The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, May 10, 1902, Image 4

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SATURDAY MORNING Straw Hats lo dose out a lot of Men’s Straw Hats-35 c. Not as good as they have been, but too good for the price. 35 c. See Window LEVYB. Just Received Big Shipment of; A Velvet Beans : j Come Quick if you Want Some; of Them ► | W. J. BUTTS, t THE DRUGGIST. ; TOBIAS NEWMAN HAS THE EXCLUSIVE CONTROL of the Lotos Club PURE Rye Whiskey, BRUNSWICK A ND VICINITY. WANTED! 1,000,000 Cars of SCRAP IRON, The highest cash prices paid for same. J. W, Watkins, 20® Bay St, Brunswich Ga. May Week Sale, Monday May sth, TO Saturday May 10th tJ. H. Hell ep& Bro. 220 Newcastle, 302 Bay Sts. See Circular Great Bargains r> THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PLANT SYSTEM MUST RETURN PROPERTY HERE IMPPORTANT DECISION RENDER ED BY ATTORNEY GENERAL BOYKIN WRIGHT. In an opinion rendered Thursday by Attorney Gneral Boykin Wright sustains the contentions ot Comptrol ler General Wright with reference to two important points connected with the Plant System's tax returns. Tnc railroad refused to return for taxation certain real estate and build ings thereon in Brunswick, valued at $43,000, because it states the prop erty belongs to the city of Brunswick and is simply under lease to the road. It developed that the lease was an indefinite one and the controller gener al held that the road should pay taxes on the property. Tne road also ob jected to returning for taxation the new between desup and Folkston, because it is not yet in use. This line, 00 miles long, the controller general held, should be returned the same us the other property whether it is in use or not. He thinks the return should bet Vie same as for the other main line, SIO,OOO a mile, or a total of about sr,u,uoo. in both these contentions the attorney generald sus tains the controller general through out, and Oapt. Wright will insist, on the returns being made accordingly. ENDORSES COL. HITCH. Grand Jury of Ware Wants Their Candidate Elected. Tile following resolution was passed by the Ware county grand jury: Our fellow townsman, Hon. S. W. Hitch, being a. candidate for judge of the superior court of tthis judicial cir cuit, and the candidate opfKisiug him having been endorsed by his home county grand jury, we deem it proper and our pleasure to endorse and com mend Hon. Simon W. Hitch as capable and well qualified for said high an. honorable olliee. Neither candidate lias askcu our endorsement, Imt we feej that it is our duty, as it is our Pleasure, to make this recommenda tion. An outing to St. Simon Sunday will lie just the think take the steamer lie: sic. What Thin Folk Need. In the greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For them l)r. Kings New Idle Pills work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently oxix l all poisons from ine system, enrich the blood, improve appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25c. at all druggists. Launch For Hire. The swilt launch "J. H. Polhill" is for rent by the hour, day or week. Past, safe and roomy. Enquire at Polhill's drug store. With commendable enterprise the steamer Hcssle will make the run to St. Simon Sunday. Why Pay Rent When the Same Mon ey Will Purchase a Home. The following property will not be on the market ioug. First come, hist served: The old Fulton home, 80x206 feet, with good two story house. Price $1,250, terms SIOO cash, balance monthly payments, with interest at 6 per cent. Monthly payment in cluding interest $14.37. House corner Richmond street and First avenue, SI,OOO, terms SIOO cash, $11.25 per month, which Include interest. Three other two-story houses immediately east of above. Price $720 each, sBo cash and SB.OO per month, which In cludes Interest. Brobston, Feudig Go. Pure Galifornia Tokay, Sherry, Ca tawba, Port, Muscated or Blackberry Wine, 25 enets per large bottle. Thte wines ate absolutely guaranteed to be as good as any so called imported wines, sold for more than double the price. A trial will convince you. Telephone 130, Sig Levis in, agent, S>lo Bay stieet. Appeal for Aid. The Missionary State Unprist con vention of Govgm