The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, June 08, 1902, Image 2

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iUN DAY MORNING BRUNSWICK DAILY SEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY 'k Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... .. City Editor. CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor . * Advertising rate# made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notice* published at half the regular rat**. _ Advertisers desiring their ada. dli contlnued must notify the office In writing. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mall free of charge to all oarta of the United State* and Can ada. Mexico. Porto Rico, Guam. Phil ippine Island* and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month * 50 Six Months 2 50 One a ear 600 ’PBOn# 188. -~ '! 1 ■ -■ Entered at the Brunswick. Ga.. postofflce, as second-class mail mat ter. Hon. Emory Bpeer has designated the ' Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United Btates Court, In bankruptcy proceedlnge, for Giyira county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. i '] 'a*. * 1 " *~* •RolanJf Ellis, of Bibb, who wS* mentioned as a candidate for speaker, did not win in the primary Thursday. Col. Eatitil has no reason to “go way back.’’ He made a magnificent race and will yet be honored by the people of Georgia. Rev. Sam Jones failed tto cut any figure in t'ne recent contest. Sam ’should stick to the lecture platform.— Darien Gazette. Uncle Sam Is footing the bills for General Wood's special trains. It is a pity the distinguished (tl gentleman cannot ride wit'n other folks. I)r. Spence, of Wareshoro, won In the race for the legislature in Ware County Thursday, defeating W. M. Toomer and two other candidates. i . In Washington it is stated that Congressman Wheeler, of Kentucky. Is still sore over the fact that he did not make tymself an issue by making faces at Prince Henry when he was over here. Trtose gentlemen who kindly agreed to deliver Glynn and Camden to Mr. Terrell should follow Commodore Vanderbilt's motto "Never buy what you can’t pay for and never sell what you haven't got.” The Waycrosa Journal says: Mr. W. M. Toomer filed a protest before the democratic committee this morn ing, holding up a declaration of the result of the representative election until a recount of the ballots could be made, The Darien Gazette says: Glynn county has concluded not to have any more hitter factional fights. This ob stacle being removed we cannot see any good reason why Brunswick should not waltz right up to the head of the procession. Those bitter con. tests never did Brunswick any good— and may she never have any more. PUT THE FLAG ABROAD, A pertinent query to the secretary of state, who occupies as much space in the shin's of Blaine as a grain of sand, and to the other mom hers of the administration who are devoted Hig “putters" is, why does not the United States government proceed to. mnkt' void the claim of Hen. Perry Pej.effii. lab consul-general to Eeua. dor? Mr. Leon says: The South Americans have no re spect whatever for citizens of the Uni ted Statep. whom they rob, outrage, repress and imprison. The government of Ecuador asked the recall of Mr. Leon because he insisted that innocent American* be released from prison. To tee shame of the United States, many outrages fo its citizens in for. eign lands go unrebuked, but when is an injustice to a subject of Groat Brit ain allowed to go unredresSed? A little more strenuous flag "put ting” abroad would meet with hearty approval by th<* people of all classes and of all political beliefs. A MONTH OF MISERY. May, 1902, will probably go down in history as thief month of many disas ters, for an equal sum total of eaJarn. ity has hardly ever before been crowd ed into a single month. The following Is a brief epitome of the most notable horrors: “flay 1. A tornado devastated the city of Deca, in India, tfful thet ad joining country, killing 41G people, and ruining the crops. "May 8. Volcanic eruptions on the islands of Martinique and St. Vincent caused the death of 30,000 people, it is estimated, and rendered waste a large part of both islands, “May 13. Twenty-three people were killed and 202 were injured in an ex. plosion of naplh at at Sheridan, Pa. "May 14. News was received of the loss of the British-India liner Camor ta<, carrying 650 passengers. It is not. known how many survived. “May| 17. Eight men were shot to death and six people were wounded in a riot at Atlanta, Ga. "May 18. From 50 to 100 people were killed, and immense damage was done by a tornado in Texas. The storm extended northward, causing 'death and damage In other states. "May 19. Between 150 and 3no lives were lost in an explosion in a mine at Coal Creek, Tenn. May 20. A sttonn accompanied Jiy a waterspout swept over Cincinnati and (he adjoining county, killing six people and causing over a million dol lars’ 'dapiage to property. "May 23. The northeastern portion Ing great damage; 134 men were en qf lowa was submerged by