The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, April 13, 1902, Image 2

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SUNDAY MORNING BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rate*. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all parts of the United .Skates and Can ada, Mexico. Porto Rico, Guam. Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month' 8 .50 Six Months 2.50 One -ear 5.00 'Phone 188. Entered at the . Brunswick, Ga., postollice, as second-class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giynn county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood thal all legal advertisement.", must be paid for in advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise meats and wait on the courts for the money. A UNIFORM MEMORIAL DAY. A proposition to fix a uniform date for Memorial day will be submitted t., the convention of the United Con federate Veterans soon to he held in Dallas. It, will be brought to the attention of the organization by the Ladies’ Confederate Memorial asso ciation of New Orleans, which has Issued the following address: "The time has come when the his tory of the south’s war for independ ence must, be truthfully written and placed In the hands of the children and grandchildren of the men who fought so heroically and displayed un equaled fortitude and endurance in that struggle for the maintenance of * the principles which had been handed dowsi to them by their fathers. "With this object in view', the T.a dies’ Confederate Memorin' - -eola tion of New Orli ana, la, nave taken an Important step, and at a meeting hold March 19. 1902. In Memorial hall, that place so hallo-,vf Iby sacred memories and relies, a resolution was offered to (lx on the 3d day of June, the anniversary of the birth of Jef ferson navis, a ‘Southern Memorial day.' In this way the children ot the south will become familiar with this one fact in the history of our short lived but glorious nation. The brithday of Jefferson Davis, the first and only president of the Confederate states of America, should he indelibly Impressed on the minds and hearts of the southern children. > “By agreeing on (his day, June 3, for the observance of the usual me morial ceremonies, we not only hon or the memory of the president of the southern Confederacy, but at the same time we strew our flowers and Immortelles on the graves of the Confederate dead, the heroes- who fought so valiantly for tho cause he represented," Thi> sentiment which inspires tins address ta noble, indeed, and ns in all southern communiti b, the proper ob servance of the dny is entrusted to our mothers, wives ami daughters, it would seem that their will in the mat ter of fixing a uniform date should be regarded, and no more appropriate date could be found, of course, than the anniversary of the birth of the Confederacy's chieftain. Wiley Williams is right after Tom Eason for that prison commissioner ship. The cane and cassava convention yesterday was a great success, ami we expect some good results from it. A good many candidates, wore in the city yesterday to learn how to sow cane and cassava, and reap votes. The address of Secretary Wilson, before the cane and cassava conven tion yesterday was a gem. and was greatly appreciated by those fortu nate enough to have heard it. YESTERDAY’S CONVENTION. The cane and cassava convention has come and gone, but It will leave Its Imprint on the industrial and ag ricultural map of Glynn county and south Georgia generally. The meeting yesterday was a suc cess, both in numbers and In interest manifested, and those In attendance entered upon the deliberations of the convention with a zeal and an earnest ness that is always indicative of the fullest measure of success. The feature of the session was the magnificent address of Secretary Wil son, which was one of the ablest ef forts ever heard in Brunswick. The secretary is a splendid talker, and is one of those men who say xofethlng when they do talk. He re viewed the agricultural problem in Georgia from its every possible stand point, and assured the people that the great department of the government over wh'ch he has been called to pre side, shod ready and w'lbng to aid them without respect to geo graphical oeation or any other con fition. He made a deep impression on our pflople, all of whom intensely admire his democratic simplicity and true ragged Americanism. 