interests or those of any ! clique or faction. A. J. CROVATT. For County Treasurer. | I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county treasurer and ask for the support of my friends i and the voters in general. F. M. SCARLETT. For Treasurer. This is to notify my friends and the public in general that 1 will be a can | didate for the office of County Treas , urer, subject to the Democratic pri j mary. 1 respectfully ask tne support : of the voters of this county. CHAS. M. TILTON. For Treasurer. To my friends and the voters of Glynn county: l hereby announce myself a candi date for rc-elction to the office oi County Treasurer, subject to th" Democratic primary. For two terms I have been elected to this office mid trust my conduct has been such as to m i'lt. your cofidence and sup port. Thanking you for your sup- Ll'Ot'f in the past, I am yours truly, H. S. LEE.. . For Sheriff. This is to inform the voters of Glynn county ,iat I will he a candi date for the office of Sneriff, subject to the Democratic primary, ami re ; 1 in r tfully ask the support of my j I'ii mis and the public generally. JNO. E. D'JBBERLY. For Tax Receiver. nils is lo inform the voters of I Glynn county that 1 will be a candi- : dale ,'or re-election for the office of | Tax Receiver, subject to the Demo iciuiic primary, and respectfully ask | lor their support. JNO. E. SUBBERLY. ~rnmi Hoi fvionday Until March 3 ‘ Should old acquaintances be forgot’ NOW I Prepare for the ti nt one of the season ! HWERLY’S Massive fISTOOON 188 INSTRFL EXCITEMENT! Headed By The One, The Only, The Original Beorge Wilson. Hie assassin of the Blues. The recognized king of minstrels. Hear bis medely on the pretty maiden from - lorodora, and you’ll want to hear Morgan, the world’s greatest minstrel tenor from Moore and Burges’ min strels at Tones hau, London, Eng. Oh! l.issten to the Band. Monday, 11:30. : V ANTfO TO BUY ► ► : Second-hand E F U : R : N I : T : u R E, ; SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS, ; ORGANS. Etc. [NEW HOME AND SINGER SEWING MACHINES !j. W. WAIKIf.S, : 208 Bay St. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. A V r ife Says-. “We hav* hur children, With the first tiru I luffetrd almost unbearable pain* from 2 to 14 hoi rs, and had to be placed under the influents of chloroform. I used three bottles of Mother’s Friend before our last child came, which k a strong, fit and healthy boy. doing -f my housewwk up V/5- /J to within twj hours g-, of birth, ar and sui- \ (eredbutaiewhard \Wj , xS&SgH Y pains. Ti is lini- / 7 v j sum, V* Lg ment it the grand- ( fj V 'Sf // A est remedy ever IJfZrrzj kj Mother's y' Friend ’ rft will do lor every woman what it did lor the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not I i use it during pregnancy it a mistake to i paid lor in pain and suffering. Mother's I bend equips the patient with a strong bod' and clear intellect, which to turn are t iparted to the chi’d. It relaxes ‘he muscle.- and allows them to expand. It relieves mi •ning sickness and nei vousnesa. Ii puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition fr,i the linal hour, so that the actual labor is shod and practically pama- s. Dan ger of risi g or hard breasts is ah jgahei avoided, a/ I recovery is merely a matter ol a few dayr DruggisUtall Mother's Friend ler $t a bottle Tbe Bradfleld Regulator Co.,At!an’a, ti Son* for oar free IllastrettO. book PRODUOK . c. Our Kidney Cure docs that an 1 more, too, it restores the weakened system to a healthy condition in qub time; puts new life and vigor in the "don’t care" body. An excellent med icine for any season of the year, hr particularly good !