The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, May 06, 1902, Image 3

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TUESDAY MORNING ■fcv ' ••'•;••.< ; r "': ’;; Furniture and Bedding. Furniture which is well constructed" ’ and finished is always admired, and ■ _ when intended for use in bed rooms. _ should f*e bright and cherry. . If you will examine our stock, you ► will find goods made to wear as well as ►to sell. The finish is faultless and the, ► prices reasonable We have a line line ► of Iron Beds in many colors. ► C. MeGARVEY. 316 Newcastle Street. TRULY “A GRAND OLD WHISKEY ' Is the famous nncftM nr i/C6J7liPtfV iincAm Or KtNiullu. It’s pure and wholesome and sold cheaper than any other whiskey of fame, rank or quality. Sold In Brunswick only by Douglas &. Morgan, I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers. Offices, Cincinnati, 0., U. S. A. -. -.aftfor-- ls $g £i|s^o f |§| < | lli HI 1 ! 11 Lil| £ 'a£? Wholesale and Retail Dealer in *■• Schwarzchlld & Sulzberger Beef Co.’s fejjpjjjjf Western Beef, Pork and Mutton. r " Fresh Poultry. Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Groceries Fresh Eggs from Country. All goods sant out nice and c( ean. The best of everything for the model housekeeper. , ? 207 Monk St. ~ ’Phone 89 ■ 1 1,1 ■■ ..■■" , ?* IWI - .. ■■■ ■” 11 !!!}"■•'.* If * ''f C. Downing, President. E. H. Mason, Vice-President. E.D.Wafter, Cashier. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, G \. GAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN f) FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted to the assistance of legit imate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited from individuals, firms and corpora tion* . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT acco unis bear intercut, compounded quar terly. Interest bearing cerificates of deposit issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the “BANKERS’ MONK i ORDER ASSOCIA TION” arc cheaper and more convenient than postofflce or express. W. H. BOWEN & CO., Contractors and Builders of Stone, Brick and Frame Buildings. MANUK\< TURKRS OK £KMftNT TIKE AXT> ARTIKRIAK ATO)NK M. BURNETT, WHOLESALE Grain and Provisions, Horse, Cow and Chicken Teed. Brunswick Sash and Boor Do. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, AND BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FRAMES, ETC. FROM GEORGIA PINE AND CYPRESS LUMBER FACTORY: OFFICE: Btonewall Btreet. 600 Cochran Ave. Prirtoa Street. Telephone 239. Coohran Avenue. Ocean Avenue., BRUNSWICK, GA .. J Don’t forgot that Swans Down flour is the best on earth. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR THE SEASON, MY COTTAGE ON ST. SIMON ISLAND, FIRST HOURS IN WAYCROSS COLONY. PAINTED WHITE AND GREEN, FIVE ROOMS FULLY FURNISHED, INCLUDING STOVE, DISHES, PORCH ROCKERS. ETC. WATER CONNECTION FROM GOVERNMENT ARTESIAN WELL. WRITE TO C. E. MURPHY, WAY CROSS, GA. All kinds of fancy crackers for 6- o’cloek-tea at Burns & Curtis’. May week sale of crossbars,checked nainsooks and homespuns at Hellers. Drink lithia water. 30 cents per ga'lou at Smith’s pharmacy. | May week sale of bleaching, sheet ! ins, sheets, and pillow cases, at I Heller’s Try a bottle of Columho Bitters. A line conic and appetizer; none bettor, only 75 cents. Telephone 130. Sig White Leghorn eggs, 15 for 75 cents. H. E. Taylor. If our work don’t pr ve up you don’t have to pay for it. Electrical Supply Cos. COLLINS & GLASS, Contractors and Bidders. Estimates furbished on short no tice and satisfai Von guaranteed. Superintends * specialty. 422 North Volf Street Sec our supply of electric shades from ten coats up to fifty cents. El ectrical Supply Cos. Marine electric work a specialty. Electrical Supply Cos. May week sale of figured swisses, organdies, lawns and dimities at Hel ler’s What Thin Folk Need. In the greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For them Dr. Kings New Life Pills work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poisons from urn system, enrich the blood, improve appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25c. at all druggists. 