'i lie address of Commissioner Stevens, Mr, Wade. Col. Gaetsklll, Col. Goodyear, and in fact., all others who contributed to the program, were splendid ones, and were all well re eelved. The News Is very happy over this splendid meeting of prominent men, ami it feels assured that much good will result from the same. To Col, C. P. Goodyear, and other Brunswick gentlemen, who have toiled In season and out, for the success of these meetings, much credit is due. AN INDUSTRIAL MOVE. Brunswick Is now experiencing ai era of industrial development unequal ed in uer history. Her people are re alizing more than ever the necessity for factories of every kind, and as an evidence of the fact that we are get ting them it is only necessary to say that within the last 9u days Bruns wok has had a cigar factory, a sash and door and blind factory, a pants factofy, an electric railway company, and an electric lignt company formed within her confines. The two first named are now in full operation. Con tracts are now out for construction work on the electric light company, and similar contracts will be let by the street railroad people very short iy. In the meantime a syndicate of westeim capitalists) have purchased 10,000 acres of timber laud In Glynn county, and propose to erect, at once, a largo planing mill, saw mill and box factory iu this city. in addition to these developments along manufacturing lines, Mr. E. E. Clapp, of Now York, has purchased several thousand acres of land a few miles from the city, and uas a model f: i now under cultivation, which promises to make a handsome yield. Some seventy German farmers, having caught the inspiration, have emigrated to Glynn county, and they, too, have established a colony a few miles from the city, and will engage extensively in farming of every char acter, and that they will succeed, there is no doubt. Other Industries of various kinds are being formed, and it is not amiss to say that Brunswick’s future was never brighter, and the people were never more united or determined In their efforts- to develop the resourc es of the city and county along in dustrial and other material lines. On ills way baca to Washington yes terday President Roosevelt confessed in a speech at Columbia that his visit to Charleston had made him a better American.—Albany Herald. The pres ident should come south very often. It is predicted from many quarters, that a dark horse may tie trotted into the state convention and be nominated governor, and that neither of the candidates now in the field will be able to win out. This prediction Is based on statements to the effect that Mr. Ouorry an. Colonel Estill win receive votes enough to tie up uie convention. , THE BRUNSWICK DAILYNEWS, Announcements. ANNOUNCEMENTS For State Senator. To the public: I respectfully an nounce that 1 am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for senator for the Fourth district of Georgia, com posed of the counties of Camden, Charlton and Giynn. My platform will be to execute the will of the peo ple and serve their Interests so lar as I know it and to the extent of my ability, and to procure such legisla tion as they desire without regard aiy personal interests or those of any clique or taction, A. J. CROVATT. For Senator. As announced soveral weeks ago, I am a candidate for the position of senator from the Fourth senatorial district, subject to the action of the .primary to be called by the democrat e executive committee. The support of the people will be appreciated, ana if elected, 1 will serve them with fidel ity and zeal. Very respecttully, W. F. SYMONS. For Judge Superior Court. To tne citizens of the Brunswick Judicial Circuit: At the solicitation of friends throughout this circuit, and having the ambition to fill this office, I beg to announce my .candidacy for judge it the Superior court of the Bruns wick circuit, subject to the action ot the Democratic primary. If elect *d to this honorable position, 1 prom se to discharge the duties of the rust to the best of my understand ng and ability, without fear, favor, ■f affection and with absolute im partiality . 1 respectfully ask you, areful considf ration of my can li lacy and solicit your support. Respectful I” T. A. PARKER. l>: dey, Ga. For County Treasurer. