The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, April 15, 1902, Image 4

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TUESDAY MORNING There’s a r\ Difference. j E IEiI Almost every business man wears a • if sa ' k coat. It’s the regular “staple” k - 'W v?* .** *f> ' style for business wear. The thing I that will attract and pleae you in - f* 1 a thl:Ce HART SCHAFFNER and ' Ifif ■ MARX suits is that they're different ■ I from the common run of Sack suits, ■ | I there's a snap and style about them ■ I I that distinguishes them from the or- I t I dir:ary sort. Our spring styles are in. If I Hart if Schaffher’ /i m J MS s- V| Aciofher M iua I _BOROHOL To.>l ij Powder Purest and Absolutely the Best ! iviADE AND SOLD BY W. J. BUTTS, ► THE DRUGGIST. TOBIAS NEWMAN HAS TtIF EXCLUSIVE CONTROL cf the Lotos Cfcsb PURE Rye Whiskey, BRUNSWICK AND VICINITY. * - V- V" WANTED! 1,000,000 Cars of SCRAP IRON, The highest cash prices paid tor same. J. W, Watkins, 208 Bay St, Brunswich Ga. Just Received anew lint; of Couch Covers and Mattings 50 REFRIGERATORS % A full lino of •ClmrtrrOak", Six hole Steel Utilises with wanning closet at’ £IO.OO I'j'c this’wet k only w e otter New I lome See ing Machines, hall bearing, latest improvemcnis, at £IO.OO, usual price £ia,oo. " o have taken the agency’ of tlio Globe-Weruiieke Cos s, Sectional Book Cases, etc Si. M. Miller <i den, THE FEUNt WICK DAILY NEWS SATURDAY NIGHT’S SHOOTING. Negro Woman Tells Doctor Who Shot Her. Leila Dorsey, the negro woman who was shot Saturaay night and who re fused to tell who shot her, told the entire story to Dr. Hatcher yesterday while under the influence of chloro form. The woman refused all along to tell anything about the shooting, and would have doubtless never told had she not been put under the influ ence of the drug. Dr. Hatcher suc ceeded in locating the ball, but at the woman's request, it was not detract ed. As no arrests have yet been made the News is not at liberty to publish the name of the man'who did the shooting. From what we can learn of the affair two shots were fired at rhe woman, only one taking effect, the as in her back yard when a quar rel arose betwen her and the man. ■jheesaw him draw a pistol and ran to qet inside the house, but he fired and sue was struck just as she en lererl the door. The wound was a se lous one, and would have probably .roved fatal had it not been for the quick response of Dr. Hatcher, For Tax Collector. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office and Tax collector of Glynn county, sub iect to the democratic primary, and respectfully solicit i.. support, of my friends and the voters generally. H. J. READ. For c,lerk, Superior Court? 1 respectfully announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior court of Glynn county, subject to the democratic pri mary, and’respectfully solicit the sup port of my friends and the voters gen rally. H. F. du BIGNON. FOR SVALE—One Roan mare, eight ears old, in good, sound condition; i ne Phaeton, one folding top surrey, end two sets harness, all practically new at a bargain if can be sold at cnce. J. A. Montgomery, 302 Glouces ter street. ’Phone 134-3. Genuine bargains on Monday and Tuesday, sec circulars at Heller's. I’ure 5 years old Mountain corn whiskey, mild und mellow, 75 cents per full quart, a trial on this goods is all 1 ask. Sig I.evtson, agent, Tel oplione 130. WANTED —l want to hire, by the week or month, a good horse. State 'terms. Address .1. Brooks. I’. O. Box 13<i. Good yard-wide bleaching, worth 10c. If. yards for SI.OO on Monday and Tuesday at Heller’s. Leave your orders early for salt mackerel and salt cod fish, coming ecu next steamer. Curtis & Burns. Phone 165. Fine Irish potatoes just received. Bdrns & Curtis. All kinds of fancy crackers for 6 o'clock-tea at Burns At Curtis'. If you mean to pet real bargains, call on Monday und Tuesday at Hel ler's. Notice) 1 will be away from my office from the 15th to the 20th on pleasure trip to the Charleston exposition. J. A. COLE, D. D. Bargain day on Monday and Tues day, at .7. 