floods, earn tombed in a mine at Fern!, .British Columbia. "May 21 Portions of Illinois, Ne braska, Missouri, and Kansas were visited liy severe storms wliii v n caus ed extensive damage to property." In addition to this appalling record there were numerous minor tragedies, such ns the killing of Paul Leicester Ford by his brother, the crucifixion of a farmer in Arkansas, tide automobile accident at a speed-teat near New York, etc.T while within the same pe riod many men prominently associated with the world's work lmw died, among them being Amos Cummings, Potter Palmer, Archbishop Corrigan. Frank Stockton, Admiral Sampson, Bret Harte, Paul Ford, the Italian aeronaut Severn, and Lord Puunrefote. A trapie thirty days came to an end, trjjly, w'nqn the month of May was numbered with the past. Monarch Shirts at 89c, on Saturdays* Monday and Tuesday at Heller's. Notice of Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Brunswick & Birmingham Railroad Compan/. A special meeting of the stocluiolders of the Brunswick & Birmingham Rail road company will be held at. the com pany's offices In Brunswick, Glynn county Georgia, at 11 o’clock, a.' m. on tile 18th day of June. 1902, to con sider an issue of bonds and an Increase m the* capital stock of the company and the issuing of additional common stock , and also preferred stock, and to transact any other such business that may before the meeting. This May 10th. 1902. CHAS. 1,. HYDE, President Brunswick & Birmingham Railroad Company. Linen Dress Goods worth 10 .1-2 and 15 cents, at 6c, on Saturday Mon day and Tuesdayat Heller's. 15 yards Fruit of Loom Bleaching lor SI.OO on Saturday. Monday and luesday at Heller’s. 21 yards of yard wide yellow home spun for SI.OO on Saturday. Monday and Tuesday at Heller's. If you are thinking of building see L. A. Miller. Miss Bet tie Alexander will open a summer school on Monday June 2nd at 119 Egmont street. Special sale of mattings at 10c per yard, on Saturday. Monday and Tues day at Heller's. Special Notice. All bills against the British steam ship Trojan, must be presented at our office by noon tomorrow, or ..payment thereof will be debarred. F. D M. STRACHAN & CO.. Consinees, THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEVA'S, IS YELLOVi POISON in your blood ? Physicians call it rialarial Uertr. Ucanbeseen changing red blood yellow under microscope. It woiks day and night First, it turns your com plexion yellow. Chilly, aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feel weak and worthless. ROBERTS’ CHH.L TONIC will stop the trouble now. St enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poison. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night-Sw eats and a gen eral break-down come Infer on, Roberts' Tonic will cure you then—but why wait? Prevent future sickness. The manufac turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive it out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre vent and cure Chills, Fevers and Malaria. It has cured thous ands —It will cure you, or your money back. This Is fair. Try it. Price, 25 cents. F>r si by Sm Ah’s Thermsr* W-J - Burts; Hun ur- Ball Im pCo■' % ■ 1 • ,ll ‘" Those who have not bought their NEW HATS Will do well to fail at Miss tflater'f Before buying * ___ , New Hats, New Flowers flust deceived A Beautiful Bine of Hammer Milliiu ry. Alsou Fine Assortment of Ladies’ Ornaments of the latest GFiOsoii -Styles. Ladies are invited ro Inspect t. turle, 203 Newcastle St Summer Law Sehoof IT \IV fCHHIT V €>► VIRGINIA. In Vtnrinlft mountain*. ®w Summw. .July ItoHeptetn- Is'r i, iftw. Hytlifl.Rvv KnciUty. Helufui 1.0 Iteirmnurn; to tor Um 1 l‘; j*rt lt rrn<-f.itionern vvlu> haw. lm-kwl •yMtßiitMllP instruction. For uatuloguc, adUn iva K. C. MINOM* Scurvltirfi I burlottusvlllt, . Wedding presents Sterling Silver: (hit Glass; Jewelry Watches: Diamonds, etc. KENNON MO IT, 0. D. The Leading Jeweler, ,215 NEWCASTLE STREET. Inspector of watches for the Southern and B & B Railways. Keeper of the city clock. Time by wire from Washington daily at 11 a. m. Brain-Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most -competent au thorities. They have dispelled the sil ly notion that one kind of food is needed lor brain, another for muscles, antl\ still another for hones. A correct diet will not only nourisn a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however, good your food may Tie. its nutriment Is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You iflust prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green’s August Flow er, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the and rhakes you leel buoyant and vigorous. Yo ucan get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Smith's Pharmacy, W. J. Butts. Philadelphia club rye, posi’lvely the finest blended Whiskey in th* city. Full quarts $1.25 per bottle; sat!* fa* Lon on this brand guaranteed or money refunded. 