><"•’.■ Don't or - take some of our Kidney Cure ar Liver Pill* when feeling badly. Our stock of S)rugs f Medicine# end tiundrie#, contains everything required in tee sick room or home. SMITH’S PHARJIAU, Corner Monk and Newcastle Streets We Deserve Your Confidence in matters pertaining to drugs and medicine, because we have made it a point to buy only the best. We do not believe in substitution. Rest assured any prescription that is filled by us is prepared from the freshest and purest drugs it is pos sible to buy. DEV POROUS KcA PLASTER King of All Plasters Put it on your back; put* it on your chest; put it anywhere you have an ache or a pain, and you will be surprised at the result. ’Phone 87 tor your wantsS in l he drug line and gee them. Hunter-Fale Drug Ge. TO THE PUBLIC In addition to affording every fa cility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Es tates, Guardians of property of prop erty of minors, and to make bonds in judicial and other matters, generally to exercise all our powers as a Trust company. Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., H. W. GALE, Cashier. SNI MOip Oft YOUR CfRWMIf S Beat Flour two 241 b sacks 1.25 Best Bacon per lb ioc I'icnic Ham per lb 10-j Grits per half bushel 47c- Meal per half bushel 15c Arbuckles Coffee 2 pkgs . .. 25c Yellow Yam Sweet Potatoes per peck 15c Large size Tomatoes, per can lOc New Georgia Syrup, per gallon 4oc Irish Potatoes, per peck 30c County Eggs, 2 dozen for 46c Five Gallons Gasoline, - 85 cts. Full Line of . GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, TINWARE, AGATEWARE, ETC. AT VERY LOW PRICES. Full line of Cigarettes and Cigarette Tobaccos Hay, Grain, Brand at wholesale pirces. A. ZELMENOVITZ, 3ioodworih’s old stand, Corner E 8c L Streets. ’Phone 205 SCHEDULE 8. A. li. RAIL.WAT. IN EFFECT DECEMBER IST, 901. s 2 [ > pm. 11 10 am. Lv Brunswick Ar.| 7 42 am.! 2 50 pm. ii 26 pm. I 55 pm. Lv Savannah Ar!, 4 45 am!l2 10 pm. 7 I iiin. 1" 30 pm Ar Augusta Lv.,11 00 pm. fi 20 am. 2 05 aiu. ti 00 pm. Ar Columbia Lv. 1 05 am., 8 40 am. ■7 07 am. 8 00 pm. Ar Camden 1.v.j12 53 am.; 8 34 am. S 17 am. 11 33 pm. Ar Southern Fines Lv.j 9 27 pm.: 6 27 am. 1" 1.7 am. 1 3u am. Ar Raleigh Lv.. 7 35 pm! 3 32 am. 2 20 pm. 5 54 am. Ar Petersburg Lv.| 3 18 pm. 12 20 pm. 3 05 pm. 0 35 am. Ar Richmond Lv. 2 38 pm.jlO 40 pm. ' • pm. Hi i am. Ar Wast ngton 01 am. 700 pm. 11 25 pm. II 25 am. Ar Baltimore i-v.l 9 34 am.! 5 46 pm. 2ad am I 36 pm. Ar Philadelphia Lv. 720 am.; 3 29 pm. o " am. 4 15 pm.Ar New York Lv. 12 10 am.; 1 00 pm. 25 pm 7 15 am. Ar Portsmonth-Norfolk Lv.) 9 26 am.; 8 60 pm. am 1 10 pm Lv Brunswick ........ Ar. 110 pm. 10 45 pm. > lo am 3 4o pm. Ar Fernaudiua Lv., 7 25 j am. 7 40 pm. '• i 5 am 3 55 pm. Ar Jacksonville Lv. lo 10 am. 7 40 pm. t is pm. 12 40 am. Ar Ocala Lv.j 3 00 am.': 11 52 am 5 M pm 7 20 am. Ar Orlando Lv! 8 25 pm.! 825 am. •40 p;. 3mi am. Lr Tampa Lv.j 900 pm.j 800 am. ■ i Ii am. 6 1 2pm. Ar 1-ake City Lv. 7 42 am. 6 27 pm. :2 ,mi *> 48 pm. Ar Live Oak Lv. 0 42 am.; 4 44 pm. 258 pm.j 11 pm. Ar Madison ..Lv.j 549 am.! 352 pm. 3 : pm. 10 00 pm.Ar Tallahassee Lv. 400 am.; 1 38 pm. 0-7 pin.; Ar River Junction Lv.; j]2 10 pm. t" 50 pm. Ar Pensacola ,Lvj j 7 00 am. pm. 11 00 am. Lv Brunswick At 1 10 pm., 8 10 am. 7 ■ am. 830 pm. Lv Savannah Ar. 800 am.; 82 5 pm. 1 am. 12 45 am.Ar Helena Lv.; 3 38 am 4 05 pm. - 36 pm. 1 32 am! Ar Abbeville Lv. 2 40 am., 3 15 pm. 1 45 pm. 2 24 fm. Ar Cor dele Lv. 1 35 am.j 2 10 pm. i i pm. 322 am. Ar Americus Lv. 12 20 am., 12 46 pm. -i pm. 9 00 am. Ar Columbus Lvj (10 10 am. ■ > ' l*c- Bno ar Ar Montgomery Lv. 800 pm. 820 am. 7 20 am. l-v Brunswick Ar.