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for I lie office of county treasurer subject, of course, to tho democratic primary, and ask for t'ue support of my friends and the voters in general. F. M. SCARLE TT. For Sheriff. This is to inform the voters of Glynn county ..,at I will be a candi date for the office of Snerlff. subject co the Democratic primary, and re spectfully ask the support of my ■rlends and the public generally. WALTER T. OWENS. For Tax Receiver. Tills is to inform the voters of ilyun county that 1 will be a caall late lor re election for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the Demo iath- primary, and respectfully ask for tßeir support. JNO. E. DUBBERLY. For Receiver, Tax Return*. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for tne office of Receiver end 'fax Returns, subject to the dem ocratic primary. The support of my friends and the public generally will lie appreciated. T. B. FERGUSON. For Representative. I will he a candidate, at the ap proaching Democratic primary, for t,ho office of Representative of Glynn county, and will gratefully appreciate the support of the voters of Glynn county. EUSTACE C. BUTTS. To the voters of the Brunswick cir cuit: I presume most of you are informed of my candidacy for judge of the su perior court of the Brunswick circuit, but I would like to impress it upon you that I would appreciate your sup port. Of "course, I have no claim on the office, or on you, unless your best judgment should Incline you to toe opinion that I.can bring to the discharge of the duties of judge, such capacity and experience as will war rant you in extending to me your rot - und influence. My pao life, (which is known to most of you) will give the assurance of a fearless and faithful enforcement or the law. Very truly yours. SIM JN W. HITCH. For County Surveyor. 1 hereby announce my cand,dcy for the office of Countv Surveyor, Mibject to the action of the demo cratic primary, and will appreciate the support of my friends and the public generally. GEORGE C. MYERS. For Surveyor. To my friends and the voters of Glynn county: 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of County Survteypr, subject to the democratic primary, and ask for the support of my friends and the public generally. E. A. PENNIMAN. / For County Commissioner. 1 liis is to inform the voters of Glynn county that I will be a candi dafe for the office of County Commis sioner from the Twenty-seventh dis trict. subject to t..e democratic pri mary. and respectfully ask the sup | port of my friends and the public generally. ROBERT L. RATCLIFFE. For County Commissioner. This is to inform the voters of Glynn county that I will be a candi date for the office of County Commis sioner from the Twenty-seventh dis trict. subject to tiie democratic pri mary and respectfully ask the support of my friends and public generally JNO. R. DO ERF LINGER. For Treasurer. To my friends and the voters of Glydn county: I hereby announce myself a candi date for ro-elction to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic primary. For two terms I have been elected to this office and trust my conduct has been Such as to merit your cofldenee and sup port. Thanking voip for your sup port in the past, J am yours truly, H. S. LEE... x For Sheriff. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff of Giynn county, subject to toe Democratic , rroary, and re specnuily solicit tho support ot my friends aim the voter 1 , generally. W. H. BERRIE. ONE CENT A WORD. If you want a position, a house, 8 servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 50 cents FOR RENT—Newly furnished i ouiij. at 401 G street, corner A. FOR SALE—Choice brown leghorn eggs for setting. W. Merchant. WANTED—Oat sacks. ItnmswloK Ice Manufacturing Company. r OR RENT OR SALE--St. Simon beach cottages. Apply to C, M. Til ! ton. eity. FOR SALE —Two story barn. Must be removclTr Apply on j-. mi: •s, tic | Richmond street. I FOR SALES—Rubber stamps, si-abi. stincem, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain. WANTED—Six carpenters or bench hands. Good salary. Brunswick Sash and boor Company. ! ALL KINDS OF <' AIJfOR NiA WINES 25 CENTS A BUTT I K. AT 11. SELIG’S, 225 GRANT STREET TELEPHONE 2(2-3. ! SPECIAL lovitGAINS IN SECOND hand typewriters, of different makes. Come to sue me, C. H. Jewett. Opera ■ House building. I FOR RENT- Seven rooms, over The News office. Suitable tor offices or light housekeeping. Cool rooms, broad veranda, bath room. Apply at News office. FOR SALE —A handsome home near Col. Goodyear's formerly belonging to Professor Branham. Liberal termu can he given upon part of the pur chase price. Brobston. Fendig & Cos LOST—-At opera house, on night of Methodist entertainment, one pair o: mother of pearl opera glasses in black leather case. Finder will be -reward ed by returning to Mrs. C. It. Lloyd, 501 Prince street. WANTED —A first class man. wr.i thoroughly understands the refresh ment business, to take charge of .. business on St, Simon island. Must lie full of energy and po.