'Vilen you visit Savannah call and Have you I yes S wmiiicd properly and glasses filled dial mil nlimi Improve yoor Vision but will Preserve your Sifjhi. Dr. M. SCHWAB .N SON, •17 Hull Sin el. The Electric Supply Cos. is stringing a heavy cable in the business section of the city to supply current, for light, and power. We predict a. eol,l wave—under our fans- Electrical Supply Cos. Resolvent CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS (Chocolate Coated, 60 doses, 25c.), are anew, tasteless, odourless, economical substitute for the celebrated liquid CL) LI - CURA RESOLVENT, as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures. Each pill is equivalent to one teaspoonful of liquid RE SOLVENT. Put up in screw cap pocket vials, con taining 60 doses, price, 25c. CUTICURA RESOLV ENT PILLS are alterative, antiseptic, tonic, and digest ive, and beyond question the purest, sweetest, most suc cessful and economical blood and skin purifiers, humour cures, and tonic-digestives yet compounded. Complete Tre<ume!;:s! Complete external ami internal treatment for every humour, consisting of Cuticiika Soap, 25c., to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cut icle; Cuticijka Ointment, 600., to in stantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe and heal; and Curi cuka Rksoi.vkkt Fills, 2. r >c., to cool and cleanse the blood. A Single Set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, dis figuring, itelling, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humours, eczemas,rashes, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. CIITICUBA Rkmepiks are .old throujehout the war!'!. IjritUli Depot: 27-28, Charterhouse Bfp, London. French Depot: line del. Pair, Parte. Purr; :; Dboo ean Oeau. Com'., Sole Prope., Beaton, U- S. A. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS LUNGS THAT ARE LAZY. Their Owner** I)in*Nt Poorly and Catch Cold Easily. Fresh air is a free gift, but it is like most of the gifts of heaven in that we 1 must do our share of work to bond: t by it. No one would expect to have a good tire just, because a pair of bellows hung on a nail by the chimney, but this is exactly what many people expect of their lungs, which are really only the bellows given us by which to keep the fire of life burning bright and clear within us. It is not too much to assert that lungs properly used in a comparatively close room will do more good than lazy lungs in an open field. This trick of lazy lungs Is a habit, like any other, and may be overcome by persistent effort. Many persons, for example, arc afflict ed with a nervous habit of holding the breath unconsciously. These are the people who, in spite tf plenty of time spent out of doors, yet catch cold casi ly. digest poorly and are always more or loss ‘‘under the weather” physically. Many other persons- and they consti tute the great majority of mankind breathe only with the upper part of the lungs and although they may breathe regularly do not draw in sufficient air at a breath to till all the lung cells. Wlicn once (lie pernicious habit of poor, shallow breathing has been bro ken up. the health undergoes such mark ed improvement, there is such brighten ing of the spirits and improvement of the looks, that the luxury of deep breathing is not likely to be readily foregone. A good way to start the new habit is to take deliberately a few minutes at stated intervals and devote them to proper breathing. If this is done sys tematically, the reformer will find film self unconsciously breathing more and more, until very soon he is obeying na ture and really breathing to li\c. Besides the gain to the general health which conn s from the habit of deep breathing there is created a reserve strength and preparedness which is often of great service in warding off acme pulmonary diseases. Youth’s Companion. HE SIGNED HIS NAME. Story of Frank Hatton Whoa lie Rc enaie Post iiuimUt General. ‘‘Frank Hatton was a great stickler for details," said a former representa tive of congress who had been in Washington when Mr. Hatton was post master general the other day. “and when he entered the cabinet in the lat ter part of Arthur's administration he carried this lmhlt with him. lie let it be known among the heads of bureaus and divisions that he proposed to fa miliarize himself with the business of the department until he had grasped all the details of the work over which he presided. “The