The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, June 25, 1902, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY IfCBKIKG Ice Boxes, Refrigerators White Mountain Refrigerators ha ve a perfect system of cola air cir culation founded on scientific principles. If a refrigerator is not built just right it will not take long for the extra ice consumed to cat up the cost. White Mountain Refrigerators have duplex circulation and arc thor v clean. Scientific investigation demosntratss that dry air is abso lutely essential to the proper preservation of food, for with dampness do composition immediately sets in and food becomes spoiled. All ordinary refrigerators have a defective system of circulation, which causes this dampness; but by our system the air passes completely over the ice, uudei the ice, and around the ice, not only giving this air the longest possible contact with the ice. but enabling it to discharge the impure qualities gathered front the provision chamber in such a manner that the refriger ator gets flic full benefit of the purifying qualities of the ice. In our re frigerators meats and all perishable articles cap be preserved for a lonf? space of time. C. McGARVEY, 316 Newcastle Street. TRULY “A GRAND OLD WHISKEY” 12f ijivj .'!ff Is the famous CREAM OF KENTUCKY. It’s purs and wholesema and sold ch eaper than any other whiskey of Us feme, rank or quality. Sold Iri Brunswick only by Douglas & Morgan, I. TRAGER & CO., Distillers. Offices, Cincinnati, 0., U. 8. A. jKdfife* A. ARNHEiTER, w" I -vs* Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Schwarzchlld & Bulzberger Beef Co.’s fflppf Western Beef, Fork and muiiun. Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Groceries; ■ f.' .‘•[lf Fresh Eggs from the Country. All goods sent out nice and cl ean. of everything for the model housekeeper. l i 207 Monk St. ’Phone 89 C. Downing, President. E. H. Mason,Vice-President. E.D.Walter, Cashier. The National Bank of Brunswick. BRUNSWICK, GA. CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN D FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS and total RESOURCES In excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, are devoted t the assistance of legitimate business enterprises. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Invited from individuals, firms and corpora tions . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accounts bear interest, compeunded quar terly. bearing ceriflcates of deposit. issued on special terms. MONEY ORDERS of the "BANKERS' MONK if ORDER ASSOCIA TION” are cheaper and more conven lent than postolhce or express. W. H. BOWEN, Contractor and Builder of Stone, Brick and Frame Buildings. MANUFACTURER OF I*'tv MR NT TILL A KV) ARTIFICIAL #T CONK 1 '.m." ' J. M. BURNETT, WHOLESALE Grain and Provisions, Horse, Cow and Chicken —— - —.— Brunswick Sash and Door Cos. MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, AND BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FRAMES, ETC. FROM GEORGIA PINE AND CYPRESS LUMBER FACTORY: OFFI “= . Stonewall Btreet. 60© Coehran Ave. Prince Street Telephene 838. Cochran Avenue. _ Ocean Avenue. _ .. ' . * ARUNSWiCK, BA. GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. ' Will be sold before the court bouse door in said county on the first Tues day in July, 1902, between the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, that certain tract of land in Brunswick, Georgia, and known on the map of said city, as the Northern ouerhalf of Town Commons lot No. 140, between Albany and Wolf streets, and improvements thereon. Said property being a leasehold estate for a term originally of 99 years. Lev ied on as the property of L. Hilliard and G. W. Roundtree, as trustees of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, to satisfy an execution out of Glynn Superior Court in favor of Lang & Wood for $120.54 principal, •beside interest and cost. Written notice of levy given defend ants as required by law. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place the following described property to wit: That contain stock of goods, wares, merchandise and groceries being the stock in trade) of J. M. HooJonpyle, used in the running of a grocery bus iness; said stock being located in that certain two story tabby building known as No. 102, A. Street. Bruns wick, Gu„ xi complete inventory of said stock being in my possession and can be seen upon application; al so the store, fixtures aud furniture, to wit: 1 peanut master: 2 pair scales; 2 show cases; 1 desk; 2 office chairs; 2 tables; S fruit stands: also one pi ano of Sterling make No. 5265; also that certain bay horse about 8 years old named Pet; also one Columbia bug gy and one set of single harness; also one one-horse delivery wagon, and 1 iron safe of the Diebold Safe & Lock Company rnaae. Levied on as the property of J. M. Hoodenpyle, to- sat isfy an execution out of Glynn Supe rior Court in favor of Mrs. Alice E. Chandler for $1,352.30, principal, lie sides interest and cost, laivy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles. Deputy Sheriff. Written notice of levy given defendant as required by law. This June 6th, 1902. Also at the same time and place, the following described property to wit: That egrtain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the city, of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state ot Georgia, and known and de scribed on Sioiini ns’ map of said clt made in the yea- 1891 as Dixville lota N< (i and 7. west side of Bartow street between London and Prince streets. Levi vl as the proper’;' of Mrs. Ellen M. end i". M. Dart, un der and by) virtue of an execution issued by H. J. Road, tax collector f-r stat' and county taxes due for the) year 1901; amount of tax SIB.BB, besides interest and cost. Levy made and- returned to me by R. S.’ Pyles, Deputy Sheriff. W. H. BEIIRIE, Sheriff. Notice of Commissioner’s Sale. In Equity.—ln the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the South, ern District of Georgia, at Bruns, wick. Feliciana R. Miles vs. New South Building and Loan Associattfon. Bill. Johnston Armstrong as Receiver vs. J. C. Franklin. Ancillary Petition. Whereas, in the above entitled cause, on the 12th day of February, 1002, a decree was rendered by the Honorable Emory Speer, one of the Judges of said Court, in favor of the said Johnston Armstrong, as receiver, and against the said J. c. Franklin for the sum of $200.00 principal, and $51.00 as interest to the date of thel decree with future interest on said principal sum at the rate of G per cent, per annum, together with the further sum of $25.10 las attornye’s tees, and a sufficient sum to pay the costs of suit; And whereas in said decree the sale of the premises hereinafter de scribed was ordered by the Court to satisfy said decree, and the under, signed was appointed special commis sioner to make said sale: Now, notice is hereby given that pursuant to said decree the undersigned, as special commis sioner, will sell at public outcry to tl\o highest and bust bidder for cash on Tuesday, July l, 1902, between too hours of 10 o’clock A. M and 3 o’clock P. M„ before the ’ Glynn County Court House door, In the city of Brunswick, the following property, to-wlt: New town lot No. 940, con taining 30 by 90 feet, situated, lying and being in the State of Georgia, County of Glynn, and city of wick therein, and in that part of said city of Brunswick designated on a map of the same made by George R Baldwin, A. D. 1827, as New Town' haul New Town lot No. 940 Is bound o,l f* /°, lIo Y, 8 ’ to wlt: On the north 90 feet by New Town lot 941, on the east 30 feet by an alley, on the south JO feet by New Town lot No. 939 and on the west 30 feet by "B” street Said property to bo sold as' the property of J. C. Franklin, defendants said decree, and sold subject to con firmation by the Court. Deed to said property wiil be executed by the undersigned when said sale is dulv confirmed. 1 Dated at. Macon, Georgia, this 6th day of June, 1902. JOHN M. BARNES, Special Commissioner. Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that Leroy hatterihwKite ’administrator on the estate of Win. N. Sattertnwaite has applied to the ordinary of said coun y or Rave to sell la nr] belonging to the estate of Wrn. N. Satterthwaite lor the payment of debts and for th,< purpose of distribution. Said amdi cation will be heard at the regular torm of the court of ordinary: of said lirF T°i be inn ld ° n Vae flrst Mon day in July, 1902. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 13th day of June, 1902. HORACE DART, Ordinary. Notice of Commissioner's Sate. In Equity—ln the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the South ernDlstriet of Georgia, at Bruns- Feliciana R. Miles, et al„ ve. New THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS South Building & Loan Association. Bill. Johnston Armstrong as Receiver vs. Henry H. Harvey, Ancillary petl. tlon. Whereas, In the above entitled cause, on the 12th day of February, '1902, a decree wan rendered by the Honorable Emory ;Speer, on© of the Judges of said Court, in favor of the said Johnston Armstrong as receiver, and against Henry H. Harvey afore said, for the sum of $2,000.00 as principal. $340.00 as Interest to the date of She decree, with fture Inter est on said principal sum at the rato of 6 per cent, per annum, to gether with the) further sum of $234.00 as attorney's fees, and a suf ficient sum, to pay costs of suit. And whereas in said decree the sale of the premises hereinafter described was ordered by the Court to satisfy said decree, and the undersigned was appointed special commissioner to make said sale; Now, therefore, notice) is hereby given that pursuant to said decree the undersigned, as special commissioner, will sell at public outcry to the highest and best, bidder for cash, on Tue)ss day, Julj 1, 1902, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M.. aud 3 o’clock P. M., before the Glynn County Court House door, in the city of Brunswick the following property, to-wit: That lot. tract or parcel of land, situate, lying aud being in the city of Bruns wick, County of Glynn, and State of Georgia, and known as Old Town lot 43i, i.s per Baldwin's map cf sai l city A. D. 1837. Said, lot being 90 feet by ISO feet and bounded north by lot 433, south by lot 435, east, by Albany street, and west by Wolf