The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, July 17, 1902, Image 2

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UIit'HHDAY MOKNIMO BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY,. Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... .. City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notices published at halt tha regular rates. A.iverußers desiring their adj. dis continued must, notify the office In writing. ',l " “ BUBBCHIKITON RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all garte of the United Slates and Can ada, Mexico. Porto Rico. Guam, Phil ippine Inlands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month I .50 Six Months 2.50 One .ear 5.00 PStone IIS. ■ w.uuz. ■ Entered at the Brunswick, Ga„ postofllco, as second class mall mat ter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated the Brunswick Dally News as the official organ of the United States Cpurt, In bankruptcy proceedings, for Glynn county. .... ,ii PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company de sires It to be distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must he paid for in advance. We cannot afford to devote our space te such advertise ments and wait on the courts for tha money*. The News desires the subscribers who are behind in their subscriptions to pome up and pay at once as their papers will be discontinued unless a settlement is made. It is unfair and unjust to make The News send you a paper and then when the collector calls refuse to pay for It. Anil still there is no truce of Tracy. Quitman entertained the Weekly Press Association in (treat shape. Honor Saßnsta, the '‘grand old man” of Spain, begun life aH a newspaper re porter. Hen. VV. A. Knowles, editor of the Rome Tribune, is being suggested for speaker of the next house. Those < lanadiao authorities are not going to let tlreen and Onynor go not while their money holds out. ‘‘lt seems as if Kitchener is going to bo us big a man at the coronation as Joe Terrell was at the state convention,’ says the Augusta Herald. it is said that Wbitelaw Reid is si ill swinging to (ho hope that, he will yet have an opportunity of doing that knee breeches stunt, before the King. A number of our leading colleges are establishing a "political science” de partment. Political science in ibis part of the country menus how to get the jobs. Roosevelt bus announced bis intention of visiting Texas, when he makes bis “circle". He can put on bis rough rider uniform and have lets of fun with the native cow boys. That republican nu mber ot' the Vir giuia senate, who laid down his official toga for the simple reason, that lie could not take the oath prescribed by the sen ate, will have some trouble explaining lus position when be returns to Ins bmli \% ick. Amnug other things, this republican congress bus granted fd,000,000 in the shape of pensions to confederates who deserted to tliu federal army. The con feilevate soldier who deserted ought to have been an object of eon tempt to every honorable union soldier, but shame could go no further than to a-k for it pension lot desertion. OUR MILITARY. Tile people of Hrunswiek have ju.- 1 cause for gratilUiiluin. at the splendid manner, in wlur,h tlie repivsi ntal ives of her uiilitary organism tons aeipiitted themselves at the recent state shoot at Macon. The l loys conducted themselves admirably, whether ou the title range, on guard duty or in company formation and from all sides eome praise for their line behavior in all the roles that make up the life of tlie soldier in camp. Along this line, it occurs to us that the citizens of Brunswick do very little for the maintenance of her two splendid military companies Several of the other cities in the state with less military strength than Bruns wick have by popular subscriptions, do nations, etc., furnished well equipped rifle ranges for the military. We have none here, however, and in consequence our soldiers have not the opportunity for practice in the use of arms, as Is offered other organizations in the state. The record of the Brunswick boys at Macon, considering the fact that they have no range, is a good one and indicates that if they had had the