The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, July 09, 1902, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY MORNING BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY ...rS Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at half the regular rates. m..... , _ .. Advertisers desiring their ads. dia oontlnued must notify the office In WTiting. ■Jar .c.'v-ri-iM SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers in the city and by mail free of charge to all oarta of the United Slates and Can ada, Mexico. Porto Rico, Guam. Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ .BO Six Months 2.80 One .ear 6.00 ■PUnne list. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., postofflce, as second-class mall mat ter. Hen. Emory Speer has designated tbe Brunswick Daily News as the •fAelat organ of the United States Ceurt, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Giynn county. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. Tbe News Publishing Company de sires it to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must be paid for In advance. We cannot afford to devote our space to such advertise ments and wait on the courts for the money. The New* desires the subscribers who are behind in their subscriptions to come up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless a settlement is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The Ncwg send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for it. tt 1 wwi'ij* "W" Brunswick Is all right- coin ' iinoad every day. The Fourth of July on yon. can now rest for a year. For pugilistic material we may. now look to the United Staten in nate. Senator Tillman may he a- fire eater lint he is honest and I his count s for a great deal, 'The Richmand Times contends that a Hpee!at statute should lie enacted and Scjvore penalties provided for the offense of cowhiding. The <l. A. It. is mad again, Ihis i.i,m at rongreim for not passing the “ve' feran" hill, whie'h tn'easun would have given them another ft ed at Cue public erib. Au expert In advertising says that “since advertising has been applied to modern commerce there have, been created dozens ot commodities ami branches of trade which did not exist before Its advent. The s*ioo,otM),ooo annually spent for publicity in this country have set many hundreds of millions running in wholly new chan nel#' The law of supply and demand dominates all trade, lint advert i dm; creates demand where it .lid not ev si before. Many a fortune has been m ido by a vcognitbm of this fact. The Now York Christ i:wi Advocate has this to say of man's knowledge of Cod's purpose: "Some ministers tie dared tlio sickness el lor Kim-, was a judgment of C!od upon him. who had lived in luxury. Some extreme pro Boers affirmed that It was a judgment upon Knglaud. On none of these suit jects did the ill terms know anything whatsoever. If the hiti aa.l died there would Vinvo 1. n no -erlptiirnl or philosophical reason for -nppndug it a judgment of t'lod. If it was a judgment of God no one could prove it." OUR CHANCES GOOD. Before he left Washington for his 'home in Georgia. Senator flay spoke most encouragingly of the prospects of the democratic pariv at the coming elections He told that he believed the "let well enough alone" slogan of which Mr. Hanna wa- tin ; utiior, was praetieallyl worn out and he did not believe that as the people came to re alize that "let w 11 enough alone" meant ‘•‘let the tru.-is take all they de sire and let he peoph halve what is left," they would eontinue to listen to the platitudes inspired by the sen a tor. from Ohio. Senator clay also believes that the passage of the ship subsidy bill by the senate, notwith standing that the measure was so in iquitous that a number of the leading republican senators felt compelled to vote against it on conscientious grounds will result in disaster to the republican party. Especially Is tuts true w/ion tasen together with the fact, as is well known, the bill was not pushed In the house because it was felt that it would prove Inimical to the interests of he party in tne fail elections, but, on the other hand, was retained in committee from which it can be reported and passed as soon a the elections are over, in a word, the Georgia senator does not believe that “you can fool all the people nil of the time," or oven a majority of them. AN OVERWORKED COURT. The unanswerable argument, for the relief of the relief of tile Georgia Sir pienie Court made by Justice Cobb of that tribunal, before the Stale Her association deserves the thoughtful eoisideration not of lawyers alone, but of the- general public as well Justice Cobb taker the Judicial Sys tern of Georgia as his theme, lull con fines himself to that part of it. which relate;: to the supreme, court. He lays down and sustains perfectly the proposition that something .