second day at his desk the ven erable colored messenger who attended him brought the usual large bundle of letters to be signed. It was a pile of typewritten epistles, inches thick. The messenger placed them before Mr. Hat ton and, with a blotting pad in band, stood waiting for the signature, as lie had done for Mr. Hatton’s predecessors since Hayes’ time. The first letter was u long one on a topic with which Hie new postmaster general was not famil iar and so formal, legal and involved that one reading did not make Us meaning clear. Mr. Hatton hesitated, wrinkled his forehead and mused to himself: “ ‘What’s this all about anyway? It’s all news to me. I don’t know whether I approve of the tilings it says or not I can’t make head or tail out of It. I don’t know whether it’s a good tiling or not.’ “The old messenger, standing with blotting pad raised, leaned over and placed his forefinger on the space at the end of the last page and answered: “’Well, neither do I, but you sign your name there.’ “Mr. Hatton signed.”—New York Times. tlnerr Freaks of Flowers, "Why is it,” complained tlie mnn with a grouch to n restuurant keeper yesterday, “that you fellers hardly ever have any flowers in your okl joints?” The hash founder looked up. “Flow ers won’t live in restaurants,” he said. “The smoke and odor of the cooking seems to smother them, and they never thrive. I’ve tried it dozens of times, and always with the same result, l’tit flowers In a saloon, though, anil they grow and bloom In splendid shape. The tobacco smoke, I suppose, serves as a fumigator, and the fumes of the liifuor apparently stimulate them. If you want to make a success of flowers, put them In a grogshop. To stunt or kill them, a restaurant is the best ever.”--Duluth News-Tribune. Performed a Filial Duty. Joe was such a pathetic little man. lie came from a quarter of the city where crime and misery had formed a background for the five weary years of bis unnatural little life. He was late to kindergarten one morning and was asked to sit by the door until the morn ing exercises were over. Before being restored to grace the teacher asked him why he was so lute. “Well,” replied Joe, “the patrol came after my mother, and I waited to see her off.”—Chicago Tribune. I.nckf For Both, “When her grandfather came to this town, he was barefooted and had only 50 cents In bis pocket." “What a lucky thing it was for her that he didn't know she would some day be ashamed of the manner of his arrival. If he could have known how it was going to humiliate her, he might not have come.’’—Chicago Herald. It is said that no musical work has aided so materially tlie cause of chari ty as Handel’s oratorio of “The Mes siah.”—Ladies’ Home Journal Stand Like a Stone Wall. Between your children and the tor tures of itching and burning eczema, scalded or other sick diseases. How? why, by using Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quick est cure tor Ulcers, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns or Bruslses. In fallible for Piles. 25e, at all drug stores May week sale of corsets, parasols, umbrellas and matting at Heller’s. Mr. H. V. Adderley, Dear Sir:—-Please send by mall 25 yards more of that embroidery at 30.;. It is the best that I nav; ever bought for the money. That’s the way to talk. See window display, 5,000 yards more inside. H. V. ADDERLEY, 202 Newcastle Street. Try a sack of Swans Down flour and you will he sure to want more. When you want lumber of any kind call on L. A. Mlllcr. Its will save you money. By Astrological in- Your Fortune Ffss tonuatlon y° u can he guided and of ten a fortune made a ruined life pre vented and happiness secured. Send me your birthdate with two stamps for postage and 1 will send you your life reading free. Matters of Love, Health and Speculation all made clear by my investigations which have be come world-renowned. Mysteries re vealed, advice given and description of the person you should marry. Be guided right and enjoy Health. Wealth andi Happiness. All questions' an swered. Address Prof. AEOLIS, 1815 N. loih St., Philadelphia, Pa. When you order flour again be sure sure to specify Swans Down. May week sale of ladies’ wrappers and children's dresses at Heller's. We do not have to order material for your work. We