The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, March 25, 1902, Image 2

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TUESDAY MORNING BIIUNSIYIIK DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. OHAHLEB M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rates made known on application. Church ana other char itable organization nottcea published at half the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mall free of charge to all .(arts of the United Slates and Can ada, Mexico, Porto Rfco, Guam, Phil ipptne Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ -50 hU Mouths 2.50 One .ear 5.00 ’Phone 188. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., postofflce, as second-class mall mat ter. __ ___ Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the offlelal organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giynn county, si. ....... 1 PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company do Biros It to be distinctly understood that ail legal advertisements must be paid for in advancu. We cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. The Waycross Herald has declared for Terrell for governor. If you can't speak well of your town talk about something else. The fruit crop 'nan suffered consul erably, but all lias not been lost. The Ueorgla liaptlst convention wll 1 meet at Rome next Wednesday, March 21th. A. j Assist 111 making the cane and cas save convention a great success. All can help. The Augusta Chronicle tells us tha "grass widow Is a corruption of grac< widow —a widow by courtesy." The ship bubsidy bill has passed th> senate, but It Is going to have a lian road to travel m the house. Take them as a whole, senators and representatives, Georgia lias the strongest delegation Congress of any state In the soutn. “Good Lord, deliver mo from my friends!” may well be the cry of the candidates whom their political puliert are trying to Involve in a long, use lesa campaign- ltartow Informant. More rain! Am! If the clerk of th* weather charges it up to us on oui annual average we will be awfully dry In these parts next summer. ■ -4 ■ - - The republicans have heard from the people, and that is why they are willing to give Cuba that pittance o‘ twenty per cent, tariff reduction. But they will hear from the people sonn more. Tho hint comes from London tha' the object of Field Marshal Wolseley'i visit to South Africa is to inform tie Boers tnat the war is over. But i would he just like them, stubborn so that they are, not to believe him. W. K. Vanderbilt has sold his Joky] island stock to J. Plerpont Morgan Mr. Vanderbilt says it "oo3ts too much to be amemlier of the Jekyl Island club." Mr. Vanderbilt has nc doubt been in a few poker games. It is too early yet to be seriously candidate for 1904. It will be well enough, however, to be giving some attention to condemning a lot of dead wood in the platform and to season ing some good timber with which to replace It. —Albany Herald. IN BAD SHAPE. The heavy rain yesterday and the terrible condition of the Btreets as a consequence, shows that the position of the News on the street improvement question Is eminently correct. Gloucester, some partß of Newcastle and Monk looked very much like the tnarsa between Dennis' Folly and Mc- Cullough’s dock. Our streets must be Improved if we do have to owe for it. The News appreciates the fact that our treasury is not in a flourishing condition, but the condition of our streets demands some attention. COUNTRY POSTOFFICES MUST GO. It begins to look as it there would not be a single country postofflce in the state 10 years from now. If that can be said of Georgia then, it