The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, February 26, 1902, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY MORNING, SOMETHING , FOR THE BOYS. Something ‘ drops in oiiv Bovs' Di'p-i'din-tit this wi I'Kl' -- ’ i And v. lxiit a fall! The story is told'below, and will greatly iutetvst jj boys and th*-ir Parent -or Guardians FIRST <).F ALL, HLRK ,S "IV Y. i'| r \ io. TOY T -V Id i 10'. 1 WB/fcl To (‘iit'i Hun our un c 4 mL fjL \v|m> i f ,_evy’ i tspr. WITH THE NEW YEAR 'wV, op. T. up one of our bottles of •> WILSON AND YELLOW LABEL. J# and drink to the health and prosper- Hy |i Ity of friends and self during tht p m ycar- 8 Those goods are pure and whole some. Unexcelled for richness, and Right for health and prosperity. dU i ! U ? IVIA V, Corner Bay and Glouce&tciStreets Phone 221. T~r T T▼ ▼ T- T ▼ ? f T V . ' I ? ? M ♦ -’ 1 4 >■ ". - ' * : ; * *> • ► *lsr i • •“ •■-, .r ,e •**., : ■' ‘ J A-,; : -‘y . 'V; i.’ • ' 11 .- 1 .. .I,;f : I ill IP! Jj V LullUl' :: : ■> l : Just received. : 1.,1 : :: -:.A f VV r ’(L- s S-.-i 3 I k THE DHL GUILT. f-r+-f F-f-f 4 444444 +•; 444444 > 4? ♦ < , *44 ..4,4^1.4444. ARRIVAL AND DEPART!' A STEAMERS. Mallory Line to New Yoik Loat i Bruns rick 1 New York Aloud: Leave New York F, Bruns w ich IVI on day, 4 4 4 CUMBERLAND lb mtf y • Brunswick and Feriiauriln-i. i.< Brunswick at Sn. m.. da ;iy ST. SIMON LIN.: niout leaves ilruti.-viei, 8 H. 111., and 2 , . i.i. HATH.LA ld\ Fit )fv . • . Falcon leaves Brun: u, :. ■_! . l; . Monday. \Yci! t ."kda'* ; DARIEN LINE. Steamer Mosaic Icmca at 8:30 ;v. m dsUlt. COLLINS & GLASS. Contractois amt Si !dc:s. ..Estimates furnished on >•:: 't c, tlce and satisfaction ,un,,,- : j Superlntendinn a spe, ialtv <122 North Wolf Stret, Brunswick, G.-t I/Oula 66. sold everywhere e.i ; at Julius May's for $1 ire. C'fiMrTllr *P icr olifer pi |s f M ifteiuittiid Pena! or^rai^ Given A way A it: a A /cry $ • yOO Purchase at Jf 1 il ii (,'s'j \> v r> T> p ® M* a , , >;./.! -i :v i.v il*> tu* A, ° N!ewcastlt> Street. • 01Vp:;\y nd Expv at*o s in th *Wj i vv Pn m‘um Txk ets issu and at on ' W, M. TUPPER & CO., forwarding and Shipping Agents. I-idhterage, Towing Marine In pl|3||o9 •PUaQUOdSM.IOO • 'I Id' *va ’Moi.wsMmtfj B. L. JORDAN, Shoemaker. Lepairijig neatly done. Alwavs on (into. GO Corner Gloucester and Ogle thorpe streets. at 1 has. Niat:;. ’s and eva niji.. iho.-'- pretty mail boxes tor private resiliences. Four Garbers Now. Henry Brightly, tho old fnvorito reached the city yesterday ami is now wit'o C. A Clark. Parched wheat for chieketi rood • i.S'.i per Ipii p< in ad sack. Make; • -8 lay- at J. M. Burnett s. I V. It is A, v, 111 r best in Brunswick 1 *■' '•* It is key. For sate oulv at L.hjw ■nstein's. THE BRUNSWICK DAILT NEWS. PERSONAL MENTION. SHORT NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO AN-/ WHO THEY ViSIT. Interesting Item Gatehred Here and There By News Reporters. Notes of Interest. Cbai. H. Jewett spent yesterday i in havar.nah. •S. K. Brown ha.s returned from a 'trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Williams are ii. Lie eity from St. Simon. The condition of Mrs. Alethra An - . lien is soni A'liat improved. J. H. Mitrlielaon was in the city | j -steiday from St. Simon. | Kosiolia, the little