have it right licr. Electrical Suply Cos. May week sale, of embroideries, laces, and allovers at Heller’s. | AN OCEAN TRIP! tlo NEW YORK, BOSTON J AIN D f\ LL- I EASTERN RESORTS j { V “ h ° I £ OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY j f L()\VKATl'>' Si l’KKiou Sekvk e | '' JO Hours of Oceai. Breezes 1 \ A Sailings each Week j \ "y from A'avannah, C-a. 1 f Tin* RlpaiHsliitm or tills l'omi’.ai Line inconi j J ltunihlc hi spcdl, Service <> Her \ % ii 'lHiKlitfnl route- iucxiietiHivi* meopt. **o i>l*ti* J Jin enjoy iiicntK Hum nil Soiilluin Point* by a ! H short mil journey to Savanutli and r.o hours of ] " cool, Hit It air to New York. 'I For Rati.s, Rrsr. ovations. Advertising J J Matter, Etc . Apply To \ l< >ral Ticket A Edits hi HriiugwUl. tJ. Ureter, T k I*. A , Sijtiiiinli, tin. May week sale of ladies’waists at Heller’s. i Electric bell work of all kinds. Wo keep ’em ringing, too, Electrical Sup ply Cos. ! May week sale of millinery at Hel ler’s. | The Electrical Supply Cos is lnstall -1 ing an electric light plant on the new steamer Tupper. She will also have a powerful electric search light. McDuffie’s Little Blue Liver Pill makes bue people bright, cleanses the Bystem of all the deleterious and un ; healthy matter and makeß anew I person of you. 25 cents, at W. Joer ger’s. May week sale of negligee shirts, underwear and straw hats at Hel ler’s. \ v \ vT ' ' '" ' ■ " " /Vj;/ T j THE CONDITION OF THE PATIENT is often such that the slightest varia tion from what the doctor orders may have bad result. ! PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED here are absolutely correct. The or der is followed exactly. We add noth ing, omit nothing, and substitute nothing. The PUREST DRUGS and medicines are used, everything is fresh and efficient. SMITH’S PHARMACY, Comer Monk nil Newcastle Streets. FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE Not every liquor dealer caters to the family trade, but I do. You must i be as careful in buying liquors for family use as you are in buying med . icine. We never make a mistake— I best awlays. R. LEVISON, Ag't. Corner Monk and Grar/. Street* Fhe Cold Drink Season Is On Onr Fountain is the Favorite Rendez vous ior those who desire a cool, refresh ing, light drink- Watch for the Klectri.* Fan, which will also serve to make you comfortable. Hunter-Saie Drug Go. ’PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs. WE GUY POOR PLUMBING —have no mercy on it beat-use it doesn’t deserve any. Thoroughly good plumbing work— the kind we do—is worth every cent of its cost, and even if that cost was greater than that charged for the in ferior kind it would still be worth it. Our work has strength, beauty, finish anil durability. Repairs are executed with care and skill. A. H. BAKER, 205 Gloucester, Street. g’A—l. .J_"" _1 1 ILL'LL,,. Si X.I-. . BELEVUE HOSPITAL TONIC. When suffering with any of the fol lowing diseases, get a bottle of this splendid tonic and he quickly quickly relieved: Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Chills and Fever, Sick Head acne, Pains in Back from deranged kidneys, or Brights disease, or any and ail forms of dihilit.y requiring a quick tonic. W. J, BUTTS, The Druggist, "In any size bottle. RED TOPIyeT Absolutely the best whiskey In Brunswick.. .It is pure. For sale only by me. All kinds California wines 25 cents per quart. Family trade a specialty. S. D. LEVADAS, 206 Monk Street. Chamberlain’s perfect chicken feed lor young chicks at Bunneut's J. W. CONOLY, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office. 307 Newcastle Strc et p. devarrtsT STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery. IP Whiskey.: II Distilled j : pP especially] [for us. It is the] [best whiskey in] [Brunswick; call] tfor it. For sale] [only at our bar.; IOEWENSTEIN’Sj poo -Monk StJ E FREMONT WHISKEY IS FINE, T®o,; McDuffie's Tasteless Chill euro will build up broken down systems sad make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure tor chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price BO cents. At W. Joer get's. "restaurant", FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters In any style. Everything new and clean. OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCABTLE STREET. A MAY 6