can be equally said Tf*.' all the other larger states, in fact, two-thirds of them. It is a very pleasing picture to con template and will do more to build up the country side and infuse new blood in the rural districts than any other agency, except churches and schools, and will greatly increase these in num bers. The free rural delivery system seems to be the lever that will work wonderful changes in the upbuilding Of Georgia aud greatly aid in the de velopment of his wonderful resources. From all parts of the state come reports of tue satisfactory working of the free rural delivery system. Asa new delivery route is put on file coun try offices are abolished and the coun ty site is made the central office. Newton, the nome county of Con gressman Livingston, was the first to get a full quota of delivery routes, .iius abolishing the county offices, but -Ollgrcssman Fleming is a close sec mil to Uncle Lon, aud Is dotting the tenth district with these delivery routes. Other Georgia congressmen are foe owing in their wake, and thus the good work goes on. It means much tor the state. ELECTION OF SENAiORS The proposition of Senator Penrose, >r Pennsylvania, says tho Columbus ■inquirer Sun, that an additional United States senator be elected for every additional 6,000 of population vill doubtless have the effect of kill ing the measure now before congress n the shape of a resolution providing or the election of all senators by di eet vote of the people, it is quite ‘holy that Senator Penrosps’ pioposi. ion was made with this object In view. Under Seuntor Penrose's plan the enutonal representation in some tates would he greatly increased, while in others there would be no lmnge. New York state, for instance, would have about twelve senators. As i matter of course the smaller states vill not vote for such a proposition, uni they can hardly be blamed for nol loing so. Although the. people snoulil be trust ‘.l to select their United States sen ‘tors uh well as other officers of the .overurnent, it will probably beman ears before this amendment is made o the constitution. The nearest approach to this desired ■ondition is the plan which is already n practice in several of the states .mil which lias I icon tided in Georgia •vitii gratifying results —tnat of select •ng United States senators by primary. The primary plan is virtually an elec Uon by a direct vote, and in the ub sence of a law to this eneet it wil ierve admirably as a substitute. Ship Notice. Neither the captain, owners or con signet's of the Dutch ship Vlug will bo responsible for any debts contract ed by the crew. ELIASSEN, Master. Order your Pago fence now—an ex pert will bo hore to build 1L C. W, Demlng—’Phone 217. Smoke the Rio Hondo made cigar, always the best. Hunter-Sale Drug Cos., a home foi he sick. Phone 37. If it is a Brunswick made cigar it is good—All dealers—Rio Hondo cl sar factory. Old Clothes Made New at Carter’s for a small amount. Ring ’phone 263-2 Special sale of silks, worth 50c. per yard, at 39c. on Monday, and Tuesday at Heller's. 16 per cent, off on all clothing and shoes on Monday and Tuesday at Hel ler's. Special sale of mattings, on Monday and Tuesday at J. 11. Heller & Bro's. See circular. U Whiskey, the best in Brunswick, iiy whiskey. For sale only at Loew enstein's. For Sale—A Bargain. For quick purchase, estate corner G and B streets, consisting of two houses and lot 60x150. I will sell the above property cheap for cash or on liberal terms, if sold within 6ne week. Apply to W. H. Swift, at C. G. Moore's, opposite Ogletherpe hotel. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. : stop, t LOOK, THINK! ♦- ♦ Can you afford to be without ■ 4- Life Issuance? Your good health • 4- today may be gone tomorrow and 4.