daughter of dif. A. J. McVeigh, is quite ill. i . Jennie Bryan, of Savannah, is 'Lie gn. id of Mrs. N. Emanuel. H . MeOraiy has returned from i short (Hisinciis trip to Savannan. <! VV. Cline has just ha ! some ex ■ i improvement made on toe ma il ; iy oi his steam laundry. ir and Mrs. A. Rothschild are' I eomfortaldy domiciled in their ,y pur< based residence. I I I . (). Trimble hi visiting t ■ mi-, in th' city from her .loine at. ■ mill, i'leasani. \ wi-et baby girl nas niad< its ad .o ;.! iiie nappy home of v(r. am ir. . J. M. Burnett. M C urge Ralston, Sr., who has L iu roxiiiiied to her home for some l me by .on.-ss. is improving. ' 'ii* neiiool of Miss Edith Ferguson jal Mount Pleasant has clos'd for the 1 'tin and she Ik at home again. Ihe teiddenee of Mrs. M. (L i i " corner of Union and Monk ' 1 e. is is m-n rly completed . .>L c Mi’Chtskie and daughter. Miss ' Fie Met’iiiskic, of Baltimore, am 'isiting Mrs. ,1. I), Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Snow and their (harming datisliter. Miss Vera Reese. • i Franklin. (nd„ are ii si torn in the Mf Will l.ambright and little 'Uc Percy, of Atlanta, are guests of ns. I T Lnmhrighi. for a few ■ eke. L and lire |i j. Ki.Uin.- n and to tneir home at Quaran me, tv, r spending n few days here i the homo of Dr. l{. e. L. Bur ()!\t. diss \fnry MeN'ish Burroughs is | '" ! "a Iriends at Indian springs and ■ Mhitita. tun,i where she will go to 1 ' i"• il'e for a few month's stay. and. O. Wylder, president, calls Ltu, ol tit,- Woman’s Mission : i'tv at ;! o'clock this after • ni at the residence of Mrs, M (’. C ",ve, on Union street. I'uo many trieuds of Miss Clandm ee who is taking a course o no; i-• ij lll y. tit the Richmond Bus " "• College in Savannah, will be •i.a -ed to learn tnat she is progress admirably in her studios. fee following, front tho Tampa Milton., will interest the friends ol it' * antes eoncerned: ' .Mrs. Vic tii ia J - tVers and her daughter. Mrs. L I Slovens are in the city spend ng several days very pleasantly at • lie Palmetto. They are from . vis.vit k. (,5a., and are renewing in.' pleasant acquaintanceships lore." Fioih. s cleaning season now on.— lo to Jim Carter's. Fir the bert shingles call on L A Vliller. None hut (he best barbers at Clark's >bave at his shop. Hunter-Pale Drug Cos., a home fol be sick. Phone 37. I' entire line of heaters, comforts, dankein at actual cost. .Miller w Son! \ swell assortment of medium ' < LiM walking skirts just‘in. Levy's. Notice to ail Parties Concerned. On and after this date, all bicycles ■ ;t in my shop for repairs, sixty days being repaired will be sold for . pair charges and storage. BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO.. H. Girvin, Manager. '■i t ns dll your prescription. Pure rs always right Hunter vile Drug Cos. If you want your bicycle repaired E. r ' bring it to an experienced work “““• *’■ e Olewlue. 505 Gloucester * 00 YOU Wifi ♦ + X A Watch or a: ♦you do call and: :see us. ♦ Ik mm moitj 4 The Leading Jeweler. ♦ 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. 1 X Inspector of watch -3 for the f ♦ Southern and B & B Ilatlway •. 4 J Keeper of the city . lock * 4 by Wire from Washington daily 1 ♦ at 11 a. m. 4 ♦ ♦ * 4 ♦ . ' v ♦ C H 01 C f ♦ cnOCCRIES ' PF - •-' " : ..' : f 1 1 : & %\.fkoz.o '■ ; ♦ 4 + DEAR MADAM:— -> Buy Go- and. C!