same opportun ity for practice that their competitors enjoyed, they would have brought back many trophies of the occasion. We are informed thatagoodrange can lxi built for alxmt #2OO. Let’s get to gether and supply one for the boys, Has it ever occurred io you that yon may have at home the picture ol' a dear friend or relative that is grad ually becoming dim and more dim fading fast away, and soon there will be nothing left of n. but paper? Well, Wilson, the Photographer, is looking for all such pictures, and thougu lie may not happily be able to restore them to their former freshness and beauty, lie can silll arrest their pres ent decay and bring Joy to many a household. 502 Gloucester St. Typewriter Headquarters. Do you wish to buy, sell or rent a mat,bine of any description? You viil iiml it to your interest to call on me. Can sell you a typewwritor at such a price anil on auca terms that you will not miss the money. C. 1L JEWETT. Ladies' skirts cleaned and pressed, on niton, notice. All work guaranteed. Call up phone 141-2 or send to old Central Hotel stand. Dots It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some thing tuat will relieve and cure, the more severe and dangerous remits of throat and lung troubles. What snail you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, it possible; it not possible for you, then in either case take t’no only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized conn tries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Hoachee's Ger man Syrup.” It not only heats and stimulates the tissues to destroy tho germ disease, but allays inllatiou, causes easy expectoration, gives a good nignt'a rest, and cures the pa tiout. Try one Lottie Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Yeu con, g‘ot tills reliable remedy at Smith’s Pharmacy and W. J. llutts.’ Get Green's Special Almanac. DIVIDEND NO. 14. The Brunswick Bank and Trust Com pany. June 2<ith, 1902. A semi annual dividend of $3.00 per share bus this day boon declared by the directors of The Brunswick Bank and Trust Company, payable out of the net earnings for the past six months, to stockholders of record of this date, payable on and after July Ist. H. W. GALE, Cashier. FOR QUICK SAI-E. 00x180 feet, Union street, lot close in, $050.00. Half easily balance easy. Not many lots left on this main residence street. Apply to BROBSTON, FEN DIG & CO. Clark, the leading and up to date colored barber, has all Lie latest tilings connected with an up to date tonsorial parlor. Hot baths on a mo ments notice. WANTED! All the clothe* in town to clean, at. Jim Carter's place, 604 Monk street. Phone 263-2. Choice Home. Another bargain in Brunswick dirt. 54x180 feet lot with two story, eight room dwelling, close in, modern house, every convenience; one of the best bargains on Cue market; price. $2,200. Easy payments. . . BROBSTON, FENDIG 41- CO. SHOES SHINED F REE! At 300 Monk street. Each and every customer of mine given a shine ticket absolutely free. Clothes cleaned and pressed on short notice. DAVENPORT S. lAione 141 2. Clark, the well known colored bar 4>er, is better titled to serve the puts lie than ever. Everything neat and clean and up to date Davenport's cleaning aud pressing chili. Way wear a greasy and wrink led suit? See Davenport. Phone HI 2. A Dryer. The dryer at Jim Carter's clothes cleaning establishment enables him lo scour and press a suit within five hours. No oue else can do this for you. Phone 2532. LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA. Southern Offers a Rate of Less Than One Fare for Round Trip. Brunswick to San Francisco and Los Angeles. $64.25 for round trip. Tickets on sale August Ist to 7th, inclusive. Final limit, September 30. Stopover is allowed at all Colorado points and points west thereof. Passengers wilt also have the priv ilege of going and returning via di verse routes. For further 1 nforma lion call or write to C. L. Candler, general agent Southern Railway, Brunswick, Ga. Saved From an Awful Fate. “Everybody said I had consump- i tion,” writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa., “I was so low af ter six months of severe sickness caused by nay fever and