will convene in its 32n<l. ann ml session with the First A. B. chur m, Brunswick. Ga., el wh 0., lie'- John Willi.i us is pas tor, Wednesday, June 4, 1902. Itev. M. Spratling presiding. It will be one of the largest gatherings of tlie state of all our leading m,ulsters and delegates. I earnestly appeal to all our citizens, both white and. colored to assist in caring for them. It will be in session six days. Very truly, Rev. John Williams. The celebrated Waukesha Arcadian ginger ale now on sale at Hunter- Sales drug store. The most exhillar ating drink dispensed at any fount In the city. Call for it The finest line of imported gins, Scotch whiskeys and French brandy* at treasonable prices. Telephone ISO. 5 ?. I ovison. agent. 310 Bry stro-.t. Delicious cod tongues and sounds, and Nawt'oundaland salt cod, at Barns 6 Curtis' 'Phone its. COLLINS A GLASS. Contractors and BL.ldera. . . Estimates furnished on short no tice and satlsfanMon guaranteed. Superintending specialty. 422 Nortf. Volf Street, The steamer Bessie will run special excurions to St. Simon Sunday. fieme dedal 7(ews tHetes. Mrs. J. B. Wright came over from St. Simon yesterday. . . . Mrs. Joe Raymond is visiting rela tives and friends in New York. • • * Mrs. W. W. Tabhot, who has been quite ill, continues to improve. • * • Mrs. A. H. Howell and little son, Stacy, are the guest of Mrs. T. G. Stacy • • • Mrs. E. ('. Hyer is quite sick with ftjje r at she home of Mrs. T. J. Wright. * * * Mis Margie Stiles and Mis. U. E. Mercer and little son, of Savannah, will arrive tomorrow to visit Mrs. C. S. Wyliy. , • • • Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Raymond and Master Donovan Raymond, spent sev eral Jays of this week on Jekyl, the guests of Mrs. Ernest Grub. • • Rev. Percy Eubanks, formerly rec tor of St. .Inge's church, with his en tire family, has joined tie- Catholic eh urea and become a professor in a Catholic college in lowa. • • • Mrs. C. Reilewald and daughter. Miss Hattie Eineriek, of Ni w London. Conn., who have been visiting Mrs. A. C. Wooil.lelt ori the Mallory steam er yesterday for New York. • • • J. S. Raymond left yesterday on too Mallory steamer for New York. Mr. Raymond has been ill with ma larial lever and dopes to receive l bene fit from the sea trip. He will return in about ten days. • • • The Ladies' Aid society of St Marks church will serve lunch Tuesday in Idle, w right building on Monk street at I o'clock, in the afternoon and evening ice erenm and cake will be served and fancy articles will he sold. * * * Tm- sacret concert at the Presby terian church last night, was a great success and a delightful treat to the audience. The cantata in i>s a. tirety was beautiful and was tin cy rendered, the solos and chorus each being formed moat creditably. The solo "Dream of Paradise," sung by Mis. \V. H. Dyer, was exquisitely ren dered and Mrs. Dyer's fine voice was ■H-ver heard to better advantage. Mr. Howard Waff's solo, "Forward Christian Soldier,” was very tine. Mr. 11 101 Sherman sang the solo parts in "The Coming of the King," in his usually masterly style. Mrs. E. I). \\ alter and Mrs. Mary Staey sang beautiful solos, which were much en joyed. The instrumental music of Mrs Maya. Mr. McDuffie and Mr. Geo. Cook was splendidly rendered and the inun iM'r was among the favorite of the evening. Altogether the concert was a most artistic success, and those par ticipating should feel repaid for their efforts to please the audience. Read This. It is to your interest. wison'.s photos are the only thing. The very latest in styles and the handsomest In finish ever seen in the city uv guaontee you the picture you’ want without) any reservation. Com > in and sue us. New England people like New Eng land food. Call up Burns & Curtis' Phone 1 bn, for Newfoundland salt cod, salt mackerel, cods tongues and Sounds, canned clams. Also a full line of staple groceries, fresh on ev ery steamer. ev Oh! It's ► New ► + ► i Sliced Bacon, glass jars.. 25c. k Clipped Dried Beef, gia.-s * ’....'