11. Heller & Bro’s. The only place to get fine June rice j straw Is at the Western Grain and Produce Company’s. A nilllrlght wanted at once to place jin position fifty horse power mill : Address J., care News.' | Special bargains, in embroideries : ano laces on Monday and Tuesday. !at J. H. Heller & Bro’s. j - Special sale of dreg’s goods on Mon day and Tuesday at Heller’s. TO THE PUBLIC In addition to affording every fa : cility to our customers consistent with safe banking, we are prepared to act as Administrator or Executor of Es tates, Guardians of property of prop erty of minors, and to make bends in judicial and other matters, generally to exercise all our powers as a Trust company. Brunswick Bank & Trust Go,, H. W. GALE, Cashier. The Southern Railway announces a rate of $21.05 for the round trip from Brunswick to Dai las, Tex., oil aiVount of the Confe' erate Veterans’ Reunion, April 22 tc Tickets will be on sale Apr; IS. 10 and 20, witn final limit May - By (jepos.ang ticket with th< agent at Dallas an extension of the limit to May 15. 1902, may be cl tained. Delicious cod tongues and sounds, and Newf'oundaian.l salt cod. at Barns & Curtis' 'Phone 165. COLLINS A GLASST Contractors and Bi dders. ..Estimates furnished on short no tice and satisfy\ion guaranteed. Superintend!!!! i specialty. ♦ 422 North Volf Street, PERSONAL MENTION. SHORT NOTES ABOUT PEOPL r WHO COME AND GC *.N. WHO THEY V.SIY Interesting Item Gatehred Here and There By Niws Reporters. Notec of interest. Mr. C. M. Tilton has returned to it. Simon. Tbo Altamaha river steamer George Garbutt Ta in port. Mrs. R. E. Sherman, and son Edwin, left yesterday for Allan la. R. E. Laaianee is back from a bus ness trip to Jacksonville. Justice i.ambright is holding a rath -r busy session of bis court. Miss Daisy Matthews, of Fenian lina. is visiting relatives in the city. Walter Wyatt, of Camden county, s spending a few days in the city. Tiie friends 01 Mrs, W. W. i’abbott •ill regret to learn that she is quite ill. Members of tne Brunswick fere Ue lartmcrit will ue out in new uniforms oday. Mrs. J. i . l)oei llinger. of Fancy Bluff, is spending a row days in the city. Deputy Sheriff Pyles j pent yc ■ tev lay in Tallahassee. Fla., on official business. J. W. Watkins wants old iron you have any sentl i! to him. Highest ash price paid. I . V. Carroll, of Wilmington. N 0., in old BrunswicKian. is spending a few days in the city. A party of Brunswick genii ■■men will leave for Cumberland thin morn log to spend a week fishing for drum Mr. C. 1.. Bellinger and wife, of Ocala. Ha., are spending a few clay at the Oglethorpe. Mr. A. H. Lane, formerly of this city, now a resident of Valdosta, is spending u few days in tne city. Mrs. Ed. I’htdfl'er and little daugh ter, Lillian, have returned from Al bany, whore they have been visiting •datives. Judge Bennett and Stenographer Gale left yesterday for Honjerville, where the superior court of Clinch "aunty is in session this week. • The parents and friends of the chil lrcn of the primary school arc cor dially invited to attend an entertain ment to be given at the school today at I o’clock. Mr. Burr Winton left last night for Chailotto, N. C„ where he gc.cs to engage iu the insurance business. Mr. Winton has many friends in Bruns wick, who will wish his much success. The Missionary society of the First Methodist church mot v*rday a the home of Mrs. J. B. Davis, on Am herst street. A party of young me n, including I. F. dußfgnon, Geo. 11. Sroiht, J. M. Symons, and others hit for Cumber and yesterday to enjoy a few day drum fishing. Special discount of parasols, all shades, on Monday and Tuesday at Heller's. • Special sale of mattings, on Monday and Tuesday at Heller’s. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in the city, and Ihis popular place should he liberally patronise by the public. I am thf* only one handling • Chase & Sanborn's famous Teas and Coffees. You only have to try them to be convinced that they are superior to all others THOMAS KEANY, Fancy Grocer, ‘ . DIED SUNDAY AT ATKINSON. I Well Knoym ’Wayne County Man I Passes way. Mr. James F. King, Sr., died at his home at Atkinson. Wayne county. Sun day morning, after a short illness. Mr. King was well known in this city and all over the state. "He was a brother to the late Mallory P. King, of this city, and was from one of the oldest families in Georgia. He was a son of the late Stephen Clay King, was 78 years old, and leaves a wife and three children. J. F. King, Jr„ W. W. King and Mrs.. Burrell Atkinson. He has been a res ident of Wayne county nearly his en tire life. 