athma, that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion, used it, and was completely cured.” For desperate throat and lung diseases it is the 'safest cure in the world, and is infallible for coughs, colds and bronchial affections. Guar, auteed bottles 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottle* free at all druggists. A GOOD LUNCH. The Arcade is now serving the best lunch in tha city, and Hits popular place should be liberally patronized by the public. If you want your Mcyele repaired right bring It to an experienced work man. B. J Olewine, 505 Gloucester etreet McDuffie’s Tasteless Chill Cure will build up broken down systems asd make the blood rich and healthy, cer tain cure tor chills, guaranteed or your money refunded. Price 50 cents. At W. Joerger’s. The F. J. Byrd Process is the latest and most reliable as well as n purely scientific method of clean ing clothes. This is practiced only by Jim Carter at 504 Monk street. Something new quinine shampoo for ladles Get it. at Clark's barber i Lop., When you want good work done and done quickly call up phone 141-2, or send to the old Central Hotel stand, Davenport’s Cleaning and Pressing Club. Ladies suits a specialty. Tp. devarris” STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERiE! Fruits, Vegetables, Eto. MONK STREET. Free delivery. Brunswick’s Only Exclusive Cigar Store ig We have all kinds of cigars, to bacco and smokers’ sundries and lie ing an exclusive dealer in these goods we devote our entire time to accruing the best. With every live cent purchase you are entitled to a ticket to our weekly drawing for a box of cigar*. MAX MARKS. IS YELLOW POISON in your Mood ? Physician.'. HI it flalarlal Germ. It run be sc •> changing red blood yellow s:ud :t microscope. It works day • i night, turnsynui c or plexion yellow. Chilly, acid,: sensations ert-ep down yo backbone. You fed weak n. and worthies t. ROBERTS' CHILL TOf!;s will stop tile tribe now !• enters the blood at • nee .1 drives out tin yeti r-v poison If neglected and v. CiLP . Fevers, Night -Sweats amt is ernl break-down conte Inter on. Roberts’ lonic will n: e yon then but why wait? Pretciu future sickness. The tnanui ic • turers know all about this yel low poison and have perfected Roberts’ Tonic to drive U out, nourish your system, r L re appetite, purity the blood, pri ve ill and c‘;ye Chills, Fever: ;ui Malaria, it has cured times anils It will cure you or our money back. This is fair, try it. Price, 2it cents, i-' -i s'v H Sin nil's Phornuin ,W- J !}'•' • Hun ti-r-Siili- lime * 11 . s l ' ’' Dr. J H. Powell, (Specialist,) ! ye, I dr, Nose dntl ihrodl, Hours: S a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sunday. 7 to 8 a. to. Olfiee, South drat Street. Fitzgerald, Georgia. ... been taken to supply the stuck of lum her in our yard, and nowhere is it possible to find a more complete or satisfactory stock than we offer to our customers. With tile quality the best, our prices are tne lowest for tic qual ity, anywhere, and that makes our stock doubly desirahle. I'hone 3 i*7. Lang & Wood. PLANING MILL. ’Phono 197. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. ONL CENT AWSRD.I If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything i that has teen lost, or w*nt some- : thing that some'one else has, ad- ; veriise in this column. Rates sVictiy one cent per word for each Insertion. Nothing taker) for les3 than £0 tents FOR SALE.—Pet fawn; appiy to Morgan Wade-, 5.1.1 C street. — FOR SALE —Cheap for cash, a sail boat. Apply at this office. WANTED —To buy or lease, a small farm near limns wick. Address L., care of News. ROOMS FOR RENT—Nice airy front room for rent. Apply at 711 Gloucester street. FOR SALE —Rubber stamps, seals, stinceis, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 512 Newcastle street FOR RENT. - My cottage, with mod cm improvements, No. 212 Union St. Posses*! ui given first of August J. Jr Sparks. FOR RENT—-Furnished No, 1,203 Prince stre-q. for the months of Au gust, September and October. Applv to \V. IS. ( ook. FOR RENT-- Seven room house, all modern mqirotentente, 7n.:t Gloucester St... pit! - .i--i. given at once. Ap ply 701 Ghmyc.