* u.. F ' ' <• is the most Im];>r; wt i ; ; - 4 a hom,> iioM. and n, ' . i’ : • • 4- thi> health ol ; 1 . • 4 Tho vo 1 y H- . t. !) • .and r. nd < > {.;•! .wt-ri - .. 1 '.i : ; * 4 this fit ore. 4 \Ve have too ’:.:i*r '•'.'••od li;v-' 4 and it would tai • - too ?:•-; U f ♦ oiu tnee to mention all of I j. 4 (Yvtie in and h i us how th *lll i<> 4 you. 4 THOMAG KEAi V. 4 Fancy Groce* 1 , 4r Hhoru’ !B ?. IN . . t < :■■!. < ?'WL . U'i i*n you w :r,\ . ftojiu at iX ri amubl' ]!i ic . H v'V : \ |• 8 Aiti 1 lit* . r • ’US S ; ' ; Work minran t < • ,i> . i largest. “BURGOMASI t.P. ’ CODING. 1" •*- -}‘ 'P, ( C AAM V-■ at the Grand, "The Hiirsimmstn', o;. • •„ ti. cheering comedies of it: :m \ announced tor at tl .•- c.;r, ■ o-i a.. , 'I. •a; . „ a--;. ■ vts; a more rosily an ; 1:01 (luetion than last ; a. on. v, ery amt I’USUnm s a. *• more elaborate, and tie ■ eminent an 1 much . t as two distinrt organ! vai: - • - seiitil..- 1 this r.i. r,.. i. c on. amt as but oh- ;■ a; ■■ tour liiis season tin - .. formed this secs.:nY ■■ •; i ptl It Of UIC two (Ml- ;• 111 . prises Herbert ( Hull) :n. M . Handford, Harry do : ■ G 0,".; Hr idorick, Ivditli V", . -,. i ; .l! g, ley, Bar nest Hah ,0 > . ", • Joe Nieol, Audi l.yusu. A. .1 - Madeline Winthroo fa , and many other:; of . naturally inMuding it :; imv:-;, : ! eluirus of forty youthful-, era, ; teautlful fascinators. Fine Clotr.infj. Wednesday and Tours , week Air. ,1. 1.. Isaac s. r an . : : p... Globe Tatlotng Compa-y tu jncii liati, will mali! a iea , ■,.) ~ , pies of suits and tronr, s, a> tU ir agent's store. Jiessvs i\ Cos., and tato* or 1■: or : ; . ers made to ntea.'iire A .i ing perfection in th .- f ., clothes wilt do well to < id! a- tew'.; store on those days. ns , g, a: ., „ ail expert in tile art of 0>;.:r,.; ni a. ure and a guarantee g - „i,;i ( :u-h order for a porfeet tit , .; ; , ... ~ . i; isfaoi.on. Bids Wanted. For the purchase •>, , .. . m ths unfurnished mar! -; ! .; >. corner of Mansfield a ' Nov. . s 7 ; . street. The successful hiuder v.a, required to remove said mu ; .- > in 60 days from accept am-, Council reserves th< right to •, = any and alt bids. n. n. r asset, Clerk of Gum- it. Bids Wanted. For fnrnisning the -in ft; with (20(1) two hiiiidr. wood, in four feet Inn; tf Crematory. Council reserves t.l right to reject any and all hid. a.- dress M. Kaiser, Chairman Pun It, ■ Committee. Chart for Sale. Charts, tide tables and other publi cations u. S. Geodetic Survey . C W. Derning, 'phone 152. BATCH OF CITYNEWS A DAY’S DOINGS IN THE CITY BY THE SEA QUICKLY GATHERED UP. increase in Personal Property. Tit*' city tax assessors have cora p: ud their work, and will submit tin-: 1 report to council at the meet .tomorrow night. The total val latn'-n of personal property is $1,504,- , I, . an Increase over 1901 of $297,6?4. M Lively Runaway. T / horses hitched to a fine lan •iji-.i. In longing to J. \V. Tnontas, lied 'own Newcastle street last l tit. partly demolishing the ve-' i'he ii’ ro driver was arrest ,■! :or leiuft'g me horses untied. Fay ng Their License. .'l'steritay was a busy day with : ... r . niith and a large niim of l :::i 'lii’s were sold. Titpo r