-s o ~ some capital. Address C. M, Tilton Brunswick. Ga. WANTED- A man of exponeur, capable of taking charge of nimbei wnarves for firm shipping iu.i million feet tnontnly. Mils, be sober and a thorough inspector of yellow pine lum ber. No oiiiers need apply. If man agement is satisfactory place will be permanent and salary good. Answer O. Box 375, Savannah. On Cheap Rates. Tuesday. April 15, this been desig nated as Gcotgir Par at the South Carolina and West Indian Exposi tion. The Southern railway has au thorized a rate of $3.25 from Bruns wick to Charleston and return for this occasion. Tickets on sale \pril l i final limit Apr’l V,, Notice. In future all accounts due the Brown Drug Company, which were transfered to us, will tie paid to Ern est Dart. Esq., attorney at law. and to no other, and we reifuest immediate payment, in order to avoid litigations. Hunter-Sale Drug Company. W. F, PORTER, iOO7 () Htrc*'i painter and paper hanger. Signs of any description. Agent for wall-paper mills. Drop me a postal. Gall Phone 289-3 |Kew Store, New Goods, New Prices. I Everything new and up to date. * I will open a first-class grocery 5 in the store formerly occupied 1 by Johannessen Bros.. 118 A • street, and the public is cordial s ly invited to call and inspect my , stock. P. DEVARRIS I ‘ Schedule Southern Railway. Fofi SAVANNAH, WASHINGTON AND NEW YORK. Lv. Brunswick 4 45 am .... 9 45 ami....*l 35 pmj.... 9 65 pm. Ar. Savannah .... 925 ami.... 12 45 pm *4 25 pim 12 |M Ml. Ar. Washington ... r. -- - * 735 am ...! 19 15 am).... 960 pm. Ar. New York j 2 03 4 18 pmj.... S SO wsi. FOR JACKSONVILLE AN D ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. Lv. Brunswick 445 am).... 720 amj..,. 945 am).... 1.35 pot Ar. Jacksonville 9 15 am 12 46 pm;...! 2 20 pm, 7 49 pci. Ar. Sc Augustins 11 10 am] .;...! 3 80 pm; 9 S9 pm. FOR MACON, ATLANTA, LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO, Lv. Brunswick .... 7 20 am:.... 9 4a am;.... 9 05 psa. Ar. Macon } 130 pm ...* 356 pm] 360 pm. Ar. Atlanta 4 10 pin)...* 6 15 pm; 5 80 am. Ar. Louisville j 8 00 am;...! 8 05 amt 7 f3 pm. Ar. Cincinnati ....j j.... 8 10 am,...! 7 55 am;.... 7 'SO p. Ar. Cuicago ...' pm;...! 5 30 pci].... 7 25 am. FROM NEW YORK, WASH INGTON AND SAVANNAH. Lv. New York | [ 12 15 am;...*12 40 pm;.... 389 pm. Lv. Washington .. ] 10 52 am;...* * 25 pmj 9 SB pa. Lv. Savannah j j 5 !)0 am;,..! 10 25 am;.... 3 15 pa. Ar. Brunswick ] j.... 745 am;...! 110 pm;.... 895 pm. FROM ST. AUGUSTINE AN D JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Lv. Augustine j ( 7 30 am; j.. Lv. Jacksonville" ..; i 920 ami.... 8'35 ain'ji 18 59 pm. Ar. Brunswick ..". ,j v j 235 pmj 110 pmj.... *99 pea. FROM CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, ATLANTA AND MACON. • _ . ; _ Lv. Chicago j i..|.. 830 funj Lv. Cincinnati j —,j.. v 8 30 am; Lv. Louisville j ! ..j,,,. £ 00 anri.v Lv. Atlanta j '....30 45 par.... 5 39 am. Lv. Macon | I*oo am .... 9 35 am. \r. Brunswick j | j...,‘l 00 am;.... 2 86 pm. ! Daily Except Sunday. * Daily Except Monday. SCHEDULE 8. A. L. RAILWAY. IN EFFECT DECEMBER IST, 90!.! 4 8 5‘ pin. ) I i" mi. bv Brunswick Ar.j 7 4! •11 - pm ] 1 v. pin. Lv Sava ntiuu Ar.; 4 7 15 cim.'lu 5" pm, Ar Augusta hfrtrfllf <; "" pm A" Oulu uijita Lv.’ li. Ifr ■ am., pm. A; i .tin den Lv.jl2 i, 17 am. 11 33 prn.jAr Southern Pines Lv.j 9 27 10 15 aui. 1 30 am, Ar Raleigh Lv.j 7 SS 2 20 gin., 5 54 am.jAr Petersburg ..;....Lv.j 3 18 3ue pm., 35 am.,Ar Richmond Lv.j .2 38 pm.Ttifl! " •J 35 pin. 10 i- am. Ar Wash ngton 01 11 25 pm.’ll 25 am Ar Baltimore ±,v.