....1.,c. ► Corned Ham, 12 pound ean.B'c t Big feet 1-2 pound can . .. c>c. ► Head Cheese 1-2 lb. can... 10 , Corued Codfish, 2 lb. can. .lac. THOMAS KEANY. Panoy areeer, fast Received A Beautiful Bine id Siinnurr Millinery. Alsoa fine Assortment of Ladies' Ornaments of tin latest Gibson Styles. Ladies aiv invited to Inspect. c. Zarle, .’oil Newcastle St. BATCH OP CITY NEWS A DAY’S DOINGS IN THE CITY BY THE SEA QUICKLY GATHERED UP. Small Bets Lively. At least fifty small bets have lx en made within the past few days on the result of the primary. The largest bet known of so far is .$25.00 Gun Club Shoot Today. Tne Brunswick gun club will have the Hist shoot ol' the season at the grounds on the boulevard this after noon. Messrs. Walter Huff, Collins and Eyck, professional shots, will be the guests of the club. Extra Papers Tomorrow. Tne News will print several hundred extra copies of the paper tomorrow and advertisers who desire to reaeli the people of Brunswick and Glynn county buy space. There will be no increase in rates. Large Payrolls Today. The bay is the busiest place in the city right about now and when there is a great deal of work along the liver front the merchants, of course, do a great deal better. Tonight the pay rous will Ik* very large and it Should be a good day with tne stores. Had a Hard Time. The picnic given by tile Kings Daughters of Fernandilia to Brunswick Wednesday, had rather a hard time in tne return trip and the exxursion !>is did not reach Fernandina until lair Tnuisday afternoon. . It appears tlie Emmeline, which brought the ex cursion. ran into a mud bank about twelve oi fifteen miles from Fernan dma and stuck there until a tug could could tie sent to her relief. Some Corrections. In our report of council proeood ings published yesterday we failed to state that tiie petition of residents in vicinity of Albany, Mansfield, VVolt an.l Howe streets, to compel I Ir. .!. M. Madden to put in sewerage at. his houses in said vicinity was referred to the mayor, and also failed to state legal ding the "ordinance to amend an ordinance, granting the Brunswick & 15: ,u ingh ain railroad company the right to lay track oil certain streets in the city of Brunswick and for other purposes adopted March 15, so as to prescribe for switoh ing service and for other purposes, that it had been read the second time, passed and adopted. Bids Wanted. Bids are invited for the purchase the material in the old Baptist (hutch building, corner r and 11 sti'ii:: Building to lie torn down and removed limn premises. Bids to Wlth the clerk of coun ul by 12 o clock, May 22. N. D. Russell, Clerk of Council. Those who have not bought their MW HA IS "’ill do well to call at Miss X. dialer'# B* for, buying t lscwhcre- N' W Hats. Now Flowers A New Line of Refrigerators, tU 'ce Cream Vree/crs, \ ' iElfeli Urnii Chairs ami Settees, raj I^7l Mattings and Fiber Z!::Zn„?£z •Hue I lame Oil Cook Slot o V k No Smoke. No Smell N,, i > ;l € M. Jitliller &son, MAY 10 i liken I{6U l "Want'Seed. ► . ’ Jewelry. Silverware, Cut Glass ' ► 0 r Novelties, or need any broken * ► Jewolr, or Watches repaired - call on 1 KENNON MOTT. Tha Leading Jeweler. SIS Nt-WCASTTI STREET. Inspector of watehee for tha SciAhara ami B & £ Railways. Keapt* ef the etty eloofe. Tima by wire from Washington dally at 11 a. m. Just Received New Georgia Syrup in Cans If it's good to eat we have it. Geo. W.Harper 'Phone 158. THE GROCER. H. Mielielson, 314 Newcastle St. To bring the w i ll n ], , f,-,f | iU e of Furniture before- the public I will .el) during this week : f!.f>s Indies’ I nckei *I.OO 1 35 Center Table 1.00 I. iiigli l ack dinmg chair i .00 1.05 ( bild I ligh (’a lie Sear Chair !.(••() 1.15 Cradles ‘ 1.00 Valuable Property For Sale. Four six room houses, two on Bay street, two on Oglethorpe street. Price SSOO each, or $1,700 tor the four houses. This is a big bargain and a money earner. Library building sl.- 100. This property pays good inter est upon the investment and has a geod speculative value. Six-room house and lot on South Woli street. $550. Five room two story house and lot Old Town $1,050 Brobston, Fendls & Cos. When You Want Your Clothes cleaned and pressed ring ’phone 253-2, Jim Carter's number. Rice— Wi have just received 10 cat loads of XV X O 353 and for the next ten days, we will make Special Prices Merchants will do well to supply their w ants now. ‘ 9hc Beaming 'Go.