- you- life may go out at any mo .meet. One goes out at every tick of the watch. *Tht- Phoenix Mutual Life ♦ the Old R liable, is repesented by l Montgomery ♦ <& Goodyear. Insure while you are in good v. health, when you are sick you ♦ cannot, .also for the best Fire. 4- Storm and Accident insurance 4- ring phone 134-3. P. O. Box 142. 4- TO THE PUBLIC in addition to affording every fa cility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act is Administrator or Executor of Es tates, Guardians of property of prop erty of minors, and to make bonds In judicial and other matters, gensraliy to exercise all our powers as a Trust company. Brunswick Bank & Trust Cos., H. W. GALE, Cashier. McDuffie's i urpentine and Mutton Suet l,jug Plaster is a certain euro for whooping cough, easy and com fortable. works while you sleep. 25 cents, at W. Joerger’s. Local Pullman Sleeper to Charleston Th“ Plant System has a local Pull man sleeper leaving Jacksonville 3:00 p. m. daily, arriving Cnarleston 0:40 a. m . In which passengers can remain until 7:30 a. m. Cheap excur sion rates account exposition. For further particulars, reservations, etc., apply to F. N. Jolly. D. P. A., Jack sonville. FAMILY UQUMI HOUSE Not every liquor dealer caters to the family trade, but I do. You must be as careful In buying liquors for family use as you are in buying med icine. We never make a mistake— best awlays. R. LEVISON, Ag't. Corner Monk and Grant Streets. NOW OPEN ANI> Ready for Business, Furniture and House-furnishtng Goods. We guar antee to save you money. H. MICHELSON, 314 Newcastle st. COAL. AND WOOD. CONEY & BARKER. McDuffie's Little Blue Liver PHI makes bue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and un healthy matter and makes anew person of you. 26 cents, at W. Joer ger’s. The Cheapest Way to get an Easter suit is to have Jim Carter clean the old one Full line of building material at L. A. Miller'*. ONE CENTAWOXD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that haa been lost, or want some thing that tome one else has, ad vertise in this column, Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents Y&R lufixT^Newly furnished rooms 1 at 401 G street, corner A. | FOR SALE!—Choice blown leghorn i eggs for setting. W. Merchant. | LOST —Gold spiral necklace. Return .to clerk Oglethorpe hotel. reward. FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms. Apply to Mrs. Marie Tison- Smith, 210 Reynolds street. FOit SALE —Medium size sale, s4o cash. Apply to A. M. Leavy, News office. FOUND —An Elk charm, with words “Vorvus Aloes'' inscribed. Owuer can have same by paying for this ad, and describing charm. Lost—Machine catalogue on i. street, name of S. A. Wood on it. Finder will please return to this of fice. W. E. Porter, luo7 .O street, painter and paper hanger Signs of any uescription. Agent for wall-paper Hills. Drop me a postal, t ail phone 283-3. FOR SALE A handsome home near Jol. Goodyear's formerly belonging to Professor Branham. Liberal terms ■an be given upon part of tin pu chase price. Brobston. Fendlg & Cos. FOR SALE —Feather pillows, table and bedlinen, honeycomb bed spreads, lace curtains, cotton mattr< -: in : of selected cotton; large, square oak eat’ension dining table. FOR SALE-—Tobacco stems. In addition to being the best known fer tilizer for flowers tobacco stems will destroy all insects whirh are so dis astrous to flowers during the spring and summer months. Rio Hondo cigar fartory. FOR SALE House aud tot i ~ donk street. It is a good investment. 