'I he funeral, occurred at Atkinson yesterday. Rev. Hollingsworth, of the Preabyb yan church! this city, officiat ing. A number of fr.ends of the de ceased went from Brunswick. CHEAP RATES TO DALLAS. ' Plant System ,to Sell Round Trip 1 . . Tickets For $21.05. t Account Confederate Veterans, rc i union the Plant System will sell 'tickets on April IS, 19, 20 and 21, to j i'Milas. I’exas. and return at rate of ; $21.0r, trom Brunswick and corres pondingly low rates from other points 'limited fo return May 2. but by depos i tr.aj be oxter. P and to leave Dallas , i s.t later than iflay 16. I A choice of a dozen different routes j -vith schedules and all information aa> I e obtained by i ailing oi ticket ■nts oi' the Plant System-, or ail dr. sing F.M. Jolly.P. A. Jacksonville; M 4. TANARUS: lor. I'. P. A.. Tampa: B. ; W. Wrenn, passenger l afiic manage,', Ida v i ;,l, , Glebe Lodgings. 1 have rented the old Central lm ti. corner monk and Newcastle . and will conduct a first-class lodging house, with table board If so |. My rates will be reasonable and s-rvtne complete. E. A. Silver From April 19, to 2fith, inclusive, the Southern railway will sell round trip tickets to Sail Francisco and 1.0 Angeles, Cal., at $64.25 for the round ti Ip. Tlcsets good returning until June 25. This will ire a rare opportunity to visit the Pacific coast. Tr> a bottle of Colombo Bitters. A fine ionic anl appetiser; non better, only 75 cents. Telephone 130. Sis '.e\ nil. ;i >;ii. fl I I E Ei ft .Morphine and WMsker - } s#! i I Elfl habn.ivestedwuhotiiiron tS 5 US ? fiwl or confinement, i iireumr **#* r-xT cfr 1 ant ed ut Sanitai miner t*o ■ n. v. Mh t;r I..thin Springs Cure i-'fiwfrA. Home** rent mew? n-r/ r \ t. - ‘’’T-d 30- .’rut Ivetnfu’' It. is to your interest to attend bar :a n sales on Monday and Tuesday ai Heljer’s. Pur: California Claret. A. A. A. grade, large bottles, per doz< n. $2.50. Telephone 130. Sig Levison, agent, 310 Pay street Call at H. MfCnELSON'S - New I'p-to-Date Furniture < . Store. No. "14 Newcastle St. ' where you will find astonishing ' ; I.ow Prices. My motto is, and < , has always been Small profits • ; aiul quick Sales, and in order to • introduce my goods I will make ' ! this a Bargain Week. Come! { ■ Becouvinced now much you can • ■ save by buying your Furniture of H. MICHELSON. Secretary Jas. Wilson ✓ created onito a favorable iuipre--i n his Lcarers at the Cane ajjaCassava * Convention ye.-tert-ay. We propose to ere ate t le- s;tme iinpressoin raircus t users at our Great Bargain Sales to lx- bold oil Monday and Ttfoadsy ** April l-itbnnd lotb a + W v t an boast ofijiiving tlio mresr $, ].vt rd and largest stick ot Dry Goods ever m*i nin Jtrunsv. irk If yon want to jp*i the late st in Dry < .'oods or Fnmishinyw call at. Mrs. M. Jsaae, BRUN v7ICK, GA. BATCH OF CITY NEWS A DAY’S DOINGS IN . THE CITY BY THE SEA QUICKLY GATHERED UP. Removed One Mill. George F. Jontfs, - of illoouworth & Jones, leaves today for Limerick, Liberty county, where the firm has located with one of their saw mills. Mr. Jones will visit Brunswick often. Change of Schedules. On account of withdrawal ot South ern railway limited trains between No. 23, which has been leaving Bruns wick at 9:45 at m„ and train No. 24, .sew , ork and SK ’Augustine, train arriving here at r:10 p. m.. have been discontinued. Train No. 25 heretofore leaving Brunswick at l:„o p. m., wili hereafter leave at 3:05 p. m. Other schedules remain unchanged. —; t Brain-Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent au thorities. They have dispelled the sil ly notion that one kind of fooyl is needed tor brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet, will not only nourish a particular part of Hie boy. but it will sustain • very other part. Yet. however, good your food may trf*. its nutriment, is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for mCir appearance, or pi event their cominMi^B|hu^ . -;i ,\JB ’ ' ’"' al ' ■- •' !,r 11 aedics at Smith’s riiai-pwi— -i • Butts. t ‘ Ivew ArrivlHl L.-qiaragtn. in small cans. A.'pvin.vr.s in Mimilcans. ' Jlnslmam- iu suiiul enj-.s. ! !\a[X>i;itc I Jliimc R-.dfiish : . Svuct Piet leg in bulk or b -fries Sonr l’ickles in bulk nr bon Annoor's Flictn'i Ham, Ai'ieoui lie,-,. lon. ' Include Ib ury Clu F our in our next order. We keep Gasoline for sale. Geo W. Harper 'Phone 158. THE GROCER. [Suitable j ; WEDDING I • ■ 5 : Present#] ’ i ► in JEWEL,.Y and NOVEL- * *' / * - TIES you will find at ' n BUT,I The Leading Jeweler. 1 ; 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. * Inspector of watches for the* ; Southern and B& B Railways. J Keeper of the city clock. Time by wire from Washington daily 4 at 11 a. m. * APRIL W