-mould he done to enable that tribunal to deal more satisfactorily with the bas ilic:- < that is brought to Its consider i tion. It is impossible for it to do so under present conditions, for reasons whieli Justice Conti makes perfectly clear to every reasonable man who wfll read his address. He shows that In JS!) 517 cases were returned to the supreme court, of which 3!)!) were disposed of by judgments of affirmance or reversal and about 27 per cent, were withdrawn or dismissed. By 1894 tiie number of eases bad in creased to 723, of Vileh t 26 were dis posed of by, affirmance or or reversal and 148, or about 27 per cent., with drawn or dismissed. The Increase of the number of supreme court judges from three to six went into effest In 1897 and In that year the number of cases increased to 876. Judgments In 755 were affirmed or reversed and 121, or 14 per cent, were dismissed. The number of cases returned to the court for the October term of 1901 and the March term of 1902 will exceed 1,000. To show what a great, mass of small eases the court is required to deal ivith. Justice Cobb states t’m.t 324 of these eases involve over SSOO and 52 involve between $250 and $500; ss involve between SIOO and $250 and 52 involve SSO or less. Twenty of the eases of this last class u n brought against railroads for killing cattle. ’The supreme court seems to do a large practice in cow eases. During llih two terms of the court referred to 201 criminal eases were returned and 83 f them involve ol lenses below the grade of felony, lie j lore the close of the present term, which lias continued since March yen eases will ha|e to lie disposed of. and we are now late in July. One thousand cases a year and the number is constantly increasing, would require the court to hear and decide an average of more than throe c.e •; every week day. exclusive of legal holidays, whatever recess might lie taken. It is probable that no court of up peal In any part of the country is re tpiired to do such an amount of work. CITATION. GEORGIA, (SLYNN COUNTY. To Whom it May Concern: , J W. Brock having made application i" me in due form to Is* appointed administrator upon the estate of T. W Block, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application wilt be heard at the regular term of tho court of ordinary for said county to be neld oil the iirst Monday In August, 15102. Witness my hand and ofliliiul signs tore, this July 7. 1902. HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn county, Georgia. Remember tne place, suits cleaned and pressed, 300 Monk St., old Cen tral Hotel stand. Phone 141-2. W, M. TUPPER A CO., Forwarding and Shipping Ag nts Lighterage, Towing and Marine In surance. Correoapoaence Solicited. emjwiwfCK. aa. Saved From an Awful Fat*. "“Everybody said 1 had consump tion,” writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Ba‘‘l was so low af ter six mouths of severe sickness caused by hay fever and athma, that few thought l could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, used it, and was completely cured.” For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guar anteed bottles 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at ail druggists. A GOCB LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in the city, aad this popular place should be liberally patronized by the public. if you want your '-icycle repaired right bring it to an experienced work man. Is. J Olewlne, 5()6 Gldueestar street McDuffie's Tasteless Chili Cure will buiid up broken down systems asd make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure for chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cents. At W. Joerger’s. The F. J. B> and Process is the latest and most reliable as well ns a purely scientific method of clean ing clothes. This is practiced only by Jim Carter at 501 Monk street. Something new quinine shampoo for ladies Get it at Clark’s barber ■ Lop., When you want good work done and done quickly call up phone 141 2, or send in the old Central Hotel Band. Havcnpnrt's Cleaning and Pressing Club. Ladles suits a specialty. P. DEV ARRIS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free delivery. Brunswick’s Oniy Exclusive Cigar Store Wo have ail kinds of cigars, to bacco and smokers’ sundries and be ing an exclusive dealer in these goods wo devote our entire time to Securing the best. With every five cent purchase you are entitled to a ticket to our weekly drawing for a box of cigars. MAX MARKS. IS YELLOW POISON S Inyoußblood? Physicians cnii [ it rlalarlal Germ, ft can be seen I changing red blood yellow under I microscope, ft works day and I night First, it tsirnayourcom* I plexiors yellow. Chilly, aching I sensations creep down your I backbone. You (cel weak and I worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC | will stop the trouble now. It I enters Die blood at once and I drives out the yellow poison I if neglected and when Chills, I l evers, Night-Sweats and agen j oral break down come later on, I Roberts' lonic will cure you | then but why wait? Prevent I future sickness. The minufac- I timers know all about this yol- I low poison and have perfected I Roberts’ lonic to drive it out, j nourish your system, restore I appetite, purity the blood, pre ! v ent and dure Chills, Fevers and I Malaria. It has cured tbous• J ands It will cure you, or your I money back. This is fair. Try lit Price, 25 cents. F t s a v by sn\ .lie. IMinnii:,,') W.. 1 But 1.