i were busy Monday sura ■. ! no had not paid that • r,; rtirned in the po i . ; • i estei-itay. There vi t • :ihi • who nave tot yet Drawing Lessens. to tß.lv a tijo conrso • • ■ I* th<> **!Uaclx and While” •i* (his week. I cia! lessons in strictly ■ hand sving. pas: - I paint!) . a;’a/.jne lovistratlmr, < harg ' i . the : • . on. Otis . V ’NJUIo: • t \\ or: . (laih r... Nfto :r"* ■ " iot ,"S ii t they should 'in ! and pressed often. Jim " 1 t peraott to sec for ' 1 til'd lot c iv triniti " 1 doth 1 i,i t ■ ! y ■ hipriupf htyles. Worth Trying. r< ’ I 1 ltd in ; anew suit ot ’* ' ;: ’t e>am tie the line oi sain i tufted . Jim (tarter. It ib sur !:o s< hat he vally la of *’ 1 ” 8 Ln* public. Try him and you i.n'i regret it. ' ' : F' > dir h-'st service at Jim ' 'LL IF • lot.reK cleaning establish' nl— o uiaapiiointmcnt. . ' '" ; * w i*i\ an,, typewriting : 1 ’mply donu. Terms tva- Ditp e of chas. H. Jewett, ■ a house building, 'ptione 275-3. ' ; "'(• J.-t . . -he i. st in •• cent cigar i:l ’in fale o.iiv at l.oexv A ' per dozen at Horstenpvles e ')• •;■, Opposite Orlethorpc hotel. ' ” r building material at L. <-■ II on L \ Miller for klin dried r.'mber. . ' Tasteless Chill Cure will * 11 ■’ broiton down systems and l!te Mood rich mid healthy, ccr ;n cure lor chills, guaranteed or > : money refunded. Urlee r,n eents At W. Joerger's. < . I 1 - rkt i ; an- in I evyV. ■’ FVIU-'s Little Blue Liver Pill ' ’ ! f peo'lc bright, cleanses the ail tlie deleterious and un t. ..t.u and makes a nevp ! ' :on °£ Jon. 25 cents, at W. Jour gsr < t t Toni Coney ■ Parker r: wets ash end Ocor Go. ’ manufacturers of ! OOOFS - AiND BUNDS - mouldings, frames, etc. FROM GEORGIA PINE AND CYPRESS LUMBER FACTORY: _ 3tori wall Street. ° FF in(fU Prince Street. ~ JO Cochran Ave. Cos . hr an Avenue. Telephone 239. Ocean Avenue. _ BRUNSWICK, GA. if mm 7 y tLion a c t received a handsome line neckwear. The narrow oscot t tie selis everywhere rr dOc. y our price 36c." Don’t nil lq wear one. imp u ir Ilf Isji % ishfi I \ a I MisO. m, iuHnli, s.OB arid 20S3 2 Newcastle Street. FEBRUARY 2. 4* .5 SS* f gg # 4 a44 4 A J * M % fresh, g New riant r Kraut, Fi"kli".l Herring, V Smoked Herring, - • /!. /tv *?.' T.arge Fat Mtu-kerel, ri t New I’iekleil Trijic, A Now Pickled Pig Feet Ak 1 lanli Red Yams. **' P. S, Don't forget we f? H' have Gasoline for sale. e Phoue 158.. "SmW XftAogjL JUST RECEIVED. 50 Watches \o bf sold from 93r. ip, A chance io save mont-y. L. J. J EL, lh Husller, Better known in Brunsw' as CHEAP JOHN, the poor ntan'r friend. 308 Bay St, West. Ask to see my 98c. shoes, a key beat the best for h 1.50. WE ARE HAMMERING OUR WAY. I Wrj f-r>e'v’|;f6s|!ii|i p'-t ‘ ".vo- .yg \ . into favor by giving our customers the I)-st lumber that can possibly be :ad at the lowest prices. We give i ‘ same‘attention to every order wf titer large or smil'd. That's ‘ lenron why it pays to buy hare , . "never you need, lumber. Present f‘L"es arc all in your tavor. L' NO AND V.OOD PLANING MILL. .’PHONE 197. !f >\o\i want your bicycle repaired :: |ir In ug u to an ext riencei work r n P J Ole wine, 505 Olouce street A ROOD LUNCH. V! ; ,- A:-ad, is now nt-rving the beat .' i;h in the city, and this popular id ace should be lilierßHy patronized hv the public