-tc- St Aid, KINDS OF CALIFORNIA WINES 25 CENTS A BOTTLE AT 11. ffKLIU’H, 225 (IRANI STREET. TELEPHONE 272 3. FOR KALE Kaii boat. “Nora" in ft* Tela condition, with ail sails, etc., complete. For cash or on lime with good security. Address “Owner" f*. O. no ; Dm. city. W A hi TED. OAT SACKS. BRUNSWICK ICE - MFG. CO. RE BTAURANT, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will he properly served with the best the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters In any style. Everything new and clean. OPEN TILL 12 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower Hill has the largest ,nlc of any medicine in the civilized wiii-hi. Your mothers’ and grand mothers never thought of us illg unvihing el 11 for indigestion or billioimic-oi. Doctors wi-ro scarce, and tiu-y seldom heard of appendicitis, nervoim prostrat.on or heart failure, etc. They iii- .1 Augiiac Flower to clean out Inc system and stop fer iiientallon of midi: c ited food, regulate I'ne action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of tho Liu andw that is all they .took when Icciiug dull and bad with head, aches and other aches. You only a- -d a few (ion ", of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied to,-re is nothing serious tli : nuiit-r with you. V,ui can get the reliable remedy at Dr. G. G. Greene’s reliable remedies at Smith's Phar macy, W. J. Butts. Hob Roy Flour has no equal. McDuffie's Little Blue Liver Pill makes buo people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and un healthy matter and makes anew person of you. 25 cents, at W. joer ger’s. SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND NO. 12. The National Bank of Brunswick. B.nnsvvii k. La.. Juno 21st, Luj2. The Board of Directors of the Nat i ional Bank of Brunswick nas this day | declared Dividend No. 12, tliroe per i cent, three dollars per share, payable I on ami after July Ist, 1992, to share holders of record at close of business Juno .M'ih. E. D. Walter, Casluor. 'l’m DDK i DS'idMFRS As lie- banks v, 111 close al 1 o'clock P. M. mi 'tat unlays Ictwccn Ma.v loth and i ietoher Ist, 1902, notice of w hich is given in n not ln-v coliinm of fcliis j viper. , \vc U-g tliat our ensiomcrs will bear same in mind, and come to the lmnk as l'nriv as possible on Saturday of cacli week to ac< imiimxure us, as well ns tliemsi iv--s. for iiy doing so they will help us to do the lc .me- satisfactorily and avoid tin- delay of having n wait, then turn” .n tin la miimb Ye y mib-, IBRUKHWIt’K LANKA TRUST 00. 11. W. Hale, t’ashier COAL AND WOOD. CONEY S.- APXER. 1 E. PORTER, Km ’7 H Street painter and paper hanger. Signs of any uoeeription. Agent for wall-paper mitis. Drop me a postal. Phone 289-3 WRIGHT & GARFIELD BanUers ana Broliers, 52 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Branch Offices: 30 WEST 23rd ST. 219 WEST 125th ST. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of Stocks, Bonds, Grain Cotton. in any amounts for cash or on moderate margin IIOYV TO MAKE MORE THAN -St£PEK CENT. A YEAR ON YOUR MONEY EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Share* United States Steel Common (say 43) on 3 per cent, margin. CREDIT. Margin- deposited S3OO 00 Jncerest on deposit © 6 per cent 13 00 4 per cent, dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common 400 00 s7ls 00 DEBIT. I.ess 8 per cent, interest on 100 Sh ares Steel Common $268 00 S4GO 00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without consider ing ANY advance in the stock at all, uuu we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a GREAT DEAL higher. A BIG BULL MARKET. The indications are, that we are on the verge of the biggest bull mariiets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John W. Gates is backed by a pool of $250,000,000, com-posed of J. Pierpont Morgan, Marshall Field, John J. Mitchell, President II iinois Trust Cos., Moore Bros., and sev eral other capitalists, for the purposeof putting prices very much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of aii good dividend paying stocks, such as Mannattan, SL Paul, Rock Island, Atchison common, Steel and P copies Gas. WRITE FOR SPECIAL LETTER GIVING FULL DETAILS. Schedule Southern H^ilway. HT' ; -v ‘ ' :• .: -I For Savannah, Washington and New York. l.v. Brunswick 4:15 A. M. 7:2'i A. M. 3:U5 P. M. 9:05 P. M. Ar. Savannah 9:35 A. M. 1:05 I*. .and. 3:30 P. M. 12:25 A. M. Ar. Washington 7:41) A. M. 9:30 I’. M Ar. New York 2:00 P. M. 8:30 A. M. For Macon, Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati. * Lv. Brunswick 7:20 A. M. 9:05 P. M Ar. Macon 1:30 I*. M. 3:00 A. M. Ar. Atlanta 4:tfM > . M. 5:20 A.M. Ar. Louisville 8:05 A. M. 7:00 P. M. Ar. Cincinnati 8:10 A. M. 7:30 P. M. From New York, Washington and Savannah. Lv. New York 12:10 A. M. 3:25 P. M. Lv. Wash inton .. .. JO:51 A. m. 9:50 P. M. Lv. Savannah 5:00 A. M. 3:15 P. M. Ar. Brunswick 7:50 A. M. 6:05 P. M. From Cincinnati’ Louisville, Atlanta and Macon. Lv. Cincinnati 8:30 A. M. Lv. Louisville 7:15 A. M. l.v. Atianta 10:45 P. M. 5:30 A. M. Lv. Macon 1:00 A. M. 8:35 A. M. Ar. Brunswick 7:00 A. M. 2:35 P. M. Sunday Schedules Between Brunswick and Savannah. Lv. Brunswick 6:20 A. M. 7:20 A. M. Ar. Savannah 9:35 A, M. 1:05 I*. M. Lv. Savannah 5:Oil A. M. 5:00 P. M. Ar. Brunswick 7:50 A. M. 8:30 P. M. the - BAY IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, fcigines, Saw Mills Marine work a specialty. Packings, Fittings and Supplies, I stimates Furnished Free of Charge. 629 Bay St, W. R. DART, CLAUD DART, resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. Through Cars to Savannah. To at:,, uiumodate the increasing trav el bc!..i.oii Brunswick and Savannah the Southern Railway will hereafter opr rate two extra coaches on the train leaving Brunswick at 6:25 a. in. every Bunt! .' tc go through without change. Pirn will Insuie a comfortable trip h r all who desire to spend the (lay in Sa vannah. Tim steamer Hessie will make dou ble daily trips to ocean pier each Sunday, leaving Brunswick at 9:30 a m. and 2:30 p. ni., returning leave the pier at 11 a. tn. and 6 p. ra. This allorris the people of this city a line opportunity to spend the day at the seashore. WOODFORD MABRY, Attorney-At-Law. Special attention given to the col lection of accounts. Office in Austin building. Ami look a three-time winner,’ says the summer girl. "How do you i m mage to keep your clothes looking so im e? ' The young man replied, "I send my clothes to Davenport’s. j Rhone HL2jdd Central Hotel stand.: Take a tumble to yourself and sy-n,, > our clothes to Davenport. He will do the rest. Clothes sent for and de livered free. Phone 141-2. Noticce. T : ntU further notice this company will close its office at 6 o'clock p. in, and no deliveries will be made after that hour. BRUNSWICK ICE MFG. CO. Siissuer L w Sehool IMVEIISITV or VIRGINIA. Ci V rv-ici* mount.nn* W . Sumner Ju) j 1 toSrowm ’ ’)■ j*'-’ Hi 111., lave la. iiltj It ufni to UvanLrs - ■ sii-tiit-itr* lor iti.- lor: nl Witmvuctoners win. live . t • at 1-NOS. Sevreuu-j, CKarlolteiMlii, v fc 1 JULY 17 Remember tne place, suits cleaned aud pressed, 31)0 Monk St., old Cen tral llott-1 5ir,:.,.. I‘hone 141-2. W. M. TUPPER & CO., Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Lighterage, lowing and In surance. Correspondence Solicited. BRUNSWICK. GA. ltoh Hoy is good Nearing Completion. The new Kaiser building on Bay hied. next to the Metropolitan, is 1 rapidly nearing completion ami when ; finished will be an unusually well tap j pointed business house. EARLY CLOSING NOTICE. The undersigned banks will close at ONE o'clock p. m. SATURDAYS ’ between May 15 and October 1. The National Bank of Brunswick 13. D. Walter, Cashier. | The Brunswick Bam. & Trust Cos., it. W. Gale, Cashier. NOTICE. Save your umbrella frame as J. Ex i trowitch, 422 Newcastle swept will recover it for SI,OO and guarantee it to be equal to any new $2,50 um brella. He also maxes umbrellas to order. - - *i-‘ For Sale. Fonrroom onestory bouse near Ogietnorpe Hotel. Just the place for small family. $650.00. It is a bar gain. Half cash, balance on time. Brobston, Fendig & Cos. Look out for the excursion from Brunswick to Atlanta on July 21. Fare from Brunswick to Macon and re turn. $2.60, and Atlanta and return, $3.00. Tickets good for three days. Train leaves Brunswick at 9 o’clock a. m. Special care for white people HAM F SCARLETT AND RAN DALL BRO WN, Managers.