| 7 32 pm. 7 5.) am. Ar Thai maun Ar. 6 50 pm.) TO 15 am. Ar stavaun'Xh Lv. 4 30 pm. Through Pullman sleepers north, south and wst. S. y Barr, First Vice President and Genera! Manager, Portsmouth, Va. It. E. L, Bunch, General Passenegr Agent, Portsmouth. Va. v.'. P. Scruggs, Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ua. B. J. Ford, City Passenger Agent, Brunswick, Ga. Schedule Southern 1 ilway. FOR SAVANNAH. WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK. Uv. Brunswick 445 am 945 am *'i 35 pm 9 05~pm. -nab 9 25 am 12 4.'. pm < t 25 pm ....12 p) am. Washington 7 35 am . ..!!*> 15 am .... 9 30 pm. Ar. vv York 2 t/3 pin'...* 413 pm ti 30 am. rOfl JACKSONVILLE AND BT. F* A '• v - Brunswick 445 am ....~7 20 ant .... 9~45 *mi.... fsiTpuL Ai\ Jacksonville 9 15 am ....12 45 pm:...! 2 20 pn: .... 7 40-pm St. Augustine. ....11 to am ~.! 330 pm.... 3O pn! FOR MACON, ATLANTA. LOUISVILLE. CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO^ Lv. Brunswick j 720 am y4a ain .... O5 pm. Vr ‘Y ;uou 1 30 Pm ... 3 55 pm 3 00 am. '■ : UlalUli n 4 -W Pmj. .. * ti 15 pm .... 5 20 am. M-. 1.0-.iisvllle 8 00 am ...! 8 05 am 7 15 pm ,v. t_.ucir.nati |.... 8 10 am:...! 7 55 am .... 7 .30 pm. ' ‘ 1 500 pm-...! 6 30 pm 7 23 am. from new york,Washington and savannahT ;- v N ", . V ’ n; I- to* ...‘l2 40 pm .... 139 pm. , u “shiutrton 10 62 am ... *25 pm .... 955 pm. ■' savannah 500 am . ..! 10 25 am . ... 315 pm. ' !-• 'inswick 745 am.: 110 pm t; 05 pm. FROM ST. AUGUSTINE AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Lv Augustine !.....! 7 30 am... .7!77!77!j!7. : - Jacksonville 9 20 am 8 35 amU ...12 50 pm. '!“• B ™ l ’ s " l(k 236 pm 110 pm|.... 605 pm. FROM CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ATLANTA AND MACON. ia. Chicago J >..(••• 830 <imj • v ' " n^, n 8 30 am- ...... : v;; y llte •••• *OO am.. ,7 v " ".'.f 4S Pnt| •• • - 3 O 3O am. At. Brunswick':::; ;■“;■■■• * *5 ani - I l 00 am}.... 2 35 pm. lily Except Snaday. * Daily Except Monday. W. E. DEMPSTER Manager. Repairs bicycles, guns. TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA CHINES. AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Montgomery. 503 GLOUCESTER STREET. P and Thorough Attention and Pri*s Reasonable. FAMILY lIQUOR HOUSE Not every liquor dealer caters to the family trade, but I do. You must , as careful in buying liquors for family use as you are in buying med icme. We never make a mistake— ocst awlays. 8. LtVISON, flg’t. Comer Monk and Grant Streets. FEBRUARY 26. (ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF STEAMERS. Mallory Line to New York. . heave Brunswick Fridays. Arrive New York Mondays. Leave New York Fridays. Arrive Brunswick Monday. ♦ ♦ ♦ CUMBERLAND ROUTE—Between Brunswick and Fernandina. Leave | Brunswick at 8 a. m., daily. ST. SIMON LlNE—Steamer Eg mont leaves Brunswick every day at 8 a. m., and 2 p. m. SATILLA RIVER LINE. Steamer Falcon leaves Brunswick at 9 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. DARIEN LINE. Steamer Hessie leaves at 8:30 a. m. daily. COLLINS & GLASS, Contractors and Bi dders. ■ Estimates furnished on short no tice and satisfaction guaranteed. Superintendino a specialty. 422 North Wolf Street, Brunswick, Ga. Notice to all Parties Concerned. On and after this date, all bicycles left m my shop for repairs, sixty Javs after being repaired will be sold for repair charges and storage. BHUNSWICK CYCLE CO., H. Olrvin, Manager,