| 034 am.flHHB 2 aim] 136 pm,Ar Philadelphia Lv.j 720 ar, 0 30 am. ; 4 15 pm. Ar New York Lv.,12 10 an; 5 25 pm.; 7 15 am.jAr Por t smouth-Norfolk ....Lv.j 9 25 am.j t C 00 am., 1 10 pm.jLv Brunswick Ar.j 1 10 pm. 10 46 psJ 11 20 am. 3 4o pm. Ar Fernandina Lv.j v 25 j am. 7 49 gal .1 15 am. 3 55 pm. Ar Jacksonville Lv.,10 10 am. 7 49 1 18 pm.. 12 40 arn. Ar Ocala Lv.j 3 00 am.'lj M K. 5 10 pm. 7 20 am.jAr Orlando , ..Lv. 8 25 pm.j 8 88 tm. 5 4o pin j 5 00 am.;Lr Tampa Lv.j 9 00 pm.j 1 99 mb. Ar I ak Oily Lv. 7 43 am. 6 IT pm.j 12 03 pm.; 5 48 pm. Ar Live Oak ...Lv.j 0 43 am. 1 14 pm . \ 12 58 pm il pui.JAr Madison 315 pm.,10 00 pm.jAr Tallahassee Lv. 400 am 138 pm. ■5 06 pm Yr.... River Junction Lv.j 12 19 pm. id 50 pm., j Ar.. T Pensacola uv.j., j 7 00 am. 8 30 put.. 11 00 am.|l.v Brunswick .Ar; 1 10 pni.[ 8 10 am. 7 10 am. 3 30 pm.iLv Savannah ~.Ar.' 8 00 am.] 3 25 pin. !! 35 am 12 45 am.jAr Helena Lv.j 3 38 am 4 08 pa. 12 38 pin. 1 32 am. Ar Abbbville Lv.j 2 40 am.: 8 15 gm. 1 46 pm. 2 24 gm. Ar Cordele Lv! \ s B am.j 2 10 pm] : 10 pm. 3 22 am. Ar Americas Lv.:l2 20 am.j 13 45 pm. 5 2u pm. 9 oo arn. Ar ~.. Columbus Lv.j *;io 10 am. 7 '". 8 00 am Yr Montgomery Lv. 8 00 pm, 8 29 am. 7 89 iiii], i.v Brunswick Ar.; 7 32 pm. j 7 s:i arn.Ar Thalmann Ar.j 0 50 pm.j ,10 15 am.fAr Savannah Lv.j 4 30 pm. Through Pullman sleepers north, south and west. S. M. Barr, First Vice Presideut and General Manager, Portsmouth, Va. R. F,. I, liunch, General Passenegr Agent, Portsmouth. Y-a. W. !’, Scruggs. Division Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. B. J. Ford, City Passenger Agent, Brunswick, Ga. McDuffie’s Tasteless Chill Cura will build up broken down systems asd make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure tor chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Eric* 50 cants. At W. Joerger'a. THE CELEBRATED WAUKESHA Arcadian ginger ale now on sale at : inn: -r-Sales mug store. The most u.'.hillarating drink dispensed at any found In the city. Call for .it. Cali on L. A. Miller for kiln dried lumber. Insurance—Montgomery & Good vear. Whit* Leghorn eggs. 15 for 75 cents. 11. E. Taylor. When you want lumber of any kind cadi on I- A. Miller. He will save you meney. Local Pullman Sleeper to Charleston. The Plant System has a local Pull man sleeper leaving Jacksonville 8:00 p. m, daily, arriving Cnarleston 6:10 a. m„ in which passengers can remain until 7: So a. m. Cheap excur sion rates account exposition. Kor further particulars, reservations, etc., apply to .. N. Jolly, D. P. A., Jack sonville. We lead, others follow. Hunter-Sale Drug C-0.. birthplace of pure drugs. Now England people like New Eng land fdod. Call up Burns & Curtis'. Phone Ida. for Newfoundland salt cod. salt mackerel, cods tongues and sounds canned clams. Also a full line of staple groceries, fresh on ev ery steamer. Dr. C. Bouvier's Buchu gin. an mfallalde cure for the kidney and hdi *•<•• .H.Oft per n lart. Tfh'rfh >r.e 130. Sig Levison, agmr, 310 Bay street. OPIUM US 111 Iff! orc<wfiiemnucureKttar — - * tj I- - * nntced at Sanitarium or bo • : V " >gT r ' ith,R Care r' A!, ' tn *V a ' Hosnertreatmeutseut. ap.c.-rreu. Correa pocdeccestrictlyconfidential. The celebrated Waukesha Arcadian ginger ale now on sale at Ilunter -Saics drug stoVe. The most exhilar ating drink dispensed at auy fount in the city. Call for *t, i Try McDuffie’s "No 16” for La Grippe or Influenza. It is guaranteed to cure or your money will be refund ed. Price SI.OB. At W. Joerger’s. Vcu can, at any time, get what you need in something good to drink from me. I carry a full line of all kinds domestic and imported liquors and wines in stock, which you can buy at prices to suit the p or. Rig l.t-vison, agent, 310 Bay. feiephoue i.U. Philadelphia club r-ye, positively the finest blended Whiskey in the city. Full quarts $1.25 per bottle; satts fmt.on on this brand guaranteed or money refunded. Telephone 130. f.<g I.evtson, agent, 310 Bay street. Try a quart bottle of our Qjd Crow rye whiskey, at 75 cents, equal to any dollar goods in Brunswick. 310 Bay street, -Sig Leviaon, agent. Tel ephone lot). McDuffie's Turpentine and Mutton Suet Lang Plaster is a certain curt for whooping cough, easy and com fortable, works while you sleep. 25 cents, at W. Joergeris. W. M. TUPPER * CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agenfe. j Lighterage, Towing 2nd Marine In- Isurance. Correspondence Solicited, BRUNSWICK, GA. The finest line of imported gins, Scotch whiskeys and French brandys at heasonable prices. Telephone 130. S ?. 1 ovisor., agent, 310 Uiy stre :. : Ten summers old Canifornia claret, C. grade, the finest claret made, bet ter than imported $3.25 per dozen. T< iephone 130, Sig Levison. agent, 310 Bay street- APRIL iS