-: | Hun iit - ali- i in-. I":' v.iaU's, Dr- J H. Powell, (Specialist,) Fye, tar, Nose and Ihroat, Hours: 8 a. in. to 5 p. in.; Sunday. 7 to S a. m. Office, South Grat Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia. THE PICK OF THE FOREST Ims been taken to supply tiie stock of lum ber in our yard, and nowhere is it possible to find a more complete or satisfactory stock than wo offer to our customers. With the quality the best, our prices are tne lowest for the qual ity anywhere, and that makes our stock doubly desirable. Phone: 197. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. 'Phone 197. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. ONE CENT AWSRD. if you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to fin* anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad vertise in this column. Hates strictly one cent p*r word fer each rnsertien. Nothing taken for lese than $0 cents FOR RENT—Three furnished room-. —c 00l and plpeasant, at 225 Union St. corner Monk. WANTED —To buy large quantity of new Irish potatoes for cash. Apply to t-outhern Pro b ce tu FOR SALE —RuDber stamps, seals, stlncem, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 312 Newcastle street ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINKS 26 CENTS A BOTTLE, AT H. SELIG’S, 225 GRANT STREET TELEPHONE 272 3. FOR SALE Sail boat “Nor- ''- -ir; first-class condition, wife all sail.-, etc., complete. For cash or on time with good security. Addrt - s “Owner' i’. O. box 105. city. WANTED. OAT SACKS. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. • ”2. tna- . RESTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly served with the best the market affords, at j reasonable prices. Oysters in any style. Everything new and clean OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower stiii has fne largest sale of any medicine in tbe ! civilized world. Your mothers’ and ' grandmothers never thought of us I ing anything et-w for indig'■.-lion or I lillliousness. Doctors were scarce, i and they seldom heard of append" it i j nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used Augusts Flowr to clean out tne system and stop f. r I mentation of undigested food, regulate | the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, andw that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with bead aches and other aches. You only i need a few doses of Green’s August Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied tnere is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get the ; reliable remedy at Dr. G. O. Greene s reliable remedies at Smith's Pliar macy. W. J. Butts. SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 12. The National Bank of Brunswick. Brunswick, Ga., June 21st, lye 2. The Board of Directors of the Nat ional Bank of Brunswick has this day declared Dividend No. 12. three per cent, three dollars per share, payable on and after July Ist, 1902. to share holders of record at close of business June 30th. E. D. Waiter, Cashier. After u hard week's work a day at the seaside Is indeed a luxury. Why not go to Cumberland? The steam er Emraaline will make the trip Sun day, leaving Brunswick at 9 o'clock, a. m. On the return trip she will leave Cumberland at 0 nVlm k. Fare for round trip only $1.23 to In elude car fare from pier to hotel and a good dinner at the hotel Go down and take a slirf bath. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barher, has al! tne latest things connected with an up to date tonsorial parlor. Hot liattis on a mo meats notice. Clothes sent for and delivered, free at Davenport’s. Phone 141 2. Notice to Masters. The News will publish ship notices at $1.50. It is the only legai m> ditim through which these notices can be publisned. 0 I I I A A awl n v II U 111 Iftfl habit>trented with pan; II J 111 IVI or confinement t err: V/ | IUI V I auteetl at Sanitarium ot - lay. It. 11. VIiAL, Man’gr J.ithm Soring Cnr< Cos., Drawer A, Austelt ( Ga. HomejtrentnK it s, if preferred. Correspondence strictly couiidciitial TO Ol' K orsTOMKHS. As the banks will close a t I o'clock P, M. on Saturdays between Ma. i:>tli and Octolier Ist. 1902, notice of which is given in another column of this paper, we beg that our customers will lieni same in niiiul, and come to the bank a> early as possible on Saturday of , acii week to accommodate us. as well themselves. for by doing so they will I help us to do the business saiisfaeloiily and avoid the delay of having te wait theirturn” at the last minute. Very trillv. BRUNSWICK BANKA- TRUST