1. Lieherman, J Off Monk si, ret. FOR SALK—--Rubber stamp:-!, Seal •tincehi. etc. Agent Underwood T-.p. writer. Will B. FaTti. WANTED-—A flint ejass man. wi.o tkorougniy understands the refnsli nent business, to take chare., of a business on St. Simon island Mint ue full of energy and possess. of some capital. Address C ;.|. Tilton Brunswick, Ga. FOR SAI E A fine oil original design three hundred del lars. Public pleace call M. G. De Hartgartist. 502V4 Gloucester. ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT M. SELift'S. 223 OR ANT STREET TELEPHONE 272 3. FOUND —A sum ~r money -tat • amount, when and where lust ml how many bills, pay for this ad r ttsement. M. A. Baker. Jr. • - - - T . PLUM BING. Will'll yon want first <plninliiijr done at reasonable prims < all mi COLSON HOYT. 808 Monk .Street, Work guaranteed from smallest to largest Job. SDcn’t S)i(e I the Easter Eggs, with any otd Dye Use something more effective. p r ctt:er and easier to manipulate. PAAS DYES are the best. A 5 Cent Package contains 12 dif feent colors, many artistic designs and marbled effects. We have many other things appropriate to the oc casion. Our stock is complete, and prices moderate. Will'S PHAIJIACV, Comer Monk ad Newcastle Streets. W. M. TUPPER & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agent®. Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Correspondence Solicited. BRUNSWICK, GA. SCHEDULE S. A. L. RAILWAY. IN EFFECT DECEMBER IST, ilk 1. 8 30 pin. 11 It) am.jLv. Brunswick .Ar.j 7 42 am.j 2 50 pm. 11 25 pin.| 1 55 pm_|Lv Savannah Ar.j 4 45 am.l2 10 pm. 7 15 am.jlo 30 pm.,Ar Augusta 00 pm. 6 20 am. J 05 am. 6 00 pm.’ Ar Columbia Lv. 1 05 am. 8 40 am. 5 07 am.j 8 00 pm.Ar Camden Lv.jl2 53 am. 8 34 am. 817 am.ll 33 pm.,Ar Southern Pines Lv.j 927 pm. 527 am. 10 15 am.; 1 30 am.jAr Raleigh Lv.| 7 35 pm. 3 32 am. 2 20 pm.j 6 54 am.jAr Petersburg Lv.j 3 18 pm.jl2 20 pm. 3 05 pm.j 6 35 gm.jAr Richmond Lv.j 2 38 pm.jlO iO pm. 035 pm.' 10 lv am.Ar Wash ngton 01 am.; 700 pm. 11 25 pm. 11 25 am.jAr Baltimore lA’.j 0 34 am.j 6 45 pm. 2 50 am.j 1 30 pm.jAr Philadelphia Lv.j 7 20 am., 3 28 pm. 030 am.j 415 pm.jAr New York Lv. ; l2 10 am.' 100 pn* 5 25 pm.j 7 15 am.jAr Portsmouth-Norfolk ... .Lv.| 9 25 am.j 8 59 fim. 6 00 am.! 1 10 pm.jLv Brunswick Ar. 1 10 pm. 10 4B pm. 11 20 am. 340 pm.jAr Fernandina Lv.j 725|amj 7 40 pm 9 15 am.' 3 55 pm. Ar Jacksonville Lv.jlO 10 am.j 7 40 pm 1 48 pm.jia 40 am.jAr Ocala Lv.j 8 00 5k am. 5 10 pm 7 20 am.jAr Orlaudo Lv. 8 25 pm. l 8 25 am 5 40 pm.! 5 00 am.-Lr Tampa Lv.j 9 00 pm.j 8 00 aiti 11 IT am. 0 02pm.j Ar Lake City Lv. 7 42 am.j 6 27 pia. 12 o3 pin.; 6 48 pm.Ar Live Oak Lv.| # 42 am. 4 44 pm. 12 58 pm.j il pm.jAr Madison Lv.j 549 am. 832 pm. 315 pm.lo 00 pm.jAr Tallahassee Lv. 400 am.j 132 pm 5 05 pm.j |Ar.... River Junction Lv.| jl2 10 pm. 10 50 pm. (Ar Pensacola Lv. ....j 7 00 am. 8 30 pin.-ll 00 am.jLv Brans wick Ar 1 10 pm.j 8 It) am. 7 10 aril. 8 30 pm. Lv Savannah Ar. 8 00 am.. 8 25 pm. 11 35 am.l2 45 am.jAr Helena Lv.j 3 38 am 4 05 pm. 12 ;:ti pm.; 1 32 am.Ar Abbeville .Lv.j '2 40 arm 8 15 pm. 1 45 pm. 2 24 fun. Ar Cordele Lv. 1 85 am i 2 10 pra. •‘I It) pm. 3 22 am. Ar Americus Lv.jl2 20 am.| 12 45 pm. 5 20 pm. 9 00 am. Ar., Columbus Lv.j 10 10 am. 7 40 pm. 8 00 am.jAr Montgomery Lv.j 8 00 pm.j 8 20 am. I7 20 Am.jLv... Brunswick .... . . Ar.' 732 pm. 7 i>j am.Ar Thalmann Ar.j tl 50 pm. do 15 am.jAr Savannah Lv. ( 4 30 pm. Through Pullman sleepers noith. south and west. S. M. Barr, First Vice President anil General Manager, Portsmouth, Va. R- E. I- Bunch, General Passeuegr Agent, Portsmouth, Va. W P. Scruggs. Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. B. J. Ford, City Passenger Agent, Brunswick, Ga. Schedule Southern Railway. FOR SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK. Lv. Brunswick . 