139. Pig l.evison. agent, 310 Bay streeL For Sale One small house and lot on A street, near gas house. Price SSOO. monthly payments. Brobsten. Fendig & Cos. Launch For Hire. The swift launch "J. H. Polhill” is for rent by the hour, day or week. Fast, safe and roomy. Enquire at Polb ill’s drug store. ONE CENT AWSRD. If you want a position, a bouse, a servant, or want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that seme one else has, ad vertise in this column. Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for less than 60 cents FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; cool and pleasant sleeping rooms or ligat housekeeping. 401 G. Street. For Kent—Front room nicely fur nished, centrally located. Address L. care News. FOR RENT —My store in Di.xvilk*. stand in town for retail gro ery. Apply L. Ludwig. LOST A plow plane; will pay re ward for return of same to my of fice or the News. W, C. Anderson. FOR SALE —Run her stamps, seals, Btinoeus, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street i LOST—A pair of gold eyeglasses between the depot and my stor. . Finder will be rewarded. <\ McCar thy. ALL KINDS. OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. SELiG'S, 225 GRANT STREET. TELEPHONE 272 3. FOR SALE —Tate Epsom \\ at- For bladder, kidneys, aid all diseases of the stomach and liver, 35c. per gal lon. 10c. a bottlle. 11. Selig. FOR RENT —Cottages and rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Telephone me at pay station, or at ray Ocean Pier store. W. L. Wallace. WANTED —To purchase an eight or ninttroom bouse, modern irn prcVemeuts; central location, stain lowest cash price. Address L,. care News. FOR SALE The beautiful Sulphur Springs property about four mite.-: from the city. The tract of land consists if 12 8-10 acres and includes the grove and the springs. For par ticulars apply to Brobston, Fen.iig ic Cos. / FOR RENT—My home at 2lf> Rey nolds St. Partly furnished. For tu< summer, or possibly ion ger. Rem very low. Apply by letter to Mrs. Marie TisonrSniith. St, Simon / Is land. Ga. WANTED. OAT SACKS. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. RESTAURANT, FOR LADIKB AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly . served with the best the market affords, a; reasonable prices. Oysters In any style. Everything new and clear- OPEN TILL 12 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET Vis in COU Ni V To ail whom it may concern: B. F. Treadwell having, in proper f< m, applied to me for (lerupuient lottois of administration, wit'n toe will annex e.l, on the estate of Mm. M U . Moore, late of said county, this is to citi all and singular tlHt.crcditoi • and m >t of kin of Mrs. M. R. Moore to lie and aje pear at my office within the time ai! ed by law, and show etuise itiuix they can. why. permanent adminisuu lion should not lie granted to 11. F. Treadwell on Mrs. M R. Moot) is fate. Witness my hand and official- dyin tore, this 2d day of June, Lied, HORACE DART. Ordinary. GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. To all whom It may concern: J. M. Keen having, ill proper fm :n. a: plfWf to me for permanent letters t>: administration on the estate to Slice M. Keejt, late in said county, U r is to cite all and singular, the < re titers and next of kin of Alice M. Kc n to he and appear at my officii within tk, time allowed by law. and show cans.-, if any they can. why permanent a.i ministration should not be granted to J. M. Keen on Alice M. Ki-.-n’s , suite. Witness, my hand,and official sipaa lure, this 6th day of June, 1902. HORACE DART, Ordinary. Stand Like a Stone Wall. Between your children and the tor tures of itching and Iwrning eczema, scalded or other sick diseases. How? why, by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve, earth's greatest healer. Quick est cure for Ulcers, Fever Sores. Salt Rheum, Cuts, Burns or Brusises. In fallible for Piles. 25c. at ail drug stores TO OUR CUSTOMERS. As the banks will close at 1 o'clock P, M. on Saturdays 4 et\vi n Mav and October Ist, 1902, notice of which is given in another column of t his paper, we beg that our customers will tear same in mind, and come to flic Lank as early as possible on Saturday of each week to accommodate us. as well as themselves, for by doing so they will help ns to do the business satisfactorily and avoid the delay of having} te "Wait their turn" at Hie last minute. Very truly, BRUNSWICK BANK ,V TRUST CO H. \\ Gale, Cashier A Fine Opportunity. Good paying easiness lor sale at S3OO. Part cash, balance easy pay ments. Purchaser cau ta.:e charge at once. Address H. A. care News. For all kinds of lumber see L, A Miller. WRIGHT & GARFIELD UanlLcrs ana IBi-oltors, 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 219 WEST 125th ST. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of Stocks, Bonds, Grain Cotion. in any amounts for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MOKE THAN 50.UEK CENT. A YEAR ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Shares United States Steel Common (say 43> on 3 per cent, margin. CREDIT. Margin l deposited S3OO 00 Interest on deposit ® C per cent 18 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common 400 00 $7lB 00 DEBiT. Less 6 per cent.'lnterest on 100 Sh ares Steel Common $258 00 $460 00 This is over 60 per cent, a year on your investment without consider ing ANY advance in the stock at ail, aim we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. - A BIG HULL MARKET. The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com- posed of J. Pierpont Morgan. Marshall Field, John J, Mitchell, President II linois Trust Cos., Moore Bros., and sev eral other capitalists, for the pffrpose of putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of all good dividend paying stocks, such as Mannattan, St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and P eoples Gas. . WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTER GIVING FtILL DETAILS. When you visit Savannah call and Have you Eyes Examined properly and glasses fitted that not alone Improve your Vision but .w ill Preserve your Sight. Dr. M. SCHWAB & SON, 47 Roil Street. The celebrated Waukesha Arcadian ginger aie now oil sale at Hunter- Sales drug store. The most exhiiiar ating drink dispensed at any fount in the city. Call for it. Pure a years old Mountain, corn whiskey, mild and mellow, 75 cents per full quart, a trial on this goods is all I ask. Sig l.evison, agent. Tel eplione 130. See us about brick. L. A. Miller. THE CELEBRATED WAUKESHA Arcadian ginger ale now on sale at Hunter-Sales urug store. The most exhiliarating drink dispensed at any found i the city. Call for it. Coll on L. A. Miller for kiln dried lumber. A STRONG ARGUMENT. i : 1 , gpg i ny J ; |- £ V -’ • • • ■ \ : ) s' -y ! V•A- , iff, \ < ■*£ >■ ■ * .’1 r -'i s • iM ! - , t \ K■} \ r j-'- 1 ; i A aW in favor of our lumber is that it is the best you can get and the cheap est you can For whatever purpose you need lumber you cannot afford to buy elsewhere. We have an endless variety, and are ready to supply the best kind for any kind of building, Lang & Y7cod. PLANING MILL. ’Phone 197. COAL AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. W. E. DEMPSTER Manap-er. REPAIRS BICYCLES, GUNS, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Montgomery. 503 GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prices Reasonable. Big reduction in Laces, Embroideries A, Overs' and Ladie.~ Waists, on "Sal urday, Monday and Tuesday at Hel ler's. The Hesste line will make double -•‘By trips to St. Simon pier Sunday leaving Brunswick at 9.39 a. m. aud 2.39 p. m. returning, at 11 a. m. and 6 a day at the island and a large crowd will go. When you want lumber of any kind call on L. A. Miller. He will save you maney. * •——- A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in the city, and Ihis popular place shoqld be liberally patronizeS oy tbe public. t STEINWAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS The Best Piano and Organ Now On the Market For the SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. B. J. OLEWINE, Agent ’Busted" the Trust I have succeeded in bursting the Plumbing Trust that existed for so many years, and have brought the prices down. My prices are the low est. My work first-class. You can find me all the year round at 508 Monk street. > COLSON HOYT W E. PORTtR,* 11107 <7 Street painter anil paper hanger.- Signs of any description. Agent tor wall-paper mills. Drop-me a postal. Cal ’PhoneS 8 9*3 Shouldn't-be Tampered With, Wio n your ( lollies need cleaning don't have them tampered with by poor workmen. Jim Carter's men know how to do good work. Carry your clothes to him always. Quick Service. The quickest i lotin-s cleaning serv ice in operated hy Jim Carter. Any tim-- you say so, your clothes will be ready. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. The undersigned banks will close at ONE o'clock p. m. SATURDAYS between May 15 and October 1. t iie National Bank of Brunswick E. D. Walter, Cashier. The Brunswick Ban a. & Trust Cos., H. W. Clalo, Cashier. Reveals a Great SecreL It is often asked how such start ling cures, that puzzle the best phy sicians, are effected by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Hue's the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ-infected mucus, and lets the life-giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the in itialed, cough-worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery, the most infallible remedy for ail Throat and Lung diseases. Guaran teed bottles 50c and SI.OO Trial bot- When You Just Must Have your clothes at a certain time ring up Jim Carter. His quick serv ice can t be equalled. He won’t dis appoint you. - NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of the stockholder! et the i.ninswick & Birmingham latirca.l company to 'bo held at the i unpany s cilices In the city of Brunswick, Glynn county, Geor gia, on the i&th. aay ot June, 1902, at 11 o’clock, a. m., the question bf issuing bonds and of increasing 'the capital stock and of issuing additional common stock and also preferred stock will be considered. This May 15, 1902. CHAS. L. HYDE, l President Brunswick & Birmingham Railroad Company JUNB 8