CO. H \\ t ia le, ( hshicr GOAL. AND WOOD, CONEY & PARKER. IV Y. PORTER, 10u, Ci Street palnLsr and paper hanger. Signs of any description. Ageat for wall-paper mills. Drop me a postal. Call Phone2B9-3 WEIGHT & GARFIELD Bnnliers ana X3x'<r>lsiexfc>, 53 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 80 WEST ST. \\K&T 125th ST, Orders solicited for tin* purchase or sale of Stocks, Bonds, Grain Cotton, in anv amounts for cash or on moderate margin HOW TO MAKE MOKE THAN oo;PEU CENT. AYE All OK YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Shares United States Steel Common (say 43) on 3 per cenL margin. CREDIT. Margin- deposited $306 00 Interest on deposit © (i per cent IS 00 4 per cent, divsdond on 100 Shares Steel Common 40(1 90 s7ls 00 DEBIT. Less 6 per cent, interest on 100 Shares Steel Common $258 00 $460 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without consider ing any advance in the stock at all, atm v.e nave no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MAHKcT. The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull mark'd.-; the country has ever known, it is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000. com-posed of J. Pierpont Morgan. Marshall Field John J. Mitchell, President II linois Trust Cos.. Moore Bros., and sev eral other capitalists, for the purpose of putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of ali good dividend paying stocks, such as Mannattan, St. Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and P copies Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTER GIVING FULL DETAILS. Schedule Southern B ilway. For Savannah, Washington and New York. Lv. Brunswick .... . .4:45 A M. 7:2O'A. M. 3.05 P. M. 9:05 P. ,M. Ar. Savannah 2:35 A M. 1:05 P. „t. 8.20 P. M. 12:25 A. M. Ar. Washington 7:40 A. M. 9:30 P. M Ar. Nt-.y Vork -:oo P. M. 6:30 A. M. For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati. Lv. Brunswick 7:20 A. M. 9:i<s P. M. Ar. Macon 1:3" P. M. 3:00 A. M. Ar. Atlanta 4 I’. M. 5:20 A. .VI. Ar. Louisville 8:05 A. M. 7;Ob I’. M. Ar. i.'bn miuati 8:10 A. M. 7:3 > P. M. From New York. Washington and Savannah. Lv. New York 12:10 A. M. 3:25 P. if. Lv. Washluton .. ..1 51 A. 9:50 P. M. Lv. Savannah s:m> A. M. 3:15 P. M. Ar. Brunswick 7:50 A. M 6:b5 P. M. From Cincinnati, Louisville. Atlanta and Macon. I ! "■ ■ •• • T 'J. Lv in " 7: 15 A. M. ’ Lv. Atlanta Id: 45 P. M. 5:30 A. M Lv. Macon J:Ox A. >l. 8:35 A. M. Ar. lii'uuitvGck 7 ’ A. M. 3:35 P. At. Sunday Schedules Between Brunswick and Savannah, Lv. Brunswick.... .-. 6:2" A. M. 7:2" A. M. Ar. Savannah 9:35 A, M. 1:05 P. At. Lv. Savannah 5:00 a. M. 5:(>o P. At. Ar. Brunswick 7:50 A. M. 8:30 P. At. , TXX2?"’' :BAY IRON WORKS; Manufat turers ancf Repairers of ;Machinery Engines, Saw Kills: l Marine work a specialty. J Packings, Fittings 1 ; and Supplies, 4 ► f stimates furnished free of Charge. I 629 Bay St. r W ' R ' OART > CLAUD DART, I 8 resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. ♦ k * When you visit Savannah call and Have you Ives r.\amined projHTlv arid ghussvs tith'd that not done Improve your V ision but ’will Preserve your Sight. Dr. W. SCHWAB & S()\, H Lull Street. W. E. DEMPSTEk Waqjw. REPAIRS bicru.ES, GUNS, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Sucjhkt te J. A. Montgomery, 003 uuOUCEiTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Prices Reasonable. If yon need a typewriter of and des cription come to see me before buying 1 can save you money. Terms rea sonable ami satisfaction guaranteed C. H. Jewett. The steamer Hessie will make dou ble daity trips to ocean pier each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at S:3ii m. and 2: 30 p. ni., returning leave the pier at 11 a. m. ami 6 p. m Thj3 affords the people of this city a fine opportunity to spend the dav at the seashore. . STEIN WAY AND MATHUSEK PIANOS The Best Piano and Organ Now, On the Market • For the Money •" ••I.D ON EASY PAYMENTS. B. J. OLEWiNE, Agent Does it Pay to Buy Cheap A cl; up remedy for coughs and < -i,~ is ail right, hut you want some- Giiag mat Will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of ihi'o.c and lung troubles. What shall " l; •’ J‘" to a warmer and more t-.-gular climate? Yes, if possible; if '■ pef-sib.b lor you, then m either " t be' the only remedy that has 1 u ntrodueed in all civilized coun ■ success i severe throat >viid lung troubles, "ilosehee's Ger ■ eru Syrup." li not only heals and .-.mutates the tissues to destroy the ''th disease, bn* allays inflation, ■am ■ s ear; expectoration, gives a ~ >o,i ijjent s rest, and cures the pa ; : e-ne bottle) Recommended i " ay years by all druggists in tho wr ' u - Y ’-' u cw get tills reliable l'em.ey a; Smith.- Pharmacy and W. J. Butts.’ Gut Green’s Special Almanac. Sommer Lew Stfaooi *-XiViaislTT: OF VIROISUA. *l' y\; ■ *y** f■■ < onungr. July lto topma ' 1 r > Helpful t burners: 4 ,nflra, ' Uori - eaiaiegn*- .darW *■* t iuwlutUa till*, JULY 9