4 46 am! 9 45 am *1 35 pm . . . . 9 98 pm. Ar. Savannah 9 25 ami... 12 45 pm ~..*4 25 pro ....12 2u fun. Ar. Washington . ..j j... 736 am. ...!10 15 am,.... 930 pm. Ar. New York | j 2 03 pm'...* 4 13 (j 30 am. FOR JACKSONVILLE AND ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. Lv. Brunswick j.:.. 445 am|.... 1 "atTamj'.... 915 -am'.... 135 pm. Ai. Jacksonvill# ..j 915 am 12 45 p m ~..t 220 pir. T4O pm. Ar. St. Augustine ...11 10 am - 330 pin:.... 930 pm. FOR MACON. ATLANTA.. bOUI*Vt.i.E, CINCINNATI AND CHICAQO. Li Brunswick | 720 amj 945 am 905 (to. ‘ '• I I 30 pm ... 3 55 pm 3 00 41m. Ar' m I !•••• 1 1U l5 pm .... 5 20 am. Ar. Louisville .... g o 0 amj...! 8 05 am!.... 7 C 5 pm. Ar Cincinnati ....j j.,.. g j 0 am ...! 7 55 an,:.... 7 So pm Chhago j j 5 no pm ...! 5 3o pm 7 23 am. FROM NEW YORK, WASH iNGTON AND SAVmNNAH. ! v ;TV°, rk ' I— ** ir * au ~.-12 to pn —a ho pm. t Savan mh OQ i"" 10 am '"* * K-- 955 In, Ai. Biunswick ; 7 45 am;...! 1 10 pm 0 05 pm. FROM ST. AUGUSTINE AN D JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Lv. Augustine ....; .....j.... 7 So am 77.“ Lv Jacksonville 0 ... 9 2o am'.... 8 35 am7.’.l2'bO pm. Ai Biunswick j j 235 pm|.... 110 pm; 05 pm FROM CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, LO UISVILLE, ATLANTA AND MACON. Chicago j j.... s ;ui (>m..... .7.7. T Lv. Cincinnati j! ... 9 no air; l.v. Louisville ....j J ~!..., 41 00 am ,7.7 J 7 ! V ' ‘ auta I j...,10 45 pm .... 5 30 am. Ir' „ , a 1 1 1 .... 835 am. Ar. Brunswick ....j. | j ... 1 00 am..... 2 85 pm. • Kicept Sunday. * Daily Except Monday. Stenography. Advanced method of shorthand taught, by an experienced Stenogra pher. Terms reasonable, course .short ami pupils assisted in securing positions. O. Box No. UJ6. Call on L. A. Miller for kiln dried lumlier Stenographic work and typewriting lU ‘aiiy and promply done. Terms rea so naMe. Office of Chas. H. Jewett, opera house building, ’phone 275-3. J. W. CONOLY. Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office, JO7 Newcastle Street Harvey Chill Tonic Sold under guar antee, NO CURE NO PAY. 25 cts per bottle Hunter-Sale Drug Cos. 'PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs. W. E. DEMPSTER Manager. REPAIRS BICYCLES, GUNS, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA. CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Montgomery. 503 GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prices Reasonable. NAKOH 23 .STEINWAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS The Beat Piano and Organ Now On the Market ——For the Money SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. B. J. OLEWINE, Agent. Valuable Property For Sale. Four six-room houses, two on Bay ! stTeet . ,wo on Oglethorpe street. ! Price SSOO each, or $1,700 for the four | houses. This is a big bargain and a money earner. Library building sl.- j 100. This property pays good inter est upon the investment and has a ! ,coo<l speculative value. Six-room house and lot on South Wolt street, SSEo. Five room two story house and lot Old Town $1,050. Brobston, Fendig & Cos. Insurance- -Montgomery * Good year. B. L. JORDAN, Shoemaker. Repairing neatly done. Always on time. 110 Corner Gloucester and Ogle thorpe streets. • A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in the city, and this popular place should be liberally patronized by the public. Last Easter clothes can be made new and wearable at a small cost at Jim Carter’s. Try McDuffie’s "No 16" for La Grippe or Influenza. It is guaranteed to cure or your money will be refund ed. Price SI.OO. At W. Joerger’s