street. Said property to be sold as the property of Henry H. Harvey defen. daiit. In said decree and sold subject to confirmation by the court. Deed to said property will be executed by the undersigned when said sale is duly confirmed. Hated at Macon, Georiga, this 6th day of June, 1902. JOHN M. BARNES, Special Commisasloner. GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. By virtue of an order of the court or ordinary of said county will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in July, 19(12. at the court house| in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the following real ©state situate in Glynn county, to wit: All of that certain lot tract or parcel of land situate! lying and being in the county and state aforesaid, and in the 1536 District, containing 67 acres, more or less and boun.ed as follows: North by. lands formerly owned by H. C. Taylor; east, by lands of U. Dart es tate; south by lands of Jacob Hutch; west y lands formerly own ed by W. S. Forrester, now owned by John L. Lamb, said tract of land lias upon it one (1) 8-room dwelling house in good repair, and several outhoses comprising earns, etc, also 1 . lot of farming tools. At the same time and place, will bo sold Now Town lot No. 129. 'I no sale will 1m continued from day to day between the same hours until all said property is sold This June 4, 1902. HIRAM J. READ, Administrator of Estate of Mrs Ismisa Stafford. Happy Time in Old Town. “We felt very happy,’’ writes R. N. Seville. Old Town, Va., “when Buck lon's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head.” It delights all who use it fur cuts corns, burns, bruises, boils, ulcers’ eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only 25e. at all druggists. VI w IT GROWS ON ONE The excellence of our plumbing work has caused it to tie regarded as tins standard. Many have learned that they cannot find any one who will do a job better, but can easily have it dents worse. Permit us to estimate on new PLUMBING WORK AND REPAIRS and it will lie seen (hat a saving of from ten to twenty per cent, can be ef fected. The use of good ma terial and the em ployment of intelligent workmen are factors in producing highly successful results. A. H. BAKER, 205 Gloucester, Street. BELEVUE HOSPITAL T^IC. When suffering with any of the fol lowing diseases, get a bottle of this splendid tonic and be quickly quickly relieved; Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Chills and Fever, Sick Head ache, Pains in Back from deranged kidneys, or Brights disease, or any and all forms of dibility requiring a quick tonic. W. J, BUTTS, The Druggist, “In any size bottle." P. DEVARRIS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery, Smiths Pharmacy I I I' '■ i tcol/ Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. STOMACH TROUBLES AND FRUIT TIME come together. The small boy is not the only sufferer or the green apple the only cause. But whatever the cause or effect these as a remedy in our well assorted stock of drugs and medicines. AROMATIC EXTRACT OF BLACKBERRY AND RHUBARB. is not anew remedy, but has been on the market for more than twenty years and is highly recommended for the cure of dysentery, flux, cholera morbus, diarrhoea and all summercomplaints. * SMITH’S LIVER PILLS will cure you of biliousness, sick heaadaciie. constipation, pain in the back, torpid liver, dizziness, malarial poison, dyspepsia, sour stomach, indigestion and all liver complaints. •i OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT lias grown rapidly in the last two months and is now filled with a well se lected assortment of such medicines that are used by you* family nhvsl elan We will give our best attention and fill them aceuHHMy and as quickly as possible. 1 M Smith’s Pharmacy The Lodge At Tallulah Falls, Ga > Under tho management of J. A. Newcomb, proprietor of the Hotel Lanier, of Macon, Ga. Trio most healthful climate, 2,000 feet elevation. Music by an excellent orchestra; Dancing/ Horseback Riding, Driving, Fishing and Bowling Alley. Wonderful Mountain Views, Great Water Falls. Best of all. ease of ac cessibility, and an elegant new comm odious Hotel wun all modern con venienem. Twenty-five rooms with p rivate porcelain baths, electric lights and bells; Motor car line from Hotel to Falls. Special rate to families. For further information ad.lress, J. A. NEWCOMB, Tallulah Fails, Ga. THE BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, Estimates Furnished Freo of Charge. 629 Bay St, 4 W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, " •4 President and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Don’t Forget When you are warm and exhausted, From this Hot Sun, That we are serving Soda Water, lee Cream anil Sherbet! h,; £££ In an Up-to-Date Electric Fans to Keep the Flies A way We Keep Everything that an Up-to Date Druggist Keeps. We send for and deliver prescriptions Hunter Sale Drug Go. ’PHONE 37. Birth Place of Pure Drugs. Presc.ipliiuu Accurately Compou d ( d iWp Whiskey.; | II Distilled : especiallyi [for us. It is the-: [best whiskey m [Brunswick; call! [for it. For sal®; [only at our bar.; [LOEWENSTEIN Si 1-00 -IYlonk St.: £ TRtMONT WHISKEY ISFINE,T®o£ JUNE 35